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Unit 4 Food and Restaurants(2)(Lesson 24)每课一练(冀教版七年级上册)(扫描版)


全新版大学英语综合教程4(第二版)习题答案 Unit 1 Vocabulary I. 1. 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) declarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future 2) has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike 3) will/should never get in the way of her career 4) caught the foreign minister off guard 5) of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date/obsolete 4. 1) Being faced with … the occupation of … regions 2) crucial to … efficient … to reckon with … weaken … be brought to a halt 3) a heroic …the decisive …turned the tide …siege …by launching II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3) I spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather. III. Usage 1) fall ill 2) lay dead at home for two weeks 3) dropped dead from a heart attack 4) fell asleep.


Unit 1 Warming up: 1. 1.1 imports 1.2 scent 1.3 detect 1.4 sniff 1.5 detector dogs 2 f e d c b a watching part1 1 morning run,different,something different,international airports,illegal imports,passengers 2 mixed odors An apple,amango Carry-ons,bags Suitcases Learn to sit Work,comes out Part2 1 F f f t t 2 Supposed Far ahead Children The public Food drive 3 Things don’t always go so smoothly for Stockton though. You’ve got to work with me.I’m your partner,remember? So what does it take to be a “detector dog”? They’ve got to have real food drive because they work for food. Even after they eat a dinner,they’re still ready to eat some more. Part3 1 animal shelters given green jacket,detector dogs adopted 2.1 work out Stay with us Suits Applicants A good fit


九年级物理:《电功和电热》单元测试卷 一、选择题 1.下列数据中,符合实际情况的是() A.人体感到舒适的温度约为42℃ B.八年级物理课本的宽度约为18mm C.教室里日光灯的额定功率约为40W D.做一遍中学生眼保健操的时间约需5s 2.清华大学的虞昊教授致力于第三代照明技术﹣﹣LED灯的普及工作.LED灯的能耗小,造价低廉,使用寿命长.虞昊自制的LED台灯,用电压为6伏的电源供电,正常工作电流为300毫安.那么,此LED台灯正常工作时的功率为() A.1.8瓦B.18瓦C.180瓦D.1800W 3.将两只额定电压相同的小灯泡L1、L2串联在如图所示的电路中,闭合开关后,发现灯L1较亮,灯L2较暗,其原因可能是() A.灯L1额定功率较大B.灯L2两端电压较大 C.灯L1的电阻较大D.通过灯L1的电流较大 4.甲、乙两只普通照明灯泡的铭牌如图所示,下列说法中正确的是() A.两灯均正常发光时,乙灯消耗的电能较多 B.两灯均正常发光时,甲灯的电阻小于乙灯的电阻 C.两灯串联在220伏的电路中,甲灯比乙灯亮 D.将乙灯接入110伏电路中,它的实际功率为50瓦

5.电熨斗通电一段时间后变得很烫,而连接电熨斗的导线却不怎么热,其原因是()A.导线的绝缘皮隔热 B.导线散热比电熨斗快 C.通过导线的电流小于通过电熨斗的电流 D.导线的电阻远小于电熨斗电热丝的电阻 6.如图所示是电阻甲和乙的I﹣U图象,下列说法中正确的是() A.电阻甲和乙都是阻值不变的电阻 B.当乙两端电压为2V时,R乙=5Ω C.甲、乙串联在电路中,当电路电流为0.2A时,电源电压为2V D.甲、乙并联在电路中,当电源电压为2V时,电路总功率为1.2W 7.某实验小组在做“探究串联电路的电压规律”实验时,连好了如图所示的电路,闭合开关S 后发现L2正常发光,L1只能微弱发光.对这一现象产生的原因分析中,合理的是() A.灯L1发生断路 B.灯L1发生短路 C.由于灯L1的电阻较大,实际功率较小 D.由于灯L1的电阻较小,实际功率较小 8.如图一盏电灯接在家庭电路中,当开关S闭合时,电灯不亮,用测电笔分别接触A、B、C、D时,测电笔的氖管都发光,则电路中的故障原因是()


全新版大学英语视听阅读(第一册)答案 Unit 1 Warming up: 1. 1.1 imports 1.2 scent 1.3 detect 1.4 sniff 1.5 detector dogs 2 f e d c b a Watching part1 1 morning run,different,something different,international airports,illegal imports,passengers 2 mixed odors An apple,a mango Carry-ons,bags Suitcases Learn to sit Work,comes out Part2 1 F f f t t 2 Supposed Far ahead Children The public Food drive 3 Things don’t always go so smoothly for Stockton though. You’ve got to work with me.I’m your partner,remember? So what does it take to be a “detector dog”? They’ve got to have real food drive because they work for food. Even after they eat a dinner,they’re still ready to eat some more. Part3 1 animal shelters given


Unit Two Man and Technology Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ■ Working with Words and Expressions 1. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ■ Answers: productivity phenomenon isolation gradual opponent advent genetic universal extreme ))))))))) 123456789 10) nasty 11) boom 12) formal 13) survey 14) Similarly 15) modify 16) rough 2. In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ■ Answers: at the same time are stuck with for certain make no difference on average when it comes to are better off built into come to mind ))))))))) 123456789 10) close to 11) in favor of ■ Increasing Your Word Power 1. You will read six pairs of words which are similar in meaning but are different in usage. Reflect on the

第十五章《电功和电热》单元测试(苏科版初三下) (5)

第十五章《电功和电热》单元测试(苏科版初三下) (5) 一.选择题 1.甲、乙两盏电灯并联在电路中,都能正常工作,且甲灯比乙灯亮,那么 ( ) A .甲灯电阻比乙灯大 B .加在甲灯两端的电压比乙灯大 C .通过甲灯的电流比乙灯的大 D .甲灯消耗的电能一定比乙灯多 2.小明用电能表测量某家用电器的电功率,当只有该用电器工作时,测得15min 内标有〝6000imp/KWh 〞的电子式电能表指示灯闪耀了1800次,这用电器可能是 ( ) A .空调器 B .白炽灯 C .电视机 D .电冰箱 3.两灯泡,L 1标有〝6V 3W 〞的字样,L 2没有标记,但测得它的电阻为4Ω,把它们串联后接在某一电路中时,灯L 1、L 2均能正常发光,那个电路两端的电压和L 2的额定电功率分不是 ( ) A .6V 5W B .8V 1W C .2V 3W D .6V 1W 4.某校集体宿舍的熔丝是按规格安装的,但经常烧断,从而造成断路,发生这种现象的缘故可能是 ( ) A .某房间的电路发生了断路 B .有一盏灯的灯丝断了 C .有的宿舍经常使用大功率的电炉 D .某盏灯的开关被短路了 5.如下图,电源电压不变,当在a.b 间接入〝6V 6W 〞的灯泡时,闭合开关,灯L 恰好正常发光。断开开关,在a 、b 间接入〝6V 4W 〞的灯泡后,再闭合开关,以下讲法中错误的选项是 ( ) A .灯L 将变亮 B .灯L 将变暗 C .换接的灯可能烧坏 D .电路总功率要变小 6.两盏〝220V 100W 〞的电灯串联在220V 的电路中,两盏灯的总功率为 ( ) A .200W B .100W C .50W D .25W 7.用规格为〝220V 1200W 〞的无绳电水壶在正常工作时烧水,将质量为1Kg 、温度为18℃ 的水,通过一段时刻加热把水烧开,(在一标准大气压),水的比热为4.2×103J/Kg.c ,不考 虑电水壶的散热,由上述条件,可求得的物理量是 ( ) ①通过电水壶的电流;②电水壶电热丝的电阻;③加热的时刻;④电流做的功。 A .①② B .①②③ C .②③④ D .①②③④ 8.某学生想通过如下图的电路图来进行以下四个实 验(电源电压保持不变,R 1为定值电阻,你认为不可行的实验是 〔 〕 A .验证欧姆定律 B .验证焦耳定律 C .测定电阻R 1消耗的功率 D .验证电路两端总电压等于各部分电阻两端电压之和 9.一台电动机正常工作时线圈两端电压为380V ,线圈电阻为2Ω,线圈中电流为10A ,这台电动机正常工作1S 消耗的电能为W 和产生的热量为Q 分不为 ( ) A .3800J 、200J B .3800J 、3800J C .72200J 、200J D .72200J 、3800J 10.某同学做电学实验时,电路如以下图示。他所用电流表的量程为0~0.6A ,电压表的量程为0~3V ,电源电压为6V 保持不变,滑动变阻器的最大阻值为50Ω,定值电阻 R 0为10 S a b R 0 A V R P S R 1 A V 1 R 2 P S V 2 V L


BOOK3-UNIT1 WARMING UP I 1.barbed 2.abdomen 3.burrow 4.fang 5.silk 6.span II C D G A B F E PART 1 I D C A II 1.leading 2.inaccessible 3.explaining 4.are often biased PART 2 I T F T T F II 1.locations, dare to step https://www.doczj.com/doc/a15809556.html,pelling 3.break through, tripping over 4.cut and scrape 5.impressive, pain and irritation PART 3 I West finally finds… The Goliath tarantula detects…For most people… II 1.difficult→ wonderful 2.hand→ back 3.front→ rear 4.alarmed→unsuspecting 5.careless→unfortunate

I H G E F D I B A C READING C A C D A C B 8. feels frightened/ any fear 9. perfectly/ extremely calm 10. confirmed human death BOOK3—UNIT 2 WARMING UP I 1.vulnerable 2.Eucalyptus 3.species 4.mammal II C E F D A B PART 1 I 1.symbol 2.nice, furry, cuddly 3.like toys 4.recognized internationally, beloved II 1.how lovely the koalas are and why they are at risk 2.Tabart is the executive director for the Australian Koala Foundation and an expert on Koalas 3.The koala’s future is very bleak 4.It is cleared for housing, farms and roads PART 2 I 1.adeptly→ adequately 2.reminding→ remaining 3.conceptions→concessions 4.convict→convince 5.sport→spot II 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C


全新版大学英语综合教程4【第二版】习题答案 主编:荫华 外语教育 Unit 1 Part II Text A lexf Organization Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One Paras 1-2 Introduction — Both Napoleon's and Hitler's military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter. Part Two Paras 3-11 Napoleon's military campaign against Russia Part Three Paras 12-20 Hitler's military campaign against the Soviet Union Part Four Para 21 Conclusion—the elements of nature must be rekoned with in any military campaign. 2. Sections Paragraphs Main Ideas Section One Paras 12-13 Hitler's blitzkrieg against Russia and Stalin's scorched earth policy Section Two Paras 14-18 the battles fought at Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad Section Three Paras 19-20 the Russian counter-offensive and the outcome of the war Vocabulary I. 1. 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) declarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future. 2)Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike 3)Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career. 4) Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard. 5)The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date /obso lete.


第十五章电功和电热单元测试 一、选择题 1.最先确定电流产生的热量与哪些因素有关的物理学家是() A.欧姆B.牛顿C.伽利略D.焦耳 2. 计算电流通过电风扇产生的热量,下面公式选用正确的是() A. UIt B.U2t/R C.I2Rt D.前面三个都可以 3.一台“220V 60W”的电视机,一台“220V 60W”的电风扇,一只“220V 60W”的小电暖手炉,同时接在220V 的电压下,则相同时间内它们产生的热量() A.电风扇最多B.电视机最多 C.暖手炉最多D.一样多 4.李胜家厨房白炽灯的灯丝突然断了,他取下灯泡摇了摇,当灯丝又搭上去后重新接人电路,他发现灯泡更亮。他用学过的电学知识分析了原因,说法正确的是() A.灯泡的电阻变大了 B.通过灯泡的电流变小了 C.灯泡两端的电压变大了 D.灯泡的功率变大了 5.电能表是测量用电器消耗电能的仪表,小华想验证他家电能表表盘上标注的每千瓦时的转数是否准确,于是,他将标有“220V 3A”的用电器单独接入电路中,当该用电器正常工作5min后,电能表的转盘正好转了110r则该电能表每千瓦时的实际转数应是() A.2400r B.2000r C.1500r D.1200r 6.暑期,徐延同学家新装了一台3 kW的空调机,试用了一会儿,家中突然停电,检查发现熔丝断了.导致上述故障的原因可能是() A.插头和插座接触不良B.电路中用电器的总功率过大 C.空调机内部断路D.控制空调机的开关短路 7.如图所示分别是小明家上月初和月末的电能表的表盘,表盘上“1 600 imp/(kW·h)”表示每消耗1 kW·h的电能,指示灯闪烁1 600次,下列选项正确的是()

北师大版九年级全册物理 第十三章 电功和电功率 单元测试题

北师大九上物理第十三章电功和电功率 一、选择题 1.下列做法不符合安全用电的是() A. 在建楼房里安装漏电保护器 B. 组装家庭电路时将开关接在零线上 C. 洗衣机的金属外壳与地线相连 D. 使用测电笔时手指接触金属笔尾 2.如图所示的几种家用电器正常工作时,消耗的电功率接近25W的是() A. 电饼铛 B. 台灯 C. 电饭锅 D. 电暖器 3.如图所示的电路中,电源两端电压保持不变,R1为定值电阻。开关S闭合后,在滑动变阻器R2的滑片P 向右移动的过程中,下列说法正确的是() A. 电压表V1的示数变大 B. 电流表A的示数变大 C. 电压表V2的示数变大 D. 电路消耗的总功率变大 4.图中甲、乙两盏白炽灯,分别在额定电压下工作,下列说法正确的是() A. 甲灯更亮 B. 它们亮度相同 C. 乙灯更亮 D. 无法判断 5.下列关于安全用电的说法正确的是( ) A. 使用试电笔时,手指不能碰到笔尾金属体,以免发生触电事故 B. 当电路严重过载时,漏电保护器能自动切断电路

C. 应将开关和用电器串联,并且开关安装在零线和用电器之间 D. 应将冰箱的金属外壳接地 6.下列情景中符合安全用电要求的是() A. 电冰箱的金属外壳接地 B. 电视天线与电线接触 C. 绝缘皮破损 D. 电线上晾衣服 7.小华用如图所示的电路测小灯泡功率.电路中电源电压恒为4.5V,电压表的量程为O~3V,电流表的量程为0~0.6A,滑动变阻器的规格为“20Ω1A”,灯泡标有“2.5V 1.25W”字样.若闭合开关,两电表的示数均不超过所选量程,灯泡两端电压不允许超过额定值,不考虑灯丝电阻的变化,则下列说法正确的是() A. 电流表示数的变化范围是0~0.5A B. 滑动变阻器的电阻允许调节的范围是2.5~20Ω C. 灯泡的最小功率是0.162W D. 该电路的最大功率是2.7W 8.小星同学为实验室设计了一个多档位电加热器,其工作原理图如图所示.其中R1、R2、R3为发热电阻,三个灯泡为上述发热电阻相应的工作指示灯,其所消耗的电功率可忽略不计.小星设想通过开关的组合,使电加热器能有多档功率.当只S1闭合时,测得功率为200W;当只S2闭合时,测得功率为100W;小星设计此电热器最大发热功率为800W,则() A. 当只S3断开时,功率为500W B. 此电热器一共可有六档不同的功率 C. 三个发热电阻的阻值之比为5:10:2 D. 此电热器可能有一档的功率为400W 9.用电器是将电能转化为其他形式能的器件,在下列用电器中,利用电能转化为机械能的是() A. 电饭锅 B. 电灯泡 C. 电风扇 D. 电视机

综合教程4 Unit2课后练习答案

Unit Two Man and Technology Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ▆ Working with Words and Expressions 1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1)productivity 2)phenomenon 3)isolation 4)gradual 5)opponent 6)advent 7)genetic 8)universal 9)extreme 10)nasty 11)boom 12)formal 13)survey 14)Similarly 15)modify 16)rough

2. In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings Do you know how to use them in the proper context Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1)at the same time 2)are stuck with 3)for certain 4)make no difference 5)on average 6)when it comes to 7)are better off 8)built into 9)come to mind 10) close to 11)in favor of ▆ Increasing Your Word Power 1.You will read six pairs of words which are similar in meaning but are different in usage. Reflect on the differences in usage between the words in each group and fill in each blank with a proper one. Change the form if necessary. ▆ Answers: 1)exterior 2)external 3)delightful 4)pleasant 5)separate

第十五章 电功和电热 单元测试卷(B)

第十五章电功和电热单元测试卷(B) (满分:100分时间:60分钟) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共36分) 1.一个标有“220 V 40 W”的灯泡接入某电路,测得通过它的电流是0.15 A,则灯泡的实际功率( ) A.等于40 W B.等于33 W C.小于33 W D.上述都不对 2.关于家庭电路与安全用电,下列做法中正确的是( ) A.家庭电路中的地线可以不接地 B.发现家用电器或电线失火时,必须先切断电源,然后再救火 C.熔丝被烧断后,可用铜丝代替熔丝接入电路 D.发现有人触电后,应立即用手把触电人拉离电线 3.夏季是雷雨多发的季节,遇到雷雨天气时,以下做法中正确的是( ) A.避免使用电话和宽带网络B.躲在大树下避雨 C.冒雨在运动场上踢球D.撑着有金属杆的雨伞在户外行走 4.王老师的新家买了250 W的电视机一台,300 W的洗衣机一台,100 W的电冰箱一台, 2 200 W的柜式空调机一台,250 W的电脑一台,800 W的电饭锅一只,40 W的照明 灯8盏,请为王老师选择一种合适的电能表( ) A.220 V 5A B.220 V 15 A C.220 V 20 A D.220 V 30 A 5.电能表是测量用电器消耗电能的仪表,小华同学想验证他家里电能表表盘上标注的每千瓦时的转速是否准确,于是他将标有“220 V 3A”的用电器单独接入电路中,当该用电器正常工作5 min后,电能表的转盘正好转了110 r,则该电能表每千瓦时的实际转数应是( ) A.2 400 r B.2 000 r C.1500 r D.1200 r 6.小红的妈妈从市场上买了一只廉价台灯,装上“220 V 25 W”的灯泡后,将插头插入家庭电路的插座时,室内电灯立即全部熄灭.原因可能是( ) A.插头与插座接触不良B.灯泡的灯丝断了 C.台灯的灯座内短路D.台灯的插头内断路 7.如图所示,电工师傅常用的测电笔外壳是用不导电的绝缘材料制成 的,而测电笔的笔尖是用金属材料做成的,这是利用了金属材料的 ( ) A.耐高温性 B.导电性 C.硬度高 D.延展性

2020年苏科版九下物理《第十五章 电功和电热》单元测试题

2020年苏科版九下物理《第十五章电功和电热》单元测试题 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 1 . 图中的四幅用箭头标明通电导体在磁场中受力方向的图中,有一幅是错误的,则错误的是() A. B. C. D. 2 . 如题图所示的做法符合安全用电原则的是 A.B. C.D. 3 . 如图所示为探究“焦耳定律”的实验装置。两个透明容器中密封着等量的空气,U型管中液面高度的变化反映密闭空气温度的变化。将容器中的电阻丝R1、R2串联在电路中,且R1

B.闭合开关后,通过R1的电流大于R2的电流 C.闭合开关后,甲管中液面上升比乙慢 D.闭合开关后,要使电流增大,应将滑动变阻器滑片P向左移动 4 . 教室里面的节能灯、电风扇、班班通都工作时,下面说法错误的是 A.用电器开得越多,总电阻越大 B.用电器开得越多,总电功率越大 C.电风扇主要将电能转化为动能 D.它们之间是并联的 5 . 电饭锅是常用的家庭电器,下列与之相关的说法错误的是() A.组成材料既有导体又有绝缘体B.工作时,利用了电流的热效应 C.工作时,通过热传递使温度升高D.与其他家用电器是串联使用 6 . 下列用电器中,利用电流热效应工作的是() A.计算器B.电水壶C.收音机D.电冰箱 7 . 将规格都是“220V 180W”的一台电冰箱、一台电脑和一床电热毯,分别接入同一家庭电路中,若通电时间相同,则下列说法正确的是 A.电冰箱产生的热量最多B.电脑产生的热量最多 C.电热毯产生的热量最多D.三者产生的热量一样多 8 . 小明对新型LED灯带很好奇,取一段剖开后发现,灯带中的LED灯串联后通过电源适配器接入照明电路的,他取下其中一只LED灯接在一节电池两端没有亮,对调电池正负极后亮了,用手试摸,点亮的灯几乎不发热.以下推断符合上述实验事实的是


Key to Watch, Listen and Read (Unit 2) Warm up I. 1.fur 2. carnivore 3. blubber 4. Arctic 5. marine mammal II. 1.F 2.B 3.C 4.G 5.D 6.A 7.E Part 1 I. FTTTF II. (1)edge

(2)inhospitable (3)thrive (4)mammal (5)survival (6)frozen (7)adjustments (8)insulated (9)reserves III. 1. One animal actually thrives in these freezing, lonely surroundings. 2. These marine mammals spend most of their lives on frozen seas. 3. Polar bears don’t enjoy the luxury of an uninterrupted winter. 4. Unlike the high Arctic, there’s no permanent ice pack here. 5. When the Bay melts, the bears are forced to shore. Part 2. I. 1.When the weather starts to turn cold, large numbers of them gather around the coast. At this time, people can


Unit 1 key Watching Part 1 I. 1. C 2. C 3. D II. photographing cheetahs helping (save) cheetahs Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Botswana Chris Johns, photographer; Dave Hamman, guide trucks, cameras Part 2 I. A II. 1. in the brush, what they had been hoping for 2. loss of habitat 3. extinct, unspeakable 4. natural world 5. capable, gain 6. make a kill Part 3 I. ( C )→( A )→( F )→( B )→( E )→( D

) II. 1. week 2. fine 3. morning 4. reedbucks 5. prey III. 1. The challenge is to keep your concentration, to constantly look. 2. They scan everything from heavy bushes to open grasslands, hoping to catch sight of her. 3. Chris must wait to see if the mother cheetah will let him back into her trust. 4. The men must drive as quickly as possible in order to get the shot. 5. If another predator moved in on her, the mother could be ambushed. Part 4 I. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F II. 1. clicks 2. focuses 3. freezes 4. walks 5. smell


B. 滑片P 由a 滑向b 的过程中, C. 滑片P 由b 滑向a 的过程中, D. 滑片P 由b 滑向a 的过程中, 灯泡变亮,电路消耗的总功率变小 灯泡变亮,电路消耗的总功率变大 灯泡变亮,电路消耗的总功 率变小 6. 电工小组的同学们练习安装模拟家庭电路。接通电源之前,为检查电路中是否有短路现 象,老师将火线上的熔丝取下,把一个额上电压力220V 的灯泡作为检验灯泡连接在原先熔 丝的位宜,同时要求同学们将电路中所有开关都断开。在接通电源后,以下讲法中正确的选 项是() A. 假设检验灯泡正常发光,讲明电路中有短路现象 第十五章《电功和电热》单元测试(苏科版初三 下) (7) 提高测试卷 一、选择题〔每题3分,共21分〕 1.小明将额定电压相同的两只小灯泡L- L :串联在电路中,如下图。合上开关时,发觉灯 L 】亮而灯L :不亮:当他用一根导线并接在灯L,的两端时,发觉灯L :亮了而灯L,不亮。分析 显现上述现象的缘故是:( ) A. 灯Lo 短路 B. 灯L,断路 C. 灯L,的额定功率比灯L=的额立功率大得多 D. 灯L,的电阻比灯L :的电阻大得多 2.额左电圧相同的甲、乙两只白炽灯,串联后接入某电路,甲灯比乙灯亮,那么以下讲法 中正确的选项是:() A. 甲灯的额左功率和实际功率都比乙灯大 B. 甲灯的额定功率大,实际功率小 C. 甲灯的额泄功率和实际功率都比乙灯小 D. 甲灯的额定功率小,实际功率大 3.如下图的电路中,设电源电压不变,灯电阻不变。闭合开关 S,在变阻器滑片務动过程中,电流表的最小示数是0. 2A,电压 表的最大示数是4V,灯L 的最大电功率与最小电功率之比为 9 : 4。那么:() A. 电源电压是6V B. 灯的电阻值是40Q C. 电源电压是4V D.电路消耗的最大功率是2. 4W 4.如下图的电路中,不计温度对灯丝电阻的阻碍,电源电压 保持不变。当在ab 间接入"6V 6W /Z 的灯泡时,闭合开关,灯 L 恰能正常发光:断开开关,在ob 间换接入一个4W" 的灯泡后,再闭合开关,以下讲法错误的选项是() A. 灯L 将变亮 B. 灯L 将变暗 C. 换接的灯可能烧坏 D. 电路总功率要小 5.小宇同学设计了一盏可调亮度的简易台灯。如图为电路原理 图,英中L 为小灯泡,R 为滑动变阻器,E 为电压保持不变且低 于安全电压的电源,S 为开关。关于这盏台灯,以下讲法中正确 的选项是:( ) A.滑片P 由&滑向b 的过程中,灯泡变亮,电路消耗的总功率变大

2020-2021学年九年级物理下册第十五章电功和电热 单元测试题

第十五章电功和电热 一、选择题(每题2分,共24分) 1.下列选项中,利用电流的热效应工作的家用电器是( ) A.油烟机B.电热毯C.洗衣机D.电风扇 2.小明在中国科技馆看到“1度电的意义”展品后,绘制了1度电可供他家中的一些额定电压相同的用电器分别在额定功率下持续工作的时间图像,如图1所示.关于图中家用电器的比较,下列说法中正确的是( ) 图1 A.浴霸正常工作时的电流最小 B.节能灯正常工作时的电压最大 C.电风扇的额定功率比白炽灯的额定功率大 D.节能灯正常工作时的电流比白炽灯正常工作时的电流大 3.下列关于电功和电功率的说法中正确的是( ) A.电流越大,电流做功越多 B.电功率越大,电流做功越多 C.电流做功越快,电功率越大 D.电流做同样多的功,用的时间越长,电功率越大 4.家庭电路中,熔丝的主要作用是( ) A.可以节省电能B.防止电路中出现短路 C.限制用电器的电功率D.当电路中电流过大时自动切断电路 5.关于家庭电路和安全用电,下列说法中正确的是( ) A.空气开关跳闸,一定是电路发生了短路 B.控制电灯的开关应接在火线与电灯之间 C.使用测电笔时,必须用手直接接触金属笔尖 D.一般对人体而言,只要电压不高于220 V就是安全的 6.下列情况中不会使空气开关断开的是( )

A.用电器总功率过大B.短路 C.开关内两根线相碰D.电路中总电流过大 7.下列四个灯泡正常发光时,最亮的是( ) A.“220 V 25 W”B.“220 V 60 W” C.“100 V 60 W”D.“100 V 100 W” 8.将一个标有“6 V 9 W”字样的灯泡(灯丝电阻不变)接入某电路,测得灯泡两端的电压是2 V,那么这个灯泡的实际功率等于( ) A.9 W B.3 W C.6 W D.1 W 9.要使一个电热器在单位时间内放出的热量减少一半,应该( ) A.使通过电热器的电流减小一半 B.使加在电热器两端的电压减小一半 C.使电热器的电阻减小一半 D.使加在电热器两端的电压和它的电阻都减小一半 10.王老师的新家买了250 W的电视机一台,300 W的洗衣机一台,100 W的电冰箱一台,2200 W的柜式空调一台,250 W的电脑一台,800 W的电饭锅一个,40 W的照明灯8盏.请为王老师选择一种合适的电能表( ) A.“220 V 5 A”B.“220 V 15 A” C.“220 V 20 A”D.“220 V 30 A” 11.如图2所示是一个体重测试仪的工作原理图,有关它的说法中正确的是( ) 图2 A.体重测试仪所测体重越大,体重显示表的示数越小 B.体重测试仪电路由于缺少开关,始终处于通路状态 C.体重显示表是用电流表改装成的 D.体重测试仪所测体重越大,电路的总功率越小 12.如图3所示是电阻甲和乙的U-I图像,下列说法中正确的是( )


Unit 2 Reading comprehension 1-7 DBACDCC 8. very sensitive to red light 9. keeping away possible predators 10. at full speed Home Listening I. 1. Only recently 2. Some researchers believe that the jumbo squid move further north because the northern oceans are warming, while others think that declining numbers of predators have allowed them to expand their territories. 3. It is the ability of the jumbo squid to radically change its color from reddish-purple to pure white. 4. Because red is not easily visible to fish and other creatures in the darkness of the ocean depths. 5. Its enormous size. 6. They took it to a research center. II. (1) 1925 (2) two (3) 2004 (4) six (5) second III. 1. Squid are among the least understood of all invertebrates. 2. They are also now able to categorize many of them by genus, a more general category of animal types, as well as by species. 3. Recently, some have appeared as far north as Alaska, raising questions about the effects of global warming on the species. 4. The red color is useful to the squid when hunting for food since red is not easily visible to fish in the darkness of the ocean depths. 5. The word “colossal”was used to distinguish it from its smaller relative, the giant squid. Audio script The Jumbo vs. The colossal Squid Squid are among the least understood of all invertebrates. For centuries sailors have reported squid-like monsters so large that they would be capable of destroying entire ships. Only recently, however, have biologists been able to determine the truth about theses strange creatures. They are also now able to categorize many of them by genus, a more general category of animal types, as well as by species. Two such enormous squid are the jumbo squid and the colossal squid. The Jumbo Squid The jumbo squid, also known as the Humboldt squid, has been sighted in the Pacific Ocean from the tip of South America to the coast of California. Recently, some have appeared as far north as Alaska, raising questions about the effects of global warming on the species. Some researchers suggest that they are moving further north because the northern oceans are warming, while others believer that declining

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