当前位置:文档之家› 这句话用英语怎么说




Lesson 1 美食娱乐丰富生活

1.He has a healthy appetite 他的胃口真大

2.I am stuffed 我太撑了

3.We’ve been expecting you 我们正等着你呢

4.For here or to go? 在这里吃还是外带?

5.Would like a refill? 再来一杯,怎么样?

6.She eats like a bird or tiger 她饭量很少或大

7.Growl my stomach is growling 我的肚子在叫,很饿

8.You can start without me 你先吃吧

9.This food is out of this world 这真是人间美食

10.The movie is a blockbuster 这部电影是超级大片

11.Don’t cut in line 别插队

12.I am tone deaf 我五音不全

13.I am sorry to visit you in a short notice 我突然来访,很抱歉

14.I am not in the mood to go out today 我今天不太想出门

15.I will pass this time 这次我就不去了

16.Who’s starring in the film?这部电影是谁主演的?

17.She is a gold digger 她是个拜金女

18.You are really killing me 真是笑死我了

19.Flirt 花痴

20.What’s my place in your heart ? 我在你心里排第几位?

21.Don’t blow me off 不要敷衍我

22.I kind of like you 我对你有好感

23.I’m finished with you 我跟你完了

24.I was dumped 我被甩了

25.We just have a strong connection 我们就是这么投缘

26.Do you think we have a chance at getting back together? 你觉得我们俩有可能复合吗?

27.So affectionate 真亲密

28.What a gossip 搬弄是非

29.Goes without saying 可想而知

30.Not a chance 门儿都没有

31.Just what i thought 果然不出我所料

Lesson 2 外出旅行放飞心情

1.Jet lag 时差

2.This road is under construction 这条马路正在施工

3.I have a tight schedule 我的时间排得很紧

4.It’ll work out 总有办法解决的

5.Took you long enough 你现在才来

6.How dare you stand me up 你竟敢放我鸽子

7.Gawdy 太艳了

8.Wrap sth in sth 包装,打包

9.Keep the change 不用找了

10.Good taste 有眼光

11.I’ve maxed out my credit card 我的信用卡刷爆了

12.I need to report my credit card missing 我要挂失信用卡

13.Hard to pass up 不买有点可惜

14.Bottom price 底价

15.You get what you pay for 一分钱一分货

16.Can you spot me ?你能帮我垫下吗?

17.It rained cats and dogs last night 晚昨雨下得很大

18.I got wet to the skin in the rain 我被雨淋着落汤鸡了

Lesson 3 工作世界精彩无限

1.Brownnosers flatterer 拍马屁的人

2.I see your point 我明白你的意思

3.Pull yourself together 打起精神来

4.I am goning to make a fortune 我要发财了

5.This is just between you and me 我们私下说

6.He doesn’t like to show off 他不喜欢出风头

7.Every dog has his day 人人皆有得意时

8.Let’s not jump the gun let’s not rush into things

Let’s not be too hasty don’t count on your chicken before they are hatched 别操之过急

9.Doze off 打瞌睡

10.It seems like the paper is jammed in the printer 打印机卡纸了

11.Don’t forget to punch in and out 上下班记得打卡

12.Plans can never keep up with change 计划永远赶不上变化

13.This is a dead-end job 这个工作一点前途也没有

14.The project is still up in the air 那个企划还没有通过

15.Please switch your cell phone to the vibrating mode 把手机调成震动

16.A day’s walk went down the drain 一天的努力付诸东流

17.He left me hanging 他把我晾在了一边

18.You are a smooth talker 你真会说话

19.It’s woth a try 这值得一试

20.It’s now or never 现在是绝佳的机会

21.My efforts paid off 我的努力得到了回报

22.It ‘s your turn 看你的了

23.Got any idea? 有头绪吗?

24.It’s all over 大功告成

25.Don’t rush me 别催我

26.I need it badly 我急着要

27.You are the man ,you are the boss 一切都听你的

28.A little bird told me 我听小道消息

29.Let’s see you do it 有本事你做给我看

30.When do you expect her back ?你知道她什么时候回来吗?

Lesson 4 多彩生活珍藏点滴

1.I stayed up late last night 我昨晚熬夜了

2.Take your time 不着急

3.Things will work out in the end 船到桥头自然直

4.One step at a time 做事要一步一步来

5.I’ll walk you to door 我送你到门口吧

6.Mary is quite hospitable and always keeps her house open 玛丽特别好客

7.It’ll be all right in the end 一切都会好起来的

8.My glasses are very strong vision 眼镜度数很高

9.Shrewd he is shrewd about money 他把钱看得紧

10.I’m going to hang out the cloths 我去把衣服晾好

11.You are standing in my way 你当住我的路了

12.It must be hard for you 真是辛苦你了

13.I am out of breath 我踹不上气了

14.You face is talking to me 从你的脸上就可以看出

15.The cat is out 露馅了stuffing 馅

16.You’re going away too far 不像话

17.We’re two years apart 我们相差两岁

18.Not again 你又来了

19.Don’t pretend 别装了

20.Say cheese 笑一个

21.Things aren’t even strarting to the shape yet 八字还没有一撇

22.Good for both sides 两本其美

23.I hit the jackpot 我中了头彩了

24.Money makes the world go round 有钱好办事

25.I’ve got nothing to lose 我豁出去了

26.Better than nothing 有总比没有好

27.Take it for granted 身在福中不知福

28.You’re thinking too much 你未免想得太多了吧

29.Do you want to play hooky? 你想翘课?

30.I had diarrhea yesterday 我昨天拉肚子了

31.My nose is stuffed up 我的鼻子不通气

32.I have a runny nose 我有点流鼻涕

33.You look pale 你的脸色不太好

34.This room is stuffy 这个房间不太通风

Lesson 5喜怒哀乐别样人生

1.Don’t go looking for trouble 别没事找事

2.Oh,that’s a relief 噢,那就放心了

3.How ruthless 真绝情

4.Drive me nuts 气死我了

5.Keep it down 别闹了

6.I’m fed up 烦死了

7.It’s most unexpected 真想不到

8.What a small world 世界真小

9.I got your back 你放心

10.Be playing with fire 她在找死

11.Shameless 无耻

12.No way over my dead body 休想

13.Don’t take it to heart 别往心里去

14.Odious 讨厌的comprsions are odious 人比人,气死人

15.Every cloud has a silver lining there is always a way out 天无绝人之路

16.Let it be go with the flow 顺其自然

17.Easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难

18.You just wait i won’t forget this in a hurry 你给我记住

19.Everything seems to be going wrong today 今天真背

20.You are really annoying 你真无聊

21.Stop exaggerating 少吹了

22.Do you have a death wish ? 你想找死

23.Now i beat you 服了吧

24.You are out of your mind 你有病啊

25.You don’t know the half of it 你懂什么

26.Who do you think you are?donot be so stuck-up don’t flatter yourself too much 你认为你


27.You are good for nothing 你一无是处

28.I don’t need a lecture give one a lesson 别教训我

29.I wish i could vanish into the air 我恨不得找个地缝钻下去

30.He rubes me the wrong way 你把我惹火了

31.Suit yourself 随便你

32.Behave yourself 放尊重点

33.Same old story 又是那一套

34.Look what you did 看你做的好事

35.Lucky bastard 狗屎运

36.Eat your heart out 羡慕吧

37.Stop picking on me 别惹我

38.What for? 何必呢?

39.You’re dreaming 别妄想了

40.What is the rush? 急什么?

41.That’t too much 太过分了

42.Don’t even think about it 想都别想

43.What’t good about it? 你有什么好的

44.Shame on you 你真丢人

45.Save it 你省省吧

46.You messed up 你搞砸了

47.That’s easy for you to say 你说得太轻巧了

48.Move over 坐过去点

49.You’ll pay for this 你会找你算帐的

50.I’m numb 我已经麻木了

51.You’ve got some nerve ! 你好大的胆子!

52.Who did i piss off? 我招谁惹谁了?

53.Why are you always on my back?你干吗老是找我麻烦

54.He looks down on me 他根本不把我放在眼里

55.I don’t know what are you thinking ! 真不知道你怎么想的!

Lesson 6 多多沟通畅通无限

1.Fancy meeting you here 居然能在这儿碰见你

2.As usual 老样子

3.Not bad 凑合吧

4.I’m out of here 我要走了

5. A little this ,a little of that 忙这忙那的

6.Drop by anytime ! 有空常来!

7.Don’t be petty!别这么斤斤计较

8.Watch your step 小心脚下

9.I am flattered 守奖了

10.Quit that 少来了

11.Maybe some other day 改天吧

12.Where were me? 我们刚才说到哪了

13.Let’s talk it over 我们好好聊聊吧

14.Good for you 真有你的

15.You are not worth my time 懒得理你

16.It’s nothing to speak of 没什么好说的

17.Stop nagging 别唠叨了

18.You’ll be sorry 你会后悔的

19.I’ve got you 我赢了

20.You lazybones 你这个懒骨头

21.We are even 我们扯平了

22.Let bygone be bygones 过去的就让它过去吧

23.Why are you so glum?你怎么闷闷不乐啊?

24.You set me up 你出卖我

25.Business is business 对事不对人

26.Stingy miser 小气鬼

27.Make a long story short 长话短说

28.Cut the crap 少说废话

29.Will it never end?有完没有完啊?

30.You win 算你厉害

31.No such thing 没这回事

32.So what? 那又怎样?

33.Off the hook 放你一马

34.Want it badly 求之不得

35.That’s not the point 这不是重点

36.Do you have an oppion? 你有意见吗?

37.You haven’t changed a bit 你一点没有变

38.No use asking you 问你也是白问

39.You can ease up 你就放心好了

40.Cat got your tongue? 怎么不说话了?

41.Are you through? 你有完没完?

42.Wash your mouth out with soap 嘴巴放干净点

43.Why torture yourself ? 你这是何苦呢?

44.How about this instead? 不然这样好不好?

45.Stop being so indecisive! 别婆婆妈妈的了An indecisive leader优柔寡断的领导

46.Relax ,you can count on me 你就放一百二十个心吧

47.That’s a bad idea if i ‘v ever heard one 你出的这是什么馊主意

48.What brings you here ? 什么风把你给吹来啦?

49.Just pretend i didn’t say anything 就当我什么也没有说

50.Speak of the devil 说曹操,曹操到

Lesson 7 这些短句你要知道

1.It could have been worse 这还算好的呢

2.Who knows 谁知道呢

3.It’t too good to be true 哪有这么好的事

4.Easy come.easy go 来得容易去得容易

5.I’m done i’m screwed 完蛋了

6.It’s a nono 万万不可

7.You beat me 我服了你

8.No need 免了吧

9.That’s monkey business 简直是胡闹

10.Happens all the time 这是常有的事

11.Not necessarily 不见得

12.No wonder 这也难怪

13.It’s about time 总算到了

14.It takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响

15.Not really 也不是

16.What fun! 太好了

17.Talk about luck 真走运

18.Don’t pull my leg do not talk about nonsense 别逗了


词典用英语怎么说 词典的英语说法1: dictionary 词典的英语说法2: lexicon 词典相关英语表达: concise dictionary; 简明词典 bilingual dictionary; 双语词典 pocket dictionary; 袖珍词典 consult the dictionary 查词典 词典的英语例句: 1. the dictionary is a vast treasure trove of information. 那本词典是个巨大的信息宝库。 2. the translations were carried out with the assistance of a medical dictionary. 这些翻译是借助一本医学词典完成的。 3. the examples are unique to this dictionary.

这些例证是这部词典独有的。 4. english textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere. 英语教材和词典到处都有卖的。 5. a dictionary of mathematics 数学词典 6. this dictionary is available in electronic form. 本词典有电子版。 7. the example sentences in this dictionary are printed in italic type. 本词典中的例句都是用斜体排印的。 8. examples in this dictionary are in italics. 本词典中的例子用斜体显示。 9. definitions in this dictionary are printed in roman type. 这本词典里的释义是用罗马体印刷的。 10. we are working all round the clock to finish this dictionary! 我们在为完成这本词典而昼夜不停地工作着! 11. this dictionary is just what i want for my study. 这部词典正是我学习要用到的. 12. this phrase is labelled as an americanism in this dictionary. 这本词典把这个短语称为美国特有的语言现象.


英语句子翻译大全 导读:本文是关于英语句子翻译大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 01、I never stopped loving you,I just stopped showing it。 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 02、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。 站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。 03、Waiting is painful。Forgetting is painful。But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering。 等待是一种痛,忘掉也是一种痛,但不知道该怎么办,是一种更折磨人的痛。 04、That formerly how to pick,time flies straight forward。 那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。 05、Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad。Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings。 是你转头就走,没看见我的难过。是我太任性,不顾你的感受。 06、Start everyday with a new hope,leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow。 用新的希望开启每一天,释放掉不好的回忆,相信明天会更

好。 07、Who’s who of the hook,and who is who of redemption。 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。 08、They say after losing only treasure,in fact,after losing most painful treasure。 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。 09、Love warms more than a thousand fires。 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 10、It is good if you begin crying,that is the sign of cure。 能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征! 11、Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets。 人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。 12、Because of loving you so much that I stood aside。Although myfigure left you away,my heart didn’t。Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you。” 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。 13、As long as people do not lose their direction,they will not lose themselves。 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。


初学者的BIOS 1.介绍 在基本输入输出系统(BIOS)是一个在PC,它是基于主板上的芯片存储程序本质集。它作为一间计算机的硬件和操作系统的媒介。如果没有BIOS中,电脑的操作系统将没有办法沟通,或利用,对硬件的控制。 换句话说,在BIOS是任何计算机的重要组成部分。如果它的选项设置不当,可能会减缓的BIOS多达 40%的个人电脑了。不幸的是,新的处理器和主板芯片组的发布,BIOS选项继续变得更加混乱。因此,许多经验丰富的技术人员仍然感到困惑的术语股价和混乱的选项在现代计算机的BIOS设置程序进行。 不过没关系,因为倍频为您提供帮助!每一个母板和/或计算机制造商采用了不同的BIOS,所以我们将在优化的一个例子板,华硕A7N8X - E的豪华BIOS 中所涉及的步骤。我选择了这个特殊的华硕主机板,因为这样的板后,许多人模仿。此外,A7N8X - E是华硕最热门的车型之一,它的推出已有近两年,至今依然是出售AMD系统今天。显然,无论您使用的主板会从这个模式的差异,但你仍然可以得到一个从调整,可以使各种各样的例子感觉。 请记住,改变个人电脑的BIOS设置不当,可能会导致电脑故障。如果发生这种情况,一个BIOS复位需要执行返回到默认:“。出厂设置”(读未优化)这通常是激活主板上的,这是说起来容易做,然后与许多笔记本电脑跳线!这里没有讨论应该有一个在任何PC上的负面影响,但请遵循每个步骤明确。 很多,如戴尔,惠普,Gateway和大型电脑制造商美光限制的选项提供给最终用户在BIOS中,以减少不明智的“修补”和由此产生的支持电话。因此,您可能无法照顾到提到这些主要个人电脑厂商在这里的高级设置一定的优势。


提供用英语怎么说 提供即供给。谓提出可供参考或利用的意见、资料、物资、条件等。提供所属现代词。那么你知道提供用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 提供的英语说法1: provide 提供的英语说法2: offer 提供的英语说法3: supply 提供的相关短语: 提供自助餐Cafeteria available 提供住宿accommodate ; accommodation provided ; Need pay ; provide room accomodation 提供线索throw ; throw light on ; to provide clues ; Submissions 提供食物food ; cater ; provide food ; serve food 提供担保bond ; offering for security ; Shipping Guarantee ; tender guarantee 提供住所sheltering ; accommodate

提供的英语例句: 1. The room was quiet; no one volunteered any further information. 房间很安静,无人主动提供更多的信息。 2. Return the enclosed Donation Form today in the prepaid envelope provided. 请于今日将随函附上的捐款表格用所提供的邮资预付的信封寄回。 3. The shallow sea bed yields up an abundance of food. 浅海床提供了丰富的食物。 4. The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow. 母亲为胎儿提供营养和成长的空间。 5. Research and technology are said to be chronically underfunded. 据说为研究和技术方面提供的经费严重不足。 6. He based his conclusions on the evidence given by the captured prisoners. 他根据被俘囚犯提供的证据得出了这个结论。 7. The service covers contraceptive advice and health checks, and is available free. 服务项目包括避孕建议和健康检查,并且免费提供。


1.人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。 Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades. Laugh or cry as you like, and it is meaningless to oppress yourself. 2.于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了。 Among thousands of people, you meet those you’ve met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late. 3.记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的.Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable. 4.能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶。 Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted. 5.鱼对水说你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里.水说我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。“You couldn’t see my tears because I am in the water.” Fish said to water. “But I could feel your tears cause you are in me.”Answered water. 6.我们确实活得艰难,一要承受种种外部的压力,更要面对自己内心的困惑。在苦苦挣扎中,如果有人向你投以理解的目光,你会感到一种生命的暖意,或许仅有短暂的一瞥,就足以使我感奋不已。It‘s true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities.You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you an understanding look during your bitter struggle.Even a mere glance would make you moved and inpired. 7.我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程;我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。I wou ldn‘t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn‘t care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizon .


英语翻译专业的简历范文 导读:本文是关于英语翻译专业的简历范文,希望能帮助到您! 求职意向 职位性质:全职 职位类别: 职位名称:幼教,少儿英语老师 ; 工作地区:福建-莆田市区 ; 待遇要求: 3000-4000元/月可面议 ; 不需要提供住房 到职时间:可随时到岗 技能专长 语言能力:英语 6级 ; 日语 ; 普通话标准 电脑水平: Excel操作 教育培训 教育背景: 时间所在学校学历 2011年1月 - 2014年7月莆田学院本科 培训经历: 时间培训机构培训主题 2011年9月 - 2013年9月莆田学院外语培训中心少儿剑桥英语 2013年10月 - 2014年7月涵江洪恩少儿英语培训中心洪

恩少儿英语 工作经历 所在公司:莆田学院外语培训中心 时间范围: 2011年9月 - 2013年9月 公司性质:民营/私营公司 所属行业:教育、培训、科研院所 担任职位:教师 工作描述:主要教授小孩子英语,主要内容如下: 1.备课,讲课,定期接受评课 2.定期进行电话回访,和家长保持密切联系,共同促进小孩子的成长和学习 3.要定期参加培训,不断学习新的知识和教学法,提高自己的教学技能和理论水平 离职原因: 所在公司:福建省华丰泰体育用品 时间范围: 2015年1月 - 2016年6月 公司性质:民营/私营公司 所属行业:互联网、电子商务 担任职位:人力资源-人事主管 工作描述:主要负责公司考勤,各部门绩效考核,制度公司制度,负责老板安排的任务,日常活动聚会筹划等 离职原因: 其他信息 自我评价:喜欢和小孩子呆在一起的时光天真浪漫! 寓教于乐因材施教希望有合适的机构可以发展


请大家看看这一句怎么译成英语:“他铅笔盒里有五支笔。”别小看这么一句简单的话,实在没有办法翻译,因为英语里没有相当于汉语“笔”的词。英语里倒是可以找到各种具体的“笔”的名称: 铅笔pencil 钢笔pen / fountain pan 圆珠笔ball-point pen 毛笔writing brush 画笔painting brush 鸭嘴笔drawing pen / ruling pen 蜡笔(wax) crayon 粉笔chalk 只有弄清楚那五支具体是什么笔,才能翻译出来,如:He’s got two pencils, two ball-point pens and one pen in his pencil-box. 人们在认识事物的过程中,往往把性质或用途一样或类似的东西归为一类,表示某一类事物的总名称被叫做“上义词”(superordinate),一个“上义词”的概念包含许多“下义词”(hyponym)。汉语中的“笔”就是前几行所列各种笔的“上义词”。有些分类是各种语言基本一样的,如世界上的东西分成生物(living things)和无生命物(non-living things),或者有机物(organic matters)和无机物(inorganic matters),而生物里有植物(plants)和动物(animals),但有些分类是某种语言特有的。“笔”在英语里就构不成一类。再比如汉语中的“车”(包括各种汽车、自行车、人力车、手推车、童车等)、“牛”(包括水牛、黄牛、牦牛、奶牛等)、“果品”(包括鲜果、干果、蜜饯等)、“皮”(包括各种兽皮、树皮、果皮等)之类的词在英语里都没有对应的说法,因为它们在说英语的人心目中并不构成一个“类”,所以翻译时必须弄清具体东西用不同的下义词代替,有时也可用上义词取代。 就连She is my sister. 这样的句子,如果不了解说话人指的是“姐姐”还是“妹妹”,也无法译。这里也有文化上的原因,因为西方强调家庭成员的平等,兄弟姐妹的地位是平等的。因此,西方人在介绍自己的兄弟姐妹时一般说He/She is my brother/sister. 并不分长幼。而英语里sibling这个词在汉语里没有对应的词。有些分类和名称和汉语不一样,如half brother/sister可以指同父异母也可以指同母异父的兄弟姐妹。至于cousin可以指“堂/表兄/弟/姐/妹”;而长一辈中男/女的亲戚除了父/母亲之外都是uncle/aunt.。这些都会造成翻译的困难。 难办的是,有时候分类是交叉的。例如,英语的table和desk在汉语里都是“桌子”,但这并不等于“桌子”所含的概念(semantic range)一定比table大,例如coffee table和end table 都是table,但在汉语中却是“茶几”,当然不能归在“桌子”一类里。汉语里的“绿”、“蓝”、“青”是三个颜色,相对而言,英语里只有green和blue两个词,所以“青”字到底应该译为green还是blue要看情况而定(如“青天”是blue sky,“青菜”却是green vegetables,而the Blue Nile习惯上译为“青尼罗河”。)。 不光是名词有这样的情况,从某种意义上说,动词分类粗细也有不同,如汉语中的“切”、“割”、“截”、“剁”、“斩”、“砍”、“劈”、“剖”、“剪”、“裁”、“刻”等都可以用一个cut翻译(要区分动作可以加上介词短语表示工具,如“剪”是cut with scissors,或加上补语表示


Good morning/afternoon!Miss /Mr Wang!早上/下午/晚上好,王老师!3.What's your name?你叫什么名字?My name is… 我的名字叫…… 5. Nice /Glad to meet you!见到你很高兴!6.How are you?你好吗?7. How do you do?你好?8.-What's this?-It's...这是什么?这(它)是…… 9.Welcome to No.14 Middle School!欢迎到第14中学来!10.Excuse me . Are you Li Ming? 对不起,你是李明吗?11.Can you spell it,please?你能拼一下它吗?12.Goodbye!Bye-bye!Bye!See you later!See you!再见!14.What class/row are you in?你是哪个班级/排的?15.What's your number?你是第几个?16.What's your telephone number?你的电话号码是多少?17.How old are you?/Can you tell me your age(年龄)?/ What's your age?你多大了?18.What's this /that in English?这/那个(东西)用英语怎么说?19.What's the English for“电脑”?“电脑”用英 语怎么说?20.What is your father?/What does your father do?你爸爸是干什么工作的?21.Who is that(speaking)?你是谁?22.This is Bill(speaking).我是比尔。 23.Is Tom in /at home?汤姆在家吗?24.Who's that(speaking)?你是谁?25.Hello!May/Could I speak to Wang Ming?你好!我可以和王明通话吗?26.Can I speak to Tom ?我可以和汤姆讲话吗?27.Is that Kate(speaking)?你是凯特吗?28.Here you are.给你。29.Thank you(very much)/Thanks(a lot).(多)谢谢。Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。That's OK/You are welcome/That's all right/It’s a pleasure. 不用谢。30.Sorry.对不起。Not at all./It doesn't matter./That's all right.没关系。31.Your English is very good!你的英语真好!Thank you.谢谢。32.Is everyone here?/Are we all here?今天大家都到了吗?33.Who's on duty today?今天谁值日?34.What colour are your shoes?你的鞋是什么颜色的?35.Can I see your licence?我能看一下你的执照吗?36.How many boats are there in the picture?图中有多少艘船?37.Mrs Green has two children.One is a son,the other is a daughter.格林夫人有两个孩子,一个儿子,另一个是女儿。38.It's time to go to school.该上学了. It's time for break.该休息一下了. 39.What else can you see in the picture?图中你还看到别的什么东西吗?40.Which colour do you like best?你最喜欢哪种颜色?41.What's your favourite animal?你最喜欢哪种动物?42.Would you like some apples?你想要一些苹果吗?Would you like to drink a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶吗?I don't think so.我不想吃苹果/喝杯茶。No,thanks 不,谢谢了. Yes,please. 好 的.43.Do you like to have eggs for breakfast?你早餐喜欢吃鸡蛋吗?44.Here is a full bottle. 这儿有一瓶满的。45.What's the matter with your plane?你的飞机怎么啦?What’s wrong with your plane?46.What would you like for bre akfast? 你想吃什么早点?I'd like a glass of milk and an egg.我想要杯牛奶和一个鸡蛋。 47.Let me help you.让我帮你吧。48.What/How about a glass of fruit juice?来杯果汁怎么样?What /How about something to drink?喝点东西怎么样? 49.What’s your favorite sport,football,volleyball or basketball?你最喜欢什么运动,足球、排球还是篮球?50. Can’t you ride a bike?难道你不会骑自行车吗?51.Could you help me,please?你能帮助我吗?52.Let me help you,please.请让我帮助你。53.I(don't)think so.我认为(不)是这样的。54.Do you want a go?你想试一试吗?55.Lin Tao has no pencils and no pens.李雷


无语这个词语用英语怎么表达 “无语”英语怎么说 “无语”英语怎么说 Jessica在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,免费学习英语的网站,就会来请教她。今天是小北要问的:无语。 Jessica; Xiaobei! You look upset. What happened? Yiru: 别提了!我有个朋友欠钱不还,拖了好长时间了,每次都找各种理由搪塞我!气死我了,以前我还和她理论,现在我简直是…简直是…无语了我! Jessica: I see. You're so tired of your friend's excuses that you are speechless. XB: Speechless?原来这就是无语的意思。 Jessica: Yes. For example, you can say "she was speechless after learning her boyfriend was dating another woman." XB: 哦,免费学习英语的网站,学英语的好网站,知道男友跟别的女生交往后,她气得说不出话来。 Jessica: Exactly. Basically, you can use "speechless" to mean something so bad or so surprising that you don't know what to say.

XB: I see. 跟你说,我认识一个女生,她特别虚伪,总是假惺惺地称赞别人,转过头来就说人坏话。Every time I see her being so fake, I'm speechless! Jessica: I bet you also roll your eyes! XB: Roll my eyes? Jessica: If you roll your eyes, you're showing that you don't believe someone or you aren't interested in what they're saying. XB: 哦,就是因为不相信或者不耐烦而翻白眼。这个说法真形象! 就在今天早上,I got an email saying I was selected to win 5 million dollars. It also asked for my bank account. Jessica: That's fishy! It must be a scam! XB: 我当然知道这是诈骗邮件了!I rolled my eyes when I read it! 不过你说,要是我哪天我真中了500万… Jessica: That would blow me away! Meaning I'd be really amazed! XB: 哦,to blow someone away就是使人大吃一惊,不过,这应该是用在形容什么好事儿的时候吧? Jessica: Exactly. For example, My new computer ran so fast it blew me away! XB: Or Jessica has so much cash hidden under her


英语日常用语1000句 三、Identifying Objects 辨别物品 31. What's this? 这是什么? 32. It's a pen. 是支笔。 33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗? 34. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。 35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔? 36. It's Kate's. 是凯特的。 37. Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗? 38. No, it isn't. It's a bus. 不,那是一辆公共汽车。 39. What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说? 40. What is the color of your new book? 你的新书是什么颜色的? 41. How big is your house? 你的房子有多大? 42. How long is the street? 这条街有多长? 43. What's the name of the cat? 这猫叫什么名字? 44. Where's the company? 那个公司在哪儿? 45. Which is the right size? 哪个尺码是对的? 四、About Belongings 关于所有物 46. What's this? 这是什么? 47. It's an air-conditioner. 这是空调。 48. Is this yours? 这是你的吗? 49. Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的。 50. Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿? 51. Do you know where I've put my glasses? 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗? 52. Over there. 在那边。 53. On the desk. 在桌上。 54. Is this your pen? I found it under the desk. 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。 55. No. Mine is blue. 不是。我的是蓝的。 56. Which is your bag? 哪个是你的包? 57. The bigger one. 大些的那个。 58. The one on your right. 你右边的那个。


1.Do you have a family? 你有孩子吗 ? 2.It's a good father that knows his son. 就算是最好的父亲, 也未必了解自己的儿子。 3.I have no opinion of that sort of man. 我对这类人很反感。 4.She put 5 dollars into my hand, “you have been a great man t oday." 她把 5美圆塞到我手上说:“你今天表现得很好.” 5.I was the youngest son, and the youngest but two. 我是最小的儿子 , 但我还有两个妹妹 . 6.The picture flattered her. 她比较上照。 7.The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England. 她在那个国家水土不服 , 所以回到了英国 . 8.He is a walking skeleton. 他很瘦。 9.The machine is in good repair. 机器已经修好了。 10.He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declar ed his own son guilty. 他让法官的职责战胜了父子的亲情,最终宣布儿子有罪。 11.You don't know what you are talking about. 你在胡说八道。 12.You don't begin to understand what they mean. 你根本不知道他们在干嘛。(not begin to :毫不 13.They didn't praise him slightly. 他们大大地表扬了他。 14.That's all I want to hear. 我已经听够了。 15.I wish I could bring you to see my point. 你要我怎么说你才能明白呢。


英语单词翻译 I may be the world’s worst writer, but I’m the world’s best rewriter. 在所有的作家中,我可能不是写得的,但在反复修改上却是做得的。 In handling the materials of history, each act of selection is also an act of judgement. 在处理历史资料时,每选一项资料就是做出一种判断。 Some suggest that Smith himself is a reluctant reformer. 有人认为,史密斯本人就不太情愿改革。 词— I.词性转换法 Examples: It seems that most countries of the world have a strong desire to mutually expand their trade. 世界上绝大部分国家似乎都有一种强烈的相互扩大贸易市场的渴望。 世界上绝大部分国家似乎都强烈希望扩展彼此之间的贸易。 I admire your decision to fight against the difficulties in preparing the examination. 你决定战胜复习考试中的困难,这个点我很羡慕。 A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation. 仔细研究原文,你会翻译得更好。

Conversations with him always has a serious content, for his commitment to his life’s work was always there. 每次与他交谈,内容往往是严肃谨慎的,因为他总是以事业为重。 Another important goal in this meeting is increased educational opportunities for girls and women. 另外一个主要目标是扩大女孩和妇女受教育的机会。 Note his emphasis on looking better. 注意他强调的是更有希望。 These traditions (of Japanese companies) include lifetime employment for all workers. 这些传统包括所有员工终身受雇。 She came to China as a missionary. 她来中国传教。 His whole family were religious. 他全家都是虔诚的教徒. He was eloquent and elegant—but soft. 他有口才、有风度,但性格软弱。 The cutting tools must be strong, tough, and wear resistant. 刀具须有充足的强度、硬度、而且要耐磨。 Premature marriages have statistically proved to end prematurely. 统计数字表明,不成熟的婚姻容易夭折。


9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。 13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了. 二、课堂用语 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。

19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗? 27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗? 28. Any questions? 有什么问题吗? 29. That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。


难倒英语专业的42个翻译句子.txt14热情是一种巨大的力量,从心灵内部迸发而出,激励我们发挥出无穷的智慧和活力;热情是一根强大的支柱,无论面临怎样的困境,总能催生我们乐观的斗志和顽强的毅力……没有热情,生命的天空就没的色彩。难倒英语专业的42个翻译句子 2009-01-28 11:15 | (分类:默认分类) 1.Do you have a family? 正确译文:你有孩子吗? 2.It's a good father that knows his son. 就算是最好的父亲,也未必了解自己的儿子. 3.I have no opinion of that sort of man. 我对这类人很反感. 4.She put 5 dollars into my hand,"you have been a great man today." 她把5美圆塞到我手上说:"你今天表现得很好." 5.I was the youngest son, and the youngest but two. 我是最小的儿子,但是我还有两个妹妹. 6.The picture flattered her. 她比较上照. 7.The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England. 她杂那个国家水土不服,所以回到了英国. 8. He is a walking skeleton. 他很瘦. 9.The machine is in repair. 机器已经修好了. 10.He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty. 他让法官的职责战胜了父子的亲情,最终宣布儿子有罪. 11.You don't know what you are talking about. 你在胡说八道. 12.You don't begin to understand what they mean. 你根本不知道他们在干嘛. don't begin :决不 13.They didn't praise him slightly. 他们大大地表扬了他. 14.That's all I want to hear. 我已经听够了. 15.I wish I could bring you to see my point. 你要我怎么说你才能明白呢. 16.You really flatter me. 你让我受宠若惊. 17.He made a great difference. 有他没他结果完全不一样. 18.You cannot give him too much money. 你给他再多的钱也不算多. 19.The long exhausting trip proved too much. 这次旅行矿日持久,我们都累倒了.


爱预科:扎心了,老铁、心塞……这些网络热词用英语该怎么说 曾经因一句英语就上头条的黄教主, 将正宗的英文“Not at all”彻底中国本土化! 被广大的网友在网络社交媒体上热用——“闹带套” 霸气外露、一向以耿直boy 著称的黄子韬一句不轻易狗带, 彻底将go (狗) die(带)带火了…… 近日, 一个相关即兴嘻哈风格的唱歌节目 “你有freestyle 吗?”一句台词 贯彻节目首尾 更是引发了网友们对这freestyle热词的关注 那么中国的网络热词,用英语翻译该怎么说呢? 下面就和小编一起来学习学习吧! 扎心了、心塞、图样图破森等等这些生活、网络中被大家热用得网络词语,用英语怎么解释呢! 赶快上车,让老司机来教教你吧! 扎心了!老铁 作为2017年的一个大梗,是快手直播平台衍生出来的流行语,意指走心了、戳痛心了等情感。 翻译:My heart's broken, old fellow. 心塞 含义:是心肌梗塞的简称。网络意指心里堵得慌、难受,对周围发生的不顺心的事感到很不舒服,也可表示对某件事情很无语。 翻译:feel stifled,feel suffocated,have a tight feeling in the chest,或者feel very uncomfortable 例句:After hearing her telling the truth, I suddenly feelsuffocated. 听到她说了实话,我顿时感觉心塞。 皮皮虾,我们走 源于英雄联盟电子竞技前IG上单选手PDD口头禅:“皮皮猪我们走”,后被网友衍用走红,意指搞笑的号召语言。

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