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Unit 2: Talking about Daily Routines

I. Introduction

In the second unit of the college English textbook 2, we will focus on talking about daily routines. This unit will help students expand their vocabulary related to daily activities, as well as develop their speaking and writing skills. By the end of this unit, students will be able to communicate proficiently about their daily routines and describe their typical day.

II. Vocabulary

To effectively communicate about daily routines, it is essential to have a strong vocabulary base. Here are some key vocabulary words related to daily activities:

1. Wake up

2. Brush teeth

3. Take a shower

4. Get dressed

5. Have breakfast

6. Attend classes

7. Study

8. Go to the library

9. Have lunch

10. Relax

11. Exercise

12. Cook dinner

13. Watch TV

14. Read

15. Go to bed

III. Grammar

In this unit, we will also learn about the use of simple present tense to talk about habitual actions. The simple present tense is commonly used to describe routines, habits, and general truths. For example:

1. I wake up at 6 am every day.

2. She brushes her teeth twice a day.

3. They attend classes from Monday to Friday.

IV. Speaking Practice

To enhance speaking skills, we will engage in various speaking activities, such as role plays and group discussions. Students will have the opportunity to practice asking and answering questions about daily routines. They will also learn to express their preferences and opinions regarding different activities.

V. Writing Practice

In the writing component of this unit, students will be asked to write a descriptive paragraph about their typical day. They will incorporate the vocabulary and grammar structures learned throughout the unit to create a well-organized and coherent piece of writing. Students will be encouraged to pay attention to proper sentence structure and to use appropriate transition words to connect their ideas.

VI. Listening and Reading Comprehension

To improve their listening and reading skills, students will listen to audio recordings and read texts related to daily routines. They will develop their ability to understand spoken and written English in different contexts, while also familiarizing themselves with the vocabulary and grammatical structures used in the unit.

VII. Cultural Awareness

In addition to language skills, this unit also aims to broaden students' cultural awareness. They will learn about daily routines in different countries and appreciate the diversity of lifestyles around the world. This cross-cultural understanding will enhance their global perspective and empathy towards others.

VIII. Conclusion

The second unit of the college English textbook 2 provides students with the necessary tools and knowledge to discuss daily routines confidently. Through vocabulary expansion, grammar practice, speaking and writing activities, and exposure to various cultural aspects, students will further develop their English communication skills. By the end of this unit, students

will have a solid foundation in talking about daily routines and will be better equipped to engage in conversations about their own lives and experiences.

Note: This article is a sample and may not align exactly with the content of Unit 2 in the actual college English textbook 2. It is important to refer to the specific textbook for accurate information.


A Life Full of Riches 富足的一生 It was early December 2003, my first season as a Salvation Army bell ringer, when I was confronted with the question. I was standing just outside the doorway of a Wal-Mart, offering a "thank you" and a smile to each person who dropped a donation into my red kettle. A neatly dressed woman and her young son walked up to the kettle stand. While she searched her purse for some cash, the boy looked up at me. I can still see the confusion and curiosity in his eyes as he asked, "Are you poor?" 首次面对这个问题,是在2003年12月初,我第一次为救世军摇铃募捐的时候。当时我就站在沃尔玛商场入口处门外,对每一位向我的红壶里投入捐款的人都报以一声“谢谢”和一个微笑。一位穿着整洁的妇人牵着她的幼子向放壶的台子走过来。她在钱包里摸着找钱时,孩子抬头看了我一眼,问我:“你穷吗?”当时他眼里充满疑惑和好奇,时至今日仍历历在目。 "Well," I stammered, trying to think, "I have more than some people, but not as much as others." His mother scolded him for the social no-no, and they hurried off to do their shopping. His question, however, did not leave me. “嗯,”我结结巴巴,边想边回答,“我比有些人拥有的多,但比其他人拥有的少。”母亲因为孩子问了一个在社交上不该问的问题,训斥了他一顿,他俩便匆匆的赶去购物。但是孩子的问题却一直留在我的心头挥之不去。 I've never thought of myself as "poor," but I can't deny certain facts. Every time I fill out my 1040 form, I fall into one of the lowest income brackets. In the past 35 years, I've taken just one vacation trip. My TV is a black-and-white set that someone gave me eight years ago. 我从不认为自己“穷”,但有些事实我不可否认。每当我填1040税务申报表时,我都属于收入最低的档次之一。在过去的三十五年中,我只出去度过一次假。我的电视机是黑白的,还是八年前别人送给我的。 Yet I feel nothing more than a passing whim to attain the material things so many other people have. My 1999 car shows the wear and tear of 105,000 miles. But it is still dependable. My apartment is modest, but quiet and relaxing. My clothes are well suited to my work, which is primarily outdoors. My minimal computer needs can be met at the library. 然而,想要得到其他那么多人都有的物质的东西,对我来说,只不过是转瞬即逝的念头而已。我的汽车是1999年的产品,到现在开了十万五千英里,已经很破很旧了,但是它依然可靠。我的住房不大,但是很安静,住着挺舒心。我的衣服很适合于我的工作,主要都在户外。我对计算机的很少的需求,可以在图书馆得到解决。 In spite of what I don't have, I don't feel poor. Why? I've enjoyed exceptionally good health for 53 years. It's not just that I've been illness-free, it's that I feel vigorous and spirited. Exercising is actually fun for me. I look forward to long, energizing walks. And I love the "can do" attitude that follows. 尽管有些东西我没有,我并不感到贫穷。这是为什么五十三年来我一直非常健康。我不但不生病,而且精力充沛,情绪饱满。锻炼对我而言是确确实实的快事,我乐意长距离步行,越走越有劲。我喜爱步行后随之产生的一种“什么都干得了”的心态。 I also cherish the gift of creativity. When I write a beautiful line of poetry, or fabricate a joke that tickles someone, I feel rich inside. I'm continually surprised at the insights that come through my writing process. And talking with so many interesting writer friends is one of my main sources of enjoyment.


大学体验英语二(综合教程) Unit 2 Jobs and Careers Listen and Talk Lead in What kind of job are you looking for? The classified ads are a good place to begin a 1.for employment. They are a great resource to learn about what companies look for in employees and 2. a little information about the company as well. Applying and interviewing for a job requires skills worth developing. Being able to 3.one's strengths, effectively communicating with 4., having a desire to learn more about the 5., and displaying enthusiasm can sometimes make up for inexperience. As you look at the pictures, think about the different 6.each profession or vocation requires. A construction worker, a waiter and a farmer may not need higher education for their pursuits, but it 7.helps. Secretarial work requires less education than being a teacher or a doctor, but each job is important in society. While becoming a teacher requires a 8.of four years study at a university, teaching entails constant learning, Understanding deeply the subject matter being taught and discovering the 9.of students are just two areas of 10.for teachers. Many studies continue to research how to effectively teach and how to teach students to effectively learn. In one way or another, we are all teachers. Key: 1. Search; 2. offer; 3. identify; 4. confidence; 5. employer; 6.qualifications 7. certainly; 8. minimum; 9. learning styles; 10. importance ; Passage A: Your Dream Job: A Click Away 2.Answer the following questions with the information from the passage. 1.What is JOB-TRAK? It is an Internet website that lists as many as 45 000 job opportunities. 2.Does one need to have a lot of knowledge about the Internet before using it? Not necessarily so. According to Smith, the Internet was very easy to use. She found her job online with no training. 3.Why did Gragg apply to teach English in Japan? Because she wanted a change in her life. 4.What preparations did Mello make before she went for her interview? She searched the Internet for information about the financial performance of the company she was interested in, the salary she should ask for, and the possible living accommodations available to her there. https://www.doczj.com/doc/a119197308.html,pare job-seeking on the Internet and job-seeking on newspapers or at job markets. What are the


U2 A A child's clutter awaits an adult's return 儿时百宝箱老大归家梦 I watch her back her new truck out of the driveway. The vehicle is too large, too expensive. She'd refused to consider a practical car with good gas efficiency and easy to park. It's because of me, I think. She bought it to show me that she could. 我看着她在车道上倒着她的新卡车。车太大,而且太贵。她就是不愿意考虑买辆开起来省油、停起来省心的实用型汽车。我想,原因在我。她买这辆车就是为了让我看看她的能耐。 "I'm 18," she'd told me so often that my teeth ached. "I am an adult!" “我18 岁了,”她经常这样对我说,以至于听得我牙都疼了。“我是成年人了!” I thought, is that true? Just yesterday you watched some cartoons. What changed between yesterday and today? 我心想,真的吗?昨天你还在看动画片呢。今天和昨天又能有多大的变化? Today she's gone, off to be an adult far away from me. I'm glad she's gone. It means she made it, and that I'm finally free of 18 years of responsibilities. And yet I wonder if she could take good care of herself. 今天她走了,远离我去寻求成年人的独立。我很高兴她离开了。这意味着她成功了,而我也终于可以从18 年的责任中脱身了。但是我还是担心她能不能照顾好自己。 She left a mess. Her bathroom is an embarrassment of damp towels, rusted shaving blades, hair in the sink, and nearly empty tubes of toothpaste. I bring a box of big black garbage bags upstairs. Eye shadow, face cream, nail polish - all go into the trash. I dump drawers, sweep shelves clear and clean the sink. When I am finished, it is as neat and impersonal as a hotel bathroom. 她留下的是一片狼藉。她的卫生间真是凌乱不堪,有没拧干的毛巾,有生锈的剃刀片,散落在面盆里的头发,还有几支快挤空了的牙膏。我拿了一盒大号的黑色垃圾袋上了楼。眼影、面霜、指甲油——这些统统扔进垃圾袋。我把抽屉清空,把架子打扫干净,还把面盆擦洗干净。我打扫完后,卫生间就像酒店里的那样井井有条,丝毫没有人情味儿。 In her bedroom I find mismatched socks under her bed and purple pants on the closet floor. Desk drawers are filled with school papers, filed by year and subject. 在她的卧室里,我发现床下有不配对的袜子,壁橱底板上扔着紫色的裤子。书桌的抽屉里满是学校的卷子,按照年份和科目归了类。 I catch myself reading through poems and essays, admiring high scores on tests and reading her name, printed or typed neatly in the upper right-hand corner of each paper. I pack the desk contents into a box. Six months, I think. I will give her six months to collect her belongings, and then I will throw them all away. That is fair. Grown-ups pay for storage. 我发现自己竟然在翻看她的诗歌和作文,欣赏着考卷上的高分,端详着每张考卷右上角她用印刷体工工整整书写的或是打印的她的名字。我把书桌里的东西收拾到一个盒子里。六个月,我心想。如果过了六个月她还不来拿她的东西,我就会把它们一股脑儿全扔了。这算讲道理了吧。成年人存放东西是要付费的。 I have to pause at the books. Comic books, teen fiction, romantic novels, historical novels, and textbooks. A lifetime of reading; each book beloved. I want to be practical, to stuff them in paper sacks for the used bookstore. But I love books as


授课题目:College—The Ladder to Success? 授课时间:第____周第____周 授课类型:理论课 授课时数:4 教学目的: After finishing this unit,students will be able to: 1.To talk about the significance of humanities; 2.Get deeper insights into the text; 3.Make creative use of words,phrases and sentence patterns; 4.To master the essay writing skill:focus on an advantage\disadvantage; 5.To read with the skill“reading for major details”. 教学重点和难点: 1.To further understand the text; 2.To apply the words,phrases and sentence patterns; 3.To read with the skill“readin g for major details”; 4.To write an essay with the skill“focus on an advantage\disadvantage”. 教学方法和手段: Various kinds of teaching methods are used: 1.Teaching in class.Explain the profound theoretical knowledge in class; 2.Case stud y.Provide case study during teaching,and make the students to discuss about the case 3.Bilingual and full English teaching; 4.Applying modern multimedia teaching technologies; 5.Taking advantage of abund ant network teaching resources. 教学内容和过程:


新视野大学英语2第二单元课文翻译 新视野大学英语2第二单元课文翻译 作为一套与现代信息技术相结合的立体化大学英语教材,《新视野大学英语》(第二版)通过课本、光盘.网络等不同载体的有机结合,为新形势下的大学英语教学提供多层次.多渠道、立体化的服务。下面是店铺分享的新视野大学英语2课文翻译,欢迎阅读! 新视野大学英语2第二单元A 尼克莱·彼得罗维奇·安尼金一点都不像我想象的那么吓人。 不,他不可能是我父亲特地送我来见的那位前苏联教练。 可他的确是尼克莱·彼得罗维奇·安尼金本人。 他请我进门,在沙发上坐下,又拍了拍身边的垫子,让我坐在他旁边。 在他面前,我真的很紧张。 “你还年轻,”他的英语带着俄语口音: “如果你愿意试着向奥林匹克运动会进军,我想你能行。 长野奥运会来不及参加了,但你可以准备参加2002年盐湖城奥运会。” “完全可以,不是吗?”看到我脸上惊愕的表情,他又说道。 我那时是一个很有前途的业余滑雪运动员,但在国内决不是顶尖选手。 “当然,你需要进行很多艰苦的训练,你会哭鼻子,但你一定会进步的。” 的确,后来我经历了无数痛苦的训练,还为此流了不少眼泪。但在后来的五年里,我总能从尼克莱讲的有趣故事和他的幽默感中得到鼓励。 他开始总是说:“我的朋友们常去看电影,去跳舞,去和女孩子约会,”然后他会压低嗓门接着说:“我就在运动场上训练、训练、再训练。 第二年,我的15公里滑雪比赛成绩缩短了1.5分钟。”

“朋友们问我:‘尼克莱,你怎么做到的呢?’我回答:‘你们去看电影、跳舞、和女孩子约会,而我一直在训练、训练、再训练。’” 故事通常到这儿就结束了。但有一次──后来我们知道那天是他结婚25周年纪念日──他穿着一件旧的毛衣,很自豪地站着,微笑着轻声说道:“告诉你们,我可是在26岁那年才第一次亲吻女孩子。她后来就和我结了婚。” 不管他是不是懂得浪漫,尼克莱知道什么是爱。 他以一贯的幽默、默默的感恩、敏锐的感觉和真诚的态度为爱设立了奥林匹克般的标准。即使在我结束了滑雪生涯之后,我仍一直努力去达到那个标准。 但他又从不娇惯我。 二月里的一天,我头很疼,感到十分疲倦。 我在一片空地上遇见了他,在寒风中的雪地里滑了大概十五分钟后,我赶上了他,有点小题大做地说:“嘿,尼克莱,我感觉我要死了。” “如果活到一百岁,人人都会死的,”他对我的痛苦无动于衷,态度坚决地接着说:“但你现在必须滑、滑、再滑。” 在滑雪板上,我照他说的去做。 但在其他事情上我会反抗他。 在一次经费并不宽裕的滑雪露营活动中,他让我们十个人挤在一个单身汉住的芬兰式屋子里。第一天我们醒来时发现尼克莱正在做早餐。然后我们坐在临时拼凑起来的椅子上,围着张小小的牌桌,用勺子很快地吃完早饭。 吃完后,尼克莱把摞起来的油腻腻的碗向我和我唯一的另一个女队友前一推,武断地说:“女孩子们,现在去洗碗吧!” 我把餐巾往地上一扔,向他骂道:“让该死的男孩子们去洗吧!这不公平!”他没再让我去洗碗,也没对我的大发脾气显得太在意。 他只在滑雪时才显露出强烈的情感。 训练的时候,他会岁着我们迈步的节奏大声发出指令:“对,就这样,一二三,一二三。” 我祖父的一个好朋友──一位上了年纪的女


Section A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1. Though it was difficult, Carlos knew the only _______ thing to do would be to admit cheating on the test. A. honestly B. honor C. honorable D. honest 2. Debbie is very _______ to the plight of homeless people and always gets very emotional when she sees them on the street. A. empathy B. empathetic C. sympathy D. sympathetic 3. Certain types of birds often develop the skill of _______ and sound like they can speak. A. impressions B. mimicry C. personification D. imitating

4. As babies develop, they need to learn to _______ before they can walk. A. run B. climb C. swim D. crawl 5. When he was a child, Tony lost all vision in his right eye, so he feels _______ for the difficulties faced by blind people. A. empathy B. empathetic C. sympathy D. sympathetic 6. Kindergarten teachers often have to reprimand their students for _______. A. mimicry B. misbehaviour C. misery D. misunderstanding 7. During the Christmas holiday, many people feel a surge of _______ and give to charities. A. malevolence


大学英语教材2第二单元 Unit 2: Talking about Daily Routines I. Introduction In the second unit of the college English textbook 2, we will focus on talking about daily routines. This unit will help students expand their vocabulary related to daily activities, as well as develop their speaking and writing skills. By the end of this unit, students will be able to communicate proficiently about their daily routines and describe their typical day. II. Vocabulary To effectively communicate about daily routines, it is essential to have a strong vocabulary base. Here are some key vocabulary words related to daily activities: 1. Wake up 2. Brush teeth 3. Take a shower 4. Get dressed 5. Have breakfast 6. Attend classes 7. Study 8. Go to the library 9. Have lunch

大学英语综合教程第二册第二单元教案Unit 2 Values

Unit 2 Values Teaching Aims: 1.Understanding the main idea (one can live a life full of riches without being rich funancially) and structure of the text 2.Appreciate the wording (riches) in the title of the text 3.Grasp the key languge points in Texts A and learn how to use them in context 4.Unerstand the cultural background related to the content 5.Express themselves more freely on the theme of Values after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities 6.Write an essay beginning with an anecdote or a piece of news, etc. Teaching Keypoints: 1.Grasp the main idea of Text A and language points in Text A 2.Cultural background in Text A 3.Analysis of the difficult sentences in Text A Teaching Difficulties: 1.Writing strategy and style demonstrated in Text A 2.Write an essay with an anecdote or a piece of news, etc. Teaching Aids: Teaching, dicussion, exercises, group-activities, student-centred Teaching period: 12classes Teaching Procedure: Step 1Warming up 1.Have students listen to the story about Abraham Lincoln before class, lead them to finish the exercises on page31, check the answer and explain. 2.Have students learn more about the fact that economic development and personal income can’t always account for happiness. 3.Do you think rich people must be happier than poor people Why 4.Do you think a poor person can have a life full of riches How 5.In class, students form two camps to debate the following issue: Mother Teresa has no money, but she took care of the poor in Calcutta until her death. Bill Gates gave a lot of money to charity, but he seldom works in the “frontline” with the poor. Does the world need more love like Mother Teresa’s or more money like Bill Gates’ Step 2 Global analysisi of Text A 1. Division of the Text A Part1: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “Are you poor” Part2: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways. Part3: In conclusion, the writer t hinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question. 2.Understanding the main idea of the text with the help of the questions on page 37-38


Unit 2 The humanities: Out of date? 1When the going gets tough, the tough take accounting.When the job market worsens, many students calculate they can't major in English or history.They have to study something that boosts their prospects of landing a job. 2The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the ever-rising cost of tuition, they have defected from the study of the humanities and toward applied science and "hard" skills that they bet will lead to employment.In other words, a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment.This is a trend that is likely to persist and even accelerate. 3Over the next few years, as labor markets struggle, the humanities will probably continue their long slide in succession.There already has been a nearly 50 percent decline in the portion of liberal arts majors over the past generation, and it is logical to think that the trend is bound to continue or even accelerate.Once the dominant pillars of university life, the humanities now play little roles when students take their college tours.These days, labs are more vivid and compelling than libraries. 4Here, please allow me to stand up for and promote the true value that the humanities add to people's lives.Since ancient times, people have speculated about the mystery of those inner forces that drive some people to greatness and others to self-destruction. This inner drive has been called many things over the centuries.The famous psychologist,Sigmund Freud, called it the "unconscious mind" or, more familiarly, "instinct". 5From the beginning of time, this inner aspect of our being, this drive that can be constructive or destructive, has captured our imagination.The stories of this amazing struggle have formed the basis of cultures the world over.Historians,architects, authors, philosophers and artists have captured the words, images and meanings of this inner struggle in the form of story, music, myth, painting, architecture, sculpture,landscape and traditions.These men and women developed artistic "languages" that help us understand these aspirations and also educate generations.This fertile body of work from ancient times, the very foundation of civilization, forms the basis of study of the humanities. 6Studying the humanities improves our ability to read and write.No matter what we do in life, we will have a huge advantage if we can read complex ideas and understand their meaning.We will have a bright career if we are the person in the office who can write a clear and elegant analysis of those ideas! 7Studying the humanities makes us familiar with the language of emotion and the creative process.In an information economy, many people have the ability to produce a useful product such as a new MP3 player.Yet, very few people have the ability to create a spectacular brand: the iPod.Most importantly, studying the


一个疑惑不解的小孩提的一个问题促使卡尔·格林思考:虽然他没有贵重的财物,但他在其他许多方面却是富有的。 富足的一生 卡尔·格林首次面对这个问题,是在2003年12月初,我第一次为救世军摇铃募捐的时候。当时我就站在沃尔玛商场入口处门外,对每一位向我的红壶里投入捐款的人都报以一声“谢谢”和一个微笑。一位穿着整洁的妇人牵着她的幼子向放壶的台子走过来。她在钱包里摸着找钱时,孩子抬头看了我一眼,问我:“你穷吗?”当时他眼里充满疑惑和好奇,时至今日仍历历在目。 “嗯,”我结结巴巴,边想边回答,“我比有些人拥有的多,但比其他人拥有的少。”母亲因为孩子问了一个在社交上不该问的问题,训斥了他一顿,他俩便匆匆地赶去购物。但是孩子的问题却一直在我的心头挥之不去。 我从不认为自己“穷”,但有些事我不可否认。每当我填1040税务申报表时,我都属于收入最低的档次之一。在过去的三十五年中,我只出去度过一次假。我的电视机是黑白的,还是八年前别人送给我的。 然而,想要得到其他那么多人都有的物质的东西,对我来说,只不过是转瞬即逝的念头而已。我的汽车是1999年的产品,到现在开了十万五千英里,已经很破很旧了,但是它依然可靠。我的住房不大,但是很安静,住着挺舒心。我的衣服很适合于我的工作,主要都在户外。我对计算机的很少的需求,可以在图书馆得到解决。 尽管有些东西我没有,我并不感到贫穷。这是为什么?五十三年来我一直非常健康。我不但不生病,而且精力充沛,情绪饱满。锻炼对我而言是确确实实的快事,我乐意长距离步行,越走越有劲。我喜爱步行后随之产生的一种“什么都干得了”的心态。 我还十分珍惜我的创作才能。当我写出美丽的诗句或编造出能把人逗乐的笑话时,我内心感到很富有。通过写作而获得的洞察力,不断地令我惊奇。而与那么多写作朋友交谈,是我乐趣的主要源泉之一。 但是在我生活中,有一个重要方面我并不那么富有。在一个对物资财富的追求投入如此之多心力的社会中,我觉得很不自在。 我年轻时曾与一位非常有趣的女士谈过朋友。她对我说,对她而言,最重要的是“一个人的内心”。我以为我找到了非同一般的生活伴侣。后来我就带她到我的寓所。当时我住的是一个地下室经济型小套间,只有几件陈旧的家具。唯一新而舒适的椅子是书桌旁的那把。她来访后不久,我们的关系就急转直下。 她所看重的东西似乎突然有了变化,使我大为震动。在我的人生旅途上,这仍然是一个最难以忘怀的转折点。 相对于人际关系而言,物质财富对我并不那么重要。我认为大多数人与我同感――除非当某一物品的缺失会引发社会后果时,人们才会有不同的想法。电台播放的一个商业广告开头这样说:“每个人都想拥有一台高档电视……”,购买这种电视机的压力千真万确。也许每个人真的都想要一台高档电视机,毕竟没有人想做一个无名之辈。 但是没有这样的电视机我也照样活得快乐。事实上不专注于物质财富,对我而言相当自然。在这个

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程 第二册 Unit 2


Teaching procedures: First Period Content:Unit 2 listening and speaking Step 1 Lead-in In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn the basic language and skills necessary to make and respond to an apology; Step 2 Listening and Speaking 1) The Language for Making and Responding to an Apology A. have a warm-up activity by asking Ss what they say when they cause trouble to others or make mistakes; B。have the Ss listen to Exercise 1 (1—3 times)and fill in the blanks with the missing words; C. ask one S to read aloud the talk so Ss can check their completed answers; D. ask other Ss to form responses to the apologies in Exercise 2. trying to use the expression learned in Exercise 1. 2) Making and Responding to an Apology A.go through the new words in the 1st dialogue in Exercise 3; B。listen to the dialogue twice while filling in the missing words;

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