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Part One夯实基础·词汇篇Part Two 夯实基础·语法篇Part Three 成果检测·真题模拟篇

title n. 标题;题目 【词组】 the title of …的标题 corner n. 角 【词组】in the corner 多用于指在直角的内角内。 on the corner 多用于指在直角的顶点上。 at the corner of … 指在拐角周围,范围要大一些。 own v . 拥有 【拓展】(1)own adj. 自己的;特有的

e.g.: Everyone has his own advantages. 每个人都有自己的强项。 (2)own n. 自己的东西。 of one ’s own 属于…的东西。 e.g.: He has a big house of his own. (3)owner n. 所有者,拥有者。 accountant n. 会计;会计师

【拓展】名词或动词后加—ant 表示职业或身份: serve — servant 仆人 assist — assistant 助手 account — accountant 会计 keen adj. 喜爱,有兴趣

【词组】be keen on (doing) sth. 对…着迷 ambition n. 最求的目标;志向

【词组】full of ambition 有雄心的;野心勃勃 【拓展】 ambitious adj. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的 height n. (人的)身高;(物的)高度

The building is twenty meters in height. = The building is twenty meters high.

【拓展】length n. 长度 weight n. 重量 width n. 宽度 depth n. 深度 strength n. 强度 dream n. 梦想,理想 【词组】(1) hold a dream / have a dream 持有一个梦想 (2)realize/ achieve a dream 实现一个梦想 (3)dream comes true 梦想成真(注:此种用法无被动) similar adj. 相像的;类似的 【词组】be similar to 与…相像 【同义词】alike adj. 相同的,相似的 All big cities are quite similar . = All big cities are quite alike. business n. 1) 生意 2) 公司 3) 商业,贸易




【词组】on business 出差

successful adj. 成功的

【词组】be successful in 在… 上成功

【拓展】success n. 成功

succeed v. 成功succeed in doing sth. 成功做…



popular adj. 受喜爱的;受欢迎的

【词组】(1)be popular in… 在(某地)受欢迎

(2)be popular with/ among 受到(某人)的欢迎

【反义词】unpopular 不受欢迎的

【拓展】popularity n. 通俗性;普及

responsible adj. 有责任的,负责任的;承担义务的

【词组】be responsible for 对…负责

【反义词】irresponsible adj. 不负责任的

【拓展】responsibility n. 责任

sale n. 销售;出售

【词组】on sale 打折;减价

for sale 待售;出售

【拓展】sell v. 出售;卖

achieve v.达到;实现

【词组】achieve one’s dream 实现梦想

achieve one’s purpose 达到目的,目标

achieve success 获得成功

【拓展】achievement n. 成就,功绩

fail v. (考试)不及格

【词组】fail the test 考试不及格

fail to do 未做成…

【拓展】failure n. 失败;不及格

attend 出席,参加

【考点】attend & take part in & join & enter for

attend 一般指出席某种正式场合,如参加会议

take part in 往往指参加某种活动

enter for 指报名参加

join 指加入某团体或组织,成为其中的一员。

【词组】attend school 上学attend a lecture 听讲座

assist v. 帮助

【词组】assist sb. in/ with sth. 帮助某人做某事

assist sb. to do sth. assist sb. in doing sth.

continuously adv. 连续不断地

seldom adv. 不常,很少,难得

【考点】seldom 为否定意义的副词,因此注意反义疑问句应该为肯定形式:

He seldom goes to the pub, does he? usual adj. 通常的,惯常的 【词组】 as usual 和往常一样 【拓展】usually adv . 经常;通常

unusual adj. 不平常的;异常的 argue v . 争论,争辩,争吵

【同义词】argue :着重就自己的看法提出论证,同他人进行争论或辩论。

quarrel :对事情因不喜欢或不满而发生争吵或吵架。 【词组】argue with sb. 与…发生争执 【拓展】argument n. 争吵,争辩 trouble n. 问题,困难

【词组】have trouble in doing sth. 做某事有困难

【拓展】troublesome adj. 讨厌的,麻烦的,不寻常的 crowd n. 人群,观众 【词组】a crowd of 一群 【拓展】crowded adj.拥挤的

be crowded with 充满… (同义词组:be filled with / be full of ) stare v . 盯着看;凝视 【词组】stare at 盯着…看 theft n. 偷,盗窃 【拓展】thief n. 贼

detail n. (关于某事物的)资料,信息;细节,详情 【注意】detail 表示细节,详情时,用复数形式。 【词组】in detail 详细地 realize v . 领会,意识到

【同义词组】be aware of 意识到 calculate v . 计算 【拓展】calculator n. 计算器 calculation n. 计算 language n. 语言

【词组】 an official language 官方语言 written language 书面用语 spoken / oral language 口语 sign language 手语 invent v . 发明

【拓展】invention n. 发明

inventor n. 发明家 develop v . 发展,壮大

【考点】developed & developing

两者均为形容词,developed 解释为―发达的‖,developing 解释为―发展中的‖ 【拓展】(1)develop v . 养成 develop a habit 养成一个习惯 (2)develop v . 冲洗 develop the film 冲洗胶卷 (3)development n. 发展 accurate adj. 准确无误的

【拓展】accurately adv. 准确地;精确地

accuracy n. 精确性;精确度

powerful adj. 强有力的

【拓展】power n. 能量,能力;力量,权力;电

【反义词】powerless adj. 无力的

living adj. 活着的,活的

【考点】living & alive

alive 可以与b e 动词连用做表语,而l iving 不能做表语。如:He is still alive。

两者都可以做定语,但a live后置,living前置。如:He is the only one alive.和living man。solve v. 解决;解答

【同义词组】work out 解答出,解决

【拓展】solution n. 解决方法

complete v. 使完整

【拓展】complete v.完成=finish

complete adj. 完整的incomplete adj. 不完整的

Europe n.欧洲

【拓展】European n. 欧洲人

Asia n. 亚洲;North America北美洲;South America 南美洲;Antarctic 南极洲create v. 创造;创建

【拓展】creation n. 创造;创造力

creative adj. 有创造力的

creativity n. 创造力

look up (在词典或参考书中)查阅

encyclopedia n.百科全书

harmless adj. 无害的,不会导致损伤的

【拓展】harmlessly adv. 无害地;无恶意地

harmlessness n.无害

harm v. & n. 伤害;损害;危害

【反义词】harmful adj. 有害的,导致损害的

die out 灭绝,消失

leave … behind 遗留

a s … as possible 尽可能地

amusement park 游乐场

【拓展】amuse v. 使高兴

amusing adj. 有趣的;令人发笑的

amusement n. 娱乐;消遣

cause v. 引起,导致

【拓展】cause n. 起因

the cause of …… 的起因

die of 死于…

【考点】die of &die from

两者都解释为―死于…‖。die of 后接疾病等内因;die from 后接意外等外因。

● 特殊疑问句

【考点】how many/much/long/far/soon/fast/often/&how many times how many 询问―数量‖,用于可数名词 how much 询问―数量‖,用于不可数名词 how long 询问―长度‖,可以用于可测量长度或者时间的长度 how far 询问―距离‖ how soon 询问 ―多久之后‖,用于针对 i n+一段时间进行提问。一般与一般将来时连用。 how fast 询问―速度‖。 how often 询问―频率‖ how many times 询问―次数‖ ● 冠词

【考点 1】特殊例子 前需要加 a 的 :university a usual book European 欧洲人 one-day trip

前需加 a n 的:unhappy + n. uncle unusual + n. hour honest +n.

【考点 2】定冠词 t he 的用法

(1)独一无二:如:the moon (2)上文出现过,再次提到。

(3)双方都知道的,如:Can you open the door? (4)方位词前 (5)最高级前 (6)西洋乐器前

(7)序数词前 (8)姓氏复数前,表示一家人:如 the Smiths (9)与形容词连用,表示一类人 (10)山河湖泊前

(11)习惯用法,如 b y the way

(12)组织前,如 join the party 入党等。

【考点 3】零冠词用法


(2)一日三餐前 (3)四季前 (4)by +交通工具的结构 (5)一日七天 (6)学科前 此处尤其要注意 h istory 。 (7)球类运动 ● 数词

【考点 1】常考序数词的表达:1-first ;2-second ;3-third ;4-fourth ;5-fifth ;8-eighth ;9-ninth ;12-twelfth ; 20-twentieth ;40-fortieth ;90-ninetieth

【考点 2】分数表达:1/2 one-half/a half 1/3 one-third/ a third 5/8 five-eighths

【考点 3】四则运算的表达

动词 介词

Add 3 and 9. 3 plus 9 equals/is 12. Subtract 3 from 9. 9 minus 3 equals /is 6. Multiply 3 by 9.

3 multiplied by 9 equals/is 27. Divide 9 by 3.

9 divided by 3 equals/is 3.

● 其他:一般过去时、一般现在时、祈使句



PartⅠV ocabulary & Grammar

I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):

1. old lady in blue works in university.

A. An… a

B. The … a

C. The, an

D. An, an

2. They usually have the traditional turkey Christmas Day.

A. from

B. at

C. in

D. on

3. The Shanghai W orld Financial Centre is now the third building in the world.

A. tall

B. taller

C. tallest

D. the tallest

4. The girl be very happy if we give her the computer she wants.

A. can

B. should

C. must

D. need

5. At first, I really didn’t know to deal with the trouble. Luckily, she helped me.

A. who

B. what

C. how

D. why

6. W e all know that Mr. Smith is a good teacher and he will be our class next term.

A. afraid of

B. worried about

C. responsible for

D. going on

7. His wish is travelling around the world one day.

A. to go

B. go

C. to going

D. going to

8.—do you practice playing the piano?

— T wice a week.

A. How often

B. How many times

C. How soon

D. How long

9. —Hello! May I speak to Lucy?

—. Please call back later.

A. Hold on for a moment

B. She’s at home.

C. Just a minute

D. Sorry, she’s


10. —Have you read these English magazines?

—Y es, I them three days


A. have read

B. was reading

C. read

D. will read

11. Kevin to work in his hometown after he graduated from university.

A. goes

B. went

C. will go

D. had gone

12. I

him that news when I met him in the dining hall.

A. forgot to tell

B. had forgotten to tell

C. forgot telling

D. had forgotten telling

13. Let us do it at once, ?

A. shall we

B. will you

C. do we

D. do you

14. My cousin knows a lot about geography he is only four years old. A. if B. although C. though D. because 15. China has been a member of WTO, English is more useful than before.

A. Since

B. Though

C. When

D. If

16. She ordered an IPHONE from Internet she could save a lot of time. A. so that

B. as soon as

C. in order to

D. though

Ⅱ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形

式 完成下列句子):

17. I heard an between two women tourists on the board yesterday . (argue)

18. She ’s just started up a new business, I hope she can make a of it. (succeed)

19. It is clever of you to the problem so quickly . (solution)

20. Only the students get the best marks. (ambition)

21. I felt a great sense of when I reached the top of the mountain. (achieve)

Ⅲ. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求改写下列句子,每空格限填一词) 22. The old man is so strong that he can win some young men in running. (保持句意基本不变) The old man is to win some young men in running. 23. Some young people seldom go to listen to classic music. (改为反意疑问句)

Some young people seldom go to listen to classic music,


24.W endy is interested in playing the violin when she is free. (保持句子意思) W endy is playing the violin when she is free.

25. Have you finished your homework? I wanted to know . (合并为一句)

I wanted to know

you finished your homework or not.

26. W e have learnt English since we were six years old. (根据划线部分提


have you learnt English?

Ⅳ.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入表格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):

A. open

B. during

C. finally

D. though

E. in return

F. safe

G. hours

H. in fact

I. worry about

Not all sleep is the same every night. W e expected some deep, quite sleep and some active sleep when dreams happen. Y ou might think sleepwalking would happen (27) active sleep, but a person isn’t physically active then. Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few (28) of sleep in the period called deep sleep.

Not all sleepwalking really walks. Some only sit up or stand in bed or act like they’r e awake, but (29) they’r e asleep! However, most of them get up and move around for a few seconds or even half an hours. Sleepwalkers’ eyes are (30) , but they can’t see anything. Sleepwalkers will go back to bed on their own (31) and they won’t remember it in the next morning. Scientists say that about 15% of kids sleepwalk regularly. Sleepwalking may happen when a person is having a fever or not getting enough sleep.

If a person often sleepwalks, it’s a good idea for him or her to see the doctor. But don’t (32) it. Sleepwalking isn’t serious (33) it may look funny or even terrible for the people who see a sleepwalker at night. One important thing for the sleepwalker is to keep (34) , not to fall down, run into something, or walk out of the front door while sleep walking.

Part ⅡReading and Writing (第三部分读写)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

This Spring Festival I am going to travel around the USA. I surfed the net and found some useful information. Here are some information for tipping in restaurants:

◆Most often, tip about 15% of the bill for food and drink. Look at the total bill and subtract the

amount for taxes.

◆Tips are higher—often 18%-20% in larger cities such as New York and Los Angeles.

◆Tip about 3% higher if you have seven people or more at your table.

◆Do not tip the workers in fast food places where you get your own food—for example, McDonald's.

However, tip about 15% in restaurants where the waiter greets you and comes to the table with bread or water—even if you get most of the food yourself.

◆Do not tip the person who found you a table.

◆Tip the person who parks the car about $1. If there is a charge for parking, you may add 50¢or $1

as a tip if you like; but tipping is not necessary .

Note : Also tip taxi drivers and hairdressers about 15%. If the hairdresser is also the owner of the shop, you need not tip him or her; tipping the owner is not necessary . Always tip the person who washes your hair about $1 or $2.

35. The writer will go to the USA for .

A. traveling

B. tipping

C. studying

D. eating

36. Tipping in different restaurants in the USA is according to the information.

A. not popular

B. not necessary

C. different

D. the same 37. When having a dinner , you should often tip about

of the total bill for food and drink.

A. 3%

B. 18%

C. 20%

D. 15%

38. If you get your own food and drink at , you shouldn ’t tip the workers. A. restaurants B. McDonald's

C. hotel rooms

D. bars

39. Y ou will pay tip if you have seven people or more at your table. A. higher B. 10 %

C. lower

D. 15%

40. Y ou shouldn ’t tip when you are in the USA. A. taxi drivers

B. hairdressers

C. hair washers

D. shop owners

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): W hen I was young, every year I looked forward to my birthday . On that day , my friends and family made me feel like the 41 special person in the world.

The night before my birthday each year, my parents walked into my bedroom while I 42 . They hung balloons on my walls with a big sign that said ―H appy Birthday!‖ When I 43 , I was always surprised.

If my birthday was on a school day , I shared with my teachers and classmates. If it was on the weekend, I 44 _my closest friends to my birthday party .

When I was young, we had parties at my house. My parents made up lots of fun games for us to play . W e painted pictures, played outside, and ate 45 cakes and ice cream. My friends bought gifts for me.

When I got older, I had my birthday parties in different places. My friends and I stayed up all night watching films, chatting, and sharing secrets. At night we ate pizza and cakes, and the next morning my parents made pancakes for us.

The saddest day of the year for me was the day after my birthday . Then I knew I had to

wait 46

whole year before it would come again.

41. A. many

B. most

C. more

D. much 42. A. am sleeping

B. sleep

C. was asleep

D. slept

43. A. put up B. gave up C. took up D. woke up

44. A. invited B. told C. made D. took

45. A. few B. a lot of C. many D. a few

46. A. the other B. the others C. another D. others

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内


A pair of comfortable shoes is important for a runner. Shoes help p 47 their feet and knees. But some people are running in socks lately.

FiveFingers socks are starting to become p 48 among runners in the US and UK. They give runners the feeling that they are running barefoot.(光脚).

Helen Pryer, one of Britain’s top 200m runners, is a fan. ― I find them really c 49 . I use them for my t 50 ,‖ she said.

The sock company says their socks a 51 like a second skin, When a runner wears them, he or she lands on the center of the foot rather than the heel. This is a healthier style of running.

Experts are not sure w 52 runners should run in the socks. They say any change to a long-time h 53__should be made with care.

47. _________48. _________49. _________50. _________51. _________52._________

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):

Have you ever heard about teleworking? It means working from a distance, in other words, not working in an office but working at home. Y ou use the computer and the Internet to keep in touch with your boss, but instead of being tired of an office worker, you can work in your own comfortable room.

The idea sounds nice, doesn’t it? Y ou can do your research on the W orld Wide W eb, and send in all your work by e-mail. W ell, that’s exactly what my boss said to me two years ago. ―J enny, how would you like to work at home?‖ He said.

At first everything was great. My job was to edit articles for a university, and I spent most of my time sitting in front of a monitor and typing busily at the keyboard. It was really good being at home, too. I didn’t have to waste any time travelling, and I could stop and make myself a cup of coffee or a sandwich if I wanted –I was quite free and happy. But then things started to change. I put on weight, because I wasn’t going out as much as I had before. I stopped wearing smart dresses because a jogging suit (运动服) and trainers were so much more comfortable. My friends stopped telephoning because I didn’t meet them on the bus or in the cafeteria.

I knew something had to change. I needed to get back into the world, so I telephoned my boss, ― Please let me come back to the office – I ’m going mad on my ow n.‖

And thank goodness, he did. If you want my personal opinion, teleworking may become popular in the futur e…but not for me.

53. What does the word ―t eleworki ng‖ in the first paragraph mean? It means


54. What was Jenny ’s job? Her job

. 55. Did she go out as much as she had before?


_. 56. Why did Jenny telephone her boss? Because


57. The writer changed her opinion about teleworking, didn ’t she?



58. How do you like teleworking?


Ⅴ. Writing

There are many interesting outdoor activities, such as going fishing, having a picnic and so on. W riting an article about your ” fa vourite outdoor activit y”.

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