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2.3 Intermediate step

Regarding the GPSR protocol, the best neighbor node is the nearest node to the destination.

We modify this rule in GPSR and add a restriction for selecting the best neighbors based on the

list of private keys.



In other words, when node A finds the best neighbor B from its neighborhood table, the list of private keys of node A needs to be compared with the list of private keys of node B.

Then, node B is selected as a next node if and only if at least one private key of node A and B is selected from the same matrix.

If they have no similar matrices, node B is eliminated from the neighborhood table and this phase repeats again to find the best neighborhoods.




where the list of private keys of node B is Pr B and Pr A is the list of private keys of node A.

2.3.1 Shared key generation phase

When the best neighbor is selected, the node needs a shared key to communicate with its neighbors securely. The shared key is created for each pair of two nodes that have a private key from the same matrix Pi.

For example, if nodes i and j have a key form matrix P1, the shared

key can be calculated by:





We have mentioned it earlier that Pr is symmetric matrix,


Then, the result of P 1 _ kP is a symmetric matrix with size N × N in which

SKij = SKji is the shared key between nodes i and j .

然后,结果P k *P 1是一个大小为N × N 的对称矩阵,在这个矩阵中

ji ij SK SK ,并且它们是节点i 和节点j 之间的共享密钥。

After generating the shared secret key, the packet and the selected index are

sent to the best neighbor by using the shared key.



It is important to mention that we assume our network is completely dense

and each node has at least one neighbor with the same specification.



2.3.2 Verification phase

When the packet is received by the best neighbor (for example node B ), this node extracts the index from

the packet and regenerate the shared key.

2.3.2 验证阶段

当数据包被最佳邻居节点(例如节点B )接收后,那么该节点将从数据包中提取索引,并且再生共享


Then, node B creates an ACK message, signs it by using a shared key, and sends it to node A .

然后,节点B 创建一个ACK 消息,通过使用共享的密钥将该消息进行标记,并将其发送给节点A 。

If the ACK message is verified by node A , node B is a trusted node, otherwise node B is a malicious node.

如果这个ACK 消息通过了节点A 的验证,那么节点B 就被认为是一个可受信任的节点,否则节点B 被


Therefore, Node A generates an alarm message and broadcast to the network that the node for eliminating

the malicious node from their neighborhood tables.

因此,节点A 将产生一个报警信息,并向网络进行广播,告知网络中其它节点应该从他们的邻居表


2.4 Destination Step

When a packet is received by the destination node, the probability of wormhole attack

happening is checked based on the distance between source node to the destination node

and the number of hops from source to destination.

A necessary condition for detecting wormhole in destination node is:





where the location of the source node is (xs , ys ), (xd , yd ) is the location of the

destination, R is the radio range of nodes, number of hops from source to destination is

shown by h .

When the wormhole is detected, a request packet is sent to source node in order to send a

packet again from another path.

上式中,()s s y ,x 是源节点的位置,()d d y x ,是目的节点的位置。R 是节

点的无线广播范围半径,从源节点到目的节点的跳数由h 显示。当检测



3.1 Miss detection probability analysis


Miss detection probability is a crucial metric to evaluate wormhole detection methods.


According to key distribution of this method, there are y potential

private keys for N sensor nodes in the network and each sensor

node randomly selects α private keys ( α≤y ).

根据该方法的主要分布,在网络中的N 个传感器节点中有y 个


(α≤y )。

Therefore, the probability of a specific key belonging to one node

is equal to bay c while the malicious nodes do not have a private

key. 因此,一个特定的密钥属于一个节点的概率是等于??

????y α,而恶意节点没有一个私人密钥。

If the adversary is able to compromise x nodes, the probability that

just m nodes from x nodes (m ≤ x ≤ N) contain the specific key

(i K ) from y potential private keys is computed by:

如果对手能够向x 节点妥协,仅仅是m 节点从x 节点(m ≤ x ≤ N) 包

含从潜在的私人密钥y 的概率可以通过下面公式计算:

Therefore, the probability of breaking one link by an adversary is calculated in below formula:


Where x is the number of compromised nodes, numbers of selected nodes are shown by m, y is

the number of potential private keys and αis equal to the number of private keys for each node.


To create a wormhole in geographic routing protocol necessitates two or more malicious nodes to receive packets at one point of the network and forward those packets to another location by a wireless or wired tunnel.


Therefore, as shown in Fig. 8, the adversary needs to break

more than 1 link to create the wormhole attack in the network.


Figure 8. Creating wormhole by breaking two link in geographic routing protocols.

图8 在地理路由协议中通过断开链接来创建虫洞

If there are h hops from source node to destination, the adversary needs to break j link

(j < h) to create wormhole attack. Then, the probability of creating wormholes by the attacker is:

如果有从源节点到目的地的跳数为h,对手需要打破j条链路(j < k),以创建虫洞攻击。


where h = the number of hops, j = the number of broken links, x = the number of compromised nods, αindicates the number of private keys for each node and y is the number of potential private Keys.

此处,h为跳数,j为断开链接的数目,x为妥协节点的数目,α表示每个节点的私钥数量,而y 为潜在私人秘钥的数目。


Fig. 9 shows the probability of a broken link where the number of potential private keys is 6 (y = 6), the number of private keys is 3, 4, or 5 (α= 3, 4, or 5), the maximum number of compromised nodes is 100 (x = 100) and the number of hops from source to destination node is equal to 10 (h = 10). 图9显示了一个断开连接的概率情况,其中潜在的私钥的数目是6(y= 6),

私有密钥的数量是3,4,或5(α= 3,4,或5),妥协节点的最大数目为100(x= 100),从源到目的节点的跳数等于10(h=10)。

It can be seen that when the amount of compromised nodes are less than 55, the attacker cannot break the link, but with the increase of the number of compromised nodes, the probability of broken link is increasing too till the number of compromised node is equal to 70 and the attacker can break the link. 可以看出,当妥协节点的数量少于55时,攻击者无法打破连接,但是,随着妥协节点数量的增多,断开链接的概率也越来越高,直到直到被损害的节点的数目等于70为止,此时攻击者可以打破连接。

Fig. 9 also shows that when the number of compromised nodes is less than 55 or more than 65, the adversary cannot create the wormhole attack otherwise the maximum rate of miss detection wormhole is about 0.3 when the number of compromised nodes is from 55 to 65 (S1 Table).


图9 在y = 6和(3、4或5)时,断开连接的概率

图10 y=6(α=3、4或5)时的误检率

In Fig. 10, the comparison of the probability of miss detection is illustrated when the number

of private keys is 3, 4, or 5 (α= 3, 4, or 5) and the number of hops from source to destination

node is equal to 10 (h = 10). As it is shown, our method is able to detect almost all

wormhole attacks (S2 Table).


3.2 Simulation Setup


We use simulator NS-2 to evaluate the performance of our scheme for detecting wormhole attack

in geographic routing protocols.


We deploy 200 nodes randomly in a square area of size 1000 *1000 平方米square area with multiple holes inside.


The transmission range of each node is set to 150 m. The number of malicious nodes is considered between 2 to 10 nodes, which can change their location to create the wormhole attack.


We implement the GPSR routing protocol and then improve the structure of beacon and neighborhood table based on our method.


Each node broadcasts the beacon packets periodically with a nominal interval of 0.3 seconds to update its neighborhood table.


We present our results after averaging of 100 simulation runs. All

simulation parameters are shown in the Table 1.



Before simulating our method, the impact of wormhole attacks on geographic routing protocols

is illustrated in Fig. 11.


We transfer 1250 packets within 20 hops and monitor the network to find the number of packets that are sent through the malicious nodes, are called untrusted packets.


As it is clear, the wormhole attack is capable of transferring nearly 60% of the packets.

Since the malicious nodes are able to change or drop the packets, it is necessary to protect this network against wormhole attack (S3 Table).


表1 仿真参数











模拟区域(平方米)1000 * 1000

Figure 11. The effect of wormhole attack on geographic routing protocols

图11 虫洞攻击对地理路由协议的影响

3.2.1 Wormhole detection rate


The wormhole detection rate is defined as the ratio of the number of detected wormhole over

the total number of attacks by the adversaries in the network.


Fig. 12 plots the wormhole detection rate versus the tunnel length. We randomly place one wormhole in the network in each run.


It can be seen that our scheme (DWGRP) is able to detect all wormhole attacks (100%). However, the rate of wormhole detection in ANS method is approximately 80 percent.



RRS method has the minimum rate of wormhole detection which is about 50 percent when the

length of the tunnel reaches to 10.


Generally, the performance of the DWGRP method to detect the wormhole attack is satisfactory and better than the other methods (S4 Table).


Then, we compare the rate of wormhole detection for our scheme (DWGRP) with WHOP [56] and WDI [57]. We simulate the WHOP and WDI methods on GPSR protocols to compare their performance.

然后,对于虫洞检测率我们就我们的方案和WHOP [56] 和WDI [57]做一些比较。我们在GPRS协议上对WHOP和WDI方法进行模拟,来对它们的性能进行比较。

As it is shown in Fig. 13, the wormhole detection rate in WDI method has a slightly downward trend in which by increasing the tunnel length, the detection rate decreases from 90% to 70%. In WHOP scheme, the detection rate rises up to nearly 85% when the number of hops approaches 10.

如图13所示,通过增加隧道长度,WDI方法的虫洞检测率略有下降趋势,从90%下降到70%。在WHOP 方案中,当节点间跳数接近10时,检测率上升到近85%。

Since the DWGRP scheme is able to detect 100% of wormhole attacks, the performance of our scheme is

better than WHOP and WDI in geographic routing protocols (S5 Table).


Figure 12. Wormhole detection rate against different tunnel length.

图12 不同隧道长度的虫洞检测率

Figure 13. Wormhole detection rate versus tunnel length in WDI, WHOP and DWGRP

图13 WDI, WHOP和DWGRP三种方案下不同隧道长度对应的虫洞检测率

Figure 14. The rate of re-send packets against different tunnel length.

图14 对应不同隧道长度重新发送数据包的速率。

3.2.2 Resend packet rate


If a wormhole attack is detected by the sink in our scheme, this packet will be eliminated and the packet will be re-sent.


The ratio of the number of re-send packets over the total number of packets from source to destination is defined as the rate of re-send packets.


Therefore, by increasing the rate of re-send packets, the rate of wasted energy is increased in the network. 作为结果,随着重发数据包率的增加,网络能量的浪费也会增加。

Fig. 14shows the rate of re-send packets against different tunnel lengths for DWGRP, ANS and RRS.

图14显示的是三种不同方案DWGRP, ANS和RRS时,不同的隧道长度所对应的数据包重发率。

The rate of re-send packets in our scheme is zero when the tunnel length is less than 7.


When the tunnel length reaches to 10, less than 5 percent of packets need to be re-sent in DWGRP because the attacker cannot break the link in the network.


However, approximately 15 percent of packets which arrive to the sink will be re-sent in ANS method when the tunnel length is equal to 10.


In the RRS scheme, the sink node cannot detect the wormhole attack and request re-sending packets. Therefore, this rate is zero for RRS (S6 Table).



4 Conclusion


Wormhole attack is recognized as a severe threat to wireless sensor networks and geographic routing protocols.


Detection of wormhole attack is difficult because such attacks appear in various modes.


In this paper we categorize the wormhole attacks based on their characteristics and impact on different routing protocols.


Then, we present a novel detection method of wormhole attacks in geographic routing protocols by improving the pairwise key pre-distribution scheme based on the beacon packets.


Our scheme has the capability to detect the malicious nodes before receiving the message.


The proposed scheme does not need any special hardware devices and additional assumptions, such as network synchronization, special guard nodes, or unit disk communication model.


Simulation results and analytical modeling show that DWGRP approach achieves superior performance and applicability with the minimum restrictions compared with the related works in geographic routing protocols or wireless sensor networks.


For the future work, we intend to improve this method by modifying the pairwise key pre-distribution scheme to detect all malicious nodes.

We will also improve our method to prevent the Sybil attack.



Supporting Information

S1 Table. Probability of breaking in different scenarios.


S2 Table. Probability of miss detection in different scenarios.


S3 Table. The effect of wormhole attack on geographic routing protocols.


S4 Table. Comparison of wormhole detection rate in ANS, RRS, and the proposed method

based on length of tunnel.


S5 Table. Comparison of wormhole detection rate in WDI, WHOP and the proposed method

based on length of tunnel.


S6 Table. Comparison of re-send packets in traditional and the proposed method based on

length of tunnel.












This work was carried out as part of the Mobile Cloud Computing research project funded by

the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education under the University of Malaya High Impact Research Grant, reference number UM.C/HIR/MOHE/FCSIT/03.



This work was partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China

under Grant no. 61300220 and NSFC project 61371098.


Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: AG MKK MS.

Performed the experiments: MS XL XW.

Analyzed the data: AS ME MS MKK.

Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: AG AA.

Wrote the paper: MS.


构思和设计的实验:AG MKK MS

进行实验:MS XL XW


贡献试剂/材料/分析工具:AG AA。




桂林理工大学土木与建筑工程学院 土木工程专业英语外文翻译,中文翻译 姓名:马凤志 专业:土木应用 班级:10级9班 学号:3100510939


中文翻译 The Influence of Concrete Compaction on the Strength of Concrete Filled Steel Tubes 压实混凝土对混凝土强度的影响 Lin-Hai Han School of Civil Engineering, Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Haihe Road 202, PO Box 689, Harbin 150090, P.R. China 韩林海,哈尔滨建筑大学,土木与建筑工程学院,海河路202号,邮政信箱,689,哈尔滨,150090 中国 ABSTRACT: Tests on twenty-one concrete filled steel tubes to investigate the influence of compaction methods on the strength of concrete filled steel tubular members are reported. 摘要:测试二十一钢管混凝土试验,研究了钢管对混凝土构件强度压实方法的影响报告。 Two parameters were investigated, including slenderness ratio and load eccentricity. 对两个参数进行研究,包括长细比和荷载偏心。 It was found that better compaction of concrete resulted in higher values of the ultimate strength of concrete filled steel


南京航空航天大学 硕士学位论文 基于无线传感器网络的环境监测系统设计与实现 姓名:耿长剑 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电路与系统 指导教师:王成华 20090101

南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 摘要 无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是一种集成了计算机技术、通信技术、传感器技术的新型智能监控网络,已成为当前无线通信领域研究的热点。 随着生活水平的提高,环境问题开始得到人们的重视。传统的环境监测系统由于传感器成本高,部署比较困难,并且维护成本高,因此很难应用。本文以环境温度和湿度监控为应用背景,实现了一种基于无线传感器网络的监测系统。 本系统将传感器节点部署在监测区域内,通过自组网的方式构成传感器网络,每个节点采集的数据经过多跳的方式路由到汇聚节点,汇聚节点将数据经过初步处理后存储到数据中心,远程用户可以通过网络访问采集的数据。基于CC2430无线单片机设计了无线传感器网络传感器节点,主要完成了温湿度传感器SHT10的软硬件设计和部分无线通讯程序的设计。以PXA270为处理器的汇聚节点,完成了嵌入式Linux系统的构建,将Linux2.6内核剪裁移植到平台上,并且实现了JFFS2根文件系统。为了方便调试和数据的传输,还开发了网络设备驱动程序。 测试表明,各个节点能够正确的采集温度和湿度信息,并且通信良好,信号稳定。本系统易于部署,降低了开发和维护成本,并且可以通过无线通信方式获取数据或进行远程控制,使用和维护方便。 关键词:无线传感器网络,环境监测,温湿度传感器,嵌入式Linux,设备驱动

Abstract Wireless Sensor Network, a new intelligent control and monitoring network combining sensor technology with computer and communication technology, has become a hot spot in the field of wireless communication. With the improvement of living standards, people pay more attention to environmental issues. Because of the high maintenance cost and complexity of dispose, traditional environmental monitoring system is restricted in several applications. In order to surveil the temperature and humidity of the environment, a new surveillance system based on WSN is implemented in this thesis. Sensor nodes are placed in the surveillance area casually and they construct ad hoc network automatieally. Sensor nodes send the collection data to the sink node via multi-hop routing, which is determined by a specific routing protocol. Then sink node reveives data and sends it to the remoted database server, remote users can access data through Internet. The wireless sensor network node is designed based on a wireless mcu CC2430, in which we mainly design the temperature and humidity sensors’ hardware and software as well as part of the wireless communications program. Sink node's processors is PXA270, in which we construct the sink node embedded Linux System. Port the Linux2.6 core to the platform, then implement the JFFS2 root file system. In order to facilitate debugging and data transmission, the thesis also develops the network device driver. Testing showed that each node can collect the right temperature and humidity information, and the communication is stable and good. The system is easy to deploy so the development and maintenance costs is reduced, it can be obtained data through wireless communication. It's easy to use and maintain. Key Words: Wireless Sensor Network, Environment Monitoring, Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Embedded Linux, Device Drivers


1-2.什么是无线传感器网络? 无线传感器网络是大量的静止或移动的传感器以自组织和多跳的方式构成的无线网络。目的是协作地探测、处理和传输网络覆盖区域内感知对象的监测信息,并报告给用户。 1-4.图示说明无线传感器网络的系统架构。 1-5.传感器网络的终端探测结点由哪些部分组成?这些组成模块的功能分别是什么? (1)传感模块(传感器、数模转换)、计算模块、通信模块、存储模块电源模块和嵌入式软件系统 (2)传感模块负责探测目标的物理特征和现象,计算模块负责处理数据和系统管理,存储模块负责存放程序和数据,通信模块负责网络管理信息和探测数据两种信息的发送和接收。另外,电源模块负责结点供电,结点由嵌入式软件系统支撑,运行网络的五层协议。 1-8.传感器网络的体系结构包括哪些部分?各部分的功能分别是什么? (1)网络通信协议:类似于传统Internet网络中的TCP/IP协议体系。它由物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层和应用层组成。 (2)网络管理平台:主要是对传感器结点自身的管理和用户对传感器网络的管理。包括拓扑控制、服务质量管理、能量管理、安全管理、移动管理、网络管理等。 (3)应用支撑平台:建立在网络通信协议和网络管理技术的基础之上。包括一系列基于监测任务的应用层软件,通过应用服务接口和网络管理接口来为终端用户提供各种具体应用的支持。 1-9.传感器网络的结构有哪些类型?分别说明各种网络结构的特征及优缺点。 (1)根据结点数目的多少,传感器网络的结构可以分为平面结构和分级结构。如果网络的规模较小,一般采用平面结构;如果网络规模很大,则必须采用分级网络结构。 (2)平面结构: 特征:平面结构的网络比较简单,所有结点的地位平等,所以又可以称为对等式结构。


专业英语大作业 一:英译汉 翻译范围TCP/IP Illustrated, V olume 1: The Protocols 5.1~5.5 15.1~15.2 第5章RARP:逆地址解析协议 5.1简介 5.2 RARP报文格式 5.3 RARP示例 5.4 RARP服务的设计 5.5小结 练习 5.1简介 一个拥有本地磁盘的系统通常是从磁盘文件读取配置文件中获取其IP地址。但一个没有磁盘的系统,如X终端或无盘工作站,需要一些其它方式去获得其IP地址。 每个系统在网络上都有一个唯一的硬件地址,由网络接口的制造商分配。 RARP的原则是无盘系统从接口卡上读取其独特的硬件地址,并发送RARP请求(网络上的广播帧)要求别人对无盘系统的IP地址(使用RARP回应)进行应答。 虽然这个概念很简单,执行往往比ARP更难,在本章后面会描述其原因。 RARP的正式规范是RFC 903。 5.2 RARP报文格式 RARP报文的格式几乎与ARP报文是相同的(图4.3)。唯一的区别是,RARP 的请求或应答帧类型为0×8035,并且在操作层RARP请求值为3、RARP应答值为4。 图4-3 ARP在网络上请求与应答报文的格式 与ARP一样,RARP服务器请求是广播和RARP应答通常是单播。 5.3 RARP示例 在我们的网络,我们可以强制sun主机从网络引导,而不是它的本地磁盘。 如果我们在主机bsdi上运行RARP服务器和tcpdump,我们得到如图5.1所示的输出。我们使用-e参数去标记tcpdump的打印硬件地址:

图5.1 RARP请求和应答。 该RARP请求是广播(1号线)的,第2行的RARP应答是单播的。第2行的输出,“at sun”,意味着RARP应答包含了主机sun(的IP地址。 在第3行,我们看到,一旦sun接收其IP地址,它会发出一个TFTP读请求(RRQ)的文件8CFCOD21.SUN4C。(TFTP是简单文件传输协议,我们在第15章进行详细描述)。在文件名中的8个十六进制数字是sun主机的IP地址140.252.13.33的十六进制表示形式。这是在RARP应答中返回的IP地址。该文件名的其余部分,后缀SUN4C表示系统正在引导的类型。 Tcpdump表示第3行是一个长度为65的IP数据报,而不是一个UDP数据报(实际上它确实是),因为我们运行tcpdump命令使用-e参数,看硬件级别的地址。另一点,在图5.1要注意的是在第2行的以太网帧的长度似乎比最小较短(我们所说的是在4.5节60字节)。原因是我们的系统,该系统上运行的tcpdump 发送该以太网帧(BSDI)。该应用程序rarpd,写42字节到BSD分组过滤器装置(14字节的以太网报头和28字节的RARP应答),这是什么的tcpdump收到的副本。但以太网设备驱动程序垫这个短帧的最小尺寸为传输(60 )。如果我们在另一个系统上已经运行的tcpdump ,长度会是60。 我们可以看到在这个例子,当这种无盘系统接收在RARP应答它的IP地址,它会发出一个TFTP请求来读取一个引导映像。在这一点上,我们不会进入其他详细介绍无盘系统是如何引导自己。(第16章介绍了使用RARP ,BOOTP和TFTP无盘X终端的引导顺序。) 图5.2表示出了如果有在网络上没有RARP服务器所得到的数据包。每个数据包的目的地址为以太网的广播地址。以太网地址跟随的是目标硬件地址,并按照发送端的硬件地址发送。


基于无线传感器网络的桥梁安全检测系统 摘要 根据桥梁监测无线传感器网络技术的桥梁安全监测系统,以实现方案的安全参数的需要;对整个系统的结构和工作原理的节点集、分簇和关键技术,虽然近年来在无线传感器网络中,已经证明了其潜在的提供连续结构响应数据进行定量评估结构健康,许多重要的问题,包括网络寿命可靠性和稳定性、损伤检测技术,例如拥塞控制进行了讨论。 关键词:桥梁安全监测;无线传感器网络的总体结构;关键技术 1 阻断 随着交通运输业的不断发展,桥梁安全问题受到越来越多人的关注。对于桥梁的建设与运行规律,而特设的桥梁检测的工作情况,起到一定作用,但是一座桥的信息通常是一个孤立的片面性,这是由于主观和客观因素,一些桥梁安全参数复杂多变[1]。某些问题使用传统的监测方法难以发现桥梁存在的安全风险。因此长期实时监测,预报和评估桥梁的安全局势,目前在中国乃至全世界是一个亟待解决的重要问题。 桥梁安全监测系统的设计方案,即通过长期实时桥跨的压力、变形等参数及测试,分析结构的动力特性参数和结构的评价科关键控制安全性和可靠性,以及问题的发现并及时维修,从而确保了桥的安全和长期耐久性。 近年来,桥梁安全监测技术已成为一个多学科的应用,它是在结构工程的传感器技术、计算机技术、网络通讯技术以及道路交通等基础上引入现代科技手段,已成为这一领域中科学和技术研究的重点。 无线传感器网络技术,在桥梁的安全监测系统方案的实现上,具有一定的参考价值。 无线传感器网络(WSN)是一种新兴的网络科学技术是大量的传感器节点,通过自组织无线通信,信息的相互传输,对一个具体的完成特定功能的智能功能的协调的专用网络。它是传感器技术的一个结合,通过集成的嵌入式微传感器实时监控各类计算机技术、网络和无线通信技术、布式信息处理技术、传感以及无线发送收集到的环境或各种信息监测和多跳网络传输到用户终端[2]。在军事、工业和农业,环境监测,健康,智能交通,安全,以及空间探索等领域无线传感器网络具有广泛应用前景和巨大的价值。 一个典型的无线传感器网络,通常包括传感器节点,网关和服务器,如图1


无线传感器网络的能量管理 班级:信息1502 学号:2015485 姓名:张蕊

1 进行能量管理的原因 无线传感器网络节点密度大,一般部署在恶劣环境中,能源通常很难替代,节点能量供给大都是采用电池供电方式,并要求工作相当长的时间。因此,如何在不影响功能的前提下,尽可能节约无线传感器网络的能量成为无线传感器网络软、硬件设计中的核心问题。通过能量管理机制尽量减少节点的能量消耗,可有效延长节点的工作时间和网络的整体寿命,达到应用的需求。 因为节点的能量非常有限,所以能量消耗是WSN重点关注的问题。事实上,所有的无线设备都面临能量不足的问题,而以下原因使得WSN的能耗问题更加严重: 1.与其承担的感知、处理、自主管理和通信等复杂功能相比,节点的体积非常小,难以容纳大容量电源。 2.一个理想的无线传感器网络由大量节点组成,因此,不能通过人工方式更换节点电池或者给电池充电。 3.虽然学术界正在研究可再生能源和自动充电机制,但节点太小仍然是限制其应用的因素。 4.部分节点失效可能会导致整个网络过早地分离成一些子网。 在实现无线传感器网络能量管理方面普遍从每个节点出发,除了在无线传感器网络节点设计过程中采用低功耗硬件之外,还通过动态能量管理等技术使系统各个部分运行在节能模式,可以节约大量的能量。另外,还可以针对无线传感器网络不同应用进行专门的优化,并采用软、硬件整合设计、跨层网络协议设计等一体化能量管理方案来为无线传感器网络节能。 2 无线传感器网络节点的能耗分析 一个传感器节点主要由四部分组成:电源、传感器、处理器和射频模块。传感器感知各种信息,包括温度、湿度、压强、化学物浓度等物理量,然后交由处理器进行信息的处理和融合,最后通过射频模块对信息进行转发。传感器节点的射频模块不仅仅负责接收或发送数据包,还负责侦听通信信道,或控制射频模块的开/关以进入工作或休眠状态。除了产生能量的电源模块以外,传感器、处理器和射频模块都是传感器节点的能耗源。下面就这三个构成部分来详细分析它们对节点能耗所产生的影响。 (1)传感器的能耗主要来源于:变换器、前端处理与信号调节、模数转换器。传感器的种类很多,测量不同的物理量时传感器所需要的能耗不同:感应温度和感应声音所需消耗的能量不同,感应声音和感应图像所需消耗的能量也不同。根


1武警部队监控平台架构介绍与设计 1.1监控系统的系统结构 基站监控系统的结构组成如上图所示,主要由三个大的部分构成,分别是监控中心、监控站点、监控单元。整个系统从资金、功能以及方便维护性出发,我们采用了干点加节点方式的监控方法。 监控中心(SC):SC的定义是指整个系统的中心枢纽点,控制整个分监控站,主要的功能是起管理作用和数据处理作用。一般只在市级包括(地、州)设置相应的监控中心,位置一般在武警部队的交换中心机房内或者指挥中心大楼内。 区域监控中心(SS):又称分点监控站,主要是分散在各个更低等级的区县,主要功能是监控自己所负责辖区的所有基站。对于固话网络,区域监控中心的管辖范围为一个县/区;移动通信网络由于其组网不同于固话本地网,则相对弱化了这一级。区域监控中心SS的机房内的设备配置与SC的差不多,但是不同的是功能不同以及SS的等级低于SC,SS的功能主要是维护设备和监控。 监控单元(SU):是整个监控系统中等级最低的单元了,它的功能就是监控并且起供电,传输等等作用,主要由SM和其他供电设备由若干监控模块、辅助设备构成。SU侧集成有无线传感网络微设备,比如定位设备或者光感,温感设备等等。 监控模块(SM):SM是监控单元的组成部分之一,主要作用监控信息的采集功能以及传输,提供相应的通信接口,完成相关信息的上传于接收。

2监控系统的分级管理结构及监控中心功能 基站监控系统的组网分级如果从管理上来看,主要采用两级结构:CSC集中监控中心和现场监控单元。CSC主要设置在运营商的枢纽大楼,主要功能为数据处理,管理远程监控单元,对告警信息进行分类统计,可实现告警查询和存储的功能。一般管理员可以在CSC实现中心调度的功能,并将告警信息进行分发。而FSU一般针对具体的某一个基站,具体作用于如何采集数据参数并进行传输。CSC集中监控中心的需要对FSU采集的数据参数进行报表统计和分析,自动生产图表并为我们的客户提供直观,方便的可视化操作,为维护工作提供依据,维护管理者可以根据大量的分析数据和报表进行快速反应,以最快的速度发现网络的故障点和优先处理点,将人力资源使用在刀刃上。监控中心CSC系统的功能中,还有维护管理类,具体描述如下: 1)实时报警功能 该系统的报警功能是指发现机房里的各种故障后,通过声音,短信,主界面显示的方式及时的上报给操作者。当机房内的动力环境,空调,烟感,人体红外等等发生变量后,这些数据通过基站监控终端上传到BTS再到BSC。最后由数据库进行分类整理后存储到SQLSEVRER2000中。下面介绍主要的几种报警方式: 2)声音报警 基站发生告警后,系统采集后,会用声卡对不一样的告警类别发出对应的语音提示。比如:声音的设置有几种,主要是以鸣叫的长短来区分的。为便于引起现场维护人员的重视紧急告警可设置为长鸣,不重要的告警故障设置为短鸣。这样一来可以用声音区分故障的等级,比方某地市的中心交换机房内相关告警声音设置,它的开关电源柜当平均电流达到40AH的时候,提示声音设置为长鸣,并立即发生短信告警工单。如果在夜晚机房无人值守的情况下:


无线传感器网络的应用与影响因素分析 摘要:无线传感器网络在信息传输、采集、处理方面的能力非常强。最初,由于军事方面的需要,无线传感网络不断发展,传感器网络技术不断进步,其应用的范围也日益广泛,已从军事防御领域扩展以及普及到社会生活的各个方面。本文全面描述了无线传感器网络的发展过程、研究领域的现状和影响传感器应用的若干因素。关键词:无线传感器网络;传感器节点;限制因素 applications of wireless sensor networks and influencing factors analysis liu peng (college of computer science,yangtze university,jingzhou434023,china) abstract:wireless sensor networks in the transmission of informa- tion,collecting,processing capacity is very strong.initially,due to the needs of the military aspects of wireless sensor networks,the continuous development of sensor network technology continues to progress its increasingly wide range of applications,from military defense field to expand and spread to various aspects of social life.a comprehensive description of the development


E-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet, especially the World Wide Web. In practice, this term and a newer term, e-business, are often used interchangably. For online retail selling, the term e-tailing is sometimes used. 电子商务(电子商务或电子商务)是购买和出售的商品和服务在互联网,特别是万维网上的。在实践中,这项和一个新的术语,电子商务,往往交替使用。网上零售,电子零售的术语有时用。 E-tailing or The Virtual Storefront and the Virtual Mall 网上或虚拟商店和虚拟商店 As a place for direct retail shopping, with its 24-hour availability, a global reach, the ability to interact and provide custom information and ordering, and multimedia prospects, the Web is rapidly becoming a multibillion dollar source of revenue for the world's businesses. A number of businesses already report considerable success. As early as the middle of 1997, Dell Computers reported orders of a million dollars a day. By early 1999, projected e-commerce revenues for business were in the billions of dollars and the stocks of companies deemed most adept at e-commerce were skyrocketing. Although many so-called dotcom retailers disappeared in the economic shakeout of 2000, Web retailing at sites such as https://www.doczj.com/doc/a114569104.html,, https://www.doczj.com/doc/a114569104.html,, and https://www.doczj.com/doc/a114569104.html, continues to grow. 作为一个直接的零售购物,其24小时供应,全球性的,互动的能力,并提供自定义信息和订购,和多媒体,网络正在迅速成为一个数十亿美元的收入来源,为全球的企业。一些企业已报告了相当大的成功。早在1997年年中,戴尔电脑报告的订单一百万美元一天。1999年初,预计的电子商务业务收入都在数十亿美元的股票和公司认为最善于电子商务暴涨。虽然许多所谓的互联网零售商消失在经济衰退2000,网上零售网站如https://www.doczj.com/doc/a114569104.html,,https://www.doczj.com/doc/a114569104.html,,和https://www.doczj.com/doc/a114569104.html,继续增长 Market Research 市场研究 In early 1999, it was widely recognized that because of the interactive nature of the Internet, companies could gather data about prospects and customers in unprecedented amounts -through site registration, questionnaires, and as part of taking orders. The issue of whether data was being collected with the knowledge and permission of market subjects had been raised. (Microsoft referred to its policy of data collection as "profiling" and a proposed standard has been developed that allows Internet users to decide who can have what personal information.) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)


一、课题研究目的 针对目前中国的交叉路口多,车流量大,交通混乱的现象研究一种控制交通信号灯的基于无线传感器的智能交通系统。 二、课题背景 随着经济的快速发展,生活方式变得更加快捷,城市的道路也逐渐变得纵横交错,快捷方便的交通在人们生活中占有及其重要的位置,而交通安全问题则是重中之重。据世界卫生组织统计,全世界每年死于道路交通事故的人数约有120 万,另有数100 万人受伤。中国拥有全世界1. 9 %的汽车,引发的交通事故占了全球的15 % ,已经成为交通事故最多发的国家。2000 年后全国每年的交通事故死亡人数约在10 万人,受伤人数约50万,其中60 %以上是行人、乘客和骑自行车者。中国每年由于汽车安全方面所受到的损失约为5180 亿(人民币),死亡率为9 人/ 万·车,因此,有效地解决交通安全问题成为摆在人们面前一个棘手的问题。 在中国,城市的道路纵横交错,形成很多交叉口,相交道路的各种车辆和行人都要在交叉口处汇集通过。而目前的交通情况是人车混行现象严重,非机动车的数量较大,路口混乱。由于车辆和过街行人之间、车辆和车辆之间、特别是非机动车和机动车之间的干扰,不仅会阻滞交通,而且还容易发生交通事故。根据调查数据统计,我国发生在交叉口的交通事故约占道路交通事故的1/ 3,在所有交通事故类型中居首位,对交叉口交通安全影响最大的是冲突点问题,其在很大程度上是由于信号灯配时不合理(如黄灯时间太短,驾驶员来不及反应),以及驾驶员不遵循交通信号灯,抢绿灯末或红灯头所引发交通流运行的不够稳定。随着我国经济的快速发展,私家车也越来越多,交通控制还是延续原有的定时控制,在车辆增加的基础上,这种控制弊端也越来越多的体现出来,造成了十字交叉路口的交通拥堵和秩序混乱,严重的影响了人们的出行。智能交通中的信号灯控制显示出了越来越多的重要性。国外已经率先开展了智能交通方面的研究。 美国VII系统(vehicle infrastructure integration),利用车辆与车辆、车辆与路边装置的信息交流实现某些功能,从而提高交通的安全和效率。其功能主要有提供天气信息、路面状况、交叉口防碰撞、电子收费等。目前发展的重点主要集中在2个应用上: ①以车辆为基础; ②以路边装置为基础。欧洲主要是CVIS 系统(cooperative vehicle infrastructure system)。它有60 多个合作者,由布鲁塞尔的ERTICO 组织统筹,从2006 年2 月开始到2010年6月,工作期为4年。其目标是开发出集硬件和软件于一体的综合交流平台,这个平台能运用到车辆和路边装置提高交通管理效率,其中车辆不仅仅局限于私人小汽车,还包括公共交通和商业运输。日本主要的系统是UTMS 21 ( universal traffic management system for the 21st century , UTMS 21)。是以ITS 为基础的综合系统概念,由NPA (National Police Agency) 等5个相关部门和机构共同开发的,是继20 世纪90 年代初UTMS 系统以来的第2代交通管理系统,DSSS是UTMS21中保障安全的核心项目,用于提高车辆与过街行人的安全。因此,从国外的交通控制的发展趋势可以看出,现代的交通控制向着智能化的方向发展,大多采用计算机技术、自动化控制技术和无线传感器网络系统,使车辆行驶和道路导航实现智能化,从而缓解道路交通拥堵,减少交通事故,改善道路交通环境,节约交通能源,减轻驾驶疲劳等功能,最终实现安全、舒适、快速、经济的交通环境。


无线传感器网络的研究现状及发展 默认分类 2008-06-12 18:19:20 阅读910 评论0 字号:大中小 摘要:无线传感器网络(WSN>综合了传感器技术、微电子机械系统(MEMS>嵌入式计算技术.分布式信息处理技术和无线通信技术,能够协作地实时感知、采集、处理和传输各种环境或监测对象的信息.具有十分广阔的应用前景,成为国内外学术界和工业界新的研究领域研究热点。本文简要介绍了无线传感器网络的网络结构、节点组成,分析了无线传感器网络的特点及其与现有网络的区别。进而介绍现有无线传感器网络中的MAC层技术、路由技术、节点技术和跨层设计等关键技术。最后展望无线传俄器网络的应用和发展并指出关键技术的进步将起到决定性的促进作用。 关键词:无线传感器网络节点 MAC层路由协议跨层设计 Abstract: Wireless sensor network (WSN> is integration of sensor techniques, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, embedded computation techniques, distributed computation techniques and wireless communication technique. They can be used for sensing, collecting, processing and transferring information of monitored objects for users. As a new research area and interest hotspot of academia and industries, Wireless Sensor Network(WSN> has a wide application future. This paper briefly introduced the wireless sensor network of networks, nodes, the analysis of the characteristics of wireless sensor networks and the differences wih the existing networks. And the MAC layer technology, routing technology, joint cross-layer design technology and key technology are introduced . At last the prospects of wireless sensor network are discussed in this article. Key Words: Wireless Sensor Network, node, MAC, routing protocol, Cross-layer design 一、概述 随着通信技术、嵌入式计算技术和传感器技术的发展进步,包括微电子机械系统


步京侄宛a琴 《专业英语》课程作业 学生姓名____________________________ 学号 __________________________ 院系 _________________________ 专业 __________________________ 任课教师____________________________

二0一五年六月 一、英译中(英文科技资料翻译) 原文: An operating system is the software which acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware.The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user may execute program. The primary goal of an operating system is thus to make the computer system convenient to use. A secondary goal is to use the computer hardware in an efficient way. We can view an operating system as a resource allocator. A computer system has many resources which may be required to solve a problem: CPU time, memory space, , input/output(I/O) devices, and so on.The operating system acts as the manager of these resources and allocates them to specific programs and users as necessary for their tasks. Since there may be many, possibly conflicting, requests for resources, the o/s must decide which requests are allocated resources to operate the computer system fairly and efficiently. Multimedia means, from the user ' perspective, that computer information can be represented through audio and/or video, in addition to text, image, graphics and animation . The integration of these media into the computer provides additional possibilities for the use of computational power currently available (e.g., for interactive presentation of huge amounts of information ). Furthermore, these data can be transmitted though computer and telecommunication networks, which implies applications in the areas of information distribution and cooperative work.Multimedia provides the possibility for a spectrum of new applications, many of which are in place today. A multimedia system distinguishes itself from other systems through several properties. We elaborate on the most important properties such as combination of the media, media-independence, computer control and integration.Not every arbitrary combination of media justifies the usage of the term multimedia. A simple text processing program with incorporated images is often called a multimedia application because two media are processed through one program.But one should talk about multimedia only when both continuous and discrete media are utilized.A text processing program with incorporated images is therefore not a multimedia application. An important aspect of different media is their level of independence from each other. In general, there is a request for independence of different media, but multimedia may require several levels of independence. On the one hand, a computer-controlled video recorder stores audio and video information, but there is an inherently tight connection between the two types of media. Both media are coupled together through the common storage medium of the tape. On the other hand, for the purpose of presentations, the combination of DAT recorder (Digital Audio Tape) signals and computer-available text satisfies the request for media-independence. Early computers were(physically) very large machines run from a console.The programmer would

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