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1-5 BACDC 6-10 ABADC 11-15 DCABD


16. an 17. comparison 18. were dressed 19. which 20. winning

21. seated 22. his 23. On 24. brightest 25. as / when



26-30 CDCCB 31-35 DCBCA 36-40 CCDCB 41-45 DBAAB


46-50 DBFCE



On the afternoon of last Thursday, an activity on the theme “How to become an outstanding student” was carried out among us students in our classroom. Some examples were shown at the beginning of the activity, after which we had a discussion in groups and analyzed them, followed by the comments from our headteacher. At the end of it, we came to a conclusion that a student should be well-behaved and study hard to become a popular and all-round student. What’s more, an outstanding student is supposed to be considerate and polite and get along well with others as well. As a result, we have learned more about ourselves and everyone is determined to be an outstanding student.


Public square dancing, which is good for both physical and mental health, according to participants, causes objection now because of its disturbing noise. Some cities are taking measures to settle the problem.

As is described in the passage, it is commonly seen in cities, big or small, in China that people dance together to loud music in public squares. The participants include people retired from work and some in their middle age who make a regular presence.

Square dancing, needless to say, brings health and joy to people who regularly do it. Besides, retired people take it part of their social life. By sharing time with other dancers, they connect themselves to the rest of the society. However, the constant loud noise from their speakers does have a bad influence on life of the residents nearby, because they dance either in the early morning when most of the residents are still in bed or in the evening when school children do their homework which requires much concentration.

If any of my family members joins in the public dancing, I will suggest that he or she should do it in work hours when the residents are not home. Besides, an electrical device with a wireless earphone for each user can be used to replace the speakers. Thus they can dance in silence without disturbing anybody around.

全科创意寒假作业清单-中学篇 教师必备

寒假创意作业清单初中篇 语文 1.做一名游客 与你的父母或朋友一起开启一段亲情或友情之旅,游览江心屿,并写一篇游记,字数700字以上。 2.做一名骚客 熟读并背诵历代文人咏江心屿的诗词或对联至少3首(副)。选择其中一首或几首写一篇赏析文字,字数500字以上;也可以自己写一首咏江心屿的小诗,古体诗、现代诗不限,并解读一下你的创作背景与意图,300字以上。 【参考诗联】 谢灵运《登江中孤屿》 孟浩然《永嘉上浦馆逢张八子容》 张子容泛永嘉江日暮回舟 李白《与周生》 杜甫《送裴虬尉永嘉》 韩愈《题谢公游孤屿》 陆游《同永嘉守宿江心寺》

王十朋《驾幸江心次僧宗觉韵》 徐照《江心寺》 文天祥《北归宿中川寺》 3.做一名拍客 拍一张你自己满意的江心屿某景点的照片,并写一篇摄影散文,讲一讲照片背后的故事。字数600字以上。 4.做一名导游 假如来自台湾的周杰伦或来自香港的邓紫棋到温州开个唱,他(她)很想游览江心屿,邀你做导游。请设置一下游览路线,并拟一篇导游词,要求文中至少包含他(她)的三句歌词。字数800字以上。 注意:以上四道题目只需做其中两道,题目二为必做;其余题目为选做。 数学 1.春节流行微信抢红包,请了解新年网络红包的各项数据,并分析背后的意义。

2.在出行高峰期任选一处红绿灯,分别测出行人和机动车等待绿灯的时间,观察、统计相应时间内行人数量和机动车数量。评估红绿灯设置的合理性,并形成报告。如不合理,请以书面报告的形式向交警部门提出改进建议。 3.用学习过的几何体和身边的闲置物品,制作富有创造性的模型。 4.观察生活中的立体实物,拍照并画出三视图。 5.画出自家的房屋平面图,并根据自己的观察,为空间优化提出建议。 6.选一部具有数学元素的经典影片观看,比如《死亡密码》《美丽心灵》《心灵捕手》《费马最后定理》《笛卡儿》。 7.搜集1~2位数学家的有关资料,将其简介及主要事迹整理成1000字左右的文章。 8.用思维导图梳理本学期知识框架。 9.购买一个魔方,打乱各面顺序,利用立体几何知识,恢复原样。

英语专四练习sublist 1 exercise with keys

Sublist 1 Exercise 1 period legal available contract research analysis similar indicate factor economy 1.He did an _______________ of the way children learn language for his Master's thesis. analysis 2. He was arrested for drunk driving because he had drunk more than the _______________ limit of alcohol. legal 3. The culture of the United States is quite _______________ to that of Canada. similar 4. The Canadian _______________ is largely based on natural resources. economy 5. Environmental pollution seems to be an important _______________ in the increase in cancers all over the world. factor 6.The apartment will be _______________ on June first. available 7. The young popstar became famous while still in high school after winning a _______________ with a major record label. contract 8. Your continued lateness for class _______________ to me that you are not really a very serious student. indicates 9. Living in Berlin during the _______________ when the Berlin Wall was torn down was an unforgettable experience. period 10.. Some _______________ into second language learning suggests that oral fluency may increase with moderate amounts of alcohol. research . 11. There are wind-surfers and kayaks _______________ for rent at the lake. available 12. The planet Mars has a surface which is somewhat _______________ to that of our moon. similar 13. It could take weeks to _______________ all the data, but when we do, the results will be very helpful to our project. analyze 14. Spencer's father is doing _______________ into the melting of the polar ice cap in the Arctic. research 15. The boss was really excited when he heard we had won the _______________. contract 16. Here in British Columbia, it is not _______________ to sell cigarettes to people under the age of sixteen. legal 17. The low number of people attending the lecture is a clear _______________ of lack of interest in the topic. indication 18. Alcohol was a major _______________ in a car accident which claimed three lives over the weekend. factor 19. Canada's _______________ growth has been quite consistent for the last few years. economic 20.. Canada went through a _______________ of economic prosperity in the s. period . Exercise 2 Use the appropriate forms of the words in the table to fill in the blanks Environment approach finance individual policy source create respond benefit legislation 1. One of the _______________ of studying English in Victoria is that you have the opportunity to speak English outside of class. benefits

高三写作提升1 Keys

高三写作提升1 1. 身份名词 1.He is good at listening. He is a good listener. 2.He is difficult to get along with; I don’t think he’ll satisfy our demands. He is a tough nut; I don’t think he’ll satisfy our demands. 类似的身份性表达还有很多,比如说 workaholic (a person who works obsessively and finds it difficult to stop), shopaholic (a person who loves to go shopping and buys lots of things they may not need), couch potato (a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television). 如果用括号里面的解释性句子去描写,可能就会破坏语篇的美感。当然,这样的表达需要平时的积累,大家可以在阅读过程中多做摘记,积累下来,以备不时之需。 2. 抽象名词的使用 1. The news that he had won the first prize filled him with great excitement. 2. A lack of experience puts him at a disadvantage compared to other employees. 3. Careful comparison of two ways of life will show the superiority of the former over the latter. 可以看出,改写之后的句子之间的语意关系更加紧密,语意也愈加明确了。这样的写作手法在表达复杂句意的时候会显得尤为重要和实用。3. 物称主语的使用 1. He is so observant that nothing escapes his attention. 2. Her beauty is beyond description. 3. A two-hour drive took us to the Grand Canyon. 4. It suddenly occurred to/struck/ hit him that he had left his wallet home. 5. The valuable lesson my grandma taught me will be rooted in my memory forever. 有没有觉得改写之后的句子形式更多样,所用的词汇也更加丰富,而且描绘的句意拥有了更强画面感?这就是物称作主语的魅力,它可以让你不再局限于一小部分高频的动词(remember/forget/like/ notice/describe etc.),而是可以有更多的发挥空间! 4. 分词作形容词 1. An increasing number of patients in hospitals will cause problems to medical care system. 2. Under mounting pressure, he wanted to resign. 3. The horse-drawn wagon lost its balance and fell off the cliff. 4. He froze on the spot, wide-eyed at the horrible scene. 改写后的句子更加精炼,但是意义上却更加生动,更具画面感,increasing和mounting虽然是形容词,但是却有动态之感。horse-drawn替代了不必要的定语从句。第四句原先的句子并未表现出他当时的震惊之感,而改写后的句子语言简练,语意关系更加紧密,也更加能表现出当时的紧迫感。horse-drawn与wide-eyed

三年级英语 寒假作业 创意

三年级英语寒假作业指南 亲爱的家长朋友们,大家好! 寒假快到了,同学们在尽情享受假期的同时,不要忘记学习。下面是作业指南,请认真阅读! 一、常规作业(必做) 1)背诵表演一篇英文小故事(见附件),开学后学校进行讲英文故事比赛,评选优秀故事大王。参加2013年希望之星风采大赛的同学,要反复的进行练习。 2)充分利用英语辅导报来设计剪报册。英语辅导报涵盖内容丰富多彩,有许多值得学习的东西,孩子们可以把有用的知识和自己喜欢的故事等内容进行分类,设计自己的剪报册。要求版面设计合理新颖,书写认真,色彩要协调。 3)预习新标准课本第六册,熟练背诵课后的单词给家长听。 二、“兴趣是最好的老师”。(选做)。 利用假期观看英文动画片,培养兴趣的同时,感受地道的英文口语。推荐影片《仙履奇缘Cinderella系列》、《卑鄙的我》《小鸡快跑》《飞屋环游记》《里约大冒险》《长发公主》《未来小子》《花木兰》,喜欢科普的同学推荐《神奇校车》。漫长的假期这些动画陪伴你,看完之后不要忘记写下你最喜欢的10句台词并反复模仿,开学后句型超级模仿秀比赛;你也可把自己最喜欢的动画片介绍给大家。 三、“创新能让孩子更加优秀”。(选做) 1)自己制作英语手抄报、主题小报等,培养学生在英语学习方面的创新和综合能力。 2)自己设计一份新年贺卡,并把它寄给自己的朋友们吧! 3)感兴趣的同学可以继续做自己喜欢的字母故事,积累词汇。 四、作业反馈

附件故事: 1.The Clever King Solomon Long, long ago, there was a king. Solomon was his name. He was very clever. In his country, there were two women. They lived in the same house and each had a child. One night, one of the babies died. The dead baby’s mother took the other woman’s baby, and put it in her own bed. The next morning , they had a quarrel. “No, this is my baby!” The dead is yours!” Each one wanted the living baby. So they went to see King Solomon. “Bring me a knife, cut the child into two and five each woman one half.” said the King. “Oh. Your Majesty! Give her my baby. Please don’t kill my baby!” Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in tear s and said, “Give the baby to her. She is the mother.” ” 2.Three Good Friends One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swim s to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends. 3.The Old Man and the Old Cat An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away. The old man is v ery angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work. You should know you are old, too.” 温馨提示:开学之后要把自己做的剪报册和这份作业指南交给英语老师,一定要让爸爸妈妈填写好反馈并签上名字。 英语老师在此祝大家合家欢乐,蛇年吉祥如意! 2013.01


Unit1 科学__________博物馆__________邮局__________书店__________电影院__________医院__________十字路口__________转弯__________左__________ 右__________笔直的__________ Unit2 步行__________乘__________公共汽车__________飞机________出租车__________大船__________地铁__________火车__________慢的__________减少;降低_______慢下来__________停下__________ Unit 3 拜访__________电影__________看电影__________旅行__________去旅行__________超市__________晚上;傍晚__________今晚__________明天__________ 下周__________词典__________滑稽的__________连环画__________ 单词__________单词书__________明信片__________ Unit1 科学__________博物馆__________邮局__________书店__________电影院__________医院__________十字路口__________转弯__________左__________ 右__________笔直的__________ Unit2 步行__________乘__________公共汽车__________飞机________出租车__________大船__________地铁__________火车__________慢的__________减少;降低_______慢下来__________停下__________ Unit 3 拜访__________电影__________看电影__________旅行__________去旅行__________超市__________晚上;傍晚__________今晚__________明天__________ 下周__________词典__________滑稽的__________连环画__________ 单词__________单词书__________明信片__________

英语专四练习sublist 7 exercise with keys

Sublist 7 adaptation adults advocate aid channel chemical classical comprehensive comprise confirmed contrary converted couple decades definite deny differentiation disposal dynamic eliminate empirical equipment extract file finite foundation global grade guarantee hierarchical identical ideology inferred innovation insert intervention isolated media mode paradigm phenomenon priority prohibited publication quotation release reverse simulation solely somewhat submitted successive survive thesis topic transmission ultimately unique visible voluntary Exercise 1 classic topic adapt identical finite isolate dynamic prohibit couple sole 1. Disney's early cartoon features are now considered _______________ in the field of animation. classics 2. Victoria has enacted a new bylaw which _______________ smoking in all public buildings. prohibits 3. The better your English language skills, the more you are able to talk about difficult _______________. topics 4. _______________ twins develop from the equal division of a fertilized egg. identical 5. After the birth of her little brother, Sophie was shocked to find that she was no longer the _______________ object of her parents' affection. sole 6. The _______________ economy of the U. S. is the envy of the world. dynamic 7. Our oil and gas reserves are _______________, so we must take steps to develop alternative energy sources. finite 8. In April of 1932, after 5 years of research, an American science professor _______________ vitamin C. isolated 9. It has taken my family a long time to _______________ to the cold of Canada. adapt 10. I'll be ready in a _______________ of minutes. couple 11. During the _______________ period of the Maya civilization, the great city of Tikal thrived in dense lowland jungle of what is now part of Guatemala. Classic 12. The Earth is a _______________ planet which has been forever changing throughout time. dynamic 13. People in this generation need to be able to _______________ to change quickly because of the dynamic nature of technological change in modern society. adapt 14. I like to remind my ESL students that the vocabulary we learn is never


1.n.调查;测验 2.合计 3.adj.心烦意乱的;不安的 4.Vt.不理睬;忽视 5.vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 6.关心;挂念 7.不得不;必须 8.n.担心;关注 9.(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来 10.遛狗 11.adj.松开;松开的 12.n.兽医 13.经历;经受 14.adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的 15.记下;放下 16.n.连续;系列 17.一连串;一系列;一套 18.adv.在户外;在野外 19.故意 20.为了…… 21.n.黄昏;傍晚 22.在黄昏时刻 23.adj.整个的;完全的;全部的 24.adv.完全地;全然地 25.n.能力;力量;权利 26.面对面地 27.n.窗帘;门帘 28.adj.积满灰尘的 29.不再……30.vi.安家;定居 31.vt.遭受;忍受;经历 32.n.孤单;寂寞 33.n.公路;大路 34.vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得 35.对……厌烦 36.vt.捆扎;包装 37.将(东西)装箱打包 38.n.手提箱;衣箱 39.n.大衣;外套 40.n.十几岁的青年 41.与……相处;进展 42.n.闲话;闲谈 43.相爱;爱上 44.adv.确实如此;正是;确切地 45.vi.不同意 46.adj.感激的;表示感谢的 47.n.不喜欢;厌恶 48.参加;加入 49.n.提示;技巧;尖端 50.vt.交换 51.n.项目;条款 52.n.电梯;升降机 53.n.汽油 54.adj.官方的;正式的;公务的 55.n.航行;航海 56.vt征服;占领 57.因为;由于 58.adj.本国的;本地的 59.走近;上来;提出 1


10*1+5*2=20 *3=60 测试1: 1单选(1分) NumPy库的ndarray数组类型不能直接表示什么形式的数据? A.二维数据 B.一维数据 C.多维数据 D.高维数据 2单选(1分) 下面引用中的是什么含义? import numpy as np A.numpy的别名,不可更改 B.numpy中的一个子库 C.numpy的约定别名,可更改 D.numpy中的数据类型 3单选(1分) ndarray对象实例a,代码如下: import numpy as np a = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5]]) a.shape的执行结果是什么? A.(2, 5) B.[2, 5] C.[5, 2] D.(5, 2) 4单选(1分) ndarray对象实例a,代码如下: import numpy as np a = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5]]) a.itemsize的执行结果是什么? A.4 B.2 C.10 D.32 5单选(1分) a和b都是ndarray数组对象,它们的维度相同,下面哪个是a > b的结果是什么? A.一个布尔型数组对象,维度是a.shape B.True或False C.a或者b,返回比较结果较大的 D.一个一维布尔型数组对象 6单选(1分) a是一个ndarray数组对象,哪个是计算a中元素标准差的函数? A.np.random.std(a) B.np.a.std()

C.a.std() D.np.std(a) 7单选(1分) a是一个ndarray数组对象,哪个是获得a中最小值下标(多维方式)的方法? A.a.min() B.np.argmin(a) C.np.min(a) D.np.unravel_index(np.argmin(a), a.shape) 8单选(1分) NumPy提供了多种存储ndarray对象的方法,以下哪种方法可以最方便的存储多维(任意维度)数组?(a是ndarray 对象) A.a.write()和np.read() B.a.tofile()和np.fromfile() C.np.save()和np.load() D.np.savetxt()和np.loadtxt() 9单选(1分) a是一个ndarray对象,np.random.shuffle(a) 的作用是什么? A.将a进行随机乱序排列,改变a B.将a进行按照泊松分布进行排列,但不改变a C.将a进行按照泊松分布进行排列,改变a D.将a进行随机乱序排列,但不改变a 10单选(1分) 了解本专题内容,以下哪个第三方库将不在本专题中讲授? A.matplotlib B.scipy C.numpy D.pandas 11填空(2分) 生成一个3行4列全0的ndarray对象a的语句是: a = np.__zeros _____((3,4), dtype='int32') 请输入答案 12填空(2分) 填写如下空格,生成一个3行4列的ndarray对象a:(答案中不要出现空格) a = np.arange(12)._______reshape((3,4)) 13填空(2分) a是一个ndarray对象,填写空格对数组中每个元素取平方根:(答案中不要出现空格) np.______Sort(a)__ 14填空(2分) a是一个ndarray数组对象,请填空将其存储为CSV文件格式。(答案中不要出现空格) np.savetxt('a.csv', a, fmt='%d', delimiter=____','___) 15填空(2分) 使用NumPy库中random子库中函数可以产生随机数组,在100到200整数中选择随机数,并生成4行5列元素的语句是:(答案中不要出现空格)


仁爱英语八上单词听写专 用版 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

2013最新秋仁爱英语八年级上单词表 Unit1 Topic1 I am going to play basketball. 在...期间 对着,反对 队,组 v.获胜,赢得 v.加油,欢呼;喝彩;n. 欢呼声,喝彩声 为...加油 v.& n练习,实践 v.更喜欢,宁愿(选择) v.划船;n.(一)排,(一)行 adv.相当,很,十分 v.加入,参加;连接;会合 v.溜冰,滑冰 v.骑自行车 n.网球 乒乓球 n.比赛者,选手 n.梦,梦想;v.做梦 v.成长,生长;发育;种植;变成 长大成人,成长 n.科学家 n.将来 今后 乐手,音乐家 n.飞行员,驾驶员 男警察 女警察 邮递员,邮差 渔民,钓鱼的人 v.跳跃;n.跳跃;猛扑 v.度过;花费(金钱、时间等) n.锻炼,做操;练习,习题v.锻炼 n.棒球 擅长于…的,精通的 n.周末 部分,一些,片段 参加,加入 对……有益 健康,保健 adj.流行的,大众的,受欢迎的 到处,遍及 世界,地球 n.心脏,心;纸牌中的红桃 n.肺;肺脏 后天健康的,健壮的 adj.健康的;适合的;v.(使) 适合;安装 保持健康 晚饭,晚餐 v.(使)放松,轻松 adj.着名的 队友 adj.激动的,兴奋的 坏的, v.离开;把……留下,剩下; n.假期,休假 动身去某地 遗憾,可惜,同情,怜悯 Unit1 Topic 2 We should learn teamwork. adj.有病的;不健康的 患病,病倒 v.介意;关心;n.思想,想法 踢,踹 传递,经过,推移,及格 帮某人一个忙 在某方面做得好 确定,肯定 adv.在某处 n.扔,投,掷 斥责(某人),对某人大声说 v.争论;打仗(架),与…… 打仗(架);n.打仗(架),争论 尽(某人)最大努力 协同工作,配合 发怒的,愤怒的,生气的 生(某人)的气 完成,做好,最后部分 (外)祖父,爷爷,外公 v.发明,创造 发明家,创造者 n.球场,运动场;法庭;法院 在户外,在野外 n.世纪,百年 起初,起先 室内的 变得,变成 进入,到…里 形成,产生 目标,进球得分,射门 通过,穿过


Unit 1 1. achievement n.__________ 2. △Joan of Arc__________ 3. △Elizabeth Fry __________ 4. △Quaker n. __________ 5. welfare n. __________ 6. project n. __________ 7. institute n. __________ 8. △China Welfare Institute __________ 9. specialist n. __________ 10. △specialize vi. __________ 11. △Jane Goodall __________ 12. △chimp n. __________ 13. connection n. __________ 14. human being __________ 15. △Jody Williams__________ 16. campaign n. __________ 17. △landmine n. __________ 18. organization n. __________ 19. △Gombe National Park __________ 20. behave vt. & vi. __________ 21. behaviour (=behavior) __________ 22. shade n. vt. __________ 23. move off __________ 24. worthwhile adj. __________ 25. nest n. __________ 26. bond n. __________ 27. observe vt. __________ 28. observation n. __________ 29. childhood n. __________ 30. outspoken adj. __________ 31. respect vt. & n. __________ 32. argue vt. & vi. __________ 33. argument n. __________ 34. entertainment n. __________ 35. lead a … life __________ 36. crowd n. vt. __________ 37. crowd in __________ 38. inspire vt. __________ 39. △inspiration n. __________ 40. support n. & vt. __________ 41. look down upon/on__________ 42. refer vi. __________ 43. refer to__________ 44. audience n. __________ 45. by chance__________ 46. come across __________ 47. △career n. __________ 48. rate n. __________ 49. sickness n. __________ 50. intend vt. __________ 51. emergency n. __________ 52. generation n. __________ 53. △determination n. __________ 54. kindness n. __________ 55. considerate adj. __________ 56. consideration n. __________ 57. deliver vt. __________ 58. carry on __________ 59. modest adj. __________


部编版七年级语文(上)创意寒假作业 亲爱的同学们: 当冬日温暖的阳光融融泼洒的时候,我们和着日月轮回的节拍,迎来了寒假。当我们带着捷报,满怀憧憬,欢度新春之际,老师提出以下的要求: 一、读书 阅读的最大理由就是为了摆脱平庸,早一天就多一天人生的精彩,迟一天,就多一些平庸的困扰。所以我们的第一项作业就是阅读。: 必读书目:《骆驼祥子》、《海底两万里》,完成《名著全解》相关习题 选读书目:《哈利波特与死亡圣器》、《林家铺子》、《创业史》、《基地》 阅读要求: 1、作读书笔记——为了提高自己的写作能力,你不妨养成这样的习惯——不动笔墨不读书。鲁迅先生提出,读书要“眼到、口到、心到、手到、脑到”,读书动笔,能够帮助你记忆,掌握文章的难点、要点,有利于你储存资料,积累写作素材。浏览与精读相结合,边读边悟,必读书每页圈点勾画批注,字迹清晰、规范、工整,每天进行,切勿突击完成。 2、A《骆驼祥子》: (1)概述《骆驼祥子》的主要内容,600字(开篇须包括作者简介); (2)结合小说具体故事情节,分点分析祥子这一人物形象,先分点概括,后阐述,300字; (3)结合小说具体故事情节,分点分析虎妞这一人物形象,先分点概括,后阐述,300字; (4)摘录100句精彩语句。 B《海底两万里》: (1)概述《海底两万里》的主要内容,600字(开篇须包括作者简介、作品情况、题材); (2)结合具体故事情节,分点分析尼摩船长这一人物形象,先分点概括,后阐述,300字; (3)摘录20句精彩语句。 3、古诗词背诵可以让你增加内涵,灵魂苏醒,更具魅力。背诵默写七年级下册古诗词、预习文言文。 七年级下册古诗:《竹里馆》《春夜洛城闻笛》《逢入京使》《晚春》《梅岭三章》《登幽州台歌》《望岳》《登飞来峰》《游山西村》《己亥杂诗》(其五)《泊秦淮》《贾生》《过松源晨炊漆公店》《约客》【以《古诗文全解》为准】 温馨提示:开学上交默写本(单独一个本子,作为下学期的家默本);错误之处红笔修改;默写全对为止。 二、写作、社会实践(自己编一本书) 要求: 1.一律用 A4纸制作,并装订成册。给自己的书起一个有个性的书名,设计好不同的栏目和一个美观的封面。(可参照《读者》、《青年文摘》) 2. 书的内容包含假期必写的六篇作文 (1)、成长就是一次旅行。旅程中有父母的陪伴、老师的指引,有朋友的鼓励、陌生人的关爱,有大自然美好的风光,也有沁人心脾的书香...... 请以“温暖的旅程”为题目,写一篇文章。 (2)、在暗夜里,你会感谢那个为你提灯照亮的人。在人生路上,也有那样的“提灯人”,为你拨开迷雾,让你找寻到人生的方向…… 请以“感谢那个为我提灯的人”为题,写一篇文章。 (3)、未来的精彩永远生长在不断努力的枝干上。前方,究竟是贫瘠的荒漠,还是葱郁的原野,取决于每一阶段的努力。有的人下定决心,不在吃苦的年纪选择安逸;有的人做好打算,在书香中找寻更好的自己……不想在未来留下遗憾,就必须不断刷新自我。 请以“刷新自我”为题目作文。 (4)、以《特别的经历》为题,记寒假里一次特别的经历。 (5)、请以“你是我最_________的人”为题写一篇文章。 请你从“贴心”、“感激”、“牵挂”、“欣赏”四个词语中选择一个,把题目补充完整。 (6)、阅读下面材料,根据要求作文。 “无可奈何花落去”是诗人读懂人生的感慨,“读你千遍也不厌倦”是歌手读懂真情的呼唤,“先忧后乐”是文人读懂时代的担当,万有引力是科学家读懂苹果落地的思考……一诗一文,一草一木,一人一事,都需要用慧眼去阅读,用心灵去感悟。 请以“读懂”为话题,写一篇文章。 3.整理自己上初中以来的所有作文(包括周记、作文等)和读书笔记编入书中,拟个有特点的名字哦! 4. 将你假期里的读后感和阅读的精彩词句语段编入你的书中,并给你的读后感和摘录取一个个性的名字! 5. 本书要求有自己写作的序言和后记,序言可以写本学期学习语文的感受,后记可以写假期的感受或编完这本书后的感受。字数在300-500字不等。 6.可将你的照片、漫画或你的摄影作品编入书中,让自己的书看起来尽量显得充实和美观。

unit2 keys

第二单元复习题答案 Part 1 Skimming and Scanning (Multiple Choice + Blank Filling) (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) (In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.) 每小题: 1 分; 满分:8 分) 每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分)

分; 满分:10 分) 满分:10 分) Part 6 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze) (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分)

(每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) Part 8 Cloze (with four choices provided) (每小题: 1 分; 满分:20 分)

Transcript Short conversations 11. W: How is it that Bill could've gained so much muscle in a single year? M: Well, it's hard to say—but I suspect it was more than just exercise that helped him. I figure he's taking drugs. Q: What does the man suspect? 12. W: How has your life changed since you started exercising every day after work? M: Too many ways to count! But the biggest surprise was how others look at me. People respect me more now that I'm healthy. Q: What was the biggest surprise for the man?13. 13. W: I'd eat better and exercise more, but these things are too expensive for me. M: That's just an excuse! Healthy living doesn't need to cost much at all. You could run outside and eat more vegetables. Q: What does the man think?

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