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1.1 THE COMPENTS OF THE ROTARY DRILLING RIG钻机系统的组成1.1.1 Hoisting System 提升系统

sub structure 井架底座,底部结构

derrick (mask) 井架

crown block 天车

traveling block 游动滑车

wire line (drill line) 钢丝绳,钻井大绳

deadline 死绳

air hoist 气压提升机,气压提升绞车

drilling rig (drilling machine) 钻机

drawwork 绞车

drum 滚筒

brake crank (handle, bar) 刹把

hydraulic brake 水刹车

electric brake 电磁刹车

mechanical friction device 机械磨擦装置

cathead 猫头

elevator 吊卡

slip type casing elevator 卡瓦型套管吊卡

pipe elevator 钻杆吊卡

slip 卡瓦

safety slip 安全卡瓦

collar rotary slip 环形钻铤转盘卡瓦

drill pipe rotary slips 环形钻杆转盘卡瓦

links 连杆

hook 大钩

hook load 大钩负荷

hook speed 大钩速度

hook weight 大钩悬重

DF (drill floor) 钻台

monkey board 二层台

1.1.2 Circulating & Solids Control System 循环及固控系统

drilling mud (drilling fluid) 钻井泥浆,钻井液

water mud 淡水泥浆

water-base mud 水基泥浆

salt mud 盐水泥浆

salt-base mud 盐水基泥浆

oil-base mud 油基泥浆oilemuision 油包水泥浆,石油乳浊液mud property 泥浆性能

mud weight out/in 泥浆密度进/出

mud density out/in 泥浆密度进/出

mud viscosity 泥浆粘度

mud conductivity 泥浆电导率

mud resistivity 泥浆电阻

PH-value PH值

water loss 失水

sand content 含砂量

gel strength 静切力

mud cake 泥饼

mud cake effect 泥饼效应

mud filtrate 泥浆滤液

mud loss 泥浆漏失

mud column 泥浆液柱

mud sample 泥浆试样

mud stability 泥浆稳定性

mud pump (pump) 泥浆泵

pump body 泵体

pump capacity (discharge) 泵排量(泵容量)pump displacement 泵排量

pump output 泵排量

pump efficiency 泵效率

pump stroke 泵冲程

pump cylinder 缸套

mud pump rod 泥浆泵拉杆piston 活塞

mud room 泵房

mud line 泥浆管线

choke line 地面管汇

high pressure line 高压管线standpipe 立管

standpipe valve 立管闸门

hose 水龙带

swivel 水龙头

swivel bail 水龙头吊环

swivel sub (joint) 水龙头接头

swivel stem 水龙头中心管gooseneck 鹅颈管

wash pipe 冲管

wash pipe swivel 冲管旋转接头

kelly 方钻杆

kelly cock 方钻杆上旋塞

kelly dog nut 方钻杆下旋塞HWDP height weight drillpipe 加重钻杆

DP drillpipe 钻杆

DC drill collar 钻铤

spiral collar 螺旋钻铤

pony DC (collar) 短钻铤

NMDC non-monel collar 无磁钻铤

tool joint 钻具接头

sub (joint) 接头

tool joint box 接头母扣

tool joint pin 接头公扣

X-O (crossover) subs 配合接头(转换接头)shock sub 减震接头

bumper sub 缓冲器接头

bit sub 钻头接头

dart sub 投入式止回阀阀座

flex sub 柔性短接

string stabilizer (pin ×box) 钻具扶正器(公扣对母扣)near bit stabilizer (box ×box) 扶正器(母扣对母扣)centrallizer 扶正器

bumpers (shock absorber) 减震器

drilling junk basket 随钻打捞杯

drilling jar 随钻震击器

jar 震击器

BHA bottomhole assembly 下部钻具总成

HDRT high data rate tool 高速数据传输钻具(MWD用)drill stem (drill string) 钻柱

bit 钻头

drag bit (blade bit) 刮刀钻头

cone bit (roller bit) 牙轮钻头

tri-cone bit 三牙轮钻头

jet bit 喷射式牙轮钻头

core drilling bit 取心钻头

milled tooth bit 铣齿钻头

insert bit 镶齿钻头

gauge insert bit 保径镶齿钻头

diamond bit 金刚石钻头

bit cone 钻头牙轮

bit size 钻头尺寸

bit cost 钻头成本

bit record 钻头记录

bit type 钻头类型

bit jets 钻头水眼

bit nozzle 钻头喷嘴

TFA total flow area 钻头水眼总流量面积

bit consumption 钻头用量

bit footage 钻头进尺

bit factor 钻头因素

bit grading 钻头磨损等级

bit-tooth dullness 钻头牙齿磨钝程度

bit life 钻头寿命

bit HHP hydraulic horsepower 钻头水马力

hole opener 扩眼器

underreamer 管下扩眼器

annular 环空

wellhead 井口

flowline 架空管线

shale shaker 震动筛

mud tank (mud pits) 泥浆罐

suction pit 进口罐

setting pit 沉砂罐

waste pit 泥浆坑

desander 除砂器

desilter 除泥器

degasser 除气器

mud cleaner 清洁器

centrifuge 离心机

agitator 搅拌机

1.1.3 Rotary System 旋转系统

prime mover 原动机

diesel engine 柴油机

engine 引擎

rotary table 转盘

rotary base 转盘底座

rotary chain 转盘传动链条

KB kelly bushing 方钻杆补心

roller type bushing 滚子方补心

master bushing 转盘补心

slip type casing spider 卡瓦型套管卡盘

tongs 大钳,吊钳

lead tongs 内钳

back-up tongs 外钳

hydraulic tongs 液压大钳

chain tongs 链钳

pipe tongs (spanner) 管钳

spinning chain 旋链

power tongs 动力大钳

spanning wrench 旋转扳手

1.1.4 Blowout Prevention System 防喷系统

kick 井涌

blowout 井喷

blowout control 井控

blowout control equipment 井控设备

blowout hookup 防喷装置

BOP blowout prevention 防喷器

annular ram prevention (万能)环形防喷器

pipe rams (半封)闸板防喷器

blind rams 盲板全封式防喷器

shear rams 剪切闸板式全封防喷器

blowout plug 防喷塞

blowout preventer of three stage packer 三级密封式防喷器

control console 控制台

remote control console 远程控制台

conductor line 导管

choke line manifold 节流管线

fill line 灌浆管线

kill line 压井管线

emergency line 紧急压井管线

chokes 节流阀

hydraulic valve 液压阀

gas buster 泥气分离器

poor boy 泥气分离器

choke pressure 节流压力

blowout prevention procedure 防喷措施

1.1.5 Motion Compensation System 运动补偿系统

offshore floating rigs 海上浮式钻机

drillstring compensator 钻柱补偿器

sea level 海平面

sea floor 海底

deck 甲板

air pressure vessels 空气压力容器

hydraulic cylinder assembles 液压缸总成

piston rod 活塞杆

standard hook assembles 标准大钩总成

riser 隔水导管

guideline tensioner 导索拉紧装置

control panel 控制盘

guide base 导引底盘

marine riser 海中隔水导管

moon pool 月形开口

riser tensioner 隔水导管拉紧装置

1.2 W ELLS & DRILLING CRAFT 井与钻井工艺流程

well, drilling well 井,钻井

wildcat well 预探,初探井

delineation well 探边井

development well 生产井,开发井

satellite well 丛式井

injection well 注水井

direction well 定向井

deviation well 斜井

COST continental offshore stratigraphic test well(美)大陆近海地层探井

to rig up 安装(钻机)

to install the equipment 安装设备

to get drill pipes in order 排钻具

to measure & inspect drillstring 仗量,检查钻具

to measure the length of drill pipes &drill collars 量钻杆,量钻铤

to nipple up BOP 装封井器

to spud in 开钻

to turn on the pumps 开泵

to circulate, circulation 循环

circulate to the bottom up 完全循环

reserve circulation 反循环

bit break-in procedure 磨合钻头

reaming 扩眼

drilling 钻进

coring drilling 取心钻进

rough drilling (bouncing of drilling tool) 跳钻

bit bouncing 蹩钻

reverse rotation (running) 打倒车

correct drift 纠斜

lost circulation 井漏

slough (cave-in) 井塌

to stop the pump 停泵

PC pipe connection 接单根

make a joint 接单根

wire line survey 吊测

deviation survey 测斜

to change the shaker screen 换筛布

to repair the pump 修泵

to break down a joint 卸一个单根

to slug the pipe 往钻杆内打重泥浆POOH to pull out of hole 起钻

to trip out the hole 起钻

touch sticking 遇卡

pulling a piston 拔活塞

to lubricate rig (drawwork) 保养钻机(绞车)to repair rig 维修钻机

to cut & slip the drillline 倒大绳

to clean the mud tank 清罐

well logging, E-log 电测

SWC sidewall coring 井壁取心

DST drill stem test 钻杆中途测试

to running casing, casing 下套管surface casing 表层套管intermediate casing 技术套管

liner 尾管

to running cementing 固井

to squeeze cement 挤水泥

WOC wait on cement 侯凝

to nipple up BOP 换装封井器

to install the BOP 装封井器

to test BOP 封井器试压

to change bit, bit change 换钻头

RIH run in hole 下钻

to trip in 下钻touchdown, touching resistance 遇阻

RTO round trip operation 起下钻作业

short tripping 短起下钻reaming 划眼

to cement plug , plug back 打水泥塞

side tracking 侧钻

to kick off 造斜

KOD kick off depth 造斜深度

KOP kick off point 造斜点

to hang up 意外停机

to survey the flowout 监测溢流

flow check 溢流检查

WOO wait on order 等指令

WOW wait on weather 等天气

WOL wait on logging 等测井

WOE wait on equipment 等设备

WOFT wait on fishing tools 等打捞工具

to finish drilling 完钻

to running the liner 挂尾管

to plug-back 填井

final testing 完井测试

to install the Chirstmas tree (production) 装采油树

well completion 完井

to prevent sticking 防卡

to prevent caving 防塌

to prevent loss of circulation 防漏

to prevent blowout 防喷

1.3 SPECIAL ENGINEERING OPERATION 特殊工程施工1.3.1 Coring 取心 Coring Equipment 取心及岩心分析设备

coring drill 取心钻具

core drilling bit 取心钻头

core bit 取心钻头

coring crown 金刚石取心钻头

core cone bit 牙轮取心钻头

core basket 岩心爪

core barrel catcher 岩心抓取器

core catcher 岩心爪

core catcher case 岩心爪外套

core gripper 岩心爪

core-gripper with slip 卡瓦式岩心爪

core-gripper with slipcollar 卡箍式岩心爪

core-gripper with slipspring 卡簧式岩心爪

core spring 岩心卡簧

core barrel 岩心筒

core container 内岩心筒

core chamber 岩心室

core barrel head 岩心筒上盖

core barrel ring 取心筒垫圈

core shoe (压力式)取心筒鞋

core plunger 岩心推取杆

core pusher 岩心推取塞

core fisher 井底岩心打捞器

core picker 落井岩心打捞器

core bag 岩心袋

core box 岩心盒

core tray 岩心盒

core house 岩心存储室

core storage 岩心库

core library 岩心库

core breaker 岩心切断器

core slicer (splitter) 岩心切断器

core-drying oven 岩心烘箱

core cutter 岩心切片机

core distillation apparatus 岩心蒸馏仪

core interpreting device 岩心分析仪

core laboratory 岩心分析实验室1.3.1.2 Core Drilling Operation 取心钻进作业

core hole 取心井

core boring 取心钻进

core drilling 取心钻进

cored-up mould 岩心造型

coring depth 取心井深

coring footage (run) 取心进尺

coring weight 取心钻压

coring formation 取心地层

core grouting 取心被卡

core breaking 割断岩心

core breaking by hydraulic pressure 投球液压割心

core breaking by mechanical loading 机械加压割心1.3.1.3 Core Analysis 岩心分析

core-analysis data 岩心分析数据

core data 岩心数据

core log 岩心录井

core graph 岩心图

core cross section 岩心横剖面

core-description graph 岩心描述图

core sample 岩心样

core wafer 岩心薄片

core size 岩心尺寸

core orientation 岩心方向

core inlet face 岩心入口面

core outlet face 岩心出口面

core diameter 岩心直径

core factor 岩心系数

core grinding 岩心磨削

core wash 岩心冲蚀

core intervals 取心井段

core footage (run) 取心进尺

core recovery 岩心收获率

core porosity 岩心空隙度

core oil saturation 岩心含油饱和度

core permeability 岩心渗透率

1.3.2 Directional Well Drilling & Deviation Survey 定向钻井和井斜监测

directional well 定向井

directional hole 定向井

directional drilling 定向钻井

directional drilling contractor 定向井承包商

directional MWD 定向随钻测量

directional drill tool 定向钻井工具

directional orientation tool 定向工具

the steering tool 定向工具

deflecting tool 造斜工具

directional-survey tool 定向测量工具

direction finder 测向仪

direction instrument 方向仪

directional tool (steering tool) 随钻测斜仪

inclinometer 测斜仪

single shot inclinometer 单点测斜仪

syphon inclinometer 虹吸测斜仪

continuous inclinometer 连续测斜仪

gyroscope 陀螺仪

pendulums (plumb bob) 测棰

magnetic compass 磁螺盘

directional turbodrill 定向涡轮钻具

directional bit 定向钻头

directional-type tricone bit 定向三牙轮钻头

directional clinograph 方位测斜仪

deviation replot 井斜图

side track 定向设计剖面图

horiz projection 水平投影图

vertical projection 垂直投影图

projection on a vertical plane 垂直面上的投影图

deviation map 井斜图

perspective view 透视图

3 dimensions visualisation 三维空间透视图

directional diagram 方位图

deviation report 井斜报告

directional data 井斜数据

surveys 井斜数据

deviation measurement data 井斜测量数据

directional line 方向线

main direction 主方向

E.W.S.N 东,西,南,北

directional control 方位控制directional characteristics 方位特征directional accuracy 方向性精度directional elements 定向要素direction parameter 方位参数horizontal plane 水平面

vertical plane 垂直面directional angle 方位角

the drift angle 井斜角

the azimuth 方位角

bearing (north) 方位角

angle of projection 投影角

desired drift angle 设计的造斜角

the bottom hole coordinate 井底坐标

coarse coordinates 水平位移坐标

the vertical depth 垂直深度

KOD kick off depth 造斜深度

end off deviation vertical depth 稳斜结束时的垂直深度end kick off vertical depth 结束造斜时的垂直深度final re-entry depth 恢复点的深度average angle method 平均角度法radius of curvature method 曲率半径法KOP kick off point 初试造斜点

end of kick off 造斜终点

end of deviation 斜井段终点

re-entry point 返直点

dog leg 井斜度,狗腿角dog leg scale 狗腿度比例

dog leg severity 狗腿严重程度angle build up 增斜

angle drop off 降斜

dog leg at kick off point 增斜率

dog leg at re-entry point 降斜率

the actual well path 井眼轨迹

1.3.3 Casing 下套管

casing 套管

casing joint 套管单根,一节套管casing starter 入井第一节套管casing nipple 套管短节

casing string 套管柱

casing tally 套管记录

casing type 套管类型

casing weight 套管重量casing size 套管尺寸casing diameter 套管直径casing length 套管长度casing volume 套管容积casing grade 套管钢级casing depth 套管深度casing setting depth 套管下入深度casing accessories (hardware) 套管附件casing guide shoe 引鞋

casing float shoe 套管鞋casing shoe depth 套管鞋深度casing centralizer 套管扶正器casing collar 套管接箍casing check valve 回压凡儿casing float (collar) 回压凡儿casing sub 套管异径接头casing head 套管头casinghead spool 套管头四通casing landing 联顶节casing job 下套管作业casing running(installation) 下套管casing-bearing formation好套管下入地层casing appliances 下套管工具casing connection 套管连接casing elevator 套管吊卡casing slip 套管卡瓦casing spider 套管卡盘式吊卡casing suspender 套管悬挂器casing hanger 套管悬挂器casing screw protector 套管公扣护丝casing screw head 套管母扣护丝casing seal 套管密封件casing annular 套管环空casing-to-hole annular 套管井壁环空casing pressure 套管压力casing head pressure 套管头压力casing pressure test 套管试压casingless completion 裸眼完井casing inspection 套管探伤casing programme 套管程序casing severing 割套管casing sticking 套管被卡casing wear 套管磨损casing split 套管裂纹

casing leak 套管漏

casing imperfection 套管缺陷

casing failure 套管损坏

casing damage 套管损伤

casing deformation 套管变形

casing corrosion 套管腐蚀

casing collapse 套管挤坏

casing buckling 套管弯曲

casing bridge plug 套管桥塞

casing bowl 套管打捞筒

casing collar location 套管接箍测定器

casing corrosion monitoring 套管腐蚀监测

casing knife 套管割刀

casing mandrel 胀管器

casing mill 套管铣鞋

casing packer 套管封隔器

casing perforator 套管射孔器

casing section mill 套管铣刀

casing splitter 套管割刀

casing withdrawal 拔套管

1.3.4 Well Cementing 固井

open hole 裸眼井

cased hole 套管井

pocket 口袋

the pocket volume 口袋体积

normal volume 正常体积

extra volume 额外体积

hole description 井眼描述

string / casing description 钻柱和套管描述

surface cement line description 地面水泥管线描述

cement 水泥

number of sacks 水泥袋数

cement factor 水泥系数

volume of the cement 水泥体积

cement mark 水泥标号

cement brand 水泥牌号

cement filtrate 水泥滤液

cement slurry 水泥浆

cement paste 水泥浆

cement milk 水泥浆

slurry in string 钻柱内水泥浆

cement slurry volume 水泥浆体积(用量)

slurry excess 水泥浆余量

slurry density 水泥浆密度cement column 水泥浆液柱cement consistency 水泥浆稠度cement flow 水泥浆液流cement additive 水泥添加剂additive name 添加剂名称bentonite 膨润土additive volume 添加物体积cementer 粘结剂cement accelerator 水泥促凝剂cement hardener 水泥速凝剂cement agent 粘结剂cement concrete 水泥混凝土cement-water ratio 水灰比cement operation (jobs) 固井作业cement method 固井方法first stage cementation 一级注水泥two stage cementation 二级注水泥multi-stage cementation 多级注水泥liner cementation 衬管注水泥cement equipment (unit) 固井设备cementing tool 固井工具cementing pump 固井泵cementing pump skid 撬装注水泥泵组cementing tank 水泥罐cement blender 水泥搅拌器cement mixer 水泥搅拌器cement practice 固井施工cement squeeze work 挤水泥作业cementing formulation 注水泥配方cement point 封固段cementing through 全井封固seal liquid (spacer fluid) injection 注隔离液cementing injection 注水泥浆chasing 替浆cement displacement 替浆cementing reaction 胶结反应cement setting 水泥凝固cement curing time 水泥候凝时间cementing strength 水泥强度cemented up 注完水泥cement basket 水泥伞cement casing head 水泥头cement mantle 水泥环cement plug 水泥塞

cement sheath 水泥壳

cement evalution log 固井质量评价测井

cement needle 凝固强度检测针

cement top 水泥顶界

cement thickness 水泥环厚度

cement bond log 水泥胶结情况测井

cement bond 水泥胶结

cementation factor (exponent) 胶结系数

cement-formation interface 水泥-地层界面

cement job quality 固井质量

cement failure 固井不合格

cement cap 悬空水泥塞

cement channeling 水泥串槽

cement contamination 水泥侵

cement cut 泥浆水泥侵

cement dehydration 水泥浆脱水



1.4.1 BIT 钻头

initialize run 钻头初始化运行

new bit initialization 新钻头初始化

bit report 钻头报告

bit cost report 钻头成本报告

drilling data 钻进数据报告

well string data 钻具数据

BHA bottom hole assembly 下部钻具组合

bit list 钻头列表

the bit general data 钻头一般参数

bit performance 钻头性能

bit characteristics 钻头特征

bit number 钻头编号

the last drilled bit 上一个钻头

bit type 钻头类型

drilling cost 钻进成本

rig cost 钻机作业成本

final cost on drilling time 钻进时间里最终钻头成本

final cost on time in hole 钻头入井最终成本

minimum bit cost 最小钻头成本

FFA total flow area 钻头总截流面积

nozzle’s area 水眼尺寸

nozzle efficiency 水眼效率

bit run , footage 钻头进尺

bit progress, run length 钻头进尺

individual bit run 单个钻头进尺depth interval 井段,井深间隔average over the run 钻头平均运行参数expected run 钻头预计进尺

drilling time 钻进时间

off-bottom time 钻头提离井底时间the final wear 钻头最终磨损

total revolutions 钻头总旋转圈数

the bit manufacture 钻头制造商1.4.2 HYDRAULICS REPORT 水力学报告

hydraulics computation 水力学计算

Bingham formula 宾汉公式

power law formula 幂次律公式

power law exponent 幂律指数

Reynold’s number 雷诺数

the friction factor 磨擦系数

the mud system 泥浆系统

mud system parameter 泥浆系统参数

mud name 泥浆名称

flow out 泥浆出口流量

computed flow 计算流量

measured flow 测量流量

critical flow 临界流量

optimize flow 优化流量

mud density 泥浆密度

the equivalent mud density 当量泥浆密度

PV plastics viscosity 塑性粘度

YP yield point 屈服点

GEL strength 静切力

MW mud specific weight 泥浆比重

mud velocity 泥浆速度

nozzles speed 水眼流速

a critical velocity 临界流速

the actual velocity 实际流速

rheological model 流变模型

rheological equation 流变方程

flow behavior 流性

flow type 流动类型

laminar flow 层流

turbulent flow 紊流

Binghamien fluid 宾汉流体

Newonient fluid 牛顿流体

Pseudo-plastic fluids of Ostwold 奥式假塑性流体

the shear stress 切应力

the shear rate 切率

consistency index 稠度系统

a hole cleaning efficiency 井眼净化程度

pressure losses 压力损失

annular pressure losses 环空压力损失

total presses losses 总压力损失

pressures losses of laminar flow 层流压力损失

pressures losses of turbulent flow 紊流压力损失

surge and swab pressure 抽吸和冲击压力

bit hydraulic horsepower 钻头水马力

mud lag time 泥浆迟到时间

cuttings lag time 岩屑迟到时间

cuttings size 岩屑尺寸

cuttings density 岩屑密度

cuttings removal 岩屑上返

the slip velocity of cuttings 岩屑下滑速度

the relative slip velocity 相对滑动速度

drag coefficient 牵引系数

annular parameter 环空参数

well hole and string parameter 井眼和钻具参数

VAN volume of annular 环空体积

open hole 裸眼段

casing 套管段

liner 尾管段

FANN graph 范氏图

1.4.3 KICK CONTROL 井控,压井

well kick , well blowout 井涌,井喷

the origin of a kick 井涌起因

formation pressure 地层压力

the mud column pressure 泥浆液柱压力

the invading fluid 地层侵入流体

the influx fluid 侵入井眼的流体

circulating pressure 循环压力

kick report 井涌报告,压井报告

initial data 原始数据

circulating data 循环数据

killing of a well 压井

driller’s method 司钻法压井

balance bottom hole pressure method 平衡井底压力法压井kick killing data 压井数据

the depth of the kick 井涌出现的井深

kick size 井涌体积

kick tolerance 井涌极限

influx density 侵入液密度

numbers of circulation cycles 循环周期数

the initial mud weight 初始泥浆密度

the required mud weight (density) 压井所需泥浆密度

resulting mud weight 最终泥浆密度

baryte density 重晶石比重

heavy mud density 重泥浆密度

the adding products 加重材料,添加材料adding rate 加重速度

available quantity 储备量,

available volume 可使用的体积

slow pump stroke 低泵速泵冲

the shut in drill pipe pressure 关井钻杆内压力

well head maximum working pressure 井口最大工作压力casing burst pressure 套管崩环压力

the minimum formation fracturation pressure 最小地层破裂压力expected surface pressure 预期地层压力

initial circulating pressure 初始循环压力

final circulating pressure 最终循环压力

the maximum allowable surface pressure 最大允许地面压力

hydrostatic pressure inside pipe 钻杆内静水压力

casing pressure 套管压力

initial bubble pressure 初始冒泡压力

shoe pressure 套管鞋压力

displaced volume 排液体积

the trip margin 起下钻边界1.4.4 OPTIMIZATION DRILLING 优化钻井

WOB weight on bit 钻压

RPM the rotation speed 转速

the drilling rate 钻进速度

the same type of formation 同类型地层

a lithological change 岩性变化

formation abrasiveness 地层研磨性参数

abrasive formation (layer) 研磨性地层

drillability factor 可钻性因素

formation drillability factor 地层可钻性因素

reliable field data 可靠的现场数据

the lowest drilling cost 最低钻井成本

five-spot drill-off test 五点钻速法

optimum WOB 优化钻压值

bit weight exponent 钻压指数

optimum RPM 优化转速值

expected footage 预期进尺

expected rate 预期钻速

zero drilling rate 零点钻速

initial rate of penetration 初始钻速

average rate of penetration 平均钻速

expected rotating time 预期钻头旋转时间

normalized bit tooth height 标准的钻头牙齿高度

tooth wear rate 钻头牙齿磨损速度

tooth dull 钻头牙齿钝化程度

tooth wear 钻头牙齿磨损值

bit bearing life 钻头轴承寿命

bearing dull 钻头轴承钝化程度

the normalized bearing wear 校正的钻头轴承磨损值

bit exponent 钻头指数

rotating time 钻头旋转时间

total rotating hours 总旋转小时数

round trip time 起下钻时间

bit starting depth 钻头启用井深

the optimum parameter 优选参数

IDAC code international association of drilling contractors



lost circulation, mud loss 井漏,循环漏失

kick, gas kick, well kick 井涌

well blowout 井喷

well slough (cave-in) 井塌

drilling string not well braked 溜钻

percussion drill 顿钻

damaged bit 钻头损坏

broken teeth 断牙齿

lost nozzle 掉水眼

lost cone 掉牙轮

lost bit 掉钻头

bit balling, balling up of a bit 钻头泥包

drilling pipe breaking 断钻具

touchdown, touching resistance 遇阻

touch sticking 遇卡

stuck (sticking) 卡钻

drill pipe sticking, sticking of tool 卡钻

differential sticking, wall sticking 粘卡

key-seating sticking 键槽卡钻

sand bridge sticking 砂桥卡钻

sand settling sticking 沉砂卡钻

fishing tool & process agent 打捞工具releasing stuck agent, 解卡剂

black magic, pipe lax 解卡剂sticking point instrument 卡点测定仪plugging agent, sealing agent 堵漏剂

lost circulation additive (material) 堵漏添加剂,堵漏材料heavy weight additive 加重剂weighting material 加重物weighted mud 加重泥浆chemical cutter 化学切割器

drill pipe cutter 钻杆外切割器casing cutte 套管内切割器washover backoff connector tool 套铣倒扣工具overshot, bell socket 卡瓦打捞筒washover pipe 套铣筒washover shoe 套铣鞋reverse circulating basket 反循环打捞篮drilling junk basket 随钻打捞篮catchall (junk catcher) 一把抓

fishing tap 公锥

box tap 母锥

milling taper 铣锥

mill (milling) shoe 铣鞋

mill shoe 磨鞋impression block 铅印

trip spear (bulldog) 打捞矛wireline spear 电缆打捞矛

bend drill pipe 弯钻杆

fishing magnet 强磁打捞器

key seat wiper 键槽清除器

key seat reamer 键槽扩大器stabbing guide 对扣引鞋

fishing & other operation 打捞和其它作业

to soak with black magic 泡解卡剂breakouting pack of dynamic 爆破松扣washover 套铣

make-up (stab) 对扣

thread making 造扣

back-off 倒扣

kill-job, well killing, well control 压井

kill job 压井作业

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