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关于“光盘行动”的英语作文-非常好奥 舌尖上的浪费

关于“光盘行动”的英语作文-非常好奥 舌尖上的浪费
关于“光盘行动”的英语作文-非常好奥 舌尖上的浪费

Put an end to “The waste on the dining table”

According to authoritative organization,the waste of food in the dinning table in China almost occupies the 1/10 of the total grain output , especially in some wedding celebration、official reception,some dishes are even threw away completely .

Take a deep think , how can YuanLongping accept these phenomenon ,he must be very disappointed .

Why there appear so many people without the Saving consciousness ? First , we are lack of the saving education . Second ,because of the Abnormal condition of the thought , when being faced with the free or cheap food ,they always want more ,so the unnecessary waste happens ,you can easily find this in the buffet . Third ,the most common reason belongs to the cycle of “good face, the dog” ,when a lot of people Entertain the guests ,they always worry that the food is not good enough ,not delicious enough ,and hold the fear that it is not enough to show the host's hospitality and generous .

At present there are more than one hundred million people suffering from starvation , As a member of this big family in China ,do we have the reason to waste ? No ! So , what should we do to reduce the unnecessary waste of food in the dining table ? Recently, more and more people begin to realize the importance of saving , a popular action called “Clear your plate” encourages the public to eat up the food in their plates . I strongly agree with this campaign . Besides , many restaurants start to provide the guests with

half-portioned dishes、smaller dishes and assorted dishes in order to reduce the waste , and inspire the customers to take leftovers home . I think these good phenomena indicate that we will get great progress in food saving .


我的暑假4篇(带翻译) 1.How I Spent My Summer Vacation The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running rowing, to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I should make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned. 暑假有来了。我很高兴我能忘掉学校至少一段时间。免得我我浪费了这个暑假,我做了一个计划如何度过我的暑假。首先,我认为我应该复习所有我的老师一学期教的那些东西,这样我就可以有更好的理解。然后我想我应该参加一些不同形式的运动,如散步、跑步划船、让我身体强壮。它的原看在这样的一个很好的计划,我应该好好利用我的休假。事实上我也这么做了,因此我没有辜负了我的计划。 2.My summer vacation My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day. Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this. 今年的暑假生活非常愉快。我去农村过暑假。那儿非常美丽,有绿色的植物,清澈的小河,可爱的动物和善良的人们。在那里的两周中我帮爷爷干了些农活。每天我在日记中记下所发生的事情。 除了这些,我还帮助邻居家的孩子做功课。我帮他们读英语,使他们的口语有所提高。他们的父母为此很感激我。


AGREEMENT ON TRADE-RELATED INVESTMENT MEASURES Members, Considering that Ministers agreed in the Punta del Este Declaration that "Following an examination of the operation of GATT Articles related to the trade restrictive and distorting effects of investment measures, negotiations should elaborate, as appropriate, further provisions that may be necessary to avoid such adverse effects on trade"; Desiring to promote the expansion and progressive liberalisation of world trade and to facilitate investment across international frontiers so as to increase the economic growth of all trading partners, particularly developing country Members, while ensuring free competition; Taking into account the particular trade, development and financial needs of developing country Members, particularly those of the least-developed country Members; Recognizing that certain investment measures can cause trade-restrictive and distorting effects; Hereby agree as follows: 与贸易有关的投资措施协定 各成员, 考虑到部长们在《埃斯特角城宣言》中同意“在审查与投资措施的贸易限制作用和扭曲作用有关的GATT条款的运用情况之后,谈判应酌情详述为避免此类对贸易的不利影响而可能需要的进一步规定”; 期望促进世界贸易的扩大和逐步自由化,便利跨国投资,以便提高所有贸易伙伴、特别是发展中国家成员的经济增长,同时保证自由竞争; 考虑到发展中国家成员、特别是最不发达国家成员特殊的贸易、发展和财政需要; 认识到某些投资措施可能产生贸易限制作用和扭曲作用: 特此协议如下: Article 1 Coverage This Agreement applies to investment measures related to trade in goods only (referred to in this Agreement as "TRIMs"). 第1条 范围 本协定仅适用于与货物贸易有关的投资措施(本协定中称“TRIMs”)。 Article 2 National Treatment and Quantitative Restrictions 1. Without prejudice to other rights and obligations under GATT 1994, no Member shall apply any TRIM that is inconsistent with the provisions of Article III or Article XI of GATT 1994. 第2条 国民待遇和数量限制 1. 在不损害GATT 1994项下其他权利和义务的情况下,各成员不得实施任何与GATT l994第3条或第11条规定不一致的TRIM。


拒绝“舌尖上的浪费”宣传语100句 大全 拒绝“舌尖上的浪费”宣传语有哪些?更要倍加珍惜耕地资源,要像保护文物那样保护耕地。一起来看看拒绝“舌尖上的浪费”,一起来看看拒绝“舌尖上的浪费”宣传语100句大全,欢迎查阅! 拒绝“舌尖上的浪费”宣传语1 1、美好生活,从食品安全开始。 2、一天省下一两粮,十年要用仓来装。 3、爱惜粮食,从娃娃抓起! 4、饱时省一口,饿时得一斗。 5、有荒节约度荒,天荒节约备荒。 6、惜衣有衣穿,惜饭有饭吃。 7、饮食是文化,请从窗口文明做起。 8、一天省一两粮,十年用用仓来装。 9、不用方便筷,植树造绿荫。

10、食不净则多病,食不尽则多蝇。 11、节约光荣,人见人赞;浪费可耻,谁闻谁恶。 12、存粮如存金,有粮不担心。 13、好处安身,苦处用钱。 14、十匙合成一碗饭。 15、食堂饭菜香,买饭多谦让。 16、节约粮食光荣,浪费粮食可耻。 17、无农不稳,无粮则乱。 18、精打细算半年粮。 19、一星半星,聚两成斤。 20、兵马未动,粮草先行。 21、粮食打进仓,莫忘灾和荒。 22、生命诚可贵,粮食价更高! 23、黄金本无种,出自勤俭家。 24、今日省把米,明日省滴油,来年买条大黄牛。 25、身后有余忘缩手,眼前无路想回头。

26、即使饥肠辘辘,也要风度依然。 27、粗茶淡饭,吃得到老;粗布棉衣,穿得到老。 28、珍珠为宝,稻米为王。 29、尊敬他人就是尊敬自己,与人方便就是与己方便。 30、爱惜粮食,人人有责! 31、珍惜粮食就是热爱生命。 32、成由勤俭败由奢。 33、不当家不知柴米贵。 34、从简入奢易,从奢入俭难。 35、省吃餐餐有,省穿日日新。 36、节约粮食,远离浪费。 37、节粮从我做起,建设节约型社会。 38、年年有储存,荒年不荒人。 39、倒下的是剩饭,流走的是血汗。 40、一天省一把,十年买匹马。 41、食不过佳,充饥则可;身不过华;遮身则可。

【优质文档】资源浪费英语作文-word范文 (2页)

【优质文档】资源浪费英语作文-word范文 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 资源浪费英语作文 希望同学们能注意节约用水.同时,做力所能及的事来防止水污染.那就是我想说的,为什么不马上行动呢?快点行动起来吧!以下是小编为大家整理分享的资源浪费英语作文,欢迎阅读参考。 资源浪费英语作文 Maybe the last water is our tears As we know water is made up of our life,we could not leave without water.No water will no we. 我们都知道水是人们赖以生存的基础,我们没有水就不能生存.没有水就没有生命. Water is needed more and more,because our industry and agriculture produce developed fast.Somewhere water are scare,and some rivers are no water in them.But limited water resource is also polluted,many factories pour waste water into river without any Sewage treatment. 随着工农业生产的迅猛发展,越来越需要水.有的地方的水已变得越来越缺乏,有些河流已出现断流的现象.有限的水也受到严重的污染.有的工厂的污水未作任何处理就排入河中. Around us there are a lot of students don't pay attention to save water,for example they washing their face and rinsing the mouth,they don't turn off the water tap .Let the water flowing day and night.What a pity! 我们周围有许多同学不注意节约用水.如洗完脸、漱了口后,不关水龙头,任其日夜长流.多么可悲! Besides,there are still other phenomena like that in our life.So now I hope students can take care of water.And at the same time we


关于充实的暑假英语作文 快来与我一起看看我的暑假生活吧。这个暑假,我过得是有喜有忧,尽管不如我想像中的那样快活,但算是丰富多彩……作文网暑假英语作文栏目为您准备了四篇《我的暑假英语作文带翻译》。 篇一:我的暑假 Just over half the summer vacation, but I was looking forward to the school. With the last term when looking forward to summer vacation has just on the contrary, instead it feel in the school life is interesting, you know, my summer vacation is too dull, insipid to like a cup in a glass of plain boiled water, Through the glass, can see at a glance, inside just boiled water, no red wine goblet of imagination. To say how dull, please listen to me to slowly. I at eight o 'clock on time nature to wake in the morning, after the wash and dress, have breakfast with my father and mother. The breakfast is no imagination, the content of the milk, eggs and bread. Sometimes dad will buy soy milk and Fried dough sticks, this also let me feel very surprise, eating a will and there is a, I feel very have a taste. At the same time to have breakfast, I silently suffers from my mother's nagging, nagging me don't surf the Internet to play games all 1 / 8


2020考博英语作文预测:白色污染问题现象与措施 2020考博各研究生院已陆续开始初试,考前考博英语作文押题是 考博生们喜闻乐见的信息,俗话说考前磨刀不快也光,作文考前一定 要充分准备好,常考的话题就那么几类,多练多总结并不难。以下是 小编整理的一些考博英语作文预测范文,供大家参考复习。 1. 开头(介绍背景):先下定义,白色污染(white pollution)是随意丢弃塑料袋(disposal of plastic bags),难以降解处理(hard to be decomposed in nature),造成环境破坏:影响市容(destroy the look of city),同时对人体有潜在危害(has hazards to human’s health)。 2. 问题产生根源:居民为其方便(for the sake of convenience),大量使用,造成不可逆转的污染(cause irreversible damage to environment)。 3. 措施1:政府制定政策(make policies and regulations),限制污染企业(place a limitation on the development of factories that pollute; 4. 措施2:政府大力探索新材料(make an effort to seek new material),用清洁环保材料代替(use environmental-friendly materials to replace old ones) ,既清洁又便利; 5. 措施3:政府应做好民众的宣传(make known to people the danger of white pollution),提升民众环保意识(raise the public awareness towards environmental protection),比如多用环保袋去替代产生白色污染的塑料袋(encourage people to use reusable bags more); 5.结尾(号召):解决白色污染问题不是梦,要考政府和民众的齐 心努力(requires the collaboration of the government and the population)。

2018-浪费水资源的英语作文-精选word文档 (2页)

2018-浪费水资源的英语作文-精选word文档 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 浪费水资源的英语作文 节约用水,人人有责。我们要珍惜爱护水资源,不应该浪费一点一滴。下面要为大家分享的就是浪费水资源的英语作文,希望你会喜欢! 浪费水资源的英语作文篇一 No creature can live without water and human being is not an exemption as well. Our body is mainly formed by water, about 70% or more. So everyday we need to drink a lot to keep ourselves healthy and full of energy. Except that, there are lots of things we need water in our daily life. We need to use water to cook, to wash clothes, to shower and so on. As we know the water shortage is a big issue all over the world. Therefore save water is very important in our life. 浪费水资源的英语作文篇二 Hello, my name is water. Life, everywhere. Wash and brush, wash hair, cooking, cooking, washing clothes. You see how important life everywhere, I cannot, so everyone should cherish, saving water blessing. Everybody must be hard, vying for saving little angel! Tap water, wash hands, and speak hygiene. Roll up your sleeve, the first open bibcock flushing.


杜绝舌尖上的浪费作文800字 当五星红旗迎风招展,胸前的红领巾随风飘扬,我们骄傲,我们是中国人!我们在祖国的怀抱中成长,可大家为祖国担忧过吗? 我曾经看过一则公益广告中的警示语:一年中全国人民浪费的食物可供全球两亿人吃一年!我被深深的震撼了!我们中国地大物博,可耕地面积不到世界耕地总面积的百分之十,更有13亿人口,偏远地区不知有多少饥肠辘辘的人。日常生活中最浪费的就餐方式要数吃自助餐了!大家为了把本钱给吃回来,不顾个人的饮食量,就餐时大多人会大吃特吃:有的肚子胀得像个皮球,可仍硬撑着把食物塞进到嘴里,有的看到好吃的吃不下了还继续不停往桌上拿,一副不吃回本誓不罢休的架势,有的实在吃不下,丢下一堆食物走了。其实,这些不良的饮食习惯都是间接的浪费。有一次,我和妈妈请一位阿姨出去吃饭,妈妈为了表示对阿姨的欢迎点了许多菜。就餐完毕,我示意妈妈:“妈妈,剩下的菜我们打包带走吧!”一向节俭的妈妈看了看阿姨说“这点菜我们就不要了!”。桌上五花八门的剩菜,深深刺着着我的眼! 《悯农》是人人皆能吟诵的诗句,粮食是农民伯伯汗水的结晶,可又有多少人爱护粮食呢?!记得有一次,我见爷爷将我掉在地下的面包拾起来,吹吹上面的灰尘,就一股脑吃了。我赶忙上前对爷爷囔到:“不能吃,吃了会生病的!不讲卫生不是好爷爷!”爷爷笑咪咪的摸着我的头说:“爷爷身体棒,不要紧,

虽然我们现在是不愁吃不愁穿,可依然要爱惜粮食,那是农民辛辛苦苦种出来的呀!”听着爷爷的话,想想刚刚被吃掉的面包,我的眼睛模糊了!我想起学过的课文《彭德怀和他的大黑骡子》。在漫漫长征途中,负责殿后的战士没粮食了,连野菜和树皮都寻不到,不知多少人因饥饿昏厥甚至死亡,彭德怀见到如此情形,含泪将自己心爱的坐骑——“大黑骡子”杀掉给战士们充饥,使大家及时补充体力,顺利度过草地。大家在浪费的时候可曾想过死去的革命先烈,心里就不会愧疚吗? 现在有一种“光盘”活动,正是提倡杜绝舌尖上的浪费。爱惜粮食,从我做起!我参加了,下一个会是你吗? 兴化市实验小学六(1)班戴嘉欣

奢侈的浪费Extravagant Spending(大学英语作文)

奢侈的浪费Extravagant Spending 大学英语作文 Nowadays, with the fast development of the economy, Chinese people have live a better life, they have enough money to buy what they want. We see from news that people over spend their money, they fly to European country to buy the branches, wasting a lot of money to chase for the material stuff. This is extravagant spending, they can use the money to do better thing.现在,随着经济的快速发展,中国人生活过得比以前好,他们有足够的钱去买想要的。我们从新闻上看到人们过度花费金钱,他们飞去欧洲国家买名牌,浪费大量金钱去追求物质的东西。这是奢侈的浪费,他们应该花这些钱去做更好的事。 Last week, I saw the news from the Internet that Chinese people buy a lot of discount branches in New York, the picture is vividly presenting the satisfied faces in them. Most of the buyers are fromChina, it is clearly satire Chinese people that they spend a lot of money to buy the products while the foreigners are not interested. During the latest years, indeed, most people become rich, as the fortune comes so fast, people have no idea where to spend the money, so they chase


关于暑假生活的英语作文【八篇】 导语:暑假已经来临,小编给大家整理了几篇相关暑假的英语作文及范文,供大家学习参考~. (一) Summer time is the best time of the year.There is no school for months I get to do what I want.With no tests no homework,I'm as free as a bird. I do many things during the summer vacation.I relax by reading books watching TV.I also hang out with my friends travel with my family.However,I don't play in summer.I take advantage of the free time to learn more.For example,last summer I learned to swim.This summer I might study computers or English.Summer vacation flies by fast,so it's important to do as as you can. 译文 夏天是的时间。没有学校几个月来,我去做我想做的事。没有测试没有作业,我自由地像一只鸟。 我在暑假期间做很多事情。我通过看书看电视放松自己。我也和我的家人和我的朋友出去旅游。不过,在夏天我不玩。我利用空闲时间去学习更多的知识。例如,去年夏天,我学会了游泳。今年夏天我能够学习电脑和英语。暑期过得很快,所以重要的是要做的。 (二) I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants, clear rivers lovely amimals there.I breathed the fresh air on the mountain sometimes I went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day.


“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”,这是诗圣杜甫的名句,它道出了社会的不公:在豪门贵族中,花霍过度,奢侈成风,过多的酒肉因腐烂而发出臭味,但在路边仍有受冻挨饿而死的人。杜甫的这首诗严厉的批判了当时的社会。 你也许会觉得那是封建社会,人民饱受压迫才造成的,但是在现代社会中仍存在这样的现象。 每天在全国上下的大小饭店以及餐厅中,过多的剩菜剩饭被倒进了垃圾桶,一天浪费的粮食就是一个家庭几年的口粮,但是,在某些贫困山区里,人们还在喝着可以数清米粒的稀粥度日。 你可能会说,这是因为国家尚未关注到山区,等国家全面关注了,一切都会好的。但你何曾想过,当你浪费粮食时,你是否想到了那些饥寒交迫的人们。 据有关人士调查,一座大学里一周被倒掉的饭就相当于一亩地的产量;学校一年浪费的电足够一个普通家庭用58年,这些震撼人心的数字绝非虚拟,而是铁的事实。 回想一下,当我们倒掉一碗饭时,在这一碗饭中凝聚着农民多少的心血与汗水。“锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”这首《悯农》连一年级的小娃娃都知道背诵,但又有多少人真正懂得农民伯伯的艰辛呢? 回想一下,在炎炎烈日之下,农民伯伯面朝黄土,背朝天,用他们的汗水浇灌着麦禾的成长,而我们站在这繁华的都市中,随心的挥霍着,浪费着他人的心血。 那我们又是什么人呢?人人都是封建社会的黑暗,却未曾想到现代繁华背后的黑。

记得在一次春节晚会上,牛莉说过一句话:哪个城里人不是从农村过来的,农村人就是城里人的爸妈啊! 是啊!我们在浪费什么?我们在浪费农民伯伯的心血,是别人的劳动成果;我们浪费的是祖国的未来,祖国的希望啊!一个奢侈成风的民族,注定会走向灭亡。 “一粥一饭当思来之不易,半丝半缕恒念韧力为艰”我们是时候觉醒了,节约从我们自己身边的小事开始。 (本文档仅供参考用途,所载资料皆来自整理,欢迎大家分享交流)


学生浪费食物的英语作文 As is known to all waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem. We can easily see many students dump a lot of food in the garbage can. Stone students spend thousands of yuan buying fashionable clothes and so on. The negative effects of waste can be shown in the following aspects. In the first place it makes stone students dependent on their parents for money which is harmful to their development. If they don't learn to support themselves they will be "useless people" when they graduate. In the second place it is not easy for our parents to arrange for our schooling. Last but not the least important there is no denying the fact that our country is still poor. There are many people who cannot go to university and many poor people still need our help. As far as I am concerned I should set a good example to reduce waste on campus. First of all I will refrain from wasting anything from food to stationery. What's more I'm determined to call on more school nates to fight against waste. Only through these measures can we hope to reduce waste on campus. 【参考以上】 众所周知校园浪费已成为一个越来越严重的问题。我们能够很容易地看到很多学生把大量的食物在垃圾桶里。石头学生花几千元买时髦的衣服等等。 浪费的负面影响能够体现在以下方面。首先它使石头学生依赖他们的父母要钱这是有害于他们的发展。如果他们不学会养活自己他们


关于暑期的英语作文大全:关于暑假的英语作文 a day in my summer vacation last summer i spent a two-week vacation at my aunt's place. my aunt lived alone in a mountain village, with a small river winding its course everyday. one morning i went fishing in the river, where two women washed clothes. i fimnd a most favorable point. casting out my line i waited anxiously for a bite. suddenly there came a cry: "help! help!" i looked in the direction of the call saw a boy falling into the river. throwing the fishing pole, i dashed over like an arrow, jumped into the river swam very quickly towards the boy. then together with his mother i carried the boy on my back to a nearby hospital. that boy was

saved. the mother gave me a thousand thanks. back to my fishing place, i fimnd my fishing pole floating on the water. i managed to get it. but to my great surprise, there was a big fish on the hook. 在这个暑假里有许许多多快乐的事如:和爸爸一起去捕鱼,运动其中我感觉最快乐的一件事还是去东方绿舟玩!这次暑假里我的姨妈、姨父带我和哥哥去的。... 现在是炎热的夏天。火辣辣的太阳一个劲儿地散发着光和热,照得人感到很刺眼,眼睛都睁不开了;知了呢?天天躲在树上,唱着那枯燥无趣的夏之歌,真是要把人烦死了!这个原本应该很快乐的暑假,却不知怎么变得那么如此的平淡。 一生不在于他的美丑,而是在于快乐、充实、心灵美、有值得追求的梦想、奋斗的目标题记若,让夜停止清唱,只留下淡淡的剪影,是否我的惆怅,会随着夜的静止而宁静。 我向往已久的天苍苍,野茫茫。风吹草动见


首先,我先谈谈在我所教授的班上,对于英语写作所存在的问题。 1.学生对写作有畏惧感 很大部分学生对英语写作不感兴趣,一提到写作就害怕,也无从下手,不知道该写什么,怎么写,尽管绞尽脑汁,写出来的作文得分率也很低,有的甚至就不写,经常出现写作空白卷。 2.写作中常见的错误 (1)单词拼写错误多 拼写错误是学生作文中普遍存在的一个问题,主要错误集中在一些形相似,音相近的单词等等。 (2)选词不当的错误 学生在写英语作文时只注意“要点提示”中的汉语字面意思,而忽视了所选单词的词性,用法及其搭配。以至于错用,乱用。(3)时态,句子结构,主谓一致等语法错误 很多学生在英语写作中会有一些基本的语法错误。主要原因在于学生不习惯英语语言中的变化形式。 (4)句式表达错误 此类错误具体表现为学生所选用的句式不符合英语语言习惯,学生经常按汉语顺序译成英语,使得逻辑混乱。 (5)综合性错误 如名词的单,复数变化,形容词和副词的混淆,冠词的错用,介词的错用,代词的误用,非谓语动词误用等。 其次,我谈一下,听了专家的讲座后,我该如何解决这些问题,帮助

学生们提高写作水平。 1.抓好英语写作的基础性训练。 英语写作的基础性训练是训练基本句型。因此,在写作教学中,应把这五个基本句型作为写作训练的出发点。课堂练习以及作业布置上,多在造句上下工夫,打好写作的第一步。 2.多条途径培养学生的英语写作思维能力。 一是扩大阅读量。要让学生言之有物,就必须重视扩大其阅读量。大量阅读对学生熟悉词汇和句子结构有积极的作用。通过一段时间的语言输入,丰富了学生的语言材料,对写作能起到极好地促进作用。 二是背诵范文。在英语写作教学过程中,教师要选择适当的阅读材料作范文,这将对启发学生的思维起到立竿见影的作用。课文是提供给学生的最好范文,背诵课文是一个积累语篇的过程,也是思维发展的过程,它有记忆、理解、感悟、鉴赏四个阶段。背诵课文有助于学生对词汇的记忆,诵读过程中学生感悟内容,内化语言,提高能力。 三是仿写作文。首先,由浅入深、由易到难、循序渐进、一环紧扣一环地进行训练。然后,通过对知识点的复习加深学生对句型的印象。最后,让学生仿写成文。 3.优化作文的批改,增强纠错的时效性。对于学生的写作错误采用符号的方式加以提醒,再由学生根据提示改正。每次改完作文后,总结学生的一般性错误,并再课堂上指出并强调。有时还可以选几篇比较有针对性的作文,让全班同学一起批改,加深印象。


关于舌尖上的浪费的调查报告 506—6 1、调查目的 客观了解“舌尖上的浪费”现状,分析不同场合浪费的原因,了解民众对“舌间上的浪费”的看法,提出遏制浪费的有效建议。 2、调查时间 2014年9月——2015年3月 3、调查方法 (1)网络调查问卷 4、研究过程 简介:有效样本量572个,态度良好 聚餐剩下饭菜的原因:

造成外出就餐浪费的原因 1、“面子”文化:主要在亲友聚餐和商务宴请中最为严重 亲友聚餐导致浪费的原因中,近五成被访者表示是由于“习惯多点些,不剩就没吃好”;在商务宴请中,因“讲排场”而导致剩下饭菜的被访者比例也高达44.2%。 2、希望吃得丰盛些:主要集中在家庭聚餐和亲友聚餐 家庭聚餐导致浪费的原因中,“想多品尝几个菜”的比例在四成以上;在亲友聚餐中,因“想多品尝几个菜”而导致剩下饭菜的比例也达到31.8%。 3、饭菜不可口:家庭聚餐中较为明显

因“饭菜不可口”导致剩下饭菜,主要集中在家庭聚餐中,比例高达41.7%。 4、缺乏经验,点餐过量:各类场合中均为主要因素 在三类场合中造成食物浪费的原因中,“缺乏经验,点餐过量”均属于主要原因。在家庭聚餐中,35.0%的居民表示因该因素导致浪费;在亲友聚餐中,30.3%的居民表示因该因素导致浪费,在商务宴请中,30.1%的居民表示因该因素导致浪费。 聚餐中不打包的原因是:

不打包的原因 1)“面子”文化:亲友聚餐和商务宴请中最为显著 亲友聚餐中,48.4%的居民是由于“不好意思打包”而不打包;在商务宴请中,五成以上的居民不打包的原因是“不好意思打包”。 2)怕麻烦:家庭聚餐和亲友聚餐中影响最大


有关校园浪费的英语作文 【篇一】相关校园浪费的英语作文 As is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem. We can easily see many students dump a lot of food in the garbage can. Some students spend thousands of yuan buying fashionable clothes and so on. The negative effects of waste can be shown in the following aspects. In the first place, it makes some students dependent on their parents for money, which is harmful to their development. If they don’t learn to support themselves, they will be “useless people” when they graduate. In the second place, it is not easy for our parents to arrange for our schooling. Last but not the least important, there is no denying the fact that our country is still poor. There are many people who cannot go to university and many poor people still need our help. As far as I am concerned, I should set a good example to reduce waste on campus. First of all, I will refrain from wasting anything, from food to stationery. What’s more, I’m determined to call on more schoolmates to fight against waste. Only through these measures can we hope to reduce waste on campus. 【篇二】相关校园浪费的英语作文 Nowadays, there is too much waste on some campus. You can see students leaving their dorms with lights on. You also find that many a student, after washing their clothes,


暑假计划英语作文40词 篇一:暑假计划英语作文80词 暑假计划英语作文80词 篇一 My summer holiday plan It’s July now,and summer vacation is of us are on we all make a plan for summer arrange it in order to make it meaningful and course,I’ll finish my homework,tak e exercises every morning and a walk after these,I’d like to learn how to cook meals,for I’m mature gradually and must be independent and no longer just rely on ‘s more,I really expect to travel to Shanghai for World ‘s a precious opportunity to appreciate the get-together of different cultures and wish I would have a fulfilled summer vacation.

我的暑假计划 现在是七月,暑假就要到了。我们大多数将要度过暑假。并且我们都制定了暑假计划。我将把暑假安排得非常有意义。当然,我每天要完成暑假作业,锻炼身体,饭后散步。而且,我要学会如何做饭,因为我逐渐长大了,并且必须独立,不再依赖父母。另外,我真的盼望到上海世博园去旅游,它是一个难得的机会来观赏并学习不同文化的交融。我希望我将会有一个充实的暑假。 篇二 My Life in Summer Holiday 暑假生活 Good morning, my dear am happy to see all of our classmates come back to would like to share my life in holiday with summer holiday, I spent most of my time in playing, like watching TV, playing games, outing with friends and so I also pay attention to my example, I like watching the educational TV programs, so

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