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Part ⅠWriting

Directions: For this part, you are expected to write a short essay on the topic of A Letter of Apology. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

1. 表达自己对晚交作业一事的歉意

2. 说明未能按时交作业的原因

3. 表示自己尽快把作业补交上并表示以后将按时交作业

Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Another Intelligence

Emotional intelligence as a theory was first brought to public attention by the book Emotional Intelligence, Why It can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman. What is emotional intelligence exactly? According to Goleman, Emotional Intelligence consists of five key elements.

The first is knowing one’s own emotions.

Being able to recognize that one is in an emotional state and having the ability to identify which emotion is being experienced, even if it is not a particularly comfortable feeling to admit to, e.g. jealousy (妒忌) or envy.

The second is emotional awareness.

Emotional awareness can then lead to m anaging one?s emotions. This involves dealing with emotions, like jealousy, resentment(怨恨), anger, etc, that one may have difficulty accepting by, perhaps, giving oneself comfort food, or doing nice things when one is feeling low. Many people do this instinctively(本能地)by buying chocolate or treating themselves; others are able to wrap themselves in positive thoughts or …mother themselves?. There are, of course, many people who are incapable of doing this, and so need to be taught.

The third area is self-motivation (动机).

Our emotions can simultaneously(同时地)empower and hinder us, so it is important to develop the ability to control them. Strategies can be learnt whereby emotions are set aside to be dealt with at a later date. For example, when dealing with the success or good fortune of others, it is better not to suppress(压抑)any …negative? emotion that arises. One just has to recognize it is

there. And then one just needs to be extra careful when making decisions and not allow one?s emotions to cloud the issue, by letting them dictate how one functions with that person. The separation of logic and emotion is not easy when dealing with people.

The fourth is recognizing emotions in other people.

As social beings, we need to be able to deal with other people, which brings us to the next item on Goleman?s list, namely,recognizing emotions in other people. This means, in effect, having “social radar”, i.e. learning to read the weather systems around individual or groups of people. Obviously, leading on from this is the ability to handle relationships. If we can recognize, understand and then deal with other people?s emotions, we can function better both socially and professionally.

The last one is emotions are intangible.

Not being tangible(可触摸的,有形的), emotions are difficult to analyze and quantify(量化), compounded by the fact that each area in the list above, does not operate in isolation. Each of us has misread a friend?s or a colleague?s behavior to us and other people. The classic example is the shy person, categorized by some people as arrogant (傲慢的)and distant and by others as lively and friendly and very personable. How can two different groups make a definitive analysis of someone that is so strikingly contradictory(矛盾的)? And yet this happens on a daily basis in all our relationships — even to the point of misreading the behavior of those close to us! In the work scenario, this can cost money. And so it makes economic sense for business to be aware of it and develop strategies for employing people and dealing with their employees.

All common sense you might say. Goleman himself has even suggested that emotional intelligence is just a new way of describing competence; what some people might call savior faire or savoir vivre. Part of the problem here is that society or some parts of society have forgotten that these skills ever existed and have found the need to re-invent them.

But the emergence(出现)of Emotional Intelligence as a theory suggests that the family situations and other social interactions where social skills were honed(磨练)in the past are fast disappearing, so that people now sadly need to be re-skilled.

1. Who first brought emotional intelligence to people?s attention?

A) Some professionals.

B) John D Mayer.

C) Peter Salovey.

D) Daniel Goleman.

2. According to the author, which emotions are people unwilling to admit to?

A) Jealousy or envy.

B) Fright or love.

C) Delight or hope.

D) Stress or joy.

3. Which one of the following is the way of controlling emotions?

A) To hide them completely

B) To use logical analysis.

C) To recall the negative ideas.

D) To ignore them for the moment and manage them later.

4. It is difficult to analyze and quantify emotions because______.

A) they are isolated

B) they are not flexible

C) they are intangible

D) they are misleading

5. Misreading the behavior of others ______.

A) is always costly

B) is a classic example

C) occurs every day

D) is categorized by those close to us

6. Goleman relates Emotional Intelligence to ______.

A) efficiency B) competence

C) interaction D) common sense

7. The skills of emotional intelligence need to be reinvented because_____.

A) they are difficult to quantify

B) they happen in the family

C) they exist in the society

D) some people have forgotten them.

8. Recognizing emotions in other people means having ____________.

9. Dealing with relationships well, we can function better both ____________.

10. People now need to be re-skilled because the family situations and other social interactions are


Part ⅢListening Comprehension (omitted)

Part ⅣReading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

The development of Jamestown in Virginia during the second half of the seventeenth century was closely __47__ to the making and use of bricks. There were several __48__ reasons why bricks became important to the colony. Although the forests could __49__ supply sufficient (充足的) timber(木材), the __50__ of lumbering (采伐)was extremely difficult, particularly because of the lack of roads. Later, when the timber on the peninsula (半岛)had been depleted(耗尽), wood had to be brought from some distance. Building stones were also in short __51__. However,

as clay was plentiful, it was inevitable that the colonists would turn to brick- making.

In addition to practical reasons for using brick as the principal __52__ material, there was also an ideological reason. Brick __53__ durability and permanence. The Virginia Company of London instructed the colonists to build hospitals and new __54__ out of brick. In 1662, the Town Act of the Virginia Assembly provided for the construction of thirty-two brick buildings and prohibited the use of wood as a construction material. Had this law ever been successfully enforced, Jamestown would have been a model city. Instead, the residents failed to __55__ fully with the law. By 1699, Jamestown had __56__ into a pile of rubble with only three or four

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

Dam is a barrier constructed across a stream or river to impound water and raise its level. The most common reasons for building dams are to concentrate the natural fall of a river at a given site, thus making it possible to generate electricity; to direct water from rivers into canals and irrigation and water-supply systems; to increase river depths for navigational purposes; to control water flow during times of flood and drought; and to create artificial lakes for recreational use. Many dams fulfill several of these functions. In the United States the network of dams under the Tennessee Valley Authority is an outstanding example of a multipurpose dam development.

The first dam of which record exists was built about 4000 BC to divert the Nile in Egypt in order to provide a site for the city of Memphis. Many ancient earth dams, including a number built by the Babylonians, were part of elaborate irrigation systems that transformed unproductive regions into fertile plains capable of supporting large populations. Because of the ravages of periodic floods, very few dams more than a century old are still standing. The construction of virtually indestructible dams of appreciable height and storage capacity became possible after the development of Portland cement concrete and the mechanization of earth-moving and materials-handling equipment.

Controlling and using water by means of dams profoundly affects the economic prospects. One of the first stages in the progress of developing countries usually involves gaining the ability to use water for power generation, agriculture, and flood protection.

57. What is the purpose of this passage?

A) To tell the roles that dams play.

B) To explain the construction of the first dam.

C) To emphasize the economic effects of dams.

D) To give a brief introduction to dams.

58. The following are the common reasons for building dams except____.

A) generating and saving electricity.

B) controlling water flow in time of flood and drought.

C) changing the flow of rivers.

D) serving as part of the irrigation system.

59. The word “transform” in the second paragraph may mean ____.

A) turn B) fade C) exist D) appear

60. In ancient times, the purpose of building dams was mainly to ____.

A) divert river B) create artificial lakes

C) irrigate fields D) protect people

61. According to the author, what has a great influence on economic development of a country?

A) Ancient earth dams.

B) Irrigation system.

C) Power generation and agriculture.

D) Controlling and using water by means of dams.

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

“It hurts me more than you,” and “This is for your own good.” These are the statements my mother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin, clean my room, stay home and do homework.

That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was all right not to push our children to achieve their best in school. The schools and the educators made it easy on us. They taught that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone policy. We stopped making our children do homework. We gave calculators, turned on the television, left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation.

Now teachers, faced with children who have been developing at their own pace for the past 15 years, are realizing we?ve made a terrible mistake. One such teacher is Sharon Klompus who says of her students “so passive” and wonders what happened. Nothing was demanded of them, she believes. Television, says Klompus, contributes to children?s passivity. “We?re not tr aining kids to work any more.” s ays Klompus, “We?re talking about a generation of kids who?ve never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will always do it for them. Instead of saying …go look it up?, you tell them the answer. It takes greater energy to say no to a kid.”

Yes, it does. It takes energy and it takes work. It?s time for parents to end their vacation and come back to work. It?s time to take the car away, to turn the TV off, to tell them it hurts you more than them bu t it?s for their own good. It?s time to start telling them no again.

62. In the permissive period, we think ________.

A) we pushed the kids a lot.

B) i t?s reasonable to help kids.

C) i t?s sensible to avoid pushing kids too hard.

D) i t?s good to ignore educ ation completely.

63. What?s the meaning of “permissive period in education” in paragraph 2?

A) It means children can do what they want to.

B) It means when everything can be taught at school.

C) It means when children are pessimistic about education.

D) It means when children are allowed to quit education.

64. What does the author mean by saying “It takes greater energy to say no to a kid”?

A) We always agree with the kids.

B) It?s easy to give the right answer.

C) It?s difficult for parents to refuse to help kids.

D) It needs more energy to help kids.

65. Why are children becoming more passive in study?

A) Because they watch TV too frequently.

B) Because they have no interest in it.

C) Because they have nothing else to do.

D) Because parents are rather strict with them.

66. What can we infer from the passage?

A) Parents should interact with their children.

B) Kids should have more activities at school.

C) Parents should be stricter with our children.

D) Parents should always behave themselves.

Part ⅤCloze

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Part VI Translation

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2.

87.If he had known this would happen, ________________(他也许会以不同方式行事).

88. ____________(他刚到家)when it started raining.

89.A minute ago the old lady ____________(撕开信封)with great excitement.

90. My washing machine broke down this morning. ________(我打算明天把它送去修理).

91.The report said that the sample water had too much lead in it, __________(可能对我们的健康有害).

Part VII Multiple Choices

Directions: Complete the following sentences by choosing the proper words.

1. I?ve always envied painters and poets — I have no _____ abilities at all.

2. He?s struggling to _____ his fear of flying, but he still panics sometimes when he has to board a plane.

3. She held her newborn baby with _____ tenderness.

4. The whole nation was _____ into profound grief when Princess Diana died in an accident.

5. The volunteers? _____ is to work with the police to reduce crime on the streets of New York.

6. The city is planning a public _____ to awaken people to the problem of noise pollution.

7. He was knocked unconscious by a stone, and after I _____ him, he didn?t recognize me.

8. Once their books are open, A students don?t let anything _____ them from their studies.

9. Amanda wasn?t feeling well that d ay but she performed in the play with her _____ ease.

10. When you feel overwhelmed by the complications of life in the big city, it?s good to _____ to the countryside for a few days.

11. In times of war, people usually buy and store more food as a _____ against shortage.

12. The closing of the cigarette factory had _____ effects on the town?s economy.

Part VIII Matching

Part IX Word Spelling

Directions: Complete the following sentences with the words you have learned in Text A . The first letter of each word has already been given.

1. Do you know anything about the presidential election c________(竞选运动) of Obama?

2. He went to Japan on a special m_______(使命).

3. Don?t say anything about what we?re discussing to anyone; it?s p_______(私人的).

4. The noise in the street d_______(分散注意力)me from my reading.

5. I?m not a_______ (习惯的)to getting up so early to do morning exercise.

6. We should take p_______ (预防措施)against fire.

7. The whole nation were p_______(使陷入)into deep sorrow at this news.

8. They had to o_______(克服)all the difficulties in their studies.

9. His encouraging words r_______(使恢复精力)my drooping spirits.

10. Our country is a_______(大量的)in natural resources.




Part I Writing

A Letter of Apology

Dear Mr. Wang,

I am writing to apologize for my late assignment. The assignment which you assigned us last Monday was due this Friday,but to my regret,I haven?t even started it yet. I feel really sorry for not handing in the assignment on time and for the inconvenience it would bring to you.

I caught a serious cold last week and the doctor asked me to stay in bed for a week since I was very weak and the weather was very cold these days. Therefore, I couldn?t go to the library to get the necessary referential informati on which was needed for my assignment. As a result, I have not started doing it yet and could not hand it in on time.

Fortunately I have finally fully recovered. I will finish the assignment as soon as I can and try my best to hand in homework on time in the future.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

Part II Reading Comprehension (skimming and Scanning)


8. “social radar”

9. socially and professionally

10. fast disappearing

Part III Listening Comprehension(omitted)

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

47-51 GDNBK; 52-56 LCFIO

57- 61 DCACD; 62-66 CACAC

Part V Cloze

67-71 BCACB 72-76 DDCAD

77-81 AACAB 82-86 BDDBC

Part VI Translation

87. he would have acted differently或he would have acted in a different way

88. Hardly had he arrived home或He had hardly arrived home

89. tore the envelope open

90. I?ll have it fixed tomorrow或I?m going to have it fixed tomorrow

91. which might damage our health或which might do harm to our health Part VII Multiple Choices

1--6 DHEFLC; 7-12 IKAJBG

Part VIII Matching

1--5 BCDEA

Part IX Word Spelling

1. campaign

2. mission

3. private

4. distracted

5. accustomed

6. precautions

7. plunged

8. overcome

9. revived 10. abundant


2020苏教版七年级上册数学课课练答案一:选择题 1 ----------5:ACADC 6 -------------10:ADBDB 二:填空题 11、-5℃ 12、 13、-1,0,1,2,3 14、右 15、25 16、-117 17、略 18、 19、 20、122 三:解答题 21、(1)-900(2)-10(3)(4)31 22、图略④ > ⑤ > ⑥ > (2)当时, (3)> 四:附加题 1、C 2、0或-2 一、选择题 1、A 2、D 3、C 4、A 5、C 6、B 7、A 8、C 9、D 10、B 二、填空题 11、±8 12、m=3,n=2 13、(1-12%)a 14、 三、15(略) 16、①17 ②-12 ③- 17、①+13x2y-13xy2 ②-2x2+7xy-24

18、化简结果为:-4x+2y,代入得:原式=10 19、①15-2+5-10+10-3-8+12+4-5+6=24(千米) ∴小李距下午出车时的出发点的距离为24千米 ②行车里程为:15-(-2)+5-(-10)+10-(-3)-(-8)+12+4-(- 5)+6=80(千米) 共耗油80×3升官240升 剪的次数 1 2 3 4 5 正方形个数 4 7 10 13 16 20、① ② 3×100+1=301(个) ③ 小正方形个数:3n+1

④ 每剪一次,所得正方形面积是原正方形面积的等 B卷 四、填空题 21、xy=-6 22、m+n=7 23、-2 24、2020 五、解答题 25、①-13 ②(-x2+3xy-y2)-(-x2+4xy-y2)=- x2-xy+y2 26、①+0.4-0.3-0.4-0.3+0.2+0.1+0.2=-0.1 即周末水位与上周日12时相比下降了0.1米 星期 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 水位/米 3.4 3.1 2.7 2.4


牛津英语三年级上册课课练答案2017年 UnitlHello! 听力材料与参考答案 Period1 AListenandjudge 1MissLi2SuHai3Mike4WangBing(1234) BListenandnumber 1G:Goodafternoon.2G&B:Goodmorning,MissLi. 3G:Hello,Mike.4G:Goodmorning.(a4b1c3d2) C Readandmatch1d2a3c4e5b DLook,readandjudge12 3 EReadandcircle1a2b3a4a Period2 ALookandsay略 BListenandcircle 1Goodmorning.2Goodafternoon.3B:Hello,YangLing.4G:Hi,WangBing. (1a2b3b4b) CListenandnumber 1Hello.2Hi.3Goodmorning.4Goodafternoon.5Hi,I’mBobby.6Hi,I’mSa m. (341256) DReadandchoose1b2a3b4a5b EReadandmatch1b2a3d4c FReadandchoose1b2a3a4b Period3 AThinkandsay略 BListenandnumber1CBA2ABC3BBC4CD(4321) CListenandwrite1Bb2Dd3Cc4Aa(1Bb2Dd3Cc4Aa) DLookandwrite1Aa2Bb3Cc4Dd ELook,readandwrite1d2d,a,a3B,b FReadandchoose1a2d3c4b GLook,readandmatch1b2d3a4c Unit2I’mLiuTao Period1 AListenandjudge 1Hi,I’mYangLing.2Hello,I’mSuHai. 3Goodmorning.I’mLiuTao.4Goodafternoon.I’mWangBing.(1234) BListenandcircle 1Goodmorning.2Goodafternoon.3AreyouWangBing?4Hello,YangLing. (1a2b3b4b) CReadandchoose1a2b3b4b5a DReadandchoose1a2b3a4b5a6a7b EReadandchoose1d2a3b4c FReadandorder1423 5 Period2


2017年6月最新尔雅创新思维训练期末考试题及答案 一、单选题(题数:25,共50.0 分) 1思维导图包含哪些基本组成要素?()(2.0分) A、核心主题与分支 B、关键词与联系线 C、颜色与图形 D、以上都是 我的答案:D 2关于打破规则的描述哪一项是最准确的?()(2.0分) A、很多时候遵守规则是必要的 B、当制定规则的基础已经变化,可以打破规则 C、打破规则有利于实现创新与突破 D、以上都对 我的答案:D 3关于转变思考方向的描述,下列哪项是错误的?()(2.0分) A、转变思考方向是突破思维定势的重要方法之一 B、转变思考方向包括逆向思维、侧向思维、多向思维等 C、头脑风暴法和思维导图有助于转变思考方向 D、转变思考方向对大多数人来说是容易做到的事情 我的答案:D 4创造性天才与普通人最大的区别在于()。(2.0分) A、智商超过常人很多 B、情商高于常人 C、思维方式与众不同 D、体力超过常人很多 我的答案:C

5 软性思考不包括()。(2.0分) A、逻辑思维 B、形象思维 C、联想 D、直觉 我的答案:A 6 进行强制联想的目的是()。(2.0分) A、追求事物的新颖性 B、喜欢别出心裁 C、突破思维定势 D、把两个不同事物重组在一起 我的答案:C 7关于高峰体验的描述,哪一项是不准确的?()(2.0分) A、一种欣喜若狂的状态 B、可能出现体温升高全身发抖 C、只关心内心的感受,对外界的敏感性下降 D、觉得没有任何事情可以让自己烦恼 我的答案:B 8 要想成为有创造力的人,最关键的是()。(2.0分) A、打好知识基础 B、发现自己的不足并加以弥补 C、提高逻辑思维能力 D、突破定势思维 我的答案:D 9 批判性思维有时会滑向论辩式思维是因为()。(2.0分) A、人类容易被自己的情绪与信念所左右 B、往往只接受对自己有利的证据,而忽视或曲解不利的证据


古诗词三首课时练 第一课时 一、一字多音我会选。 xiǔsù 1.昨天晚上,我在同学家住了一宿()。 2.下了晚自习,同学们都要回宿()舍。 二、读拼音,写汉字。 黄昏时分,一只蜻蜓xúxú()落在xīshū()的líbɑ()上,准备要在这儿借sù()一晚。 三、火眼金睛,辨字组词。 宿()未()径()菜() 宜()味()经()彩() 四、读读古诗,说说自己的理解。 1.这首诗是________代诗人________写的。诗中描写了________种景物,分别是________________________。表达 1

了诗人之情。 2.“________________,________________。”一句写出了儿童在花丛中捕蝶的欢乐情景。 【答案】 一、徐徐篱笆生疏 二、住宿适宜未来品味小径经过白菜彩色 三、1.xiǔ 2.sù 四、1.宋杨万里 6 篱落、一径、枝头儿童黄蝶菜花对田园生活的喜爱 2.儿童急走追黄蝶,飞入菜花无处寻 2

第二课时 3

一、拼一拼,写一写。 傍晚时分,夕阳照在xī()疏的篱笆上,几只qīnɡtínɡ()正落在上面休息。 二、形近字组词。 梅()麦()唯()蛱() 海()青()惟()峡() 三、一字多音,我会判断(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)。 1.今天得到老师的表扬,我很高兴(xīng)。() 2.刚才听到爸爸说要给我买台电脑,我听后兴(xīng)奋极了。() 3.日长(cháng)篱落无人过。() 四、读读诗句,理解词语和句子。 日长篱落无人过,惟有蜻蜓蛱蝶飞。 1.篱落:蛱蝶:惟有: 2.说说读了这两句诗,你眼前浮现出怎样的画面? 4


初三(上)数学课时练参考答案 第二十二章 二次根式 第1课时 二次根式(1) 1、B 2、C 3、C 4、D 5、14.3;12;7;5;;4 3;95;3.02 --πb a 6、a ≥0; ≤2 7、a ≥0 8、1 9、13 10、2 11、D 12、(1)X ≤ 43;(2)X <1;(3)X ≥2 1 且X ≠2 13、m=2,n =-1,mn m =2 14、x=2,y=4,2x-y=0 15、∵ a-2009≥0 ∴ a ≥2009 由题意有a a a =-+-20092008 ∴ 20082009=-a ∴ a-2009=20082 ∴ a-20082 =2009 第2课时 二次根式(2) 1、C 2、C 3、8;4;2 4、a ,53 2 -- 5、0;10 6、-4 7、)2)(2)(2();3)(3(2-++-+x x x x x 8、D 9、1 10、6-x 11、12 +a 12、(1)(x+1)(x-1)(x+2)(x-2) (2)(x-2-5)(x-2+5)=0 13、2a+2b+2c 第3课时 二次根式的乘法 1、(1)23 (2)9 (3) 8 (4) 310 2、A 3、B 4、(1)4a (2)y x (3)y xy 34 5、C 6、1 7、(1)2a b (2)3+2x 8、(1)略 (2)1 )1(1 )1(1)1(1)1(2 2-++++=-+++n n n n n n 9、-2 第4课时 积的算术平方根 1、23;18;30;182;34;0.07;15;3122m ; 144 2、a ≥0,且b ≥0

3、D 4、(1)242 b a (2)13 (3)120 5、C 6、(1)2; (2)54a 2 b ; (3)m 4 -n 4 7、(1)<(2)< 8、5 第5课时 二次根式的除法(1) 1、4,5,x 32 2、-15 11 3、C 4、C 5、m=1或0,n=1或0 6、2 6 ; 46;22 7、23;12-+ 8、231;13+-- 9、D 10、B 11、(1)-4x (2) y x 6 (3)xy x y 222 (4)xy 241 (5)1 (6) 2 2 12、面积约为350,故投资为3500,约为872元。 第6课时 二次根式的除法(2) 1、23;32- 2、(1) 34 3 (2)2 3、C 4、B 5、B 6、(1)10 10 (2)x (3)532- (4)10 7、1 8、21--

人教精通版四年级上册英语试题-Unit1 This is my new friend. Lesson3课课练--(有答案)

Unit1This is my new friend. 课课练Lesson3 一、将下列单词与对应的图片连线 (1) boy_________(2) sisters_________(3) brothers_________ (1) America_________ (2) England_________(3) China_________ A. B. C. D.

E. F.G. 二、请判断下列中英文对照是否相符. ( ) 1. Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。( ) 2. Who’s this girl? 这个男孩是谁? ( ) 3. I’m from China. 我来自中国。 ( ) 4. This is my new friend. 这是我的新朋友。( ) 5. Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我家。( ) 6. She’s my sister. 她是我的姐妹。 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1.—Who’s that boy? —________ A. I’m Gao Wei. B. She’s my sister. C. He’s my brother. ( ) 2. Dad! This is my new ________. A.friend B. a friend C. friends ( ) 3. Jim is an American ________. A. boy B. girl C. sister ( ) 4. Welcome ________ our home. A. on B. to C. at


. 98.0分6班级:尔雅班成绩:张俊姓名: 50.0 分)单选题(题数:一、25,共1 2.0分)下面关于简化思维的描述哪一项是不正确的?()(0.0分 A、?聚焦核心问题? B、?从结果反推过程? C、?类似于逆向思维? D、?从侧面迂回思考?A 我的答案:2 关于头脑风暴法的描述,哪一项是错误的?()(2.0分) 2.0分 ;. . A、?12人为宜头脑风暴法以8人~?、B?头脑风暴的时间不宜太长?、C?如果有人的想法非常荒谬应该 及时指出?D、?头脑风暴的结果应该及时整理?C 我的答案:3 2.0有人说“学校扼杀创造力”,主要是指学校教育()。(分)2.0分 、A?强调统一化培养目标和标准化评价体系,压缩学生个性化发展空间?B、?教学内容紧紧围绕教材与大纲, 让学生思维和眼界受限,容易产生权威型心智模式?C、?题海战术和应试教育让学生失去好奇心和对学习的兴趣;. .

?D、?以上都有 ?我的答案:D 4 有人按照衣夹的样子,用金属材料制作了一个巨大的“衣夹”,竖立在一座大厦的前面,你认为这是不是一种创新?()(2.0分) 2.0分 A、?不是,衣夹是晒衣时用的,放在大厦前面算怎么回事? ?B、?不是,它仅仅是将衣夹放大了很多倍,算不上创新 ?C、?是的,因为它是艺术家做的,就是创新 ?D、?是的,因为它与众不同,而且颇具视觉冲击力,有欣赏价值 ?我的答案:D 5 创意的萌芽阶段需要()。(2.0分) ;. . 2.0分 A、?严密的分析与推理?、B?大量的知识储备?、C?周密的计划与实施?、D?信马由缰式的发散思维?D 我的答案:6

分)关于连接思维的描述哪一项是不正确的?()(2.02.0分 A、?将一个事物与另一个事物有机连接起来,组成一个新的整体? B、?其本质是二元联想 ?;. . 、C?彼此连接的两个事物必须有相似性?、D?是很多发明创造的典型方法之一?C 我的答案:7 分)软性思考不包括()。(2.02.0分 、A?逻辑思维?、B?形象思维?C、?联想?、D?直觉?我的答案:A ;. . 8 分)2.0关于创新人格的描述,下列哪项是不准确的?()(2.0分 A、?创造性天才大都是情商很高的人? B、?创造性天才失败几率不比普通人少?、C?创造性天才大都比较自信?、D?创造性天才有强烈的自我意识?A 我的答案:9 2.0分)思维导图包含哪些基本组成要素?()(2.0分 、A?核心主题与分支?、B?;. .


1 古诗词三首每课一练 【字词荟萃】 1.看拼音写词语。 ɡūdútán miàn qīnɡluófēnɡjǐnɡjiù cénɡān ()()()() 2. 比一比,再组词。 庆()廷()孤()螺()谙()厌()庭()狐()累()暗()【句段集锦】 1.先解释带点字的意思,再写写句子的意思。 (1)湖光秋月两相和 湖光:________________________ 秋月:________________________ 诗句的意思是:_____________________________________________。 (2)日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。 红胜火:______________________ 绿如蓝:________________________ 诗句的意思是:_____________________________________________。 2.根据意思写诗句。 (1)和我久久地凝视着而互相看不够的,只有敬亭山了。 _____________________________________________。 (2)江南春天的美景实在太美了,这的美丽风景,曾经是多么熟悉,多么了解。 _____________________________________________。 【课文链接】 1.默写古诗《望洞庭》,再填空。 望洞庭 _________________________,________________________。 _________________________,________________________。 (1)诗中采用___________的写作手法,把___________比作_____________,___________比作______________________比作___________。 (2)这首诗中的“两”字是指___________,___________,“和”的意思是:___________。 (3)诗中描写的是__________________________________的景色。 2.《独坐敬亭山》的作者是__________代诗人__________。诗中用__________ 的写作手法把__________比作自己的知己。诗中“_____________________,_____________________”一句说明了诗人的心情是很孤独的。 3.《忆江南》的作者是__________。作者通过对__________春天景色的描写,抒发了作者_____________________之情。 2 桂林山水每课一练 【字词荟萃】 1.读拼音,写词语。 wúxiápínɡzhànɡpān dēnɡlián mián bú duàn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2.形近字组词。 澜()攀()瑕()绵() 润()举()假()棉() 3.多音字组词。


五年级下册 参考答案 一、简易方程 【点击课堂】 第1页二、x+36=904x=1003x+3.5=17.63x=150 第2页四、 1. x-150=600x=750 2. 138-x=16x=122 第3页一、 1. × 2. √ 3. √ 4. × 二、5160 6.9 4.3 第4页四、 1. 5x=120x=24 2. 8x=520x=65 3. x÷4.5=80x=360 第5页二、 1. 4x=5.6x=1.4 2. 3x=60x=20 三、 1. 2.5x=800x=320 2. 6.5x=520x=80 第6页三、 1. 0.05千克 2. 100元 第7页三、 1. 13.5米 2. 1.5千米 3. 略 第8页一、 1. 2x+9 2. 2a-4531 第9页二、 1. =< 2. >< 3. <> 第10页二、 1. 3x+16=106x=30 2. (x+2.4)×1.5÷2×2=5.4x=1.2 第11页一、1. 4x5x3x 2. 2a4a 第12页三、 1. 3小时 2. (1)1.5元(2)1.5元 3. 102千米或92千米 第13页一、 1. 1.5x 2.5x0.5x 2. a+2a+4 第14页一、 1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. × 四、 1. (1)70页(2)8米 2. 56千瓦·时 3. 83千米 第15页二、 1. 6棵 2. 3分钟 3. 小强:9岁妈妈:36岁 4. 5米 5. 0.44米 第16页三、 1. 140千米 2. 小丽:12岁爸爸:48岁 3. 25千克【拓展应用】 第1页1(等式)2(等式) 第2页 1. 3 2. 3 第3页(1)上衣价钱+裤子价钱=175元x+68=175(2)175元-上衣价钱=裤子价钱175-x=68 第4页15 第5页○=6△=0.4 第6页1617 第7页65 第8页9岁 第9页50元 第10页30 第11页小明15岁,爸爸48岁,妈妈39岁 第12页李乐14岁,爸爸42岁 第13页0.16 第14页(x-1)+x+(x+1)=69,x=23,另两个数为22和24。 第15页 4.8厘米 第16页1元75枚,5角25枚 【单元练习】 二、 1. × 2. √ 3. √ 4. √ 5. × 三、 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 四、x=0.64x=21.6x=4.5x=6x=3x=1.8 五、 1. x=6.4 2. x=60 3. x=12 4. x=12 5. x=4.5 6. x=3 六、 1. 170名 2. 3米 3. 92棵 4. 60米 5. 4.8厘米 6. 95千米7. 第一堆200吨,第二吨115吨8. 0.52元9. (1)钢笔买了多少支?20支(2)圆珠笔的单价是多少元?1.5元


苏教版四年级上册英语《课课练》答案 听力材料及参考答案 Unit 1 I like dogs 第一课时 一、1. A: What’s this? B:It’s an elephant. 2. A: Is that a tiger? B:No, it’s a panda. 3. A: What are these? B: They’re monkeys. (1. A 2. B 3. A) 二、 三、cat dog horse lion tiger(连线略) 第二课时 一、1. A: Wang Bing, do you like horses? B: Yes, I do. 2. A: Do you like dogs, Yang Ling? B: No, I don’t. I like cats. 3. A: What do you like, Liu Tao? B: I like dogs. 4.A: Do you like elephants, Mike? B: No, I like pandas. 5. A: Miss Li, look at the lion. Do you like it? B: Yes, I do. (答案略) 二、1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 三、略 第三课时 一、1. A: Are those horses? B: Yes, they are. 2. A: Would you like a pie? B: No, thank you. 3. A: Do you like cakes? B: Yes, I do. 4. A: Look! I have a toy panda. B: How lovely! 5. A: Where’s the monke y? B: It’s in the tree. 6. A: Do you like lions? B: No, I don’t. (5 3 6 1 4 2) 二、1. horse 2. dog 3. panda 4. cat 5. tiger 6. monkey


一、单选题(题数:25,共50.0 分) 1有人按照衣夹的样子,用金属材料制作了一个巨大的“衣夹”,竖立在一座大厦的前面,你认为这是不是一种创新?()(2.0分)2.0 分 A、不是,衣夹是晒衣时用的,放在大厦前面算怎么回事? B、不是,它仅仅是将衣夹放大了很多倍,算不上创新 C、是的,因为它是艺术家做的,就是创新 D、是的,因为它与众不同,而且颇具视觉冲击力,有欣赏价值 我的答案:D 2下列哪一项不是适合创新的情境?()(2.0分)2.0 分 A、宽松愉快的 B、和谐平等的 C、认真思考的 D、庄重严肃的 我的答案:D 3关于批判性思维的描述,哪项是不正确的?()(2.0分)2.0 分 A、批判性思维已有统一规范的定义 B、批判性思维强调质疑与求证,进行理性思考 C、批判性思维要求进行合符逻辑的分析与推理 D、批判性思维并不等于一味否定 我的答案:A 4本课程涉及了哪些内容?()(2.0分)2.0 分 A、创新的定义、原理、方法、练习等 B、批判性思维、平行思维和包容性思维 C、创新情境、创新人格、高峰体验 D、以上都包括 我的答案:D 5进行强制联想的目的是()。(2.0分)2.0 分 A、追求事物的新颖性 B、喜欢别出心裁 C、突破思维定势 D、把两个不同事物重组在一起 我的答案:C 6要成为有创造力的人,应该()。(2.0分)2.0 分 A、有强烈的创新意识,培养创新思维习惯 B、掌握创新思维的原理、方法,经常进行创新思维训练 C、发现适合自己的创新情境并让自己置身其中 D、以上都包括 我的答案:D 7包容性思维的长处主要是()。(2.0分)2.0 分 A、明辨是非、做出评判 B、避免冲突、多元思考 C、整合歧见、统一认识 D、折中妥协、不偏不倚 我的答案:C


六年级英语上册课课练答案 【篇一:新编新人教版pep小学六年级英语上册全册课 课练一课一练习题及答案】 =txt>unit 1 how can i get there? 第一课时 一、看图写出相应的单词或短语 ______________________________________________________ _____________ ______________________ _______________________ 【篇二:2017学年苏教版牛津译林版小学英语六年级英语上册第一学期课课练参考答案】 nit l the king’s new clothes period 1 a listen and number 1 the little boy pointed at the king and laughed. 2 two men visited the king one day. 3 the king walked through the city in his new clothes. 4 two men showed the king some magic clothes. (a 2 b 4 c 3 d 1) b read and complete king, magic, clever, foolish, laughed, clothes c rea d and choose 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b period 2 a look and say 略 b listen and circle 1 there was a little girl in the street. she was very cold and hungry. 2 the man couldn’t go through the gate. how foolish he was! 3 peter often wears his father’s shoes. 4 snow white cleaned the house, cooked food and washed the dishes.


人教版小学四年级语文下册一课一练(含答案) 1 古诗词三首 【字词荟萃】 1.看拼音写词语。 ɡūdútán miàn qīnɡluófēnɡjǐnɡjiù cénɡān ()()()() 2. 比一比,再组词。 庆()廷()孤()螺()谙()厌() 庭()狐()累()暗()【句段集锦】 1.先解释带点字的意思,再写写句子的意思。 (1)湖光秋月两相和 湖光:________________________ 秋月:________________________ 诗句的意思是:_____________________________________________。 (2)日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。 红胜火:______________________ 绿如蓝:________________________ 诗句的意思是:_____________________________________________。 2.根据意思写诗句。 (1)和我久久地凝视着而互相看不够的,只有敬亭山了。 _____________________________________________。 (2)江南春天的美景实在太美了,这的美丽风景,曾经是多么熟悉,多么了解。 _____________________________________________。 【课文链接】 1.默写古诗《望洞庭》,再填空。 望洞庭 _________________________,________________________。 _________________________,________________________。


课时练七年级上册数学答案 【篇一:人教版七年级数学上册《有理数》每课时练习 非常全】 .如果向南走5米,记作+5米,那么向北走8米应记作 ___________. 2.如果温度上升3℃记作+3℃,那么下降5℃记作 ____________. 3.海拔高度是+1356m,表示________,海拔高度是-254m,表示______. 5.6,2005,,0,-3,+1,,-6.8中,正整数和负分数共有…〖〗 a.3个 b.4个 c.5个 d.6个 6.如果全班某次数学测试的平均成绩为83分,某同学考了85分,记作+2分,得分90分和80分应分别记作 _________________________. 8.如果把+210元表示收入210元,那么-60元表示 ______________. 9.粮食产量增产11%,记作+11%,则减产6%应记作 ______________. 11.如果向西走12米记作+12米,则向东走-120米表示的意义是___. 16.在市场经济中,利润计算公式是:利润=销售收入-销售成本,小亮利用此公式计算爸爸经营的商店在某一天的利润为-25元,请问:-25元的利润是什么意义? 18.在下列横线上填上适当的词,使前后构成意义相反的量: (1)收入1300元, _________800元; (2) _________80米,下降64米; (3)向北前进30米, _________ 50米. 1.2有理数练习 一、判断 1﹝﹞ 2﹝﹞ 3﹝﹞ 4﹝﹞﹝﹞ 6﹝﹞ 7 ﹝﹞ 8 ﹝﹞ 9﹝﹞ 二、填空 1、某日,泰山的气温中午12点为5℃,到晚上8点下降了6℃.那 么这天晚上8点的气温为。 2、如果零上28度记作28c,那么零下5度记作 3、若上升10m 记作10m,那么-3m表示 4、比海平面低20m的地方,它的高度记作海拔 三、选择题 5、在-3,-1


四年级下册课课练答案 Unit 1 Our school subjects Period 1 A 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. b B 1. b 2. a 3. a C seven, English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, Chinese, Maths, English Period 2 A 略 B a. 2 b. 3 c. 6 d. l e. 5 f. 4. C 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b D 1. Chinese 2. English 3. Art 4. Maths 5. Science 6. Music E 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b F 1. subjects, English, Chinese 2. do, like, like, What, Music Period 3 B

C 1. lessons, this, Monday, Maths, Chinese 2. subjects, like, PE, go, play D 1. a 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. b, f E 1.J 2.L 3.L 4. L 5. J F 略 Unit 2 After school Period 1 A 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a B 1. b 2. a 3. a C Wednesday, table tennis, football, swimming, Saturday Period 2 A 略 B a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. l e. 2 f. 6 C 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b D 1. Saturday 2. Friday 3. Thursday 4. Wednesday 5. Tuesday 6. Monday


创新思维训练3 1.巧排队列 24个人排成6列,要求每5个人为—列,请问该怎么排列好呢 2.升斗量水 一长方形的升斗,它的容积是1升。有人也称之为立升或公升。现在要求你只使用这个升斗,准确地量出0.5升的水。请问应该怎样办才能做到这一点呢 3.违纪开车 在美国城市街道的交叉路口上,明文规定着,有步行者横过公路时,车辆就应停在人行道前等待。可是偏偏有个汽车司机,当交叉路口上还有很多人横过马路时,他却突然撞进人群中,全速向前跑。这时旁边的警察看了也无所谓,并没有责怪他。你说这是为什么4.变换方位 在桌子上并排放有3张数字卡片组成三位数字216。如果把这3张卡片的方位变换一下,则组成了另一个三位数,这个三位数恰好用43除尽。是什么数、怎样变换的5.月球飞鸟 月球上的重力只有地球上的六分之一。有一种鸟在地球上飞20公里要用1小时,如果把它放到月球上,飞20公里要多少时间 6.诚实与说谎 A、B、C、D4个孩子在院子里踢足球,把一户人家的玻璃打碎了。可是当房主人问他们是谁踢的球把玻璃打碎的,他们谁也不承认是自己打碎的。房主人问A,A说:“是C打的。”C 则说“A说的不符合事实。”房主人又问B,B说:“不是我打的。”再问D,D说是“A打的。”已经知道这4个孩子当中有1个很老实、不会说假话:其余3个都不老实,都说的是假

话。请你帮助分析一下这个说真话的孩子是谁,打碎玻璃的又是谁 7.最后一个字母 英语字母表的第一个字母是A。B的前面当然是A。那么最后一个字母是什么 8.沉船 某人有过这样一次经历:他乘坐的船驶到海上后就慢慢地沉下去了,但是,船上所有的乘客都很镇静,既没有人去穿救生衣,也没有人跳海逃命,却眼睁睁地看着这条船全部沉没。 9.火车过隧道 两条火车轨道除了在隧道内的一段外都是平行铺设的。由于隧道的宽度不足以铺设双轨,因此,在隧道内只能铺设单轨。 一天下午,一列火车从某一方向驶入隧道,另一列火车从相反方向驶入隧道。两列火车都以最高的速度行驶,然而,它们并未相撞。这是为什么 10.车祸 车祸发生后不久,第一批警察和救护车已赶到现场,发现翻覆的车子内外都是血迹斑斑,却没有见到死者和伤者,为什么 11.吊在半空中的管理员 当夜总会的侍者上班的时候,他听到顶楼传来了呼叫声。他奔到顶楼,发现管理员腰部束了一根绳子被吊在顶梁上。 管理员对侍者说:“快点把我放下来,去叫警察,我们被抢劫了。”管理员把经过情形告诉了警察,昨夜停止营业以后,进来两个强盗把钱全抢去了。然后把我带到顶楼,用绳子将我吊在梁上。警察对此深信不疑,因为顶楼房里空无一人,他无法把自己吊在那么高的梁上,那里也没有垫脚之物。有一部梯子曾被这伙盗贼用过,但它却放在门外。 然而,没过几个星期,管理员因偷盗而被抓了起来。你能否说明一下,没有任何人的帮助,管理员是怎样把自己吊在半空中的

七年级上册数学课课练第1章 有理数 同步练习 含答案

第一章有理数 时间:60分钟实际完成时间:______分钟总分:100分得分:______ 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题的4个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请将正确答案的代号填在题后括号内) 1.下列说法中不正确的是(). A.-3.14既是负数,分数,也是有理数 B.0既不是正数,也不是负数,但是整数 C.-2 000既是负数,也是整数,但不是有理数 D.0是正数和负数的分界 2.-2的相反数的倒数是(). A.2 B.1 2 C. 1 2 -D.-2 3.比-7.1大,而比1小的整数的个数是(). A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9 4.如果一个数的平方与这个数的差等于0,那么这个数只能是().A.0 B.-1 C.1 D.0或1 5.我国最长的河流长江全长约为6 300千米,用科学记数法表示为().A.63×102千米B.6.3×102千米 C.6.3×104千米D.6.3×103千米 6.有理数a,b在数轴上的位置如图所示,下列各式正确的是(). A.a>0 B.b<0 C.a>b D.a<b 7.下列各组数中,相等的是(). A.32与23B.-22与(-2)2 C.-|-3|与|-3| D.-23与(-2)3 8.在-5, 1 10 -,-3.5,-0.01,-2,-212各数中,最大的数是(). A.-12 B. 1 10 - C.-0.01 D.-5 9.如果a+b<0,并且ab>0,那么(). A.a<0,b<0 B.a>0,b>0 C.a<0,b>0 D.a>0,b<0 10.若a表示有理数,则|a|-a的值是(). A.0 B.非负数 C.非正数D.正数 二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分.把答案填在题中横线上) 11. 1 2 3 -的倒数是________, 1 2 3 -的相反数是______, 1 2 3 -的绝对值是________. 12.在数轴上,与表示-5的点距离为4的点所表示的数是____________.13.计算:-|-5|+3=__________. 所以-5+3=-2. 14.观察下面一列数,根据规律写出横线上的数1, 1 2 -, 1 3 , 1 4 -…,第2 013个数是________. 15.比 1 3 2 -大而比 1 2 3 小的所有整数的和为________. 16.若|x-2|与(y+3)2互为相反数,则x+y=__________. 17.近似数2.35万精确到__________位. 18.对于任意非零有理数a,b,定义运算如下:a b=(a-b)÷(a+b),那么(-3)5的值是

部编四年级下册第三单元《短诗三首》每课一练及答案共三套 繁星

小学部编版语文四年级下册《短诗三首》每课一练及答案(一)繁星(七一)、繁星(一三一)、繁星(一五九) 第一课时 1.下列红字注音有误的一项是( ) A.月明的园中,藤萝的叶下,母亲的膝.(qī)上。 B.哪一次我的思潮里,没有你波涛.(tāo)的清响。 C.母亲呵!天上的风雨来了,鸟儿躲到它的巢.(cháo)里。 2.下边句子中的“/”表示朗读的节奏,不恰当的一项是( ) A.鸟儿/躲/到它的巢里 B.哪一次/我的/思潮里/没有/你/波涛的/清响? C.心中的/风雨/来了/我只/躲到/你的/怀里。 3.写出下列词语的近义词。 漫灭()清响()回忆()思潮()

【答案】 1.A 2.A 3.漫灭(磨灭)清响(响声)回忆(记忆)思潮(思绪) 第二课时 一、形近字组词 漫()藤()萝()膝() 慢()腾()箩()漆() 二、阅读《繁星》(一五九),回答问题。 母亲呵! 天上的风雨来了,。 心中的风雨来了,。 1.根据课文内容填空。 2.“心中的风雨”指什么?

3.诗中的“躲”字表达了诗人怎样的情感? 三、填空。 冰心,原名,福建长乐人。中国诗人,(年代)作家,翻译家,儿童文学作家,散文家,社会活动家。笔名冰心取自“(诗句)”。 【答案】 一、漫(漫步)藤(藤萝)萝(萝卜)膝(膝盖)慢(慢慢)腾(腾飞)箩(箩筐)漆(漆黑) 二、1.鸟儿躲到它的巢里,我只躲到你的怀里。 2.困难挫折痛苦 3.对母亲的依恋和热爱之情。 三、谢婉莹现代一片冰心在玉壶。

小学部编版语文四年级下册《短诗三首》每课一练及答案(二)繁星(七一)、繁星(一三一)、繁星(一五九) 1、让字词走进语境。 满天的fán xīng( ),满墙的téng luó( ),duǒ()在母亲xī xià( )的小猫,林间传来的阵阵sōng tāo( )声……这些都是我对家乡最深刻的记忆。 2、按要求填空。 “漫”字用部首查字法查字典,应先查部,再查画,用音序查字法,应先查大写字母,再查音节。“漫”字有很多解释:①水过满,向外流②淹没③到处都是;满;④广阔;长⑤不受约束;随便⑥莫;不要。请结合语境选选择恰当的解释。 (1)漫说是你,连我这个专业人士都束手无策。()(2)春天到了,漫山遍野的杜鹃花竞相开放。()(3)长夜漫漫,妈妈陪我渡过了一个又一个难关。()(4)河水又漫出来了。() 3、选词填空。 思潮思想思绪思考 (1)面对困难,我们应该要积极向上,不能有懈怠的()。(2)想到马上就能和日思夜想的母亲见面,我不禁()起伏。(3)轻松的周末到了,我来到郊外,任由()飞扬,放飞心情。 4、品读诗句,完成练习。 (1)这些事---是永不漫灭的回忆:月明的园中,藤萝的叶下,母亲的膝下。


苏教版四年级下数学课 课练答案 LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】

第一单元认识毫升 认识容量和升 一、 1、冷水壶,冷水壶,茶杯。 2、升,L 3、1升 4、420 5、大约1升:矿泉水瓶、酱油瓶; 比1升大:水桶,鱼缸; 比1升小:茶杯,奶瓶。 6、图一 50L 图二图三 5L 图四 19L 7、第一个 二、 乙杯容量最大,丙杯容量最小。 认识毫升 一、 1. 3000 8000 5 7 2. 200 300 400 3. 20 4. 4 5 5. (1)毫升(2)升(3)升(4)毫升二、 1、1升=1000毫升 1000-280=720(毫升) 720÷3=240(毫升) 2、500×6=3000(毫升) 3000毫升=3L 3、400×20=8000(毫升) 8000毫升=8升整理与练习 一、 1、毫升升 2、毫升升 3、升 4、= < >

< < > 5、升 3 6、450二、1. B 2. B3. B4. C5. A三、1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. √ 5. ×四、 1、300×2+50=650(毫升) 2、2 升 = 2000 毫升 200×8=1600(毫升)<2000毫升,够 3、(1)8×100=800(毫升) (2)3 升 = 3000 毫升 3000÷100=30(个) 4、(1)180×7=1260 (毫升) (2)1260+140=1400 (毫升) 5、1+7=8 1600÷8=200(毫升) 200×7=1400(毫升) 答:甲的容量为1400毫升,乙的容量为200毫升。 第一单元单元练习 一、 1. 毫升毫升升升毫升升 2. 2 3000 8000 10000 7 6 5 4 3. <= >>

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