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Unit 2

Words and Expressions

1 When the going gets tough, the tough take accounting. (Para. 1)

Meaning: When conditions or situations become difficult, determined people choose to study the subject of accounting, hoping they can more easily find a job in the future.

★when the going gets tough: when the situation becomes difficult 当形势变得严峻时

. When the going gets tough, women can get as tough as men. 当形势变得严峻时,女人可以变得跟男人一样坚强。

★accounting: n. [U] the work of accountants or the methods they use 会计;会计学

. Students’ major objective is to be financially well off. Accordingly, today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.


★take accounting: choose to study the subject of accounting 选择学会计

2 When the j ob market worsens, many students calculate they can’t major in English or history. (Para. 1)

Meaning: When there are fewer job openings, many college students make a judgment from the situation and think they can’t study English or history as their major.

Meaning beyond words: Many students will not take the classes that won’t help them locate a decent job later.

★major in: (AmE) study sth. as your main subject at college or university 主修(某一)科目

. The high demand for persons with knowledge about computers is why I chose to major in computer science at the university.


3 They have to study something that boosts their prospects of landing a job.

Meaning: They have to study something that improves their chances of success in finding a job.

★boost: vt. increase or improve sth. to make it more successful 促进;推动;使兴旺

. Some countries hope that warmer weather and more rain will boost their farm output.


★prospect: n. [C, U] sth. that is possible or likely to happen in the future, or the possibility itself 可能的事情;很可能发生的事情;前景

. Career prospects in science and technology are virtually unlimited.


4 The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the ever-rising cost of tuition,

th ey have defected from the study of the humanities and toward applied science and “hard” skills that they bet will lead to employment. (Para. 2)

Meaning: The facts and information show that as students have spent increasingly more money on tuition, they have turned away from the humanities to some practical courses that they believe will enable them to get a job more easily.


vi. leave a country, political party, or organization to go to another one 背叛;叛逃

. He defected from the party in the late 1970s.


n. [C] a fault in sb. or sth. 缺点;欠缺;不足之处

. Stammering is probably an inherited defect.


Usage NOTE

defect, deficiency

1 在表示“人的缺点,设计制造方面的缺点或缺陷”时,名词defect和deficiency的词义相近。例:physiological defect / deficiency 生理缺陷

The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect.


The deficiency of this plan is very clear, so it can’t possibly succeed.


2 但表示“ 缺少;不足”(shortage)时,只可用deficiency。

例:There are serious deficiencies in the number of suitable aircraft.


During the war children suffered from a deficiency of food.


★applied: a. (usu. before noun) used for describing educational subjects when they are studied for their practical uses (学科)应用的,实用的

. Industry leaders want scientists to engage in basic research, not applied research.


5 In other words, a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment. (Para. 2)

Meaning: In other words, a college education is more considered as a method to improve students’ future economic status rather than improve human nature or behavior.

Meaning beyond words: The quality of a college education is increasingly questionable because the trend among many colleges is to become more like a business and less like an academic setting.

6 This is a trend that is likely to persist and even accelerate. (Para. 2)

Meaning: Very likely, the trend will continue to exist and even go faster than ever.

★persist: vi.

1) (fml.) continue to exist 继续存在;持续

. If the bad weather persists, the farmers will suffer great losses this year. 如果恶劣天气持续,农民今年将遭受巨大的损失。

2) continue to do sth., although this is difficult, or other people oppose it 坚持;执意

. Students must persist in their efforts if they wish to do well.


Usage NOTE

persist, insist

1 persist 可用于表示“ 继续存在;持续”, 尤其用于不好的事情,而insist没有此意。

例:Contact your doctor if the cough persists. 如果咳嗽持续,请联系您的医生。

2 persist和insist容易混淆主要是当两者均表示“坚持”时。

persist 用于表示“坚持”时,表示“坚持反复做同一件事”,后接介词in,多用于褒义,指“坚持继续做某事”,有时用于贬义,指“不听劝告;顽固坚持”。

例:Her mother tried to persuade her to go to bed early, but she persisted in working until the small hours.


He persisted in drinking even though the doctor had told him that it did harm to his body.


insist 用于表示“坚持”时,表示“坚持做某件事(尤指麻烦或令人讨厌的事)”,后接介词on。例:She insisted on washing her hair just when I wanted to have a bath.


3 insist 还可用于表示“ 对意见、主张等的坚持”。


例:They insist on having a job done well no matter how much time is required.


The doctor insisted that she (should) take the medicine, but she insisted that she was not ill. 医生坚持让她服此药,但她坚持自己没病。

★accelerate: v. happen or make sth. happen at a faster rate(使)加快;促进

. Human activities can cause or accelerate permanent changes in natural systems. 人类的活动可能导致或加速自然系统的永久变化。

7 Over the next few years, as labor markets struggle, the humanities will probably continue their long slide in succession. (Para. 3)

Meaning: For the next few years, as the going gets tough with labor markets, the subjects of the humanities will continue to shrink and worsen for a long time each year.

★in succession: happening one after the other without anything different happening in between 连续发生地;接连发生地

. She is an accomplished athlete and won the championship four times in succession. 她是一名成功的运动员,连续四次获得冠军。

8 There already has been a nearly 50 percent decline in the portion of liberal arts majors over the past generation, and it is logical to think that the trend is bound to continue or even accelerate. (Para. 3)

Meaning: Based on the fact that there already has been about 50 percent decrease in the number of students majoring in liberal arts over the past years, it is reasonable to think that the trend will surely continue or even speed up.

★liberal: a.

1) (~ arts) school or college subjects that give students a general education and teach them to think rather than those subjects that develop practical skills 文科

. The liberal arts are college or university subjects such as history, languages and literature but not sciences.


2) accepting different opinions and ways of behaving and tending to be sympathetic to other people心胸宽广的;开明的

. She is known to have liberal views on divorce.


★bound: a. (~ to) sth. that is bound to happen will almost certainly happen 一定的;几乎肯定的

. The weather is bound to get better tomorrow.


9 Once the dominant pillars of university life, the humanities now play little roles when students take their college tours. These days, labs are more vivid and compelling than libraries. (Para. 3)

Meaning: The humanities that once dominated university life now play a trivial

role when students have their college visits; nowadays, labs are more eye-catching and fascinating than libraries.

Meaning beyond words: Libraries were once the only place where students spent much time reading materials, doing research and writing papers. However, as more students are taking science courses, labs where students do scientific experiments play a more important role for learning than traditional libraries.

★dominant: a. more important, powerful, or successful than the other people or things of the same type 有优势的;占统治地位的

. Unemployment rate will be the dominant issue at the next president election. 失业率将是下次总统选举中的主要话题。

★pillar: n. [C]

1) a very important part of a system of beliefs or ideas (信仰或思想)非常重要的部分

. Equality is one of the pillars of a stable society.


2) a thick strong upright post that supports part of a building 柱子;支柱

. Eight massive stone pillars supported the roof.


★compel: vt. force sb. to do sth. 强迫;迫使

. As a school boy, he was compelled to wear shorts even in winter.


Usage NOTE

compel, oblige, force


1 compel 表示“强迫;迫使”,指“运用权力、力量迫使对方做某事”,尤其在被动语态中含“别无他法;不得不做”之意,compel的意义比force弱。

例:His illness compelled him to stay in bed. 他的病迫使他卧床休息。

2 oblige 表示“强制;不得不”,指“因法律、道义、习俗或许诺的约束而必须去做某事”,多用被动语态,语气相对较弱。

例:We are obliged to stop the car at a red light. 我们遇到红灯时必须停车。

3 force 表示“强迫;迫使;逼迫”,指“以暴力威胁、武力强迫对方做某事”,后面跟的动作常是不情愿做的事,force的语气比compel和oblige强。

例:The poor peasant was forced to sell his daughter to the landlord.


★compelling: a. interesting or exciting enough to keep your attention completely 有强烈吸引力的;引人入胜的

. Steve Jobs’life makes a compelling story.


10 Here, please allow me to stand up for and promote the true value that the humanities add to people’s lives. (Para. 4)

Meaning: I here ask for your permission to let me defend and advertise the true value that the humanities bring to people’s lives.

★stand up for: support or defend a person or an idea when they are being attacked 支持;保卫;维护

. Mary stood up for me at the meeting, sparing me some embarrassment.


★promote: vt. support or encourage sth. 支持;鼓励;提倡

. To acknowledge other cultures will promote good will among people of different backgrounds.


11 Since ancient times, people have speculated about the mystery of those inner forces that drive some people to greatness and others to self-destruction. (Para. 4)

Meaning: Ever since ancient times, people have thought carefully and seriously why the mysterious forces coming from their inner world could be so powerful that it could make some people great while others morally deteriorate.

★speculate: v. consider or discuss why sth. has happened 思索;沉思;推测;猜测

. Archeologists speculate that people first reached the islands over 1,000 years ago.


speculate about / on: make guesses about the possible causes or effects of sth. without knowing all the facts or details 猜测;推测

. It is too early to speculate about the outcome of the negotiations between the workers union and the company’s leadership.


12 This inner drive has been called many things over the centuries. (Para. 4)

Meaning: Over the past centuries, many different names have been used to describe this inner force of human beings.

13 The famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud, called it the “unconscious mind” or, more familiarly, “instinct”. (Para. 4)

Meaning: Sigmund Freud, a famous psychologist, named it the unintentional mind or, more familiar to us, natural ability to know something.

14 From the beginning of time, this inner aspect of our being, this drive that can be constructive or destructive, has captured our imagination. (Para. 5)

Meaning: Since ancient times, it is this very inner force of our being, either constructive or destructive, that has stimulated our imagination.

15 The stories of this amazing struggle have formed the basis of cultures the world over. (Para. 5)

Meaning: It is these stories about this fascinating inner struggle of human beings that have laid the foundation of the world cultures.

16 Historians, architects, authors, philosophers and artists have captured the words, images and meanings of this inner struggle in the form of story, music, myth, painting, architecture, sculpture, landscape and traditions. (Para. 5)

Meaning: Our historians, architects, authors, philosophers and artists have successfully caught the words, images and meanings of this mysterious inner force by way of story, music, myth, painting, architecture, sculpture, landscape and traditions.

★in the form of: in the way sth. is or appears to be 以…形式;以…方式

. They received a benefit in the form of a tax reduction.


17 These men and women developed artist ic “languages” that help us understand these aspirations and also educate generations. (Para. 5)

Meaning: The artistic works and masterpieces created by these men and women help us understand the strong desires and beautiful dreams of human beings and also help educate future generations.

Meaning beyond words: “Language” is in the quotation marks because the word doesn’t just refer to the regular meaning but to all the things mentioned earlier: story, music, myth, painting, architecture, sculpture, landscape and traditions.

18 This fertile body of work from ancient times, the very foundation of civilization, forms the basis of study of the humanities. (Para. 5)

Meaning: The large amount of work filled with rich ideas and imagination from ancient times –the fundamental components of civilization – provides the basis of the study of the humanities.

★a / the body of sth.: a large amount or mass of sth., esp. sth. that has been collected 大量的某物

. Acquiring a language is learning a skill, not collecting a body of information.


19 Studying the humanities improves our ability to read and write. No matter what we do in life, we will have a huge advantage if we can read complex ideas and understand their meaning. We will have a bright career if we are the person in the office who can write a clear and elegant analysis of those ideas! (Para. 6)

Meaning: Studying the humanities helps us improve our reading and writing ability. In whatever situation, it is a great advantage if we understand complex ideas through reading. To illustrate, if we are the person in the office who can write and analyze those complex ideas in a logical, clear, intelligent yet simple manner, we will have a promising career.

Sentence structure NOTE

no matter 常与疑问代词或疑问副词一起构成连词词组引导让步状语从句,意为“不管…,无论…”,在使用时应注意以下几点:

1 注意从句的时态

由no matter 引导的从句多用一般现在时。例如:

No matter who you are, you must obey the rules.


Our aim is to recruit the best person for the job, no matter where they are from.


2 注意被修饰的名词、形容词以及副词的位置

no matter what / whose / which 修饰名词时,该名词必须紧跟其后;no matter how 修饰形容词或副词时,该形容词或副词也必须紧跟其后。例如:

No matter which method you use, you will get the same result.


No matter how hard he works, he finds it difficult to make ends meet.


20 Studying the humanities makes us familiar with the language of emotion and the creative process. (Para. 7)

Meaning: We get more familiar with the expressions of emotion and the process of creation by studying the humanities.

21 In an information economy, many people have the ability to produce a useful product such as

a new MP3 player. (Para. 7)

Meaning: In an economy driven by information, many people are capable of producing a useful commodity like a new MP3 player.

22 Yet, very few people have the ability to create a spectacular brand: the iPod.

Meaning: But very few people have the ability to create an extremely impressive product name such as the iPod.

23 Most importantly, studying the humanities invests us with great insight and self-awareness, thereby releasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and constructive manner.

Meaning: The most important advantage for us to study the humanities is that it enables us to become more analytical and self-aware; therefore, our creativeness and talent are brought out in a positive and constructive way.

★invest sb. / sth. with sth.: (fml.) give sb. or sth. a particular quality 赋予(某人或某物)以(某种性质)

. Nature has invested these animals with a capacity for not showing fear.


★thereby: ad. (fml.) because of or by means of what has just been mentioned 因此;从而;借此

. We started our journey early, thereby avoiding most of the traffic.


24 Perhaps the best argument in favor of the humanities is the scope of possibilities that are

widely open to us. (Para. 8)

Meaning: The most valid argument to support the humanities is perhaps they can provide us with a wide range of opportunities.

★in favor of: supporting a person or an idea, proposal, etc. that you believe is right 支持;赞同

. Congress has decided in favor of a $200 million housing development.


★the scope of: the range of 范围

. The Student Association has promised to widen the scope of activities.


25 Famou s people who studied the humanities make a long list indeed. It’s easy to see that the humanities can prepare us for many different careers and jobs we can undertake, whether medicine, business, science or entertainment. (Para. 8)

Meaning: It is true that famous people who studied the humanities can make up a long list. Obviously, the humanities enable us to engage in many different careers and jobs, no matter whether they are medicine, business, science or entertainment.

★undertake: vt. (undertook, undertaken) agree to be responsible for a job or project and do it 承担;着手做

. Dr. Johnson undertook the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary.


26 If we study only mathematics, it’s likely we will be a candidate only for jobs as a mathematician. (Para. 8)

Meaning: If we study only mathematics, very possibly we will be a person who only competes for jobs as a mathematician.

Meaning beyond words: We can be more competitive if we study the humanities, together with mathematics.

27 If we include studying the humanities, we can make breakthroughs on many barriers and are limited only by our effort and imagination. (Para. 8)

Meaning: If we also study the humanities, we can successfully remove many obstacles on our way and still develop our potential unless we don’t try enough and lack imagination.

28 Of course, nowadays, if we study the humanities alone, we are liable to miss many opportunities. (Para. 9)

Meaning: It is for sure that nowadays if we study the humanities alone, we are likely to miss many chances or opportunities.

★liable: (be ~ to do sth.) likely to do sth. in a particular way because of a fault or tendency 可能( 易于) 做某事的

. Many parts of the country are liable to suffer from flooding.


29 In summary, the humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity.

Meaning: To summarize, with the help of the humanities, we can create all-rounded people who are insightful and well understand the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity.

★well-rounded human beings: human beings with a range of interests and skills and a variety of experience 全面发展的人

30 The humanities, the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge, teach us to see things differently and broaden our horizons. They are as useful and relevant in our modern age as they have always been. (Para. 10)

Meaning: The humanities, the ancient timeless resource of knowledge, teach us to see things from different perspectives and to expand our horizons, which is useful and related to our modern life, just as it has always been.

Note Humanities is considered as a plural noun when it refers to different subjects such as history, philosophy, or English, but in modern tendency, it can be considered as grammatically singular when it refers to an academic discipline or field.

31 Doesn’t it make sense to spend some time in the company of the humanities, our outstanding and remarkable treasure of knowledge (Para. 10)

Meaning: Isn’t it reason able to spend some time with the humanities, our extremely good and marvelous treasure of knowledge

Meaning beyond words: It’s beneficial to study the humanities.

Note This is a rhetorical question (反问句), thereby requiring no answer at all. In other words, a rhetorical question is one which is asked in order to make a statement rather than get an answer. For example:

Don’t you know you are mistaken again 你难道不知道你又错了吗

Why don’t you let your brother speak rather than interrupt each time he tries to talk


★in the company of: in sb.’s company; with sb. 和某人在一起

. She caught sight of her grandson, in the company of three other boys of similar age, going into the narrow alley which led to the railway.



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U4 A Heroes among us 我们身边的英雄 Who's a hero these days?In an era of heightened heroism, the word hero has become more common.We use hero to describe both victims and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies.Who are the heroes among us? 谁是当今的英雄?在一个英雄主义发扬光大的时代,“英雄”一词已经变得更加常见。我们把各种困难和悲剧的受害者和幸存者都称为“英雄”。那么,我们身边哪些人是英雄呢?In the days subsequent to a mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona, many described20-year-old political associate Daniel Hernandez as a hero.During the horrible shooting, he courageously ran through the danger to save the life of one of the victims,his boss and friend,congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Daniel held her head up so she could breathe and applied pressure to her wounds.He spoke tender words of sympathy, telling her that he would find her


UNIT1 reward vt. 报答,酬谢,奖励 n. 1.报答,奖赏2.报酬,酬金 rewarding a.值得做的,有益的 frustrate vt. 1.使沮丧,使灰心2.使挫败,使受挫折 junior n. 1.年少者2.地位较低者,晚辈positive a. 1.积极的,肯定的 2.确实的,明确的 senior n. 较年长者 former a. 在前的,以前的,旧时的 n. 前者 unlike prep. 不像;和... ...不同 ▲intimidate vt. 恐吓,威胁 opportunity n. 机会,时机 online a. & ad. 连线的, 联网的; 连线地, 联网地 communication n. 交流,交际;通信medium n. 媒质,媒介物,传导体 a. 中等的,适中的 modem n. 调制解调器 access n. 1.享用权2.通道,入口participate vi. 参与,参加 virtual a. 1.虚构的,虚拟的 2.实质上的,事实上的,实际上的 commitment n. 1.投入,致力,献身2.承诺,许诺,保证 discipline n. 1.纪律; 自制能力2.惩罚,处分3.学科 minimum a. 最低的,最小的 n. 最低限度,最少量 assignment n. 1.(分派的)任务,(指定的)作业2.分配,指派 embarrass vt. 使窘迫,使尴尬,使不好意思 post vt. 发帖子,张贴 embarrassing a.使人尴尬的,令人难堪的frustration n.沮丧,不安,灰心 continual a. 1.不间断的,不停的2.多次重复的,频频的 continually ad. 1. 不间断地,不停地2. 多次重复地,频频地 finally ad. 最后,终于 reap vt. 1.获得,得到2.收割,收获 benefit n. 益处,好处 vt. 有益于 insight n. 洞察力,洞悉,深刻的见解 communicate vi. 交流,交际 vt. 传达,传播 favorite (英favourite) a. 特别受宠的 n. 特别喜爱的人(或物) gap n. 差距,分歧 Phrases and Expressions at times 有时,偶尔 be well worth + sth./ doing sth. 值得... ...的not only ...but also ... 不仅... ...而且... ... far from 一点都不 a couple of 两个,一些,几个 get/have/obtain access to 可以使用;有权享用 keep up with 跟上,不落后 feel like sth./doing sth. 想做,想要 give up 停止,放弃 reap the benefit(s) 获得益处,得到好处 come across 偶然遇上 give sb. Insight(s) into 深刻理解 trade for 用... ... 换 participate in 参加 now that 既然, 由于 instead of 而不是,代替 reach out to 接触, 联系 UNIT2 concern n..1.担心,忧虑 2.关心的事,担心的事 Vt. 1.使担心,使忧虑2.涉及,与…有关click vi. 发出"嘟"、"咔嗒"等轻微响声n. 咔嗒声 blast v. 1.发出猛烈响声2.爆破 n.爆炸 forth ad. 出来; 向前 burst vi.冲,闯 horrible a. 1.可怕的,令人恐惧的;2.糟糕的,令人不悦的 stuff n. 东西;材料 rhythm n. 节奏; 韵律 grab vt.抓住,夺得


Unit 1 Time-Conscious Americans Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor. 美国人认为没有人能停止不前。如果你不求进取,你就会落伍。这种态度造就了一个投身于研究、实验和探索的民族。时间是美国人注意节约的两个要素之一,另一要素是劳力。 "We are slaves to nothing but the clock," it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious resource. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. Once the sands have run out of a person's hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count. 人们一直说:“只有时间才能支配我们。”人们似乎把时间当作一个差不多是实实在在的东西来对待。我们安排时间、节约时间、浪费时间、挤抢时间、消磨时间、缩减时间、对时间的利用作出解释;我们还要因付出时间而收取费用。时间是一种宝贵的资源,许多人都深感人生的短暂。时光一去不复返。我们应当让每一分钟都过得有意义。


第一册 第一单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1) their social life (2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2 (1) busy (2) friends (3) university (4) social life Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: A E B D C F Sharing: Task 4 Q 1 Key(s): danced Q 2 Key(s): (1) view of the river (2) fun Q 3 Key(s): drink Q 4 Key(s): (1) west (2) delicious meal Q 5 Key(s): (1) house (2) television/TV Listening: Task 2 Activity 1 Q 1 Key(s): 1962 Q 2 Key(s): fourth/4th Q 3 Key(s): 1990 Q 4 Key(s): 1996

Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher (2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work (6) his wife (7) in his own words Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) home (2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat (8) sea (9) happiness Role-playing: Task 2 (1) It was great (2) He's a football player/He is a football player (3) It was really beautiful Role-playing: Task 3 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10

新视野大学英语第二册Unit 2课文翻译

新视野大学英语第二册Unit 2课文翻译 尼克莱·彼得罗维奇·安尼金一点都不像我想象的那么吓人。 不,他不可能是我父亲特地送我来见的那位前苏联教练。 可他的确是尼克莱·彼得罗维奇·安尼金本人。 他请我进门,在沙发上坐下,又拍了拍身边的垫子,让我坐在他旁边。 在他面前,我真的很紧张。 “你还年轻,”他的英语带着俄语口音: “如果你愿意试着向奥林匹克运动会进军,我想你能行。 长野奥运会来不及参加了,但你可以准备参加2002年盐湖城奥运会。” “完全可以,不是吗?”看到我脸上惊愕的表情,他又说道。 我那时是一个很有前途的业余滑雪运动员,但在国内决不是顶尖选手。 “当然,你需要进行很多艰苦的训练,你会哭鼻子,但你一定会进步的。” 的确,后来我经历了无数痛苦的训练,还为此流了不少眼泪。但在后来的五年里,我总能从尼克莱讲的有趣故事和他的幽默感中得到鼓励。 他开始总是说:“我的朋友们常去看电影,去跳舞,去和女孩子约会,”然后他会压低嗓门接着说:“我就在运动场上训练、训练、再训练。 第二年,我的15公里滑雪比赛成绩缩短了1.5分钟。” “朋友们问我:‘尼克莱,你怎么做到的呢?’我回答:‘你们去看电影、跳舞、和女孩子约会,而我一直在训练、训练、再训练。’” 故事通常到这儿就结束了。但有一次──后来我们知道那天是他结婚25周年纪念日──他穿着一件旧的毛衣,很自豪地站着,微笑着轻声说道:“告诉你们,我可是在26岁那年才第一次亲吻女孩子。她后来就和我结了婚。”

不管他是不是懂得浪漫,尼克莱知道什么是爱。 他以一贯的幽默、默默的感恩、敏锐的感觉和真诚的态度为爱设立了奥林匹克般的标准。即使在我结束了滑雪生涯之后,我仍一直努力去达到那个标准。 但他又从不娇惯我。 二月里的一天,我头很疼,感到十分疲倦。 我在一片空地上遇见了他,在寒风中的雪地里滑了大概十五分钟后,我赶上了他,有点小题大做地说:“嘿,尼克莱,我感觉我要死了。” “如果活到一百岁,人人都会死的,”他对我的痛苦无动于衷,态度坚决地接着说:“但你现在必须滑、滑、再滑。” 在滑雪板上,我照他说的去做。 但在其他事情上我会反抗他。 在一次经费并不宽裕的滑雪露营活动中,他让我们十个人挤在一个单身汉住的芬兰式屋子里。第一天我们醒来时发现尼克莱正在做早餐。然后我们坐在临时拼凑起来的椅子上,围着张小小的牌桌,用勺子很快地吃完早饭。 吃完后,尼克莱把摞起来的油腻腻的碗向我和我唯一的另一个女队友前一推,武断地说:“女孩子们,现在去洗碗吧!” 我把餐巾往地上一扔,向他骂道:“让该死的男孩子们去洗吧!这不公平!”他没再让我去洗碗,也没对我的大发脾气显得太在意。 他只在滑雪时才显露出强烈的情感。 训练的时候,他会岁着我们迈步的节奏大声发出指令:“对,就这样,一二三,一二三。”我祖父的一个好朋友──一位上了年纪的女士──看了尼克莱带我训练的录像带后问道:“他也教舞蹈吗?”


新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册读写教程课后答案 新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册读写教程课后答案Unit 1 Language in mission Text A An impressive English lesson Ex.1 Understanding the text 1、Because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules. 2、The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture are so marvelous and remarkable that they should be described at least in a brief account; however, what the student could do was only one single utterance :“whoa!” without any any specific comment. 3、Because the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. They only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. And the younger teachers themselves have little knowledge of the vital structures of language. 4、Because teaching grammar is not an easy job and most of the students will easily get bored if it’s not properly dealt with. 5、He familiarized his son with different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions including how to use adverbs to describe verbs. 6、Because the son had never heard about the various names and functions of words in an English sentence before. 7、The author uses “road map”and “car”to describe grammar and vocabulary. Here,“road map”is considered as grammar and “car”as vocabulary. 8、Since the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the interjection“whoa!”reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son; it also reflects the author’s humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, tho ugh in two different situations and with two different feelings. Ex.3 Words in use 1.condense 2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 6.adequate https://www.doczj.com/doc/a115103732.html,petent 8.adjusting 9.precisely 10.beneficial Ex.4 Word building -al/-ial: managerial/editorial/substance/survival/tradition/margin -cy : consistency/accuracy/efficient -y : recovery/ministry/assembly Ex.5 Word building 1.editorial 2.recovery 3.accuracy 4.substance 5.managerial 6.margin 7.assembly 8.Ministry 9.survival 10.tradition 11.consistency 12.efficient Ex.6 Banked cloze 1-5: L C J A I 6-10: O N E H F Ex.7 Expressions in use 1.feel obliged to 2.be serious about 3.run into 4.distinguish between 5.thrust upon 6.was allergic to 7.get lost 8.be attracted to 9.make sense 10.looked upon as Ex.8 Structured writing Some bookworms in my dormitory often spend hours reading their “Bible”, Practical English Grammar, and do a lot of exercises in that book , but I don’t care about it at all. My assumption is since I have never learned Chinese grammar, what’s the sense of l earning English grammar? In fact, English grammar has always been a big headache to me. English grammar is very complicated because, unlike Chinese, there are many verb tenses. Even


新视野大学英语1单词表 Unit1 Section A 1、reward vt.奖赏,回报n.奖赏,回报 2、rewarding a.值得做的,有益的,有意义的 3、frustrate vt.使沮丧,使灰心 4、junior a.初级的,较低的n.较低者,晚辈 5、positive a.积极的,明确的 6、senior a.较高的n.年长者,较高者,长辈 7、former a.在前的,以前的,旧时的n.前者 8、unlike prep.不像,和······不同 9、intimidate vt.威胁,恐吓 10、opportunity n.机会 11、online a.联网的,在线的ad.联网地,在线地 12、communication n.交流,交际,通讯 13、medium n.媒体,媒介 a.中等的 14、modem n.调制调解器 15、access n.享用权,通道,入口 16、participate vi.参加,参与 17、virtual a.虚拟的,实质上的 18、commitment n.献身,投入,致力,承诺,保证 19、disipline n.纪律,学科 20、minimum a.最低的,最小的n.最少量,最低限度 21、assignment n.任务,作业 22、embarrass vt.使尴尬,使难堪 23、embarrassing a.令人尴尬的,令人难堪的 24、frustration n.沮丧,不安,灰心 25、post vt.张贴,发帖子 26、continual a.不间断的,不停的,重复的,频繁的 27、continually ad.不间断地,不停地,重复地,频繁地 28、reap vt.收获,收割,获得,得到 29、benefit n.利益v.有利于 30、insight n.深刻的见解 31、communicate vt.传达,传播vi.交流,交际 32、favorite a.最喜欢的n.最喜欢的人或物 33、gap n.差距,分歧 Section B 34、community n.团体,社区


第一单元 Sharing 1 Reference: their social life Reference: whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Reference: leisure activities Reference: how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actresses 2 busy friends university social life 3. Answers:a-c-e-d-b-f 4. danced view of fun drink west delicious meal house television / TV Listening2.1 1962 4th 1990 1996 2.2 teacher cleaned houses lost visited work his wife in his own words Viewing1 A famous ballet dancer. Havana. His home country, family and childhood. 2.1 Answers:a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b 2.2 home country relatives foreigner speak passed on heat sea happiness Role-playing2.1 It was great He's a football player It was really beautiful 2.2 135710 Presenting1.1 a small town 1993 2008 2003 7 / seven


新视野大学英语第三版第二册读写课文翻译 Unit 1 Text A 一堂难忘的英语课 1 如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。对他而言,我是一个乏味的怪物:一个他不得不听其教诲的父亲,一个还沉湎于语法规则的人,对此我儿子似乎颇为反感。 2 我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。这个学生刚从欧洲旅游回来。我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?” 3 她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!” 4 没了。所有希腊文明和罗马建筑的辉煌居然囊括于一个浓缩的、不完整的语句之中!我的学生以“哇!”来表示她的惊叹,我只能以摇头表达比之更强烈的忧虑。 5 关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。学生的确本应该能够区分诸如their/there/they're之间的不同,或区别complimentary 跟complementary之间显而易见的差异。由于这些知识缺陷,他们承受着大部分不该承受的批评和指责,因为舆论认为他们应该学得更好。 6 学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。举例来说,杂货店的指示牌会把他们引向stationary(静止处),虽然便笺本、相册、和笔记本等真正的stationery(文具用品)并没有被钉在那儿。朋友和亲人常宣称They've just ate。实际上,他们应该说They've just eaten。因此,批评学生不合乎情理。 7 对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。学校应对英语熟练程度制定出更高的标准。可相反,学校只教零星的语法,高级词汇更是少之又少。还有就是,学校的年轻教师显然缺乏这些重要的语言结构方面的知识,因为他们过去也没接触过。学校有责任教会年轻人进行有效的语言沟通,可他们并没把语言的基本框架——准确的语法和恰当的词汇——充分地传授给学生。


新视野Book3 汉译英翻译 Unit 1 Translate the following paragraph into English 如今,很多年轻人不再选择“稳定”的工作,他们更愿意自主创业,依靠自己的智慧和奋斗去实现自我价值。青年创业(young entrepreneurship)是未来国家经济活力的来源,创业者的成功不但会创造财富、增加就业机会、改善大家的生活,从长远来看,对于国家更是一件好事,创业者正式让中国经济升级换代的力量。尤其是在当前,国家鼓励大众创业、万众创新,在政策上给予中小企业支持,这更加激发了年轻人的创业热情。 Nowadays, many young people no longer choose“stable” jobs. Instead, they prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts. Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves people’s life, but it is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading China’s economy. Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further arouses young people’s enthusiasm to start their own businesses. Unit 2 Translate the following paragraph into English 实现中华民族伟大复兴(rejuvenation)是近代以来中国人民最伟大的梦想,我称之为“中国梦”,其基本内涵是实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。中国梦,是让每一个积极进取的中国人形成世世代代的信念:只要经过不懈的奋斗便能获得更好的生活。人们必须通过自己的勤奋、勇气、创意和决心迈向繁荣,而不是依赖于社会和他人的援助。每个中国人都是中国梦的参与者和创造者。中国梦是民族的梦,也是每个中国人的梦。 Realizing the great national rejuvenation, which we define as the Chinese Dream, has been the greatest Chinese expectation since modern times. It basically means achieving prosperity for the country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the people, thus ensuring that every enterprising Chinese carries, generation after generation, the firm conviction that a better life is accomplished through persistent effort. People should achieve their prosperity through diligence, courage, creativity and determination instead of aid from society or other people. Each individual is a participant and a designer in the cause of realizing the Chinese Dream, for it is a dream not only for the entire nation but also for every Chinese. Unit 3 Translate the following paragraph into English 水墨画(ink and wash painting)是中国独具特色的传统艺术形式之一,是中国国画的代表。它大约始于唐代,兴盛于宋代和元代,距今已有一千多年的历史,其间经历了不断的发展、提高和完善。水墨画的创作工具和材料是具有浓厚中国特色的毛笔、宣纸和墨,其作品特点也与此紧密相关。例如,水和墨相互调和,使作品具有干湿浓淡的层次。水墨和宣纸的交融渗透也使画作善于表现丰富的意向,从而达到独特的审美效果。水墨画在中国绘画史上具有很高的地位,甚至被认为是衡量东方绘画艺术水平的标准。 Ink and wash painting, one of the unique traditional art forms of China, is representative of Chinese painting. It began around the time of the Tang Dynasty, and then prospered in the Song and Yuan dynasties. With a history of over one thousand years, it has experienced constant development, improvement and perfection. The tools and materials used to create ink and wash painting, i.e. brushes, rice paper, and ink, are characteristic of Chinese culture and closely related to the features of the paintings. For example, the mixing of water and ink creates different shades of dryness, wetness, thickness and thinness. The integration and infiltration of water, ink, and rice paper enables such paintings to convey rich images, and hence to achieve unique aesthetic effects.

新视野大学英语(第三版)Book 2 课文翻译

新视野大学英语第三版Book 2 课文翻译 Unit 1 Text A 一堂难忘的英语课 1 如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。对他而言,我是一个乏味的怪物:一个他不得不听其教诲的父亲,一个还沉湎于语法规则的人,对此我儿子似乎颇为反感。 2 我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。这个学生刚从欧洲旅游回来。我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?” 3 她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!” 4 没了。所有希腊文明和罗马建筑的辉煌居然囊括于一个浓缩的、不完整的语句之中!我的学生以“哇!”来表示她的惊叹,我只能以摇头表达比之更强烈的忧虑。 5 关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。学生的确本应该能够区分诸如their/there/they're之间的不同,或区别complimentary 跟complementary之间显而易见的差异。由于这些知识缺陷,他们承受着大部分不该承受的批评和指责,因为舆论认为他们应该学得更好。 6 学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。举例来说,杂货店的指示牌会把他们引向stationary(静止处),虽然便笺本、相册、和笔记本等真正的stationery(文具用品)并没有被钉在那儿。朋友和亲人常宣称They've just ate。实际上,他们应该说They've just eaten。因此,批评学生不合乎情理。 7 对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。学校应对英语熟练程度制定出更高的标准。可相反,学校只教零星的语法,高级词汇更是少之又少。还有就是,学校的年轻教师显然缺乏这些重要的语言结构方面的知识,因为他们过去也没接触过。学校有责任教会年轻人进行有效的语言沟通,可他们并没把语言的基本框架——准确的语法和恰当的词汇——充分地传授给学生。 8 因为语法对大多数年轻学生而言枯燥且乏味,所以我觉得讲授语法得一步一步、注重技巧地进行。有一天机会来了。我跟儿子开车外出。我们出发时,他看到一只小鸟飞得很不稳,就说:“它飞的不稳。”(It's flying so unsteady.)我小心翼翼地问:“儿子,鸟怎么飞?” “有问题吗?我说得不对吗?(Did I say anything incorrectly?)” 他一头雾水。“太好了,你说的是incorrectly而不是incorrect。我们用副词来描述动词。所以,要用unsteadily来描述鸟飞,而不是unsteady。” 9 他对我的纠正很好奇,就问我什么是副词。我慢慢解释道:“副词是用来修饰动词的词。” 这又导致了他询问我什么是动词。我解释说:“动词是表示行为的词,例如:爸爸开卡车。…开?是动词,因为它是爸爸在做的事。” 10 他开始对表示行为的词产生兴趣,所以我们又罗列了几个动词:“飞行”、“游泳”、“跳水”、“跑步”。然后,他又好奇地问我,其他的词有没有说明它们的用法和功能的名称。这就引发了我们对名词、形容词和冠词的讨论。在短短十分钟的驾驶时间内,他从对语法一无所知到学会了句子中主要词语的词性。这是一次毫无痛苦而又非常有趣的学习经历。 11 也许,语言应该被看成是一张路线图和一件珍品:我们要常常查看路线图(核对语法)和调整汽车的引擎(调节词汇)。学好语法和掌握大量的词汇就好比拿着路线图在车况良好的车里驾驶。 12 路线图为你的旅行提供所需的基本路线和路途指南,可是它不会告诉你一路上你究竟会看见什么树或什么花,你会遇见什么样的人,或会有什么样的感受。这里,词汇会使你的旅途变得五彩缤纷、栩栩如生。大量的词汇让你享受到开车途中所见的点点滴滴。借助语


新视野大学英语4 词汇 UIT1 A chase 追逐;追赶 cruelty 残酷;残忍 pessimistic悲观的 conquest 征服;控制 2. [sing., U] 征服;攻占 bankrupt 破产的 motive n.动机 worship vt.崇拜;敬重;仰慕 spur vt鼓励;刺激 lure [C] 诱惑 drown v.沉浸于 (使)淹死 imperial a.壮丽的;宏大的 帝国的;皇帝的 agent [C] 经纪人 [C] 代理人;代理商hasten vt.加快;加速 elevator n.电梯 blur n.模糊的记忆;模糊不清的事物idle a.不工作的;闲着的 bore vt.使厌烦 bored a. 厌烦的 continuity [U]连贯(性);连续(性)sustain vt.维持;使...持续 minute a.极小的 discount vt.忽视;低估 2.降低价格;打折 [C] 折扣 plot [C] (小说、电影、戏剧等的)情节 [C] 阴谋;密谋 moviemaker [C] 电影制作人 distinct a. 明显不同的;清楚的;明显的spotlight [C] 聚光灯 jungle [C, U](热带)丛林 fraud n. 欺诈;诈骗 contaminate vt. 污染;弄脏 underline vt. 在...下划线 强调,使突出uncompromising a. 不妥协的;不让步的object vi. 反对;不赞成 accuse vt.指控;控告 banquet [C]宴会 sue vt. 起诉;控告attorney [C] 律师 second vt.支持;附议 fine vt.罚...的款 expel vt.开除;驱逐 justify vt.证明...有道理;为...辩护single-minded一心一意的;专一的novelist [C]小说家 musician [C]音乐家;乐手desperate a.极需要的;极向往的 绝望的;拼命的desperately ad.非常 Phrases and Expressions at best 充其量;至多 run a/the risk 冒险;有...风险remain /be true to忠于 object to 反对;不赞成 accuse sb. of sth. 指控;控告throw out开除; UNIT 1 B <1>barn [C]谷仓;牲口棚 <2>bull[C] |公牛 <3>mill [C]磨坊 <4>spray v. |喷;喷洒 <5>sunshine [U] |阳光 <6>canal n. [C] |运河 7>bathe |vi. |游泳 v. (给...)洗澡 <9>towel [C]毛巾 <10>clay [U] |黏土 11>ditch [C]水沟;渠 12>seashell [C] |贝壳 13>seaweed[U] |海草;海藻 14>crane [C]起重机;吊车 15>racism [U]种族主义 16>enquire v.打听;询问 17>deposit[C]存款;定金 18>container [C] |容器 [C]集装箱 19>coil|[C] |卷;盘 20>tray |[C]托盘 21>brow|[C]额;前额 22>moist a. |湿润的

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