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On the Translation Strategy of Neologisms in Journalistic Eng-

lish Vocabulary


As the society and the progress of the times, the modern emergence of a large number of English vocabulary, and most of these new things and new expression first to appear in English news. Journalistic neologisms not only introduce the newly emerging things, phe-nomena and experience in a vivid way, but also enrich our daily vocabulary, enhance our ability to express.

Neologisms are especially usefuly in identifying inventions, new phenomena or old ideas which have taken on a new cultural content; they have close relationship with partic-ular political and social backgrounds; they are coined and used to arouse public attention and interest. A neologism may arise from word formation, borrowing words from other languages, or old words with new meanings.

The language in English news is interesting to understand, simple refining, strong in expression, vivid narrative, So, translation of the news must be more tempered in the wording to reflect the total apperance of journalistic English. In the light of translatology and linguistics, the paper bases on Newmark’s major contribution--- the dichotomy of communicative vs. semantic translation theory in the translation of journalistic English, the paper focuses on some translation strategies on English journalistic neologisms and its translation.

Key Words: neologism, Newmark’s translation theory, translation strategy







Introduction (1)

1. A Brief Survey of the Newmark’s Theory (3)

2. Studies of the Source of Neologisms (5)

3. Formation of English Neologisms (6)

3.1 Word Building Formation (7)

3.2 Semantic Neologism (9)

3.2.1 Borrowings (9)

3.2.2 Old Words With New Senses (10)

4. Translation Strategies of Newspaper Neologisms (11)

4.1 Equivalent Translation (11)

4.2 Back-translation (13)

4.3 Literal translation (14)

4.4 Free translation (16)

4.5 Transliteration (18)

Conclusion (21)

Notes (24)

Bibliography (25)

Acknowledgements ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。


Newspaper is considered as an effective channel for people to know the outside world. Through reading newspaper, people can be informed of the current events happening all around the world, get aquaintance with the per-formance of a new policy, and are provided with a colorful life owing to a va-riety of entertainment in the newspaper. As we know, all the novel phenomena require something new to name them, which gives rise to birth to neologisms. And then the neologisms make their way into mass media such as newspapers to be spread and popularize d among people. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s English—Chinese Dictionary, a neologism is “a new world or expression or a new meaning of a word”①

As the most active part in language,vocabulary always reflects the changing of society and life. From words we can know social development,emergence of new things and so on,which can also be clearly observed in news writing. Take for example English words like “super”, “cool”, “VIP”“environmentalist”, “quality time” and “Dink”. Many of them are short-lived and some are nonce words, which appear and spread so soon before they va-nish from our sight that we could hardly notice their existence. There are some lucky ones that can find their way into the common vocabulary. At any rate these neologisms are really capable of catching readers' eyes immediately,

often on account of their special characteristics or meanings. In addition, they will not only generate readers' interest but also contribute to the readability of a newspaper. So the news translation inevitably plays an important role in in-formation communication.

Many language workers are taking efforts in the translation of neolog-isms since the appearance of many neologisms has aroused the great interest at all levels and these neologisms are appealing timely translation. Quite a number of works related with the translation of new words have been pub-lished during the recent years. However, all of these works didn't give an overall introduction of the creation of neologism as well as its translation; neither make analysis of some consequences of the use of new words and ex-pressions in daily life. This paper, based on the abundant materials about neologism, includes a comprehensive introduction of neologism in English news vocabulary and focus on some strategies of how to translate neologisms into Chinese.

The study on English neologisms is an arduous and continuing task. It keeps in touch with the most active and unstable part of the de-velopment of a language, so the research on it is standing on the frontier of the word revolution and facing the challenges brought require-ments of inter-translation between two languages. No in by the mater what happens, new words and expressions keep rising and the translation needs to

continue. This everlasting activity provides a wide rangeof topics the study to of research and results in epoch making significance for translation theories.

1. A Brief Survey of the Newmark’s Theory

Peter Newmark, a famous theorist and professor of Polytechnic of Cen-tral London made an important contribution to the study of translation theory. His major contribution is the dichotomy of communicative vs. semantic translation in his Approaches to Translation written in 2001. "Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original. Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second lan-guage allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original"②. He made con-trastive analysis from the following aspects:

(1) Communicative translation addresses itself solely to the second read-er, Semantic translation remains within the original culture and assists the reader only in its connotations if they constitute the essential human mes-sage of the text.

(2) Communicative translation must emphasize the `force' rather than the content of the message. Semantic translation would be more informative but

less effective.

(3) A semantic translation is always inferior to its original, since it in-volves loss of meaning; Communicative translation may gain enforce and cla-rify what it loses in semantic content. The translator is trying in his own lan-guage to write a little better than the original③.

The center of communicative translation is force of information and reader; while semantic translation focuses on meaning and author. Although these two kinds of translation have obvious difference, they "may well coin-cide in particular, where the text conveys a general rather than a culturally bound message and where the matter is as important as the manner"④. And they both comply with the usually syntactic equivalents for the two languages. That is to say, a translation can be more or less semantic, or more or less communicative, but without complete division.

"Original expression, where the specific language of the speaker or writ-er is as important as the content, whether it is philosophical, religious, politi-cal, scientific, technical or literary, needs to be translated semantically"○5. Up to now, it is obviously clear that journalistic English belongs to informative text, whose proper translation should be "communicative translation" there are also many original expressions (political speech of government some im-portant figures, etc) quoted by the reporter and they need semantic translation. Therefore, both "communicative translation" and "semantic translation" are

suitable for news translation.

2. Studies of the Source of Neologisms

Neologisms have close relationship with particular political and social backgrounds; they are coined and used to arouse public attention and interest. More studies have been carried out on the source of neologisms.

Zhang Yihua⑥summarizes three major sources: the development of science and technology, the development of information technology, inherit-ance and creative power of language in its process of development. Zhao Lizhu⑦holds that economic development is one of the important sources of new words. Wu Gang⑧adds that politics provides many new words to Eng-lish. For example, "Iraqphobia"(伊恐症)is coined as a result of the Iraqi War. "-gate" from "Watergate" has become a suffix indicating "political scandal".

In the ever-developing society, science and technology is the main sup-plier of new vocabulary. Today, if you don't know anything about "blog", you are sure to have fallen behind. "Blog" is the short form of "web log". Web logs have come of age. "Blogosphere" is the realm of the "blog". "Bloggers" take on a prominent role in vetting the mainstream media.

Many neologisms, such as prime time(黄金时间), talk show(脱口秀),blockbuster(火爆),boomed with the popularization of TV and radio. Many

social problems can also come along with lots of neologism. For example: DINK (an acronym for "couples with dual income and no kids”丁克家庭).

3. Formation of English Neologisms

In the recent 20 years, English vocabulary has increased in quantity and in extent, mainly by changing word form and changing word meaning. Peter Newmark gives a definition in his works A Textbook of Translation: “Neo-logisms can be defined as newly coined lexical units or existing lexical units that acquire a new sense.”He holds the opinion that "new objects and processes are continually created in technology. New ideas and variations on feelings come from the media. Terms from the social sciences, slang, dialect coming into the mainstream of language, transferred words, make up the rest." From Newmark's definition, we are able to make two basic points about a neologism. It could be a newly created linguistic form from a linguistic point of view. Or, from a semantic point of view it could be an old form that has existed for quite a long time but a new meaning is attached to. His state-ment also makes it clear that a neologism may arise from new things and me-thods, or from fresh ideas and emotions and that a neologism can originate from science and technology, foreign languages as well.⑨

3.1 Word Building Formation

In the course of word revolution, various methods of word formation re-sult in numerous new words and then these newcomers of word stock present the prevailing and practical methods of word-building. As a good mirror to display the laws of vocabulary development, this dynamic process facilitates language workers to learn more about the up-dated trend of word revolution and induct prevailing ways of new word creation so as to direct the appropri-ate utilization of neologisms and enrich the expressions of language.

(1) Compounding

Compounding, also called composition, is characteristic of flexibility, changeability and dynamism. A compound is a lexical unit consisting of more than one stem and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a sin-gle word. “Silkworm” and “e-mail” are compounds; so are “bungle jumping” and “home page”.

(2) Affixation

Affixation is composed of prefixes and suffixes. Among the new prefixes were born over the last decades, eco- is an active one, we have been familiar with the words, such as ecosystem(生态系统),eco-catastrophe(生态灾难),etc. In recent years, eco-efficiency(生态效率)is attracting people's attention. It means maintaining the stable economic development without destroying the environment.


传播Communication 内向/自我传播Intrapersonal Communication 人际传播Interpersonal Communication 群体传播Group Communication 组织传播Organization Communication 大众传播Mass Communication 单向传播One-Sided Communication 双向传播Two-Sided Communication 互动传播Interactive Communication 媒介Media 大众传播媒介Mass Media 新媒介New Media 新闻洞News Hold 新闻价值News Value 传播者Communicator 主动传播者Active Communicator 受传者/受众/阅听大众Audience 受众兴趣Audience Interest 受众行为Audience Activity 信息Information 信号Signal 讯息Message 信息熵Entropy 冗余/冗余信息Redundancy 传播单位Communication Unit 奥斯古德模式Osgood Model 编码Encode 解码Decode 信源Source 传播的数学理论Mathematical Theory of Communication 传播渠道Communication Channel 有效传播Effective Communication 传播效果Effects 知识沟Knowledge-Gap 使用与满足模式Uses and Gratifications Model 使用与依从模式Uses and Dependencys Model 口传系统System of Oral Communication 地球村Global Village 内爆Implosion 全球化Globalization 本土化Localization 数字化Digitalization 电子空间Cyber Space 文化帝国主义Culture Imperialism 跨文化传播Intercultural Communication 守门人Gatekeeper 新闻采集者News Gatherers 新闻加工者News Processors


全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC) 主席团Presidium 常务委员会Standing Committee 办公厅General Office 秘书处Secretariat 代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee 提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 法律委员会Law Committee 财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee 外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee 内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution 2、中华人民共和国主席President of the People's Republic of China 3、中央军事委员会Central Military Commission 4、最高人民法院Supreme People's Court 5、最高人民检察院Supreme People's Procuratorate 6、国务院State Council (1)国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs 国防部Ministry of National Defence 国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission 国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission 教育部Ministry of Education 科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology 国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National De-fence


汉英新闻翻译策略 美国新闻学者约斯特认为: “新闻是已经发生或正在发生的事实的报道。”从中可以看出新闻的根本特点:新闻是对信息的报道, 新闻的时效性很强, 客观性是新闻的灵魂。 新闻一般包括标题、导语和正文三个部分。标题高度概况了整条新闻的主要内容, 被喻为“新闻的眼睛”, 是信息量最集中、最丰富的地方。新闻标题的功能包括五个方面: 把最精彩的内容揭示给读者, 用最短的文字阐明内容主旨, 以特殊方式表达报纸的倾向性, 凭借特殊强势吸引读者, 选择让人震撼的语句激励读者。导语简要交代整条新闻的人物、时间、地点、事件、原因等要素, 通常称为5W, 这些有时甚至用一句话表达。正文则体现前重后轻的做法, 先提供重要的信息, 再补充必要的背景报道, 所谓“倒金字塔”结构。 纽马克认为,采取何种翻译方法取决于三个因素:文本类型(type of text) 、读者身份(nature of thereadership) 和翻译目的(purpose of the translation) 。具体而言,译者可以打破新闻原文的形式上的束缚,在标题、词汇和句法结构上进行改写(rewriting) 。在出发语和目的语之间发生矛盾时,要优先考虑目的语的表达习惯。“好的翻译听起来不像是翻译”(奈达) ,而像译者用目的语写作的产物。交际翻译法的实质是意译、归化、适度再创造。 1.标题改写 新闻标题的功能是提炼内容、美化版面和吸引读者(郜书锴,2002) 。好的新闻标题常常具有简约、醒目、概括、风趣的特点(刘宓庆,1998 :82) 。标题翻译的好坏,直接影响着整篇新闻翻译的交际效果和读者的兴趣。纽马克认为:“Normally, as a translator, you are entitled to …change? the title of your text . ”(2001 : 156) 因此,除了极少数采用语义翻译外,译者都在标题翻译上下了很大功夫用交际翻译法处理。 标题翻译应积极地揭示新闻内容, 兼顾中英文标题的差异性和考虑读者的接受能力, 可采用以下三种策略: 其一, 如果标题含义明白、直接而且信息功能强烈, 译成目标语后读者不至于产生理解上的困难, 则可直译或基本直译, 例如: “Looking Back to Look Ahead——回首往昔展望未来”; “Olymp ics Begin in Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold——奥运会隆重开幕泳将夺首枚金牌”, 但中英文采用通栏标题或对仗式标题, 不完全一致。其二, 标题译成目标语能保留原文的重要信息和审美价值, 又不至于使读者产生理解上的困难。例如: “A V ow to Zip his Lips (夸张) ——誓要守口如瓶”; “So lar System Search from Space (头韵) ——从太空对太阳系进行探索”。“Zip”和“守口如瓶”并不对应, 但译文和原文对接受者的作用和接受者


新闻英语标题翻译:欣赏及汉译 我们在阅读英语报刊时,不仅要学会看借新闻标题,而且最好还能善于欣赏并翻 译新闻标题,惟有如此,我们才能较正确地理解英语新闻标题的词汇、语法及修辞等 特点,判断出标题的寓意。 欣赏或翻译英语新闻标题时应该兼顾三个方面:准确理解标题,领悟其妙处;适 当照顾译文特点,增强可读性;重视读者的接受能力。欣赏或翻译英语新闻标题,对 于不太熟悉英语国家历史、文化背景的读者来说,有时并不是很容易的。许多妙不可 言的精彩之处,一疏忽就可能从眼皮底下滑过去。因此,这就要求我们平时注意积累,不断熟悉英语国家的历史掌故、文艺作品以及英语的修辞手段等等。一旦真的领会并 译出了英语标题中作者苦心营造的深奥内涵,那份喜悦不亚于数学家攻克一道难题。 一、直译或基本直译 如果英语标题的含义明白、直接,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,则可直译或基本直译。如: Looking Back To Look Ahead. 回首往昔展望未来。 America's Careening Foreign Policy. 摇摆不定的美国对外政策。 Bill Clinton Assumes Office In White House As Us President. 比尔,克林顿入主白宫,就任美国总统。(或译:克林顿入主白宫,新总统始掌 大权。) Olympics Begin In Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold. 奥运会隆重开幕泳将夺首枚金牌。

二、添加注释性词语 即使是明白易懂的新闻标题,我们在汉译时也常需酌情加上逻辑主语,或新闻人物的国籍、消息的事发地点等等。总之,应兼顾中英语新闻标题之异同,适当增补有关介绍性、注释性词语以利读者理解,避免产生误会。例如: Li Elected Cppcc Head. 李(瑞环)当选为全国政协主席。 Lewis, Xie Voted World's Top Two. 路(易斯)谢(军)当选世界最佳男女(运动员)。 Emperor's Visit A Milestone In Bilateral Ties. 天皇访华:(中日)双边关系的里程碑。 Quake Death Toll Tops 5000. (日本限神地区)地震死亡人数己逾五千。 Young Wheelers, Big Dealers. 青年摩托车手成了(保险公司)大主顾。 三、体现原文修辞特点 如果英语标题寓意于某种修辞手段,如双关、比喻、押韵等,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,则应尽可能体现原标题的修辞特色。如: 押韵:After The Boom Everything Is Gloom.


在国际新闻报道中,英语新闻翻译占了相当大的比重。在英语新闻中,“标题被视作报道全文的缩写”,为了尽量吸引读者,编辑往往运用各种修辞手段,力争使新闻标题更具吸引力。这为英语新闻翻译带来挑战。翻译者需调动各种翻译手段,力争把原标题的意义和风格以汉语形式再现出来。为此,翻译时应兼顾三个方面:准确理解标题意义,尤其是要透过字面理解其深层意义;在不曲解原意的情况下发挥汉语特点,以增强译文可读性;在文化背景缺失的情况下,注意译文的可接受性。 一、直译或基本直译新闻标题 直译和意译孰是孰非在我国译界争论不休,迄今未有定论。笔者以为,两种译法各有长短,翻译中需视实际情况而定,扬长避短。但无论直译还是意译,都应把忠实于原文内容放在首位。就英语新闻标题翻译而言,笔者以为,如果英语标题的含义明白,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,可考虑采用直译或基本直译。比如: Putin faces harsh press criticism over terror 普京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评 Olympics Begin in Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold 奥运盛妆开幕泳将喜夺首金 UK soldest person dies at 115 英国第一寿星谢世,享天年百岁又十五 以上三则新闻标题属于直译或基本直译,没有洋腔洋调,显得很自然流畅。又如:Ugly Duckling N-Shipat Last GetsHappy Home 丑小鸭核动力船终于找到安乐窝 这则新闻讲述的是某国一艘核动力船,因许多国家担心核污染而拒绝让其靠岸,所以只得在海上到处漂泊,历经周折之后最终被获准在一港口停泊。原标题中以调侃的语气将这艘核动力船比喻成安徒生笔下的“an ugly duckling”(丑小鸭),这也是广大中国读者早已熟悉的典故,故译文采用了“拿来主义”的直译手法,读者一看也就明白怎么回事了。 二、翻译中添加注释性词语 英语报刊的新闻标题往往迎合本国读者的阅读需要,而且由于思维习惯与中国人不同,英语新闻标题的表达方式也与中文有所不同。因此,翻译过程中必须充分考虑到“内外有别”的原则和我国读者的阅读心理,对国人可能不太熟悉的有关信息、文化背景知识以及不符合国内读者阅读习惯的表达方式进行必要的变通,该删则删,该增则增。正如刘宓庆先生在《文体与翻译》中说的:“即使是明白、易懂的新闻标题,我们在汉译时也常需加上逻辑主语,或电讯中有关的人的国籍、事件发生的地点等等,总之必须增补介绍性、注释性词语以利中国读者的理解,避免读者产生误会。”例如: For Beslans children, alegacy of nightmares (俄罗斯:)劫后相逢,别城孩童仍似恶梦中


最新时政新闻(两会)英汉词汇翻译 1.新思想 new thought 2.新常态 new normal 3.新增长目标 new growth target 4.新反腐模式 New anti-corruption model 5.民生 people's livelihood 6.扶贫 poverty alleviation 7.国防 national defense 8.改革开放40周年 40 years of reform and opening up 9.中国梦 the Chinese Dream 10.人类命运共同体 a community with shared future for humanity 11.五位一体economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress 12.四个全面 the four-pronged comprehensive strategy 13.一带一路 the Belt and Road Initiative 14.文化自信 cultural confidence 15.获得感 sense of benefit 16.成就感 sense of achievement 17.城市群 city cluster 18.低碳城市 low-carbon cities 19.智能制造 intelligent manufacturing 20.中国制造2025 Made in China 2025 21.工匠精神 craftsmanship spirit 22.中国天眼:500米口 径球面射电望远镜 (FAST) China's Eye of Heaven: The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) 23.国产航母 domestically built aircraft carrier 24.国产客机 homemade passenger jet 25.数字家庭 digital homes 26.数字经济 digital economy 27.人工智能 artificial intelligence 28.第五代移动通信 5G mobile communications 29.自媒体 We-Media 30.自贸试验区 pilot free trade zones 31.医疗改革 medical reform 32.国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 33.居民消费价格 Consumer Price Index (CPI) 34.税收减免 tax reduction and exemption 35.去产能 reducing excess capacity


英语新闻系列讲座词汇特色(1) 现代社会发展迅猛,其结果之一便是新词语不断涌现。新中国成立以来,尤其是改革开放以来,现代汉语中出现了大量的新词汇,包括旧词新义、流行语、外来新词语等;甚至不少己湮没多年的旧词语也频频亮相,给人们,尤其是年轻一代,以耳目一新之感。在改革开放的今天,由于词典等工具书的编纂周期难以赶上现实生活中新词语的产生速度,广大英语学习者面临的一大难题就是,如何把这些新词语译成地道的英语。而英语报刊正好起到了为一般双语词典“拾遗补缺”的作用,如“双休日”、“拳头产品”、“人才流动”、“外向型经济”、“三资企业”、“扫黄运动”、“不正之风”、“小康水平”、“退居二线”、“有偿新闻”,“与国际接轨”等词语的英译,首先都是见诸英语报端的。现列举几则摘自英语报刊含有这类新词语英语表达的实例,以资佐证: 1)Taking advantage of the two-day dayoffs,he basked in the spring sunshine with his family. (他和家人一起沐浴在春天的阳光之下,享受双休日所带来的乐趣。) 2)The central government called on every region to develop its own export-oriented hit products according to its local advantages and characteristic. (中央政府号召各地利用本地优势和特点开发当地的出口型拳头产品。) 3)In order to fully tap the human resources,the rational flow of trained personnel should not only be allowed but also be encouraged. (为了充分发掘人才潜力,不仅应该允许人才合理流动,而且还要鼓励人才流动。) 4)To further develop the export一oriented economy,Shanghai is to make a number of preferential policies soon to encourage business people both at home and abroad to set up more enterprises in the the three forms of ventures,i.e. enterprises for Sino-foreign joint venture,for Sino-foreign co-production and enterprises with sole foreign capital. (为了进一步发展外向型经济,上海最近将出台一系列优惠政策,以鼓励国内外经营者创建更多的三资企业,即中外合资企业、中外合作企业和外商独资企业。) 5)The disappearance of such materials as pornographic(色情画,色性描写)and obscene(淫秽的)books,periodicals and tapes is proof that China''s campaign against porns is making progress. (黄色书刊及音响制品现己难觅踪迹,这证明了中国的扫黄运动正在取得进展。) 6)Some austere measures should be taken to check the unhealthy tendencies which,according to the press exposures ,were rampant in some localities. (从新闻媒介所暴露的情况来看,不正之风在一些地区已非常严重,必须采取严格措施刹住这股歪风。) 7)The next ojective for the Chinese people to strive for is to reach the well-to-do level.(中国人民的下一个奋斗目标是在本世纪末达到小康水平。) 8)He works enthusiastically as ever even though he has retired from the leading post. (尽管己退居二线,他的工作热情丝毫不减。) 9)Journalists should firmly object to the payoffs-aimed journalism which deviates from press ethics. (新闻记者应坚决反对有偿新闻,因为它违背了新闻记者的职业道德。) 10)Many large companies in Shanghai have geared(使齿轮连接,使适应)themselves to the international conventions and set up aftersales services accepting repairs and


新闻英语标题翻译:语态 英语新闻标题中的动词表示被动语态时,被动语态结构“be+过去分词”形式中的助动词“be”,通常被省略,也经常不用“by”来引出动作的执行者,剩下的过去分词在标题里就可直接表示被动意义,读者切忌将之误解为该动词的过去式。如: Girl Of 18 Raped After Threat With Bread Knife. (A Girl Of 18 Raped After Threat With A Bread Knife.) 餐刀威逼下,18岁少女遭强暴。 Van Goghs Recovered After Theft. (Van Goghs Are Recovered After The Theft.) 梵高名画窃而复得。 Father Jailed For Murder Of Daughter. (Father Is Jailed For The Murder Of His Daughter.) 谋杀亲生女儿父亲锒铛入狱。 其实,读者在广泛接触英语报刊时会发现,新闻标题使用动词主动语态的频率远远超过被动语态。因为从修辞学角度而言,主动语态比被动语态更加生动多彩且富有感染力,所表达的意义更为直接,或更具有说服力,使读者感到真实可信,读来朗朗上口,流利自然。英语新闻标题只有在事件或动作的接受者比执行者更重要时才使用被动语态,突出强调宾语部分,以引起读者注意。这是因为读者读报时的心理状态同看书或查阅资料时的情况不尽相同。人们往往是在就餐时或上班途中、候车、饭后用茶等较空闲时看报的,阅读时思想往往不是完全集中的。只有当他们看到一条特别能引起他们兴趣的标题时,才会把注意力全部集中起来,全神贯注的看下去。因此,英语新闻标题有时为突出动作的承受者通常采用被动语态,目的在于抓住读者的注意力。


新闻英语的词汇特征及中文翻译 摘要:新闻已经成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。新闻英语从某种程度上可以说是现代英语的重要组成部分,其语言变化日新月异,新的词汇层出不穷。新闻英语频繁使用新词,包括新事生新词、派生新词汇、旧词衍生新义;广泛使用借用词,如借用外来词,俗语和俚语,地名,人、物名称等;多使用首字母缩略词。英语新闻词汇具有简洁性、可读性以厦新词的广泛运用等特点。新闻英语的这些词汇特点,了解和掌握这些特点,才能提供正确的中文翻译。 关键词:新闻英语词汇特征英译汉 引言 当今世界日新月异,作为世界性语言的英语每天都有大量新词语问世。事实上,现代英语的涵盖范畴正在成百上千倍地被拓展,而英语世界里能够详尽记录这一变迁世界的最佳手段,已经非英语新闻媒体莫属。新闻英语集现代英语之大成,各学科的专业术语,不同领域的行话,民众的饭后闲聊等,新闻英语几乎无所不在。新闻英语作为一种重要跨文化的传播媒介,在语体上有着自己独特的写作风格,从语言上看,也有着自己行业英语明显的特征。在词汇方面,新闻英语有别于其他的写作形式。中国读者一般熟悉从英语教材上学到的比较规范的文字,而对新闻报刊上的新闻体词汇可能较为陌生,这就增加了中国英语习得者阅读和翻译英语新闻报刊的难度。了解和掌握一些新闻英语词汇的特点,才能提供正确的中文翻译。 新闻英语的词汇特点及其翻译 第一,新词的频繁使用。 旧词衍生新义。旧词获得新义也就是一个词获得了新的词义范畴,使原来的表达形式分化来了一个新的词位。新闻英语中,旧词添新义的现象屡见不鲜,随着这些词语的广泛运用,它们也逐步渗入日常生活用语中。例如,海啸(tsunami)本来是指一种灾难性的海浪,通常由震源在海底下50千米以内、里氏震级6.5以上的海底地震引起。水下或沿岸山崩或火山爆发也可能引起海啸。但人们现在借用金融海啸(6nancial tsunami)来形容经济危机。又如,常用的动词(break)有了新词义霹雳舞。再如,在计算机术语中mouse(老鼠)成了鼠标;menu 原指菜馆的菜单,现在为电脑的菜单。还有其他的例子,如:hacker(黑客)原指热衷于深入了解计算机网络内部工作原理的那些程序设计人员,现在常被用于贬义的场合,指那些利用其掌握的技术侵入非公开机构如金融等部门网络进行破坏的人;cool原指凉爽的,现在用来形容比较时尚、新潮甚至另类的年轻人。 上述这三类新词,虽然有时与原义风马牛不相及,但在新闻英语中却层出不穷,大大丰富了新闻英语的词汇。翻译时应有足够的敏感度,以免引起误解和误译。 第二,借用词的大量使用。 借用外来词。在报道第一手新鲜资料时,最先使用外来词汇主要是为了引起读者的兴趣与注意。一方面,外来词表现外国新出现的事物;另一方面,外来词使新闻的时新性更强。随着时间的推移,外来词会渐渐英语化,继而被人们所接受。如blitz原本是德语词,意思是闪电和打雷,后来在英语中指闪电战。又如kungfu一词源于中文,表示功夫、武功,现在在英语中指武术或那些打斗的动作片。外来语的使用填补了英语词汇的不足,翻译时应仔细品味,准确把握其表层意思与深层含义,用相应的汉语进行释译。有时要采用灵活的方法进行翻译,如对于源于日语的英语新词karaoke,在汉译时可以采用特殊的方法,翻译成卡拉


【新闻一】 欧洲杯期间谨防足球流氓 原文 British football supporters have a particularly bad reputation so much so nine crimes that only applied to the sport have been enforced. Elsa Ali finds find out why fans are given the red card. Scenes like these are not uncommon during football matches. Despite British football fans and hooliganism being considered synonymous abroad, fans here say that the troublemakers are few and because of them, that fans are all being treated like criminals. The sort of numbers that we're dealing with here 38 million people were attending football matches last season,and there were eighteen hundred and seventy arrests that sort of all that's a tiny tiny number. So most football matches are trouble-free,arrest free. There's a few bad apples they need to be targeted, but the behavior of fans is good. There are nine football-only crimes which wouldn't be considered a criminal offence if committed anywhere outside of a football stadium. They include encroaching on the pitch,drinking in view of the pitch or even reselling or giving away a ticket. And if those weren't enough, fans are also subjected to special powers. Football banning orders can impose restrictions such as not going within three miles of a football stadium on match days. Requirements to report to the police station at designated times or even surrendering your passport when your club or country are playing abroad. But The Home Office told us evidence shows the legislation has proved effective. Levels of football disorder have been significantly reduced since the introduction of football banning orders in 2000. But the policing is always proportional. Some fans feel like they're being unfairly targeted by government legislation forced by police forces up and down the country. We're here in Millwall whose supporters say they're routinely harassed by the authorities week in week out. Sometimes it starts before the trouble starts you know. They're trying to keep people in check sometimes it can cause more alceration. I have a lot of respect for the police. Because they have a lot of tough job to do in these day. It's not their fault. Sometimes they're told what to do by other people. At the end of the day, people are just trying to watch a football game. And I think we gave more than most things. Indeed several of the Millwall fans that we spoke to concede that they have a bad reputation. It was their supporters we saw at the beginning of the piece fighting with Barnsley fans during the recent League One play-off final at Wembley. But what if the police start arresting people for slightly less a crimes. As we were celebrating, I got pulled out a crowd and you know I was arrested for common assault. Many football fans might have a problem sinking their teeth into laws being used for seemingly


英语新闻翻译 题目:C东北亚国际动漫作品比赛开幕ACG WORKS COMPETITION 【导语】昨天,2010中国长春东北亚国际动漫教育与产业发展研讨会暨国际动漫作品比赛开幕。 The 2010 China Changchun Northeast Asia International ACG Education and Industry Development Seminar, as well as the ACG works competition kicked off yesterday. 【正文】共有来自国内及英国、美国、韩国、日本、澳大利亚等十多个国家和地 区的60多个大专院校的4000多件作品参加角逐。12日至14日,来自国内及英 国、葡萄牙等十多个国家的30多位著名动漫专家学者和企业精英,将进行15 场演讲以及6场校园行系列学术讲座。 开幕式上,吉林艺术学院分别与东北亚文化创意科技园签订了全面合作 框架协议,与长春电视台签订了共建《发现长春》栏目协议,与韩国FiNE动漫 有限公司签订动漫教育与产业合作协议。 接下来的几天里,中外动漫专家将结合国内外动漫现状就动漫教育与动 漫发展展开研讨,并将对入围的动画和漫画作品进行评奖。 Over 4000 ACG works will enter in the rivalry. They are from more than 60 colleges or universities at home and from over 10 foreign countries and regions, including Britain, America, South Korea, Japan and Australia. ththIn addition, from 12 to 14, 15 speeches and 6


随着全球化的发展,中国与世界在政治、经济、文化等各方面的交流日益增多,越来越多的人去关注国际信息。新闻媒体的发展给予我们渠道去关注国际新闻,而英语新闻报道的翻译让我们能更好地掌握国际信息。新闻标题是新闻的重要部分,做好新闻标题的翻译就极为重要。本文介绍了英语新闻标题的一些基本信息,如新闻标题的定义、功能等。同时结合实例,详细分析英语新闻标题在词汇、语法及修辞手法等层面的特点。最后根据英语新闻标题在不同层面的特点提出一些英语新闻标题翻译的原则以及在实际翻译过程中的翻译技巧及方法。 1.中英文新闻标题的总论 在信息化时代,新闻是人们生活不可缺少的一部分,新闻标题是新闻内容的高度浓缩,也是吸引读者视线的关键所在,在国际报道中,新闻占了相当大的鼻中隔,而英语新闻更是重中之重,标题被当做英语新闻报道全文的精炼概括,为了吸引读者关注,往往采用各种手法来提升新闻标题的吸引力。同时给新闻标题的翻译带来不少挑战。 1.1标题的定义 新闻标题是新闻的眼睛, 也是新闻的重要组成部分。新闻标题是新闻文本对新闻内容加以概括或评价的简短文字。其字号大于正文,作用是划分、组织、揭示、评价新闻内容、吸引读者阅读。按不同的分类标准可以分不同的种类 1.2.中英文标题对比 1.2.1.共同之处 a).它们都是新闻的重要组成部分,是对全部新闻内容的浓缩和提炼,使读者能在短时间内选择新闻,阅读新闻和理解新闻。 b).新闻报道讲究客观公正,但是新闻标题具有明显的政治倾向,媒体编辑往往利用制作标题的机会借题发挥,在概括或浓缩新闻内容的同时,巧妙的融入自己的政治倾向,借以体现媒体的政治方针,宣传自己的政治主张,便于引导舆论。 c).中英文标题在写作方面,都十分的精炼,含义深邃。 1.2.2.差异之处 a).英语新闻相对较长,占字空间较大,所以标题必须十分简单。但中文相对含义比较丰富。


英语新闻用词特征及翻译方法 目录 一、借代词…………………………………………………………… 二、引申词…………………………………………………………… 三、复合词…………………………………………………………… 四、外来词…………………………………………………………… 五、小词语缩略词…………………………………………………… 六、临时造词……………………………………………………… 七、总结……………………………………………………………

摘要:新闻英语的问题与其他形式的新闻问题相同,拥有许多属于自己的独特语言。在理解其用词特点的基础上面,代词、复合词、外来词等应用方式,也是新闻英语用词方面的关键。本文结合个人对英语新闻多年的调查了解,结合所学专业知识,从英语新闻报道展开分析,探讨英语新闻当中的用词特点,希望能够通过这样的方式可以有效的提高新闻英语的翻译水平,促进新闻英语文化交流,提高其传播效率。 关键词:英语新闻;用词;特征 英语新闻报道的内容涵盖面非常广,像时事政治报道、体育述评、广告、特写等,不同的类别要采用的方法不同,新闻英语有其与众不同的文体特征,英语新闻报道的翻译,除了要掌握一定技巧的翻译外,还要掌握用词的特点,还要了解在英语新闻的编辑过程当中的用词特征。新闻问题的最主要特征是信息的传递,而任何一种信息载体的传递方式都依托于词语来作为铺垫。由于新闻英语的翻译在当今时代的主要功能是将信息再传递的过程,所以应该要把握好词语的语义,这也成为了新闻翻译的要点。课件,理解词义是翻译的基础。而新闻英语的用词特点主要表现在以下几个方面:借代词、外来词、引申词、复合词等,这也是新闻英语的理解以及在进行英译汉的过程当中不可或缺的组成部分。


美式论文、报告写作技巧 编者按:美式教育的特点即是课程内容强调学生参与及创新运用,因此,报告便成了常见的考核学生学习成果的方式,比如实验报告、学期报告、专题报告、研究报告及论文(含毕业论文)等。研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。如何完成报告、论文同时得到良好的成绩,是本文提供给有志留学的有心人参考的目的。 美国大学生由於自小已养成自动寻找答案习惯,在启发式的教育环境下,写报告、论文对他们来说比较不陌生,虽然专业知识上美国学生不见得比外籍学生强,但是表达能力由於自小培养,加上英语能力的优势,常比外籍学生在报告、论文方面有较隹的利基。反之中国学生比较缺乏报告写作的训练,因此如果在留学过程中无法适应美式教育会比较辛苦,其实论文、报告的写作要领其实不难,只要把握技巧就可水到渠成。 通常论文由篇首(Preliminaries),本文(Texts)以及参考资料(References)三部分构成;而这三大部分各自内容如下: (一) 篇首: 封面(Title) 序言(Preface) 谢词(Acknowledge) 提要(Summary) 目录(Tables and Appendixes) (二) 本文: 引言(Introduction) 主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释(Footnotes) (三)参考资料: 参考书目(References or Bibliography) 附录资料(Appendix)。 进行论文或报告写作之前,先要确定想要表达的主题,主题确定后,将其具体表达,即为题目。题目可以提供研究者: 一.研究的方向 二.研究的范围 三.资料搜集的范围 四.预期研究成果 通常在确定题目之後就开始找资料从事研究,建议在找资料之前最好去问教授有哪些参考资


新闻英语标题翻译:省略 有的读者读英语报刊,心中无数,东翻翻,西看看,总想挑容易的文章读。一篇文章刚看了个头,一碰到生词,马上换一篇。如此这般,换了六、七篇,还没确定读哪篇。那么,应该怎么读?首先要有准备地阅读,如先大致了解一下某报各版的主要内容,然后按照自己的兴趣或事先拟订的阅读计划,选定一个版面,有选择地阅读。 如果碰到生词,也要坚定地读下去。要知道,对于初、中等英语水平的读者,英语报刊文章很少会不出现生词。其次要有步骤地阅读。一般应先读标题,但由于标题(headline)短而精,不太好懂,不少读者常常绕开它。这是不明智的。一份英文报纸少则10至20版,多则数百版。读者一般时间有限,谁都不可能像读课文或看小说那样从头至尾一字不漏地通读一遍。我们拿起一份报纸总想迅速找到当天的报道重点或个人感兴趣的新闻和文章。怎样寻找呢?这就需要找个“向导”作介绍。显然,新闻标题就是十分理想的“向导”。这是因为标题是新闻内容的集中和概括,它用简练的文字浓缩了新闻中最主要或最值得注意的内容。英语新闻标题的措词、语法、修辞乃至标点符号等方面的特点较为突出,现一一予以简述。 省略 标题是新闻不可分割的组成部分。阅读英语报纸的新闻标题是我们学习阅读英语报刊的第一步。这么说绝无夸张之意,从语法角度来看,英语新闻标题有其一套独特的语法体系,与人们平时常见的英语句子语法有所不同,新闻英语学者称之为“标题语言”(headlines)。其中,标题中虚词的省略就是它的重要特点之一。一般而言,标题中虚词省略现象主要表现在以下几个方面: 1、冠词基本省略。 例如:Tenth Of British Mackerel Catch Ground Into Feed. (A Tenth Of The British Mackeel Catch Ground Into Feed.) 英国捕获鳍鱼一成碾为饲料。


Outline 1. Introduction 2. Development of English News Title 2.1 History of English News Title 2.2 Functions of English News Title 2.2.1 Pointing Out the News Content 2.2.2 Producing Attractive Effects. 2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News Titles 2.3.1 V ocabulary Similarities and Differences 2.3.2 Tense Similarities and Differences 2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and Differences 2.3.4 Punctuation Mark Similarities and Differences 3. Translation of English News Titles 3.1 Literal Translation 3.2 Free Translation 3.3 Addition 3.4 Omission 3.5 Negation Translation 3.6 Alliteration 3.7 Making Use of the Advantage Chinese in Translation 4. Conclusion

[Abstract] English news titles play a special role in news reporting. Thus we should place special emphasis on the research of the characteristics and translation of English news titles. This thesis focuses on the study of English news titles in terms of their grammatical features and its translation. When it comes to translation, it tries to reproduce the functions of English news titles which requires translators’ agility and ingenuity in applying semantic and rhetorical devices. With grammatical and semantic exploration into the English news titles, such studies strive to benefit the readers in their understanding of what the editor wants to convey. [Key words] English news title; function; comparison; translations methods 英语新闻标题及其翻译 [摘要]标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位。因此在整个新闻英语翻译中标题翻译的作用不可忽视。本文拟从以下角度进行论证:英文报刊标题的文字简练醒目,无疑是来源于对英语语法得心应手的灵活运用。而要再现英文标题在原文中所起的浓缩主题、画龙点睛的作用,需要译者同样在用词和修辞等语法方面匠心独运。本文拟通过对英语新闻标题翻译原则和策略的探讨,以期能对新闻英语包括英语标题翻译找到一条具有特定翻译规则的途径作出有益的尝试。 [关键词] 英语新闻标题; 作用; 分类; 对比; 翻译方法 1 Introduction What is the title? A title of a piece of news usually printed in large type and devised to summarize, gives essential information, or interests readers in reading the news content . Naturally readers buy newspapers in order to keep posted on daily happenings. However, t oday’s English newspapers are getting fatter with a great

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