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1. 时间:6月26日下午3:00.

2. 地点:六楼会议室

3. 活动内容:


参考词汇:look back at , say goodbye to, express thanks to , talk about, take photos..


Boys and girls,

The wonderful middle school life will go to the end._______________________

【答案】Boys and girls,

The wonderful middle school life will go to the end. In the past three years, we have studied and stayed together. Looking back at the days we spend together, how sweet we feel. In order to keep the happy times in our hearts for ever, we are going to have a class meeting on the afternoon of June 26 next week. The theme of the class meeting is saying goodbye to our middle school life. It will be held in Conference Room on the Sixth Floor.

We are going to have some meaningful activities. To express thanks to our teachers, we each should say a thankful word to our dear teachers. We can chat freely with our classmates and teachers about our plans of the summer vacation. We can even talk about the dreams of our future. Then, we are going to take some photos with our teachers and classmates. In the end, we may give our wishes to each other.

Don't be late! That's all. Thank you!



这篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少,如In order to,look back at,be going to,have a class meeting,say goodbye to,talk about,the dreams of,take some photos,in the end,each other,be late等。而复杂单句结构In order to keep the happy times in our hearts forever, we are going to have a class meeting on the afternoon of June 26 next week./ To express thanks to our teachers, we each should say a thankful word to our dear teachers.和Then, we are going to take some photos with our teachers and classmates.的运用,丰富了短文内容,使表达多样化,是本文的亮点。在学习中注意总结牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章表达更有逻辑性,也更富有条理。





1. 你喜欢使用的通讯方式有哪些?

2. 它们的优点和缺点是什么?

3. 你认为使用现代通讯工具要注意什么?

要求:1. 不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现真实的学校名称和姓名;2. 语意连贯,词数80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

As time goes by, there are many different kinds of communication methods now. As for me,

【答案】As time goes by, there are many different kinds of communication methods now. As for me, I prefer to chat with others by mobile phone, but sometimes I chat by communication software, such as WeChat and QQ.

Mobile phones bring great convenience to people, but people can only hear the sound by phones. By using net software, we can easily see the people we talk to on the Internet. However, sometimes we concern more about mobile phones instead of the people around.

In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the face to face communication and try not to waste too much time on mobile phones.





结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时,人称为第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:there are……,I prefer to……,Mobile phones bring……,we can……,we should……,So let’s……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。


本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了我喜欢使用的通讯方式有哪些;接下来介绍它们的优点和缺点是什么,以及使用现代通讯工具要注意什么;最后呼吁号召大家合理使用现代通讯工具。此处prefer to do sth, by phones, on the Internet, concern about, in one’s opinion, try one’ s best等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。


随着电子时代的到来,西方文化如潮水般涌来,中国传统文化的传承面临着巨大的挑战。有人认为学校应当开设传统文化课(set up traditional culture classes),但也有人认为没有必要。假如你是Mike,请你用英语写一封邮件,给你校英文报投稿写一篇短文,词数80左右,谈谈你对开设传统文化课的看法。

Dear editor,

As we all know, Chinese traditional culture is facing a great challenge because of the rapid development if international technology nowadays. _____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________



【答案】Dear editor,

As we know, Chinese traditional culture is facing a great challenge because of the rapid development of international technology nowadays. In my opinion, it’s necessary for schools to set up traditional culture classes.

First, traditiona l culture is the root of Chinese. As Chinese, we shouldn’t give up our traditional culture and run after Western culture. Second, traditional culture classes can give students chances to know more about our nation. They can raise their sense of national pride. Last but not least, setting up traditional culture classes can spread and develop our Chinese culture.

All in all, it is of great importance to set up traditional culture classes in schools. Let’s call on more schools to set up traditional culture classes!



【解析】这是一篇给材料作文,谈谈我对开设传统文化课的看法。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时态,人称为第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:Chinese traditional culture is facing……,it’s necessary for schools to……,we shouldn’t……,They can raise……,it is of great importance to……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。

点睛:本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了中国传统文化面对的问题,接下来介绍我认为开设传统文化课的必要性的原因,最后号召更多的学校开设传统文化课。此处because of,in one’s opinion, give up, know about, last but not least, set up, all in all, call on等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。


某英文报举办“家乡的变化”主题征文活动。请根据下表提示,以“The Changes in My Hometown”为题,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,不必逐字逐句翻译。

要求:1. 短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,并适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺;

3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。

Changes my hometown

My hometown has changed a lot over the years.

In the past, _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________

【答案】My hometown has changed a lot over the years.

In the past, my hometown was very poor and the streets were very narrow. Houses were small and old. Rubbish was everywhere. Few people would like to come to my hometown. Now the government takes measures to improve the pollution and the city becomes cleaner and cleaner. The houses are big and bright. Many people have moved into new apartments. More and more people have their own cars and live a comfortable life. The new airport has been in use for two years. There are thousands of tourists from all over the country every year.I hope my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.



这篇作文要求我们以The Changes in My Hometown为题,介绍一下自己的家乡这些年来发生的变化。题目中用表格的形式,给我们对比的家乡的过去和现在,我们应用正确的英语将这些内容表达出来,并对将来提出两点希望。审题可知,作文的基本框架和大概内容都有了,需要注意的是在描写过去的时候,需要适当发挥一到两点;还有对将来的希望也需要学生自己发挥。这两个地方需要学生们展开想象,合理发挥,注意要与文章的其他部分能够很好的结合起来,内容也要统一,符合题目要求,合情合理。表达时,需要注意英语



这是一篇优秀的作文,短文作者按照题目要求,介绍了自己的家乡这些年来的变化。文章是按照时间的顺序,先介绍了家乡过去的面貌,这一部分使用了过去时态,谓语动词都变成了过去式,形式准确。然后是家乡现在的样子,这里主要以一般现在时态为主。最后对家乡的未来表达了自己的愿望。整篇文章内容充实、完整,叙述清晰、条理,结构合理。文章中语言得体,语句通顺,句式表达符合英语的习惯,语法规范、准确。短文里还使用了一些较好的短语和句型,如In the past, my hometown was very poor and the streets were very narrow.、Now the government takes measures to improve the pollution and the city becomes cleaner and cleaner、More and more people have their own cars and live a comfortable life、There are thousands of tourists from all over the country every year.等等。

5.为了宣传和弘扬中华优秀传统文化, 某双语杂志将举办征文活动来介绍中国的经典故事, “程门立雪(Stand in the snow to wait for Master Cheng respectfully)”是其中一个选题。请你根据下面的内容提示, 用英语写一篇短文参加此活动。


1. 杨时去拜见老师程颐一老师在睡觉一杨时在雪地等一老师醒来发现杨时在门口

2. 通过介绍这个故事, 发表你的看法或者观点。


1. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯:词数:100左右.

2. 不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称、老师和同学的真实姓名。

【答案】Long long ago, there was a man called Yangshi. Once he went to visit his teacher, Chengyi. Unfortun ately, Mr. Cheng was sleeping in the room. He didn’t wake up the teacher. So he stood in front of the gate. At that moment, there were snowflakes flying over his head and it was very cold. But yangshi still stood in the snow until Mr. Cheng woke up. When the teacher woke up, the snow was very deep. Yangshi was like a snowman standing at the gate. Finally, the teacher was moved deeply.

After reading the story, I think we should respect our teacher. We should study hard.



这是一篇材料作文,主要介绍中国的经典故事, “程门立雪(Stand in the snow to wait for Master Cheng respectfully)”。目的是宣传和弘扬中华优秀传统文化。时态为一般过去时,灵活运用动词的过去式。作文要包含材料上的所有信息,通过介绍这个故事,发表看法或者观点。写作时,避免汉语式英语。注意固定搭配及主谓一致的问题,例如:There was/ were...注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系,具有条理性。



要求:1.要点完整,可适当发挥,使句子通顺,连贯; 2.正确使用语态,语法正确,书写整洁。 3.80词左右,开头结尾己给出,不计入总词数; 4.文中不得出现真实姓名和地名。Dear editor,

I am very happy to have the chance to show my plan for the graduation party.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Best wishes,

Yours Lihua

【答案】Dear editor,

I'm very happy to have the chance to show my plan for the graduation ceremony. The ceremony will be held in our school hall at 7 o’clock on June 28th.I have planned three activities for it. First of all, we would like to invite our headmaster to make a speech and give us his best wishes for a bright future. After that, every one give each other gifts and blessings. And then each class will give a wonderful performance. In the end, some pictures will be shown to share the happy time we have had together.

This is what we will do. I hope you will choose my plan.

Best wishes,


Li hua






7.假设你是Beth,前段时间曾向英语校刊投送一篇题为My English Teacher Miss Zhang的短诗。近日,又至毕业季,师生们忙着互致临别赠言。为此,编辑部策划开“A Letter to My Teacher”专栏,邀请你以信件的形式重新投稿。短诗如下:

My English Teacher Miss Zhang

There is a teacher, Miss Zhang,

Who is friendly, patient and helpful.

Always encouraging us to try,

She leads us to a world of "why".

We all respect and admire her.






_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________

【答案】Dear Editorial Office,

I am writing to recommend as The Most Popular Teacher.She is Miss Zhang.

She is my English teacher. She is in her forties. Her small round glasses make her look smart. She often works to high standards and is willing to work extra hours. She is kind and helpful, too. She always helps us with our study. She loves jogging, so she looks healthy. To my surprise, she has donated blood many times since 2001. She has also decided to donate her body for medical research after her death. I really love her and I want to be a teacher like her in the future. I think Miss Zhang is the most suitable person to be the Most Popular Teacher.

I hope that you agree with me.

Yours sincerely,



本文是一篇给材料作文。根据编辑部策划开“A Letter to My Teacher”专栏,邀请你以信件的形式重新投稿。文章时态用一般现在时,人称主要为第一人称。本文所给材料比较详细,考生要做的就是用正确的英语把这些内容表达出来。动笔前要认真阅读材料,不可遗漏要点,并可适当发挥。在写作时,注意紧扣主题,连句成篇,要层次清楚,要点分明,中心突出。同时要注意语言的表述应该符合语法的结构,造句应该符合英语的表达习惯;尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,最好不要写太长的复合句;尽量选取简单的易拼写的单词,确保正确率;词汇、句式要丰富多样,可以为文章增色添彩。最后要细心复核检查,确保正确无误。



8.书面表达。76.某英语教育网站正在开展主题为“How can a teenager have a successful life?”的讨论,为此你采访了一些同学(结果见下表)。请据上经用英语写一篇短文参与讨论,并阐述你的观点。






短文首句:I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life.

【答案】I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life.

Most students believe it’s necessary to study hard. After all, study plays a key role in their l ife. They also agree they should respect their parents, who look after them every day. Besides, they’re ready to serve the society and in their opinion it’s really meaningful. What’s more, they

think each teenager is supposed to make a good plan for future.

From my point of view, we need to make some good friends so that we can learn from each other. Also, we must be active and exercise more to keep healthy because it’s important to a successful life.


试题分析:英语教育网站开展主题为“How can a teenager have a successful life?”的讨论,采访了一些同学参与讨论,写出他们的观点及自己的观点。因为是叙述同学的现在的观点,所以句子应该用一般现在时,叙述同学的观点用第三人称,叙述自己的观点用第一人称。注意不要遗漏要点,所写的句子应该符合英语语法,不能是汉语式的句子,要使用一些高级词汇及句式。

写作亮点:短文用了一些短语和句式,如:do a survey about sth关于某事做调查;respect their parents,尊敬他们的父母;look after照顾;make a good plan for sth为某事做一个好的计划;make some good friends交一些好朋友;keep healthy保持健康。用了宾语从句,

如:Most students believe it’s necessary to study hard. What’s more, they think each teenager is supposed to make a good plan for future.用了because引导的原因状语从句,如:Also, we must be active and exercise m ore to keep healthy because it’s important to a successful life.增加了文章的亮点,也是提分的经典句子。




注意:1. 词数: 80个左右(开头已给出的内容不记入总词数);

2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐字翻译;

3. 条理清楚、语句连贯;


At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons.

【答案】At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons. First of all, quite a lot of students are burdened with too much homework. Still others haven’t formed a habit of reading. They would rather spend their spare time on TV or on the Internet. However, reading has many benefits. Through reading we can learn more about the world. Besides, it can help us think better. Last but not least, reading can make our life more colourful. Here are my suggestions. For one thing, teachers are supposed to limit the amount of our homework so that we can have more time to read. For another, it’s a go od idea to form reading clubs and learn from each other.


10.请根据表格内Zhang Ying的一些表现的提示用英语写一篇短文,把她介绍给你的外国朋友Mary。





【答案】One possible version

Dear Mary,

I’m very glad to introduce(介绍) my classmate Zhang Ying to you. She is a 14-year-old girl. She has a lot of good habits. She gets up early every morning. In class she likes to ask her teachers some questions. After school she always exercises (for a long time). After supper she helps her parents with housework. (She is really a good girl. )But she has some bad habits, too. She often eats junk food for breakfast. Sometimes she quarrels with her classmates in class. She doesn’t go home on time and she always watches TV or plays computer games for more than an hour in the evening. (This makes her parents unhappy. )I think Zhang Ying is a very good girl. Do you think so?


Huang Deshun



【亮点说明】本文在写作中使用了很多固定句式,如:be glad to do sth高兴做某事;a lot of许多;get up起床等。本文中时间词如After supper,Sometimes,in the evening等的巧妙使用,使得本文看起来逻辑清楚,条理分明。在学习中,我们应注意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理.


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