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《苦难的历程》是( )的作品。






20世纪西方文学具体分为两个部分,即( )。







托马斯·曼的代表作是被誉为德国资产阶级的“一部灵魂史”的长篇小说( ),被看作德国19世纪后半期社会发展的艺术缩影。






( )以创作“揭发黑幕”小说而闻名,代表作《屠场》。






20世纪50年代在美国出现的文学流派中,( )自称是“神圣的野蛮人”,在艺术上力求突破各类文学体裁的限制,否定一切。







1.第10题 Among the following, only one can not be a possible theme of the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It is _________. A.equality between men B.escapism C.conflict between nature and civilization D.spiritual emptiness 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第11题 "The Apparition of these faces in the crowd" is a line in a famous short poem written by ---. A.Ezra Pound B. Carl Sandburg C.Walt Whitman 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第12题 Among the following 3 authors the one who did not win a Nobel Prize is ---. A.William Faulkner B. F. S. Fitzgerald C. John Steinbeck 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第13题 Among the following fictions, only one is not written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is


学前儿童健康教育作业 答案 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

学前儿童健康教育作业(一) 一、名词解释(每小题4分,共16分) 1.生长发育:生长是指细胞的繁殖,增大、细胞间质的增加。表现为各组织、器官和全身各部的大小、长短、重量的增加;发育则比较复杂,是指各组织,器官、系统在功能、技巧、心理、智力各方面的改变,是质方面的改变。 2.生长发育的形态指标P37 3.身体指数评价法P40 4.健康教育:健康教育是以传授健康知识、建立卫生行为、改善环境为核心内容的教育。即通过有计划、有组织、有系统的教育活动,促使人们自愿地采取有利于健康的行为,消除或降低危险因素,降低发病率、伤残率和死亡率,提高生活质量,并对教育效果作出评价。 二、填空题(每小题1分,共10分) 1.学前儿童新陈代谢的特点是(同化)作用显着大于(异化)作用。 2.运动系统由(骨)、(骨连接)和 (骨骼肌)三部分组成。 年颁布并实施的《幼儿园教育指导纲要》(试行)提出了四条幼儿园健康领域总目标,它表明了(身心和谐)、(保护与锻炼并重)、(注重健康行为的形成)三个方面的价值取向。 4.学前儿童健康教育评价包括健康教育活动的评价和(健康服务的评价)、(健康环境的评价) 三、判断题(每小题5分,共10分。要求先判断正误,错误的要予以改正。) 1.“毛发整洁有光泽”不是评价学前儿童健康的一项标志。 错,“毛发整洁有光泽”是评价学前儿童健康的一项标志 包括三个方面,具体有健康知识、健康态度、健康行为。√ 四、简答题(每小题8分,共24分)

1.简述学前儿童循环系统的卫生要求。 (1)保持室内空气流通(2)儿童服装要宽松(3)合理安排儿童的一日活动(4)预防传染病 (5)注意体格锻炼 2.简述学前儿童消化系统的卫生要求。 (1)注意口腔卫生,保护牙齿 (2)建立合理的饮食制度,注意食物的质量和清洁卫生 (3)饭前饭后不作剧烈运动 (4)培养儿童定时大便的习惯 3.简述幼儿园健康教育活动设计的步骤。 (1)目标的筛选与确定。 (2)确定课程。 (3)选择与分析材料。 (4)确定教学活动类型。 (5)制定完成课题的进度表。 (6)空间与环境的安排。 (7)教学策略的选择。 (8)确定评价的目的与方法 五、分析论述题(每小题20分,共40分) 1.为什么说学前儿童的生长发育包括生理和心理两个方面,请谈谈您对这一观点的看法。 学前儿童的生理和心理的发展是统一的,二者联系密切,互相影响,相辅相成。 (1)儿童的生理不适应可影响心理,儿童的疲倦或饥饿是由于生理上不适应而产生的,转而可影响情绪。如果儿童不吃早餐到幼儿园,由于饥饿,精神不能集中,或易发脾气。若教师上课采用多种方法,组织教学和活动,可以使儿童情绪饱满,精神愉快,从而减少疲倦感。


美国文学史及选读名词解释 1. Transcendentalism 19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England who were loosely bound together by adherence to an idealistic system of thought based on a belief in the essential unity of all creation, the innate goodness of man, and the supremacy of insight over logic and experience for the revelation of the deepest truths. In their religious quest, the Transcendentalists rejected the conventions of 18th-century thought; and what began in a dissatisfaction with Unitarianism developed into a repudiation of the whole established order. 2. Langston Hughes American poet and writer emphasized on lower-class black life. He established himself as a major force of the Harlem Renaissance. In 1926, in the Nation, he provided the movement with a manifesto when he skillfully argued the need for both race pride and artistic independence in his most memorable essay, 'The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain." In many ways Hughes always remained loyal to the principles he had laid down for the younger black writers in 1926. His art was firmly rooted in race pride and race feeling even as he cherished his freedom as an artist. He was both nationalist and cosmopolitan. As a radical democrat, he believed that art should be accessible to as many people as possible. He could sometimes be bitter, but his art is generally suffused by a keen sense of the ideal and by a profound love of humanity, especially black Americans. 3. Henry David Thoreau American essayist, poet, and practical philosopher, renowned for having lived the doctrines of Transcendentalism as recorded in his masterwork, Walden (1854), and for having been a vigorous advocate of civil liberties, as evidenced in the essay “Civil Disobedience” (1849). In his writings Thoreau was concerned primarily with the possibilities for human culture provided by the American natural environment. He adapted ideas garnered from the then-current Romantic literatures in order to extend American libertarianism and individualism beyond the political and religious spheres to those of social and personal life. He demanded for all men the freedom to follow unique lifestyles, to make poems of their lives and living itself an art. In a restless, expanding society dedicated to practical action, he demonstrated the uses and values of leisure, contemplation, and a harmonious appreciation of and coexistence with nature. Thoreau established the tradition of nature writing later developed by the Americans 4. the Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance, a flowering of literature (and to a lesser extent other arts) in New York City during the 1920s and 1930s, has long been considered by




奥鹏17春16秋华师《现代汉语》在线作业 一、单选题(共25 道试题,共50 分。) 1. 下面对中介语的表述正确的是( ) A. 中介语只属于个人的语言系统 B. 中介语是儿童学习母语过程中的过渡语 C. 中介语两个母语背景不同的人使用的共知的第三种语言 D. 中介语是科技语言系统 正确答案: 2. “升帐”的“帐”和“热胀冷缩”的“胀”,其理据性体现在( ) A. 初始性 B. 同源性 C. 拟声性 D. 复合性 正确答案: 3. “突然”一词是____。 A. 副词 B. 形容词 C. 区别词 D. 状态词 正确答案: 4. 属于褒贬色彩对立的一组同义成语是____。 A. 胸有成竹—胸中有数 B. 抱残守缺—故步自封 C. 全神贯注—聚精会神 D. 无所不至—无微不至 正确答案: 5. 关于语言符号的任意性,下列说法不正确的一项是( ) A. 复合符号原则上不是任意的,是有理据的 B. 正是由于语言符号的任意性,语言是可变的 C. 最基本的单纯初始符号都是任意的 D. 任意性是指一个符号先由某一个群体约定,继而向周围扩散推广正确答案: 6. “去打电话”是 A. 主谓短语 B. 连动短语 C. 兼语短语 D. 同位短语

7. “与其平庸苟且一生,不如轰轰烈烈一场”是个____。 A. 选择复句 B. 递进复句 C. 转折复句 D. 倚变复句 正确答案: 8. 下列选项中,有错别字的一组是____。 A. 铤而走险 B. 无耻滥言 C. 川流不息 D. 不落窠臼 正确答案: 9. 语素文字的代表是 A. 汉字 B. 英文字母 C. 日文字母 D. 德文字母 正确答案: 10. “关灯睡觉”的结构类型是 A. 联合 B. 偏正 C. 连动 D. 补充 正确答案: 11. 产生与18世纪末叶19世纪初叶的语言学被称为( ) A. 结构主义语言学 B. 历史比较语言学 C. 社会语言学 D. 功能语言学 正确答案: 12. “老李性格直爽”中的谓语是 A. 动补谓语 B. 主谓谓语 C. 兼语谓语 D. 连动谓语 正确答案: 13. 构成“语言、身体”这两个词的语素的类型是( ) A. 都是成词语素 B. 都是不成词语素 C. “语”和“言”是成词语素,“身”和“体”是不成词语素 D. “语”和“言”是不成词语素,“身”和“体”是成词语素 正确答案: 14. “东边日出西边雨,道是无晴还有晴”运用的修辞手法是____。


2018春《美国文学》作业1.第1题 Among the following novels, only one was not written by Herman Melville. It is _____________. A.The Confidence-Man B.The PIlot C.Moby Dick 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 The Author of the short story "A Gift for Maggie" is ---. A. O. Henry B. Mark Twain C.Jack London 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 Of Mice and Men is a novel written by ---. A. John Steinbeck B.Sherwood Anderson C.Sinklair Lewis 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0

4.第4题 “by nature’s self in white arrayed\ she bade thee shun the vulgar eye,\ and planted here the guarding shade,\ and sent soft waters murmuring by; \ thus quietly thy summer goes,\ thy days declining to repose.” the rhyme scheme of the lines above is ______________. A.ababab B.ababcc C.aabbcc 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第5题 when we say that a poor young man from the west tried to make his fortune in the east but was disillusioned in the quest of an idealized dream, we are probably discussing about ______’s thematic concern in his fiction writing. A.Henry James B.Scott Fitzgerald C.Hemingway D.William Faulkner 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 6.第6题 ____ Bryant’s best-known poem, was written when


2017秋17春福师《学校健康教育学》在线作业二 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共40 分。) 1. 和吸烟者讨论吸烟的利弊,启发"自我意识"和"自我评价",帮助吸烟者做出抉择。这样的技巧适用于(). A. 无戒烟愿望者 B. 对戒烟犹豫不决者 C. 准备戒烟者 D. 刚刚戒断吸烟者 正确答案: 2. 健康促进测量指标不仅是针对健康状况,而且要针对人群的(). A. 生活方式 B. 生活质量 C. 健康观念 D. 社会环境 正确答案: 3. 健康促进规划评价的实验设计是将评价对象按()原则分为实验组和对照组(). A. 抽样 B. 分类 C. 整群 D. 随机化 正确答案: 4. 在青春期开始后的几年,人体的生长发育呈现第()次增长高峰. A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7 正确答案: 5. 教师在课堂上展示实物、模型、图片进行演示实验,采用现代化视听手段指导学生获得知识的一种教学方法是(). A. 谈话法 B. 授课法 C. 演示法 D. 模拟法 正确答案: 6. 关于健康教育与健康促进关系的正确表述是(). A. 健康教育是健康促进的重要组成部分

B. 健康促进减弱了健康教育的力度 C. 健康教育和健康促进是相同的概念 D. 健康教育比健康促进内涵更广泛 正确答案: 7. 心理防御机制的主要作用是(). A. 促进心理健康 B. 主要促进心理健康,同时保护心理健康 C. 保护心理健康 D. 防御心理健康 正确答案: 8. 世界卫生组织在《阿拉木图宣言》中将健康教育列为()八项任务的首位. A. 初级卫生保健 B. 中级卫生保健 C. 高级卫生保健 D. 九年义务教育 正确答案: 9. 学校有安全清洁的水源供师生饮用、洗手,属于学校卫生环境中的(). A. 物质环境 B. 社会环境 C. 自然环境 D. 事物环境 正确答案: 10. 预防儿童青少年的心理障碍,必须了解少年儿童身心发展的(),掌握身心发展各个阶段的特点(). A. 规律性 B. 特殊性 C. 阶段性 D. 共性 正确答案: 11. 人们在遇到挫折时以幽默化解尴尬,属于心理防御机制中的(). A. 排他性防御 B. 神经症性防御 C. 幼稚性防御 D. 成熟性防御 正确答案: 12. 人口老龄化是(). A. 人口出生率上升和人均期望寿命延长的必然结果 B. 人口出生率下降和人均期望寿命缩短的必然结果 C. 人口出生率上升和人均期望寿命缩短的必然结果 D. 人口出生率下降和人均期望寿命延长的必然结果 正确答案: 13. 健康促进规划的过程评价主要关注(). A. 计划是否完善、合理、可行


美国文学史及选读试题 I. Multiple Choice 10’ 1. Who is different from others according to the division of writing period? A. Washington Irving B.William Cullen Bryant C. Captain John Smith D. James Fenimore Cooper 2. The American Romantic Period lasted roughly from ____ to ____. A. 1798-1832 B. 1810-1860 C. 1860-1864 D. 1776-1783 3. How many syllables are there in this first line of Raven? (“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,”) A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 16 4. What dominated the Puritan phase of American writing? A. theology B. literature C. esthetics D. revolution 5. At the initial period of the spread of ideas of the Enlightenment was largely due to ____. A. typography B. journalism C. revolution D. the development of paper-making industry 6. Who has been called the “Father of American Literature”? A. Walt Scott B. Geoffrey Chaucer


福师《学校心理健康教育》在线作业一 一,单选题 1. 经验本位的综合课程即() A. 显性课程 B. 心理健康教育活动课 C. 隐性课程 D. 心理健康教育学科课程 正确答案:B 2. 素质通过遗传获得,故又称遗传素质,亦称()。 A. 禀赋 B. 天资 C. 资质 D. 天赋 正确答案:A 3. 美国著名的职业指导专家()把人的个性类型划分为现实型(R型)、研究型(I型)、艺术型(A型)、社会型(S型)、企业型(E型)和常规型(C型) A. 卡特尔 B. 霍兰德 C. 埃里克森 D. 詹姆士 正确答案:B 4. 完整的学校心理健康教育课程体系由()课程和融合型课程综合而成 A. 隐性课程 B. 选修课程 C. 独立型课程 D. 必修课程 正确答案:C 5. 心理健康教育课程是()。 A. 学科本位的综合课程 B. 经验本位的综合课程 C. 问题本位的综合课程 D. 问题──经验──学科三位一体的综合课程 正确答案:D 6. 合理选择职业应做到()。 A. 了解自己、职业和社会 B. 了解专业和职业的关系 C. 了解自己跟职业的关系 D. 了解社会的需求 正确答案:A 7. ()是指一个人一生中所有与工作相联系的行为与活动,包括与之相关的态度、价值观、愿望等的经历过程。 A. 职业角色 B. 职业生涯

C. 职业经历 D. 职业劳动 正确答案:B 8. 下列哪一项不是教师职业生涯发展的主要特点() A. 无生涯性 B. 强示范性 C. 合作性 D. 时空相对无限性 正确答案:C 9. 学校心理健康教育档案的内容中,不属于学生自然情况的是:() A. 学生个人情况 B. 学生学习成绩 C. 学生的既往史 D. 学生的自我评定 正确答案:B 10. 对学校而言,指导家庭开展心理健康教育的途径不包含() A. 教育──在家长学校中开设心理健康教育课程 B. 代替──家长解决不了的问题,学校应出面解决 C. 引导──邀请家长观摩、参与学校的心理健康教育活动 D. 辅导──开展家长心理辅导与咨询活动 正确答案:B 11. 在咨询中,咨询者设身处地地去体会当事人的内心感受,理解和同情当事人的心情,达到一种情感上的共振,这称为()。 A. 理解 B. 尊重 C. 共情 D. 真诚 正确答案:C 12. ()是隐性心理健康教育课程最重要的构成部分。 A. 校园的物质文化 B. 校园的精神文化 C. 校园的文化活动 D. 校园的舆论环境 正确答案:B 13. ____是指直接推动学生进行学习和维持学习的一种内部动力,是激励和指引学生进行学习的一种需要,是影响学生学习的一种重要的非认知因素。 A. 学习目标 B. 学习动机 C. 学习热情 D. 学习策略 正确答案:B 14. ____是指促进学习活动的一些外显的操作程序和步骤,如画线、做笔记、写提要、学习计划与时间管理等。 A. 认知策略


2018年自学考试《美国文学选读》试题 Multiple choice; 1._________ works are marked by a preoccupation with the Calvinistic view of original sin and the mystery of evil. A.Emerson’s B. Hawthorne’s C. Thoreau’s D. Allan Poe’s 2. Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”got ideas from _______ legends. A.B ritish B. German C. Italian D. French 3. “Rip Van Winkle”reveals the theme of ______ the past. A. nostalgia for B. rejectionn to C. detachment from D. dislike for 4. In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter , “A”may stand for ____________. A. Angel B. Adultery C. Able D.all the above 4. According to Hawthorne, the scarlet letter “A”which originally stood for “____”finally obtained the meaning of “able”or “angel”through Hester’s efforts. A. adultery B. arrogance C. accomplishment D. agony 5. Which one is not the characteristics of the puritan style? A. Fresh B. Simple C. Grand D. Direct 6. In his ______, Benjamin Franklin creates the image of a boy’s rise from rags to riches and demonstrates his belief that the new world America was a land of opportunities which might be met through hard work and wise management.


文学院—考研辅导讲义 现 代 汉 语 题 库 注意:中国古典文献学、中国古代文学、中国现当代文学、比较文学与世界文学、 中国民间文学、影视文学通用教材与讲义 二〇〇九年八月(第三版)2010年8月

同学们好,今天我们学习第一讲,希望大家认真预习课本,研习讲义! 真题选讲 2010年华师文学院语言基础(现代汉语、古代汉语)真题 现代汉语 一、名词解释 1、汉民族共同语 2、音位 3、六书 4、语义场 5、句式 二、操作题 1、分析声母发音chi le ke xi bu 2、分析韵母发音he ba mo ci ju 3、汉字造字法水、锦、天、牧、问 4、词的构造健儿、司机、头疼、推迟、考试 5、从语法角度,分析词性:开始、微型、喷香、兴致、亲自 6、进行层次分析,说明结构关系:上街买菜请小李吃饭、我的遥远的家乡**湾(还有一题忘了。) 7、用层次分化歧义短语:发两个月的工资、两个报社的记者、反对的是老李 8、疑问句的类型:有谁知道我的书在哪里? 我的文具盒呢? 你想不想知道你的成绩? 三、简答 1、/a/的音位变化及其条件 2、什么是“隶变”?简述“隶变”的内容 3、现代汉语的存现句的语法意义 四、论述题:举例分析层次分析的三原则 古代汉语 一、名词解释 1、假借 2、引申义 3、叶韵 4、字母 5、如字 二、简答 1、异体字的四种情况 2、举例谈谈古代汉语中的被动句式有哪几种 3、举例谈谈古代汉语中的反问句式有哪几种 4、谈谈使动用法和意动用法的区别 5、古秦三十韵韵部的韵目 三、加标点 晋灵公不君厚敛以彫墙从台上弹人而观其辟丸也宰夫胹熊蹯不孰杀之寘诸畚使妇人载以过朝赵盾士季见其手问其故而患之将谏士季曰谏而不入则莫之继也会清先不入则子继之三进及溜而后视之曰吾知所过矣将改之稽首而对曰人谁无过过而能改善莫大焉诗曰靡不有初鲜克有终夫如是则能补过者鲜矣君能有终则社稷之固也岂惟群臣赖之又曰袞职有阙惟仲山甫补之能补过也君能补过袞不废矣犹不改宦子骤谏公患之使鉏麑贼之晨往寝门癖矣盛服将朝尚早坐而假寐麑退叹而言曰不忘恭敬民之主也贼民之主不忠弃君之命不信有一于此不如死也触槐而死



美国文学作业 选择: 1.The scarlet letter “A” in the novel The Scarlet Letter at first stands for _____________. B.adultery 2.Among the following stories written by Poe, only one belongs to the category of the detective story. It is ___. A.The Purloined Letter 3.The famous pamphlet Common Sense appearing in 1776 was written by _____________. B.Thomas Paine 4.the sound and the fury is a novel written by __________. D.William Faulkner 5.The Wasteland is a long modern poem written by ---. C. T. S. Eliot 6.the lines “to the glory that was greece, /and the grandeur that was rome” were quoted from poe’s poem __________. B.To Helen 7.Among the following titles, only one is not among the Leather-Stoking Tales series. It is______.D.Moby Dick 8.“I become a transparent eye-ball. i am nothing. i see all. the currents of the universal being circulate through me; i am part or


Chapter 3 The Modern Period I. Background In the early 20th century, nothing had more important and long-lasting effect on America than the two great world wars. America entered the era of big industry and big technology, a mechanized age that deprived individuals of their sense of identity. The war affected young writers' attitude toward life, society, and writing. Also during the interval between the two wars, some significant events exerted great influence on American literature. II. Modern period characters First, many young American writers and artists lived abroad for months and years. Second, Marxism and Freudianism were widely studied. They changed people's view of society and themselves. Third, up to this point, the typical American writer had been native-born, white, more or less rich, Protestant and Anglo-Saxon. After the war, the voices of new groups of Americans were heard. They were poor, or immigrants, or Jews, or blacks. There was the new literature coming out of the South and the literature written by women with awakened self-consciousness. Fourth, during this period there occurred in America an intense reexamination of the structure of literature and of the nature of the critical activity itself. During the first decades of the 20th century, modernism became an international tendency against positivism and representational an in art and literature. a. compared with earlier writings, especially those of the 19th century, modern American writings are notable for what they omit---the explanations, interpretations, connections, and summaries. A typical modern work will seem to begin arbitrarily, to advance without explanation, and to end without resolution. b. Modernistic techniques and manifestos were initiated by poets first and later entered and transformed fiction in this period as well like the poets, prose writers strove for directness,compression, and vividness and were sparing of words. III. Main writers: I. Robert Lee Frost(1874-1963) In 1912, Robert Frost took his family to England. There he met Ezra Pound who had a very good opinion about his poems and helped him to find British publishers.A Boy's Will(1913) and North of Boston(1914) were published and highly acclaimed in England. Most of his major poetry was written before 1930, although he continued writing all the way through the 1950s and into the early 1960s. His major books include Mountain interval (1916), New Hampshire(1923), West-Running Brook (1928), A Further Range (1936), A Witness Tree (1942), A Mosque of Reason (1945), A Masque of Mercy(1947), A Steeple Bush(1947), Complete Poems(1949), and In the Clearing(1962). Although recognition came late to him at the age of forty, Robert Frost was the most popular American poet from 1914 to his death. a. During the course of his career, he changed from a national critic to a national hero. b. His verse at first was terrifying, showing a dark side of human life, human society, and the problems which confronted his own life. c. By the end of his life, his poems were filled with more sunshine. He was more pleasant. This is an important change because America needed such a poet that it could admire, especially because the other modernist poets during this time were obscure. They were intellectuals. They could not be understood by the average person. Robert Frost could be understood by the average person and his poetry is full of life, truth, and wisdom. Frost's achievement was fantastic. He won the Pulitzer Prize four times, received honorary degrees from


1.第4题 . The Jazz Age, characterized by frivolity and carelessness, refers to ________. A.1910s B.1920s C.1930s D.1960s 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第5题 William Faulkner once declared that ___ was the first truly American writer from whom we are descended. A.Washington Irving B.Cooper C.Hawthorne D.Mark Twain 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第6题 The School Room Poets did not include _____. A.Longfellow B.Lowell C.Holmes D.Poe 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第7题 “Two roads diverged in a yellow woods” is the first line in a poem written by Robert Frost

entitled __________. A.The Road Not Taken B.Mending Wall C.Two Yellow Roads D.After Apple Picking 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第8题 "The Apparition of these faces in the crowd" is a line in a famous short poem written by ---. A.Ezra Pound B. Carl Sandburg C.Walt Whitman 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 6.第9题 The American writer whose one essay greatly influenced later civil right leader Martin Luther King is ___. A.Ralph Waldo Emerson B.Philip Freneau C.Henry David Thoreau 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 7.第10题 The collections of his occasional lectures on poetry entitled ___ established Wallace Stevens as a major American poet. A.Ideas of Order B.The Necessary Angel


2018年秋季学期四(2)班 《健康教育》作业 学校:班级:姓名: 一,填空题: 1、读写时眼离书本的距离应该是()。 2、要保护好牙齿一定要做到()。 3、看电视时座位与电视机至少保持()米。 4、预防蛔虫病和蛲虫病要做到注意饮食卫生,不喝()。,生吃瓜果要()。 5、心脏在人体的( )胸部。 6、肺在人体的( )里。 7、预防流感主要是在( )期间,应尽量少到( )去。 8、预防肠道传染病应防止“()”;养成良好的( ),饭前便后要( )。 9、预防甲型肝炎应做到以下几点: (1)注意() )(2)喝() (3)饭前便后要( )。 10、老鼠主要会传播( )。 二,选择题: 1.班主任培养小学生自信心理,以下策略中不合理的是________。 a.让学生以名人为榜样认识自我 b.让学生以行动证明自己的能力验证自我 c.让学生在集体生活中感受自我 d.让学生在不断总结中完善自我 2.案例中小强的任性与暴躁形成的主观原因主要是________。 a.人格分裂不统一 b.情绪的自我控制差 c.自尊心强,心理承受能力差 d.家庭教育观念的失误 3.讲座中“小红点”的故事,说明了________。 a.教师不要轻易向学生承诺奖励。 b.教师的情绪是造成学生情绪的主因。 c.教师具有极大的力量,能够让学生活得愉快或悲惨。

d.教师的快乐与意义感往往与学生的进步联系在一起。 4.对教师来说,保持良好心态的消极因素有________。 a.对完美主义的追求。 b.对自己所教课程的喜爱。 c.对职业的奉献感。 d.对学生所获成就的期待。 5.教师保持快乐心态,在职业情感的培养上,最重要的是________。 a.成就感。 b.认同感。 c.责任感。 d.使命感。 6.研究发现,对职业最满意的教师并在职业上进步最大的教师,具有以下的倾向________。 a.自我心理调节能力强。 b.善于寻求社会支持。 c.自我取向,支配性强。 d.将学校利益放在个人利益之上。 7,.案例《断臂》给我们什么启示________。 a.完成教学任务是一节课的根本。 b.学生的自主发展比完成教学任务更重要。 c.教师要借助案例反思自己的行为,积累经验,改进教学。 d.教师的生活味越浓,教育的意义越大。 8.在班级管理的个案中,给胡老师带来困惑的教育观念是________。 a.时刻关注后进生,以防患于未然。 b.关心每一个后进生。 c.对后进生的不良行为有时可以选择忽略。 d.要记住用优点激励孩子,但要适度。 9.目前,教师已经成为心理压力巨大的职业之一,教师压力呈现多样化,其中________压力是其他职业所难以体会的。 a.缺乏职业方向感。 b.缺乏职业生涯反思和规划

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