当前位置:文档之家› 初一上册英语课本



Go for it Unit 2 教案曙光中学蔡宇莉一.本单元教学内容:◆中心话题:Talk about things in the classroom.

◆让学生学会表述物品所属者的方法。◆学习指示代词this和that的陈述句、一般疑问句以及其简单回答。◆学习what,how引导特殊疑问句。◆进一步学习物主代词your、my、her、his的用法。二.本单元教学目标:知识目标:◆让学生掌握与学习、学校生活贴近的物品名称。◆让学生掌握句型:Is this/that your pencil Yes it is. It’s my pencil. No/it isn’t. It’s her/his pencil. What’s this/that in English It’s a/an… How do you spell it P-E-N. 能力目标:◆培养学生良好的听说读写的能力。◆通过情景操练,培养学生发散思维能力;◆学会写寻物启示和失物招领。情感目标:◆培养学生拾金不昧,助人为乐的品德;培养学生协作精神。三.教学重点与难点:◆询问物品属性及辨认物品所有者;◆正确使用指示代词this 与that;

◆注意区别it’s 与it is 的书写形式;◆进一步学习物主代词your、my、her、his。四.教学策略:◆采用直观教学法、情景教学,―任务型‖教学方法。◆采用游戏、唱歌、竞赛、合作等多种活动方式再现、运用。◆突出交际性、趣味性,注重启发式。◆从学生的实际生活经验出发,在用中学、在做中学。五. 课时分配:Period1: SectionA1a 1b 1c2a 2b 2c 4a 4b Period2: SectionA3 : SectionB1a 1b 2a 2b 2c Period3: SectionB3a 3b 3c Period4: SectionB4,自我检查单元总复习六. 教学步骤:Period1:SectionA1a 1b 1c2a 2b 2c 4a 4b教学目标:1.词汇:pen pencil book eraser ruler pencil case backpack pencil sharpener dictionary 2.句型:Is this/that your pencil Yes it is. It’s my pencil. No/it isn’t. It’s her/hispencil. 3. 学会辨认物品所有者。4.学会使用thank you 和excuse me ,让学生学会礼貌待人。 5. 进一步学习物主代词your、my、her、his课前准备:准备一个大盒子,收集学生的一些学习用品。Step1. Warming up Sing a song ― Is this your ruler‖Step2. Presentation 1. Tell Ss that you have many school things here today. Show pictures on CAI and teach the new wordspen pencil book eraser ruler pencilcase backpack pencil sharpener dictionary同时还可以教学生学习用品方面的其它词汇. 2.Group task :Which school things are the most important/used most让学生四人小组讨论哪些学习用品用的最多,巩固所学单词 3.Tell Ss that there are many things in the box. Ask them whose they are. T: Excuse me Sa Is this your pencil Sa: Yes it is. It’s my pencil. T: Here you are. Sa: Thank you. Teach the other sen tences: Is that your ruler No it isn’t. It’s her /his ruler.Step3.Pairwork Practice the conversations above in pairs. Then make their own conversations . Act it out.Step4. Guessing game Ask Ss to take something out of the box. Get other Ss guess whose it is.让更多学生参与语言练习,运用句型Is this/that your pencil Yes it is. It’s my pencil. No/it isn’t. It’s her/his pencil.Step5.Do listening 1. Listen and check the things that you hear. 2. Listen and complete the conversations.Step6.Find the ownerStep7.Homework Collect the names of school things .Write them on the exercise books. The more thebetter. Make a conversation like 2b.Period2: SectionA3 : SectionB1a 1b 2a 2b 2c教学目标: 1.学习有关学校生活方面用品的单词,(baseball computer gamekey ring watchID card notebook )2.学习句型:What’s this/that in English It’s a/an… How do you spell it P-E-N. 3. 让学生学会表述物品所属者的方法。4. 通过小组活动提高学生的合作能力和竞争能力。Step1.Make up the word Give each group the same letters. Let them arrange the letters into words theylearned 开展小组比赛,看哪组学生重新组成的单词最多,速度最快,给予奖励。Step2. Presentatio n 1. Show and learn school life things. Ask: What’s this/that in English It’s a/an… How do you spell it P-E-N. Is this/that your…….. Yes it is. It’s my …….. No/it isn’t. It’sher/his …… 3. PairworkStep3.Memory challenge Show the pictures on CAI quickly. See who say out the most words in ten seconds. Who is the winner(评出表现最佳的学生,给予表扬)Step4.Find friends’ things Collect some friends’ things let Ss identify the things. Use the sentences: What’s this/that in English It’s a/an… How do you spell it Myfriend is ….. This is her/his……Step5.Do listening Finish SectionB2a 2b同时可以设计几个符合学生实际的情景听力,让学生学以致用Step6.Pencil case show Group work. Introduce What’s in their pencil case Maybe they will say: Look What’s this It’s my pencil case. This is my …….. I bring itto school every day. It’s my good friend.让学生评出最实用的铅笔盒或笔带,展示给大家看Step7.Homework Write something about your backpack. Period3: SectionB3a 3b 3c教学目标: 1.让学生掌握句型:Call Allan at 495-3539. 2.让学生能够确认物主关系。 3.模仿并熟练运用目标语言写出寻物启示和失物招领。 4.培养学生拾金不昧的品德。课前准备:教室里的失物招领箱内放几件物品。Step1.Guessing game Guess what’s in the lost and found case in our

classroom.复习前两节课学过的句型Step2.Presentation T:I lost my keys this morning. Have you seen them anywhere I should write a Lost notice. Tell Ss how to write a Lost amp Found notice.Step3.Find the informationRead the bulletin board notices and find the information. Lost School ID card Found Notebook name Tony name Mary phone 685-6034 phone 235-0285Step4.Pieces game First finish 3b then give more pieces to make a Lost amp Found notice.看哪组拼得速度快表现棒Step5.Writing T: In your daily life you must have lost something or found something that doesn’tbelong to you. Have you got it back or found the owner Ask them to try to write a Lost amp Found notice.课后把每组代表的a Lost amp Foundnotice 展示在英语园地,让大家评一评谁的别具一格。Step6.Homework Write a Lost amp Found noticePeriod4: SectionB4,自我检查单元总复习教学目标: 1.复习本单元的词汇与句型以多种任务激发学生说的欲望,培养学生的言语交际能力。2.运用所学语言根据情景编短剧并表演。3.培养学生乐于助人,与人分享快乐。4.通过小组合作活动,培养学生相互帮助,集体合作的团队精神。Step1.Guessing game Ask Ss to draw a picture on the board. Let the other Ss guess what it is . 复习句型What’s this/that in English Is this/that a/an……Step2.Words competition Ask Ss to list as many word as they can. Have a match among four groups. First choose six to eight students from each group S1says: pen P-E-N S2 should say :peneraserE-R-A-S-E-R S3should say: pen eraser rulerR-U-L-E-R… the group which can add the most words is the winner.Step3.Make a play Give Ss real scenes let them make a play. Act it out in class eg.李明丢了一只黑色手表,来到学校Lost amp Found office 询问,王芳刚好拣到,上交了Lost amp Found office.,由大家评出最佳表演奖,最佳默契奖,最佳创意奖,最佳创作奖Step4.Homework Prepare for a test of unit2.(通过本单元复习让学生明确自己的学习状况,不断调整自己的学习策略,并对自己作出评价,可以在课前预习,上课发言,小组合作,书面作业等方面对自己作出评价。)Go for it Book1 Unit3 教学设计(宁波市曙光中学徐一红)一、单元教学内容分析:本单元的重点是介绍Introduction和确认人IdentifyPeople两个功能项目,运用This is… Is that…等句型进行语言训练。二、单元任务设计Go for it 教材非常灵活,可适用各层次的学生,我将Unit3 分成Section A 和Section B 进行安排,每个Section 设计的活动可根据学生基础安排在 1 个课时或2 个课时内完成。三、教学步骤ⅠSection A 1、学生事先准备家庭照片或和朋友的合照等a、老师首先介绍自己的家人和朋友This is my… These are my… b、由学生尝试介绍自己的家人由此得father. Mother. Sister 等与家庭有关问题呈现2、游戏:a guess game 收集父亲或母亲的单人照、学生小时候的照片,通过下列对话,猜出人物S: Is this xxx’s fatherT: No it isn’t.S: Is that xxx’s fatherT: Yes it is. Great3、2 人小组活动由2 人小组完成下列对话(使用已备照片)A: This is my father. His name is…B: Is that your motherA: No it isn’t. That’s my sister.4、语言拓展:教师准备一组外貌特征显著的任务照片请学生提问或表达句子:I think this is… …that is… ⅡSection B1、教师两次介绍自己的family. 如下:This is my grandfather. His name is Mr. Hu. That is my mother. Her name is … 之后呈现一个不完整的家谱图。如: A / grandmother —————————————— father B uncle C 提问:What is A What is B What is C What’s my mother’s name通过这个环节,使得学生熟悉家谱图的结构,也学习了听力2、小组活动. 2 人小组,设计一个家谱图,可以是根据实际生活,也可以是虚构的。准备就绪后,请学生介绍。3、小组竞赛. 教师出示一副焦急的母亲图片,以营造气氛。提供单词: Worried. Look for… 要求学生使用本单元的单词。句型对这副图进行对话和描述。注:四人小组分工,2 人表演对话,2 人进行记录整理。根据质量、速度和创意打分。示范对话:A: Excuse me is this your mother B: No she isn’t. A: Is this XiaoMing’s mother. B: Yes I think so. Why is she worried A:I don’t know. Let’s find XiaoMing. 4、巩固性练习。学生介绍家人的照片,并就此写成一封信,准备在课堂上交流。Unit 4 Where’ s my backpack 宁波外国语学校郑飞一、教材分析中心话题:谈论物品的位置。语言目标:要求学生熟悉物品的名称。语言结构:能用Where 问句和一般疑问句提问,并用方位介词来回答;注意名词的单复数;人称代词they 的用法。能力目标:通过对话练习,小组活动,小组竞赛等方式,学会熟练地表达,并能从口头训练转向笔头训练。

二、教学目标通过教学,学生能熟练地描述房间物品的摆设;能用英语发表个人观点;能学会与他人交流和合作。1. 认知目标掌握有关物品的新单词:table bed dresser bookcase sofa chair drawer plant bag alarm CD video video cassette hat …… 熟练运用in on under beside in front of near 等介词。熟练运用

Where 问句和一般疑问句及其回答。注意名词单复数的用法。注意代词they 的用法。2. 能力目标学会一些基本的学习策略,并运用这些策略提高运用英语的能力。培养语用能力,让学生真正做到用中感悟,把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习过程生活化。培养英语思维能力和创新意识。学会不断地发现问题,并用自己已有的知识水平和生活经历来解决实际问题。Listing: Period 1: 列举出他们认为房间里可能有的物品。Matching: Period 1: 单词和图片配对。Ordering: Period 2: 对话的重新排序。Comparing:Period 3: 找出两幅图之间的区别。Problem solving: Period 4:讨论寝室里需要什么,然后写信给校长。Rearranging : Period 4: 重新整理房间。Designing : Period 5: 设计房间并在全班展示。课时安排Period 1 : Section A 1a1c amp3a3c Period 2 : Section A 2a2b amp 4 Period 3 : Section B 1a 3c Period 4 : Section B 4 amp Self check1. Period One Sub Topic Talk about the room Language focus Talk about where the things are V ocabulary bookcase sofa chair backpack books keys baseball drawer plant in on under Structure There is / are … Where is… It’s on / in / under… Where are… They’re in /on / under… Tasks Listing课前准备:1、自己听录音,模仿跟读新单词。(我们一直强调培养学生自主学习的能力的重要性,要求他们利用一切可利用的学习资源。如:词典,录音磁带,网络等。同时,对于每一个单元的新单词要求他们在新课开始前对其发音及意义能有初步的了解。)Step One: Warming up. Talk with the students about the things in the classroom by asking ―What is it/arethese‖Step Two: New words learning. A. A group competition between boys and girls to brainstorm what things are in a bedroom/a study/a living-room The group which can list more things is the winner. B. Show the pictures of the things and learn the words: bookcase bed plant dresser drawer… C. Cover the picture to have the students g uess what it is / what they areStep Three: Section A 1bStep Four: A. Learn the new words in on under near… by helping the teacher find out the thingsshe lost. 1. T: Where is my English book S: It’s here. T: Oh it’s on the desk. 2. T : Where are my keys S : They’re under your book. 3. T : Where is my dictionary S : It’s in the backpack. B. Teacher gives the orders like ― put the books on the pencil-case./ put your pencil in thepencil-case.‖ etc and students do the actions. C. Look for things. The students hide and look for the things in groups. They can give the others some clues. For example: This is my book. It’s on the second desk. 设计依据:通过设置让学生帮老师找东西这样一个真实的场景来导入新课,能够立刻调动学生的参与性,启动学习的发生。学生之间相互猜测能使他们的兴奋点持续下去。)Step Five Pattern Drills A: Where’s the plant B: It’s on the floor.Step Six Give two students two pictures of a living room. One picture has more objects in itbut the other doesn’t. The student with Picture B tries to put the things in the right places byasking the student with Picutre A questions ―Where’s the…‖ or ― Where’re the …‖A BPeriod Two Sub Topic Talk about the room Find the difference Language focus Talk about where the things are Tell the differences between two pictures Recycled language There is /are… Where is … It’s on /in /under… Where are … They’re in /on/under… Structure Is the book / Are the books on the desk Yes… / No… / I don’t know. Tasks Listing Making a surveyStep One Warming up 1. Chat about the places of the things in the classroom. 2. Show a picture of a living room let the students guess where the things like the clock chair books plant keys may be in the living –room.Step Two: 1.Listen and number the things you hear in Section A 2a 2.Listen and find where the things are .Step Three: According to the dialogue make a similar one.Step Four: Find the differenceSection A 4 Show the students two pictures and let the students find the differences betweenthe two pictures using the patterns ―In Picture One the baseball is in under the ta.


Unit 1 My name’s Gina. Language Goals: Introduce yourself;Greet people;Ask for and give telephone number 语言目标:介绍自己;问候他人;询问和告知电话号码 1a Write English words for the things in the picture. 写出图中物品的英文名称。 _____map________ 1b Listen and number the conversations[1-3].听录音,为对话编号。 □A: What’s your name? □A: Good morning! □A: Hi. My name’s Gina. B: Alan. B: I’m Cindy. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms Brown. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you, too. A: Nice to meet you! 1c Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates.练习上面的对话,然后问候你的同学。

2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1—4]. 听对话,为图片编号。 2b Listen again. Circle the names you hear. 再听一遍录音,圈出你听到的名字。 Eric Tom Alice Bob Mike Jack Mary Ms. Miller 2c Practice the conversations in pairs. 两人一组练习下面的对话。 A: Hello! What’s your name A:What’s his name? B: My name’s… B:His name is… A: I’m…A: And what’s her name? B: Nice to meet you! B: Her nam e is… 2d Role play the conversation. 分角色表演对话 Linda: Good afternoon! My name’s Linda. Are you Helen? Helen: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda. Linda: Nice to meet you, too. What’s her name? Helen: She’s Jane. Linda: Is he Jack? Helen: No, he isn’t.His name’s Mike.


U n i t1M y n a m e’s G i n a. Language Goals: Introduce yourself;Greet people;Ask for and give telephone number 语言目标:介绍自己;问候他人;询问和告知电话号码 1a Write English words for the things in the picture. 写出图中物品的英文名称。 _____map________ 1b Listen and number the conversations[1-3].听录音,为对话编号。 □A: What’s your name □A: Good morning! □A: Hi. My name’s Gina. B: Alan. B: I’m Cindy. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms Brown. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you, too. A: Nice to meet you! 1c Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates.练习上面的对话,然后问候你的同学。 2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1—4]. 听对话,为图片编号。 2b Listen again. Circle the names you hear. 再听一遍录音,圈出你听到的名字。 Eric Tom Alice Bob Mike Jack Mary Ms. Miller 2c Practice the conversations in pairs. 两人一组练习下面的对话。 A: Hello! What’s your name A:What’s his name B: My name’s… B:His name is… A: I’m…A: And what’s her name B: Nice to meet you! B: Her name is… 2d Role play the conversation. 分角色表演对话


初一英语上册课本单词表 【导语】这篇关于初一英语上册课本单词表的文章,是特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! Unit1 mypron.我的 namen.名字 isv.是 names=nameis名字是 clockn.钟 Ipron.我的 amv.是 Im=Iam我是 niceadj.好的;令人愉快的 topart.用于与动词原形一起构成动词不定式 meetv.遇见;相逢 youpron.你;你们 whatpron.adj.什么

whats=whatis是什么yourpron.你的;你们的hellointerj.(表示问候)喂hiinterj.(表示问候)嗨hispron.他的 andconj.和;又;而且 herpron.她的 questionn.问题;难题;询问;疑问answern.回答;答复;答案lookv.看;望;看起来 firstadj.第一的 firstname名字 lastadj.最后的;上一个的lastname姓氏 boyn.男孩 girln.女孩 zeronum.零 onenum.一

twonum.二 threenum.三 fournum.四 fivenum.五 sixnum.六 sevennum.七 eightnum.八 ninenum.九 telephonen.电话numbern.数;数字telephonenumber电话号码phonen.电话phonenumber电话号码itpron.它 its=itis它是 cardn.卡;卡片 IDcard身份证 familyn.家;家庭

familyname姓氏 Unit2 thispron.adj.这;这个penciln.铅笔 penn.钢笔 bookn.书 erasern.橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦rulern.尺;直尺 casen.箱;盒;橱 pencilcase铅笔盒;文具盒backpackn.双肩背包pencilsharpener卷笔刀;铅笔刀dictionaryn.字典;词典thatpron.adj.那;那个yesadv.(表示肯定)是 noadv.(表示否定)不;不是notadv.(构成否定形式)不是isnt=isnot不是


外研社七年级上册英语 课文 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

M1U1N i c e t o m e e t y o u. Ms Li: Hello, my name is Li Fang. I'm your teacher and you're my students. I'm Chinese. I'm from Wuhan. What's your name? Linging: My name is Wang Lingling. Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Lingling. Where are you from? Linging: I'm from Beijing. I'm Chinese. Ms Li: How old are you? Linging: I'm thirteen years old. Ms Li: Good. Hello, what about you? Daming: Hello, Ms Li. My name is Daming and I'm from Beijing too. I'm twelve years old. Ms Li: Thanks. Hello, are you from America Tony: No, I'm not. I'm from England. I'm Tony Smith. Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Tony. Hi, are you English too? Betty: No, I'm not. I'm American and my name is Betty King. Linging: Tony and Betty are our friends. Ms Li: Good. Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7! M1U2 I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old. Hello, everyone. My name is Li Daming and my English name is David. I'm twelve years old and I'm from Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. This is Lingling and her English name is Lucy. She's my friend. She's from Beijing too. Hello, I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old. Good to see you. Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class. His English name is Henry. He's from Shanghai. Shanghai is a very big city. Hi, my name is Tony Smith. I'm from Cambridge. It's a small city in England. Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name. I'm thirteen years old. It's nice to meet you all. M2 U1 Is this your mum? Linging: Is this your family? Tony: Yes, it is. Linging: What a big family! Is this your sister? Tony: Yes, it is. Her name is Linda. Linging: Are these your grandparents? Tony: Yes, they are. My mum's parents are on the left, and my dad's parents are on the right. Linging: I see. Who's this?


人教版七年级上册英语课文 My name’s Daming and I’m in Class One. I’m from China and I’m Chinese. I’m from Beijing. Beij ing is a big city. Lingling’s in my class. She’s my friend. My name’s Lingling. I’m not from England and I’m not English. I’m Chinese. I’m in Class One. Da ming is my friend. We’re twelve years old. He’s from Beijing and he’s in my class. We’re good frien ds. My name’s Wang Hui and I’m Chinese. I’m from Shanghai. I’m thirteen years old. I’m in Class One with Daming and Lingling. They are my friends. Miss Li: Please welcome Betty and Tony to our school. They are from Beijing International School . This is Betty. Betty: Hello. My name’s Betty. I’m from America. I’m 13 years old and I’m a student. I can play f ootball and I can play basketball. I can speak English but I can’t speak Chinese. This is Tony. He’s my friend. Tony: Hello. My name’s Tony. I’m 11 years old. I’m from England and I can speak English. I can p lay football and table tennis, and I can ride a bike. Lingling: Can you swim? Tony: No, I can’t. And I can’t speak Chinese! My name’s Betty Rixon. I’m American. These are my parents. My father is a teacher at Beijing Inte rnational School. My mother is a secretary at Beijing International School. My name’s Li Daming. I’m Chinese. These are my parents. My mother is a doctor at the hospital. My father is a factory manager. My name’s Tony Smith and I’m English. These are my parents. My mother is an English teacher in a university in Beijing. This is my father. He’s a hotel manager. My name’s Wang Lingling. I’m Chinese These are my parents. They are factory workers. Lingling: How many people are there in your family? Tony: There are four – my mum and dad, my sister Linda, and me. I haven’t got any brothers. Lingling: Have you got any aunts or uncles? Tony: My dad’s got a brother and a sister. My mum’s got a brother, but she hasn’t got a sister. So I’ve got one aunt and two uncles. And I’ve got four grandparents. Healthy food and drink Meat and fish are healthy food. Noodles and rice are healthy food. Fruit and vegetables are health


初一英语上册课本答案 【篇一:2013年人教版七年级英语上册课本课堂接练 习题及答案】 第starter单元人教版七年级英语上册starter unit 1-3课堂接力【广角镜】文具大全p3 look at(看) my pencil box(铅笔盒). its blue.its my pencil box. whats in it? look! this is a pen.its red. this is a pencil. its orange. and this is an eraser(橡皮). its white. my pencil box is big and nice(好看的). i like it. 根据短文内容回答问题: 1.what?s this?______________________ xk b1.c om 2.what color is the eraser?________________________- 3.what?s in the pencil box?__________________________ (文具大全参考答案:1.it?s a pencil box.2. it?s white.3.a pen,a pencil and an eraser. ) 完形填空p5 hello,i dale.look at(看)this picture(画), please. in the picture? a map, a bed(床quilt, a jacket, a tv are in it. are the quilt and the jacket ? the quilt nice. it isnt . it is white. jacket isnt green. is brown. () 1l.a. are b. am c.is () 12.a. whats b. hows c. what () 13.a. the b. anc.a ()14.a.and b.or .c.of ()15.a.whatsb.what c.whos () 16. a. / b. colorsc. color ()17.a.isb.are c.am () 18. a. a quiltb. green c. green one ( ) 19.a.the b. / c.a () 20.a. jacket b.the jacketc.it (完形填空参考答案:bacab cabac) 第1单元人教版七年级英语上册uni t 1 my name’s gina. 课堂接力【语法看点】 语法探究一:常见的打招呼的问候语p13 人际交往中,最常用的语言是打招呼的问候用语。在不同的国家里,打招呼和问候的方式是不同的。中国人喜欢用“吃了吗?” “你干什


Unit 1 Welcome to +地点欢迎来到某地 Thanks=thank you That's OK=You're welcome=that's all right=not at all This is 用语介绍给对方互相认识这是某某 Be+主语+其他?某某是吗? How +be+主语?某某好吗? What is your name ? Where are you from? Be from = come from Who is she ? What class are you in ? I am in Class Six,Grade One. What grade are you in ? What color is this T-shirt? What time is it ? What is the time? Whose bike is this ? How old are you ? What's this in English ? Is this a map ? Is that a map ? Are these books? Are those books? Yes,it is . Yes,they are.

They are not in the same class,but they are good friends. Be动词:am is are Unit 2 I have a big nose.=My nose is big. Do you have a big nose ? They have round faces. Do they have round faces ? He has a wide mouth. Does he have a wide mouth ? What does he look like ? 他长什么样子? look the same 看起来一样 We don't have the same looks. give sth to sb = give sb sth 把某物给某人She is tall like you .她长得和你一样高。 Unit 3 tell sb (about) sth 告诉某人某事 No problem.没问题。Sure . Can : How can you spell it ? Can you spell it ?


初一英语上册[教材] 宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。如:I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。如:He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词) 有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间接宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给我写了一封信) 有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信) 5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如: Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市) 6、状语用来修饰动词、形容词、副词,通常由副词担任。如:He works hard .(他工作努力) 7、宾语补足语用来说明宾语怎么样或干什么,通常由形容词或动词充当。如:They usually keep their classroom clean.(他们通常让教室保持清洁) / He often helps me do my lessons.(他常常帮我做功课) / The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself.(老师要我自学法语)


七年级英语上册英语课 文原文 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

系统复习资料 Unit 1My name's Gina. Section A 1b A:[1]What's your name B:Alan. A:Hello,'m . A:Good morning!I'm Cindy. B:Hello,Cindy!I'm Dale. A:Nice to meet you! A: name's Gina. B:I'm Jenny.[2]Nice to meet you! A:Nice to meet you,too. 2c A:Hello!What's your name B:My name's... A:I'm... B:Nice to meet you! A:What's his name B:His name's... A:[3]And what's her name B:Her name's... 2d Linda:Good afternoon!My name's you Helen Helen:Yes,I to meet you,Linda. Linda:Nice to meet you,'s her name Helen:She's Jane. Linda:Is he Jack Helen:[4]No,he isn' name's Mike. Section B 1c A:[1]What's your telephone number,Li Xin B:[2]It's 281-9176. 2a A:[3]What's your first name B:Jack. A:[4]What's your last name B:S mith. 2b 1.My name is Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-4672. 2.I'm Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357- telephone number is 358-6344. 3.My name is Mary Brown.[5]My friend is in name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.

人教版初一上册英语课文 翻译

人教版七年级上册英语课文翻译 P4 My name’s Daming and I’m in Class One. I’m from China and I’m Chinese. I’m from Beijing. B eijing is a big city. Lingling’s in my class. She’s my friend. My name’s Lingling. I’m not from England and I’m not English. I’m Chinese. I’m in Class One. Daming is my friend. We’re twelve years old. He’s from Beijing and he’s in my class. We’re good friends. My name’s Wang Hui and I’m Chinese. I’m from Shanghai. I’m thirteen years old. I’m in Class One with Daming and Lingling. They are my friends. 我的名字叫大明,我在一班。我来自中国,我是中国人。我来自北京,北京是个大城市。玲玲和我同班班,她是我的朋友。 我的名字叫玲玲。我不是来自英国的,我也不是英国人。我是中国人。我在一班。大明是我的朋友。我们12岁了。他来自北京,他和我同班。我们是好朋友。 我的名字叫王辉,我是中国人。我不是来自北京,我来自上海。我13岁了。我和大明、玲玲。在一班,他们是我的朋友。 P8 Miss Li: Please welcome Betty and Tony to our school. They are from Beijing International Sc hool. This is Betty. Betty: Hello. My name’s Betty. I’m from America. I’m 13 years old and I’m a student. I can p lay football and I can play basketball. I can speak English but I can’t speak Chinese. This is Tony . He’s my friend. Tony: Hello. My name’s Tony. I’m 11 years old. I’m from England and I can speak English. I can play football and table tennis, and I can ride a bike. Lingling: Can you swim? Tony: No, I can’t. And I can’t speak Chinese! 李小姐:请欢迎贝蒂和托尼来我们学校。他们来自北京国际学校,这是贝蒂。 贝蒂:你好,我的名字叫贝蒂。我来自美国。我十三岁,是一个学生。我会踢足球,会打篮球。我会说英语,但是我不会说汉语。这是托尼,他是我的朋友 托尼:你好。我的名字叫托尼。我十一岁了。我来自英国,我会说英语,我会踢足球和打乒乓球,我会骑自行车。 玲玲:你会游泳吗?


初一英语课本(五四制)衔接三年级起点六年级上册 课时安排:共5周 40课时每周一三或二四 4课时/天 第一周 教学目标:1,让学生明确26个字母及字母的发音、书写 2,认读前三单元的句子/单词 3,能够说出所学物品及拼读单词 4,Identify colors 5, 学习字母组合ea ar ir sh ch ck的发音,并帮助学生发现发音规律。 教学内容:1) A [ei] Aa Hh Jj Kk E [i:] Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz I [ai] Ii Yy O [?u] Oo U [ju:] Uu Qq Ww [e] Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx [a:] Rr 2). 1>Good morning!Good afternoon! 2>Hello. 3>How are you I’m fine,thanks. I’m OK. 4>What’s this in English … Spell it,please. … 5> What’s thisIt’s a… What color is it It’s … 3) [i:] t ea r ea d pl ea se [a: r] c ar c ar d p ar k [з:r] b ir d g ir l sh ir t [t∫] Ch ina ch ild lun ch [∫]sh op fi sh Engli sh [k] bla ck clo ck ja ck et 第二周 教学目标:1,Introduce himself and persons;greet others;ask for and give phone numbers 2,Identify people 3,认读四、五单元单词 教学内容: 1)Role-play the conversation.(让学生自己扮演角色,并且分角色演绎) Linda:Good afternoon! My name’s Linda. Are you Helen Helen: Yes,I am. Nice to meet you,Linda. Linda:Nice to meet you,too. What’s her name Helen:She’s Jane. Linda:Is he Jack Helen:No,he isn’ name’s Mike.


人教版七年级英语上教材分析 本册教材由预备篇(三个单元)和正式篇(十二个单元)两部分组成。每个单元分 为ABC三部分,共有6页。其中包括Section A、Section B和Self Check。 一、预备篇 是针对小学没有学习英语或小学英语基础较差的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写 的。它的主要内容为26个英文字母和最基本的英语日常用语构成的。Starter Unit1;" Good n English?" . StarterUnit3; "What color is it?"这三个单morning! Starter. " Unit2; "What’s this i 元都是要求学生能掌握英文的26字母,能认读其印刷体和手写体字母的大小写等四种形式。 能看,听,说出预备篇中所列的日常交际用语,重点学会打招呼;如何确认事物;有关颜色 的等日常交际用语。字母,词汇和交际用语有机地结合起来,通过一幅幅真实的生活画面, 使得学生有效而全面地复习了预备篇前三单元的内容。并能掌握到正确的语音语调。也通过预备篇可以较好培养学生们对英语的兴趣, 二、正式篇 (一)Unit1 M y name’s Gina. 本单元通过学习询问他人姓名的基本句型:“What’s your / his / her name? My / His / ;让学生了解到有和通过查询电话号码“What’s your / her / his phone number? Her name is …” 关中西方姓名的差异性。帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异。并学会数字0~9和一些my / your / her / his等物主代词的用法。并要求学生在此基础上制作本人的ID card。 (二)Unit2 Is this your pencil? 1. 本单元围绕着“Is this your pencil?” 这一般文句展开听说读写等多种互动教学活动,其教学的核心内容是“确认物主”。在教学中多用实物文具来展示对话练习。调动学生的积极参与性。使他们能容易,能轻松愉快的掌握本单元内容。其次,本单元与第三单元衔接紧密, 由this,that 的学习过渡到these,those 的学习,由指示一个人过渡到指示多个人物,使学 生学会区分远近及单复数,为下个单元学习预备知识。 2. 学会写寻物启事和失物招领。 (三)Unit3 This is my sister. 本单元围绕介绍家庭成员开展听说读写教学活动,中心话题是介绍家人和亲属。在授课时我们可以用自己的家庭照片或者生活照来授课,真实的人物缩小英语与他们生活的距离,从而优化英语教学过程。为学生创设真实的学习情景,让学生以小组形式交流学习,并在课堂上循环训练。通过真实的情景激发学生的兴趣。通过反复操练,加深印象,再循环记忆达到最 终目标。 (四)Unit4 Where’s my backpack?


初一英语上册课本单词表 Unit1 mypron. 我的 namen. 名字 isv.是 names=nameis 名字是 clockn. 钟 Ipron. 我的 amv.是 Im=Iam 我是 niceadj. 好的 ;令人愉快的 topart. 用于与动词原形一起构成动词不定式 meetv. 遇见 ;相逢 youpron. 你;你们 whatpron.adj. 什么 whats=whatis 是什么 yourpron. 你的 ; 你们的 hellointerj.( 表示问候 )喂 hiinterj.( 表示问候 )嗨 hispron. 他的 andconj. 和 ;又;而且 herpron. 她的 questionn. 问题 ;难题 ;询问 ;疑问 answern. 回答 ;答复 ;答案 lookv.看 ;望 ;看起来 firstadj. 第一的 firstname 名字 lastadj. 最后的 ;上一个的 lastname 姓氏 boyn. 男孩 girln. 女孩 zeronum. 零 onenum. 一 twonum. 二 threenum. 三 fournum. 四 fivenum. 五 sixnum. 六 sevennum. 七 eightnum. 八 ninenum. 九 telephonen. 电话 numbern. 数 ;数字 telephonenumber电话号码 phonen. 电话 ..

phonenumber 电话号码 itpron. 它 its=itis 它是 cardn.卡; 卡片 IDcard 身份证 familyn. 家 ;家庭 familyname 姓氏 Unit2 thispron.adj. 这 ;这个 penciln. 铅笔 penn.钢笔 bookn. 书 erasern.橡皮 ;铅笔擦 ;黑板擦 rulern. 尺 ;直尺 casen.箱 ;盒 ;橱 pencilcase 铅笔盒 ;文具盒 backpackn.双肩背包 pencilsharpener 卷笔刀 ;铅笔刀 dictionaryn. 字典 ;词典 thatpron.adj. 那;那个 yesadv.(表示肯定 )是 noadv.(表示否定 )不;不是 notadv.( 构成否定形式 )不是 isnt=isnot 不是 excusev.原谅 ;宽恕 excuseme 请原谅 (客套语,用于与陌生人搭话、打断别人说话等场合) thankv. 感谢 OKinterj. 好 ;不错 inprep. 用 (表示方法,媒介,工具等) Englishn.英语 ;英文 aart. 一个 (只,把,台 ) howadv.( 指程度 )多么 ;何等 ;怎样 dov.aux.做 ;干;构成否定句、疑问句的助动词 spellv.拼写 baseballn. 棒球 watchn. 手表 computern. 电脑 ;电子计算机 gamen.游戏 computergame 电子游戏 keyn.钥匙 notebookn. 笔记本 ringn. 环 ;戒指 callv.打电话 atprep. 在 (里面或附近 );在 (点、刻 );以 inprep. 在里面 theart. 表示特指的人、物、事或群体 ..


七年级上册 第一单元 A2d Good afternoon! My name is Linda. Are you Helen Yes, I am. Nice to meet you , Linda. Nice too meet you , too. What’ her name She is Jane。 Is he Jack No, he isn’t .His name’s Mike. B2b 1.My name is Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-467 2. 2.I’m Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344. 3.My name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.

第二单元 A2d Sally: Good morning, Jane Jane: Good morning, Sally. Sally: Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate .Kate, this is my friend Jane. Kate: Nice to meet you, Jane. Jane: Nice to meet you, too. Are those your parents Kate: Yes, they are. Jane: And who’s he Sally: Hes my brother, Paul. Jane: Oh, I see. Well, have a good day! Sally/Kate: Thanks! You, too. Bye! B2b My Family Hi,I’m Jenny. Here are two nice Photos of my family. My


初一上册英语书 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

1-6 单元总结知识点 .重点句型 Starter Good morning/afternoon/evening. Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you I’m fine,/OK,thanks. Fine,thanks. What’s this in English It’s a map. It’s V. Spell it please. K-E-Y. What color is it/the key It’s blue. The key is yellow. Hello, Frank. Hello/Hi, Eric. Unit 1 My name is Gina. I.重点句型What’s your name My name is Jenny. /I’m Jenny. /Jenny. Nice to meet you. Nice t o meet you , too. What’s his name His name is Jenny. Jenny. What’s her name Her name is Linda.. Linda. What’s your first name My first name is Jack. Jack. What’s your last/family name My last/family name is Green. It’s Green. What’s your/his/her phone numb er My /His/Her phone number is 234-4567. /It’s 281-9176. II.词组 1 name’s=name is 名字是 2 I’m=I am 我是3 she’s=she is 她是he’s=he is 他是you’re =you are 你是(复数形式)they’re=they are 他(她;它)们是that’s=that is 那是isn’t=is not 不是(单数形式)he’s not =he is not=he isn’t 他不是 wh at’s=what is 什么是where’s=where is 在哪儿是Let’s=Let us 让我们 4 Nice to meet/see you 见到你很高兴 5 last name=family name=surname 姓氏 6 first name = given name 名字 7 telephone number 电话号码 =phone number 电话号码 8 ID card 身份证 9 Good morning (to sb) 早上好 10 Good afternoon 下午好 11 Good night /evening . 晚上好 12 Sit down, please. =Have a seat, please. 请坐13 That’s all right. 好;行;不用谢;没关系That’s right . 对的、正确的 All right . 好的,行,好吧 14 Not at all.=It’s a/my pleasure.=That’s OK. =You’re welcome.=That’s all right. 不用谢 Unit 2 Is this your pencil I.重点句型 Is that/this/it your backpack Yes, it is. No, it isn’t . It’s his backpack. This/That is my eraser. How do you spell it/pen P-E-N. Call Allan at 486-67895 Call 685-6098 Call Mary. Phone # 235-7865. Is that your computer game in the lost and fo und case Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. II.词组 1 pencil case 铅笔盒 2 pencil sharpener 卷笔刀 3 pen pal =pen friend 笔友 4 Thank you. =Thanks . 谢谢你 5 in English 用英语 6 computer game(s) 电子游戏 7 Lost and Found 失物招领 8 a set of 一副;一套 a set of keys 一串钥匙9 who’s=who is 谁是 11 it’s=it is 它是 12 look at 朝…看 13 ball-point pen 圆珠笔 14 call sb at 电话号码打电话给某人 15 gold ring 金戒指 16 school ID card 校卡 17 See you later.=See you soon . 再见 Unit 3 This is my sister. I. 重点句型 That/This is his sister. These/Those are my two brothers. Is she your frie nd Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Is he your brother Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo. Who’s your sister This/She is my sister. II.词组 1 Thanks for... n./doing sth 为…而感谢 2 pen friend 笔友 3 aren’t=are not 不是(复数形式) 4 Thanks for your help 为了感谢你的帮助 5 in the picture 在图中 6 look at 朝…看 7 talk about 谈论关于 8 family photo 家庭照片 9 family tree 家谱 10 what about=how about 关于…怎么样 11 draw a picture

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