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1.W h e n c u l t u r e s d i f f e r,c o m m u n i c a t i o n p r a c t i c e s m a y a l s o d i f f e r.(T)

2.C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d c u l t u r e a r e i n s e p a r a b l e.A C h i n e s e b o y w h o i s

a s k e d t o s a y g o o d

b y e w h e n h e t a k e s h i s l e a v e i s l e a r n i n g

c u l t u r e.(T)

3.F r o m t h e i n s t a n t a c h i l d i s b o r n,c u l t u r e t e a c h e s i t h o w t o b e h a v e i n a m a n n e r t h a t i s a c c e p t a b l e t o a d u l t s a n d t h a t g a r n e r s t h e m r e w a r d s.(T)

4.W h e n w e r e f e r t o c u l t u r e,w e a r e a p p l y i n g t h e t e r m t o t h e d o m i n a n t

c u l t u r e a n

d s u b c u l t u r

e s a s w e l l.(F)

5.W h a t a r e t h e t h r e e w a y s o f e n c u l t u r a t i o n?(I n t e r a c t i o n,i m i t a t i o n,

o b s e r v a t i o n)

6.H u m a n b e i n g s a r e b o r n w i t h c u l t u r e l i k e o t h e r b a s i c n e e d s,s u c h a s

e a t i n g,d r i n k i n g,u r i n a t i n g,a n d s o o n.(F)

7.G i v e a n e x a m p l e a b o u t h o w p e o p l e l e a r n t h e i r o w n c u l t u r e.(o p e n)

8.T h e f a m o u s s t o r y C i n d e r e l l a e m p h a s i z e s t h e s a m e v a l u e i n d i f f e r e n t

c u l t u r e s.(F)

9.A m e r i c a n s t e l l e a c h g e n e r a t i o n a l w a y s t o l o o k f o r w a r d,w h i l e w e

C h i n e s e h a v e t h e s a y i n g“F o r g e t t i n g t h e p a s t m e a n s b e t r a y a l”.(T)

10.W e l e a r n f r o m c u m u l a t i v e s h a r e d e x p e r i e n c e t h r o u g h l a n g u a g e---b e i t v e r b a l,n o n v e r b a l,o r i c o n i c.(T)

11.C u l t u r e i s s t a t i c,c o n s t a n t a n d n e v e r c h a n g i n g.(F)

12.C u l t u r e i s b a s e d o n s y m b o l s w h i c h a r e l e a r n e d a n d p a s s e d o n t h r o u g h

g e n e r a t i o n t o g e n e r a t i o n.(T)

13.W e f i n d w h i t e-c o l l a r w o r k e r s i s o l a t e d f r o m b l u e-c o l l a r o n e s,A f r i c a n

A m e r i c a n s l i v i n g a p a r t f r o m w h i t e s,w h i c h s h o w s

a)C u l t u r e i s c h a n g i n g.b)C u l t u r e i s l e a r n e d.c).c u l t u r e i s

e t h n o c e n t r i c.d)C u l t u r e i s i n t e g r a t e d.

14.W h a t i s a c c u l t u r a t i o n?(O p e n)

15.E x p l a i n t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t r a d i t i o n a n d i n n o v a t i o n.(o p e n)

16.M o r e a n d m o r e C h i n e s e,e s p e c i a l l y t h e y o u n g,r e s p o n d t o a

c o mp l i m e n t b y s a y i n g“T h a n k y o u”, a n

d g r

e e t p e o p l e w i t h j u s t“H e l l o”

i n s t e a d o f“H a v e y o u h a d y o u r m e a l?”.T h i s i s d i f f u s i o n.(T)

17.G i v e a n e x a mp l e t o s h o w c u l t u r e i s b a s e d o n s y m b o l s.

重点Difficult point: Process o f c o mmu n i c a ti on; S te re o ty pe; C u l tu re

s h o ck;A me r ic a n s’i n d iv i du a lis m;Ch i n e s e f a ce c on ce pt...

Basics of Communication

Communication occurs if:

1. There are at least two or more people;

a. human communication

b. animal communication

c. human-animal communication

d. human-machine communication

e. machine-to-machine communication

2. There must be some contact between communicators;

two-way contact---direct communication

one-way contact---indirect communication

3. There must be a language shared by communicators;

a. human language verbal nonverbal non-word sound body language

b. artificial language special purpose machine---computer

4. An exchange of information has taken place.

Components of Communication


The source is a person with an idea he or she desires to communicate. Encoding

Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol. (Our communication is in the form of a symbol representing the idea we desire to communicate. )


Message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the resulting object.


The term channel refers to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted. We also use the word “media”. The channel or medium may be print, electronic, or the light and sound waves of face-to-face communication.


The receiver is a person who attends to the message. Receivers may be intentional; that is, they may be the people the source desired to communicate with, or they may be any person who comes upon and attends to the message.


Decoding is the opposite process of encoding and just as much an active process. The receiver is actively involved in the communication process by assigning meaning to the symbols received.


Receiver response refers to anything the receiver does after having attended to and decoded the message. That response can range from doing nothing to taking some action or actions that may or not be the action desired by the source.


Feedback refers to that portion of the receiver response of which the source has knowledge and to which the source attends and assigns meaning.

A reader of this text may have many responses, but only when the reader responds to a survey or writes a letter to the author does feedback occurs. When a radio interview show host receives enthusiastic telephone calls and invites a guest back, feedback has occurred.


Noise refers to anything that distorts the message the source decodes.

External noise can be sights, sounds, and other stimuli that draw our attention away from the message. Having a radio on while reading is external noise.

Internal noise refers to our thoughts and feelings that can interfere with the message. For example, being tired or being hungry can distract you from paying complete attention to the message.

source →encode →message →channel →receiver →decode →response →feedback →context


All communication has seven components: a source who, using symbols, encodes an internal state to produce a message that travels by a channel to a receiver who decodes the message into a usable form and gives feedback to the source.

The uniqueness of men--- the superiority of men in the world of animals---lies not in his ability to perceive ideas, but to perceive that he perceives, and to transfer his perceptions to other’s minds through words.

---Albert Einstein

Defining Culture and Characteristics of Culture (I)

Questions (A)

When cultures differ, communication practices may also differ. (T or F) Communication and culture are inseparable. A Chinese boy who is asked to say goodbye when he takes his leave is learning culture. (T or F)

From the instant a child is born, culture teaches it how to behave in a manner that is acceptable to adults and that garners them rewards. (T or F)

Without having the guidelines of our culture to govern our actions, we would soon feel helpless. (T or F)

When we refer to culture, we are applying the term to the dominant culture and subcultures as well. (T or F)

What is enculturation?

What are the three ways of enculturation?

Human beings are born with culture like other basic needs, such as eating, drinking, urinating, and so on. (T or F)

Give an example about how people learn their own culture.

The famous story Cinderella emphasizes the same value in different cultures. (T or F) Questions (B)

Barriers to Cross-cultural Communication

Stereotypes Prejudice Ethnocentrism


1. what is stereotyping?

2. How do we acquire stereotypes?

3. How to reduce or eliminate stereotypes in cross-cultural communication?

4. of stereotyping, prejudice, ethnocentrism, which one can be the most serious cultural bias and the biggest obstacle in cross-cultural communication? Why?

What is stereotyping?

People often use labels or categories to describe others, these labels can be based on such characteristics as clothing, looks, the way a person talks, or the groups to which he or she belongs. People often make assumptions about groups of people they don't even know.

Stereotypes are general ideas of a person, created without taking the whole person into account. When we stereotype a group of people, we depict all of the individuals within that group as having the same characteristics even though they are probably all very different. Stereotyping is assuming that a person has certain qualities (good or bad) just because the person is a member of a specific group (Jandt, 2001). An example of a stereotype is the belief that one group of people is lazy or poor, or that another is smart or romantic. A stereotype is an oversimplified statement based on a single characteristic. They are often based on faulty information, they get in the way of knowing people as individuals, and they can lead to serious misunderstandings.

Stereotyping is gross simplification that prevents a more profound understanding of others as individuals and as members of social groups, and it prevents our dealing effectively with members of other societies. Stereotypes can have a negative effect when people use them to interpret

behavior. They are probably the most difficult stumbling block to overcome in cross-cultural communication.

Areas of stereotyping

Age: All teenagers love KFC, rock and roll, and have no respect for their elders.

Sex: All good-looking girls are simple-minded.

Sexual preference: Only men can be pilots.

Race: All women in Islamic countries wear clothing that cover up their arms and legs and hide their body shape.

All Indians wear nose-rings.

Education level: All those with little schooling do not know how to use computers.

Places: New York is a hotbed of all crimes.

Things: All luxurious cars are made in Germany. Sichuan food is very spicy.

How and where do we acquire stereotypes?

Young children learn to stereotype others by the comments or behavior of their parents, relatives, teachers or other adults in their lives.

We are acquiring a stereotype from limited data, i.e. stereotypes develop through limited personal contact.

Stereotypes have a strong presence in the media, in movies, TV programs, advertising, newspapers, books and magazines, and even in school textbooks.

People may learn stereotypes by believing someone else’s opinion when they have not had firsthand experience. Knowing less about people of different cultural backgrounds increases one’s chances of making stereotypes.

The damaging effect of stereotypes in cross-cultural communication: According to Fred, stereotypes are harmful because they impede communication in at least four ways:

They cause us to assume that a widely held belief is true when it may not be.

Stereotypes also impede communication when they cause us to assume that a widely held belief is true of any one individual.

The stereotype can become a “self-fulfilling prophecy” for t he person stereotyped.

When stereotypes lead us to interpret an individual’s behaviour from the perceptual screen of the stereotype they impede communication.

Fred E. Jandt (2001:73)

How to reduce or eliminate stereotypes in cross-cultural communication?

Although it is easy to fall into the habit of using stereotypes to prejudge people, there are ways to reduce stereotypes and combat prejudice. One way is to check our own thinking, to be careful of jumping to conclusions based on generalizations or others' opinions. Another way is to politely challenge stereotypes when we hear them by offering evidence that the stereotype is false.

Some other ways to reduce or eliminate stereotypes in cross-cultural communication:

Focus on every person as an individual.

Become more aware of how stereotypes interfere with our ability to perceive and interact with people from the target culture.

Remember that there are more differences within a group than between groups.

Recognize that we are all part of many groups, none of which can totally explain or define who we are.

What is prejudice?

Think about a situation when someone made a biased judgment about you or acted unfairly toward you because of your age, skin color, clothes you were wearing, gender, the way you speak, where you live, how much money your family has, or some other reason.

Discuss the negative effect of prejudice in cross-cultural communication. How do we acquire prejudice?

What are some of the ways prejudice is expressed?

(See Page 247)

Defining prejudice:

“Prejudice refers to an unfair, biased, or intolerant attitude towards another group of people.” (Plotnik & Mollenaucer)

The negative effect of prejudice:

Misunderstanding, misjudgment, contempt, hostility, …

Prejudice is expressed in a variety of ways:

Prejudice can be expressed through ant locution;

People act out prejudice when they avoid and /or withdraw from contact with the disliked group;

Discrimination is third expression of prejudice;

The next level of expression is physical attacks;

The last, and also the most alarming form of prejudice is extermination. Ethnocentrism

Do you think ethnocentrism is the major barrier to cross-cultural communication?

What is the negative effect of ethnocentrism on cross-cultural communication?

How does ethnocentrism impede cross-cultural communication?

(See Page 250-251)

Defining ethnocentrism:

the belief that one’s culture is primary to all explanations of reality

The negative impact of ethnocentrism on cross-cultural communication: (see page 250-251)

Americans tell each generation always to look forward, while we Chinese have the saying “Forgetting the past means betrayal”. (T or F)

We learn from cumulative shared experience through language---be it verbal, nonverbal, or iconic. (T or F)

Culture is static, constant and never changing. (T or F)

Culture is based on symbols which are learned and passed on through generation to generation. (T or F)

We find white-collar workers isolated from blue-collar ones, African Americans living apart from whites, which shows

●culture is changing. culture is learned. culture is ethnocentric. culture is integrated. What is acculturation?

Explain the relationship between tradition and innovation.

More and more Chinese, especially the young, respond to a compliment by saying “Thank you”, and greet people with just “Hello” instead of “Have you had your meal?”. This is diffusion. (T or F)

Give an example to show culture is based on symbols.

What is “culture shock”?

Questions (C)

1. Since culture is subject to change, everything ranging from what we eat, what we wear to values like people’s attitudes toward time, gender, age is always ready to change. (T or F)

2. The Australians would have an easier time adapting to American culture than the Chinese. ( T or F)

3. Give one example to show culture is integrated.

4. What is ethnocentrism? Give one example to show we learn ethnocentrism at the unconscious level.

5. What cultural changes have taken place because of the natural


The Concept of “Face” in Chinese-American Interaction

?Why do you think the vast majority of Chinese students are so reluctant to voluntarily participate in class or even during less formal activities such as English corners?

?(The fear of making a mistake in front of others is just too overwhelmingly prohibitive.)

?Lin Yutang considered the psychology of "face."

Interesting as the Chinese physiological face is, the psychological face makes a still more fascinating study. It is not a face that can be washed or shaved, but a face that can be "granted" and "lost" and "fought for" and "presented as a gift." Here we arrive at the most curious point of Chinese social psychology. Abstract and intangible, it is yet the most delicate standard by which Chinese social intercourse is regulated. (1935: 199-200)

Lin refers to liu mianzi留面子"grant face; give (someone) a chance to regain lost honor", shi mianzi失面子"lose face", zheng mianzi爭面子"fight for face; keeping up with the Joneses", and gei mianzi給面子"give face; show respect (for someone's feelings)."

The Chinese language has three common words meaning "face": mian, lian, yan.

?A general explanation of the concept of face

Contrasts between Chinese and American concepts of face

?Recognizing common face-saving behaviors of the Chinese

?Why should concern for face have such high importance for the Chinese?

?1. China over the centuries has been an extraordinarily stable society. The Chinese have had little opportunity to move away from the locality of our birth and have tended to spend our entire lives in the company of the same friends, neighbors, and relatives. When one is attached for life to a given group of people, maintaining harmonious relationships among all its members becomes of paramount importance. Consequently, face-saving behaviors take on great significance. We maintain harmony, avoid conflicts, and protect the integrity of the group.

?Life in North America has been mobile virtually from the earliest days of European colonization: colonial peoples did not hesitate to move on if life in a certain locality did not suit them. Thus, the composition of one’s community and friendship groups changed often during one’s lifetime, even relatives would be left behind when one decided to search elsewhere for a better life. Given the constant shifting of group memberships, attention increasingly focused on individuals instead of on groups or collectives. As a result, the maintenance of group integrity and harmony rarely attained the significance for Americans that it customarily did for the Chinese.

?2. Confucius emphasized that humans exist in interactive relationships with others and that most human relationships are unequal in nature. Confucius found no fault with inequality because, in his view, the obligations between senior and junior ran in both directions. The senior party was assumed to have prerogatives and authority of constrained in dealing with his or her junior by a morality of compassion and righteousness. The junior party, in turn, was bound to be respectful and obedient toward the senior party; but he or she also could confidently expect protection, loyalty, and mentorship from his or her senior.

?Although life in the United States certainly involves people in hierarchies, Americans typically make efforts to deemphasize the social distance implied in any

superior-subordinate relationship and thus to promote, at least superficially, an ethic of egalitarianism. In the main, they rely on their all-encompassing habit of informality to blur the distinctions of social status and authority, to pretend, as it were, that all people are fundamentally the same. In addition, high social mobility has consistently characterized life in the U.S. and is widely thought to be a good thing.

?If there is a qualitative difference between face in the two cultures, it may be related to the notion of integrity (wholeness, lack of internal contradictions). In the United States, individual integrity is uniquely important. In China, individual and group integrity are both important. In China, face can be lost as a result of understanding the long-established relationships that give a group its identity and its members a sense of security.





2006-2007年在Simon Fraser University, Canada进修,专业:English Language & Culture


《跨文化交际》 课程教学大纲 课程名称:英语教学论 课程类别: 考核类别: 适用专业: 总学时、学分:36学时2学分 一、课程教学目的 该课程旨在扩大学生的知识面,对西方文化 的不同层面有所了解,以提高学生的交际能力。在 传统的外语教学中,人们往往忽视文化的重要作 用,只注重语言能力的培养而未能顾及交际能力 的提高。近年来国内学者认识到外语教学必须引 进文化知识的对比,训练学生灵活运用语言知识, 更好地与外国人沟通,减少和避免误解。 二、课程教学要求 该课程教学要求学生提高对文化差异的敏感 性,更有效地与外国人进行交际,为英语专业课 程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高奠定基础。 专业必修课 考试 适用对象: 本科

三、先修课程 跨文化交际是英语专业的必修课,是在完成了精读、泛读、综合英语、写作等基本技能训练后开设的,旨在增强文化差异的敏感性,增强跨文化交际意识,有助于英语专业课程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高。因此,学生先期完成英语听说读写等技能训练基本课程,如《基础英语》、《英国文学选读》等课程。 四、课程教学重、难点 该课程教学重点在于培养学生对英语国家文化的

了解及跨文化交际意识,提高驾驭英语语言的能力,从而使其能得体地运用语言与操英语的外国人士进行交流。教师的讲授重点是帮助学生认识 中西文化的异同,分析文化差异的根源,帮助学 生深化对西方文化的理解。中西文化的差异在表 层上很容易识别,但对造成差异的原因却需追根溯源。东西方在历史,思维方式以及哲学等方面的差异则是造成中国学生对西方文化不解的主要原因,也是该课程的难点。 五、课程教学方法(或手段) 教学方法:以课堂讲授为主,适当组织课堂讨论,鼓励学生充分利用课外资源进行探索性、研究性学习。 六、课程教学内容 Unit 1 Communi cati on Across Cultures ( 4 学时)

跨文化交际试题 附答案

《跨文化交际》试题(附答案) Paper 1 Communication Analysis ? The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.? ? Question 1 Case 1: Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant. Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'll love it! Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.? ? Question 2 Case 2: Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory. Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong! Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job. Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure. Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music. Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is a scientific experiment. Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child’ s play, and I'm playing the game. Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather important experiment! Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.? ? Question 3 Case 3: This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at Leeds University in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year’s exchange.


英语知识 一、导论 20 世纪90 年代,语篇分析开始在翻译研究中占主导地位。语篇分析法侧重于描述语言意义交流及建立社会和权力关系的运作方式。翻译研究中, 最具影响力的语篇分析模式当数礼德的系统功能语篇分析。语篇分析模式引入翻译研究后,对翻译研究那种众说纷纭,莫衷一是的混乱局面无疑注入了一塘清水,尤其对中国翻译界挥之不去的语文学式的翻译研究产生了重要影响。西方翻译研究者把语篇分析引入翻译研究后,已经取得了重要进展,出版了几部重要作品,主要有:J uliane House 的《翻译质量评估模式:一种重访模式》( Translation QualityAssessment : A Model Revisited ) ,[ 1 ]Mona Baker 的《换言之: 翻译教程》( In Other Words : A CourseBook on Translation ) ,[ 2 ] Bell 的《翻译的理论与实践》( Translation and Translating ) ,[ 3 ] Basil Hatim和Ian Mason 合著的《语篇与译者》( Discourse andthe Translator ) [ 4 ] 和《作为交际者的译者》(The ranslator as Communicator ) ,[ 5 ] Basil的《跨文化交际—翻译理论与对比篇章语言学》(Communication across Cultures : Translation Theoryand Cont rastive ) 。[6 ] J uliane House 通过对原文和译文进行语域对比分析以确定译作评估模式,并分析了显性翻译(overt translation) 和隐形翻译(coverttranslation) 。显性翻译自称不是翻译,隐形翻译则被定义为在译语文化中享有和源语文本平等的地位。Baker 探讨了翻译中语言各层次尤其是语篇和语用层次上的对等。Basil Hatim 和Ian Mason 将符号层上的语篇融入其翻译研究模式,代表了更广泛意义上的话语观。在我国,将语篇分析模式引入翻译研究的应首推黄国文和美芳二教授。黄国文在《外语与外语


考试需知:考试前每一列学生把课本放在第一排。考试时间为2.5个小时,试卷1为闭卷考试,前面40分钟用于完成试卷1。待老师收上试卷1后,发下课本,学生做试卷2,试卷2 为开卷考试。可携带纸质词典进考场,不许携带电子词典及手机进考场。 Test Paper 1 Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.Generally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.Generally speaking, in terms of world views, the West adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopt s holistic view 3.Generally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius,

修订版《跨文化交际》 教学大纲

《跨文化交际》教学大纲 课程编号:1503G0303 课程类型:公共基础课 课程名称:跨文化交际英文名称:Intercultural Communication 学分:2 适用专业:各学院拓展课程学生 一、课程的性质、目的和任务 《跨文化交际》是徐州工程学院为非英语专业学生第三学期开设的一门大学英语拓展课程,是一门专业性、功能性和实践性很强的课程。本课程旨在满足学生进一步学习英语的需要,包括从如何与西方人打交道入手,以东西方文化差异产生碰撞的案例为轴线,简略地介绍跨文化交际的基本知识和西方文化的一些基本特征。 本课程的教学目是以东西方文化差异产生碰撞的案例为轴线,通过阅读与课堂讨论,使学生较为系统、全面地了解跨文化交际的主要内容,并对跨文化交际活动中的一些重要问题有相对深入的掌握和探讨,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,帮助学生培养跨文化意识,发展跨文化交际能力,进一步增强他们运用英语获取知识信息、表达意见观点、分析问题和解决问题的技能,最终对学生运用英语进行跨文化交际的能力和综合素质的全面提高有所贡献。 通过本课程的学习使学生能够认识语言、文化和交际三者之间的关系;学会如何更细腻地表达自己的观点;学会如何在讨论中有效地传达自己的思想;了解西方文化的一些基本特征及跨文化交际的基本概念;同时对西方文化有更进一步的了解,增加跨文化交际的有效性。 二、课程教学目标 课程教学目标体现为专业知识、专业技能和专业素质三方面的目标。 1.专业知识目标 1.1掌握文化,跨文化,交际以及跨文化交际等领域的核心术语以及一般学术词汇。 1.2理解有关文化的相关定义、功能;西方文化的一些基本特征;中西方文化的差异等; 1.3了解语言、文化和交际三者之间的关系。 2.专业技能目标 2.1运用国内外一些著名的跨文化交际理论,能够有效分析跨文化交际案例; 2.2运用所学的阅读技巧,能够看懂相关学术文章; 2.3运用所学的核心术语及学术词汇,能够有效参与相关研讨; 2.4运用所学的跨文化交际的技巧,能够更加准确细腻地表达自己的观点。


《跨文化交际》 课程教学大纲 课程名称:英语教学论 课程类别:专业必修课 考核类别:考试 适用对象:本科 适用专业:英语 总学时、学分:36学时2学分 一、课程教学目的 该课程旨在扩大学生的知识面,对西方文化的不同层面有所了解,以提高学生的交际能力。在传统的外语教学中, 人们往往忽视文化的重要作用, 只注重语言能力的培养而未能顾及交际能力的提高。近年来国内学者认识到外语教学必须引进文化知识的对比,训练学生灵活运用语言知识, 更好地与外国人沟通, 减少和避免误解。 1

二、课程教学要求 该课程教学要求学生提高对文化差异的敏感性, 更有效地与外国人进行交际,为英语专业课程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高奠定基础。 三、先修课程 跨文化交际是英语专业的必修课, 是在完成了精读、泛读、综合英语、写作等基本技能训练后开设的,旨在增强文化差异的敏感性,增强跨文化交际意识,有助于英语专业课程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高。因此,学生先期完成英语听说读写等技能训练基本课程,如《基础英语》、《英国文学选读》等课程。 四、课程教学重、难点 该课程教学重点在于培养学生对英语国家文化的 2

了解及跨文化交际意识, 提高驾驭英语语言的能力, 从而使其能得体地运用语言与操英语的外国人士进行交流。教师的讲授重点是帮助学生认识中西文化的异同,分析文化差异的根源, 帮助学生深化对西方文化的理解。中西文化的差异在表层上很容易识别,但对造成差异的原因却需追根溯源。东西方在历史,思维方式以及哲学等方面的差异则是造成中国学生对西方文化不解的主要原因,也是该课程的难点。 五、课程教学方法(或手段) 教学方法:以课堂讲授为主,适当组织课堂讨论,鼓励学生充分利用课外资源进行探索性、研究性学习。 六、课程教学内容 Unit 1 Communication Across Cultures(4学时) 3



Test Paper Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.G enerally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.G enerally speaking, in terms of world views, the We st adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopts holistic view 3.G enerally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius, Lao Tze, Mo Tze, and the great thinker in India is Siddhartha Gautama, the great figure in Palestine are Hebrew prophets, and the great thinkers in the West are Plato, Homer and Archimedes Ⅱ. Choose the best answer: 1.Non-verbal messages are classified into two comprehensive categories: those that are primarily produced by the body, such as_________,________,_______; and those that the individual combines with the setting, such as _______, _______, _______.D A.physical contact, eye contact, paralanguage; space, time, man B.facial expression, touch, taste; space, time, silence C.appearance, movement, gesture; surrounding, occasion, man D.movement, smell, paralanguage; space, time, silence 2.In Chinese writing, there are usually more adjectives, proverbs and allusions than in English writing. Some Western scholars name this style “flowery”, stating that its aim is to give a more fanciful impression than information, and the information is usually of beauty, fragrance, happiness, and any other “goodness”aspects so as to attract people. We may term this style as_______-oriented. Western writing is more direct with objective inform ation. To them, much-repeated words may mean less after a while. We may term the Western writing as ________-oriented.C A. adjective, objective B. Chinese, Western C. impression, information C. indirect, direct 3. As to the human nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.B A. basically good; basically bad B. evil but perfectible, basically good C. the mixture of good and evil; the mixture of good and evil; D. unknown 4. As to the Man-Nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.D A. subjugation to nature; harmony with nature B. harmony with nature; mastery over nature


《跨文化交际学》课程教学大纲 一、课程简介: 课程代码课程名称:跨文化交际学课程属性:公共必修课 学时:36 学分:2 课程内容: 《跨文化交际学》的主要内容是对中国文化和西方文化进行介绍并作对比研究, 授课内容主要涉及语言,文化和跨文化交际的话题。该课程有助于增强文化差异的敏感性,增强跨文化交际意识,有助于学生跨文化交际能力的提高。 二、课程教学大纲 《跨文化交际学》课程教学大纲 1、课程说明 该课程旨在扩大学生的知识面,对西方文化的不同层面有所了解,以提高学生的交际能力。在传统的教学中, 人们往往忽视文化的重要作用, 只注重语言能力的培养而未能顾及交际能力的提高。近年来国内学者认识到外语教学必须引进文化知识的对比,训练学生灵活运用语言知识, 更好地与外国人沟通, 减少和避免误解。该课程教学要求学生提高对文化差异的敏感性, 更有效地与外国人进行交际,为学生跨文化交际能力的提高奠定基础。 2、教学对象 全校本科学生 3、教学目的 该课程教学重点在于培养学生对英语国家文化的了解及跨文化交际意识, 提高驾驭英语语言的能力, 从而使其能得体地运用语言与操英语的外国人士进行交流。该课程授课形式以讲解为主,课堂讨论为辅。教师的讲授重点是帮助学生认识中西文化的异同,分析文化差异的根源, 帮助学生深化对西方文化的理解。中西文化的差异在表层上很容易识别,但对造成差异的原因却需追根溯源。东西方在历史,思维方式以及哲学等方面的差异则是造成中国学生对西方文化不解的主要原因,也是该课程的难点。 4、教学要求: 该课程要求学生全面掌握涉及跨文化交际中的问题,关于文化的定义和模式,基础理论,

比如集体主义与个体主义。该课程还讨论语言交际中的具体问题,比如介绍与问候,词语的使用,非言语交际,价值观念,对时间,空间的看法,对教育,工作的态度, 人际间的关系, 家庭观念,以及文化冲突,文化休克等问题。最后能考试合格。 5、教学基本内容及学时安排(总学时:36) 6、各章节教学要求及教学重点 第一章跨文化交际中的问题 本章主要教学内容: 举例说明中国人与英美人士交际中存在的误解或问题。 本章教学目的及要求: 要求学生认识到跨文化交际中文化意识的重要性。 本章教学重点及难点: 交际失败的深层原因不只是语言问题,而是价值观念,经济基础,道德观念等因素在起作用。


跨文化交际与翻译真题2015.6.5临床专业 一、案例分析(答题说明:每题10分,合计10.0分。) 1. Situation: Two Americans, Bill and Tony, are talking about Tony’s unhappy experience with his Chinese college. Bill: Hi, Tony. How’re you doing? Tony: Fine. Just got back from visiting the home of one of my Chinese colleagues. Bill: Oh, have a good time? Tony: Oh yes, very good. Mind you, I was bit hurt about the way they treated my present. You see, I know they like western music so I brought them back some of the latest tapes from the UK. Had them all wrapped up beautifully and gave them to them as soon as I got inside the door and what do you think happened? Bill: What? Tony: Nothing. Well, more or less, they said thank you but then just put them away in a corner. Didn’t even bother to unwrap them. I must say I felt a bit miffed after all the trouble I’d taken. 参考答案:答题点:Gift giving in the West 三、跨文化单选(答题说明:每题1分,合计15.0分。) C22. Cathy is talking to her friends Bill and Tod outside the cinema. Cathy: Well, what did you think of the film, then? Bill: Oh, I thought it was great. Didn’t you think so?


定义题 1. What is “intercultural communication”? P6 refer to communication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their communication event. There are three kinds of things you need to learn if you want to be able to communicate effectively with Westerners. First, you need to learn a foreign language, usually English. Second, you should learn as much as possible about Western cultures. However, studying English language and Western culture is not enough. You should also learn something about what happens when people from different cultures try to communicate with each other —in other words, "intercultural communication." 2.What is a culture? P13 A culture is essentially a group of people who carry many of the same ideas in their heads. Culture: can been seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people 3.What are stereotypes?P13 Stereotypes means very broad generalizations such as “British people are polite,”“Americans are friendly”, and so forth. It is a derogatory word. It means that image, idea, character that has become fixed or standardized in a conventional form without individuality and is therefore false and shallow. Stereotypes may have a basis in fact, but they are too broad and shallow, and they give us the mistaken idea that a people’s culture can be summed up easily in a few short , simple statements. Stereotypes are also dangerous because they may trick us into believing that knowing a few stereotypes is the same thing as understanding another culture. 4.What does “interpretation” means?P24 A very important aspect of intercultural communication is “interpretation”, t he process of deciding what foreigners’ words and actions mean and why they do what they do. For example, when Xiao Li tries to understand why the taxi driver asked for so much money, she is “interpreting” his behavior. 5.I n dividualist p32 Individualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and emphasize the needs of individuals. In general, Western culture tends to be individualist. They view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferences, needs, rights, and the contacts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to associating with others. 6.Collectivist P32 Collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals. Most Asian cultures, including China's, tend to be collectivist. People see themselves as parts of one or more collectives; are primarily motivated by the norms of, and duties imposed by, those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of


跨文化交际课程教学大纲 课程编码:03050262304 课程性质:专业必修课 课时:36 学分:2 开课学期:第6学期先修课程:英语国家概况,语言学,英美文学 适用专业:商务英语专业 课程简介:跨文化交际是商务英语专业高年级学生的一门必修课,本课程的教学目的,旨在培养商务英语专业学生在英语语言学习和应用过程中的跨文化意识,了解文化差异对交际活动的制约和影响,以有助于他们更好地在英语学习过程中发展跨文化交际能力,培养其对文化差异的敏感性,宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性,以适应日益广泛,深入的国际文化交流的需要。 一、课程教学目标 该课程属于商务英语专业必修课之一,通过该课程的学习,帮助学生了解不同文化的特点和交际类型,分析文化冲突产生的原因,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性,解决学生在跨文化交际中因文化的差异而产生的种种困惑,提高学生对跨文化交际及其相关问题的分析能力,逐步提高学生跨文化交际的实际能力。 二、课程重点、难点 该课程教学重点在于帮助学生认识中西文化的异同,分析文化差异的根源, 帮助学生深化对西方文化的理解,培养学生跨文化交际意识。难点在于理解东西方在历史,思维方式以及哲学等方面的所体现的差异性。 三、整体课时分配 章节序号章节名称理论学时实验学时 1 绪论 2 2 2 交际与文化 2 2 3 文化的影响 2 2 4 语言与文化 2 2 5 非言语交际 2 2 6 文化对商业语境的影响 2 2 7 文化对教育语境的影响 2 2 8 文化对保健语境的影响 2 2 9 培养跨文化交际意识 2 2 四、课程内容安排 (一)绪论 主要内容: 1.跨文化交际的概念、意义。 2.跨文化交际学的学科性质和发展历史。 教学要求:掌握跨文化交际的概念,了解跨文化交际的意义、历史、学科发展史。 (二)第一章交际与文化 主要内容: 1.交际的概念和特性。 2.文化的定义与特征。 3.文化与交际的关系。 教学要求:掌握文化与交际的概念,了解交际的特性、文化的特征,理解文化与交际之间的关系。


Intercultural communication paper I.Fill in the blanks to make the statements complete (25%) (共8小题,25个空格,每空1分) 1.There are roughly five types of communication: human communication, () communication, human-animal communication, human-machine communication and machine-to-machine communication. 2.Past-oriented people tend to believe tradition is important. Present-oriented cultures maintain that the moment is the most significant. If you tend to look to the future and make plans, you are future-oriented. Generally speaking, Chinese are accepted as past-oriented while ()are thought to be future-oriented. … II.Choose one correct answer from the four choices (共20个单选,每个1分,共20分) 6.Socrates together with __________ and Aristotle are thought to be the founder of Western philosophy. Their emphasis is on self instead of on nature. From Socrates’ time, there is division from nature and man. A. Descartes B. Hegal C. Plato D. Archimedes 7.The Chinese Three Character Classics orients human nature as ________. A. good but corruptible B. evil but perfectible C . mixture of good and evil D. evil and corruptible 11. The ______ meditation is the most abstract of all because it is the thinking of thinking. Thinking becomes the subject of its own investigation. A. Hindu B. Chinese C. Greek D. Japanese 12. The ________ tends to use their reason as a spectacle in which to see the world. Hence thinking is the means to understand the world. A. Hindu B. Chinese C. Greek D. Japanese 13. The _________ tend to distinguish mind from body, people from nature, and God from Man, while the Chinese are used to looking at the world as a whole unit. A. Westerners B. Hindus C. Arabs D. Indonesians 17. The ______ discourse style is characterized as laying emphasis on impression rather than on information while the _________ discourse style features laying emphasis on information rather than on impression. A. Western…Chinese B. English…Korean C. American…Japanese D. Chinese…Westerners’ 18. Westerners are direct in expressing ideas while the Chinese are indirect. So the deductive (topic first) pattern is prevalent in _____ and the inductive (topic delayed) pattern is more accepted by the Chinese and other Asians. A. the West B. China C. Korea D. Japan 19. The function of nonverbal signs is sometimes indispensible. For example, placing your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying “Please calm down so that I can speak” is a case of ________. A. complementing B. repeating C. contradicting D. substituting


跨文化交际考试重 点归纳 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a516408430.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

题型: part I, True or False,30% (提醒学生在答题时要正确的画A,错的画B)15x2 (除第八章) part II. Multiple Choices 20%, 20x1.(2,4,5细节) Part III. Cultural Puzzles 10% (与课后习题中的cultrual puzzles 类似,不过是四个选项,范围为课后习题中的cultural puzzles 和我们在每个单元划出的重点案例)5X2. Part IV. Term Matching 15%(名词解释,从备选的terms 中选择与其对应的definitions,要考到的terms 都已经发给大家) 15x1. Part V. Short-Answer Questions 15% (简答题,范围在我们划过的重点内) 5X3. Part VI. Case Study 10% (课外案例分析,阅读一个案例,回答三个小问题,题目不会超出课内讲解的内容)10 x1. 要补充的重点为p114, (E. Discover the meaning of some common gestures in English), p129, (B. What are the characteristics of feminine talk and masculine talk respectively) 另外让学生深入研究unit 5 和Unit 2,Unit 4(culturally-loaded words),以及每单元的重点案例,以及单元后面的练习A, B(划过的问答题),C (Euphemism Understanding), 以及E (cultural puzzles) Terms Unit 1 1. Economic globalization:经济全球化 the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. 2. Global village:地球村 All the different parts of the world form one community linked together by electronic communications, especially the Internet. 3. Melting pot:大熔炉a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities. 4. Cultural Diversity:文化多样性the mix of people from various backgrounds in the labor force with a full mix of cultures and sub-cultures to which members belong. 5. Intercultural communication:跨文化交际communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. 6. Culture:文化 a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people. 7. Enculturation:文化适应all the activities of learning one’s culture are called enculturation. 8. Acculturation:文化传入 the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures. 9. Ethnocentrism:民族优越感the belief that your own cultural background is superior.

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