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高三基础词汇训练(4)形容词和副词编制:William 2009-7-6


1. Her _______ writing style is so popular with young women that her books always sell well.

A. elegant

B. delighted

C. skilled

D. potential

2. My grandfather is as ____ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day . A. e nthusiastic B. energetic C. talkative D. sensitive

3.-How is she getting along with her workmates?

-Quite well. She is very __________ to other people’s feelings. A. active B. simple C. sensible D. sensitive

4. Gardening is a more _____ exercises for older women than jogging or swimming.

A. mental

B. physical

C. effective

D. efficient 5. — Don’t you agree with what he said? —Yes, ________! It can’t be better. A. approximately B. absolutely C. relatively D. appropriately 6. Sugar is not an i mportant element in bread, but flour is _____.

A. unique

B. essential

C. natural

D. adequate 7. The secret of his success is that he does everyt hing _____.

A. efficiently

B. curiously

C. anxiously

D. sufficiently 8. Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, though not _____.

A. widely

B. thoroughly

C. entirely

D. extensively

9. In _____ Chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.

A. traditional

B. historic

C. remote

D. initial

10. Most people on this island are recreational fishers, and _____, fishing forms an actual part of their leisure time. A. accidentally B. purposefully C. obviously D. formally 11. There was such long queue for coffee at the interval that we _____ gave up.

A. eventually

B. unfortunately

C. generously

D. purposefully 12. I don’t think that car is _____ the money you paid for it.

A. satisfactory

B. worth

C. deserving

D. profitable

13. When he was 18, he was completely _____ and received no money from his family.

A. independent

B. confident

C. considerate

D. thoughtful

14. The isolated village seemed to be _____ to visitors as very little was known about it and its inhabitants appeared somewhat hostile to strangers.

A. inaccessible

B. unavailable

C. inadaptable

D. profitable

15. It was _____ of you to turn away when a stranger wanted to sell a gold watch cheap to you.

A. generous

B. sensitive

C. unbelievable

D. sensible

16. The hero told the students a bullet _____ missed his heart and he was seriously wounded durin


the Korean War. A. narrowly B. dangerously C. thoroughly D. clearly

17. Because there was not enough evidence to prove he was guilty, the jury claimed that he was__ ___

A. lawful

B. legal

C. innocent

D. logical

18. If you take a(n) _____ attitude towards life, you will live happily and longer.

A. positive

B. negative

C. sensitive

D. responsible

19. When the president of the company was asked whether he had cheated in the election, he felt

quite _____.

A. would

B. timid

C. embarrassed

D. refreshed

20. When the couple saw the fire star in their house, Susan tried to get in the door; _____, her husband tried to climb in through the window. A. later B. previously C. meanwhile D. afterwar ds

21. The victim could only give a _____ description of what happened during the earthquake as he himself was knocked unconscious by something unknown. A. clear B. tough C. vague D. detai led

22. _______ quarrels with his wife doesn’t affect his relationship with her. He is a good-tempered husband.

A. Frequent

B. Occasional

C. Usual

D. Regular

23. The newly-developed dried blood is made from donated human blood, which________ has a shelf life of 42 days. A. normally B. commonly C. regularly D. formally

24. Mrs Smith was so _________ about everything that no servants could please her . A. precise

B. particular

C. special

D. specific

25. Our most _______ customer is Cruise. There’s never a day when he does not come in to buy something. A. regular B. common C. normal D. traditional

26. I have only 20 dollars, which is not ______ enough for my journey. I shall need much more.

A. almost

B. nearly

C. hardly

D. scarcely 27. The old man sat on the bench, ______ as statues.

A. quiet

B. still

C. silent

D. calm

28. _______ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create. A. Subject to B. Contrary to C. Familiar to D. Similar to 29. She trusted him till he proved to be a ______ friend.

A. faithful

B. faulty

C. true

D. false

30. The young singer is very ______ about her success; She says it’s as much the result of good luck

as of her own talent. A. confident B. modest C. proud D. timid

31. At first she thought he was joking. It took him a long time to make her believe that he was

_____. A. true B. real C. actual D. serious

32. When a person loses his reputation, you can say he is as ______ as dead.

A. well

B. far

C. good

D. sound

33. Money is the ______ thing she wants, and you won’t succeed in winning her heart with money.

A. very

B. last

C. first

D. only

34. The man replied in accented English that he preferred a non-smoking section ________.

A. badly

B. heavily

C. seriously

D. violently

35. Lacking food supply and wanted by the police, the terrorists from Indonesia made a________

attempt to hi-jack a plane to Iran. A. harmful B. desperate C. serious D. brave

36. When we plan our vacation, mother often offers _______ suggestions.

A. careful

B. practical

C. effective

D. acceptable

37. After the meeting, the leaders had a ___________ discussion about it.

A. far

B. farther

C. further

D. farthest

38. As we know, ______ medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible.

A. normal

B. general

C. regular

D. common

39. The plane was ______ to arrive at9:30, but it was an hour late. A. certain B. likely C. abo ut D. supposed

40. — How do you like the film?

— There was nothing special --- it was only ____.

A. average

B. usual

C. normal

D. common

41. I am sure this painting is not by Picasso. It’s only an unsuccessful fake(赝品)and so it’s ______.

A. priceless

B. invaluable

C. worthless

D. precious

42. They were brave enough to attack the enemy ____during the battle. A. fiercely B. tightly C . actively D. superbly

43. Ronald was ____of the latest development in the political situation because he had been in hospital for two months. A. robbed B. ignorant C. incapable D. assured

44. Not ____, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture. A. normally

B. particularly

C. surprisingly

D. obviously

45. After a heavy meal he slept ___throughout the afternoon. A. soundly B. terribly C. badly

D. loudly

46. He was very ___in his treatment of his guests. A. generous B. grateful C. general D. gloriou s

47. He was so rich that he just took a ____look at the watch and bought it for 10,000 dollars. A. careful B. casual C. inadequate D. Ineffective

48. This kind of flower is very ____to light; it prefers the shade. A. flexible B. sensible C. sensi tive D. active

49. Tanet didn’t explain it clearly —______, I didn’t understand.

A. constantly

B. consequently

C. conveniently

D. concretely

50. When writing about the argument, he tried to be ____without favouring either side. A. impre ssive B. reflective C. objective D. active

51. While we are making more use of nuclear power to meet the energy demand, we should never neglect the _______effects it can have on our living environment. A. contrary B. oppressive C. negative D. extensive

52. Irving was very popular with those who could vote, and he was ____that he could win the election.

A. adequate

B. sensitive

C. confident

D. doubtful

53. They want to go to Beijing University for further study because it had a perfect____atmospher

e. A. athletic B. artificial C. academic D. abstract

54. The relationship between employers and employees has been studied ____. A. originally B. violently C. extremely D. closely

55. He was ____of deciding anything for himself. A. incapable B. ineffective C. unable D. un believable

56. He preferred to continue his work ____rest on his achievements. A. other than B. rather than

C. better than

D. more than

57. She made a chocolate cake ____for my daughter. A. particularly B. peculiarly C. especially

D. specially

58. The researches show that our body defense system will become ____if we lack enough sleep.

A. impractical

B. inadequate

C. unpleasant

D. abnormal

59. I don’t think we’ve met before. You are ____me up with someone else. A. confusing B. puzzling C. mixing D. s haring

60. Business letters must always be written ____, but we should write in a natural way to friends.

A. typically

B. commonly

C. formally

D. normally

61. The West Lake is so beautiful that it is ____worth visiting. A. very B. more C. much D. well

62. The boy had a(n) ____escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus. A. close B. sh ort C. evil D. narrow

63. The old man was ____asleep in his chair. A. quite B. completely C. well D. fast

64. I cannot thank you ___much for your help. A. too B. very C. so D. quite

65. Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to ____situations. A. similar B. alike C. same D. likely

66. I go to the cinema ____, at least once a week. A. definitely B. purposefully C. frequently D. occasionally

67. Jane is a very ____person with lots of friends.

A. remarkable

B. competitive

C. sociable

D. excellent

68. Many foreigners like to eat traditional Chinese food because of its ____smell. A. charming

B. inviting

C. interesting

D. demanding

69. He prefers ____sports to collective ones. A. private B. secret C. individual D. personal

70. Don’t be so ____as to believe everything he says. A. innocent B. impatient C. reliable D. upset 71. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ____our minds are developed by learning. A . Similarly B. Probably C. Likely D. Generally

72. In ____, the northerners are keen on dumpling while the southerners are fond of rice. A. com mon B. total C. general D. particular

73. He sends his ____wishes for your future happiness. A. honest B. true C. sincere D. hopef ul

74. To be ____, I couldn’t understand what he was getting at. A. sincere B. frank C. modest D. timid

75. I wonder how he managed to make himself understood with his ____English. A. incomplete

B. broken

C. backward

D. inexact

76. It is good for old people to be ____involved in their communities. A. actively B. strictly C. anxiously D. patiently

77. My ____plan was to study computer science in English but I didn’t succeed. A. traditional B. objective C. occupational D. original

78. The woman sitting on the sofa was ____Charlie’s wife. A. apparently B. usually C. reasonably D. vividly

79. The young people are not ____with this subject. A. famous B. frank C. familiar D. similar

80. She asked for ____classes at home because she thought she would learn Japanese more quickl y

that way. A. personal B. private C. particular D. Unique

81. The climate of China can ____be spoken as a whole, because it is too large. A. nearly B. ea sily C. hardly D. mainly

82. He’

d lik

e to sleep with the window _____ at night. A. open wide B. open widely C. wide open D. o pened wide

83. She was talking about her family but _____ about her son, who was studying abroad. A. most

B. almost

C. mostly

D. nearly

84. Li Pin works very hard at his lessons. He didn’t get the first place in the exam, ___.

A. however

B. yet

C. though

D. although

85. There was a very __________ response to the products we gave out to the market; people seemed very pleased with it. A. negative B. passive C. positive D. active

86. You couldn’t help admiring the __________ way she stood up to speak to the big crowd. A. self- conscious

B. self-confident

C. self-sufficient

D. self-satisfied

87. In general, the amount that a student spends for clothing and food should be held to one-third o


the total __________ for living expenses. A. applicable B. acceptable C. available D. advisable 88. There is __________ fog on the motorway; therefore motorist should drive more carefully. A . big B. deep C. heavy D. serious

89. This entrance is in __________ use; don’t block it. A. timely B. usual C. constant D. essential

90.90. Is wealth __________ to happiness?

A. basic

B. essential

C. primary

D. elementary

91. All of us are working hard to prepare for our __________ examinations. A. last B. latest C . eventual D. final

92. The matter is not __________; it can wait until tomorrow. A. tense B. nervous C. urgent

D. tight

93. The book gave a __________ description on the life of some African tribes. A. living B. liv

e C. lively D. Alive

94. The young actress was wearing a __________ dress at her birthday party. A. lovely B. livel y C. likely D. lonely

95. Who’s ________ for this terrible mess? A. reliable B. responsible C. dependable D. available 96. The man was severely injured in last month’s car accident and died _________ afterwards. A. mostly B. shortly C. hardly D. nearly 97. -What do you think of the movie Spielberg directed last year?

I don’ t like the story in it very much, but I think _______of the music. A. a great deal B. a go od many C. quite a few D. a large number

98. She can’t go to Australia this year but she’ll go ____. A. by and by B. now and then C. little by little D. step by step

99. After two years’ research, we now have a ____ better understanding of the disease.

A. very

B. far

C. fairly

D. quite

100. Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his ____ one. A. better-kno wn B. well-known C. best-known D. most-known

101. John was dismissed last week because of his ______ attitude towards his job. A. informal B. casual C. determined D. earnest

102. Since Tom ______ downloaded a virus into his computer, he can not open the file now. A. r eadily B. horribly C. accidentally D. irregularly

103. It is not socially _______ for parents to leave children unattended at that age.

A. accessible

B. adorable

C. adaptable

D. acceptable

104. The school' s music group will be giving a big show tomorrow night and two _________on th e


A. more

B. other

C. else

D. another

105. The new group of students is better-behaved than the other group who stayed here ___.

A. early

B. earlier

C. earliest

D. the earliest

106. —Do you need any help, Lucy?

Yes, The job is__________ I could do myself. A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. no t more than

107. She devoted herself ________ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.

A. strongly

B. extremely

C. entirely

D. freely

108. He began to take political science__________ only when he left school.

A. strictly

B. truly

C. carefully

D. seriously

109. This magazine is very__________ with young people, who like its content and style.

A. familiar

B. popular

C. similar

D. particular

110. Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a

_______ environment. A. peaceful B. sensitive C. common D. stable

111. It’s hard for him playing against me. I’ve got nothing to play for, but for him, he needs to win

so ________.

A. far

B. well

C. little

D. badly

112. With April 18’s railway speedup, highway and air transport will have to compete with ______

service for passengers. A. good B. better C. best D. the best

113. The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted _____if it had been put in the fridge

for a little while.

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. well

114. Although the country has had political independence for over a century, _________it needs th e

support of its neighbors. A. naturally B. economically C. especially D. luckily

115. The study surveyed 500 families and found the main ________ problem people suffered was tiredness, followed by loneliness and anxiety. A. domestic B. public C. psychological D. biolo


116. Of the two coats, I'd choose the ________ one to spare some money for a book. A. cheape st B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive

117. A new ________ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.

A. normal

B. usual

C. regular

D. common

118. Work gets done ______ when people do it together, and the rewards are higher too. A. easil y B. very easy C. more easily D. easier

119. The final score of the basketball match was 93-94.We were only ________ beaten.

A. nearly

B. slightly

C. narrowly

D. Lightly


形容词副词综合练习题及答案 There are many you ng trees on ______ sides of the road. A. every B. each C. both D. all ---It ' s so cold today. --- Yes, it ' s ________ than it was yesterday. A. more cold B. more colder C. much colder D. cold Little Tom has ____ frien ds, so he ofte n plays alone. A. more B. a little C. many D. few She isn ' t so ________ at maths as you are. A. well B. good C. better D. best Peter writes _____ o f the three. A. better B. best C. good D. well He is ____ en ough to carry the heavy box. A. stro nger B. much stro nger C. stro ng D. the stro ngest I bought ____ exercise-books with ______ m on ey. A. a few; a few B. a few; a little C. a little; a few D. a little; a little The box is ____ heavy for the girl _______ c arry. A. too; to B. to; too C. so; that D. no; to The ice in the lake is about one meter ____ . It A. lo ng B. high C. thick D. wide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 张盼 s str ong eno ugh to skate on.


高中副词练习题及答案详解 一、单项选择副词 1.Computer-controlled robots are taking over jobs in many industries, which used to be done _______. A.artificially B.manually C.comprehensively D.gradually 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意为:计算机控制的机器人接管了许多行业中的工作,而这些工作过去都是手工完成的。artificially人造地,人为地,不自然地;manually手工地;comprehensively 全面地; gradually渐渐地。根据句意,选B。 2.–Do you think that the 16th Asian Games were a success? --Yes, _______!It couldn’t be better. A.relatively B.approximately C.absolutely D.fortunately 【答案】C 【解析】 词义辨析。Relatively相对的;approximately近似地,大约;absolutely绝对的;fortunately 幸运的。你认为第16届亚运会成功吗、绝对的,没有比它更好的了。选C。 3.--- I was walking along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down. --- You can never be ______ in the street. A.careful enough B.much careful C.very carefully D.too carefully 【答案】A 【解析】 句意:我正沿着街道走,突然一辆汽车冲过来,把我撞到了。在街上你多小心都不过分。和be连用,后跟形容词,排除C,D;且根据句意,所以选A。 4.It’s so hot! The temperature must be __________ over 100 degrees! A.very B.well C.much D.still 【答案】B 【解析】句意:天气太热了!气温一定超过100度了。well over 远远超过,溢出,泛滥。故选B。 5.I’m not making near as much money as I did when I was employed full time,but now we don’t need as much either. A.anything B.everything


语法复习专题四——形容词和副词 备考建议: 1.从几年来收集到的题目中可以看出高考对形容词和副词的考查主要集中在以下两点: (1)形容词的比较级和最高级; (2)在具体语境中辨析形容词和副词语义。 另外,考查形容词作定语时的语序问题的试题也不少。 2.对于比较级的考查,淡化结构,注重深层语义。“比较”的意思并不是直接能从“结构”中看出来的,而是从语句的深层意义中挖掘出来的。 3.在加强考查词义辨析的题目中,高考不但加强了对语义的考查(而不仅仅是语法),随着新教材词汇量的增大,而且注重对词汇扩展能力的考查。 要做好各类有关形容词和副词的试题应从这几方面去努力: 1.对单音节形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成、双音节和多音节的形容词及副词的比较级和最高级的构成,要加强记忆、找出其中规律;灵活掌握修饰比较级和最高级的副词和一些短语。 2.对某些副词的词义还需进一步认识,多数形容词在加-ly后,词义基本不变,而有些则不同,如:hard—hardly. 3.加强形容词、副词比较级考点的学习与应用,尤其是比较级在某些特定结构中的特殊含义,比较级及其修饰语的搭配和用法。巧记名词前多个形容词的排列顺序,形容词、副词等在不同语境下的辨析,要不断地提高分析试题的能力,克服思维定势,灵活运用所学的知识。 (1)加强对比较级和最高级表达法的学习,尤其是一些常见的句型,要做到张口能诵的程度。在理解上,不能留任何疑点。 (2)加强对形容词和副词的词义和用法的学习,要做到“词不离句,句不离义”。做题时,要结合语境,注意惯用法和固定搭配认真辨析从而做出最佳选择。 (3)判断句子成分,如果是作定语、表语等,一般是用形容词;如果是作状语、修饰谓语动词或形容词和副词,一般应用副词。但注意也有特殊情况,如形容词(短语)可作伴随或结果状语。 (4)分清句子结构,看看该句应该用原级、比较级还是最高级。 (5)注意特殊的含有形容词比较级的句型。 考点聚焦 1、形容词、副词的作用与位置 形容词是用来修饰名词的,常被放在名词前作定语,或放在系动词后面作表语。而副词则用来修饰形容词、动词,其他副词或者句子,一般位于形容词之前,动词之后或句子之首。以下属几种特殊情况,须牢记; (1)形容词短语作定语,定语后置。如:a language difficult to master (2)表语形容词(afraid、alike、alone、asleep、awake、alive等)作定语,定语后置。如a man alive。有些表身体健康状况的形容词如well、faint、ill只作表语。sick 既可作表语又可作定语,ill如作定语意为“bad”。 (3)用作定语,修饰由不定代词one、no、any、some和every构成的复合词如anything、something等时,通常后置。如:I have something important to tell you.


形容词和副词(用法和比最级)第一形容词与副词的区别与用法 形容词,译为中文为:..... 的如:happy 副词,译为中文为:......... 地如:happily 1). 将下列形容词变为副词。 quiet --- _________________ hopeful --- _______________ hard-- _____________ fortunate --- _______________ correct --- ____________ lucky --- _________________ 快乐的beautiful 美丽的 快乐地slowly 慢慢地 beautiful --- _________ fast busy - terrible -- cheerful --- _______________ 根据位置来确定 形容词位置:系动词后+adj Adj+ 名词如: I am happy. 女口:I am a happy girl. 副词位置:Adv+ 动词Luckily, she can walk. 动词+Adv she walks in the bridge slowly 2). 词性转换 1. Please do your homework _______ . (careful) 2. She is ____ (careful )and never makes mistakes( 犯错误) 3. The work isn't hard. I can finish it ___ . (easy/easily) 4. The plane landed ______ (safe/safely) and we were _______________ (safe/safely). 5.I had a _______ (strange/strangely) dream last night. 6. Dogs can help blind people walk across the street ____________ . (safe) 7. Please read the test paper ___________ before you do it. (careful) 第二形容词的用法: 1. 系动词+ 形容词adj. 系动词: 1)Be :is am are 是 2)Seem :看上去 3)五种感官:look sound feel taste smell 4)变化的词:become get grow come prove go fall 5)保持的词:stay remain keep I am happy. The food tastes delicious. 练习:1. It's going to be ________ (rain, rainy). 2. This girl is very _______ (kind, kindly). She often helps others. 3. The idear sounds ________ (good/well). 4. She looks _______ (unhappy, unhappily). 5. She looks at the book __________ (careful carefully). 2、Adj+名词 ----------- 大多数形容词作定语修饰名词时放在名词前,说明名词的品质或特征。 She is a tall girl. She is weari ng a gree n coat good ---


英语语法之形容词比较级和最高级练习题 3.基础练习题 1. This box is___ that one. A. heavy than B. so heavy than C. heavier as D. as heavy as 2 When we speak to people, we should be ' . A. as polite as possible B. as polite as possibly C. as politely as possible D. as politely as possibly 3 This book is____ that one, but____ than that one. A. as difficult as; expensive B. as more difficult as; more expensive C. as difficult as; more expensive D. more difficult as; as expensive 4 I think the story is not so ___ as that one. A. interesting B. interested C. more interesting D. most interesting 5 His father began to work____ he was seven years old. A. as old as B. as early as C. since D. while 2 1. I think science is _ than Japanese. A. much important B. important C. much more important D. more much important ( ) 2 This pencil is___ than that one. ^. longest B. long C. longer D. as long ( ) 3 My mother is no ___ young. A. shorter B. longer C. little D. few ( ) 4 These children are ____ this year than they were last year. A. more tall B. more taller C. very taller D. much taller ( ) 5 It was very hot yesterday, but it is___ today. A. even hotter B. more hotter C. much more hot D. much hot 6. Mrs Black has got____ instead of getting any better. A. more bad B. a little worse C. much badly D. a lot of worse 3 ( ) 1 When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with___ students. A. quite a few B. only a few C. few D. a few quite 2 The house is small for a family of six. A. much too B. too much C. very much D.so 3 Through the window we can see nothing but ____ buildings. A. tall very many B. very many tall C. very tall many D. many very tall 4 -What's your brother like? -He is___. A. a driver B. very tall C. my friend D. at school 5 The jacket was so___ that he decided to buy it. ,


【英语】高中副词练习题及答案详解 一、单项选择副词 1.Where did you spend________money buying________gifts? A.so little, so small B.such little, so little C.so little, such little D.such little, such little 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查固定用法。句意:你在哪里花这么少的钱买这么小的礼物?so修饰形容词副词,such 修饰名词。故第一空应为so li ttle“如此少的”,第二空应为such修饰gifts。故选C。 【点睛】 so与such用法辨析。 一、so是副词,主要用来修饰形容词和副词;such是形容词,用来修饰名词。他们后面接单数可数名词的用法如下: ①so+形容词+a(n)+名词。如: ——She is so diligent a student. 她是个如此勤奋的学生。 ②such+a(n)+形容词+名词。如: ——She is such a diligent student. 她是个如此勤奋的学生。 二、so和such分别与“that”连用时,意思基本一样,但句型结构不同。 在结果状语从句中,so...that...和such...that...的主要区别在于:so用来修饰形容词或副词,而such用来修饰名词。但两者都表示“如此...,以至于...”如: ——①He was so ill that two nurses attended on him. (他病得那样重,有两个护士照顾他。)——②He is such a good egg that everyone likes him. (他是一个大好人,个个都喜欢他。) 三、特殊情况 1、如果名词前有表示数量多少的many、much、few、little等修饰词时,只能用so。如:——①Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. (紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。) ——②Don't make so much fuss over losing a penny. (别为丢了一便士大惊小怪的。) 2、当little表示“小”的意思用来修饰可数名词时,近似于small,这时只能用such。如:——There were such little children that they couldn't clean the house. (这些孩子那么小,不能打扫房间。) 2.The man should be excused because he caused the damage _______. A.deliberately B.unintentionally C.meaningfully D.determinedly 【答案】B 【解析】 句意为这个人应该被原谅,因为他是无意中造成了伤害。故选unintentionally无意地。


常见形容词词汇 1.abrupt(言语或行)粗鲁的,莽撞的,唐突的,生硬的; 突然的,意外的 2.absent-minded心不在焉的,健忘的 3.absorbed被-----吸引住,专心致志,全神贯注(in) 4.abstract抽象的 5.absurd荒谬的,荒唐的 6.abundant丰富的,充裕的,大量的 7.academic学术的;高等院校的;研究院的 8.acceptable可接受的,认可的,尚可的 9.accessible可到达的,可接近的,可进入的,可使用 的,易懂的 10.accurate精确的;准确的 11.acid酸的,尖酸的,尖刻的 12.active积极的,活跃的,起作用的,(思想上)充满 活力的 13.actual真实的,实际的 14.acute灵敏的,敏锐的,有洞察力的,十分严重的 15.adaptable能适应的 16.addicted上瘾的,成瘾的,入迷的(to) 17.additional额外的,附加的(extra),另外的 18.adequate足够的,充足的 19.admirable值得赞赏的,令人羡慕的 20.adoptive收养的 21.adorable可爱的,讨人喜欢的 22.advanced先进的,高级的,高等的 23.advantageous有利的,有好处的 24.adventurous有冒险精神的,新奇的,惊险的 25.alarmed害怕的,担心的 26.alarming令人惊恐的,引起恐慌的 27.alike两者都,同样地;十分相像地,很相似地 28.alive活着的 29.all of a sudden (all at once)突然地 30.all right(OK)可接受的,满意的;健康的;可以 的;尚可的; 31.all –round全面的,多方面的 32.alone只有,仅仅,单独,独自 33.alternative可供替代的 34.ambiguous模棱两可的,不明确的 35.annoyed恼怒的,生气的,烦恼的 36.annual每年的,年度的 37.anything but 绝对不---- 38.appealing有吸引力的,恳求的 39.applicable可应用的,适当的 40.approaching即将到来的 41.appropriate合适的,适当的 42.arbitrary任意的,武断的 43.artificial假的,人造的 44. 45.associated有关联的,相关的,有联系的(with) 46.assured确信的,有把握的 47.at a loss (at sea)不知所措地,困惑地 48.attached附属于,爱幕的(to) 49.attempted有预谋的,未遂的 50.attentive注意的,专心的,留心的 51.attractive吸引人的,有吸引力的,诱人的 52.authentic真正的,真实的,真品的,真迹的 53.automatic自动的 54.available可获得的,可得到的,可找到的,可购得 的,可行的;(人)有空的 55.average平均的,普通的,一般的,平常的 56.avoidable可以避免的 57.awake醒着的(wide awake) 58.aware知道的,意识到的,明白的,察觉到的(of) 59.awful糟糕的,极坏的,极讨厌的,可怕的,很多的,非 常的 60.awkward笨拙的,棘手的,令人尴尬的,难对付的, 难处理的 61.badly–off(worse -off)穷困的,拮据的;境况不佳的 62.bare裸露的,光秃秃的,仅够的,最简单的 63.be based in----(某人)居住在哪里,基地设在哪里 64.be based on---以---为基础,以---为根据 65.(be)far from 远非--- 66.beneficial有利的,有用的 67.big重大的,严重的, 68.biological生物的,生物学的 69.bitter(争论)激烈的;(人)愤愤不平的;令人不 快的;使人悲痛的;(食物)味苦的;严寒 70.blank空白的,木然的,没表情的,不感兴趣的, 不理解的 71.blue忧郁的,悲伤的;(冷或呼吸困难)发青的, 发紫的 72.bored厌倦的,烦闷的(with) 73.boring无聊的,令人厌倦的,令人烦闷的,没趣的 74.breathtaking惊人的,激动人心的 75.brief简短的,短暂的,短期的 76.brilliant出色的,杰出的,卓越的,技艺高超的,绝 妙的,明亮的,鲜艳的,很好的 77.calm镇静的,沉着的,无风的,风平浪静的 78.capable有能力的,有才能的,能力强的(of) 79.casual随便的,非正式的,漫不经心的,不在乎的, 临时的,疏远的,偶然的 80.cautious谨慎的,小心的(about) 81.certain确实的,确定的,确信的,肯定的 82.changeable易变的,常变的,可能变化的 83.cheerful高兴的,快乐的,令人愉快的 84.chief最重要的,主要的,首要的,最高级别的,首 席的 85.cold冷漠的,不友好的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae5576606.html,fortable使人舒服的,舒适的;自在的,安逸的; 宽裕的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae5576606.html,mercial商业的,商业性的,商业化的,赢利的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae5576606.html,mon常见的,普通的,共同的,共有的, https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae5576606.html,plex复杂的,难懂的,费解的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae5576606.html,plicated复杂的,难懂的 91.concerned担心的,忧虑的;关切的,关注的(about) 1


形容词与副词专项训练(一) 一、写出下列形容词或副词的比较级与最高级形式。 、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.Which is _______ (easy) to learn, fishing or swimming? 2.It makes _______ (little) time to go to Beijing by plane than by train. 3.This T-shirt is too small for me. Would you buy me a _______ (large) one? 4.Xi ' an is one of ________________ (old) capital in China. 5.It will be bad for your health to eat ___________ (much) food and take _________ (little) exercise. 6.I think English is ______________ (useful) than before. 7.The Great Wall of China is one of ____________ (great) wonders in the world. 8.She is becoming ____________ (beautiful) than before. 9.The weather is getting _______ and _______ (cold). 10.The ________ (much) you practice, the _______ (easy) it becomes. 三、单项选择。 1.My sister is getting ____

形容词和副词讲解和习题练习 含答案

高中英语——形容词和副词 一、考点、热点回顾 形容词 1、形容词的一般用法 (1).作定语,一般放在所修饰词的前面。 It’s a cold and windy day. (2.)作表语,放在系动词的后面。(look, feel, smell, sound….) He looks happy today. (3.)形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,everything等复合不定代词时,须放在其后。Would you like something hot to drink? (4.)表示长、宽、高、深及年龄的形容词,应放在相应的名词之后。 How long is the river?It’s about two hundred metres long. (5.)只能作表语的形容词:afraid;alone;asleep;awake;alive;well健康的;ill;frightened The man is ill.(正) The ill man is my uncle.(误) (6.)只能作定语的形容词:little小的;only唯一的;wooden木质的;woolen羊毛质的;elder年长的 My elder brother is in Beijing.(正) My brother is elder. (误) (7).貌似副词的形容词:lonely;friendly;lively;lovely 2、形容词常用句型 (1).“It’s +adj.+of+sb.+不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样”。=Sb +be +adj+to do sth 注意:这一句型中常用描述行为者的性格、品质的形容词,如good,kind,nice,polite ,clever ,foolish ,lazy ,careful,careless,right(正确的),wrong等。 It’s very kind of you to help me.(=You are very kind to help me.) (2).“It’s+adj.+for+sb.+不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”。=To do sth is adj for sb . 注意:这一句型中常用的形容词有important,necessary,difficult,easy,hard,dangerous,safe,useful,pleasant,interesting,impossible等。 It’s not easy for them to learn a foreign language.(=To learn a foreign language is not easy for them.)(3).表示感情或情绪的形容词,如glad,pleased,sad,thankful等常接不定式。 I’m very sad to hear the bad news. (4.)表示能力和意志的形容词,如ready(乐意的,有准备的),able(有能力的),sure(一定),certain (一定)等常接不定式。 Lei Feng is always ready to help others. He is sure to get to school on time. 副词 1、副词的分类 副词按词汇意义可分为: 方式副词:well,fast,slowly,carefully,quickly 程度副词:very,much,enough,almost,rather,quite


最新高中副词练习题及答案详解 一、单项选择副词 1.I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting _____ A. besides 【答案】 C B. otherwise C. nevertheless D. moreover 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:关于这个话题我已经知道很多了,但是她的演讲还是很有趣的 A. besides 而且; B. otherwise 否则; C. nevertheless 然而,尽管如此; D. moreover 而且,此外。根据句意, C 项符合题意。故选 C 项。 2.With only a small number of pandas left in the world animal and save the endangered species. , China is trying to clone the A. steadily B. desperately C. patiently D . deliberately 【答案】 B 【解析】句意:世界上仅剩下少量的大熊猫,所以中国正不惜一切克隆大熊猫以挽救这种 濒临灭绝的物种。patiently 耐心地;desperately deliberately 意为“拼命地,不顾一切 地故意地。 ”,符合语境。steadily稳定地; 3.Many people believe that poverty is only a problem in rural areas. ________, it is also a problem in some urban areas. A. As a result B. Furthermore C. In the end D . As a matter of fact 【答案】 D 【解析】考查副词(短语)辨析。 A. As a result 结果; B. Furthermore 此外; C. In the end最后; D. As a matter of fact 事实上。句意:许多人认为贫穷只是农村地区的一个问题。事实 上,它也是一些城市地区的问题。故选D。 4.Each ticket, unless stated __________, admits only one person. A. otherwise B.else C. others D. rather 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:考查副词。句意:每一张票,除非另外说明,否则只允许一个人。此处用 otherwise 表示“另外地”来修饰 state 一词, B 项的 else 也可以表示“另外地”之意,但是通常 只是用来修饰不定代词或疑问代词且放在它们的后面,故选A。 C 项是代词,代指“其他人”; rather 表示“宁可”,不符合语境。 考点:考查副词


形容词与副词专项训练 1. Norway is one of ________ European countries with a large land area than Britain, Ireland or Italy. A. as big B. the biggest C. so big D. the bigger 2. Five of Henry’s children were at the wedding party, including ________ , Daniel. A. an oldest one B. the oldest one C. the old one D. an old one 3. —Can Li Hua help me with my English? —I regret to tell you her English is ________ yours. A. as good as B. no more than C. not better than D. as much as 4. I can’t pay ________ as he asked for. A. a as high price B. as a high price C. as high price D. as high a price 5. —Are you satisfied with Jack’s job? —Not in the least. It couldn’t be ________ . A. so bad B. any worse C. much better D. the best 6. — What does the model plane look like? —Well, the wings of the plane are ________ of its body. A. more than the length twice B. twice more than the length C. more than twice the length D. more twice than the length 7. It was ________ that both my son and my daughter couldn’t put it down. A. such interesting a book B. so interesting a book C. a such interesting book D. so an interesting book 8. Miss Langham arm in arm with Mr Peabody —— ________ sight! A. how astonishing a B. so an astonishing C. what astonishing a D. such an astonishing 9. During the ________ , he enjoyed a good primary education. A. first few happy years abroad B. first happy few years abroad C. happy first few abroad years D. first abroad few happy years 10. In the 27th Olympic Games, Liu Hongyu was supposed to win the gold medal in jogging; she failed to, ________ . A. yet B. though C. although D. anyway 12. Don’t worry about me. I’ll forget it ________ . A. for long B. sooner C. any longer D. in time 13. —Would you like some wine?


形容词和副词经典例题 1.“We must keep ____ in the library.” the woman said ____ to me. A.quiet;quietly B.quietly;quietly C.quietly;quiet D.quiet;quiet 2.This kind of T-shirt looks __________ and sells __________. A.nice … well B.nice … good C.well…well D.good… nice 3.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes _________. A.open B.to be opened C.to open D.opening 4.There is __________ interesting in Channel 7.Try others. A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything 5.I can't get anything on TV.There must be ________with it. A.wrong something B.wrong nothing C.something wrong D.nothing wrong 6.None of the students watched the experiment __________,did they? A.careful enough B.carefully enough C.enough careful D.enough carefully 7.A:“Has your mother come back home?”B:“____.” A.Not yet B.Not already C.Not still D.Not ever 8.There was a _________ talk between the two leaders last week. A.friend B.friendship C.friendly D.really 9.__________ the temperature is,___________ water turns into steam.


英语形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的练习题 (一)写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式: long_____ ______ wide ______ _______ fat ____ _____ heavy____ ______ slow ______ _______ few____ _____ brightly______ -_____ bably _____ _______ far____ _____ quickly _____ ______ happy_____ -______ unhappy________ (二)用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _______ (clever). 2. Gold(黄金) is ______ (little) useful than iron(铁). 3. My sister is two years _______ (old ) than I. 4. John’s parents have four daughters, and she is the _____ (young) child. 5. The _____ (cheap) bags are the not usually the best ones. 6. The short one is by far _______ expensive of the five. 7. The boy is not so ______ (interesting) as his brother. 8. Dick sings _____ (well), she sings ______(well) than John, but Mary sings______(well) in her class. 9. She will be much ______ (happy) in her mew house. 10. This dress is ______ that.(twice, as…as…, expensive) (三)选择填空: 1.He feels _____ today than yesterday. A. tired B. more tired C. more tireder D. much tired 2. Which do you like _____, coffee, tea or milk? A. the worst B. worse C. the worse D. worst 3. Of the two toys, the child chose_____. A. the expensive one B. one most expensive C. a least expensive D. the most expensive of them 4. The line is ____ than that one.


中考专项训练副词专项练习题及答案详解 一、初中英语副词 1.I can't hear you . Something may be wrong with my telephone. A. carefully B. clearly C. quietly D. slowly 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:我听不清你的话。我的电话可能有问题。A.仔细地;B.清楚地;C.轻轻地;D.慢慢地。电话可能有故障,听不清你讲话。故选B。 2.—Good news! China won a gold at PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. —______, we won six silvers. A. Moreover B. However C. Instead D. Otherwise 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——好消息!中国在平昌冬奥会上夺得金牌。——此外,我们还赢得了六枚银牌。A. Moreover此外,补充说明;B. However然而,表示转折;C. Instead相反,而不是; D. Otherwise否则,不然,表示转折。根据we won six silvers,描述夺得金牌以外的成就,起补充说明的作用,故选A。 【点评】考查副词辨析。注意理解选项意思,理解句意。 3.—Can you catch what I said? —Sorry,I can ______ understand it because you speak very quickly. A. almost B. probably C. mostly D. hardly 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:﹣你能领会我说的话吗?﹣对不起,我几乎听不懂因为你说得太快了。almost几乎;probably可能;mostly主要地;hardly几乎不;根据sorry及because you speak very quickly可知对方几乎没听懂,故选D。 【点评】副词辨析,结合上下文意思选择合适的副词。 4.—The fish tastes _______, we have eaten it up.—It is certain that she cooked it _________. A. good , well B. well, good C. well, well D. good, good 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:一鱼尝起来不错。我们把它吃光了。一肯定她煮得好。taste尝起来,是连系动词,连系动词后用形容词作表语,cook是行为动词,修饰行为动词要用副词形式。good只是形容词,well作为形容词仅指“身体好”,同时well还是副词。故选A。 5.Lucy likes staying at home. She ______goes traveling during holidays. A. usually B. seldom C. always D. often

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