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Commodity standard 商品本位

The gold standard 金本位ounce盎司

The gold exchange standard 金汇兑本位

Floating currency exchange 浮动汇率

The flexible exchange rate system 浮动汇率体系

The managed float 有管理里的浮动

Snake in the tunnel(蛇在洞中)= snake float (欧洲)蛇行浮动

Trade surplus 贸易顺差Trade deficit 贸易逆差

Balance of payments 国际收支平衡

Fiscal surplus 财政盈余Fiscal deficit 财政赤字

Triffin Dilemma 特里芬难题Plaza Accord 广场协议Louvre Accord 卢浮宫协议the Bretton Woods system 布雷顿森林体系

Gresham’s Law 格雷欣法则(劣币驱逐良币)

Low of one price 一价理论purchasing power parity(PPP)购买力平价理论State council 国务院tariffs and quotas 关税和配额

Structural adjustment facilities 机构调整贷款

Bank for international settlement (BIS) 国际清算行

European monetary system (EMS) 欧洲货币体系

Joint-stock commercial banks股份制商业银行:

BOCOM=交通银行(Bank of Communications)

China merchants banks 招商银行

China CITIC bank 中信银行

Shenzhen development banks 深证发展银行

Industrial bank 兴业银行

Guangdong development bank 广东发展银行

China everbright bank 中国光大银行

China minsheng banking corp.ltd 中国民生银行

Policy bank政策性银行:

State development bank 国家发展银行

Agricultural development bank of china 中国农业发展银行

Export-import bank of china 中国进出口银行


Union bank of Switzerland (瑞士联合银行)

Citibank (花旗银行)

HSBC (汇丰银行)

JP Morgan Chase(JP摩根大通)

Monetary policy tools货币政策工具:

Easy/loose policy 宽松货币政策Tight/stringent policy 紧缩货币政策

Open market operations 公开市场操作Required reserve ratio 准本金率discount rate 贴现率

Base interest rate/benchmark interest rate 基准利率

Fractional reserve banking 部分准本金银行制度

财政部:<英美> the Treasury 其他the Ministry of Finance

财长:<英>Chancellor of the Exchequer 财政大臣<美>Treasury secretary 其他Finance Minister

央行行长:Governor 副行长:deputy governor<除美>

Usury: 高利贷melt down: 倒闭lose confidence on: 失去信心

reserves: 准备金国有化nationalize

Inflation 通胀deflation 通缩stagflation 滞涨endogenous 内生exogenous外生货币政策: monetary policy

货币供应量: money supply 利率: interest rate 宏观经济: macro economy

宽松货币政策: easy / loose policy 紧缩货币政策: tight / stringent policy

改变存款准备金要求: legal reserve requirement

信用紧缩: credit tightening 信用扩张credit expansion

量化宽松Quantitative easing

政府债券: government securities

提息: raise / hike / lift interest rate 降息: cut interest rate

联邦基金利率: federal fund rate

拆借: inter-bank lending; 隔夜借贷: overnight

Break even 收支相抵、损益两平=:make neither profit nor loss

Lending facilities 贷款工具

Priority construction 重点建设: key construction

Fixed-asset investment 固定资产投资

bank run 银行挤兑

Bottleneck 瓶颈

Commodity reserves 商品储备

Subsidiary 子公司poverty alleviation 扶贫

Exclusive: 专门的、专有的、排他的Credit:信贷

Privilege: 特权Monopoly: 垄断

Establishment 建立创办evolution 进展、发展reform 改革transition过渡stability 稳定accelerate 促进,加快formulate 制定implement贯彻执行National people’s congress 全国人民大表大会

例:The third plenary session of the eighth national people’s congress 第八届全国人代会第八次会议

Chinese people’s political consultative conference 全国政协

Socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济

planned economy 计划经济marketing economy市场经济

China banking/insurance/securities regulatory commission银监会,保监会,证监会


barter(易货,易货贸易)creditor 债权人debtor 债务人

commodity money 商品货币convertible paper money 可兑换纸币

Fiat money 法币Par value 面值token辅币

Capital flow 资本流动Capital control 资本管理

Portfolio 投资组合debt default 债务重组

Firm surveillance 公司监管

Spot price/market 即期价格/市场forward price/market 远期价格/市场

Bid/ask spread 买卖价格/利益差

Demand / saving / time + deposits 活期/储蓄/定期+ 存款

Interest rate swaps 利率互换Interest rate agreement 利率协议Currency swaps 货币协议

Equity (stock / share)

Corporate bonds 公司债券preferred stock / preference shares 优先股Convertible notes 可兑换债券、货币(quasi-equity instrument 可转换股票) Forward contract 远期合约Futures contract 期货

Options contract 期权Swaps agreement 互换

Depository institutions (存款金融机构)

Commercial banks商业银行

Savings banks储蓄银行Depository credit union 信用社,互助会

Non-depository institutions(非存款金融机构)

Investment banks投资银行Factoring company 代理融通公司

Leasing company 租赁公司Finance company信贷公司

Mortgage banks 抵押银行Venture capital co. 风险投资公司

Discount house 贴现行Mutual fund 共同基金Insurance company 保险公司Pension fund 养老基金Building society 建房互助协会

Money market instruments货币市场工具:

Treasury bills 短期国库券

Repurchase agreement/reports回购协议

Negotiable certificates of deposit/CD 可转让存单


Commercial bills/papers商业票据

Secured and unsecured notes 担保和无担保票据

Short-term loans 短期贷款

Interbank loans 银行同业贷款

Primary market 初级市场Secondary market 二级市场

Dealer 交易商Broker 经纪商Market maker做市商adviser 顾问Speculator 投机者Bear 空头bull 多头arbitrageur 套利者

Organized/centralized exchange 场内交易市场

Over-the-counter markets 场外交易/柜台交易市场


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