当前位置:文档之家› 轮机英语复习单词


A 单词及词组 音标 注释 备注
Abrasive 有磨蚀的
Absolute 绝对的 Obsolete作废的,陈旧的
Additive 添加剂
Adjacent 邻近的
Accommodation 住舱
Actuate 开动,促使
Actuator 驱动器,执行器
Aeration 充气,曝气
Aerobic 需(好)氧的 Anaerobic厌(不需)氧的
Aftermost 最后面的,最靠近船尾的
Agitation 搅动
Aid 帮助,助手 Aid in (doing):有助于
Airborne 空运的,飞行的
Anchorage 锚地,抛锚;安装,固定
Ancillary 辅助的
Angular 有角的

Annal 一年一次的
Anneal 退火 Temper回火;harden淬火
Alkalinity 碱度,碱性 Acidic酸的
Alleyway 走廊,胡同
Alloy 合金
Alongside 停靠
alternator 交流发电机
Amend 修正,修改
Amplifier 放大器
Annex 附件,附则
Annular 环形的
Aperture 孔,洞
Apparent 外观上的,显然的
Applicable 应用的,使用的
Apron 围裙
Armature 电枢
Articulate 连接
Asphaltene 沥青
Aspirate 吸入,吸出
Assembly* 组件,组装
Assembly* 大会,集会
Assess 评价,评定
Associated 相关的,关联的 Concerning:有关的,关于…的,relevant:有关的
Assumption 假定,设想,前提
Astern 在船尾
Atomize 将。。。喷成雾状
Atomized 雾化的
Attachment 连接,固定
Attemperator 保温装置,保温器
Audit 审计,查账
Auxiliary 辅助的 Luxurious奢侈的
Axial 轴向 Radial径向
Axis 轴,轴线
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A sealing agent 密封剂
Abandon ship drills 弃船演习 六长一短
Absorbent material 吸附材料
Air lock 气塞
Ambient temperature 周围温度
Animal oil 动物油 Vegetable oil植物油
Artificial respiration 人工呼吸
Associated equipment 相关设备
At present 目前
Automatic sprinkler 自动喷淋
Average voltage 平均值电压 Peak voltage峰值电压
Axial clearance 天地间隙
B ============ ============= ============== ==========
Babbitt 巴氏合金
Ballard 系缆桩
Bareboat 空船的
Barrel 桶,套桶
Barrier 界限,障碍
Battery 蓄电池
Bedplate 机座
Bellows 波纹管,振动膜盒
Beneath 在。。。下
Bent 弯曲,弯的
Berth 停泊
Bevel 斜角,使成斜角
Biocide 杀虫剂,除草剂
Biological 生物的
Blackout 断电
Blanket 羊毛毯
Blast 一阵,一股
Blemish 污点,缺陷
Blister 气泡
Boiler 锅炉
Bollard 系船柱
Boss* 活塞销座孔
Boss* 浆,毂
Bow 船头
Bowl 分离筒
Bridge 轴承盖
Bristle 硬毛
Brittle 硬而易碎的,脆弱的
Brushgear 电刷机构
Brownish 褐色的
Bubble (气)泡
Bucket 桶
Buffer 缓冲器,储存

Bulge 凸出,飘曲
Bulkhead (船或飞机)舱壁,(车厢的)间壁
Bunk 油舱
Bunker 燃料舱
Buoy 救生圈
Burette 滴定管
Buoyancy 浮力
Buoyant 能浮的,有浮力的
Butt 端,端部
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Back flush 反向冲洗,回洗
Base circle 基圆
Be conditioned to 习惯于
Be essential for 对…至关重要
Be in a state of immediate readiness 处于随时可用状态
Be responsible for+n 对…负责
Be responsible to+v 对…负责
Be subject to 受支配于,从属于
Blind-flange 盲板
Blow-off of the relief valve 安全阀的起跳
Booster-pump 增压泵
Bottom dead center 下死点 BDC
Box up 组装
Branch pipe 支管
Bridge control system 驾驶台控制系统
Bridge gauge 桥规
Built-in 内装的,机内的,固定的
Bunk card 床头卡
Bursting cap 防爆帽
Bursting pressure 破坏性压力
Bus-bar 汇流排
Bus transfer 主送电器
By trail and error 用试凑法
BIG 液化气船 Bulk liquids and gases
BOD 生化需氧量
By means of 通过…,用…
By use of 利用 =make use of
C =============== ============= ============= ============
Cage 阀腔
Calcium 钙
Calorific 热量的,发热的
Canopy (小艇)天篷,盖;遮盖,罩盖
Capacitor 电容
Capacity 容器,容积;能力,理解力;资格,性能
Capillary 毛细管的
Cardboard 薄纸板,卡纸
Cascade 小瀑布,像瀑布般落下
Casing 箱,壳体 Casting铸件
Casserole 器皿,烧杯
Casting 铸件
Catalyst 催化剂
Catalytic 催化的
Catchplate 捕集板
Caulk(=calk) 嵌入
Caustic 有腐蚀性的
Cavitation 气穴,气蚀
Ceramic 陶器的,制陶的
Centrifugal 离心力 Centripetal:向心力
Chamber 腔,室
Chamfer 倒角
Charcoal 木炭
Charter 租船者,租家
Chloride 氯化物
Chock 侧块,楔型块
Chrome 络
Chromium 镀络
Chronic 长期的,持续长时间的
Chronological 按年代顺序排列的
Chute (斜,滑)槽
Circlip 卡簧
Clamp 夹钳,夹住
Clarifier 分杂机 Purifier分水机
Cleanse 清洗
Climatic 气候的,天气的
Clog 堵塞
Coalesence 聚合,聚结
Coalescer 聚合器,聚合元件
Collapse 断裂,凹陷
Coefficient 系数
Collar* 环,突缘
Collar* 环,颈圈
Column 架
Combustion 燃烧
Commence 开始
Commutation 换向,整流
Compartment 舱室
Competency 资格,能力
Competent 有能力的,能胜任的
Component 部件
Composite 混合的,复合的
Concentric 同中心的
Conduction 传导 Convection:对流;radiation:辐射
Conduit 管道
Configuration 结构,布置
Congeal 使液体冻结,

Congest 拥挤,密集
Conical 锥形的
Consecutive 连续的,连贯的
Constrain 约束,抑制
Consultation 协商
Contingency 偶然(意外)事故
Contrive 设计,设法
Conversant 熟悉的
Coolant 冷却剂
Copious 丰饶的,多产的,大量的
Corrugation 成皱,起皱
Counter 柜台;背道而驰的,相反的
Counteract 克服
Counterbalance 使平衡,使抵消
Crankcase 曲轴箱
Crankshaft 曲轴
Crankweb 曲柄臂
Crash 紧急的,应急的
Crossbar 横木,横杆
Crush 压碎
Crystal 水晶
Current 电流
Cushion 垫子,弹性物,缓冲物
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Cable lift 锚链轮
Cargo handling equipment 装卸货设备

Carrier ring 承磨环
Cascade control 级联控制,主从控制
Cast iron 铸铁 Fabricated steel锻钢
Center line 中心线
Chain locker 锚链舱
Chain transmission 链条传动(机构)
Change-over valve 转换阀
Closed loop 闭环 Open loop开环
Cocktailshaker 鸡尾震荡
Collision avoidance 避碰
Commutator 整流子,换向器
Commensurate with 与。。。相应
Conductivity monitor
Confine to 限制,局限于
Constant pressure system 定压系统 <相对>pulse system脉冲系统
Contact with 与。。。接触
Correspond to 与。。。一致
Corrosive action 腐蚀作用
Counterweight 平衡重
Coupling guard 联轴节保护罩
COW 原油洗舱 Crude oil washing
Crankshaft deflection 拐当差
Cross flow 横流 交叉扫气:进气直接向上去,废气下移并从气缸另一端排出
Loop flow 回流 回流扫气:进气从活塞头部经过,然后向上升至气缸头,在气体下移时废气被迫从位于进气上面的排气口排出
uniflow 直流 直流扫气:气体从气缸底部进入,废气被迫从上面排出
Critical speed 临界速度
Crosshead guide 十字头导板
Crosshead shoe 十字头滑块
Crow bar 撬杠 Crow:乌鸦
CTR 转数计读数
Cut-off lever 追随杆,反馈杆
D ============= ============ =============== ==========
Damp 湿气,潮湿的
Damper 风门
Deaerate 从(液体)中去气
Defective 有缺陷的
Deficiency 缺陷,缺乏,不足
Dehydration 脱水
Demister 除水器,除雾器
Demonstrate 证明,示范
Densimeter 密度计,比重计 Saliometer:盐液密度计;viscometer:粘度计
Deploy 散开,部署
Deposit 沉淀,淤积
Depressurize 减压
Derivative 引出的,转来的
Derrick 吊杆
Desiccant 干燥剂
Detention 滞留,扣留
Detract 降低,损伤
Detrimental 有害的,不利的
Detritus 磨屑
Diagonal 对角的

Diameter 直径
Diaphram 膜片,隔板
Dieselite 柴油助燃剂

fuser 扩压器
Digest 消化
Dilute 稀释的,淡的
Dimension 尺寸
Diminish 减少,缩小
Diode 两极真空管,半导体整流组件
Dioxide 二氧化物 Monoxide:以氧化物
Dipstick 量油计
Discipline 纪律
Discrepancy 不同,偏差
Dispense 分配,施给,配药
Displace 错位,变位
Displacement 位移,排水量
Disposable 可任意使用的,一次性的
Dissipate 驱散,(使云雾)消散
Distinct 截然不同的
Distributor 分配器
Division 分开,分配;部分,部门
Domain 知识领域,产业
Don 穿上,戴上,披上
Donkey 辅助的
Dowel 销钉 Dowel pin
Downcomer 下降管
Draught 强行通风
Dribble 滴下
Drill 钻孔
Droplet 水滴
Drum 鼓
Duct 管道
Duly 适当的
Dump 倾斜,门
Dunnage (防止货物碰撞的)衬板,衬料
Duplex 双联的,双倍的
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Dam ring 阻水环
Deck machinery 甲板设备
Delta formation 三角形接法 Star formation星形接法
Designed lub. Oil 指定品牌的滑油
Destination port 目的港
Differential relay 差动变送器
Distilled water 蒸馏水
Distribution board 分电板,分电箱
Dog clutch 牙嵌离合器
Dowel pin 定位销
Drilling Supervisor 钻井总监
Drilled passage 内部钻的管道
Dry powder 干粉
Dual purpose plus 双效添加剂
Dynamically balance 动力平衡 Statically balance:静态平衡
E ============= ============= ============= ============
Economizer 省油器,节能器
Edgewise 沿边的,边对边的
Enfore 贯彻,执行
Elastic 弹性的
Electrode 电极,焊条
Electrolysis 电解
Electromagnet 电磁铁
Elevation 高度,海拔;戳升,高超
Elliptical 椭圆形的
Emanate 散发,放射
Embrittle 使(金属)变脆
Emulsion 乳化液
Encrustation 结壳,外层,外壳
Entablature 支柱,机架
Encounter 遭遇,遇到
Endwise 在端部
Entity 实体,本质
Entrain 吸入
Equilibrium 平衡
Erratic 不移动的,不确定的
Estimate 估计,评价
Etch 蚀刻,蚀镂
Evacuate 排出,消除
Exciter 励磁机
Execution 实施,执行
Exert 施加
Exhaust 排出,耗尽;排气,废气
Explosion 爆炸 Implosion:内爆,向内爆炸
Extensive 广阔的,广泛的
External 外部的
Extinguish 熄灭,扑灭
Extraction 提取物,提出物
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e.p. agents 抗浮华剂
Escape route 逃跑路线
Exhaust open EO
Exhaust valve closure EVC
Exhaust valve open EVO
ETA 预计到港时间
ETD 预计离港时间
Explosive air 爆炸气体
Explosive limit 爆炸

F ============== ============== =============== ==========
Facility 设备
Faint 微弱的
Fatigue 疲劳,劳累
Feeler 塞尺
Fillet* 焊缝,痕迹
Fillet* 填角料,焊角
Fine 细小的,好的
Fin 鳍,鱼翅
Finned 有鳍的,有鳍状物的
Fitting 附件,配件
Flaw 裂纹,破裂
Floc 絮状物,絮状沉淀
Flotation 漂浮,(物)浮力
Fluctuate 起伏,波动,不定
Flue 烟道
Fluorescence 荧光
Fraction 部分,(数)分数
Fracture 破裂,裂缝
Frame 机架
Fray 磨损
Freeboard (船的)干舷,(自吃水线至甲板间的船舷 )
Fret 磨损
Foodstuff 食品
Forecastle 前甲板,船楼
Forge 锻造
Formulate 配制
Foul 弄脏
Funnel 烟囱
Furnace 炉子,炉膛
Fusible 易熔的
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Fabricated steel 锻钢
Face shield 面罩
Fail-safe 有故障保护的
Fall off 下降,减少,变坏
Fan belt 风机传动带
Fire drills 消防演习
Fixed centre type 固定中心式
Fixed pitch propeller 定距浆 Variable pitch propeller变距浆
Flame trap 阻焰器
Flammable gas 可燃(易燃)气体
Flared ends of copper pipes 铜管的扩口端
Flash off 闪发
Floorplate 地板,楼板,防滑铁板
Flywheel 飞轮
Fore and aft movement 前后移动
F=9/5*℃+32 华氏度与摄氏度的转换
G ============= ============= =============== ===========
Gallery 坑道
Galley (舰船)厨台
Galvanic 产生电流的,被电击的
Galvanometer 电流计
Gasification 汽化
Generous 丰富的,充分的

Girder 梁,框架
Gland 密封(压盖)
Glasspaper 玻璃砂纸
Goggle n.瞪眼,睁开大眼;pl护目镜,潜水镜
Governor 调速器 =speed regulator
Graduated 刻度的
Greyish 浅灰色的
Groove 槽,沟
Growler 短路线圈测量仪
Gudgeon 耳轴 Gudgeon pin轴销,十字头销,活塞销
Gummy 树胶质的,粘性的
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Garbage disposal 垃圾处理
Governor booster 调速器升压器
Graduated cylinder 量筒
Gravity disc 重力环
Greaseproof paper 防护油纸
Guarantee period 保修期
Gudgeon pin 轴销,十字头销,活塞销
Guide way 导板
H ============= ============ ============= ============
Harden 淬火,硬化
Haul 拖,绞
Haze 薄雾
Hazy 朦胧的,烟雾弥漫的
Header 联箱
Helm 舵
Helmsman 舵手
Helical 螺旋状的
Helicopter 直升机
Helix 螺旋,螺旋物
Hemispherical 半球形的
Hermetic 密封的,不透气的
Hexagon 六角形
Hone 磨石,磨刀石
Hopper 带支架的观察(镜,标) Sight glass

Hood 罩,盖,帽
Hook 吊钩
Hue 色彩,色调
Hull 船体
Hunting 振荡
Hydrant 消防栓 Fire hydrant
Hydraulic 液压的
Hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物
Hydroxide 氢氧化物
Hygienic 卫生的,保健的,清洁的
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Hatch cover 舱盖
Heat-resistant 耐热的
Heating coil 加热盘管
Hook up 用钩子钩住
Hunting gear 追随机构
Hydraulic test 水压试验
I ============ ============= ============= ===========
Imminent 即将发生的
Impart 给予
Impedance (物理)阻抗
Impinge* 射到
Impinge* 撞击,烧燎
Impingement 冲击,碰撞
Implement 执行,实现
Impracticable 不可行的
Impulse 刺激,冲动
Inboard 舷内的,在(向)舷内 Outboard舷外的,在(向)舷外
Incandescent 遇光发热的,白炽的
Inch 渐渐移动
Incinerate 焚烧
Incur 招致,惹起
Index 转动位置
Inductive 诱导的,归纳的;(电)感应的,电感的
Inductor 电感线圈,感应器
Inertia 惯性
Infiltration 渗透
Infrared 红外线的
Inherit 继承,遗传
Inhibitor 防锈剂,缓蚀剂
Injector 喷油器
Innocuous 无害(毒)的
Inoperative 不起作用的,不活动的
Inquisition 调查,查询
Instigate 激起
Instruction 指示;指令
Instrumentation 测量器,仪器,仪表
Integral 积分(的) Derivative微分(的);proportional:比例的
Intended 预期的,希望的
Interchangeable 可交换的,可互换的
Interdependent 相互依赖的
Interface 分界面
Interlock 连锁
Interpose* 放入,插入
Interpose* 置于。。。中间
Interpose* 提出
Intrinsically 固有的,本质的
Inventory 存货(清单),目录
Inverse 逆的,相反地 Reserse:颠倒的,相反的
Invert 翻转,倒装
Ionize 使离子化
Irreparable 无法挽救的,不能修补的
Irrespective 不顾的,不考虑的 It must be done, irrespective of cost
Isostatic 均衡的
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i.e 即,就是 =that is
If necessary 如果有必要的话
If permissible 如果允许的话
Ignition point 燃点
In accordance with 根据。。。
In case such oil is not available 如果没有这种油
In line 成行,直列
In pairs 成对的
In port 到港
In the event of An overspeed safety device is usually fitted to a generator engine for cutting power off the engine in the event of overspeed.
In the presence of 在…存在的情况下
In turn 依次,轮流
Indicator cock 示功阀
Individual unit 单体式
Injection pump 喷油泵
Inlet open IO
Inlet valve closure IVC
Inlet valve open IVO
Inner dead center

Intermediate shaft 中间轴
Intermediate port 中途港
Iron-plating 镀铁
IMCO 国际海事协调组织 International maritime consultative organization
IOPP 国际防止油污证书 International oil pollution prevention certificate
IMO 国际海事组织 International maritime organization
J =========== =========== ============ ===========
Jackbolt (液压)撑杆螺栓
Jacket 夹层,水套
Jet 射流,喷嘴
Jib 吊臂,悬臂
Joint 接合,接头
Journal* 轴颈
Journal* (航海)日志
K ============= ========== ============== ==========

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Keep pace with 与…同步
Knocking noise 敲击声
L ============ ============ ============= ===========
Labyrinth 迷宫
Lacquer 漆,用漆涂
Lag 包绕外层防护套
Lagging 滞后 Leading超前
Lap 重叠围住,包围
Lapse 推移,间隔
Layer 层
Layout 布置,设计 Configuration结构,布置
Lead 铅
Leeward 在下风方向的 Windward:在上风方向的
Lethal 致命的,死亡的
Liberate 释放
Lime 石灰
Linen 亚麻布
Liner (气缸)衬套
Lining 衬里,衬套
Linkage 连接
Lobe 分成弧段 Multi-lobe多段曲线段
Log 记录
Logger 电子自动记录器
Longitudinal 纵向的
Lounge 闲逛,懒散的混日子;休息室,吸烟室
Luff 变幅
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Lantern ring 套环
Lead wire 铅丝
Lifeboat 救生艇
Life buoy 救生圈
Life jacket 救生衣
Liferaft 救生筏
Life-saving appliance 救生设备
Light off 点火
Lignum vitae 铁梨木
Liquid-hammering 液击液击
Loop flow 回流
Loop scavenge 回流扫气 Uniflow scavenge直流扫气
Lub. Oil of different brand name 不同品牌的滑油
Lubricating stud 注油塞

M ============= ============= ============== ===========
Maladjusted 调整不当的
Malfunction 故障
Mandatory 命令的,强制性的 Mandatary:受委托的人,受托者
Manometer 压力计
Manufacture 制造
Manifold 总管
Mask 口罩 =respirator
Maximum 最大值
Megger 高阻表,绝缘测量表
Mercury 水银,汞
Mesh 啮合
Methane 甲烷,沼气
Mica 云母
Micrometer 千分尺
Milli- 千分之一 Micro-:百万分之一;nano-:十亿分之一
Mineral 矿物的
Minimum 最小值
Miscible 易混合的
Mishap 意外事故,损坏
Mist 薄雾
Molecule 分子,微粒
Mono 单声道的
Monoxide 一氧化物 Dioxide:二氧化物
Moral 道德
Mordant 媒染剂
Mounting 附件
Muster 集合,召集;清单,花名册
-------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- -------------------
Machine-turned 车削的,

Machinery space 机舱
Manhole 人孔门 Sighthole观察孔;mudhole泥渣孔
Master controller 主控制器 Salve controller副(从属)控制器
Master valve 主阀
MCR 主控制室 main control room
Mechanical efficiency 机械效率
Mechanical seal 机械密封
Melting point 熔点
Meter-pump 计量泵 =metering pump
Micrometer 千分尺
Mooring drum 绞缆筒
Motorship 内燃机船
Moving parts 运动部件
Multi-lobe 多段曲线段
Multi-throw 多拐的
Muster list 点名册
MEPC 海事环境保护协调会 Maritime environmental protection commuttee
M.E.P 平均有效压力 Mean effective pressure
MSDS Material safety data sheet
N ============ ============== ============== ==========
Nameplate 铭牌
Nap 小睡,打盹
Nautical 航海的,海上的
Nervous 神经的
Neutralize 中和
Nip 压隙
Nitrate 硝酸盐
Nozzle 喷嘴
--------------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ---------------------
Needle bearing 滚针轴承 Sleeve bearing:套筒轴承;roller bearing:滚珠轴承;sliding bearing:滑动轴承
NORM Naturally occurring radioactive material
NPSH Net positive suction head
O ============= ============== ============== ===========
Obsolete 废弃的,过时的
Obstruct 阻塞,阻碍
Occupant 居住者
Odorless 无气味的
Ogee 弯曲,S形(垫片)
Oscillating 振动,振荡,摆动
Oscilloscope 示波器
Outage (自来水,电力,燃气)断供期
Outfit 配备,提供必需的装备
Outweigh 超过,优于
Overboard 向舷外
Overcharge 装载过多
Overhaul 大修,彻底检修
Override 超越,忽略
Overshoot 超过,超越
Oxidation 氧化
-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- -------------------
Occupied area 居住区
Oil distributor ring 刮油环 Scraper ring
Oil moist detection 油雾探测器
Oil Record Book 《油类记录薄》
Oil vapour 油气
Oil-soluble 油溶性的
On board ship 在船上
On the part of 在。。。方面,就。。。而言
Operating log 运转纪录
Other than 与…不同,除了
Out of commission 不能使用,停用
Overpressure 超压
OIM Offshore installation manager
P ============= ============= =============== ===========
Pad 衬垫,加上衬垫
Paraffin 石蜡
Particulate 微粒
Pawl (防止齿轮逆转的)擎子,止动器
Pedestal 底座,支架
Penetrant 渗透剂
Perforate 穿(钻,冲)孔
Periphery 外围,周边
Persistent 持久稳固的
Petroleum 石油
Philosophy 哲学,人生观
Pier (与岸垂直的)码头 Quay:(与岸并行的)码头;wharf/jetty:码头
Pinion 齿轮,齿套;小齿轮
Pintle 枢轴
Piston 活塞 Position
Pitch 螺距
Pivot 装枢轴

Plunger 柱塞
Pocket 窝,腔
Pointer 指针
Polarity 极性
Pollution 污染 Popularity:普及,流行
Polyphase (电子)多相的
Porous 多孔的,能渗透的
Porthole 舷窗
Portion 部分
Poppet 提升
Position 位置,职位;安装,放置
Precipitate 使沉淀,沉淀物 Precipitation沉淀
Preclude 排除
Preload 预紧力
Prescribed 规定的,指定的
Pricker 探针,锥子
Promulgate 发布,公布
Prop 支撑,维持
Proportional 成比例的
Protrude 凸出
Provision 装置,措施
Prudent 谨慎的
Punch 打孔机,冲压机
Purchase 滑轮组
Purge 吹除,驱气
Purifier 分水机
Purple 紫色
Pushbottom 按钮
Pyrometer 高温计
Pyrotechnics (烟火)信号弹
--------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Passenger ship 客船
Parallel operation 并车操作
Per unit time 每单位时间
Periodic maintenance 周期维护 Regular maintenance定期维护
Person in charge 负责人
Photoeletric cell 光电元件
Play an important in (doing) 在…中起很大的作用
Point-of-use 使用点
Pollution prevention equipmet 防污染设备
Power factor 功率因数
Pre-set 预设的
Predetermined level 预先设定的水位
Preservative grease 防护油
Pressure drop 压降
Pressure-volume graph 压力-体积曲线图
Pre-stress 预紧力
Prime mover 原动机
Production superintendent 生产监督
Protective device 保护装置
PSCO PSC官员 Port state control officer
Pulsed current 脉冲电流
Pump out bilge water 把舱底水泵出
Q ============= ============== ============== ============
Quayside 码头区,码头
Quill 注油针
--------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- -------------------------
Quick-closing valve 快关阀
R ============= ============= ============== ==========
Rack 调节杆(齿条)
Rail (共用)干线通道
Ram 撞杆
Reative 反动的,电抗的
Recess 凹槽,凹座,
Reciprocal 相互的,互补的;(数)倒数
Reciprocating 往复的
Rectifier 改正者,矫正者;(电子)整流器
Recondition 修理,使复原
Reddish 发红的,红色的
Refinery 炼油厂
Refractory 耐火的,耐热的
Refrigerant 制冷剂
Register 调风门
Reliability 可靠性
Relieve 换班
Remedial 修正的,校正的
Remedy 排除(方法),补救(措施)
Render 绞上,拖
Representative 代表,代理人
Reservoir 容器
residual 剩余的,残留的
Residue 残渣,残留物
Resistor 电阻,电阻器
Resolve 恢复
Resonance 共振
Resonant 深沉的,洪亮的;共鸣的
Restricted 受限制的,狭窄的
Retain 保持,保留

Retard 阻碍,防止
Retraction 缩回,缩进
Reversible 可倒转的,可换向的 Reversal.(名)反向,变换
Revolve 旋转
Ridge 凸起
Rig 索具,装置
Rim 边缘,凸起
Rivet 铆钉
Robust 坚固的,结实的
Rocker 摇,臂杆
Rotary 旋转的
Rudder 舵叶
Rupture 破裂
---------------------- -------------------- ------------------------ -------------------
Raising steam 升汽
Read out 读数
Reception facility 接收设备
Reduction gear box 减速齿轮箱
Regardless of 不管,不顾
Relative motion 相对运动
Relief valve 安全阀,溢流阀
Reject to 丢弃,排向。。。
Required value
Reserve tank 备用舱
Reverse power protection 逆功率保护
Rubber gloves 胶手套
Run-in [机](发动机)试车;[名]争吵
Run in 跑进;顺便探访;插入;试车
S ============ ============= ============== ==========
Sag 压陷,下垂
Salinity 盐度
Salvage (在灾难)抢救,救援
Sandpaper 砂纸
Scanty 缺乏的,欠缺的
Saturated 饱和的
Sawdust 锯屑
Scavenge 扫除,吹除
Score 划痕
Scraper 刮子,刮油器
Scum 泡沫,浮渣
Scupper 甲板排水孔
Seafarer 海员,船员
Sealant 密封剂
Seam 焊缝
Seaworthy 适于航海的,经得起风浪的
Secure 固定
Sediment 沉淀物
Segment 段,块
Segregate 隔离
Seizure 抓住,咬缸
Series 串激 Shunt并激
Servomotor 伺服器,伺服马达
Sewage 下水道里的污物
Shade 色调
Shaker 振荡器,摇杆
Shim 垫片,调整片
Shoe 滑块,滑靴
Shunt 错开,调车;(电)分路,分流器
Shutter 百叶窗;相机快门
Silica 二氧化硅
Simultaneous 同时的,同时发生的
Sinter 使烧结,烧结物
Siphon 虹吸管,吸水管
Shrink 红套
Shroud 遮蔽,隐藏
Skid 刹车,制轮器
Slack 松弛的
Slant 倾斜,使倾斜
Slew 旋转
Slippage 滑移,滑动
Slipring 滑环
Sloping 倾斜的
Slopped 溅湿的,泼脏的
Slot 开口,槽
Slug 猛击,重击
Sluggish 不灵活的,迟滞
Sluice 水门,排水道,泄洪道
Smolder 闷燃,潜伏,冒烟
Smother 窒息,熄灭
Smug 凸起,突齿
Snug 温暖的,舒适的,整齐的
Soak 浸泡
Sodium 钠
Solder 低温焊,堆焊
Solenoid 螺线管
Solvent 溶剂
Spool 线轴,卷轴
Spill 溢流
Spin 自转,空转
Spindle 心轴,细长杆(轴)
Splash 飞溅
Spongy 海绵状的,多孔的
Spontaneous 自然的,自发的
Spray 喷雾,(水,油)雾
Sprinkler 洒水车,洒水装置
Squirrel 松鼠
Squirt 喷出
Stabilizer 减摇装置
Stain 玷污,污点
Stall (发动机)因动力不足而停转
Stationary 固定的

Steam 水蒸气
Steeply 险峻的
Stiff 硬的
Stir 搅动
Stock 舵柱,舵杆
Statutory 法令的,法规的
Straw 稻草,草帽
Streak 条纹,条痕
Stress 应力
Stretcher 担架员
String 细绳,袋子;连成一串,排成一行
Stringent 严格的,严厉的
Stroke 冲程,行程 Four-stroke diesel engine
Stud 双头螺栓 Bolt:螺钉;nut:螺丝帽
Stuff 乏味的
Stuffiness 不通风的,闷热
Stuffing 填料箱
Subsequent 后来的,并发的
Substantial 坚固的
Substitute 代替
Sufficient 足够的,充足的
Suffocation 窒闷,窒息
Suitable 恰当的,合适的
Sulfide 硫化物
Supercharge 增压
Surge* 喘振
Surge* 起伏,波动
Surmount 安在。。。顶上
Sustain 持续,支撑
Swash 倾斜盘
Swirler 旋流器,涡旋式喷嘴
Switchboard 配电板(盘)
Symmetrically 对称的
Symptom 症状,结伴
Synopsis 大意,概要
------------------------ --------------------- -------------------------- --------------------
Sacrificial zinc anode 牺牲锌极保护法
Sample cell 感受元件
Scavenging air box 扫气箱
Scavenging air port 扫气口
Scraper ring 刮油环
Sealing ring 密封环
Self-cleaning 自动清洗,自动排渣
Self-contained 自带的,整装的,机内的
Self-regulate 自动调节
Semi-built 半总成式的
Sensible heat 显热
Service space 公共场所
Set point 设点
Shell-and-tube condenser 壳管式冷凝器
Shore power 岸电
SMS 安全管理体系 Safety-management system
Solenoid operated three-way valve 电子控制的三位阀
Soot blower 吹灰器
Spare parts and the stores 备件和物料

Special tool provided 提供的专用工具
Speed-sensing device 速度感应装置
Split rang control 分区(级)控制
Spur gear 正齿轮
Spurling pipe 锚链管
Stainless steel 不锈钢
Steering gear 舵机
Stream ship 蒸汽机船
Sub-board 分区(区域)配电板
Surface tension 表面张力
Switch off and lock off the main switch 断电并锁定电源总闸
Synthetic rubber 合成橡胶
T =============== =============== =============== ============
Tailshaft 尾轴 Sterntube尾轴管
Tandem 一前一后的,纵列的
Tangential 无关的
Tappet 挺杆,凸子,顶头
Tarry 焦油的,煤胶质
Tedious 单调乏味的
Telegraph* 车钟
Telegraph* 电报
Telemeter 测距仪
Telltale 监视装置,起监视作用的
Tensile 张力的,拉力的
Tension 张力
Tentative 实验性的,暂定的
Terminology 术语
Thermocouple 热电偶
Thermodynamic 热力学的
Thermostat 温度调节器
Throttle* 节流,调节
Throttle* 使窒息,阻塞
Throughflow 进流量,贯穿气流
Throughput 通流量

iller 舵柄
Tin 锡
Tip 头,端,喷嘴头
Titrate 滴定
Torque 转矩,扭矩
Torsional 扭转的
Toxic (中,有)毒的
Trace 查找,寻找
Train 轮系
Transducer 转送器,发送器
Transverse 横向的
Trap 挡板,收集器
Trickle 滴,细流
Troubleshoot 检修,对…进行调停
Trumpet 喇叭
Trunk 筒形的,箱形的
Tubular 管状的
Tundish 漏斗
Turbidity 混浊
--------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ -------------------
Tap-bolt 锥体螺栓
Tapered face 锥面
Telescopic pipe 伸缩管
The designated person in charge 被指定负责的人
The engineer officer in charge of the watch
The officer in charge of the engineering watch should hand over the watch to the relieving officer
The service valve 多用阀
The speed change of the prime mover must be taken into account 原动机速度的变化必须考虑进去
The worn-out parts 磨损部件
Thermo-cracks 热裂纹
Thermal bulb 感温包
Thermal expansion 热膨胀
Three-ply 三层铆焊
Three-position,four-way valve 三位四通阀
Through-scavenge 直流扫气
To a great extent 在很大程度上
Top dead center 上死点 TDC
Top up 加满
Total dissolved solids 总盐度 TDS
Trace heating pipe 伴热管
Trial period 试航期间
Tripping device 跳闸开关(装置)
Trunk piston type 筒形活塞式
Turning gear 盘车机
TDS 总盐度 Total dissolved solids
W ============= ============= ============== ===========
Waive 放弃(权利);拖延,搁置
Warp 卷绕,绞索
Wastage 漏失,耗失
Watchkeeping 值班
Waveform 波形
Windage 风力影响,风力修正量
Winding 绕组
Windlass 锚机 Capstan barrel:绞盘卷筒;warping drum:带缆卷筒;chain drum:锚链卷筒;winch barrel:绞车卷筒
Workbench 工作台,作业台
Worm 涡杆
--------------------- --------------------- ------------------------ -----------------
Warp end 卷缆端
Waste heat recovery 废热回收 W.H.R
Waterjacket 冷却水套
Wheel house 舵楼,驾驶台
White metal 白合金
Wing pump (手摇)翼式泵
With respect to 关于
U ============ ============ ============ ===========
Ullage (商)损耗量。尤指容器内的因泄漏或蒸发而造成的
Ultimate 最后的,最终的
Ultra-voler 紫外线的
Undesirable 不需要的
Underway (船)在航行中,在进行中
Unduly 不适当的,过度的
Uneven 不均匀的
Uniflow 单向流动的
Uniformly 均匀的,一致的
Uptake (上升)烟道,管道
Untenable 防守不住的,支持不住的
Utensil 器皿,用具
---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------- -----------------
UMS 无人机舱 Unattended machinery spaces

extreme condition 在极端情况下
uniflow 直流
Uniflow scavenge 直流扫气
Uptake 烟道 Funnel uptake烟囱
V ============== ============== ================ ===========
Varnish 油漆,涂油漆
Victual 食品,食物 Victual waste:食品垃圾=food waste
Viscometer 粘度计
Viscosity 粘度
Viscous 粘性的,粘滞的
Viz 即,就是(读作namely)
Void 空的,空旷
Volatility 挥发性
Volute 涡形的,涡壳
Vomit 呕吐,喷出,吐出物
Vulnerable 脆弱的,易受伤害的
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
Valve stem 阀杆
Vee form V型
Vibration damper 减震器
V.I. improver 粘度指数改进剂
Vice-versa 反之亦然
VIT Variable injecton timing
X ============= ============ =========== ============

Y =============== ============ ============= ============

Z ========= ============ ============ =============
Zinc 锌
------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------- --------------------
Zinc anode 锌极

Arrival/berthing/departure Qingdao 抵达/停泊/离开青岛
21:10 voyage No.54 commenced/completed 21:10第54航次开始/结束
21:10 St. by engine for failing 21:10主机备车准备航行
21:10 departure from Dalian to Kobe 21:10离开大连去神户
M/E started at 21:10 21:10启动主机
Telegraph tested and ship clock checked at 21:10 21:10与驾驶台试车钟,对时
M/E blown thro. And tried on fuel at 21:10. CTR 12345 21:10主机通压缩空气,并用油试车,转数计读数12345
First movt. D.S. Ast/Ahd. at 21:10 21:10开始微速后退/前进
F.W.E. at 21:10 完车在21:10
Rest of movt. as per movt. book 其他车令见车令记录薄
Deck officer informed to reduce engine speed to 110r/m 驾驶员通知主机减速到110r/m
21:10 St. by eng. duo to bad weather/rough sea/fog/poor visibility/sailing in narrow waterway 21:10由于天气不好/海况差/有雾/能见度差/狭水道航行而待机备车
21:10 anchoring outside Ningbo(port) waiting for pilot/high-water 21:10在宁波港外下锚等待引航员/潮水
21:10 shifting from anchorage to pier/buoy No.14 21:10从锚地移泊到14号码头
21:10 stop eng. at sea for life saving/firefighting drills 21:10在海上停车进行救生/消防演习
21:10 approaching Tianjin stop UMS engineer attend in E/R 21:10到天津港停止无人机舱,轮机员在机舱值班
21:10 arriving at anchorage of Nagoya 21:10到达名古屋锚地
21:10 entering/leaving dry dock 21:10进入/离开船坞
F.O transferred to daily service tk./settling tk./sump tk 将柴油驳到日用油柜/沉淀油柜/油底壳
F.O service tk. topped up 使柴油柜装满
Ballasting/deballasting of port/stbd/No.2 tk 左舷/右舷/2号舱装压载水/排放压载水
F.O tk/Mixing columns/

Air bottle drained 排放燃油柜/集油柜/空气瓶中的残水
Pump out port No.1 ballast water overboard 将左舷第一舱的压载水排出舷外
21:10 Aux./Exh. boiler soot blown 21:10副锅炉/废气锅炉吹灰
21:10 oil mist detector zero setting checked 21:10检验油雾探测器零值设定
21:10start/cut out air conditioning 21:10启动/关掉空调
A/E on/off load at 21:10 21:10辅助发动机受载/卸载
21:10 shore power supply connected/cut off 21:10接通/断开岸电
21:10 M.E stopped accidentally 21:10主机突然停机
21:10 M.E speed automatically reduced to 112r/m 21:10主机转速自动减速到112
21:10 black out occurred with unknown reason 21:10断电,原因不明
No.1 cylinder found cracked/leaky 发现1号缸有裂纹/泄露
Exhaust temperature found too high 发现排烟温度过高
Pump found in trouble 泵发现有故障
Spark found between rotor and stator 发现转子和定子之间有火花
Cyl.liner cleaned and measured 对缸套进行了清洁和测量
Pump/motor dismantled, cleaned, checked, repaired and reassembled 对泵/马达进行了拆卸,清洁,检查,修理和装复
Ignition condition inspected and indicator cards taken 检查了燃烧情况并测取示功图
No.3 cylinder checked and piston drawn out, packing renewed 对第3号缸进行了吊缸检查,更换了填料(盘根)
The clearance between thrust pads measured 测量了推力块间隙
The armature winding in No.2 generator rewound 重绕了2号发电机电枢绕组
The exhaust valve seats skimmed up 排气阀座整新
The steam pipe rewrapped with asbestos 蒸气管已用石棉重新包扎
Put the purifier into operation from * to * 从*到*,分油机投入使用
Function of M/E safety device examined and found all in good order except** 检验了主机安全装置功能,除了**外均正常
Engine room floor, rail way (guide) cleaned, chipped and one coating painted 机舱地板,栏杆清洁,铲刮并油漆一层
M/E turbocharger water wash 主机增压器已用水洗过
150 tons of fuel oil received 收到150吨燃油
Stores from agent received 收到代理送来的物料
(something) found different from order list specification (某些物料)规格与定购单不符
Quality of (something) found inferior (某些物料)质量低劣
Weight of (something) found no more than 20kg (某些物料)重量不到20kg
Package of (something) found damaged (某些物料)包装破损
Fire pump started to flush the anchor/deck at 21:10 21:10启动消防泵,冲洗锚/甲板
Heeling pump started for ballasting from 21:10to 21:20 从21:10到21:20启动压载泵压载
Supply power to No.2 hold for cargo handing at 21:10 21:10给第2货舱供电卸货
Discharge the oily-ballast water/tank washing water to reception facilities 将含油压舱水/洗舱水排放到接收设备
Mr. Wang ,2

nd engineer separated 大管轮王先生离任
Mr. Wang promoted as 4th engineer 王先生升为三管轮
Mr. Wang ,motorman injured on his watch in the engine-room 机匠王先生在机舱值班时受伤
Mr. Wang, assistant engineer, home leave 轮助王先生休假
Mr. Wang,electrician ,sick leave 电机员王先生病休
Mr. Wang has taken his duties of assistant electrician 王先生任电助
Mr. Wang,representative of local administration inspected the IOPP and oil Record Book 地方当局代表王先生检查了油污证书集油类记录本
Mr. Wang,representative of local administration took a sample of engine-room bilge water 地方当局代表王先生取走机舱舱底水样
Mr. Wang, surveyor of classification society inspected the pollution prevention equipment onboard 船级社验船师王先生检查了船上的防污设施
Mr. Wang, officer of local administration inspected the ash residue taken from incinerator to verify the oil sludge had been burnt out 地方当局官员王先生检查了焚化炉中的灰烬,确认油泥已焚化
Mr. Wang, engineer of local shipyard discussed the occasional repair with the chief engineer. 当地船厂工程师王先生与轮机长讨论了临时修理事宜
Mr. Wang, manager of the agent discussed store supply with the chief engineer 代理行经理王先生与轮机长讨论了物料供应问题
A part of engine-room crew was invited to join reception party held by the Municipal 部分轮机人员受邀参加了地方政府举办的招待会
Oil Record Book Part 1 shall be provided to every oil tanker off 150 tons gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above, other than oil tankers, to record relevant machinery space operation. For oil tankers, Oil Record Book Part 2 shall also be provided to record relevant cargo/ballast operaions. 《油类记录薄》第1部分供每艘150gt及以上的油船和每艘400gt及以上的非油船记录有关机舱的作业。对于油船,还应备有《油类记录薄》第2部分,记录有关货油/压载的作业
When making entries in the Oil Record Book, the date, operational code and item number shall be inserted in the appropriate columns and the required particulars shall be recorded chronologically in the blank spaces 填写《油类记录薄》时,日期,作业代号和项目编号应记入相应的表格内,所要求的细节,应按年月顺序记入空栏
Through 15 ppm equipment 通过15ppm设备
需要修理的部件名称+to be+所需动词的过去分词
All cylinder liners to be cleaned and measured 全部缸套清洁并测量
All windings to be thoroughly cleaned and baked dry 全部线圈彻底清洁并烘干
Shaft to be lathed as per attached sketch 轴按附图加工
Cylinder liner to be bored as required 缸套按要求钻孔
Coupling to be skinned up in way of shaft 联轴节在轴的部位光车
Cylinder to

be hydraulically tested in presence of C/E and Surveyor 气缸须在轮机长和验船师在场时进行液压试验
Cooling system to be tested to C/E’s satisfaction 冷却系统试验至轮机长满意为止
部件名称+found+毛病+to be+所需动词的过去分词
Liner of No.3 cylinder found cracked to be renewed 3号缸套发现有裂纹需换新
Two end covers found leaky to be replaced 两个端板发现泄露需更换
部件名称+if found+毛病+to be+所需动词的过去分词
Pump for main engine if found in trouble to be remedied 主机用泵如发现毛病,则应予修理
Pump for main engine if found damaged to be renewed
Please supply us with the following stores as soon as possible 请尽早供应我们如下物料
Please supply my vessel *** with the under-mentioned engine parts and stores at your earliest convenience 请尽速供应我***船下列机器零件和物料
You are kindly requested to arrange delivery of the under-mentioned items, if possible before the 10th inst. 请供应下列各项物品,如有可能,望不迟于本月10日交货
You are kindly requested to arrange for the supply of the following stores prior to our departure at Oct.8th 请于我船10月8日开航前(安排)供应下列物料
I will be grateful if you supply my vessel with the following stores as early as possible 如能尽早供应我船如下物料我将万分感激
Thank you very much and looking forward to your answer soon
Thanking you for your help and co-operation 感谢你的协助和合作
While vessel on voyage from * to * 当船从*港到*港的航行中
While vessel passing 当船经过
While vessel was sailing on 当船正在航行中
Due to human error/maintenance operation 由于人为过错/维护操作
Due to a blackout/contaminated fuel oil 由于失电/燃油混有杂质
Due to unknown cause 由于不明的原因
Vessel collided with another vessel in the fog/restricted water 船在雾中/狭窄航道中与另外一船相撞
Vessel grounded in shallow water/dense fog 船在浅水/浓雾中搁浅
Vessel encountered bad weather causing severe damage to 恶劣天气使船严重受损以致
Vessel caught fire in engine room 船的机舱失火
Black out occurred 发生使电事故
…is disabled/out of action/seriously damaged 已失去航行能力/无法行动/严重损害
Explosion has occurred in boiler/engine crankcase 锅炉/发动机曲轴箱发生爆炸
Nothing can be done until water in engine room has been discharged overboard 在机舱里的水排出前什么事都不能做
My dear ship owner, duiring the PSC inspection, the exhaust pipe of the diesel engine for the emergency fire pump was found leaking and no operating instructions displayed in the working language at its location; the gas release alarm including the time delay for the fixed CO2 extinguishing

system for the machinery space was tested and found not to meet the requirements. This deficiency was required to be rectified immediately. 船东,港口国监督检查中发现,应急消防泵驱动柴油机排气管泄漏,且机旁缺少用工作语言写明的使用说明;机舱固定二氧化碳灭火系统气体释放报警,包括时间延时继电器在内,在PSC检查中测试不合格,要求立即整改。
As to these spare parts, the guarantee period should be at least 12 months counting from the date when we receive them. As to these stores, if you insist that I sign the receipt, I must note down the shortage in it. 有关这些备件,保修期至少12个月,从我们收到的日期算起。有关这些物料,如果你坚持要我签字,我就地在收据上注明不足的数量。
Crankshaft deflection of main engine to be measured once before and after repair, the report in three copies to be hand over to the chief engineer. 修理前后测试主机拐当差一次,报告一式三份交给轮机长
Prior to bunkering, the designated overflow tank must be identified and the filling line and all relevant valves correctly opened. 加油前明确溢流油舱,所有加油管路及相关阀件正确开启
Oily water separator, the first stage to be opened up. The internal separating disc to be cleaned, the heating coil to be taken out and hydraulic test to be carried out. The leaky place to be welded up. 打开油水分离器第一级,对内部分离盘进行清洁。取出加热盘管并进行水压试验,泄露处焊补
The Oil Record Book should be written either in chinese or in english. After being filled up, it should be kept on board ship at least three years. 《油类记录薄》应该用中文或英文填写。用完后,至少留船保留三年。
When dismantling the steering gear, we found a few parts seriously worn out to be repaired. 拆检舵机时,我们发现一些部件严重磨损需要修理
We prefer all the spare parts to be sent on board before departure 我们希望所有部件都能在开航前送上船
Take out (disengage) turning gear; survey; dead slow astern 脱开盘车机;检验;微速后退
Dock repair; marine fuel oil; ball bearing 坞修;船用燃料油;滚珠轴承
My dear ship owner, the key items of PSCO inspection relating to the machinery space are 15PPM automatic alarm, fire fighting apparatus and so on. But I am very upset that their inspction is arranged so late and non-conformities are not drawn up in time, so that we have no time to rectify them. Besides, I think the criteria for their inspection have not embodied the purpose for actual PSC inspection. 船东,PSCO涉及到机舱的检查项目,重点是15PPM自动报警器、机舱灭火设备等。但我非常遗憾PSCO的检查安排的如此晚,而且不合格项通知不及时,以致我们没有时间纠正。此外,我认为他们的检查标准没有体现出 PSC检查的

While the vessel was on route for HONGKONG, it encountered bad weather causing severe damage and completed passage at reduce revolutions. Damage can not be repaired by ourselves, please arrange an engineer form your shipyard to come on board my ship to have it repaired. Your prompt arrangement will be greatly appreciated. All expenses will be for the owner`s account. 当船舶驶往香港途中,遇到恶劣天气导致船舶严重损坏,船舶减速完成航程。我们本身无法修复机损,请安排你厂工程师来我轮修理,如蒙及时安排,不胜感激。所有费用由船东支付。
Once a fire is detected, the engine should be slowed down, fuel shut off from the affected cylinders and cylinder lubrication increased 一旦发现扫气箱着火,柴油机应立即降速,切断相应气缸的燃油并增加汽缸润滑。
The windlass.,capstan, mooring winch and hydraulic hatch cover are all in good order. If the axial clearance of piston rings is unacceptable, the ring should be measured 锚机、绞盘、绞缆机、液压舱盖板的情况良好。若活塞环天地间隙不合适,应对活塞环进行测量 。
Check that the fuel, lubricating oil and cooling water are at working level and drain any watr or sludge from all lubricating oil and fuel tanks. 查验燃油、滑油及冷却水柜均在工作水位,燃、润油柜放残。
In order to ensure good operation of the equipment, we must to maintenance work carefully in time. 为了使设备能正常运行,我们必须按时仔细地做好维修保养工作。
The main engine runs normally, but the fuel oil filter should be cleaned periodically. 主机运转正常,但燃油滤器应该定期清洗
May I have look at your pollution prevention equipments in the engine room? 能否看看你们机舱的防污染设备 ?
The clearance between the piston and cylinder is too big. 活塞与气缸的间隙太大
When will you start you’re the trail ? I think there is wrong with bearing. 你们什么时候开始试验?我认为轴承有问题。
During inspection of the machinery spaces, if the PSCO found missing valve hand wheels, evidence of chronic water and oil leaks or extensive corrosion of machinery foundations are pointers to an unsatisfactory organization of the system`s maintenance. If found a large number of temporary repairs, including pipe clips or cement box, will indicate reluctance to make permanent repairs. PSC官员在检查机械处所时,如果发现阀手轮丢失、水和油长期渗漏的迹象或机器底座的延伸管 水和油长期渗漏的迹象或机器底座的延伸管锈蚀,则说明船舶对系统的维护不能令人满意。如果发现大量的临时修理,例如管路卡环和水泥堵漏箱,则表明船舶不愿意进行永久性修理。
My vessel is still at ANTWERP undergoing repairs to the main engine. Now bedplate and crankshaft have been delivered to the vessel and two engine manufactur

er`s representatives were, as of 25/10, carrying out the engine rebuild. Once piston assembly and one liner had to be renewed. The engine would be in position to align and chok 28/10. further work is expected to taken an additional 7 days. 我轮仍在安特卫普港修理主机。新的机座和曲轴已经到船,发动机制造厂的两名代表已经于10月25日到船组装发动机。一个活塞组件和一个缸套需要换新。发动机将于10月28日在原处找正和定位,工程预计还需要7天。
No.2 and No.4 main bearing of main engine to be measured by bridge gauge. Opened and turned out for inspection, remetalled of necessary. The clearance to be measured by means of pressure lead and adjust to keep 0.29~~0.34mm. as required. Measuring records to be hand over to C/E in triplecate. 主机二号、四号主轴承应用桥规测量,打开并转出检查,如果有必要再浇白和金,间隙用压铅法测量,并按要求调整到 0。29~~0.34毫米。测量记录一式三份交轮机长。
PSCO should pay attention to the effectiveness of escape routes by ensuring that the vital doors are not maintained locked and alleyways and stairways are not obstructed. PSCO应注意脱险通道的有效性,保护重要的门不得锁闭,通道和楼梯不得堵塞。
The oil sludge is burned out in the incinerator on board, and oily bilge water is separated with the oily water separator. 油渣在船上的焚烧炉中烧掉,油污舱底水则用油水分离器分离。
One set of oil pump to be overhauled. All the pistons, bushes and ball bearings to be checked and measured. The worn out parts to be renewed with owner’s spares, then refitted in order. The whole set to be tested in normal order. 油泵一台检修。所有活塞、轴瓦和滚珠轴承检查并测量。磨损部件用船方备件换新,然后装妥。
The temperature and pressure of varied systems have been kept in normal range. all auxiliary machines are ready. 各系统的温度与压力已保持在正常范围内,所有辅机均处于备航状态。
The air compressor will be started automatically when the pressure of the air bottle falls to a set value. 空气瓶压力低于一定值时空压机会自动启动。
Please transfer the remained diesel oil from the No.1 diesel oil tank to No.2 diesel oil tank. 将1号柴油柜剩余的油驳至2号柴油柜。
Deck machinery; a large-low speed diesel engine; piston ring
Safty first; no smoking. 安全第一;严禁吸烟。
No.2,3,4,6&7 cylinder covers of main engine to be disconnected, dismantled, cooling space cleaned chemically and hydraulic pressure tested with 6 kg/cm2. the lower part of No.2&6 cylinder covers and all packing & rubber rings to be renewed with ship`s stores.
No.2,3,4,6&7 pistons with piston rod stuffing boxes to be disconnected and withdrawn, dismantled, cleaned and checked, then refitted in order

. 5 pistons to be hydraulically tested up to 6kg/cm2 after renewed all packing & rubber rings in the cooling space with ship`s spare, piston rings and grooves to be measured, piston rings arid piston bottom packing rings to be renewed with ship`s spare if necessary. 5 pistons fitted without piston rings, alignment of the cylinders and guides to be checked. 5 piston rod stuffing boxes to be overhauled and segment ring to be readjusted.
First ring groove of No.2,3,4,6&7 pistons to be built by welding, annealed and machined to standard size.
No.2,3,4,6&7 cylinder liners of main engine to be drawn out for inspection and measurement, water space of cylinder jacket and liner to be cleaned, then refitted with new packing and water space pressure tested at 6kg/cm2. the copper rings of cylinder liner found damaged to be renewed with shipyard`s stores.
No.2,3,4,6&7 cylinder covers and two sets spare covers (total in 4 sets) of main engine are cracked in way of holes of starting air valve & needle valve, to be repaired by metal-lock or welding then hydraulic tested.
1. An advantage of a helical gear pump over a simple gear pump is that the helical gear pump is capable of producing a smoother discharge flow.
2. An independent bilge suction is required for machinery space bilges.
3. The function of lubrication oil is to reduce friction between moving surfaces.
4. An internal bypass is provided on some hydraulic system suction strainers to help reduce the possibility of pump cavitation.
5. A circuit breaker differs from a fuse is that a circuit breaker trips to break the circuit.
6. The pushbottom on the handset of ship`s sound-powered telephone must be depressed to talk then released to listen.
7. AC generator and DC generator are similar in that they both generate alternation voltages.
8. Disconnect the pilot air pipe to avoid starting air to the cylinder head.
9. When the current in a powe transmission line is increased, the power loss 1.increases as the square of the current. 2.increases in direct proportion as the current.
10. Administrations should bear in mind the significance of communication and language skills in maintaining safety of life and property at sea and in preventing marine pollution.
11. One of the disadvantage of using carbon dioxide to extinguish a fire in an enclosed space is prolonged exposure to high concentration of CO2 gas causes suffocation.
12. When checking the liquid level in a tank, you should position yourself 1.on the windward side (×). 2.at a right angle to the wind direction.
13. Obviously, for a given fuel oil, its pour point is lower than its cold point.
14. In an emergency situation, for example in the event of damage to a fresh water cooler or generator, the sea water pumps can be used to supply sea water to the fresh water cooling system, merely by removing the blind-flanges.
15. Fuel oil is thought to be one of the main factors, having much to do with the operati

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