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that in the depth of inter, hen nothing but hope and virtue ould survivethat the it and the ountr, alarmed at one mon danger, ame forth to meet .


ameria. in the fae of our mon dangers, in this inter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless ords. ith hope and virtue, let us brave one more the i urrents, and endure hat storms ma e. let it be said b our hildren's hildren that hen e ere tested e refused to let this journe end, that e did not turn bak nor did e falter; and ith ees fixed on the horizon and god's grae upon us, e arried forth that great

gift of freedom and delivered it safel to future generations.




thank ou so muh.

tonight, more than 200 ears after a former olon on the right to determine its on destin, the task of perfeting our union moves forard.

it moves forard beause of ou. it moves forard beause ou reaffirmed the spirit that has triumphed over ar and depression, the spirit that has lifted this ountr from the depths of despair to the great heights of hope, the belief that hile eah of us ill pursue our on individual dreams, e are an amerian famil and e rise or fall together as one nation and as one people. tonight, in this eletion, ou, the amerian people, reminded us that hile our road has been hard, hile our journe has been long, e have piked ourselves up, e have fought our a bak, and e kno in our hearts that for the united states of ameria the best is et to e. i ant to thank ever amerian ho partiipated in this eletion, hether ou voted for the ver first time or aited in line for a ver long time.

b the a, e have to fix that. hether ou pounded the pavement or piked up the phone, hether ou held an obama sign or a romne sign, ou made our voie heard and ou made a differene.

i just spoke ith gov. romne and i ongratulated him and paul ran on a hard-fought ampaign. e ma have battled fierel, but it’s onl beause e love this ountr deepl and e are so strongl about its future. from george to lenore to their son

mitt, the romne famil has hosen to give bak to ameria through publi servie and that is the lega that e honor and applaud tonight. in the eeks ahead, i also look forard to sitting don ith gov. romne to talk about here e an ork together to move

this ountr forard.

i ant to thank m friend and partner of the last four ears, ameria’s happ arrior, the best vie president anbod ould ever hope for, joe biden.

and i ouldn’t be the man i am toda ithout the oman ho agreed to marr me 20 ears ago. let me sa this publil: mihelle, i have never loved ou more. i have never been prouder to ath the rest of ameria fall in love ith ou, too, as our nation’s first lad. sasha and malia,before our ver ees ou’re groing

up to bee to strong, smart beautiful oung omen, just like our mom. and i’m so proud of ou gus. but i ill sa that for no

one dog’s probabl enough.

to the best ampaign team and volunteers in the histor of politis. the best. the best ever. some of ou ere ne this time around, and some of ou have been at m side sine the ver beginning. but all of ou are famil. no matter hat ou do or

here ou go from here, ou ill arr the memor of the histor e made together and ou ill have the lifelong appreiation of a grateful president. thank ou for believing all the a, through ever hill, through ever valle. ou lifted me up the hole a and

i ill alas be grateful for everthing that ou’ve done and all the inredible ork that ou put in.

i kno that politial ampaigns an sometimes seem small, even sill. and that provides plent of fodder for the nis that tell us that politis is nothing more than a ontest of egos or the domain of speial interests. but if ou ever get the hane

to talk to folks ho turned out at our r

allies and roded along a rope line in a high shool gm, or sa folks orking late in a ampaign offie in some tin ount far XX from home, ou’ll disover something else.

ou’ll hear the determination in the voie of a oung field organizer ho’s orking his a through ollege and ants to make sure ever hild has that same opportunit. ou’ll hear the

pride in the voie of a volunteer ho’s going door to door beause her brother as finall hired hen the loal auto plant added another shift. ou’ll hear the deep patriotism in the voie of a militarspouse ho’s orking the phones late at night to make sure that no one ho fights for this ountr ever has to fight for a job or a roof over their head hen the e home.

that’s h e do this. that’s hat politis an be. that’s h eletions matter. it’s not small, it’s big. it’s important. demora in a nation of 300 million an be nois and mess and pliated. e have our on opinions. eah of us has deepl held beliefs. and hen e go through tough times, hen e make big

deisions as a ountr, it neessaril stirs passions, stirs up ontrovers.

that on’t hange after tonight, and it shouldn’t. these arguments e have are a mark of our libert. e an never forget that as e speak people in distant nations are risking their lives right no just for a hane to argue about the issues that matter, the hane to ast their ballots like e did toda.

but despite all our differenes, most of us share ertain hopes for ameria’s future. e ant our kids to gro up in a ountr here the have aess to the best shools and the best teahers. a ountr that lives up to its lega as the global leader in tehnolog and disover and innovation, ith all the good jobs and ne businesses that follo.

e ant our hildren to live in an ameria that isn’t burdened b d ebt, that isn’t eakened b inequalit, that isn’t threatened b the destrutive poer o

f a armin

g planet. e ant to pass on a ountr that’s safe and respeted and admired around the orld, a nation that is defended b the strongest militar on eart

h and the best troops this – this orld has ever knon. but also a ountr that moves ith onfidene beond this time of ar, to shape a peae that is built on the promise of freedom and dignit for ever human being.

e believe in a generous ameria, in a passionate ameria, in a toleran t ameria, open to the dreams o

f an immigrant’s

daughter ho studies in our shools and pledges to our flag. to the oung bo on the south side of hiago ho sees a life beond the nearest street orner. to the furniture orker’s hild in north arolina ho ants to bee a dotor or a sientist, an engineer or an entrepreneur, a diplomat or even a president

–that’s the future e hope for. that’s the vision e share. that’s here e need to go –forard. that’s here e need to go. no, e ill disagree, sometimes fierel, about ho to get there. as it has for more than to enturies, progress ill e in fits and starts. it’s not alas a straight line. it’s not alas a smooth path. b itself, the reognition that e have mon hopes and dreams on’t end all the gridlok or solve all our problems or substitute for the painstaking ork of building onsensus a

nd making the diffiult promises needed to move this ountr forard. but that mon bond is here e must begin.

our eonom is reovering. a deade of ar is ending. a long ampaign is no over. and hether i earned our vote or not, i have listened to ou, i have learned from ou, and ou’ve made me a better president. and ith our stories and our struggles, i return to the hite house more determined and more inspired than ever about the ork there is to do and the future that lies ahead.

tonight ou voted for ation, not politis as usual. ou eleted us to fous on our jobs, not ours. and in the ing eeks and months, i am looking forard to reahing out and orking ith leaders of both parties to meet the hallenges e an onl solve together. reduing our defiit. reforming our tax ode. fixing our immigration sstem. freeing ourselves from foreign oil. e’ve got more ork to do.

but that doesn’t mean our ork is done. the role of

itizen in our demora does not end ith our vote. ameria’s

ne ver been about hat an be done for us. it’s about hat an be done b us together through the hard and frustrating, but neessar ork of self-government. that’s the priniple e ere founded on.

this ountr has more ealth than an nation, but that’s not hat makes us rih. e have the most poerful militar in histor, but that’s not hat makes us strong. our universit, our

ulture are all the env of the orld, but that’s not hat keeps the orld ing to our shores.

hat makes ameria exeptional are the bonds that hold together the most diverse nation on earth. the belief that our destin is shared; that this ountr onl orks hen e aept ertain obligations to one another and to future generations. the freedom hih so man amerians have fought for and died for e ith responsibilities as ell as rights. and among those are

love and harit and dut and patriotism. that’s hat makes ameria great.

i am hopeful tonight beause i’ve seen the spirit at ork in ameria. i’ve seen it in the famil business hose oners ould rather ut their on pa than la off their neighbors, and in the orkers ho ould rather ut bak their hours than see a friend lose a job. i’ve seen it in the soldiers ho reenlist after losing a limb and in those seals ho harged up the

stairs into darkness and danger beause the kne there as a budd behind them athing their bak.

i’ve seen it on the shores of ne jerse and ne ork, here leaders from ever part and level of government have sept aside their differenes to help a munit rebuild from the rekage of a terrible storm. and i sa just the other da, in mentor, ohio, here a father told the stor of his 8-ear-old daughter, hose long battle ith leukemia nearl ost their famil everthing had it not been for health are reform passing just a fe months before the insurane pan as about to stop paing

for her are.

i had an opportunit to not just talk to the father, but meet this inredible daughter of his. and hen he spoke to the rod listening to that father’s stor, ever parent in that room had tears in their ees, beause e kne that little girl ould be our on. and i kno that ever amerian

ants her future to be just as bright. that’s ho e are. that’s the ountr i’m so proud to lead as our president.

and tonight, despite all the hardship e’ve been through, despite all the frustrations of ashington, i’ve never been more hopeful about our future. i have never been more hopeful about ameria. and i ask ou to sustain that hope. i’m not talking about blind optimism, the kind of hope that just ignores the enormit of the tasks ahead or the roadbloks that stand in our path. i’m not talking about the ishful idealism that allos us to just sit on the sidelines or shirk from a fight. i have alas believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidene to the ontrar, that something better XXits us so long as e have the ourage

to keep reahing, to keep orking, to keep fighting.

ameria, i believe e an build on the progress e’ve made and ontinue to fight for ne jobs and ne opportunit and ne

seurit for the middle lass. i believe e an keep the promise

of our fou nders, the idea that if ou’re illing to ork hard,

it doesn’t matter ho ou are or here ou e from or hat ou look like or here ou love. it doesn’t matter hether ou’re blak

or hite or hispani or asian or native amerian or oung or old

or rih or poor, able, disabled, ga or straight, ou an make it here in ameria if ou’re illing to tr.

i believe e an seize this future together beause e are not as divided as our politis suggests. e’re not as nial as the pundits believe. e are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions, and e remain more than a olletion of red states and blue states. e are and forever ill be the united states of ameria.

and together ith our help and god’s grae e ill ontinue our journe forard and remind the orld just h it is that e live in the greatest nation on earth.

thank ou, ameria. god bless ou. god bless these united states.




































































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