当前位置:文档之家› 第一周 词汇精练

第一周 词汇精练

第一周 词汇精练
第一周 词汇精练

Lesson 1

1. For many patients, institutional care is the most ______ and beneficial form of care.

A. pertinent

B. appropriate

C. acute

D. persistent

2. The ______ physicist has been challenged by others in his field.

A. respectable

B. respectful

C. respective

D. respecting

3. As a scientist he doesn’t like to work with human embryos or sex cells because of the ______ problems involved.

A. asset

B. ethical

C. esthetic

D. ethnic

4. The manager spoke highly of such ______ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.

A. virtues

B. features

C. properties

D. characteristics

5. The young generation today don’t like ______ teaching.

A. formal

B. orthodox

C. regular

D. refutable

6. In some remote places there are still very poor people who can’t afford to live in ______ conditions.

A. gracious

B. decent

C. honorable

D. positive

7. A human’s eyesight is not as ______ as that of an eagle.

A. acute

B. eccentric

C. sensitive

D. sensible

8. I told him the truth under a ______ promise of secrecy.

A. simple

B. solemn

C. short

D. silent

9. America has now adopted more ______ European-style inspection systems, and the incidence of food poisoning is falling.

A. discrete

B. solemn

C. rigorous

D. autonomous

10. He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he ______ us that he would try as hard as possible.

A. insured

B. guaranteed

C. assumed

D. assured

11. The ______ man was committed to an asylum.

A. insensitive

B. insane

C. indolent

D. inconstant

12. In order to make things convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some ______ shops in the residential area.

A. flowing

B. drifting

C. mobile

D. unstable

13. When people are asked what kind of housing they need or want, the question ______ a variety of answers.

A. defies

B. magnifies

C. mediates

D. evokes

14. His illness first ______ itself as severe stomach pains and headaches.

A. expressed

B. manifested

C. reflected

D. displayed

15. During the lecture, the speaker occasionally ______ his point by relating his own experiences.

A. illustrated

B. hinted

C. cited

D. displayed

16. The English language contains a ______ of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.

A. latitude

B. multitude

C. magnitude

D. longitude

17. The board of the company has decided to ______ its operations to include all aspects of the clothing business.

A. multiply

B. lengthen

C. expand

D. stretch

18. Located in Washington D.C., the Library of Congress contains an impressive ______ of books on every conceivable subject.

A. flock

B. configuration

C. pile

D. array

19. John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must ______ the curiosity and creativity of children.

A. seek

B. stimulate

C. shape

D. secure

20. The boy’s foolish question ______ his mother who was busy with housework and had no interest in talking.

A. intrigued

B. fascinated

C. irritated

D. stimulated


1. [B] 对许多病人来说,慈善机构的护理是最适当、最有益的护理方式。

2. [A] 这位令人尊敬的物理学家受到了该领域其他人的挑战。

3. [B] 由于胚胎或生殖细胞涉及伦理问题,作为一个科学家,他不愿涉足其中。

4. [A] 这位经理高度评价了他的员工所表现出的忠诚、勇敢、守信等美德。

5. [B] 当今的年轻一代不喜欢正统的说教。

6. [B] 在某些偏远地区,仍然有非常贫穷的人没钱生活在像样的环境里。

7. [A] 人的视力不及鹰敏锐。

8. [B] 我在他郑重答应保守秘密之后把真相告诉了他。

9. [C] 美国现已采用更加严格的欧式检查体系,食物中毒的发生率也随之下降。

10. [D] 他为能被选中参加比赛而自豪,并向我们保证他会全力以赴。

11. [B] 那个精神失常的人被送进了精神病院。

12. [C] 为了人们的便利,百货商店计划在居民区建一些流动售货亭。

13. [D] 当问及人们需要或想要什么样的住宅时,他们的回答五花八门。

14. [B] 他的病最初表现为严重的胃痛和头痛。

15. [A] 在讲座中,演讲者不时地讲述他的亲身经历以阐明他的观点。

16. [B] 英语包含大量相对来说很少在日常对话中使用的词语。

17. [C] 公司董事会已经决定扩大经营,使其范围覆盖服装业的所有方面。

18. [D] 位于哥伦比亚特区华盛顿的国会图书馆藏有数目可观的图书,涉及所有主题。

19. [B] 约翰·杜威认为教育应当是生活的准备,一个人应该通过实践来学习,而教学必须激


20. [C] 那个男孩的愚蠢问题激怒了正忙着做家务没兴趣说话的妈妈。

Lesson 2

1. I am afraid that you have to alter your ______ views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived.

A. indifferent

B. distressing

C. optimistic

D. pessimistic

2. All the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons ______ slowly into the sky.

A. ascending

B. elevating

C. escalating

D. lingering

3. Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very ______.

A. intriguing

B. indefinite

C. obscure

D. dubious

4. Even the smallest slip could permanently ______ the patient.

A. analyzed

B. visualized

C. stabilized

D. paralyzed

5. It is difficult to ______ of a plan to end poverty.

A. ponder

B. reckon

C. speculate

D. conceive

6. The director was ______ the way we were doing the work.

A. critical at

B. critical in

C. critical of

D. critical with

7. We realized that he was under great ______, so we took no notice of his bad temper.

A. excitement

B. stress

C. crisis

D. nervousness

8. Owing to ______ competition among the airlines, travel expenses have been reduced considerably.

A. fierce

B. strained

C. eager

D. critical

9. He was such a ______ speaker that he held our attention every minute of the three-hour lecture.

A. specific

B. dynamic

C. heroic

D. diplomatic

10. Extensive reporting on television has helped to ______ interest in a wide variety of sports and activities.

A. assemble

B. generate

C. yield

D. gather

11. that the demand for gasoline continues to rise at the current rate, it will not be long before its price rockets to a terribly high level.

A. Ascertaining

B. Assuming

C. Concerning

D. Regarding

12. He shows a(n) attitude to everyone though he is an accomplished artist.

A. artificial

B. unassuming

C. showy

D. conscious

13. The court considers a financial ______ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.

A. payment

B. obligation

C. option

D. penalty

14. In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is ______.

A. entertainment

B. refreshment

C. luxury

D. accommodation

15. I found it difficult to ______ my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.

A. consolidate

B. intensify

C. amend

D. reconcile

16. Ten days ago the young man informed his boss of his intention to ______.

A. resign

B. reject

C. retreat

D. replace

17. They regarded this economic crisis as the ______ one in modern times.

A. unparalleled

B. unversed

C. unsparing

D. unswerving

18. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to ______ with the local police.

A. inquire

B. consult

C. register

D. resolve


1. [C] 根据刚才得到的不幸的消息,我想你必须改变你乐观的看法了。

2. [A] 看到数以百计的彩色气球徐徐升上天空,体育馆里所有的人都欢呼起来。

3. [C] 很少有人能听懂教授的讲座,因为其主题很晦涩难懂。

4. [D] 即使最小的失误也会导致病人终身瘫痪。

5. [D] 很难想出计划消除贫困。

6. [C] 主任对我们的工作方法很挑剔。

7. [B] 我们知道他压力很大,所以也就不计较他的坏脾气了。

8. [A] 由于航空公司间激烈的竞争,旅游的花费大幅度下降了。

9. [B] 那位演讲人很有活力,整整3个小时的演讲中,他牢牢地抓住了我们的注意力。

10. [B] 大量的电视报道激起了人们对各种各样体育活动的兴趣。

11. [B] 假定对汽油的需求量仍以当前的比率持续上扬,那么汽油价格飙升到高价位将为期不


12. [B] 他虽是一个很有成就的艺术家,但很平易近人。

13. [D] 法庭认为经济惩罚是处罚他的适当的手段。

14. [C] 在这个贫困国家,生存仍是最重要的事,其他都是奢谈。

15. [D] 我觉得很难协调事业上的抱负和抚养孩子的需要。

16. [A] 这个年轻人十天前通知他的老板他打算辞职。

17. [A] 他们将这次经济危机视为现代最空前的一次。

18. [C] 所有的外国人必须在到达之后的两周内到当地警局注册。

Lesson 3

1. Some people think that a ______ translation, or word-for-word translation, is easier than a free translation.

A. literal

B. literary

C. liberal

D. linear

2. To speed up the ______ of letters, the Post Office introduced automatic sorting.

A. treatment

B. delivery

C. transmission

D. departure

3. Jessica was ______ from the warehouse to the accounting office, which was considered a promotion.

A. delivered

B. exchanged

C. transferred

D. transformed

4. The Beatles, the most famous British band of the 1960s, traveled worldwide for many years,

______ cultural barriers.

A. transporting

B. transplanting

C. transferring

D. transcending

5. You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you’ll have to pay a ______.

A. fare

B. fund

C. deposit

D. deal

6. The mother needs ______ bottle feeds for she doesn’t have enough milk to breast-feed her baby.

A. extra

B. additional

C. supplementary

D. surplus

7. The main ______ to growth was a lack of capital.

A. impediment

B. factor

C. occurrence

D. phenomenon

8. Mobile telecommunications ______ is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies.

A. capacity

B. potential

C. possession

D. impact

9. A sparkle in his eyes ______ his face whenever he smiled.

A. animated

B. lived

C. activated

D. vitalized

10. We have arranged to go to the cinema on Friday, but we can be ______ and go another day.

A. reliable

B. probable

C. feasible

D. flexible

11. When you are 18, you are a ______ voter.

A. convertible

B. novel

C. legible

D. legal

12. He said that ending the agreement would ______ the future of small or family-run shops, lead to fewer books being published and increase prices of all but a few bestsellers.

A. venture

B. expose

C. jeopardize

D. legalize

13. That part of the city has long been ______ for its street violence.

A. historical

B. responsible

C. illegal

D. notorious

14. With ______ exceptions, the former president does not appear in public now.

A. rare

B. unusual

C. extraordinary

D. unique

15. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total ______ for living expenses.

A. acceptable

B. available

C. advisable

D. applicable

16. Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ______.

A. in no way

B. on the contrary

C. at a loss

D. of no avail

17. It is ______ to attempt to convince him that certain things are simply undoable.

A. abortive

B. bootless

C. futile

D. fruitless

18. Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her ______ for a whole week.

A. restricted

B. occupied

C. constrained

D. dominated

19. Every culture has developed ______ for certain kinds of food and drink, and equally strong negative attitudes toward others.

A. preferences

B. expectations

C. fantasies

D. fashions

20. His ______ attitude called forth a lot of criticism.

A. constituent

B. partial

C. nutrient

D. preferable


1. [A] 有些人认为直译,或者说逐字逐句的翻译,比意译容易。

2. [B] 为了加快信件的投递,邮局引入了自动分类系统。

3. [C] Jessica从仓库调到了会计办公室,这被认为是升职了。

4. [D] 20世纪60年代最著名的英国乐队——甲壳虫乐队超越了文化障碍,多年来巡演全世


5. [C] 在许多地方你都可以租自行车,通常你得付押金。

6. [C] 这位母亲需要增补牛奶来喂养孩子,因为她奶水不足。

7. [A] 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。

8. [A] 根据两家公司所签订的合同,上海今年的移动通讯容量预计会翻一番。

9. [A] 每当他微笑时,眼中的光芒总会使他的脸变得富有生气。

10. [D] 我们已经安排周五去看电影,但是也可以灵活一点改天去。

11. [D] 当你满18岁的时候,你就是一个合法的投票者。

12. [C] 他说,终止协议会危及小型或家庭式商店的未来,导致图书出版数量减少,并提高除


13. [D] 长久以来,这个城市的那个地区因街头暴力而臭名远扬。

14. [A] 前总统如今极少在公共场合露面了。

15. [B] 一般来说,一个学生的住宿费用应为生活费用总数的五分之一。

16. [D] 她觉得受了侮辱,要劝她留下来是徒劳无益的。

17. [C] 让他相信有些事情完全不可为的尝试是无用的。

18. [B]她对装修大房子的兴趣使她忙活了一整个星期。

19. [A] 每种文化都有自己偏爱的饮食,并且对异族文化的饮食有同样强烈的否定态度。

20. [B] 他的偏袒态度招致了不少批评。

Lesson 4

1. The fans of the actress craned their necks to catch a glimpse of their ______.

A. hero

B. admirer

C. idol

D. worshiper

2. Before he started the work, I asked the builder to give me an ______ of the cost of repairing the roof.

A. evaluation

B. estimate

C. announcement

D. assertions

3. U.S. officials and economists were cautious in ______ the new aid program.

A. appreciating

B. ascertaining

C. appraising

D. arbitrating

4. Mr. Connell, in collaboration with his colleagues, has developed a computer system for the annual of employee’s work.

A. appreciation

B. assertion

C. appraisal

D. apprehension

5. Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its ______.

A. bribery

B. robbery

C. brevity

D. simplicity

6. It was my father’s ______ that pain was good for you.

A. publication

B. gospel

C. doctrine

D. conference

7. The travelers ______ their journey after a short break.

A. renewed

B. resumed

C. recovered

D. restored

8. After so many setbacks, he became ______ about life and didn’t trust anyone.

A. hostile

B. unfriendly

C. cynical

D. humorous

9. Some children display an ______curiosity about every new thing they encounter.

A. incredible

B. infectious

C. incompatible

D. inaccessible

10. His ______ had become legendary long before he died.

A. eccentricity

B. idiosyncrasy

C. oddity

D. quirk

11. Various efforts have been made over the centuries to predict earthquakes, including observing lights in the sky and ______ animal behavior.

A. abnormal

B. exotic

C. absurd

D. erroneous

12. It is one thing to locate oil, but it is quite another to and transport it to the industrial centers.

A. extract

B. permeate

C. concentrate

D. distinguish

13. In order to repair barns, build fences, grow crops, and care for animals a farmer must indeed be ______.

A. restless

B. skilled

C. strong

D. versatile

14. Why should anyone want to read ______ of books by great authors when the real pleasure comes from reading the originals?

A. themes

B. insights

C. digests

D. leaflets

15. Although the body is made up of many different tissues, these tissues are arranged in an ______ and orderly fashion.

A. intricate

B. initial

C. internal

D. incredible

16. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly _______ to hot and dry wind. These are what we call weather-sensitive people.

A. subordinate

B. subjective

C. liable

D. vulnerable


1. [C] 那位女演员的崇拜者们伸长了脖子想看一看他们崇拜的偶像。

2. [B] 动工前我要求施工人员估计一下修理房顶的费用。

3. [C] 美国官方及经济学家在评估新的援助项目时很谨慎。

4. [C] 康奈尔先生与同事合作研制了一种计算机系统来评估员工一年来的工作表现。

5. [C] 最拙劣地滥用时间的人,会首先抱怨时间短暂。

6. [C] 我父亲的信条是痛苦对人有好处。

7. [B] 短暂的休息过后,旅客们继续他们的旅程。

8. [C] 经历了这么多挫折后,他变得愤世嫉俗,并不再相信任何人。

9. [A] 一些小孩对他们碰到的新东西表现出一种让人难以置信的好奇心。

10. [A] 在他去世之前,他的古怪脾气就早已声名远扬了。

11. [A] 数世纪以来,人们在尝试着各种方法来预测地震,包括观察天空的光和异常的动物


12. [A] 找到石油是一回事,将其开采出来并运到工业中心就是另外一回事了。

13. [D] 一个农民要会修谷仓、筑篱笆、种庄稼、养牲口,必须是个多面手。

14. [C] 真正的乐趣来自阅读原著,可为什么有人想读那些伟大作家作品的缩写本呢?

15. [A] 尽管身体是由许多不同的器官组成,但这些器官却组合得复杂而有序。

16. [D]有些研究人员认为某些人的神经系统会因炎热干燥的风而不舒服,这样的人就是我们


Lesson 5

1. Without the ______ of several large firms the festival couldn’t take place.

A. authorization

B. patrimony

C. patronage

D. entitlement

2. I think you can take a(n) ______ language course to improve your English.

A. intermediate

B. middle

C. medium

D. mid

3. These regulations are made for your safety; if you disobey them, you do so at your ______.

A. peril

B. request

C. service

D. jeopardy

4. The snow and the blackout combined to make motoring ______.

A. binding

B. exciting

C. offensive

D. perilous

5. The ______ of finding gold in California attracted a lot of people to settle down there.

A. prospects

B. speculations

C. stakes

D. provisions

6. They are making ______ for their children’s education.

A. provision

B. airmail

C. rescue

D. exit

7. This kind of material can ______ heat and moisture.

A. delete

B. compel

C. constrain

D. repel

8. Their claims to damages have not been convincingly ______.

A. refuted

B. depressed

C. overwhelmed

D. intimidated

9. The joys of travel, having long ______ the disabled, are opening to virtually anyone who has the means.

A. missed

B. discarded

C. neglected

D. omitted

10. The damage to my car was ______ in the accident, but I have a lingering fear even today.

A. insufficient

B. ambiguous

C. negligible

D. ignorant

11. All the tasks ______ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.

A. been fulfilled

B. having been fulfilled

C. were fulfilled

D. had been fulfilled

12. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ______.

A. pensions

B. earnings

C. salaries

D. donations

13. The advertisement says this material doesn’t ______ in the wash, but it has.

A. contract

B. shrink

C. slim

D. dissolve

14. ______ authority resides in the State.

A. chief

B. extreme C supreme D. foremost

15. Don’t let such a ______ matter as this come between us so that we can concentrate on the major issue.

A. trivial

B. partial

C. slight

D. minimal

16. The reason he gave for his absence was obviously ______.

A. duplicated

B. fabricated

C. imitated

D. complied

17. The more a nation’s companies ______ factories abroad, the smaller that country’s recorded exports will be.

A. lie

B. spot

C. stand

D. locate

18. The test results are beyond ______; they have been repeated in labs all over the world.

A. negotiation

B. conflict

C. bargain

D. dispute

19. Mainstream pro-market economists all agree that competition is an ______ spur to efficiency and innovation.

A. extravagant

B. exquisite

C. intermittent

D. indispensable

20. Outside the house the fog was thick and ______.

A. impassable

B. impenetrable

C. impermeable

D. impervious

21. We’d like to ______ a table for five for dinner this evening.

A. preserve

B. retain

C. reserve

D. sustain

22. There is a ______ difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment.

A. gentle

B. subtle

C. feeble

D. humble

23. The lecture which lasted about three hours was so ______ that the audience couldn’t help yawning.

A. tedious

B. bored

C. clumsy

D. tired

24. As he has ______ our patience, we’ll not wait for him any longer.

A. torn

B. wasted

C. exhausted

D. consumed

25. The diversity of tropical plants in the region represents a seemingly ______ source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.

A. exploited

B. controversial

C. inexhaustible

D. remarkable

26. We find that some birds ______ twice a year between hot and cold countries.

A. transfer

B. commute

C. migrate

D. emigrate


1. [C] 没有几大公司的赞助,就没有这一庆典。

2. [A] 我觉得你可以修读一门中级语言课程来提高你的英语。

3. [A] 这些规章制度是为确保你的安全制定的;如果你不遵守,就得自担风险。

4. [D] 大雪加上灯火管制使得车辆行驶成了危险的事。

5. [A] 找到黄金的希望吸引了大量的人来到加利福尼亚定居。

6. [A] 他们正为孩子的教育做准备。

7. [D] 这种材料能够防热和防潮。

8. [A] 他们要求赔偿损失的请求还没有令人信服地被驳倒。

9. [C] 旅游业长期以来忽略了残疾人,而现在只要有条件的人都可以享受旅游的乐趣。

10. [C] 事故中我的车倒无大碍,但我至今仍心有余悸。

11. [B] 提前完成了所有的任务,他们决定外出度假一星期。

12. [A] 上了年纪的俄罗斯公民发现靠政府的养老金维持生计很艰难。

13. [B] 广告说这种材料不缩水,但实际上不然。

14. [C] 最高权力属于国家。

15. [A] 不要让这么件小事造成我们之间的障碍,以便我们能够将精力集中在主要的事情上。

16. [B] 他所提供的缺席理由显然是编造的。

17. [D] 一个国家,其公司在国外建厂越多,那么它所记录的出口量就越小。

18. [D] 测试结果不容争辩——因为它们在全球实验室都是一样的。

19. [D] 主流的亲市场经济学家都认同竞争对于效率和创新来说是必不可少的激励。

20. [B] 屋外大雾很浓,什么也看不见。

21. [C] 我们想预订一张今天晚上可供五人用餐的餐台。

22. [B] surroundings和environment这两个词在词义上有细微的区别。

23. [A] 持续了大约三个小时的讲座实在无聊,听众都禁不住打哈欠了。

24. [C] 他已将我们的耐心消磨殆尽,我们不会再等他了。

25. [C] 这个地区丰富多样的热带植物表明这里似乎有取之不竭的原材料,但得到利用的原材


26. [C] 我们发现一些鸟每年都会在炎热和寒冷的国家之间迁徙两次。


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/a24915917.html,/wenkxd.htm(报名网址) 1.I’m looking for the _______ section in today’s paper. A. column https://www.doczj.com/doc/a24915917.html,bination https://www.doczj.com/doc/a24915917.html,b D.classified 2.Where can I _______ in the TV? Is the outlet right? A. plug B.paint C.shoot D.upset 3.Please put your _______ on this application form. A. site B.silly C.shower D.signature 4.I bought a camera lens yesterday. Its _______ quality is excellent. A. picture B.suit C.stomach D.optical 5.This dress is made of _______, isn’t it? A. nylon B.monument C.mutual D.nod 6.Jack wants to be _______ when he grows up. A.a bar B.a cousin C.an opponent D.an astronaut 7.She failed to call the office to _______ her appointment. A. greet B.miss C.ruin


选校网高考频道专业大全历年分数线上万张大学图片大学视频院校库 简介 要想在高考中英语取得好成绩, 词汇是基础。如何在极其有限的时间里全面有效地复习高考词汇一直是师生的热门话题。我今年重新整理编写的《新课标高中英语词汇精练》能很好地从根本上解决这一难题。学生每天在词汇上用一个小时的时间做一个部分的练习,十天可复习全部高考词汇。通过体会具有良好语境的精美的句子,学生的单选能力、完形能力、阅读能力、词汇运用能力,尤其是完形能力会有很大提高,词汇复习不再是枯燥乏味,老师的压力可以大大减轻,学生不需要参加任何家教或专门辅导班,有一本《高中英语词汇手册》和《新课标高中英语词汇精练》就可以无师自通。真是省时、省钱、效率高。 效果到底如何,你试用便知!不用,你一定会后悔终生。 本练习最适合于2007年和2008年高考实行新课改的十个省市(山东、广东、海南、甘肃、天津、江苏、福建、安徽、辽宁、浙江),其他省市可借鉴使用。 新课标高中英语词汇精练 (2) 注: 练习(2)中所练习的词汇是以b或c字母开头的单词, 词汇的详细解释请参阅《高中英语词汇手册》38到78页的相关词汇。 1. It is wrong to judge people according to their family _________. A. basis B. balance C. balcony D. background 2. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful _______ in the market. A. bacon B. bargains C. bakery D. barbecue 3. Problems with childcare remain the biggest _________ to women succeeding at work. A. bacterium B. bandage C. balloon D. barrier 4. The company has branches all over the world, but their ________ is in London. A. basis B. bottom C. base D. basic 5. We'd like to trade with any country on a friendly and equal _________. A. basis B. basement C. base D. basement 6. It's bad _______ for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. A. behavior B. action C. barrier D. belief 7. There is a common ________ that eating sweets before meals is considered to have the chance to spoil the appetite. A. behavior B. belief C. basis D. battle 8. After a long debate the ______ was passed and it will become law next month. A. belief B. bargain C. basis D. bill 9. At that time, my mind was a complete _______ ; I couldn't think of a single answer. A. blank B. barrier C. blow D. bottom 10. Peter’s sudden death was a great ________ to Mary and it took her quite a while to get over the grief. A. block B. barrier C. blow D. basis 11. What makes the books so important is that, because they appeal to reader of all ages, they create a special literary __________ between parents and children. A. belief B. bond C. barrier D. base 12. The firm recognized Tom's outstanding work by giving him an extra _______. A. belief B. behavior C. barbecue D. bonus 13. She started at the __________ and worked her way up to become manager of the company. A. bottom B. base C. blank D. background 14. The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has ________ all over the country. (2005年高考辽宁卷)


一个地图题的开头: The map about the development of the village sufficiently illustrates the way of progress of this area. In this map, we can find four main sectors and two main roads intersected with one railway and one motor way. It seems the overall development of this village has strong connection with the construction of roads. 雅思小作文地图题词汇 Part 1:表时间 流程图和地图题中都可能涉及时间表达。流程题中,使用较多的是过程时长的表述,而地图题的时间使用则体现为地理变迁的时间变化。一般在方位选址图题中较少出现。确切的时间指引,既增加文章的自然和连贯度,也能体现行文的精确性。 常见表示时间的词: in few hours几小时 during the period of …在…期间after 10 days 10天后 from…to从…到… between …and在…之间 over the…year period在一个…年期间5 years before 5年前a decade earlier几十年前from that moment on从那时起after a while一会 since自从 since then自从 finally最后 over the subsequent …years近连续几年 例句:The process lasts for up to 7 day s and the products are finally distributed to customers. Part 2:表空间 空间表达地图题出现概率较高,但流程图也偶尔出现。空间应该是地图题解题关键和主要特点。许多考生容易误把地图题的空间位置写成上下左右位置,这是失分点非常大的地方。朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家们提示烤鸭,空间表达时需要注意区分:在空间状语里,in表内部,on表接壤,to表分开。 常用的空间词: lies 靠近


中考英语词语释义题解题技巧 重点、难点、考点 一、重点是: (1)常见的构词法 1)合成词:合成词是由两个或两个以上的词构成一个新的词。如:blackboard(黑板),newspaper(报纸),afternoon(下 午) ,pencil-box(铅笔盒)。 2)派生词:派生词是由词根加派生词缀构成的词,词根是派生词的基础,同一词根加不同的派生词缀可以表示不同的意义,还可以表示不同的词的词性。 动词变名词:+后缀er drive(驾驶)——driver(驾驶员) teach(教)—— teacher(教师) read(阅读)—— reader(读者) +后缀or invent(发明)——inventor(发明家) visit(访问)—— visitor(访问者) +后缀tion invent(发明)——

invention(发明) operate(手术)——operation(手术) 名词变形容词:+后缀y wind(风)——windy(刮风的) sun(太阳)——sunny(晴朗的) +后缀ful help(帮助)—— helpful(有帮助的) care(小心)—— careful(小心的) +后缀ly friend(朋友)——friendly(友好的) 形容词变名词:+后缀ness good(好的)——goodness(善良,美德) kind(和善的)——kindness(和善) 形容词变副词:+后缀ly bad(坏的)——badly(糟糕地) quick(快的)——quickly(迅速地) 改变词义:+前缀un happy(高兴的)——unhappy(不高兴的) usual(平常的)——


大学英语四级词汇训练1200题 Test 1 ** the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception ** the trffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A.spare B.fast C.moderate D.moral ** the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.faded B.illustrated https://www.doczj.com/doc/a24915917.html,fined D.concerned ** river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology. A.canal B.tunnel C.channel D.cable ** _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean B.beam C.bake D.battery ** making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal. A. surround B.substance C.stretch D.substitute ** the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991. A. survived B.suspended C.suffered D.subfected ** always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinding about. A. novel B.spoil C.acceptable D.additional ** be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully A. sorting B.joking C.counting https://www.doczj.com/doc/a24915917.html,paring


简介 本练习依照新课标对高中英语词汇(3500)的要求, 并参考了最新考试大纲,按照字母顺序分词类以单项选择的形式编写。练习共分为10个部分,每部分100题左右。每部分学生做题时间限制在50分钟上下。学生每天用一个小时做一个部分的练习, 十天可以漫游整个新课标词汇。通过体会具有良好语境的精美的句子,学生运用英语的能力一定会有很大的提高。适合于高考前对词汇的总复习。本练习题与《高中英语词汇手册》配套使用效果最佳。 本练习最适合于实行新课改的地区。 本练习在编写中,计划在4月20日之前编写完毕。 新课标高中英语词汇精练(1) 注: 练习(1)中所练习的词汇是以a字母开头的单词, 词汇的详细解释请参阅《高中英语词汇手册》1到38页的相关词汇。 1. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable __________. A. ability B. adult C. academy D. opportunity 2. It is well known that the Internet will let people have __________ to huge amounts of information from their own homes. A.appeal B.attention C.access D.approach 3. I’m really sorry about your camera; it was a (an) __________. A.accommodation B.accident C.accuracy D.advantage 4. After receiving the news, immediate ___________ had been taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading. A. achievement B. activity C. acquisition D. action 5. Last year he starred in this film _________ of Bill Cronsha w’s best-selling novel. A. adaptation B. adoption C. advertisement D. addition 6. Coming to another country to study requires a big __________ and it takes a while to fit in. A. agreement B. administration C. admission D. adjustment 7. Being able to speak another language fluently is a great ______ when you are looking for a job. A. adventure B. algebra C. advantage D. ancestor 8. They had been childless for a long time so when a little girl was born in the family, the parents couldn’t help showing too much _________ for it. A. advance B. affection C.adolescence D. advertisement 9. It’s stressed that problems concerning agriculture should be put on the top of the Party’s _________. A. altitude B. agenda C. agency D. assistance 10. I'm allergic to _________. That's why I keep off alcoholic drinks. A. appendix B. alley C. alcohol D. ankle 11. If you set up your goal and start your preparations as early as possible, you will achieve your 1


听力地图题做题技巧+方位词汇 许多考生在遇到雅思听力地图题时往往刚到很头痛,不仅是因为在读题时找不到任何方向从而导致听题时无从下手,更多的是因为在平日练习中缺乏一些系统有效的做题方法。今天总结一下听力地图题的考察类型和解题重点,练习时培养正确的思路,考场上再也不会分不清东南西北咯。 地图题考察类型根据以往考试机经回顾以及剑桥雅思听力真题而言,地图题在考查过程中主要分为三大类型: 1Street (街道类) 一般情况,街道类型的听力题是对一个街区或者几个街区的描述,一些建筑已经被标记出,需要考生根据听力内容进行配对或者填写标志性建筑的名称。例如C8T4S2中给出的信息中出现了Supermarket以及Hill Street, Days Road等提示性信息,需要在听录音的过程中选出跟答案匹配的道路改变。 C8T4S2 很多同学对大写字母过敏,但地图街道名称会出现全部大写的情况,所以做题前,大家一定要做到对街道非常敏感,同时还要记住图中的标志性建筑~

2Area (区域类) 与街道类型相比,区域类型的范围则会缩小到某一个区域,比如学校体育场地的分布,需要考生根据录音内容填写上房间的名称或者场地的名称。再比如某一公园的区域划分: C8T2S2 C8T2S2中就考查到了Forest, Fish Farms, Market Garden. 3Layout (室内摆设类) 摆设型考题范围一般会在一个较大的房间中进行考查,例如图书馆内部各种设施的陈设(OG T8S2),或者是直接考察某一楼层的具体房间分布。 比如15年7月11日听力考题中考查到了The layout of a culinary school,题目中对烹饪学校的各个部分进行了简单的介绍,包括refrigerator, microwave oven等。


词语运用 一、考点解读 词语运用题主要考查学生在特定语境中对词汇、表达法的灵活运用能力。试题的主要考查点是名词、数词、形容词、副词、动词及常用动词短语。 1、名词:名词单复数、名词所有格以及星期、月份等特殊名词的拼写; 2、形容词和副词:形容词与副词的选用及形式转化,形容词与副词的比较级等级; 3、数词:序数词变为基数词的规律; 4、动词:动词的过去式、过去分词、现在分词以及动词不定时、动词短语的拼写及用法。 二、解题方法及技巧 (一)阅读全句,理解句意 正确理解全句有助于准确判断所填的单词,若只看所填词的提示而忽略整个句意,往往填不上或填错单词 e.g. We can’t breathe f air because of polluted environment. (二)认真分析所填词的词性 做题时结合语境、语法要求去判断所填词的正确词性 e.g.1.This morning I was two minutes late for train,but (luck),I didn’t miss it as the train was late,too. 2.What a (sun) day! Let’s go hiking. 3.She was one of the greatest Chinese (write) of the 20th century. 各种词性之间的相互转换表 (1)v.+er/or n.(人):teach visit work (2)adj.+ly adv. : careful luck quick

(3)n.+ly adj. :friend month (4)adj. n. :important different healthy dead (5)v.+tion n. : invent pollute (6)v.+ment n. : develop move (7)adj.+ness n. : happy ill sad (8)-less后缀,un-前缀都表示否定含义 careless ——(反) helpless——(反) useless ——(反) unhappy——(反) unusual——(反) (三)要判断所填词的正确词性 (1)名词要注意复数和所有格 (2)形容词、副词要注意比较级和最高级的变化 (3)动词及词组要注意各种时态、语态及非谓语动词等各种形式 (4)数词注意分数和序数词的变化 e.g.1. In China, students have two (term) every year. 2. After exercising for a few months, she is a little (thin) than before. 3. Mr.Green lives on the (twelve) floor of the building. 4. When I (arrive), it was early in the morning and it was raining. (四)注意固定搭配 e.g. I am (interest) in reading books. 词语运用解题口诀: 空前空后要注意,名词单复要牢记,还有’s不能弃; 动词注意要变形;形、副注意用三级; 要填数词请留意,千万别忘“基”和“序”; 填入代词需谨慎,五格变化要谨记; 介词、连词最省力,看见照抄就可以。


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投顶网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a24915917.html, 1.像玩游戏一样背单词,和同学一起比赛、打擂PK非常有趣 2.150多类词库:四级、六级、研究生、GRE、TOEFL……想背的单词基 本都有 3.免费、不用下载、不用安装 您也可以加入投顶网的QQ群:58435079或者69620265 一起讨论 投顶网最近推出了每天登陆开心背单词送宝物。还推出了自己闯关的玩法!! 感觉内容好,请转发给身边的同学和朋友!

四级词汇精练240题 本部分有四级词汇练习8套,共计240题,囊括四级核心常考词汇,词组,为四级考试完型、阅读、写作、听力等各个部分提供强有力的词汇支持。 这些词汇练习的目的在于培养一种良好的解题思路和习惯--立足词汇最基本的含义,提高现有词汇知识的利用率。冷静处理看似意思相同的选项,这都需要在做题时有清晰的解题程序和思考方法。 通过提供的意群和语境来判断,不能简单地望文生义,四级词汇题很多选项干扰性很强,。 注意:这些词汇的用法也经常在完型填空里考查,短语也常出现在阅读理解中,一定要融会贯通,为四级考试以及未来其它考试打下良好的基础! Exercise One 1. In the wife’s eyes, his _____ to their marriage life is far from perfect. A) requirement B) commitment C) participation D) reflection 2. In the event of SARS, some _____ it while others lost their courage to do anything about it. A) came up to B) lived up to C) faced up to D) caught up to 3. Experts have _____ with some effective measures to prevent the disease from spreading. A) caught up B) put up C) come up D) kept up 4. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to _____ the skills they need to succeed.


方位词在雅思听力地图题中很重要,平时训练中必须掌握一定的方位词,在雅思考试中的地图题才能做好,下面来让我们看一下雅思听力地图题中常见的方位词。 go on/along.till you meet沿着…一直走到,直到 go east/south/west/north朝东/南/西/北走 go straight across/to/through往直走过/走到/穿过 turn right/left往右/左拐 go up/down向j匕/南走 go back往回走 be located behind/in front of/beside/next to. directly opposite.和……正相对 be near to…与……很近 be far away from离……很远一坐落在……的后面/前面/旁边/隔壁 be the first/second/third form the left/right从左/右数第一/第二/第三个m a row排成一列 on sb.’s left/right hand/side在某人的左手/右手边 be in corner of在……的拐角处 be on the corner of A street and B street在AB街交汇的拐角处 at the first/second/third crossing intersection/crossroad十字路口T road 丁字路 entrance人口处 在第一/第二/第三个十字路口处 rear/side/front entrance后/侧/前门ground floor -层(英) basement地下室/首层


大学英语B级等级考试词汇用法和语法结构解题技巧根据高等学校英语应用能力B级考试大纲,词汇用法和语法结构为英语B级考试的第二部分,考试时间15分钟,题型为SectionA的选择题和SectionB的填空题。选择题10题占据5分,填空题10题占据10分。从历年来的学生反馈,选择题所涉及的语法结构及词汇用法一般得分在2-3分,而词性转换部分平均得分4-5分。该部分所涉及的语言点较广及词的变化形式较灵活,学生的基础知识若不够扎实将失分严重。以下将以历年的真题为例,分别对选择题和填空题的解题技巧进行分析与总结。 一、针对选择题的题型分析 在历年的真题考试中,第二部分的选择题有着比较固定的出题方向。 1单词、词组的辨析 关于对单词及词组的辨析的考核一般在选择题的题数中占据3到4题。其中有动词辨析,名词辨析,形容词辨析以及代词的辨析。该部分要求教师在平时的授课过程中严格要求学生掌握B级词汇的基本用法及意思并进行积累。单词是学习语言的根本。 学生在平时的词汇积累过程中要学会反复自我测试,善于把简单的单词按照老师课堂所举的例子反复不断地运用到平时生活中,或者用自己的方法总结规律,只有这样才能牢记并掌握单词。单从2012年6月的真题分析,其单词词组辨析就考了4题。所以词汇的积累不容小觑。 例1:I'mpleasedtotellyouthatthefaxmachinesyouor-dered are_______now.(2012-6) A.available B.convenient C.wonderful D.important正确答案:A 解析:本题为单词辨析,考查的是形容词的意思。Avail-able意思是“可用的,可得到的”;convenient意思是“方便的”;wonderful意思“精彩的”;important意思是“重要的”。根据题意“我很高兴告诉你,你订购的传真机到了”。故选择A。


大学英语四级词汇训练50题 1.With the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception 2.Although the trffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A.spare B.fast C.moderate D.moral 3.All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.faded B.illustrated https://www.doczj.com/doc/a24915917.html,fined D.concerned 4.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology. A.canal B.tunnel C.channel D.cable 5.The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean B.beam C.bake D.battery 6.When making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal. A. surround B.substance C.stretch D.substitute 7.With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991. A. survived B.suspended C.suffered D.subfected 8.He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinding about. A. novel B.spoil C.acceptable D.additional 9.Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully A. sorting B.joking C.counting https://www.doczj.com/doc/a24915917.html,paring 10.We do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. . A. continue B.bay C.assistance D.graduate


新课标高中英语词汇精练(1)1-50 注: 练习(1)中所练习的词汇是以a字母开头的单词, 词汇的详细解释请参阅《高中英语词汇手册》1到38页的相关词汇。 1. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable ________. A. ability B. adult C. academy D. opportunity 2. It is well known that the Internet will let people have __________ to huge amounts of information from their own homes. A.appeal B.attention C.access D.approach 3. I’m really sorry about your camera; it was a (an) __________. A.accommodation B.accident C.accuracy D.advantage 4. After receiving the news, immediate ___________ had been taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading. A. achievement B. activity C. acquisition D. action 5. Last ye ar he starred in this film _________ of Bill Cronshaw’s best-selling novel. A. adaptation B. adoption C. advertisement D. addition 6. Coming to another country to study requires a big __________ and it takes a while to fit in. A. agreement B. administration C. admission D. adjustment 7. Being able to speak another language fluently is a great ______ when you are looking for a job. A. adventure B. algebra C. advantage D. ancestor 8. They had been childless for a long time so when a little girl was born in the family, the parents couldn’t help showing too much _________ for it. A. advance B. affection C. adolescence D. advertisement 9. It’s stressed that problems concerning agriculture should be put on the top of the Party’s _________. A. altitude B. agenda C. agency D. assistance 10. I'm allergic to _________. That's why I keep off alcoholic drinks. A. appendix B. alley C. alcohol D. ankle 11. If you set up your goal and start your preparations as early as possible, you will achieve your ________ to become one of the most famous scientists in the future. A. amusement B. ambition C. appointment D. agriculture 12. Many parents think that a regular ____is an excellent way to teach children the value of money. A. allowance B. application C. aid D. amount


A在B的东方/西方/南方/北方 A is/lies/is located/is situated in/on/to the east/west/south/north of B(in表A在B内部,ON表A 和B接壤,TO表A和B分开) The other is in the southeast of the country in County Wexford A在B内部的某个部位 A is in the eastern/southern/western/northern part of B A在B西北部的120千米处 A lies 120 km to the northwest of B. A在B…..角落 A is at/in the south-eastern corner of B(at表示A在B外部,in表A在B内部 在河流或道路的南边/北边等 On the south/southern side of the river On both sides of the road On the other side 临近马路的地区 The area adjacent to/near/next to/just off the road 在道路或河流的最南端 At the southern end of the river A在B的对面 A is on the opposite side of B A is opposite B A在B东部的边界上(A在B外部) A is on the eastern border of B A在B东部边缘上(A在B内部) A is on/along the eastern edge of B 图形原有事物的改变: 原有事物可说成:The original/previous/former garden 原有事物尺寸上变大/变小 The size of the library has been enlarged/extended/halved/reduced by half 原有事物在数量上增多或减少 The number of homes has increased/risen/grown/reduced/decreased/dropped/fallen/doubled/triple d/quadrupled to 500

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