当前位置:文档之家› Python小游戏程序锦集





Demonstration of a draggable magnifier on a map


import simplegui

# 1521x1818 pixel map of native American language

# Source - Gutenberg project

MAP_WIDTH = 1521


map_image =

simplegui.load_image("https://www.doczj.com/doc/aa4304121.html,/codeskulptor-assets/g utenberg.jpg")

# Constants





# Event handlers

def click(pos):


Reset center of magnifier pane to current click position


magnifier_center[0] = pos[0]

magnifier_center[1] = pos[1]

def drag(pos):


Reset center of magnifier pane to current click position


magnifier_center[0] = pos[0]

magnifier_center[1] = pos[1]

def draw(canvas):


Draw handler - draws map, magnifier pane, and box around magnifier """

# Draw map

canvas.draw_image(map_image, (MAP_WIDTH / 2, MAP_HEIGHT / 2), (MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT),


# Draw magnifier

source_center = (MAP_SCALE * magnifier_center[0], MAP_SCALE *


canvas.draw_image(map_image, source_center, [MAGNIFIER_SIZE,



# Draw outline around magnifier

mag_left = magnifier_center[0] - MAGNIFIER_SIZE / 2

mag_right = magnifier_center[0] + MAGNIFIER_SIZE / 2

mag_top = magnifier_center[1] - MAGNIFIER_SIZE / 2

mag_bottom = magnifier_center[1] + MAGNIFIER_SIZE / 2

mag_topleft = (mag_left, mag_top)

mag_topright = (mag_right, mag_top)

mag_botleft = (mag_left, mag_bottom)

mag_botright = (mag_right, mag_bottom)

box = [mag_topleft, mag_botleft, mag_botright,

mag_topright, mag_topleft]

canvas.draw_polyline(box, 4, "Blue")

# event handler for timer

def tick():


Move center of magnifier pane slowly down/right


magnifier_center[0] += 1

magnifier_center[1] += 1

# Create frame for map

frame = simplegui.create_frame("Map magnifier", CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT) frame.set_draw_handler(draw)



# Create timer that slowly slides the magnifier pane

timer = simplegui.create_timer(60.0,tick)

# Start timer and frame animation

magnifier_center = [CANVAS_WIDTH / 2, CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2] timer.start()




Dice game "Craps" - uses only control elements plus prints to console """

import simplegui

import random

def gen_roll():


Helper function that rolls two dice and prints/returns the results


die1 = random.randrange(0, 6) + 1

die2 = random.randrange(0, 6) + 1

print "You rolled", str(die1), "and", str(die2)

return die1 + die2

def process_roll():


Handler for roll, encodes basic logic for Craps""" global point, point_set, bankroll

# print out message for new game"

if not point_set:


print "New game. Your bet is", str(bet)

# logic for first roll

roll = gen_roll()

if not point_set:

if roll == 7 or roll == 11:

bankroll += bet

print "You won. Your bankroll is", str(bankroll) elif roll == 2 or roll ==3 or roll == 12:

bankroll -= bet

print "You lost. Your bankroll is", str(bankroll) else:

point = roll

point_set = True

print "Your point is", str(point)

# logic for subsequent rolls

elif roll == 7:

bankroll -= bet

point_set = False

print "You crapped out! Your bankroll is", str(bankroll) elif roll == point:

bankroll += bet

point_set = False

print "You made your point! Your bankroll is", str(bankroll)

def set_bet(inp):


Input handler for changing bet size via input, forfeits current bet """

global bet, bankroll, point_set


if point_set:

point_set = False

bankroll -= bet

print "Forfeiting current bet. Your bankroll is", str(bankroll) bet = int(inp)

print "New bet size is", str(bet)

# create frame and UI elements

frame = simplegui.create_frame("Craps", 200, 200) frame.add_button("Roll", process_roll, 200)

frame.add_input("Set bet", set_bet, 200)

# initialize global variables used in game

point_set = False

bet = 10

bankroll = 1000

print "Your initial bankroll is", bankroll

print "Your initial bet size is", bet

print "Click roll to start the game"



Animation of explosion using 2D sprite sheet


import simplegui

# load 9 x 9 frame sprite sheet for explosion - image generated by phaedy explosion generator, source is https://www.doczj.com/doc/aa4304121.html,


EXPLOSION_SIZE = [100, 100]


explosion_image =

simplegui.load_image("https://www.doczj.com/doc/aa4304121.html,/codeskulptor-assets/e xplosion.hasgraphics.png")

# define draw handler

def draw(canvas):


Draw handler for simple animation using 2D sprite sheet


global counter

explosion_index = [counter % EXPLOSION_DIM[0], counter // EXPLOSION_DIM[0]]


[EXPLOSION_CENTER[0] + explosion_index[0] *


EXPLOSION_CENTER[1] + explosion_index[1] *



# create frame and size frame based on 100x100 pixel sprite

frame = simplegui.create_frame("Asteroid sprite", EXPLOSION_SIZE[0],


# set draw handler and canvas background using custom HTML color



# initialize counter for animation and start frame

counter = 0



# Falling blocks as in Tetris(BUT NOT REALLY), use arrow \ #keys to move sideways and stack

import simplegui

import random

import time

#Player preferences

start_level = 0

left_movement = "left"

right_movement = "right"

clockwise_rotation = "up"

cc_rotation = "down"

soft_drop = "x"

hard_drop = "z"

# Standard Tetris grid is 10x22 blocks, top two row are # hidden

# Define each block as 20 pixels

#setting up the gui stuff

width = 10

height = 22

block_size = 20

frame_width = 16

frame_height = 22


num_cleared = 0

score = 0

level = 0

#define initial grid

grid = [[7 for j in range(height)] for i in range(width)]

# define dictionary to lookup color from grid values

color_Dict = {0:"Aqua", 1:"Orange", 2:"Blue", 3:"Purple", \

4:"Red", 5:"Lime", 6:"Yellow", 7:"White", \

8: "Black"}

# define helpers

def draw_block(c,pos,color):

""" draws a block with position pos on the canvas c """

c.draw_polygon([[pos[0],pos[1]],[pos[0]+block_size, \

pos[1]],[pos[0]+block_size, \

pos[1]+block_size],[pos[0], \


# define callbacks

def draw(c):

""" callback for draw handler, draw blocks represented \ by grid """

global frame_height

global block_size

global pos_list

global num_cleared

global score

global level

global start_level

c.draw_line((10*block_size,0), \

(10*block_size, frame_height*block_size), \

15, "Black")

c.draw_text("Next Block:", \

(11*block_size, 1*block_size) , \

12, "Black")

c.draw_text("Lines Cleared:", \

(11*block_size, 6*block_size), \

12, "Black")

c.draw_text(str(num_cleared), \

(13*block_size, 7*block_size) , \

12, "Black")

c.draw_text("Score:", (11*block_size, 9*block_size), \

12, "Black")

c.draw_text(str(score), (13*block_size, 10*block_size),\

12, "Black")

c.draw_text("Level:", (11*block_size, 12*block_size),\

12, "Black")

c.draw_text(str(level+start_level), \

(13*block_size, 13*block_size) , \

12, "Black")

#drawing next block

global width

next_piece_offset = [(width-2)*block_size, \


#print next_piece_offset

for pos in pos_list.piece_dict[pos_list.next_piece]: draw_block(c, [pos[0]*block_size + \

next_piece_offset[0], \

pos[1]*block_size + \

next_piece_offset[1]], \


for i in range(width):

for j in range(height):

draw_block(c,[i*block_size,j*block_size], \


class Controls:

def __init__(self, left_movement, right_movement, \

clockwise_rotation, cc_rotation, \

soft_drop, hard_drop):

"""required init function"""

self.previous_key = None

self.left_movement = left_movement

self.right_movement = right_movement

self.clockwise_rotation = clockwise_rotation

https://www.doczj.com/doc/aa4304121.html,_rotation = cc_rotation #still need to do

self.soft_drop = soft_drop

self.hard_drop = hard_drop #still need to do

def keydown_handler(self, key):

"""The keydown handler"""

if self.previous_key == None:

self.previous_key = key

self.key = key

self.keydown() #so that holding down is not


self.timer = simplegui.create_timer(1000.0/7, \



def keydown(self):

""" key handler that control sideways motion of blocks """

global pos_list

global pos

#finding the side pieces

lowest_val = width

highest_val = 0

left_blocks = []

right_blocks = []

for pos in pos_list.piece:

if pos[0] < lowest_val:

lowest_val = pos[0]

left_blocks = []

left_blocks.append(pos) if pos[0] == highest_val:

left_blocks.append(pos) if pos[0] > highest_val:

highest_val = pos[0]

right_blocks = []

right_blocks .append(pos) if pos[0] == highest_val:

right_blocks .append(pos) fall = check_fall()

right, left = check_sideways()

if self.key ==simplegui.KEY_MAP\

[self.left_movement] and \

left_blocks[0][0] != 0 and left:

#update old squares to be white

for block in pos_list.piece:

grid[block[0]][block[1]]= 7


elif self.key == simplegui.KEY_MAP\

[self.right_movement] and \

right_blocks[0][0] != width-1 and right: #update old squares to be white

for block in pos_list.piece:

grid[block[0]][block[1]]= 7


elif self.key == simplegui.KEY_MAP\

[self.hard_drop] and fall:

while fall:

#update old squares to be white

for block in pos_list.piece:

grid[block[0]][block[1]]= 7


fall = check_fall()

elif self.key == simplegui.KEY_MAP\

[self.soft_drop] and fall:

#update old squares to be white

for block in pos_list.piece:

grid[block[0]][block[1]]= 7


elif self.key == simplegui.KEY_MAP\



elif self.key == simplegui.KEY_MAP\



def keyup(self, key):

if key == self.previous_key:


self.previous_key = None

class Blocks:

def __init__(self):

#0:"I", 1:"L", 2:"J", 3:"T", 4:"Z", 5:"S", 6:"O"

#O is a character not an int

#self.block_dict = {0:"Aqua", 1:"Orange", \

#2:"Blue", 3:"Purple", 4:"Red",\

#5:"Lime", 6:"Yellow"}

self.choice = random.randint(0,6) #last number

#should be 6 and first 0 self.next_piece = random.randint(0,6)

self.piece_dict = {0:[[3,0],[4,0],[5,0],[6,0]], \

1:[[4,1],[5,1],[6,1],[6,0]], \

2:[[4,0],[4,1],[5,1],[6,1]], \

3:[[4,1],[5,1],[6,1],[5,0]], \

4:[[4,0],[5,0],[5,1],[6,1]], \

5:[[5,0],[6,0],[4,1],[5,1]], \

6:[[4,0],[5,0],[4,1],[5,1]]} def create_piece(self):


你有没有想过电脑游戏是怎样制作出来的?其实它没有你想象的那样复杂!在这个教程里,你要学做一个叫《兔子和獾》的塔防游戏,兔子作为英雄,需要在城堡里抵御獾的进攻。 为了写这个游戏的代码,你将会用Python。好吧,我不是指一条大蟒蛇!Python是一种计算机语言。我们在这篇教程里选择Python是因为这门语言很容易上手,学习起来也很简单和有趣。 如果你是个Python方面的新手,在开始看教程之前你可以看看这本书《Think P ython: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist》。这能让你看教程的时候不那么吃力。 在看了那本书后回到这里并且准备好——兔子和獾之间有一场大战爆发,一起来加入到这场战斗中来吧!

1 2 3 4 Python 2.7.3 (v2.7.3:70274d53c1dd, Apr 9 2012, 20:52:43) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> 注意:如果你想迅速终止Python,你可以输入exit()然后按回车,或者是按Contr ol+D。 现在很迅速的把Python环境配置好了,为了测试下Python是否正常工作,输入print 1+1 然后按回车,应该会打印出2。你刚才就写了一个简单的Python程序!

1 Python 2.7. 2 (default, Jun 20 2012, 16:23:33)


Python 大作业——五子棋游戏 姓名:学号: 姓名:学号: 一游戏介绍: 我们设计的是五子棋游戏,支持两人一个鼠标对下,黑方用左键单击,白方用右键单击,谁先下均可,落子无悔,下过的棋子对方点击后不会变色,程序可自行判断输赢并在五子连珠时弹出结果对话框,游戏双方需遵守不在空地点击和一次下一子的规则。 二游戏代码设计: 代码均为原创,没有借鉴和抄袭,首先是用户GUI界面设计,点击start进入游戏界面,点击quit则退出程序,为了方便判断和记录,我们按从左到右,从上到下的顺序给15x15=225颗棋子编号225,左键绑定函数callback1,点击后可算出它位于哪颗棋子上再画出来黑子,并把对应编号计入record这个列表,之后进入判断函数。右键绑定函数callback2,点击后画出白子,对应编号计入recor这个列表,之后进入判断函数,其中总列表rec的作用是使棋子不被下第二遍。 三作业感想 这个游戏虽然很小但是可以供室友们晚上娱乐之用,我们倾注了很多心血,之前采用模块化编程失败了很多次,有事件响应问题,参数传递问题,到第七个程序才成功,感谢张同珍老师指点了很多,

我们学会了使用类,受益匪浅,对Python产生了浓厚的兴趣。四过程截图 五、实验代码 from Tkinter import * from tkMessageBox import * class Game: def __init__(self): self.A=[] self.B=[] self.record=set()

self.recor=set() self.rec=self.record|self.recor self.root=Tk() self.root.geometry("180x250") self.root.title("Wu Zi Qi Game") self.r=Canvas(self.root,width=180,height=210,bg="purple") pic=PhotoImage(file="beijing.gif") self.r.create_image(90,100,image=pic) self.r.place(x=0,y=15) Label(self.root,text="***Wu Zi Qi Game***",fg="red").place(x=20,y=0) Button(self.root,text="start",command=self.start).place(x=30,y=230) Button(self.root,text="quit ",command=self.root.destroy).place(x=100,y=230) self.r.mainloop() def start(self): self.root.destroy() self.top=Tk() self.top.title("Game Start") self.c=Canvas(self.top,width=480,height=480,bg="white") self.c.pack() self.c.create_rectangle(25,25,455,455,fill="gray") for i in range(30,451,30): for j in range(30,451,30): self.c.create_oval(i-2,j-2,i+2,j+2,fill="blue") for i in range(1,16): self.c.create_line(30,30*i,450,30*i) self.c.create_line(30*i,30,30*i,450) self.c.create_oval(234,234,246,246,fill="black") self.c.create_oval(115,115,125,125,fill="black") self.c.create_oval(355,115,365,125,fill="black") self.c.create_oval(115,355,125,365,fill="black") self.c.create_oval(355,355,365,365,fill="black") self.c.bind("",self.callback1) self.c.bind("",self.callback2) self.c.mainloop() def callback1(self,event): u,v=event.x,event.y s=u/15 if s%2==1: self.x=(s+1)/2 else: self.x=s/2


游戏分享:手把手教你用Python编写 战斗机游戏 2018.1.23 游戏制作 今天我们要分享的是战斗机游戏!在这个游戏中,飞机(游戏主角)需要躲避迎面飞来的炮弹(敌人)。 下面让我们一起来看一下如何编写这个小游戏吧! 初始设置 首先,创建一个新的.py文件然后置入下面的代码: import pygame from pygame.locals import* pygame.init() 和其他所有python程序一样,我们要首先导入(import)我们所要使用的模块(module)。在今天这个例子里,我们要导入pygame以及pygame.locals,以用于后面的内容。最后一行pygame.init()将所有的PyGame模块初始化,在我们正式开始写PyGame的“正文内容”之前,都要先加上这一行。 屏幕对象 首先,我们需要为所有的物体创建一个画布窗口,我们把这个变量叫做screen。为了创建这个变量,我们需要调用pygame.display下的set_mode()方法(method),并向set_mode()传递一个元组(tuple)来表示窗口的高和宽(在这里我们设置一个高800宽600的窗口)。 import pygame

from pygame.locals import* pygame.init() screen=pygame.display.set_mode((800,600)) 现在,如果你运行程序,你将会看到一个窗口突然出现,并在我们退出程序时马上消失。看来我们已经成功创建了画布!在下一部分,我们将加入游戏的main循环,这样我们就能确保只有我们输入正确的退出命令时,程序才会退出。 游戏循环 游戏的主循环内包含了所有要发生的事件。当我们玩游戏时,这段程序一直在运行。它能够不断更新游戏的状态,渲染游戏屏幕效果,并且收集玩家输入的指令。除了让主循环在游戏进行中不断执行,我们也需要让循环在我们退出程序时停止。因而,我们需要引入一些相应的指令,让程序能够在这些指令输入(input)时作出相应的反应。所有输入的指令(以及之后一些其他的事件)都会进入PyGame 的事件队列中,我们可以通过pygame.event.get()来得到这些事件。这个命令会返回队列中的事件列表,在游戏中,程序将对这些事件进行循环,并且根据事件的类别作出相应的反应。在下一段代码中,我们要处理的是KEYDOWN和QUIT事件: #用于让主循环不断运行的变量 running=True #主循环 while running: #针对事件队列的for循环 for event in pygame.event.get(): #检测是否有KEYDOWN事件,KEYDOWN是一个在pygame.locals中定义了的事件常量,这个库我们之前导入过 if event.type==KEYDOWN: #如果按了ESC键,把running的值设为False,并退出主循环 if event.key==K_ESCAPE: running=False #检测是否有QUIT事件,如果有的话,把running的值设为Flase elif event.type==QUIT:

Python 俄罗斯方块游戏

【Python】用Python实现一个俄罗斯方块游戏 俄罗斯方块游戏,使用Python实现,总共有350+行代码,实现了俄罗斯方块游戏的基本功能,同时会记录所花费时间,消去的总行数,所得的总分,还包括一个排行榜,可以查看最高记录。 排行榜中包含一系列的统计功能,如单位时间消去的行数,单位时间得分等。 附源码: from Tkinter import* from tkMessageBox import* import random import time #俄罗斯方块界面的高度 HEIGHT=18 #俄罗斯方块界面的宽度 WIDTH=10 ACTIVE=1 PASSIVE=0 TRUE=1 FALSE=0 root=Tk();root.title('Russia') class App(Frame): def__init__(self,master): Frame.__init__(self) master.bind('',self.Up) master.bind('',self.Left) master.bind('',self.Right) master.bind('',self.Down) #master.bind('',self.Space) master.bind('',self.Space) master.bind('',self.Play) master.bind('',self.Pause) self.backg="#%02x%02x%02x"%(120,150,30) self.frontg="#%02x%02x%02x"%(40,120,150) self.nextg="#%02x%02x%02x"%(150,100,100) self.flashg="#%02x%02x%02x"%(210,130,100) self.LineDisplay=Label(master,text='Lines:',bg='black',fg='red') self.Line=Label(master,text='0',bg='black',fg='red') self.ScoreDisplay=Label(master,text='Score:',bg='black',fg='red') self.Score=Label(master,text='0',bg='black',fg='red') #Display time self.SpendTimeDisplay=Label(master,text='Time:',bg='black',fg='red') self.SpendTime=Label(master,text='0.0',bg='black',fg='red') self.LineDisplay.grid(row=HEIGHT-2,column=WIDTH,columnspan=2)


# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- import random def roll_dice(numbers=3, points=None): print('----- 摇骰子 -----') if points==None: points=[] while numbers > 0: point = random.randrange(1, 7) points.append(point) numbers = numbers - 1 return points def roll_result(total): isBig = 11 <= total <= 18 isSmall = 3 <= total <= 10 if isBig: return '大' else: return '小' def start_game(): your_money = 1000

while your_money > 0: print('----- 游戏开始 -----') choices = ['大', '小'] your_choice = raw_input('请下注,大 or 小:') your_bet = raw_input('下注金额:') if your_choice in choices: points = roll_dice() total = sum(points) youWin = your_choice == roll_result(total) if youWin: print(points) print('恭喜,你赢了 {} 元,你现在有 {} 元本金'.format(your_bet, your_money + int(your_bet))) your_money = your_money + int(your_bet) else: print('骰子点数:', points) print('很遗憾,你输了 {} 元,你现在有 {} 元本金'.format(your_bet, your_money - int(your_bet))) your_money = your_money - int(your_bet) else: print('输入错误') else: print('游戏结束') start_game()

Python 大作业之五子棋游戏(附代码)

Python 大作业——xx游戏 姓名: xx学号: 姓名: xx学号: 一游戏介绍: 我们设计的是五子棋游戏,支持两人一个鼠标对下,黑方用左键单击,白方用右键单击,谁先下均可,落子无悔,下过的棋子对方点击后不会变色,程序可自行判断输赢并在五子连珠时弹出结果对话框,游戏双方需遵守不在空地点击和一次下一子的规则。 二游戏代码设计: 代码均为,没有借鉴和抄袭,首先是用户GUI界面设计,点击start进入游戏界面,点击quit则退出程序,为了方便判断和记录,我们按从左到右,从上到下的顺序给15x15=225颗棋子编号225,左键绑定函数callback1,点击后可算出它位于哪颗棋子上再画出来黑子,并把对应编号计入record这个列表,之后进入判断函数。右键绑定函数callback2,点击后画出白子,对应编号计入recor 这个列表,之后进入判断函数,其中总列表rec的作用是使棋子不被下第二遍。 三作业感想 这个游戏虽然很小但是可以供室友们晚上娱乐之用,我们倾注了很多心血,之前采用模块化编程失败了很多次,有事件响应问题,参数传递问题,到第七个程序才成功,感谢张同珍老师指点了很多,我们学会了使用类,受益匪浅,对Python产生了浓厚的兴趣。 四过程截图 五、实验代码 from Tkinter import *

from tkMessageBox import * class Game: def __init__(self): self.A=[] self.B=[] self.record=set() self.recor=set() self.rec=self.record|self.recor self.root=Tk() self.root.geometry("180x250") self.root.title("Wu Zi Qi Game") self.r=Canvas(self.root,width=180,height=210,bg="purple") pic=PhotoImage(file="beijing.gif") self.r.create_image(90,100,image=pic) self.r.place(x=0,y=15) Label(self.root,text="***Wu Zi Qi Game***",fg="red").place(x=20,y=0) self.r.mainloop() def start(self): self.root.destroy() self.top=Tk()


基于Python的游戏app充值api调用代码实例代码描述:基于Python的游戏app充值api调用代码实例 代码平台:聚合数据 #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json, urllib from urllib import urlencode #---------------------------------- # 游戏充值调用示例代码-聚合数据 # 在线接口文档:https://www.doczj.com/doc/aa4304121.html,/docs/88 #---------------------------------- def main(): #配置您申请的APPKey appkey ="*********************" #1.商品小类列表 request1(appkey,"GET") #2.商品信息 request2(appkey,"GET") #3.商品价格查询 request3(appkey,"GET") #4.游戏直充区服查询 request4(appkey,"GET") #5.游戏直充 request5(appkey,"GET") #6.订单状态查询 request6(appkey,"GET") #商品小类列表 def request1(appkey, m="GET"):

url ="https://www.doczj.com/doc/aa4304121.html,/ofpay/game/cardlist" params ={ "key": appkey, #应用APPKEY(应用详细页查询) } params =urlencode(params) if m =="GET": f =urllib.urlopen("%s?%s"%(url, params)) else: f =urllib.urlopen(url, params) content =f.read() res =json.loads(content) if res: error_code =res["error_code"] if error_code ==0: #成功请求 print res["result"] else: print"%s:%s"%(res["error_code"],res["reason"]) else: print"request api error" #商品信息 def request2(appkey, m="GET"): url ="https://www.doczj.com/doc/aa4304121.html,/ofpay/game/cardinfo" params ={ "cardid": "", #对应接口1的cardid "key": appkey, #应用APPKEY(应用详细页查询) } params =urlencode(params) if m =="GET": f =urllib.urlopen("%s?%s"%(url, params)) else: f =urllib.urlopen(url, params) content =f.read() res =json.loads(content) if res: error_code =res["error_code"] if error_code ==0: #成功请求 print res["result"]


游戏分享:手把手教你用Python编写 贪吃蛇(一) 2018.1.10 今天我们将分享用Python制作贪吃蛇游戏。来试着挑战一下自己吧! 贪吃蛇游戏玩法 在贪吃蛇游戏中,玩家将控制一只不断在屏幕上四处行进的小蛇。玩家不能让小蛇减速,只能够控制小蛇的转向。每隔一段时间,屏幕上将出现一个红苹果,苹果的位置是随机的,玩家的目标是让小蛇吃到苹果。游戏开始的时候,蛇的长度很短,之后每一次吃到苹果,小蛇都会变长一点。当小蛇撞到屏幕的边缘时,游戏就结束了。 下面,让我们一起用Python一步步制作贪吃蛇游戏吧! 游戏网格 如果你之前玩过贪吃蛇游戏,你会发现苹果和小蛇的位置其实都是由网格线确定的。这些由网格线确定的小方格有它们自己的坐标系,如上图,最左上角的小方格坐标为(0,0),最右下角的坐标为(31,23)。

初始代码 1.#贪吃蛇游戏 2.#关注码趣学院 3. 4. 5. 6.import random,pygame,sys 7.from pygame.locals import* 8. 9.FPS=15 10.WINDOWWIDTH=640 11.WINDOWHEIGHT=480 12.CELLSIZE=20 13.assert WINDOWWIDTH%CELLSIZE==0,"Window width must be a multiple of cell size." 14.assert WINDOWHEIGHT%CELLSIZE==0,"Window height must be a multiple of cell size." 15.CELLWIDTH=int(WINDOWWIDTH/CELLSIZE) 16.CELLHEIGHT=int(WINDOWHEIGHT/CELLSIZE) 上面的代码设定了游戏的常量(constant variables),这些量在游戏进行的过程中将不会被改变。小方格的边长被储存在变量CELLSIZE中。assert语句(第13,14行)确保小方格的尺寸能够和游戏窗口完美契合。例如,如果变量CELLSIZE为10,而游戏窗口的宽WINDOWWIDTH和高WINDOWHEIGHT都被设置为15,那么整个游戏窗口只能放进1.5个小方格。assert语句确保窗口中的小方格数量为整数。 18.#R红G绿B蓝 19.WHITE=(255,255,255) 20.BLACK=(0,0,0) 21.RED=(255,0,0) 22.GREEN=(0,255,0)
