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unit1. What’s the matter? 作文训练

健康的身体是我们中学生学习的保证。但是网络抢走了我们的锻炼时间,垃圾食品威胁着我们的健康。请根据下面的提示以“How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇英语短文。



参考词汇:healthy diet 健康饮食

It's important for us to keep healthy. As a middle school student,we should have a healthy lifestyle. Here is some advice.

First,we should do exercise at least one hour a day,such as running and walking. Second,have a healthy diet. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Try not to ea t junk food. Third,we shouldn't spend too much time going online. It is bad for/It is harmful to our eyes and study. Fourth,go to bed early and don't stay up too late,because enough sleep is good for our health. Finally,be happy as possible as we can. Learn to smile at ourselves at any time.

If we do so,I believe we can keep healthy.


Dear Mary,

I’m sorry to hear tha t you had a bad cold. How are you feeling now?

I think you should take good care of yourself. First, you should have healthy eating habits. You should eat more vegetables and fruit. And you should drink more milk and water. Second, it’s important for you to take more exercise. You can play baseball and go running every day. It can make you strong. Third, you should make yourself stay happy every day. It’s very good for your health. Last, I think you should get enough sleep If you don’t, you may feel tired. Go to bed early and don’t stay up late. If you have a healthy lifestyle, you’ll be in good health.

I hope you will feel better soon.






Dear Zhang Tao,

I am sorry to hear your problems. As we all know,it is harmful to be in the same way for too long without moving. Since you have some problems with your neck,you should stop playing computer games at first. Second,you should take breaks when you work on the computer. Besides,exercise can help us build up health. So try to take more exercise as much as possible. If you follow all these tips,you'll be well soon!

Yours truly,

Wang Dan


Living a healthy life

It’s important for us to live a healthy life.

Firstly, we should form good eating habits. We’d better eat more fruits and vegetables instead of junk food. Meanwhile, it’s necessary to play different sports. Then reading is a good way to relax, which also opens up our eyes affect our daily mental state.

In a word, no matter how small effort on lifestyle we make, it does make us healthier and happier.


八年级语文作文范文 八年级下英语作文范文 第一单元书面表达★你的朋友Jack由于长时间玩电脑游戏,现 在头痛、眼睛 不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情 况,并给出你 对他的建议。要求:(1)内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥;(2)书写认 真,句子通顺;( 3)词数: 60 词左右。 ★Jack is my friend. He likes playing puter gamesvery much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn’t sleep well at night,so he feels tired every day. I think he should take breaks away from the puter.He shouldn’t use the puter for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night. I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon.

第二单元书面表达★根据汉语提示及要求,以Lily’s Dream为题写一篇短文 . 提示 : 1.lily是一个中学生,她想成为一名职业演员.2.她同时也是一名志愿者 , 经常 参加一些志愿者服务活动, 业余时间她还上表演课 . 3.现在她遇到了一些麻烦 , 无 钱上表演课 . 她想出了许多办法 , 如:打电话给家长、主动辅导孩 子的美术、张贴 启事寻找工作挣钱等。 4.问题解决了,她可以继续上课了,她的梦想回实现的。 要求: 1、条理清晰,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范。 2 、不少于 80 个单词。 lily’s Dream ★L ily is a high school student. She wants to be a professional actress. As a volunteer , she often volunteers her time to help other people . at the same time she takes acting lessons. Now she has run out of money for acting lessons. She needs to e up with ideas for making money. She called up parents to offer children art lessons. She even put up signs for asking for jobs. Now she ’ll be able


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 上周你和家人一起去青岛度假。请以"My Vacation" 为题介绍一下你的假期。70词左右。要点如下: 1,乘火车前往, 天气晴朗,去了沙滩; 2,在沙滩上拾贝壳(shell);在水中嬉戏; 3, 吃海鲜(seafood);逛商店; 人们很友好。 要求: 不要逐字翻译,相关内容自己添加,注意合理性。 My Vacation Last week, I went to Qingdao with my parents. We went there by train. I loved it after I came to the city. The weather there was fine and not too hot. We went to the beautiful beaches. We picked a lot of shells and we had great fun playing in the water For meals, we ate a lot of seafood. There are many big shops in Qingdao. We went shopping after lunch. The people were very friendly to us. I had a wonderful time in Qingdao. 范例 Aug. 7th Sunny My family spent the weekend with my grandparents. They live in a quiet and nice village. On Saturday morning, 1. ____________________________(我们拜访了亲戚朋友). In the afternoon, 2. ____________________________(我们帮忙做家务). I fed the hens and milked the cows. It was really interesting. On Sunday morning, 3. ___________________ (我们在山上散步). We saw many beautiful flowers, trees and animals. In the afternoon, ______________________(我们去河边钓鱼). My mother walked along the river and took many photos there. We 5. _________________________(在周末玩的开心). I felt happy and relaxed. I also learned many things. Unit 2 How often do you exercise?


的情谊,有亲情,友情,爱情……我认为其中最美的是亲情,它的意义很深,让人无法摸透它。自从那件事后发生后,我觉得亲情就在我身边,而且它很美。 上学前,我常常依偎在爸爸妈妈的怀抱里不停地撒娇,想干什么就干什么,爸爸妈妈也都顺从 人世间有许多真挚思,当时我也感受不到爸爸妈妈的爱,总觉得这一切是应该的。上了小学以后,我慢慢变得“规矩”起来,渐渐察觉爸爸妈妈对我的“好”,也逐渐明白他们为我遮风挡雨,为我的进步而欣喜,为我的失落而鼓励,那些画面在我的脑海里至今难忘。 我很清楚地记得那是一个下着倾盆大雨的早晨,我正吃着早饭,眼睛不停地望着门外的如烟的雨帘,心里不由地担忧起来:虽说学校离家不远,可雨下得这么大,这路还怎么走呀?父亲好像看出了我的意(一)那一次,我真正懂得了亲情 了我的心思,亲切地说:“今天早上不用怕,你安心吃饭,我送你上学!”听了爸爸的话,我忐忑不安的心情顿时平静下来,心想:我爸爸真好! 吃过饭后,爸爸推出自行车,找来一把伞,急促地对我说“快走,不然你就要迟到了。”我奇怪的问:“爸爸,我们家还有一把伞呢?”“已经借给邻居王奶奶了。”我们只好顶着全家唯一的伞出发了,爸爸骑着,那样会生病的。” 在小桥上,风很大,我的伞快撑不住了,差点儿掉自行车,我坐在后面,并且撑着雨伞。我把雨伞举过爸爸的头顶,生怕雨水淋湿了爸爸的衣服。爸爸说:”孩子,没事,你不要把自己的衣服淋湿就行了进河里。在这“危难”时刻,爸爸用一只脚踮着地,帮我把伞拿稳了。我建议爸爸停下来步行,因为今天的风大雨大,连走路都很困难。爸爸说:“这样会迟到影响你学习的!”我说:“爸爸,耽误一些时间不要紧,安全第一,即便迟到,我也会向老师解释的。” 在爸爸的执意坚持下,我只好放弃了劝说。到学校门口的时候,我下来车,我把雨伞给了爸爸,爸爸推辞说:“孩子,你上学下课都会用到……”我知道再去推辞也是徒劳无益,望着消失在雨中的背影,我情不自禁地留下了泪水,泪水夹杂着雨水,已经分不清,只觉得视线渐渐模糊起来。 后来回家才知道,爸爸因为送我上学,被雨水淋湿了全身,一直发高烧,幸亏医生及时吊水,才化险为夷。 所以,每想起这件事,我的内心就会觉得愧疚。但我也深深地明白了亲情的伟大和美丽。爸爸用他那微妙的瞬间让我明白亲情的珍贵。


八年级期末语文作文范文:历史的感悟 一个健全的人,成为了英雄,人们会对他竖起大拇指;一个残疾人,成为了王者,人们会惊呼,会对他顶礼膜拜,视他为神。 这就是说,肢体残疾的人成为王者,其实他已经超越了英雄。 “古者富贵而名磨灭,唯倜傥风流之人称焉,盖文王拘而演《周易》;仲尼厄而作《春秋》;屈原放逐,乃赋《离骚》;左丘失明,厥有《国语》;孙子膑脚,《兵法》修列;不韦迁蜀,世传《吕览》;韩非囚秦,《说难》、《孤愤》;《诗》三百篇,大抵圣贤发愤之所为作也。”若在这些倜傥风流人中去选一个王者,我会毫不犹豫的去选择孙膑,不只因为他的兵法,更因为他的身残而志坚。 孙膑的伟大,不在于他围魏救赵的勇和智,不在于田忌赛马之时表现出来聪慧,我想他的伟大之处在于膑脚之时表现出来的坚忍和默默忍受,这种侮辱超越了韩信的胯下之辱,他能装疯卖傻忍受默默等待出头之日,这本身便是一种伟大。 于是,膑脚后的孙膑,坐在小车中运筹帷幄,决胜千里之外,最终杀掉庞涓,也便成为了历史的必然,也定是一个最好的结局,我想历史是公平的。 其实相比于孙膑,司马迁也是伟大的,他的忍受的力量不亚于孙膑,用司马迁的话来表述是“最下腐刑极矣”,司马迁没有可以驰骋沙场的机会,但他是驰骋于文场的斗士,他的《史记》,被人称为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”,开创了一个史学上的新

天地。他的伟大使那个自认为伟大的汉武帝成为了一个历史上的笑柄,司马迁蔑视他,他完全有这个资本。 想一想这些身残却成为王者的倜傥之人,不禁使人想起苏东坡说过的那句话,一点浩然气,千里快哉风。是的,这个浩然正气是虽然身体残疾却不屈服于命运的傲然之气,是虽然多灾多难,却仍可以笑傲人生的坚强正气,具备了这些,孙膑成为了孙膑,司马迁成为了司马迁。世人为之动容,历史为之泣泪。 还记得那曲古谣吗?曰“大风卷兮,林木为摧。意苦惹死,招憩不徕。百岁如流,富贵冷灰。大道日往,苦为雄才。壮士拂剑,浩然弥哀。潇潇落叶,漏雨苍苔。”王者已去了,空留下那千里快哉风刮过历史的原野,催人泪下。


八年级英语(上册)作文范文 1.My Summer Vacation I had a wonderful summer vacation last year. Last summer vacation I flew to Hainan with my parents because it is a good place to spend a vacation. First, we went to the beach. We played beach volleyball, swam in the sea and picked up beautiful shells (贝壳). Then, we went to the shopping center to buy some gifts for our friends, but I didn’t buy anything for myself because they were too expensive. Finally, we put up the tents (搭起帐篷) by the sea. How interesting it is to hear the sound of the sea while sleeping! I think I had a wonderful and relaxing summer vacation. 2.My Last Weekend It was a beautiful day last Saturday. I went to Fenghuang Mountain with my classmates. In the morning, we met at the school gate at 8:30, then we walked to Fenghuang mountain. We talked and sang along the way. It seemed all the birds in the trees sang along with us, too. At around 9 o’clock, we arrived at the Fenghuang Square. We began to play many kinds of games, some of us played badminton, some of us rode two –seat bicycles, some of us climbed the mountain and others went boating on the lake. What a good time we had! When I got home at around 6 pm, I was very tired but really happy! 3.My Lifestyle I am a 14-year-old middle school student. I have a healthy lifestyle. I often eat fruit and vegetables. Apples and broccoli are my favorite. I love junk food, too, but I only eat it two or three times a week. I sleep less than seven hours every day. I feel sleepy sometimes. I run in the morning and play ping-pong after school. In my free time, I enjoy reading books. On weekends I often go to the movies with my friends. I brush my teeth once a day. I think my lifestyle is not good enough. I shouldn’t eat too much junk food. I will try to eat a balanced diet and sleep more. I should brush my teeth twice a day. I hope I will have a better lifestyle. 4.How do I keep healthy? I think health is very important in our life, but how to keep healthy? To keep healthy, I believe that we should have a healthy lifestyle. First, we should eat a balanced diet. We should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, they are good for our health. Also, we should drink milk every day. Then, we should exercise twice or three times a week. Doing sports is healthy for our mind and our body. Next, we should get enough sleep. It is best to get at least eight hours’ sleep a day. We shouldn’t stay up too late. We should go to bed early and get up early. In a word, health is very important in our life. 5.My Best Friend and I Linda is my best friend. In some ways we look the same and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair. Her hair is longer than mine. She is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but she plays tennis better, so she always wins. However, Linda often helps me to bring out the best in me. Now I’m getting better at tennis. Also, Linda is more hard – working and more careful than me, so she always get better grades than I do. This is my best friend, I like her very much. 6.My winter vacation plan My winter vacation is coming. I’m going to do what I want to do in the winter vacation. Let me tell you something about my plan for the winter vacation. First, I’m going to have a good rest and relax myself. I’m going to read more useful books because reading books is interesting and it can also make me 1


初一上册语文作文范文 初一上册语文作文1时光飞逝,上半学期很快就过完了。在上个学期里我明白了,每个学期的开始都要给自己订一个要求。这样,在一个学期里就能按照这个要求很好地要求自己了。这个学期,我吸取了教训,所以就要来制定一个新学期的要求。 首先来说说语文吧。我觉得在语文的学习中,要上课认真听讲,开发大脑,多多举手发言,不能注重力分散了。写作文的时候,字数一定要在五百字以上,不能只在老师规定的字数多一点点就算完成任务。作文一定要用上名人名言或好词好句,不能记流水账,作文还不能草草地结尾。语文的每一次考试都要认真对待,做完题目一定要认真检查,检查完题目后一定要在题号上打个小钩。 接下来说说科学。一直以来,我的科学都不是很好,所以我想再这个学期提高我的科学成绩。我觉得影响我科学成绩的是在于我的动手操作能力。我一定得在做科学实验时积极参与,不要只在一旁观看或者动嘴指挥。 英语么,就是争取每次考试和比赛的第一名。不能骄傲自满,要虚心接受老师的教育和同学的建议。做回家作业时字不能乱,也不能粗心,要认真对待每一次的回家作业。 最后来说说数学。学数学一定要仔细认真。做完了,就得用草稿本仔细检查。在做题目时,就得讲心静,凡是做题目首先要读题三遍,读的时候要默读,要害词要圈出来,然后要仔细读要害词。找出解题的突破口。 这就是我新学期对自己的要求。我一定会严格要求自己,努力做到最好,把各个学科都学好!

初一上册语文作文2 探究月球的奥秘 有一天,我做了一个梦,我梦到了未来的月球,梦到了我到了月球上。在不知道多少年后的一天,人类登月的梦想实现了。我在建设者璐璐的带领下,首先参观了月球。 来到月球,我不禁打了个冷战,好冷啊,举目四望,冰山雪川闪着严寒的光,广阔的大地一派荒凉的景象,这是迷人的月亮吗? 璐璐宛如看出了我的心思,笑着说:这只是月亮的表面,看了内部,你也许不想走了呢! 是吗? 我半信半疑的随着她走进一个大洞,越走洞越大,五光十色的夜灯,忽明忽暗,各式各样的汽车呜呜的飞驰着,奇形怪状的高楼大厦耸立在路边好美的夜景! 这就是地下城? 地下城里,我们还设计了植物园,走吧!我带你去看一看吧! 嘀嘀―― 汽车一声长鸣,驶进了植物园。 我好奇的走进了植物园:稻米竟有鸡蛋那么大,散发出阵阵诱人的稻香;玉米就像一个大金娃娃,苹果红彤彤的,鸭梨黄澄澄的,葡萄水灵灵,紫莹莹的我看的目瞪口呆,突然,一棵一人高的树吸引了我,银白色的阔叶,枝杆上开放着嫣红的小花儿,美丽极了。这是―― 这是无果花,只开花不结果,并且还有把二氧化碳转化为氧的特异功能! 路路自豪的说 闹钟把我从梦中惊醒,我突然觉得,未来的月球将会是人类的第二个家园,人类不再惟独一个家了。 初一上册语文作文3


Talking about hobbies Everyone has his hobbies, such as listening to music, doing sports, reading and looking after animals. However, reading is my favourite. When I was a little girl, I was interested in reading books. From then on, books have taught me a lot. In my opinion, books not only give me knowledge but also make me understand the world. I also think reading is very important and relaxing. So I will continue reading in the future. Talking about a radio/TV programme 1.What’s your favourite programme? 2.What kind of program is it? 3.Why do you like it?) "Animal World" is my favorite programme. First of all, I like animals, especially small animals. Secondly, the presenter makes the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, through this program I know plenty of things, such as different lives of different animals, the relationship between people and nature, people and animal. I want to say that animals are part of nature as we are. We must protect animals so that we will have a good life in the future. Solving the problems 【Jack didn’t pass the English exam and he lied to his parents. What should he do now? Please give him some advice. 】 Dear Jack, You have made two mistakes. First, you didn’t get ready for your English exam. Second, you lied to your parents. In my opinion, you must tell them the truth at once. If you do that, they may be angry with you, but you’ll prove how honest you are. Then I think you should work hard from now on. If you try your best, I’m sure you’ll pass the English exam next time. And your parents will be proud of an honest and hard-working boy. Best wishes Agony aunt Write a review (评论) of a book, a film, a play, a CD, etc.(写作提示:①What’s the name of it? ②Who wrote it?③What’s the story about? ④Where does it take place? ⑤What’s the best part? ⑥What do you think of it?) I have seen a movie called《Titanic》. It is about a sad love story happened in a very famous ship called Titanic. The main characters are Rose and Jack. Jack is very handsome and intelligent but poor. Rose is very rich but kind and she won't judge people by money. They met on the Titanic. And soon they fell in love with each other. Unluckily, the ship got crashed. In the end, Jack saved Rose but he died. I cried after watching the movie. It made me understand to love is to give.


初二上册语文作文范文八年级上册语文作文人教版八年级语文上册第一单元作文例文 珍惜和平 纵观世界风云,战争贯穿着人类的发展史,由古至今,大大小小的战争不计其数。据 ___统计,人类历史上真正没有战争的日子只有300多年,可见战争就是人类矛盾不可调和的产物。尤其是两次世界大战把多少人类积累的财富毁于一旦,无论战争是正义还是非正义的都在怕坏着人类的发展。 由大导演斯皮尔伯格拍摄的《兄弟连》真是的反映了战争和战争中的人,他把战争描写的很贴切,很写实。因为他是以一群二战老兵的眼睛去看战争,而不是像无聊的国产剧是一群文人想象的。二 战老兵经历了真正的战争,他们懂得珍惜生命,热爱和平。这样的人我们崇拜他,他在战争中为战友付出着,和平时期他们为人们讲述着战争的残酷性,他提醒人们不要忘记战争的危害。而美化战争的人,还有英雄主义的文人们,他们没有让人们看清战争,英雄不是写出来的,英雄就在我们的身边。所以要反思战争,珍爱和平。

每一次战争损失的物质财富不计其数,第二次世界大战中,我国的损失就有3500亿美元,伤亡军民达3000多万。整个二战中损失的财富用金条来计算,它可以绕地球三周多。然而在战争中失去的不仅仅是物质财富,精神财富也在不断的失去,遗迹的毁坏,文物的毁坏,亲人的丧失,战争对人们的摧残都是残酷的。 战争的本质就是矛盾的激化,战争是统治阶级们为了满足自己要求而进行的,战争是统治阶级们的另一种发财之道。 如何才能消灭战争呢?只有民主制度才可以消灭战争,所以我们要求民主,建立民主制度。发扬民主,弘扬民主,贯彻民主才是我们奋斗的目标。 我只有这个,希望能帮到你。 一直藏在我心中的秘密 没有秘密的世界是空虚、失落的。我们每个人心中都有秘密,而且秘密都不同,你想知道我的秘密吗?那就请你再往下看吧!


初一语文作文范文600字 【篇一】初一语文作文范文600字 秋天的风总是如此令人厌恶,不似春日般温和,不似夏日般凉爽,而是刺骨的寒冷。抬起头来,无意间望到这周遭的树,心也像这光秃秃的树般空荡荡的,踩着金灿灿的树叶,我独自行走着。 树叶经过双脚的碾压,发出“咔嚓咔嚓”的声音,闹的人心烦意乱,心里不由得开始犯嘀咕:“考试又考差了,回家肯定少不了一顿骂。哎呀怎么连树叶也和我作对。”时间在我漫无目的的行走中消耗着。走在路上,空无一人的街道上只有风儿在呼呼作响,不知不觉我已走入了死胡同中,影子被拉到死胡同的尽头,投射在红色砖瓦的墙壁上,望着昏暗的天,我的心也是在慢慢下沉。望着粗壮的大树便开始自言自语:“树啊树,你是如此强壮且挺拔,我什么时候也能像你一样有强大的内心呢?”一阵风吹过,树轻轻地摇了摇头,似在否定我。抬起头顺着它的枝杈望去,发现这一带并无多少墙壁可以为它遮风避雨,地表也十分干涸,并没有什么能够提供水分的地方。只有这孤零零的一棵树。霎时间我突然知道,树并不是靠良好的生长环境而生的,而是靠自己顽强的意志力而生。 我望了望这棵本不应该生长得这么强壮的树,再望望这一遇小事就气馁的自己,内心不禁波涛汹涌。从小到大,我

从一个不会走路的婴儿成长到一个能言会道的少女,这一路来我克服了多少风风雨雨,然而却在这么小小的考试中泄了气,低了头,这还是我吗? 抬起头来,走在夕阳铺洒着金黄的道路上,我看到了夕阳给我带来的震撼,鸟儿育雏给我带来的感动……这些都是低着头无法看到的。抬起头来,你将看到别样的风景。 盈盈月光,我掬一杯最清的;落落余晖,我拥一缕最暖的;灼灼红叶,我拾一片最热的;萋萋芳草,我摘一束最灿的;漫漫人生,我要采撷世间最重的——毅力。 考试的阴霾不过是短暂的雨季,抬起头来正视前方,明亮的天就在不远处。 【篇二】初一语文作文范文600字 人的一生中,总有陷入迷茫的时候,使你迷失方向,丧失自我。但是,这时候总有一个提灯的人,把人从暗夜中引出来,引向人生正确的道路。我的心灵深处,正有一个为我提灯的人。 在小学五年级,那时的我因上学期期末成绩好,曾经不可一世,自认为“学识渊博”。很快,这种骄傲自大的态度给予了我“回报”,五年级期中考试时成绩一下滑落到了十名开外。想着自己那么聪明却考了这个成绩,心里既难受又困惑。 直到有一天,我正在上美术课,也许是老师看到了我心不在焉的样子,下课时老师问我怎么了。我只好把原委透了出来,眼神空洞的巴望着老师。老师走近我,她微笑着,轻


初二:10篇优秀英语写作范文 1.【题目要求】 假设你的名字叫小明。你很喜欢旅游,你和家人去年夏天去了长城。请以“The visit to the Great Wall”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。 【优秀范文】 The visit to the Great Wall My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summar, I went to the Great Wall with my family. It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景). We all were amazed(惊讶的) by how beautiful it was. We took quite a few photos there. We had a good time there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall! 2.【题目要求】 你的生活和饮食习惯健康吗?请以“My Lifestyle”为题写一篇短文来介绍你 的生活饮食习惯。词数:80左右。 【优秀范文】 My Lifestyle Let me tell you a little about my lifestyle. I often eat fruit and vegetables. Apples and oranges are my favorites. I love junk food, too, and I eat it three or four times a week. I sleep less than seven hours ever day. I often feel sleepy. I brush my teeth once a day. I run in the morning, and play ping-pong after school. In my free time, I enjoy surfing the Internet. On weekends, I often go to the movies with my friends. I think I’m kind of unhealthy. I shouldn’t eat too much junk food. I’ll try to have a balanced diet and sleep more. I should brush my teeth twice a day. I hope I can have a better lifestyle. 3.【题目要求】


初春·轻吟 一花凋零荒芜不了整个春天,一次挫折荒废不了整个人生。 ——题记爸爸在家里种了一盆杜鹃花,他看着花盆,笑着对我说:“它开花的时候,会很香的。”我当时并没有在意,一场朗诵比赛正牵动着我的思绪。 爸爸得知这个消息后,鼓励我道:“为以后赢得更多的赌注大胆追求梦想吧!”但是我朗诵并不拔尖,想要拿到名次谈何容易,但我心想:也许最后不一定会看到花开的彼岸,但至少我曾努力过了。 隔日早上,我拿着泰戈尔的诗在窗前踱步,初春的早上并不温暖,还未退去的湿气让我心情沉闷。一想到朗诵竞赛就隐忍了下去。 连续几天早上,朗诵练习的艰辛、苦涩都未曾阻止我拼搏的脚步。我一瞥,发现院子里的那盆杜鹃花分枝了。 在学校课间已少了一个飞奔的身影,而多了一团古朴的诗韵。为了一句话的情感与语调,我经常和同学争到放学也迟迟不肯离去。在与老师一次次交流之中,诗歌的情调深深融入我的灵魂。 有天我刚放学回家,爸爸就告诉我杜鹃花打苞了。 晚上写完作业后,我仍不肯休息,那一幕幕朗诵比赛的情景浮现在我的脑海之中,练到深夜看着窗外的夜空,虽然不时有些倦怠,心里却是一阵阵温暖。 直到那天比赛后,我满面春风的回到家中,便闻到了一股股芬馥的香味,不浓,不腻,沁人心脾,我一看,原来是杜鹃花开花了,那

淡淡的粉色,像是蝴蝶的翅膀一样美丽。 不过几天后,老师却告诉我完美的人生是不存在的,也不真实,稍微有点缺口倒也能有另一番风景。听到老师的话,我突然意识到了,恐怕我与成功又无缘了吧,迷茫与忧伤充斥着我的内心。回家发现刚开不久的杜鹃花,居然谢了!落了一地的芳华,我愣住了。“傻丫头,那是谎花呀,只有开过了谎花,他才能绽放出更美丽的杜鹃花呀。”爸爸在我身后笑着说。 是啊,杜鹃花在开花的过程中汲取了足够的养分,是在为新一轮的开花做准备,下一年给予它力量的正是努力开花的这个过程,比起结果来,过程要重要得多。 正如我一般,即使没有拿到名次,却在奋斗的这几天中确确实实得到了快乐、充实、与知识,即使没有结果,不也很有价值吗? 冰心说:“成功的花儿,人们只惊羡它现时的美丽。而当初它的芽儿却浸透了奋斗的泪水,洒遍了牺牲的细雨。”只有遭遇挫折,溺于痛苦,以奋斗的英姿与之对抗的过程,才是人生无上的辉煌。不必因花落而伤春,也不必因挫折而自弃,因为一花凋零荒芜不了整个春天,一次挫折荒废不了整个人生。 天空中没有留下翅膀的痕迹,但鸟儿已飞过;空气中没有留下杜鹃的清香,但它已开过。 心中依然存留着杜鹃花的香气,看着阳光普照大地,内心多了几分温暖。 人生,花影,逝去的是结果,绽开的是过程。


人教版八年级英语上册作文题目与范文unit1版本一:介绍你的一个朋友,表达他的兴趣爱好,同时写清自己的的习惯,他怎么样才能保持健康(不少于60词) He thinks he isn't pretty healthy. He doesn't like exercise, so he does exercise once a week. He is very fat. He doesn't like vegetables, so he hardly ever eats vegetables. He likes eating junk food. He thinks it is very nice. He eats them about four or five times a week. He loves milk, but he doesn't drink it every day. He only drinks them two or three times a week. He eats fruit once or twice a week. But he sleeps nine hours every night. His lifestyle is not very well. But he knows healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades. He tries to eats some vegetables and eats lots of fruit. And he wants his parents to play sports with him. He wants to be the healthiest. Most students watch TV every day. Some students watch TV twice a week. Some students watch TV four times a week. Some students have sports every day. Some students have sports twice a week. Most students have sports four times a week. All the students do homework every day. No students do homework twice or four times a week. unit2假设李平是你的朋友,他目前的身体状况不好。他从来不锻炼,他经常感到很紧张,很疲倦,他爱吃零食,有时会胃疼。这几天,他感冒了。头很痛。请写一封信给他,并给他一些建议。 Dear LiPing, I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well。I think you should see a doctor,then you should take some medicines,and drink a lot of water。You said you are stressed out and tired。Why do not you listen to music and go to bed early。You should also try to exercise。Eating less junk food。Eating more healthy food,like apple,orange and milk 。I think they are good for your health。 I hope you feel better soon! Yours××× unit3.版本一:假设你的一个笔友上个星期天来看你,你安排了一个游玩计划,大意如下:早晨8:30在火车站接他后来到苏州动物园。那里有很多不同种类的动物。12:00吃午


这就是我 茫茫宇宙,广阔无垠的世界,苍茫的大地,而我却是如此的渺小,如此的微不足道,也许我无法像伟人一样为世界为国家做出贡献,但我并不想做平庸和碌碌无为的人。即使我的人生并不是那么的有闪光点,但我也要充实地过好每一天,让自己的人生富有意义。 我——余欣诺,一个平凡的少年。我小小的名字中包含着父母对我人生的期待与希望。“余”这个姓氏并不多见,但姓“余”的人有很多有着伟大成功业绩。例如:当代作家余秋雨,创作了许多文学作品,为中国的文学事业做出了贡献。余文乐:当红影星,拍过《春娇与志明》《头文字d》等电影,为中国的电影事业做出了贡献。 “欣”这个字可以体现出父母希望我可以做个欣欣向荣的人,有着蓬勃生命力、坚强的人。“诺”在这个社会中有多重要啊!没有诚信,不讲承诺,一定可以做到! 说起我的长相呢,我觉得挺好,浓浓的眉毛下面一双水灵灵的大眼睛。虽然,我的眼睛是一个单眼皮,一个是双眼皮,但,你不觉得很有特点吗?我的鼻子可是令我很骄傲的地方,我“哇哇”大哭,谁知妈妈一包零食就把我搞定了,这充分体现了我的好吃。虽说我是不哭了,但的鼻子上留下了很深的印记,多年过去了,我的鼻子恢复得很好,还被别人当成是“整型”了呢。我的嘴唇不厚不薄,幸亏没像爸爸一样长着两根肥肠拼在一起的厚嘴唇。 我的身高对我来说可是个大问题,因为太高所以经常被“绰号”所困扰。有时,家里亲戚竟说:“长那么高长大嫁不了人怎么办呀? 我就是我,一个独一无二的人我们,和蔼可亲的人我,你喜欢吗? 总结全文,抒情自然真挚 一件让我后悔的事 在我的成长道路中有一件让我后悔的事。 那是发生在四年级的第二个学期,我们语文培优班的作文题目也是《我最后悔的一件事》,那天是星期二,我作业很多,晚上回家写完学校的作业都九点半了,我赶紧冲凉,然后就睡着了。第二天,哎呀,今天要交作文草稿呀,算了,不管它了,就说我没带,回家再写吧。结果,由于当天晚上作业也很多,我尽管加快了速度,还是在九点半前未能完成写作文。啊,我灵机一动,好象在那本作文选见过类似的文章,赶快找一找书,终于找到了。心想,反正这是培优班第一次作文,我就抄吧。不行,万一被人家发现了,我的脸该往哪搁呀?

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