当前位置:文档之家› 租房合同英文模板翻译



Lessor(hereinafter referred to as Party A): Lixiang Cui

Lessee(hereinafter referred to as Party B): Yaqian Liu

Party A and B have, in respect of leasing the legitimate premises owned by Party A to Party B, reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract under the relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the relevant stipulations of the city.

Party A will lease to Party B the business premises which is located at No3 First Floor ,Tianchengyuan Area Successful Street Wuchang Town . After the negotiation of both parties, they have reached the following agreements:

1.The lease term is 2 year, it will be from 31th Jan 2016 to 31th Jan 2018 . Annual rent (RMB) __50,000____ yuan(after-tax).

2. The rent should be paid ___by 15th Jan 2016__ (it should be paid before using the premises ). If Party B doesn’t pay the rent within the stipulated period of time, then Party A will have the right to withdraw the premises.

3. If there is a big change of the market rent, the two parties can negotiate to adjust the rent.

4. In the case of such non-A causes as house removal conducted by the government and land or houses overall transfer conducted by Party A, Party B should move out of the premises in time.

5.Party B should pay Party A the bills for Water and Electricity on the basis of actual degrees present in water meter and electricity meter monthly.

6. Once Party B pays the rent in accordance with the terms of this agreements, Party A cannot affect the normal business activities of Party B in any shape or form. Meanwhile, Party B should do business in accordance with the law. Any Economic and legal responsibility caused by business activities has nothing to do with Party A.

7. The two parties should provide convenience for each other as far as possible based on the good friendly relations and mutual benefits.

8. During the lease term, Party B should keep interior and outdoor clean and neat, and make full preparation for fire prevention and prevention of burglary. (The expenses from "be responsible for general sanitation, green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building " should be payed by Party B.)

9.This contract is signed by the both parties after negotiation. It can’t be changed or terminated willfully unless there is an exceptional circumstance. If so, the party should inform the other a month in advance. Anything not covered in this contract will be discussed separately by both parties.

10.There are 2 originals of this contract. Each party will hold 1 original(s).This contract shall be in effect after it is subscribed.

Lessor(signature): Lixiang Cui Lessee(signature): Yaqian Liu

01/31/2016 31/01/2016


英文版租房合同范本 this agreement of lease is made on this 16th day of december XX by and between:- mrs. ghazala waheed w/o abdul waheed, adult, r/o house no.***-*, dha, lahore cantt, (hereinafter to as the lessor of the one part). and mr.* ***,r/o china, refereed to as the lessee of the other part.(expression “;lessor”; and “;lessee”; wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their respective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees). whereas the lessor is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of house no,***-*,dha, lahore cantt, consisting of 4 bedrooms with bath, d/d,tv; lounge, kitchen, store, servant, quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the demised premises). and whereas the lessor has agreed the lease and the lessee has agreed to take on lease the demised premises on the terms and condition as given below:- 1. this agreement in only valid if lessee is renewed and extended for the lease period. 2. the lessor lets lessee takes the demissed premises for a period of 12 months commencing from 15th january XX. the lease is renewable for a further period as may be mutually agreed in writing on expiry of the lease period 3. the rent of the demised premises shall be usd3,300/-(us dollars three


翻译服务合同英文(合同示范 文本) Contracts concluded in accordance with the law have legal effect and regulate the behavior of the parties to the contract ( 合同范本 ) 甲方:______________________ 乙方:______________________ 日期:_______年_____月_____日 编号:MZ-HT-013522

翻译服务合同英文(合同示范文本) 翻译服务合同英文模板一 Technical Cooperation Agreement 甲方:XX油脂化学有限公司 Party A: XX Grease Chemical Co. , Ltd. 地址: XX高新技术工业园 Address: XXHigh-tech Industrial Park 法定代表人:XXX Legal Representative: XXX 乙方: Party B: 地址: Address:

本协议合作双方就组建技术研发团队事项,经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿互惠互利的基础上,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,达成如下协议,并由合作各方共同恪守。 This Agreement, concerning the setting up of a technical research and development team, is made according to the Contract Law of PRC regulations and entered into through equal negotiation by both Parties as the free and full expression of their own wishes to mutual benefits, and to this end both Parties shall abide by this Agreement as following. 第一条、甲方同意雇用乙方为新产品研发技术顾问。乙方同意为甲方提供技术 顾问服务。 Article 1: Party A hereby agrees to employ party B as the technical consultant for the new product research and development. Party B hereby agrees to offer technical consultation service to Part A.


The obligee in the contract can accomplish the goal in a certain period by discussing the agreed rights and responsibilities. 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 时间:___________________ 正式购房合同(标准版)

编号:FS-DY-28593 正式购房合同(标准版) 出卖人(甲方): 买受人(乙方): 根据中华人民共和国有关法律、法规和本市有关规定,甲、乙双方遵循自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,经协商一致订立本合同,以资共同遵守。 第一条甲乙双方【未通过经纪机构居间介绍】【通过公司居间介绍(房地产执业经纪人:,经纪人执业证书号:】,由乙方受让甲方自有房屋及该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权(以下简称房地产),房地产具体状况如下: (一)甲方依法取得的房地产权证号为:, (二)房地产座落:(部位:)。房屋类型:;结构:; (三)房屋建筑面积:平方米,另有地下附属面积平方米。该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权【面积】【分摊面积】:平方米。

(四)房屋平面图和房地产四至范围(附件一); (五)该房屋占用范围内的土地所有权为【国有】【集体所有】;国有土地使用权以【出让】【划拨】【转让】方式获得。 (六)随房屋同时转让的设备(非房屋附属设备)及装饰情况见附件二。 (七)甲方转让房地产的相关关系(包括抵押、相邻、租赁等其他关系)见附件五。 甲方保证已如实陈述房地产权属状况、设备、装饰情况和相关关系,乙方对甲方上述转让的房地产具体状况充分了解,自愿买受该房地产。 第二条甲、乙双方经协商一致,同意上述房地产转让价款为(人民币)为元,(大写):元整。 乙方的付款方式和付款期限由甲、乙双方在付款协议(附件三)中约定明确。乙方交付房价款后,甲方应开具符合税务规定的收款凭证。 第三条甲方转让房地产时,土地使用权按下列第款办理。 (一)该房屋占用的国有土地使用权的使用年限从年月日起至年月日止。甲方将上述房地产转让给乙方后,出让合同


一、合同的内容包括哪些条款 (一)当事人的名称或者姓名和住所; (二)标的; (三)数量; (四)质量; (五)价款或者报酬; (六)履行期限、地点和方式; (七)违约责任; (八)解决争议的方法。当事人还可以参照各类合同的示范文本订立合同。 二、合同订立的程序是怎样的 合同的订立是合同双方动态行为和静态协议的统一,它既包括缔约各方在达成协议之前接触和洽谈的整个动态的过程,也包括双方达成合意、确定合同的主要条款或者合同的条款之后所形成的协议。前者如要约邀请、要约、反要约等等,包括先合同义务和缔约过失责任;后者如承诺、合同成立和合同条款等。合同订立,指的是两方以上当事人通过协商而于互相之间建立合同关系的行为。 订立合同,是一个经过充分协商达到双方当事人意思表示一致的过程,在这个过程中的各个步骤构成了合同订立的程序。根据《合同法》的规定和实践当中形成的习惯作法,订立合同的程序主要有: 1、市场调查和可行性研究。市场调查和可行性研究是当事人在签订合同前必不可少的准备工作。

2、资信审查。当你选择了准备与对方谈判签订合同时,需要对对方进行资信审查。资信审查包括资格审查和信用审查。 3、洽谈协商。当事人之间就合同条款的不同意见经过反复协商,讨价还价,最后达成一致意见的过程就是洽谈协商。 4、拟定合同文书。拟定合同文书是将双方协商一致的意见,用文字表述出来。 5、履行合同生效手续。在合同文书拟定后,双方当事人已完全认可的时候,就要办理合同订立的最后一道手续,即双方当事人签字或者盖章。首先由双方当事人的法定代表人或经办人在合同上签字。其次,按照我国的习惯,要加盖单位公章或者合同专用章,合同订立的程序才算完成。 有的合同,根据国家规定需经有关部门审查批准的,则必须在有关部门审批后,才能正式生效。 英文租房合同范本 英文租房合同范本一: mrs. ghazala waheed w/o abdul waheed, adult, r/o house no.***-*, dha, lahore cantt, (hereinafter to as the lessor of the one part). and


合同 编号:日期: 买受人: 出售人: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品: 1.货名,规格,数量 2.单价,总价 3.生产国和制造商 4.包装 用坚固的新木箱包装,适宜长途海运,并具备良好的防潮,防震,防锈,耐粗暴搬运能力,由于包装不当而引起的货物损坏或由于防护措施不善而引起货物锈蚀,卖方应赔偿由此而造成的全部损失费用。 5.唛头 卖方应在每件包装上,用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷件号、尺码、毛重、净重、“此端向上”、“小心轻放”、“切勿受潮” 等字样。 6.运日期 7.装运港 8.目的港

9.保险装运后由买方投保。 10.支付条件 ⑴信用证付款,买方在收到卖方根据合同第12条规定的提前装运的通知后,应于运输的15日到20日之前,按货物总金额的全部。通过_______(银行),设立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证。卖方凭本合同第11条规定的装运单据及开出的即期汇票提交给开证银行贷款,信用证的有效期至货物运装后15天为止。 ⑵托收付款,卖方应把合第11条所规定的由_______(银行)开具的装运单据转交买方。 ⑶根据合同第11条货款应在收据收到的7天前生效。 11.单据 ⑴卖方应将下列单据提交付款银行托收付款,若以信汇付款,下列单据应寄买方: (a)填写通知目的口岸对外贸易运输公司的空白抬头、空白背 书的全套已装船的清洁提单,注明“运费到付”,并通知货口岸___________公司。 (b)发票五份,注明合同号,唛头。(唛头在一份以上,发票 需独立出具)。 (c)五份发票需注明货物重量,编号和发票相应的日期。 (d)按照本合同第16条第一项规定,提交由制造厂签发的质 量和数量/重量证明书及检验报告各两份。


购房合同样本标准版 (合同编号:) 合同双方当事人: 出卖人:_________________________________________________________注册地址:_______________________________________________________营业执照注册号:_________________________________________________企业资质证书号:_________________________________________________法定代表人:____________________联系电话:_______________________邮政编码:_______________________________________________________委托代理人:____________________地址:__________________________邮政编码:____________________联系电话:________________________委托代理机构:__________________________________________________注册地址:______________________________________________________营业执照注册号:________________________________________________法定代表人:____________________联系电话:______________________邮政编码:______________________________________________________买受人:________________________________________________________【本人】【法定代表人】姓名:__________________国籍______________【身份证】【护照】【营业执照注册号】【】_______________________地址:__________________________________________________________邮政编码:______________________联系电话:______________________【委托代理人】【】姓名:____________________国籍:_____________地址:__________________________________________________________邮政编码:______________________电话:__________________________


英文房屋租赁合同样本(合同 范本) Contracts concluded in accordance with the law have legal effect and regulate the behavior of the parties to the contract ( 合同范本 ) 甲方:______________________ 乙方:______________________ 日期:_______年_____月_____日 编号:MZ-HT-005659

英文房屋租赁合同样本(合同范本) 出租方(甲方)lessor (hereinafter referred to as party a) :承租方(乙方)lessee (hereinafter referred to as party b) :根据国家有关法律、法规和有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。 in accordance with relevant chinese laws 、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,party a and party b have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract. 一、物业地址 location of the premises 甲方将其所有的位于上海市_____区______的房屋及其附属设 施在良好状态下出租给乙方_____使用。

合同范本 美国租房合同样本(中英文)

美国租房合同样本(中英文) .租赁物业Premlses 甲方同意将__________单位及其设备在良好状态下租给乙方,租赁面积统计约_____平方米. Party A hereby agrees to lease-in clean and tenantable condition to Party B,the size of the leased dremises being approximate-squire meters. 4.租赁期Tenancy 租赁期为___年,自_____年__月__日至_____年__月__日,租赁期第一年内双方不能停止合同,第二年双方如需退租,应提前二个月,以书面形式通知对方方能解约. The premises is hereby leased for a term of-years commenciny on-and expiring on-.Neither Party A nor Party B can terminate the contract in the first year of tenancy,in the secong year,shall any party wish to stop the contract.the intiate party shall give the other party two months prior written notice. 5.租金Rent

A.租金每月为_____元整 The monthly rent is_____ B.租金以_____为单位,租金应以现金或支票支付,当甲方或甲方委托人每月收到乙方租金后,当立即发回收据予乙方.租金必须于每月__号前支付. The rent is payable in-by cash or check.Party A(or As representative)shall issue a receipt to Party B upon receiving the rent.The rent must be paid before or on the-day of each month. 6.押金Deposit A.本合同签订后__天内,乙方应向甲方缴付__个月租金额做为押金,合计为__ Party B must pay to Party A-months rent as deposit for a total of-of-within-days upon the contract signed. B.在租赁期届满后,乙方付清该物业租赁期内的一切费用,并且将


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


篇一:购房合同翻译件英文模板 商品房买卖合同 合同编号:(contract number: xxxxxxxxxxxxx) 合同双方当事人:contractual parties: 出卖人:xxxxxxxxxxxx房地产开发有限公司 seller:xxxxxxxxxxxxxreal estate development co., ltd 注册地址:xx县xx街 registered address: xx,xx county 营业执照注册号:xxxxxxxx registration number of business license: xxxxxxxxx 企业资质证书号:x建房【xxxx】xxx号 enterprise qualification certificate: 【xxxx】 no.xxx 法定代表人:xxx legal representative:xxx 联系电话:xxxxxxxxx tel:xxxxxxxx 邮政编码:xxxxxxxxx postal code: xxxxxxx 受托代理人:邮编: 地址: authorized agent:postal code: 委托代理机构: address: 联系电话: tel:

authorized agency: 注册地址: registered address: 营业执照注册号: registration no. of business license: 法定代表人: 联系电话 legal representative: 邮政编码: postal code: 买受人:xxxxx tel: buyer:xxxxxxxxxx 本人/法定代表人姓名:xxxx personal/ legal representative name:xxxxxxxx 国籍:中国 nationality:china 身份证号码:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i.d.card:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 地址:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxaddress:xxxxxxxxxxxxx 邮证编码:xxxxxxxxx postal code:xxxxxxxxxx 联系电话:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tel: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 受托代理人姓名:地址: 国籍: authorized agent name: address: 邮政编码: nationality


DATE日期: Lessor (Hereafter referred to as "THE LESSOR") 出租人(以下简称甲方): ID Card No.身份证 (护照)号: TEL电话: Mail Add通讯地址.: Lessee: (Hereafter referred to as "THE LESSEE") 承租人(以下简称乙方): ID Card No.身份证 (护照)号: TEL电话: Mail Add通讯地址: This Lease has been mutual agreed and set up by THE LESSOR and THE LESSEE complying with The Lease or Rent Contract Law of the People’s Republic Of China and related regulations provided by the Tianjin government. 根据《中华人民共和国租赁合同法》甲乙双方在自愿、平等、互利的基础上,经协商一致,订立本合同。内容如下: 1:The property to be leased is described as出租物业: Location地点: Area面积: 2:Rental fees租金: 2.1:RMB________ per month.该房屋月租为人民币元; 大写:万仟佰拾元整。 2.2: Rental should be payable on ________ month base in advance. The first rental shall be paid before moving in and the following rental shall be received by within the ________ day of each succeeding month’s term. 租金每个月付一次。具体付款日期: 前支付,甲方收到为准。 2.3:Any delayed of the rental shall be charged 0.2% of the monthly rental day by day as a penalty. Delayed payment more than 7 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contract, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE, and THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach.


租房合同范本简单版|英文租房合同范本 英文租房合同范本一: mrs. ghazala waheed w/o abdul waheed, adult, r/o house no.***-*, dha, lahore cantt, (hereinafter to as the lessor of the one part). and mr.* ***,r/o china, refereed to as the lessee of the other part.(expression “lessor” and “lessee” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their respective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees). whereas the lessor is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of house no,***-*,dha, lahore cantt, consisting of 4 bedrooms with bath, d/d,tv; lounge, kitchen, store, servant, quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the demised premises). and whereas the lessor has agreed the lease and the lessee has agreed to take on lease the demised premises on the terms and condition as given below:-


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 合作协议(中英文翻译) 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________ 说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与 义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用 时请详细阅读内容。

Technical Cooperation Agreement 甲方:XX油脂化学有限公司 Party A: XX Grease Chemical Co. , Ltd. 地址:XX高新技术工业园 Address: XXHigh-tech Industrial Park 法定代表人:XXX Legal Representative: XXX 乙方: Party B: 地址: Address: 本协议合作双方就组建技术研发团队事项,经过平等协商,在真实、充分地 表达各自意愿互惠互利的基础上,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,达成如下协议,并由合作各方共同恪守。 This Agreement, concerning the setting up of a technical research and development team, is made according to the Contract Law of PRC regulations and entered into through equal negotiation by both Parties as the free and full expression of their own wishes to mutual benefits, and to this end both Parties shall abide by this Agreement as following. 第一条、甲方同意雇用乙方为新产品研发技术顾问。乙方同意为甲方提供技术顾问服务。 Article 1: Party A hereby agrees to employ party B as the technical consultant for the new product research and development. Party B hereby agrees to offer technical consultation service to Part A. 第二条、甲方同意每月支付乙方的研究费用,包括:薪资、办公费、检测费、差旅费以及其他相关费用。 Article 2: Party A hereby agrees to pay Party B for the research each month, including salaries, administrative expenses,detection cost, traveling expenses and other cost associated. 第三条、乙方有责任为甲方提供相关国内外技术及市场信息,并及时答复甲方技术上所遇到的问题。 Article 3 : Party B is responsible to provide relevant technical and market information home and abroad and is ready to answer any technical problem frequently asked by Party A. 第四条、乙方有义务向甲方提供有关个人简历和相关证明材料,甲方要尊重乙方个人隐私,有义务妥善保管相关材料。 Article 4: Party B shall has the obligation to provide Party A with any relevant personal resume and reference documents as necessary.Party A shall respect the personal privacy of Party B and has the obligation to properly keep those materials. 第五条、乙方同意所研发的产品所有知识产权归甲方所有,乙方不得将相关技术信息泄露给任何第三方,否则需要承担一切法律后果。


精 丸 ' 又 本由 述双 签订 I S y the -- arties. ( ) (hereinafter referre a) an 承租 ) tenant a 承租区域 remises H 匕、 a ere b y re owner o he o an facilities there in con diti on to party to as pa “ the uare meters 【】单元(以 甲方同意将房 简称“ 甲方为 建筑面积为 租给 乙方,‘ day of of china 乙方”) 四、租赁期 ease term 年月 20XX con structi on area is ease the premises anc , which are in clean and tenantal for use as office(s) only. )rese nts that it is the lega | I 71 ■ apartme nt , gua ng hua lu soho (here in after 希.^^^Hhich agrees that it will l H|r the 【 ■ premise ease agre sig ned in beiji ng followi ng 年 月 日至年 月

the term of this lease agreement shall be for a period of 【】year(s) commencing from 【】until 【】。 4.2 租期届满,甲方有权收回全部房屋,乙方应在租期届满日或之前,以甲方交付时状态或双方共同认可的状态将房屋完好交还甲方。 upon expiry of this lease ,party a has the right to take back the entire premises ,and party b shall return the premises on or prior to the date of expiry in the same condition as it is delivered or the other condition the parties agree to party b by party a . 4.3 租期届满,乙方如要求续租,应在本合同期限届满前两个月提出书面申请,取得甲方同意后,甲、乙双方须另行签署租赁协议。 if party b wishes to renew the lease ,party b shall submit a written application to party a two months prior to the expiry of this lease ,and a lease agreement shall be concluded between the parties separately subject to party a ‘ s consent. 五、免租期(含装修期) grace period (including the decoration period ) 免租期为【】天,自年月日起至年月日止。乙方在免租期内免付租金。 the grace period shall be for a period of 【】days,commencing from 【】until 【. 】during the grace period party b need not pay the rent. 六、租金和其它费用: rent and other charges : 6.1 租金:房屋租金以每月每平方米(建筑面积)【】元人民币计算,建筑面积为【】平方米,计每月租金为【】元人民币,租金包含物业管理费、供暖费,甲方按合同金额开具税务发票,相关税费由【】方承担。 the rent is rmb 【】per square meter(construction area) per month. the area of the premises is 【】square meter


销售合同英文翻译(3) 来源:翻译界浏览次数:1255 添加时间:2008-5-3 20.2 Binding Effect 20.2 合同约束力的范围 This Contract is made for the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective lawful successors and assignees and is legally binding on them. 本合同对本合同双方以及该方合法的继受者和受让人有法律约束力。 20.3 Amendment 20.3 修改 This Contract shall not be changed verbally, but only by a written instrument signed by the Parties. 本合同不得以口头方式修改,而须经双方签署书面文件后方可修改。 20.4 Mutual Agreement of the Parties 20.4 双方协商一致的结果 THE PARTIES DECLARE THAT THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT REFLECT THE RESULTS OF THEIR COMMERCIAL NEGOTIATIONS CONDUCTED IN GOOD FAITH AND THAT NONE OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF CONSTITUTES THE STANDARD TERMS OF EITHER PARTY. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS REVIEWED AND UNDERSTANDS THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT AND HAS RECEIVED SATISFACTORY EXPLANATIONS AS TO ANY ISSUE RAISED BY IT IN RESPECT THEREOF. 本合同双方确认本合同的条款体现双方本着诚信原则谈判的结果,本合同的条款不构成任一方的标准条款。买卖双方确认其已经审阅并理解本合同的条款且已经就条款相关的任何疑问得到满意的解释。 20.5 No Publicity 20.5 合同内容保密 The existence of this Contract, as well as its contents, shall be deemed to fall within the scope of Confidential Information and subject to Article 16, and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part to any person or entity, except (i) to Permitted Disclosure Parties, (ii) to authorized securities regulators or exchanges in accordance with Applicable Laws or the relevant rules of the securities exchange to which the Party in question is subject, (iii) to officials in relevant government departments pursuant to the requirements of Applicable Laws (iv) in order to fulfil any conditions precedent to the effectiveness of this Contract, (v) for the purpose of the performance by a Party of its obligations or exercise of its rights hereunder or relating hereto[, or (vi) to financial institutions for the purpose of arranging debt financing for either Party]. 本合同的存在及其内容应被认为属于保密信息,须遵照16 条进行保密,不得向任何人或实体予以全部或部分披露,但向以下各方的披露的除外:(i) 向允许披露方披露;(ii)依据有关法律或该方为规制对象的证券交易所的规则,得到授权的证券市场监管机构或交易所;(iii)依据有关法律向有关政府机构的官员披露;(iv)为了满足本合同的生效条件;(v)一方为履行其于本合同项下或与本合同相关的义务或行使其于本合同项下或与本合同相关的权利[;或者(vi)金融机构(为各方安排债务融资的目的)]。 20.6 No Solicitation 20.6 禁止招揽另一方雇员 Neither Party shall, during the Term or within one (1) year after the Expiration Date, directly solicit for employment the other Party's personnel who are engaged in the performance of this Contract without the prior written consent of the other Party. 在本合同有效期内以及合同期满日后一(1)年内,任何一方均不得直接向另一方参与本合同执行的雇员发出招聘要约,经另一方书面同意的除外。 20.7 Notices 20.7 通知 (a) Any notice or written communication provided for in this Contract by either Party to the

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