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江苏省靖江市新港城初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all(第6课时)

江苏省靖江市新港城初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all(第6课时)
江苏省靖江市新港城初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all(第6课时)

Unit 6 Sunshine for all(第6课时)










8.众人拾材火焰高 9.伸出援手



1.We should stop the spread of (疾病)in the area.

2.If all of us can give a (帮助)hand, he may get well again soon.

3.Michael Jackson, of course, needs no (介绍)。

4. You can get more (信息) from Mr Wang.

5. Xiao Ming needs an (手术), but his parents haven’t got enough money.


1.You must do something (help) those homeless people.

2. Amy was lucky enough (get) the first prize in the last competition.

3.The doctor says perhaps an (operate) can save his grandma.

4.It is dangerous for your son (swim) alone.

5. Many hands make light (work).


()1.The heart operation John half a year’s income.

A. spent

B. took

C. paid D .cost

()2.The survivors of the earthquake are very difficult without .

A. to survive; food and water enough B .to survive; enough food and water

C. to surviv ed; foods and water enough

D. to survived; enough foods and water ()3. Linda’s parents farmers. They growing wheat and rice.

A .are both; like all B. both are; all like C. are both; both like D .both are; like both

()4.It is helpful you to give people in need .

A .for; as many as possible

B .of; as much as possible

C. For; as many as you could

D. of; as much as you could

()5.Hurry up. , you will miss the early train.

A .However

B .Otherwise C. But D .Moreover



His grandpa for many years.


If all of us can , the poor little girl will .


In the earthquake, .


I a new computer.


Jim, thank you a lot .


We go shopping almost every day. We have many choices of the places to

b 1 things. Supermarket is the r 2 places for you. There are some good points buying things at the supermarket.

1. You can buy things at the supermarket at a low p 3 . You pay m 4 more in

a big store to buy the same goods.

2. You can d 5 what to buy all by y 6 at the supermarket. And you don't have trouble from the shop assistant at the big store.

3. There are more c 7 of goods to buy at the supermarket. You can buy many things for a week's use at a t 8 . It s 9 us much money and time.

In a word, it is b 10 to buy things at a supermarket.






6. ___________



9. ___________ 10.____________


The world we live in is full of amazing things. Do you know the following things? ★Chocolate tastes nice but it may make the little dog die.

★We may sleep for eight hours at a time but a snail (蜗牛) may sleep for three years.

★Our ears and nose become bigger w hen we grow up but eyes keep the same after a person is born.

★You may think a bear walks slowly. In fact, it can run as fast as a horse. ★Cats won’t die if they fall off very high places because they can turn themselves up the right way.

★The largest animal on the earth is the blue whale (鲸). It weighs about 80 tons (吨)—more than 24 elephants.

★Most animals will die soon if they lose the head. But a cockroach (蟑螂) can live for nine or ten days when they have no head.

★Not all birds can fly. About forty kinds of birds can’t fly, like the penguin (企鹅) and the ostrich (鸵鸟).

Some (81) ________ things in the world

(82) _______ It’s nice but you can’t give it to little (83) _______,

because it can kill them.

Snails They can sleep as (84) _______ as three years.

Our eyes The size of the eyes doesn’t (85) ________ from birth.

Bears They can run very (86) _______ like a horse.

江苏省靖江市新港城初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all(第2课时)

Unit 6 Sunshine for all(第2课时) 1.读懂文章,了解有关特奥会的知识及志愿者的经历。 2.学习并能运用与运动、比赛有关的词汇。 3.培养学生积极参加社会公益活动,尽自己所能帮助他人的意识。 课前预习 翻译短语 1.为世界特奥会做志愿者工作 2.他一生中最令人惊奇的经历 3.给有智障的儿童和成人向世界展示他们才能的机会 4.放弃他们的业余时间 5.接受训练 6.向运动员提供支持 7.使这次活动取得成功 课后练习 一、根据句意或汉语提示完成句中所缺单词。 1.I am (期待)several important letters but nothing has arrived. 2.Do you think they have a (机会) of beating Australia? 3.Tiffany faces a (相同) problem. 4.We will do whatever is (必要的)to stop them. 5.He called for much higher spending on education and (训练)。 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. It is necessary for us (understand) the importance of health care. 2.We expect you (come) back soon. 3.It is great for us to work (close) with Project Hope. 4.Did you volunteer (help) the blind grandma do housework. 5.Volunteers can make the event (success). 三、选择填空 ( )1.It was a difficult time for the quake-hit victims in Ya’an, but they didn’t hope. A. give up B. give off C .give in D .give out ( )2. --- Can you tell the differences between these two pictures? ---Differences? Oh, no. They look quite . A. Different B. similar C .strange D. interesting ( )3. It is very brave him the Special Olympic World Games. A .of; to join in B .for; to join C. of; to join D .for; to join in ( )4. The climate in Nanjing isn’t similar to in Harbin. A .those B .that C .this D .these ( )5.Jack has many hobbies, swimming, football, basketball and so on. A .for example B .as a example C .such for D . such as 四、根据汉语意思完成句子 1.学好汉语对我们来说很有必要。 It’s necessary . 2.越来越多的年轻人愿意放弃空闲时间去做义工。

江苏省靖江市新港城初级中学九年级数学双休日作业(11.2811.29)(无答案) 苏科版

(第5题) (第3题) (第4题) 九年级数学双休日作业(11.28-11.29) 一、选择题 1.一元二次方程x 2-x -2=0的解是( ). A .x 1=1,x 2=2 B .x 1=1,x 2=-2 C .x 1=-1,x 2=-2 D .x 1=-1,x 2=2 2.已知1是关于x 的一元二次方程(m ﹣1)x 2+x+1=0的一个根,则m 的值是( ) A . 1 B . ﹣1 C .0 D . 无法确定 3.如图,一艘海轮位于灯塔P 的北偏东30°方向,距离灯塔60海里的A 处,它沿正南方向航行一段时间后,到达位于灯塔P 的南偏东45°方向上的B 处,这时,海轮所在的B 处与灯塔P 的距离为( ). A .302海里 B .303海里 C .60 海里 D .306海里 4.如图,A ,B 两地被池塘隔开,小明通过下列方法测出了A 、B 间的距离:先在AB 外选一点C ,然后测出AC ,BC 的中点M ,N ,并测量出MN 的长为6m ,由此他就知道了A 、B 间的距离.有关他这次探究活动的描述错误的是 ( ). A .A B =12m B .MN ∥AB C .△CMN ∽△CAB D .CM ∶MA =1∶2 5. 如图,已知∠POx=120°,OP=4,则点P 的坐标是( ) A . (2,4) B . (﹣2,4) C . (﹣2,2) D . (﹣2,2) 6.如图,⊙O 的半径为1,△ABC 是⊙O 的内接等边三角形,点D 、E 在圆上,四边形BCDE 为矩形,这个矩形的面积是( ). A .2 B . 3 C . 32 D . 32 二、填空题 7.已知:5:2x y =,那么():x y y += 8.如图,已知⊙O 的半径为5,⊙O 的一条弦AB 长为8,那么以4为半径的同心圆与弦AB 位置关系是 9.如图,在△ABC 中,DE ∥BC ,DE 与边AB 相交于点D ,与边AC 相交于点E . 如果3AD =,(第6题)


靖城中学2018-2019学年度第二学期第一次阶段质量调研八年级物理试题 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 命题人:刘晓晖审核人:沈雪萍 一.选择题(28分) 1.下列数据最接近我们生活实际情况的是( ) A. 一名初中学生的质量约为500kg B. 人体感觉教室内舒适的温度值约为35℃ C. 中学生做一套眼保健操的时间约为4min D. 人正常行走时的速度约5m/s 2.在国际单位制中,力的基本单位是( ) A. m B. kg C. kg/m3 D. N 3.下列说法中正确的是( ) A. 称量物体质量的过程中,若天平横梁不平衡,可调节平衡螺母 B. 用托盘天平不能直接测出一枚大头针的质量,是因为一枚大头针的质量大于托盘天平的分度值 C. 使用托盘天平称量时,左盘放砝码,右盘放物体 D. 用托盘天平称量物体质量时,若砝码磨损,则测量值将偏大 4.一块橡皮用掉一半之后,不变的物理量是( ) A. 重力 B. 质量 C. 体积 D. 密度 5.体积和质量相等的铝球、铁球和铜球,下列说法中正确的是(ρ铝<ρ铁<ρ铜)() A.若铝球是实心的,则铁球和铜球是空心的 B.若铁球是实心的,则铝球和铜球是空心的

C.若铜球是实心的,则铝球和铁球是空心的 D.三个球一定要全是空心的才行 6.如图所示,是厨房使用的不锈钢铲子。为避免烫手,其手柄用木质材料制成,这主要是考虑到木质材料的( ) A. 导热差 B. 熔点低 C. 密度小 D. 硬度小 7. 现有甲乙丙三个轻质小球,已知甲带负电,甲和乙互相吸引,乙和丙相互排斥,则( ) A. 乙一定不带电,丙带正电 B. 乙可能不带电,丙带负电 C. 乙一定带正电,丙带正电 D. 乙可能带正电,丙不带电 8. 某实验小组分别用天平和量筒测出了两种物质的质量和体积,测得的结果在V― m关系图上表示,如图所示,关于它们密度的说法正确的是( ) A.ρ甲>ρ乙B.ρ甲=ρ乙 C.ρ甲<ρ乙D.条件不足,无法判断 9. 下列物体中不具有弹性势能的是( ) A.弹簧B.被撑杆跳运动员压弯的撑杆C.拉开的弓D.形变的蹦床 10.下列说法中正确的是( ) A.1kg铁块的质量比1Kg木头的质量大 B.一块砖切成体积相等的两块后,密度变为原来的一半 C.密度不同的两个物体,其质量一定不同 D.将一物体移到月球上,其质量不发生变化 11.分子很小,看不见摸不着,但我们可以通过一些直观的现象,经过合理的推测来认识分子.下列推测既合理又符合事实的是( ) A.现象:空气中沙尘飞舞;推测:分子在做无规则运动


---by Lemon Teaching aims: 1.要求学生掌握一般将来时的用法、结构及句式变化。 Teaching points: 1. 一般将来时结构在实际题目中的运用。 2.使学生能够理解Will, be going to, there will be. Teaching aids: 心理测试纸、练习题 Teaching steps: 1. Greeting: T: what’s the weather like today? Ss: it’s…. T: what’s the weather like tomorrow? \Will it be sunny?(看黑板上的图片)T引导Ss说出: It will be sunny tomorrow. 2. Roll-call 3. Warm –up 做一份心理测试 在做之前,T可以先问大家一个问题,渲染气氛。 T:What do you think you will be? T引导Ss说出:I will be a …. 每人一张测试纸,2分钟做好,T公布答案,让学生找出相应的职业, 并表达I will be a …. 4. Structure ①由warm-up引出一般将来时。 T问Ss:What will you be? T引导Ss说出答案I will be a teacher. She will be a teacher. … I will be a engineer. He will be a engineer. … I will be a doctor. They will be a doctor. … T边说边写出板书 看以上句子,总结如下:

江苏省靖江市新港城初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Fr

Unit 1 Friends(第6课时) driver noodle polite thin friendly juice cook short teacher milk generous slim actor pretty helpful pork Looks: Jobs: Qualities: Foods: 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. —I’d like __________ grapes and pears. —Oh, I only need _________ orange juice. A. some; a few B. a few; some C. a little; few D. a little; a few ( ) 2. — What would you like to drink? —__________, please. A. Rice B. Meat C. Water D. Bread ( ) 3. In our city, it is ______ in July, but it is even _______ in August. A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter ( ) 4. This pencil is ______ that one. A. so long as B. as longer as C. longer than D. not as longest as ( ) 5. How are you feeling now? You look _______ better today. A. little B. a little C. less D. very 三、词汇运用 1. Those kinds of books sell well among _____________ (teens). 2. That’s __________(fun). He was here a moment ago and now he’s gone. 3. Animals are our ________. We sh’ould be ___________to them. ( friend) 4. What about _________ ( go) to the cinema tonight? 5. Doing sports is far ___________ (interesting) than watching matches. 6. It’s even (cold) and (windy) today than it was yesterday. 7. This film is one of (exciting) films this year. 8. Your story is much _______ (long) than mine. But it isn’t so ________ (interesting) as mine. 三、阅读理解 Long long ago a man went to India and he had never been there before. When he got there, he saw a lot of fruit, but much of it wa s expensive because they couldn’t grow much because there was little water. Finally he saw a big basket of some very red and long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop. So he went up and asked, “How much each kilo?”and the shop keeper said,“Two rupees(卢比).”Two rupees in India was nothing. So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it. But after he ate some of it: oh, my god! His eyes watered, his mouth watered and burnt, and his face became red. He jumped up and down, saying, “Ah! Ah! Ah!”


初中英语八年级上册 全册

新目标人教版初中英语八年级上册精品教案全册 Love me love my dog!! Wish Love to fill around the world! 教学工作计划 【一】.本学期的指导思想: 1、要面向全体学生,关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,培养创新精神; 2、整体设计目标,体现灵活开放,目标设计以学生技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础; 3、突出学生主体,尊重个体差异; 4、采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,即采用任务型的教学模式,让学生在老师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功; 5、注重过程评价,促进学生发展,建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。 总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为Good User 而不仅仅是Learner。让英语成为学生学习生活中最实用的工具而非累赘,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐,而不是无尽的担忧和恐惧。 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢49

【二】.所教班级学生基本情况分析: 本届八年级学生的英语基础方面还很薄弱,经过上学期我们两位英语老师的不懈努力,年段学生的基础知识得到了加强,学习态度也有所好转。但是学生整体的惰性还是很强,自觉性很差。 另外,学生在情感态度,学习策略方面还存在诸多需要进一步解决的问题。例如:很多学生不能明确学习英语的目的,没有真正认识到学习英语的目的在于交流;有些同学在学习中缺乏小组合作意识;大多数同学没有养成良好的学习习惯,不能做好课前预习课后复习,学习没有计划性和策略性;不善于发现和总结语言规律,不注意知识的巩固和积累。 【三】奋斗目标: 钻研新课标,提高教学水平,真正做到教学相长,努力达到学校规定的教学指标。 【四】具体措施: 1. 每天背诵课文中的对话。目的:要求学生背诵并默写,培养语感。 2. 每天记5个生词,2个常用句子或习语。实施:利用“互测及教师抽查”及时检查,保证效果并坚持下去。 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢49


2015-2016学年江苏省泰州市靖江市靖城中学共同体八年级(上) 期中数学试卷 一、选择题(共8小题,每小题3分,共24分.每小题只有一个真确答案)1.(3分)如下图是用纸折叠成的图案,其中是轴对称图形的有() A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 2.(3分)如图:若△ABE≌△ACF,且AB=5,AE=2,则EC的长为() A.2 B.3 C.5 D.2.5 3.(3分)如果三角形内的一点到三边的距离相等,则这点是() A.三角形三条边垂直平分线的交点 B.三角形三条边中线的交点 C.三角形三个内角平分线的交点 D.三角形三条边上高的交点 4.(3分)等腰三角形的一个角是80°,则它的底角是() A.50°B.80°C.50°或80°D.20°或80° 5.(3分)下列说法错误的是() A.3.14×103是精确到十位 B.4.609万精确到万位 C.近似数0.8和0.80表示的意义不同 D.用科学记数法表示的数2.5×104,其原数是25000 6.(3分)在△ABC中,∠A,∠B,∠C的对边分别记为a,b,c,下列结论中不正确的是()

A.如果∠A﹣∠B=∠C,那么△ABC是直角三角形 B.如果a2=b﹣2c2,那么△ABC是直角三角形且∠C=90° C.如果∠A:∠B:∠C=1:3:2,那么△ABC是直角三角形 D.如果a2:b2:c2=9:16:25,那么△ABC是直角三角形 7.(3分)如图,B为原点,A在﹣1上,线段BC垂直于数轴,且BC为一个单位长度,以A为圆心,AC长为半径画圆弧,与数轴相交于点D,则点D表示的数为() A.0.4 B.C.D. 8.(3分)如图,在△ABC中,有一点P在直线AC上移动,若AB=AC=5,BC=6,则BP的最小值为() A.4.8 B.5 C.4 D. 二、填空题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.) 9.(3分)的平方根是. 10.(3分)角的对称轴是. 11.(3分)已知等腰三角形的一边长为3,另一边长为8,则它的周长是.12.(3分)如图,已知△ABC,BC=10,BC边的垂直平分线交AB,BC于点E、D.若△ACE的周长为12,则△ABC的周长为. 13.(3分)实数a,b在数轴上的位置如图所示,则+a的化简结果

江苏省靖江市新港城初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 7 In

Unit 7 International charities(第3课时) 1.掌握并能正确运用被动语态的一般现在时和一般过去时。 2.熟悉并能运用引出动作执行者的单词by. 语法讲解: 一、被动语态概述 语态是动词的一种形式,用以说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语的语态共有两种:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式,一般说来,两种语态可以转换。汉语往往用“被”、“受”、“给”等词来表示被动意义。如: They didn’t offer Ann the job. (主动语态) Ann wasn’t offered the job. (被动语态) 安没得到这份工作。 二、被动语态的构成 被动语态由“be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变。疑问式和否定式的变化也如此。 三、被动语态的用法: 1、不知道或没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者。 The old bridge was built many years ago. 这座古桥是许多年前建造的。 He was elected chairman.他被选为主席。 2、强调动作的承受者。 动作的执行者由by引导置于谓语动词之后,也可省略。 Your plan is considered to be the best. 你的计划被认为是最好的。 3、动作的执行者是无生命的事物。 The window was blown by wind.窗户被风吹开了。 The whole village has been washed away by the flood.整个村庄都被洪水冲走了。 四、主动语态变为被动语态 1、主动语态变为被动语态的步骤: (1)将主动句的宾语变为主语,如果主动句的宾语是代词,需变为主格。 (2)将动词改为“be+过去分词”,be与新主语的人称和数一致,时态不变。 (3)将主动语态的主语前加by放在谓语动词后,如果原主语是代词,要变为宾格。 They held a meeting yesterday. →


新人教版|八年级上学期英语所有必考知识点大汇总 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 【重点语法】 不定代词:不指名代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词。 用法注意: 1. some 和any +可数名/不可数名。 some 多用于肯定句,any多用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句。有些问句中用some,不用any, 问话者希望得到对方肯定回答。 2. 由some, any, no, every 与body, one, thing构成的复合不定代词作主语时,其谓语动词用三单。 3. 不定代词若有定语修饰,该定语要置于其后:如:something interesting 【重点短语】 1. buy sth for ab./ buy sb. sth 为某人买某物 2. taste + adj. 尝起来…… 3. nothing...but + V.(原形) 除了……之外什么都没有 4. seem + (to be) + adj 看起来 5. arrive in + 大地方/ arrive at + 小地方到达某地 6. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 7. try doing sth. 尝试做某事/ try to do sth. 尽力做某事8. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 9. want to do sth. 想去做某事10. start doing sth. 开始做某事=begin doing sth. 11. stop doing sth. 停止做某事区分:stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 12. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事14. so + adj + that + 从句如此……以至于…… 16. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事17. keep doing sth. 继续做某事 18. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事/ forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 【词语辨析】 1. take a photo/ take photos 拍照 quite a few+名词复数“许多…” 2. seem + 形容词看起来…... You seem happy today. seem + to do sth. 似乎/好像做某事I seem to have a cold It seems + 从句似乎..…. It seems that no one believe you. seem like ... 好像,似乎….. It seems like a good idea. 3. arrive in +大地点= get to= reach+地点名“到达......” arrive at +小地点 (注:若后跟地点副词here/there/home, 介词需省略,如:arrive here; get home) 4. feel like sth 感觉像… feel doing sth. 想要做某事 5. wonder(想知道)+疑问词(who, what, why)引导的从句。 6. because of +名/代/V-ing because+从句 He can’t take a walk because of the rain. I don’t buy the shirt because it was too ex pensive. 7. enough +名词足够的…... 形容词/副词+enough Unit2 How often do you exercise? 【重点语法】 1. 频率副词: always, usually, often, sometimes, never 频率副词在句中通常放在实义动词之前, be动词或助动词之后。常用于一般现在时态中。 2.“次数”的表达方法 一次once,两次twice,三次或三次以上:基数词+ times, 如:three times, five times, 3. how often“多久一次”问频率,回答常含有频率词组或短语。


2021年江苏省泰州市靖江市靖城中学校际联盟中考数学调研试卷 1.?1 3 的绝对值是() A. ?3 B. 1 3C. ?1 3 D. 3 2.下列运算正确的是() A. 2a3?3a2=6a6 B. (?x3)4=x12 C. (a+b)3=a3+b3 D. (?x)3n÷(?x)2n=?x n 3.描述一组数据离散程度的统计量是() A. 平均数 B. 众数 C. 中位数 D. 方差 4.若(x?1)2+|2y+1|=0,则x+y的值为() A. ?1 2B. ?3 2 C. 3 2 D. 1 2 5.若点A(?2020,y1)、B(2021,y2)都在双曲线y=3+2a x 上,且y1>y2,则a的取值范围是() A. a<0 B. a>0 C. a>?3 2D. a1;③abc>0;④4a?2b+c<0;⑤c?a>1, 其中所有正确结论的序号是() A. ①② B. ①③④ C. ①②③⑤ D. ①②③④⑤ 7.分解因式:m2?4m=______. 8.某人近期加强了锻炼,用“微信运动”记录下了一天的行走的步数为12400,将12400用科学记数法表 示应为______. 9.已知a,b都是实数,b=√1?2a+√4a?2?2,则a b的值为______ . 10.若代数式x2?16 2x?8 的值等于0,则x=______. 11.直线y=?1 2 x+2分别交x轴、y轴于A、B两点,点O为坐标原点,则S△AOB=______ . 12.设m、n是方程x2+x?2020=0的两个实数根,则m2+2m+n的值为______.


最新(2013秋)人教版八年级上册英语知识点及单词 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? go on vacation去度假stay at home待在家里go to the mountains去爬山 go to the beach去海滩visit museums 参观博物馆go to summer camp去参观夏令营 quite a few相当多study for为……而学习go out出去most of the time大部分时间 taste good尝起来很好吃have a good time玩得高兴of course当然feel like给……的感觉;感受到go shopping去购物in the past在过去walk around四处走走because of因为 one bowl of…一碗……the next day第二天drink tea喝茶find out找出;查明go on继续 take photos照相something important重要的事up and down上上下下come up出来 buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.为某人买某物 taste + adj. 尝起来……look+adj. 看起来…… nothing…but+动词原形除了……之外什么都没有 seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来…… arrive in+大地点/ arrive at+小地点到达某地 decide to do sth.决定去做某事 try doing sth.尝试做某事/ try to do sth.尽力去做某事 forget doing sth.忘记做过某事/ forget to do sth.忘记做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事want to do sth.想去做某事start doing sth.开始做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做某事dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事keep doing sth.继续做某事 Why not do. sth.?为什么不做……呢? so+adj.+that+从句如此……以至于…… tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 Unit2 How often do you exercise? help with housework帮助做家务on weekends在周末how often多久一次hardly ever几乎从不once a week每周一次twice a month每月两次every day每天be free有空 go to the movies去看电影use the Internet用互联网swing dance摇摆舞play tennis打网球 stay up late熬夜;睡得很晚at least至少have dance and piano lessons上舞蹈课和钢琴课 go to bed early早点睡觉play sports进行体育活动be good for对……有好处go camping去野营not…at all一点儿也不……in one’s free time在某人的业余时间the most popular最受欢迎的 such as比如;诸如old habits die hard积习难改go to the dentist去看牙医 morn than多于;超过less than少于 help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事How about…? ......怎么样?/ ……好不好? want sb. to do sth.想让某人做某事How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句?……有多少……? 主语+find+that从句. ……发现……spend time with sb.和某人一起度过时光 It’s+ adj.+ to do sth. 做某事的……的。ask sb. about sth.向某人询问某事 by doing sth. 通过做某事What’s your favorite……?你最喜爱的……是什么? the best way to do sth.做某事的最好方式 Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 2d conversation: R: Hi, Helen. Long time no see. H: Hi,Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month. R: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? H: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. R: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? H: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? R: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. 2b passage: I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.lt was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and l tried paragliding. l felt like l was a bird.lt was so exciting.Forlunch,we had something very special——Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicious. In the afternoon,we rode bicycles to Georgetown. There are a lot of new buildings now,but many of the old buildings are still there. In weld quay, a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. l wonder what life was like here in the past.l really enjoyed walking around the town. What a difference a day makes!My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.We wanted to walk up to the top,but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people .When we got to the top ,it was raining really hard.We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold.It was terrible!And because of the bad weather,we couldn't see anything below.My father didn't bring enough money,so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.The food tasted great because I was so hungry! Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 2d conversation: A:Hi,Claire,are you free next week? B:Hmm… next week is quite full for me,Jack. A:Really?How come? B:I have dance and piano lessons. A:What kind of dance are you learning? B:Oh,swing dance.It’s fun!I have class once a week,every Monday. A:How often do you have piano lessons? B:Twice a week,on Wednesday and Friday. A:Well,how about Tuesday? B:Oh,I have to play tennis with my friends.But do you want to come? A:Sure.


江苏省靖江市新港城初级中学2014-2015学年上学期9月月考 初二语文试卷 (满分150分考试时间:150分钟) 温馨提醒:请把答案写在答题卷上。 一、积累与运用(共30分) 1.根据拼音写汉字。(4分) 司马迁注意到雇农陈涉的“ h eng h t之志”,柳宗元倾听“赋敛之毒”的控诉,“闻而愈悲”,范仲淹在写出两种不同的“览物之情”后说出了另一番话,欧阳修的“乐”寓意深长,陶渊 明的桃花源是他的社会理想,吴均在给朋友的信中描绘自然美景,流露出“j ingl tn世务者, 窥谷忘反”的愿望古人写文章,往往就是这样关注社会,关注人生,关注自然 2 ?下列标点符号使用有错误的一项是( A. B. 掌。 C. D. )(2 分) 材料愈能得心应手,匠心愈能发挥;构造的原理愈进步,艺术家愈能推陈出新。青春创业片 《中国合伙人》以“零负评”口碑引发观影热潮,不少观众看完片自发鼓 通过她的眼睛,可以折射出她内心一种永不熄灭的,快乐的,温暖的光芒。用6.3元过一 天,你行吗?联合国世界粮食计划署和中国扶贫基金会发起这个活动, 以增进人们对贫困的感受。 3. 下列句子中有语病的一项是()(2分) A .近日国务院要求各地各级教育主管部门,高度重视中小学和幼儿园校车交通安全工作,建立完善校车交 通安全监管的长效机制。 B .中央决定,将农民人均纯收入2300元作为新的国家扶贫标准,这一标准比2009年提 高了92%,更多低收入人口将纳入扶贫范围。 C. 一项最新的研究估计,地球上的物种可能多达四分之一左右。 D . 26日,北约战机越境空袭了巴基斯坦军事检查站,此举引发伊斯兰堡方面强烈不满。 4. 下列句子中加点词的解释全部正确的一项是: A. 便要还家(同“邀”) 天下独绝(妙到极处) B. 杂然而前陈.(摆放)置人所罾鱼腹中(用网捕) C. 去国怀乡(京城)余人各复延.至其家(邀请) D. 醉翁之意.不在酒(情趣)貌若甚戚者(悲伤) 880万,不过人类知道的只是其中的近 造成 )(2 分)(被 雇佣) 24名巴士兵死亡、13人受伤。 ( 尝与人佣.耕波澜不惊.(起、动) 已尽吾齿(牙齿) 则久已病矣(困苦不堪) 争高直指(向) 往往因死者相藉也(常常,经常) 吾谁与归(回家) 将兵徇蕲以东(攻取)


Unit1 how often 多久一次 exercise v.& n.锻炼skateboard v.踩滑板 hardly adv.几乎不 ever adv.曾,曾经 once adv.一次 twice adv.两次 time n.次,次数 surf v.在…冲浪 Internet n.网络 program n.节目,表演 high school 高中,完全中学result n.结果 active adj.活跃的,积极的 for prep.对于,在…方面 as for 至于,关于 about adv.几乎,大约 junk n.废弃的旧物 junk food 垃圾食品 milk n.牛奶 coffee n.咖啡 chip n.(食物等的)薄片 cola n.可乐 chocolate n.巧克力 drink v.喝,饮 health n.健康,健康状况 how many 多少 interviewer n.采访者 habit n.习惯 try v.试图,设法,努力 of course 当然 look after 照顾,照看lifestyle n.生活方式 grade n.分数,成绩 better adj.& adv.更好的(地)same adj.同样的,相同的 as prep.像…一样 different adj.不同的,有区别的difference n.不同,差异,区别unhealthy adj.不健康的maybe adv.或许,大概

although conj.虽然,即使for prep.达,计 grandpa n.外公,爷爷 a lot of 大量,许多 keep v.保持 must modal v.必须 less adj.更小的,较少的Unit2 中文 matter n.事情,问题 have v.得(病),患(病)cold n.受凉,感冒 have a cold 得了感冒stomachache n.胃痛 sore adj.疼痛的 back n.背,背部 arm n.臂,胳膊 ear n.耳朵 eye n.眼睛 foot n.脚,足 hand n.手 head n.头,头部 leg n.腿,腿部 mouth n.嘴 neck n.脖子,颈部 nose n.鼻子 stomach n.胃 tooth n.牙齿 throat n.喉咙 toothache n.牙痛 fever n.发烧,发热 rest v.休息 honey n.蜂蜜 dentist n.牙医 should modal v.应该headache n.头痛 shouldn't=should not ago adv.以前 so pron.如此,这样 illness n.疾病 advice n.劝告 thirsty adj.渴的 stress v.加压力于,使紧张


人教版 八年级英语上册教案汇编

Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?

本单元教材以Where did you go on vacation?为中心话题,围绕着描述“过去发生的事情”展开,学习和运用一般过去时态的一般疑问句Did you go/see/buy...?和特殊疑问句Where/What/How...?询问过去的事件,让学生学会谈论和分享过去发生的事件。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交流。在学习活动中,学生通过交换对过去发生的事情的描述及看法,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。Section A的主要学习内容是:复习一般过去时态和动词的规则与不规则变化,学习一般过去时态的一般疑问句:Did you...?及不定代词的用法。Section B安排了许多听、说、读、写的任务活动,教师在教学中可以灵活运用这些活动,将其中的一些活动进行变化或整合,充分调动学生参与的积极性,提高学生的听说读写能力。 第一课时Section A(1a-2d) Teaching Goals【教学目标】 Key words & phrases: anyone,anywhere,wonderful,few,most,quite a few,go on vacation Key sentences: 1.Where did you go on vacation?I went to the mountains/New York City/summer camp/the beach. 2.Did you...?Yes,I did./No,I didn't. Teaching Key Points【教学重点】 The vocabulary: New York City,Central Park,few,most,quite a few,on vacation Target language: Where did you/they/he/she go on vacation?I/They/He/She went to the mountains/New York City/summer camp/the beach. Did you...?Yes,I did./No,I didn't. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 Use the target language above to talk about past events. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 An English textbook,a tape recorder,CAI or courseware.

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