当前位置:文档之家› 工程力学及有限元分析-有限元练习




上 机 指 南




序言:有限元是一种数值方法,广泛应用于分析工程中出现的各种复杂的受力分析。本次测验内容要求学生对有限元方法的实施步骤有一个初步了解,用ANSYS 软件解决一些简单的杆件弯曲、扭转失稳问题,并将计算结果与材料公式的结果比较。为进一步采用有限元方法解决复杂的工程问题打下基础。


问题 1 分布载荷作用下的悬臂梁应力计算 分析模型为悬臂梁, 梁的横截面为矩形,长度1m,宽×高=1m ×0.2m。材料的弹性模量200GPa, 泊松比0.3。习题文件名: Cantilever-beam。

注意:用平面4节点实体单元离散,长度单位:m,力单位:N,应力单位:Pa,按照平面应变处理。单位厚度上的线性分布载荷取值如图1-1所示。 1.1 进入ANSYS

程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 → input Initial Cantilever-beam→OK


Main Menu: Preferences →select Structural → OK 1.3选择单元类型

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Quad 4node 182 →OK (back to Element Types window) → Options →select K1: Reduced integration → K3: Plane Strain →OK→Close (the Element Type window) 1.4定义材料参数

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic→Isotropic →input EX:200e9,PRXY:0.3→ OK 1.5生成几何模型 生成特征点

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Key points →In Active CS →依次输入四个点的坐标(每次输入后按Apply,最后按OK):input:1(0,0,0), 2(1,0,0), 3(1,0.2,0), 4(0,0.2,0) →OK 生成面

Main Menu: Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Areas → Arbitrary → Through KPS →依次连接四个特征点,1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → OK 注意:上面两步也可简化为:

Main Menu: Preprocessor → Modeling → Create →Areas → Rectangle → By two corners → WP X, WP Y 均输入0, Width 输入10, Height 输入2 → OK 1.6 网格划分

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set → 拾取长边: OK→input NDIV: 50→Apply→ 拾取短边: →input NDIV: 10 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: Areas,

Shape: Quad, Mapped →Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window)

1.7 模型施加约束

给左边施加固定约束 Main Menu:


→Define Loads →Apply


→Displacement → On lines → 选左边线 →OK →select 第一行: ALL DOF → 第四行 VALUE 选 0: → OK


ANSYS 命令菜单栏:

Parameters → Functions →Define/Edit →

1) 在下方的下拉列表框(第三框)内选择X作为设置的变量;

2) 在Result窗口中出现{X},写入所施加的载荷函数(力的单位:N):1000-1000*{X};

3) File → Save 输入my_q(文件扩展名:func)→Close返回:Parameters → Functions → Read from file:将需要的my_q.func文件打开,任给一个参数名qq→OK

Utility menu → plotctrls → Symbols → Show pres and

convect as 表框内的Face outline下拉改为 arrows(用箭头表


Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →

Pressure → On Lines →拾取梁的上边线 → OK → 在下拉列

表框中选择:Existing table →Apply →选择需要的载荷参数


Solution→load step opts→write LS File输入文件名:1(此



1.8 分析计算

Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK (to close the

solve Current Load Step window) →OK

1.9 结果显示

Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed

Shape→选择Def + Undeformed →OK

(back to Plot Results window)→Contour Plot →Nodal Solu → 选择: Stress → X Component of stress → OK

1.10 退出系统

ANSYS Utility Menu: File →

Exit→ Save Everything → OK

问题 2 悬臂式连接环的应力与变形分析

计算采用三维实体模型如图2-1 所示, 钢质悬臂式连接环左端焊接在墙壁,另一端包含一个圆孔。工作时连接栓将施加向下的30kN的载荷于圆孔内下壁。为简化分析,设一个分布压力形式作用,q=50MPa。文件名: Link bar。

注意:长度单位mm, 力的单位 N,对应的应力单位MPa,


2.1 进入ANSYS

ANSYSED 10.0 → input Initial jobname: Link bar →OK


Main Menu: Preferences… →select Structural → OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Brick 8Node 45 →OK (back to Element Types window) → OK → Close (the Element Type window)


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:200e3, PRXY:0.3 → OK



Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Volumes → Block →By Dimensions → X1,X2: 0, 75 →Y1,Y2: 0, 50 → Z1, Z2: 0, 20 → Apply


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Volumes → Block →By Dimensions → X1,X2:75, 100 →Y1,Y2: 0, 50 → Z1, Z2: 0, 20 → Apply


Utility Menu→WorkPlane→Offset WP by Increments:X,Y, Z Offsets 输入:100,25,0点击OK 生成大的半圆柱面

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →→Volumes → Cylinder → By Dimensions → →Outer

radius:25, Optional inner radius:0, Z1:0, Z2:20, Starting angle:-90, Ending angle:90, → Apply


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling → Operate → Booleans → Glue → Volumes → Pick All → OK


By Dimensions → →Outer radius:15, Optional inner radius:0, Z1:0, Z2:20, Starting angle:0, Ending angle:360 → OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor → Modeling → Operate → Booleans → Subtract → Volumes → 先拾取立方体与半圆柱 → Apply → 再拾取小的圆柱面 → OK

2.6 网格划分

Main Menu: Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh Tool→ (Size Controls) lines: Set → 拾取顶面的三条短直边:OK → input NDIV: 2 →OK

Main Menu: Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh → Volume Sweep → Sweep →先拾取半圆柱 → Apply → 再拾取中间的立方体 → Apply → 最后拾取最左边立方体 → OK

2.7 模型施加约束


Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply

→Structural →Displacement → On Areas → 选左边

面 → OK →select 第一行: ALL DOF → 第四行 VALUE

选 0: → OK


Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure → On Areas → (一般要分两次)拾取孔内下弧面→ OK →input VALUE:50 →OK

2.8 分析计算

Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK

2.9 结果显示

Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK →Contour Plot →Nodal Solu…→ select: Stress →1st principal stress → OK

2.10 退出系统

问题3 具有中心孔的薄壁圆筒受均匀拉伸 习题文件名:Cylinder-hole

分析模型如图3-1 所示,薄壁圆筒受均匀拉伸:100Mpa ,

圆筒内半径:100mm, 圆筒外半径:110mm, 圆筒长度:500mm , 中心孔半径:20mm 3.1 进入ANSYS 程序:

ANSYSED 10.0 → input Initial jobname: Cylinder-hole →OK 3.2设置计算类型:

Main Menu:Preferences→Structural→OK 3.3选择单元类型:

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element

Type→Add/Edit/Delete→Add →select Solid Brick 8node 185 →OK →Close 3.4定义材料参数:

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural → Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:200e3, PRXY:0.3 → OK 3.5生成几何模型 生成薄壁圆筒

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Circle→ Annulus → 依次输入圆环面的圆心、内径R1、外径R2 →OK 拉伸成三维薄壁圆筒

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Operate→Extrude→Areas→By XYZ Offset→选择圆环面→Z 偏移量500 → OK 生成竖直圆孔。 先平移工作平面

Utility Menu→WorkPlane→Offset WP by Increments:X,Y, Z Offsets 输入0,0,250 点击Apply 然后旋转工作平面

XY,YZ,ZX Angles 输入0,-90, 0 点击OK。 创建圆柱体

Main Menu:Preprocessor→Create→Cylinder → Solid Cylinder → Radius:20, Depth:120→OK。 通过布尔运算,使三维薄壁圆筒布尔减小圆柱体生成具有中心孔的薄壁圆筒

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling → Operate → Booleans → Subtract →Volumes→ 先拾取三维薄壁圆筒面→ Apply → 再拾小圆柱体 → OK 3.6 网格划分

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→Smart size 4 → Mesh: Shape: Tel, Free →拾取中心孔的薄壁圆筒→ OK 3.7 给薄壁圆筒面施加固定约束


Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement → On Areas → 选左边面 → OK →select 第一行: ALL DOF → 第四行 VALUE 选 0: → OK


Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure →On Areas →拾取右面;OK →input VALUE: -100 →OK

3.8 分析计算

Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK

3.9 结果显示

Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape → select Def + Undeformed →OK →Contour Plot →Nodal Solu →select: Stress ,SZ → OK

3.10 显示斜剖面结果

先平移工作平面 (沿z轴平移88mm)

Utility Menu→WorkPlane→ offset WP by Increments:X,Y, Z offsets 输入0,0,88 点击Apply 再旋转工作平面 (例如:绕X轴转-45o)

Utility Menu → WorkPlane→ offset WP by Increments:XY,YZ,ZX Angles输入0,-45, 0 点击OK。

Utility menu → plotctrls → style → hidden line options → type Fo plot:capped hidden → cutting plane workplane is →Working Plane →OK

3.11 抓剖面图

Utility menu → plotctrls → Capture Image

3.12 退出系统:ANSYS Utility Menu: File→ Exit…→ Save Everything→OK

问题4 受热载荷作用的正方形截面的烟囱的建模与温度场求解

1、正方形截面的烟囱如图4-1所示,烟囱由混凝土建造,边长为60cm,通道的边长为20cm,混凝土的导热系数为k=1.4W/(m K)。假定烟囱内表面的温度为100℃,烟囱外表面暴露在空气中,空气的温度为




料构成。内层材料为混凝土,外表面的截面尺寸为30cm х 30cm,

烟囱通道的尺寸不变,仍为20cm х 20cm 。外层材料的导热系数

为k=0.1W/(m K) ,外部表面的截面尺寸不变,内部表面的截面尺

寸为30cm х 30cm 。换热边界条件不变。计算烟囱截面内的稳态

温度场。文件名: t-chimney。



4.1 ANSYSED 10.0 →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: t-chimney →OK


Main Menu: Preferences… →select Thermal → OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Thermal Solid Quad 4node 55 →OK (back to Element Types window) → Options… →select K3: Plane →OK→Close (the Element Type window)


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Thermal →Conductivity →Isotropic →input KXX:1.4 → OK → Thermal →Convection or film Coefficient for Material Number 1 → T1:20 → OK



Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依次输入6个点的坐标:input:1(0.1, 0, 0), 2(0.3, 0, 0), 3(0.3, 0.3, 0), 4(0, 0.3, 0), 5(0, 0.1, 0), 6(0.1, 0.1, 0)→OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Arbitrary →Through KPS →依次连接6个特征点: 1(0.1, 0, 0), 2(0.3, 0, 0), 3(0.3, 0.3, 0), 4(0, 0.3, 0), 5(0, 0.1, 0), 6(0.1, 0.1, 0)→OK

4.6 网格划分

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set →分别拾取左

边2竖直边:OK→input NDIV: 10 和 5 →Apply→拾取右条竖直边NDIV: 15 →; Set →拾取上直边:OK→input NDIV: 15 →Apply→分别拾取下边的两条横直边:OK →input NDIV: 10 和5 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: Areas, Shape: Quad, Free → Mesh → Close( the Mesh Tool window) 4.7 模型施加热约束

分别给两条对称边施加热流量0 (对称边界)的约束

Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Thermal → Heat Flux → On Lines → 拾取(对称边)左边, Heat Flux: 0 → Apply → 拾取(对称边)下边,Heat Flux: 0 →OK 给内部边界加已知烟囱内表面的温度为100℃

Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Thermal →Temperature →On Lines → 分别拾取内部两边, 选TEMP → TEMP Value:100 →OK

给外部热对流边界加换热系数和外界温度30℃(heat film coefficients with associated ambient temperatures)

Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Thermal →Convection → On Lines → 分别拾取外部两边, 输入:Film Coeffecient:20, Bulk Temperature:30 →OK 4.8 分析计算

Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK

4.9 结果显示

Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results → Contour Plot → Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, Temperature →OK 4.10 退出系统


4.1 ANSYSED 10.0 →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: t-chimney →OK


Main Menu: Preferences… →select Thermal → OK 4.3选择单元类型

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Thermal Solid Quad 4node 55 →OK (back to Element Types window) → Options… →select K3: Plane →OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models(定义内层材料)→Thermal →Conductivity →Isotropic →input KXX:1.4 → OK → Thermal →Convection or film Coefficient for Material Number 1 → T1:20 → OK → (back to Material Models window) → New Model →(定义外层材料) 2 →Thermal →Conductivity → Isotropic →input KXX:0.1 → OK


特征点:①(0.1,0,0),②(0.15,0,0),③(0.15,0.15,0),④(0,0.15,0),⑤(0,0.1,0),⑥(0.1,0.1,0),⑦(0.3,0,0),⑧(0.3,0.3,0),⑨(0,0.3,0) OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Arbitrary →Through KPS →依次连接6个特征点: 1(0.1, 0, 0), 2(0.15, 0, 0), 3(0.15, 0.15, 0), 4(0, 0.15, 0), 5(0, 0.1, 0), 6(0.1, 0.1, 0)→Applay

再依次连接4个特征点: 7, 8, 9, 4, 3, 2→OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling → Operate → Booleans → Glue → Areas → 依次拾取两层烟囱 → OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls)Element Attributes:选择Areas→Set→拾取内层模型→OK→MAT Material number选择1→OK→Areas Set→拾取外层模型→OK→MAT Material number选择2→OK

lines: Set →分别拾取左外边2竖直边:OK→input NDIV: 15 和5 →Apply→拾取烟囱壁内外层2竖直边:OK→input NDIV: 10和15→Apply;拾取右外竖直边OK→input NDIV: 30 →Apply;Set →分别拾取下边2横直边:OK→input NDIV: 5和15 →Apply ;Set →拾取烟囱壁内外层2横直边:OK→input NDIV: 10和15 →Apply;拾取上边的横直边:OK →input NDIV: 30→OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: Areas, Shape: Quad, Free → Mesh → Close( the Mesh Tool window)

4.7 模型施加热约束

分别给两条对称边施加热流量0 (对称边界)的约束

Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Thermal → Heat Flux → On Lines → 拾取(对称边)左边, Value: 0 → Apply → 拾取(对称边)下边,Value:0 →OK


Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Thermal →Temperature →On Lines → 分别拾取内部两边, Value:100 →OK

给外部热对流边界加换热系数和外界温度30℃(heat film coefficients with associated ambient temperatures)

Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Thermal →Convection → On Lines → 分别拾取外部两边, 输入:Heat Convection Coeffecient:20, Bulk Temp Value:30 →OK

4.8 分析计算

Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK

4.9 结果显示

Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results → Contour Plot → Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, Temperature TEMP →OK

4.10 退出系统

(注:按照如上操作步骤得出的结果为图1所示,我们注意到在4.4定义材料参数时,设置了换热系数为20,在 4.7又设置了换热系数(Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Thermal →Convection → On Lines → 分别拾取外部两边, 输入:Heat Convection Coeffecient:20, Bulk Temp Value:30 →OK),为验证是否重复设置,我们做如下2种尝试,第一种尝试为:在4.4不定义换热系数,而仅在4.7中给定,计算后结果如图2所示,通过与图1比较,未发现差异。第二种尝试,在4.4定义换热系数,而4.7中不予定义,计算结果如图3所示,明显属于不正常结果。)


图1 图2 图3

问题5 超静定桁架的有限元建模与分析


材料为普通钢材弹性模量200GPa, 泊松比0.3。计算分析

模型如图5-1 所示。


5.1 进入ANSYS

Initial jobname: truss→OK


Main Menu: Preferences → 选择:Structural → OK


Add →select Link 3D 180 →OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:2.0e11, PRXY:0.3 → OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Real Constants…→Add…→select Type 1→ OK→input AREA:0.0025→OK →Close (the Real Constants Window)



Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依次输入四个点的坐标:input:1(0,0,0)→APPLY→2(1,0,0) →APPLY→3(1,2,0) →APPLY→4(0,2,0) →OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Lines →Straight lines →依次连接13两个点;24两个点;14两个点;23两个点;34两个点 →OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling → Operate → Booleans →Partition → Lines → Pick All → OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Copy →Lines →Pick All →OK → 在DY框内填2→OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Reflect →Lines →Pick All →OK→选默认的YZ对称面→OK 用Overlap命令粘合桁架中各杆

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling → Operate → Booleans →Overlap → Lines → Pick All → OK


5.7 网格划分

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→Mesh: lines →Mesh→ Pick All (in Picking Menu) →Close( the Mesh Tool window)

5.8 设定求解参数

Main Menu: Solution →Analysis Type →New analysis →Static →Sol’n Controls →Analysis Options → Large Displacement →Calculate prestress effects框内打勾→OK

5.9 模型施加约束


Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement → On Keypoints →拾取最底层的三个关键点 →OK →select Lab2:UX, UY, UZ→填0值→OK


Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Force/Moment →On Keypoints →拾取左上角特征点 →OK →Lab: FX, Value: 1e7 →OK

5.10 分析计算

Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK

5.11 结果显示

Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape → select Def + Undeformed → OK (back to Plot Results window) →Contour Plot → Element Solu → select: Stress → 1st principal stress → OK

5.12 退出系统

ANSYS Utility Menu: File → Exit → Quit, No save → OK

问题 6两端固定T字钢梁受均布载荷作用

计算分析模型如图6-1 所示, 习题文件名: T-beam

注意:用梁单元BEAM188离散,此梁单元可以用I,J,K三点定位。 其中:K点为方向参考点Orientation Nodes(如不用方向参考点,默认梁单元的y轴平行于X-Y 平面。如右图所示)。



宽度B 高度H 腹板厚t1 翼缘厚t2

200 200 20 20

6.1 进入ANSYS

程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: T type beam →OK


Main Menu: Preferences →select Structural → OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete →Add → select Beam 188 → OK (back to Element Types window) →Close (the Element Type window)


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:200e9, PRXY:0.3 → OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Sections →Beam →Common Sections →定义T钢梁,其横截面积尺寸:ID=1, 其它按照表内数值按m的单位填入 →OK



Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依次输入两个点的坐标:input:1(0,0,0), 2(4,0,0) , 和输入一个参考点的坐标3(1, -1, 0) →OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Lines →Straight lines →依次连接两个特征点,1(0,0,0), 2(4,0,0) →OK

6.7 网格划分

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing → Mesh Attributes → Picked Lines 拾取线→ Pick Orientation Keypoints(s) 打钩 yes → Apply →拾取参考点 → OK → Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set → 拾取梁边: OK→input NDIV:10 → OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: line →Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window)


ANSYS命令菜单栏:PlotCtrls →Style →Size and Style →/ESHAPE →On →OK(请比较不要参考点或者采用3(1, 1, 0) 有什么差别)

6.8 模型施加约束


Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement → On Keypoints →拾取1,2 keypoints →OK →select All DOF → OK


Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure → On Beams →Pick All →LKEY:1, VALI:10000, VALJ: 10000→OK

6.9 分析计算

Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK

6.10 结果显示

Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window)→Contour Plot →Element Solu…→ select: Stress → X Component of stress → OK

6.11 退出系统

Utility Menu: File→ Exit →Save Everything→OK

问题 7 自由度耦合过程分析

说明: 考虑一个3D 的3根梁的连接模型,梁123和梁567长度2m,梁24长度3m。每个节点上有6个自由度ux、uy、uz 和rotx、roty、rotz,A 点为固接,B 点为铰链连接。将B 节点的自由度ux、uy、uy 以及rotx、roty 耦合起来, 使rotz 作为变量。在关键点1加位移Uy=1,就模拟了带有销子的夹板的铰链特点。梁截面矩形(10mm ×10mm)。点4和点6处于同一位置,用平面铰链连接,可以绕Z 轴转动。点5为固体端约束。

7.1 进入ANSYS

程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: I type beam →OK 7.2设置计算类型

Main Menu: Preferences →select Structural → OK 7.3选择单元类型

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete →Add → select Beam 188 → OK →Close 7.4定义材料参数

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:200e9, PRXY:0.3 → OK 7.5定义截面

Main Menu: Preprocessor →Sections →Beam →Common Sections →定义矩形梁,其横截面积尺寸:ID=1, 0.01m ×0.01m.

7.6创建关键点1~7, 注意:点4和点6取相同坐标。 7.7创建线。


7.9在关键点1加位移Uy =1。在关键点5加固定约束。

7.10在关键点4和关键点6处用自由度约束模拟平面铰链,不能限制绕Z 轴转动: 7.11创建耦合关系的菜单路径:

Main Menu: Preprocessor → Coupling / Ceqn → Couple DOFs → 拾取将要耦合的结点(关键点4、6对应),可拉框选取 → OK → 输入耦合设置参考号:1 (默认自由度卷标:UX)→ OK 7.12在零偏移量的一组节点之间生成附加耦合关系:

Main Menu: Preprocessor → Coupling / Ceqn → Gen w/Same Nodes


(1) 输入现存耦合设置的参考号. (2) 对每个设置指定新的自由度卷标, 选择自由度卷标: UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY. (3) OK.

7.13 求解。

7.14 结果显示

Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK 7.15 退出系统

Utility Menu: File→ Exit

问题 8 具有过盈配合的圆环的应力计算


问题描述:材料的弹性模量200GPa, 泊松比0.3。圆环外径200mm, 内径100mm, 厚度50mm。圆环由于对称性,离散(整个模型4分之一)为90度基本扇区。过盈配合通过给环内沿施加径向位移0.5mm表示。在柱坐标下,显示径向应力和环向(周向)应力。

8.1 进入ANSYS程序:

ANSYSED 10.0 → input Initial jobname: Wheel →OK


Main Menu:Preferences→Structural→OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete → Add → select Solid → Brick 8 node 185 →OK →Close


Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural → Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:200e3, PRXY:0.3 → OK


Main Menu: Preprocessor → -Modeling-Create → Volumes → Cylinder → Partial Cylinder → Rad1 = 200, Theta1=0, Rad2 = 100, Theta1=90, Depth = 50 → OK

8.6 网格划分

Main Menu: Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh: Volume → Hex/Wedge - Sweep → 点下面的Sweep → 拾取圆环体 → OK

8.7 施加位移约束


Main Menu: Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacement → Symmetry B.C. → On Areas (选圆环的左、右侧面) → OK


Main Menu: Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacement → On Areas → (Z方向)select: Uz → VALUE 选 0: → OK

8.8 将直角坐标系转为柱坐标系

Utility Menu → WorkPlane → Change Active CS to → Global Cylinderical(注:窗口下方显示Csys =1, Secn=1 表示为:Cylindrical = 1)

8.9对圆环内弧表面施加径向位移,先要转化涉及面上节点,使其坐标与当前坐标系一致(关键指令)Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Move/Modify → RotateNode → To Active CS →拾取圆环内表面各节点 → OK


Main Menu → Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →Displacement → On Areas → 选圆环内弧表面 → OK → select 第2栏: UX(表示径向) → VALUE 选 0.5: → OK

8.11 求解。

8.12 结果显示

Main Menu →General Postproc → Options for Outp → Rsys → Global cylindric (注:将结果坐标系转为极坐标,则X方向即为径向,Y向即为周向。)

Main Menu → General Postproc → Plot Results → Contour Plot → Nodal Solu …

8.13 退出系统

Utility Menu: File→ Exit

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