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为什么有好多学生对英语的学习都感到头疼呢?答案只有一个:“不得法。” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。但很多中学生没有很好的英语环境,那么你可以自己设置一个英语环境,坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。











The teacher often asks us what we want to be in the future.My good friend Tom wishes to be a soldier.However,I'm different .I wish I were a teacher in the future.But my mother wishes me to be a doctor.









德国有一位著名的心理学家名叫艾宾浩斯(Hermann Ebbinghaus,





























大学英语第四册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 7-8

Unit 7、8

Listening Comprehension

I. Directions: Listen to the short conversations and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. The conversations will be read ONLY ONCE.(10 points)


A. It is too late for the man to go to the concert. (0)

B. The man must wait for two hours to buy a ticket. (0)

C. People have already been standing in line for two hours. (0)

D. The man can buy a standing-room ticket tomorrow. (3)

参考答案:The man can buy a standing-room ticket tomorrow.


正确/ 错误: 3 / 0

正确率: 100%


A. He has arranged to take the exam next year. (0)

B. He is pleased since the woman offered to help him. (0)

C. He has reason to be happy, despite the exam. (3)

D. He actually did very well in the exam. (0)

参考答案:He has reason to be happy, despite the exam. 答题人数:3

正确/ 错误: 3 / 0

正确率: 100%


A. She'd like to come along. (2)

B. She knows her way around the harbor. (1)

C. The warm weather is quite pleasant. (0)

D. The ride will take all day. (0)

参考答案:She'd like to come along.


正确/ 错误: 2 / 1

正确率: 66%


A. He put the information on top of his desk. (0)

B. The top of his head hurts. (0)

C. He doesn't know the answer right now. (3)

D. He's afraid that very few people are registered. (0)

参考答案:He doesn't know the answer right now.


正确/ 错误: 3 / 0

正确率: 100%


A. She would like to see the new stamps. (0)

B. She agrees that the price is too high. (1)

C. She wants to know what the price will be. (2)

D. She needs to mail some letters now. (0)

参考答案:She wants to know what the price will be. 答题人数:3

正确/ 错误: 2 / 1

正确率: 66%


A. He doesn't want to ask Mr. Jones himself. (0)

B. He doesn't want to work for Mr. Jones. (0)

C. Mr. Jones may have broken the radio. (0)

D. Mr. Jones might fix the radio. (2)

参考答案:Mr. Jones might fix the radio.


正确/ 错误: 2 / 1

正确率: 66%


A. They don't have to go to the concert. (0)

B. His brother should let them use the car. (0)

C. The subway is fine with her. (2)

D. A car wouldn't be any faster. (0)

参考答案:The subway is fine with her.


正确/ 错误: 2 / 1

正确率: 66%


A. Lending something to a student. (0)

B. Asking for some financial aid. (1)

C. Reading a student's application. (0)

D. Borrowing money for the business. (0)

参考答案:Asking for some financial aid.


正确/ 错误: 1 / 2

正确率: 33%


A. She knows where it is. (0)

B. She wants to go to the park. (0)

C. He should get help in finding the way. (1)

D. He can't see the map very well. (0)

参考答案:He should get help in finding the way.


正确/ 错误: 1 / 2

正确率: 33%


A. He doesn't know why she wants to swim. (0)

B. He thinks the lake is very wide, too. (1)

C. He wants to swim across the lake. (0)

D. He doesn't think she can see very well, either. (0)

参考答案:He thinks the lake is very wide, too.


正确/ 错误: 1 / 2

正确率: 33%

II. Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the table with n more than three words for each blank. The passage will be read twice. (20 points)

How to Keep Healthy As You Get Older

Not to smoke Talk to your 11 about joining 12 for stopping smoking, which incorporates 13 , nicotine replacement therapy and other strategies, and which is more likely to be successful than 14 . If you just can't stop, 15 .

Eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day Ideally include plenty of 16 fruit, especially tomatoes. These contain 17 including vitamins and anti-oxidants which 18 heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.

Cut red meat consumption Replace it with fish or 19 . If you prefer a diet rich in red meat, make sure you get plenty of foods rich in B vitamins and folate to help 20 of chemicals in meat which can cause heart disease.




正确/ 错误: 3 / 1

正确率: 75%


参考答案:a proper program


正确/ 错误: 0 / 4

正确率: 0%




正确/ 错误: 0 / 4

正确率: 0%


参考答案:going it alone

正确/ 错误: 0 / 4

正确率: 0%


参考答案:cut down


正确/ 错误: 3 / 1

正确率: 75%


参考答案:red and orange


正确/ 错误: 2 / 2

正确率: 50%


参考答案:health-enriching chemicals 答题人数:4

正确/ 错误: 0 / 4

正确率: 0%


参考答案:protect against


正确/ 错误: 2 / 2


参考答案:vegetable proteins


正确/ 错误: 0 / 4

正确率: 0%




正确/ 错误: 0 / 4

正确率: 0%

Smoking Cessation Aids

Nicotine replacement therapy Nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), such as 21 , skin patches, 22 , nasal spray or inhaler, are designed to help the smoker to 23 while providing 24 of nicotine to overcome withdrawal symptoms such as craving and 25 .

Bupropion The course of treatment lasts 26 . It is only available 27 under medical supervision. Zyban is safe for most 28 but there are side effects, the most serious of which is the risk of seizures (fits). Other less serious side effects such as insomnia, 29 and headaches are 30


参考答案:chewing gum


正确/ 错误: 0 / 2

正确率: 0%




正确/ 错误: 0 / 2

正确率: 0%


参考答案:break the habit 答题人数:2

正确/ 错误: 1 / 1

正确率: 50%


参考答案:a reduced dose 答题人数:2

正确/ 错误: 0 / 2

正确率: 0%


参考答案:mood changes 答题人数:2

正确/ 错误: 0 / 2

正确率: 0%


参考答案:around 8 weeks 答题人数:2

正确/ 错误: 1 / 1

正确率: 50%


参考答案:on prescription 答题人数:2

正确/ 错误: 0 / 2

正确率: 0%


参考答案:healthy adults 答题人数:2

正确/ 错误: 0 / 2

正确率: 0%


参考答案:dry mouth


正确/ 错误: 0 / 2

正确率: 0%


参考答案:more common 答题人数:2

正确/ 错误: 1 / 1

正确率: 50%

III. Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are True or False. The passage will be read ONLY ONCE. (10 points)

31. Forty-three chemicals are added in the processes of tobacco farming and cigarette production.




正确/ 错误: 0 / 1

正确率: 0%

32. When a cigarette is smoked, the smoker is exposed to the deadly chemicals, tars and gases. TrueFalse



正确/ 错误: 0 / 1

正确率: 0%

33. Nicotine occurs naturally in tobacco and does not cause cancer.




正确/ 错误: 0 / 1

正确率: 0%

34. After you've given up nicotine, you will not have the urge to smoke.




正确/ 错误: 0 / 1

正确率: 0%

35. According to the article a careful plan is essential for you to maximize the chances of staying smoke-free for good.




正确/ 错误: 0 / 1

正确率: 0%

36. Nicotine delivered through tobacco smoke should be regarded as an addictive drug.




正确/ 错误: 4 / 1

正确率: 80%

37. Surveys have consistently shown that at least 70% of adult smokers would like to stop smoking.




正确/ 错误: 4 / 1

正确率: 80%

38. Of those who expressed a desire to quit, half were very keen to stop.




正确/ 错误: 4 / 1

正确率: 80%

39. The most important element of the cessation process is the smoker's method to quit.




正确/ 错误: 3 / 2

正确率: 60%

40. Pregnant women seeking help in stopping smoking should call 0800 169 0169.




正确/ 错误: 4 / 1

正确率: 80%

IV. Directions: Listen to the following passage and choose the correct answers to the questions. The passage will be read ONLY ONCE.(10 points)


A. Tokyo has a smaller population. (0)

B. Tokyo is an international city. (0)

C. It is more difficult to go somewhere on foot in Tokyo. (1)

D. Tokyo's people are friendlier and more polite. (0)

参考答案:It is more difficult to go somewhere on foot in Tokyo.


正确/ 错误: 1 / 2

正确率: 33%


A. When the nightclubs are closing. (1)

B. At eight o'clock in the morning. (0)

C. When the train is overcrowded. (0)

D. At 11:30 a.m. (0)

参考答案:When the nightclubs are closing.


正确/ 错误: 1 / 2

正确率: 33%


A. They are very nice and comfortable. (0)

B. There are not enough trains. (0)

C. They often run behind schedule. (0)

D. They leave and arrive at the right time. (1)

参考答案:They leave and arrive at the right time. 答题人数:3

正确/ 错误: 1 / 2

正确率: 33%


A. Occasionally. (0)

B. Quite frequently. (1)

C. Not very often. (0)

D. Twice a day. (0)

参考答案:Quite frequently.


正确/ 错误: 1 / 2

正确率: 33%


A. It is dirty and the people are impolite. (0)

B. It has been seriously polluted. (0)

C. It is crowded and noisy. (1)

D. It is not modern enough. (0)

参考答案:It is crowded and noisy.


正确/ 错误: 1 / 2

正确率: 33%


A. All the journalists. (0)

B. The crowd of adults he had to face. (1)

C. The judge and the lawyers. (0)

D. The person accused of attacking him. (2)

参考答案:The person accused of attacking him. 答题人数:3

正确/ 错误: 2 / 1

正确率: 66%


现代大学英语听力2 原文及答案

Unit 1 Task 1 【答案】 A. 1) She wanted to see St. Paul’s Cathedral. 2) She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike. 3) They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas and newspapers. 4) Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who all looked as if they were wearing a uniform. 5) No, he didn’t. 6) He used the English saying “It takes all kinds to make a world” to prove his opinion. B. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be! 【原文】 Yesterday morning Gretel went to the City of


Unit 8 P40—WU 1.get off 2.blocks 3.get on 4.go down 5.take 6.get 7.catch 8.corner P41—FL 1.Tivoli Gardens 2.Harrods 3.Red Square 4.Singapore Zoo 5.Sydney Opera House 6.Imperial Palace P41—SL 1. I’m looking for… 2.Do you know where…? 3.Do you know where…? 4.Can you tell me how to find…? 5.We’re trying to find… 6.Do you know where…? P41—TL 1.Just walk down the street;You can’t miss it 2.on the other side of town;but I’m not sure 3.It’s easy;Over there 4.very far from here;take a taxi 5.You can’t see it from here 6.get to the station P42—PREPARE communicate,money,inexpensive,scared,way P42—GTMI 4,2,8,5,9,10,1,6,3,7 Unit 9P44—WU 2.responsibility 3.leadership 4.great salary 5.long hours 6.teamwork 7.danger 8.no comment P45—FL 1.accessories shop 2.fast food restaurant 3.insurance company 4.hotel P45—SL 1.She could practice foreign languages. 2.He learned to use a cash register. 3.He learned to work on computers. 4.She could ski a lot. Unit 10 P48—WU 1.L 2.J 3.A 4.F 5.I 6.H 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.E 11.G 12.K P49—FL 1.Mexio 2.Arizona 3.China 4.China P49—SL 1.It means “miracle”.It protects her. 2.It is Navajo.It reminds him of a place. 3.They are porcelain.They’re from the Ming dynasty. 4.It means “harmony”.It represents his daughter. P50—PREPARE Livestrong:knowledge is power,attitude is everything,help people with cancer ONE:global unity,fight to end poverty,one person=one vote Personal commitment:color of purpose,practice=commitment,commit to your goals P50—GTMI Yellow:Livestrong,help people with cancer,Lance Armstrong White:ONE,end poverty and injustice,Bono Red:Personal commitment,to help accomplish goals,Kathleen Hall Review Unit 2P52—PART 1 1.weigh,rather 2.talk about 3.e-mail address 4.nephew 5.adopted 6.sister,brother-in-law 7.grandparents 8.around the coner 9.go down,on your right 10.Turn right,two blocks 11.great salary 12.responsibility 13.teamwork 14.necklace 15.special meaning P53~54—PART 2 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.c 8.b 9.a 10.b P55—PART 3 1.That’s kind of private. 2.I don’t really give out my phone number. 3.I’d rather not talk about that. 4.I like to keep that to myself. 5.That’s a strange question. 6.Are you two related? 7.How are you related to Tom? 8.I look like my father. 9.I take after my mother.What about you? 10.We get


大学英语听力教学心得 庞静 相对于其他正规院校的本科生来说,高职生的英语基础较差,平均水平不高。从英语听力课的教学来看,其不足主要表现为词汇量少,语音语感较差,知识面窄,独立进行分析判断能力不足,从而反应较慢。除此之外,高职生在英语听力学习方面的不足还表现为缺乏良好的英语听力的自我控制能力和逻辑思维能力,缺乏良好的听力习惯,缺乏应有的自学能力,这一切都无形中构成了高职生英语听力学习的障碍。在我上的大学英语听力的部分系部表现的特别明显。教材是教学的依据,教材的选用和利用对于教学来讲意义重大。虽说我们学校的大学英语听力选用了不同的教材——外语系选用的大学英语听力;人文系选用的英语教程;音乐美术系选用的实用英语。但由于系部不同班级的学生水平也参差不齐,所以因材施教显得尤为重要。 外语系学生相对英语成绩相对较好,大部分学生的学习积极性都比较高。处在这个竞争愈来愈激烈的社会中,他们强烈地感受到自身的不足,从而有着很高的学习积极性。但同时也有相当一部分同学由于种种原因或自卑不前,或自满松懈,或心不在焉,学习态度和学习成绩均和前者有着很大差距,形成两极分化。外语系选用的教材中每个单元由三部分组成:第一部分通常是语音练习,它对于纠正学生的发音很有帮助。教师在完成这一部分的听力练习之后可以接着让学生跟读,模仿,从单词到长句,循序渐进。同时讲解相应的发音规则。第二部分通常是对话和短文。由于部分学生基础较差,如果按照机械的程序从讲解词汇,介绍背景,播放录音直至完成练习,他们会感到十分吃力。于是我一般在讲完词汇和介绍完背景之后,先把所要播放的录音内容概述一下,当然语速要慢。这样可以给学生留下一定的适应时间,帮助他们理解接下来的内容。第三部分是口头练习,这一部分往往会被忽略,我认为这是十分可惜的。不妨让学生根据所听的内容编排对话,复述大意或进行主题讨论,将听与说结合,把听到的内容用自己的语言表达出来。语言是交流的工具,而交流则包涵了由听到说的过程。听是说的基础,听最终要服务于说。 人文系现在的英语教程听力没个单元有不同的话题,围绕这个话题从report 来引出话题,这部分比较简单。然后10个段对话,1个长对话,1个短文听力。这部分听完,再简单讲解一下基本上要花一节课的时间。对于学生的认知,45分钟都在不停的听,做题目无疑会走神,事倍功半,往往是开始20分钟效率特别高,然后就思想松散了听的有一句没一句的。休息5分钟后按照课本内容是听电影片段做填词。这部分联系简单但由于是原声电影说话的语速很快而且连读,省略都很多,加之听力疲劳。所以效果也不佳。我觉得还是听与说要结合交替进


大学英语5听力上海外语教育出版社 lesson 1 partA problems facing foreign students Today I'd like to talk about some of the problems that students face when they follow a cource of study through the medium of English--if English is not their mother tongue. The problems can be divided into three broad categories: psychological ,cultural and linguistic. The first two categories mainly affect those who come to study in Britain from Asia and Africa.I'll come to comment only briefy on these two categories and then spend most of the time looking at linguistic difficulties which apply to everyone. some of the common psychological problems really involve fear of unknown: for example,whether one's academic studies will be too difficult.Looking at the cultural problems,we can see that some of them are very practical nature, for example , arranging satisfactory accommodation.Others are less easy to define.


A Cheap Parking Lot Before going to Europe on business, a woman drove her new so the women handed over the keys to her Rolls-Royce. The car was parked on the street in front of the bank. The bank bank's president and its officers all enjoyed a good laugh at the woman for using a $250,000 Rolls-Royce as collateral garage and parked it there. Two weeks later, the woman walked through the bank's doors and "Wait, Miss," the loan officer said, " While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multi-millionaire. What puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000." The women replied: " (1) downtown

(2) loan (3) security (4) aggred (5) (6) (7) (8)

(9) (10)

Before going to Europe on business, a woman drove her new Rolls-Royce to a downtown bank in New York City and went in to ask for a loan of $5,000. The bank officer said the bank would need some kind of security for the loan, so the women handed over the keys to her Rolls-Royce. The car was parked on the street in front of the bank. The bank agreed to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoyed a good laugh at the woman for using a $250,000 Rolls-Royce as collateral against a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then proceeded to drive the Rolls into the bank's underground garage and parked it there. Two weeks later, the woman walked through the bank's doors and asked to settle up her loan and get her car back. "That will be $5,000 in principal, and $20.30 in interest," the loan officer said. The woman wrote out a check and started to walk away. "Wait, Miss," the loan officer said, "We're very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multi-millionaire.

现代大学英语听力2 教案

《现代大学英语》 听力2课程教案 授课时间:2014-2015第二学期 授课班级:英1243 授课人:何林

Unit 1 教案 【Task 1】 Warm up Exercises: A. 1) She wanted to see St. Paul’s Cathedral. 2) She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike. 3) They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas and newspapers. 4) Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who all looked as if they were wearing a uniform. 5) No, he didn’t. 6) He used the English saying “It takes all kinds to make a world” to prove his opinion. B. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be! 【Teaching materials】 Yesterday morning Gretel went to the City of London. She wanted to see St. Paul's Cathedral. She was surprised to see so many Englishmen who looked alike. They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats. They were all carrying umbrellas and newspapers. When she returned home she asked Mr clark about these strange creatures. "They must be typical English gentlemen," she said." I have often read about them and seen photographs of them. They all look as if they are wearing a uniform. Does the typical English gentleman still exist?" Mr. Clark laughed. "I've never thought about it," he answered." It's true that many of the men who work in the City of London still wear bowler hate and I suppose they are typical Englishmen. But look at this." Mr. Clark picked up a magazine and pointed at a photo of a young man. "He's just as typical, perhaps. It seems as if there is no such thing as a 'typical' Englishman. Do you know the English saying 'It takes all kinds to make a world'? That's true of all countries-including England." “Oh, just like the poem ‘If All the Seas Were One Sea’,”Gretel began to hum happily. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea that would be! If all the trees were one tree, what a great tree that would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash that would be!” Task 2 【Teaching materials】 A. 1) people were much busier 2) colder than England; minus thirty degrees; last longer 3) much more mountainous; much higher and much more rocky; more beautiful 4) tend to be more crowded 5) the houses; smaller


Unit 5 Task 1 【答案】 A. 1) a, 2) a B. 1) T, 2) F 【原文】 Stephen: Well, there you are, Mikko. “Passengers Only.” That’s you. Mikko: Mr. Johnson, thank you very much for bringing me to the airport. Stephen: A pleasure, old boy. Petros: He wants to make sure you leave, Mikko. Stephen: Petros! Don’t say that! It was a pleasure having him. Petros: Just teasing. See you at Christmas, Mikko. Mikko: Don’t forget to come, now. And don’t forget some warm clothes and don’t… Oh, no! I left my tennis racquet behind. Petros: Don’t worry. I’ll bring it at Christmas. Go on, Mikko. Your planes! Mikko: Mr. Johnson. Er…thank you. And…um…how do you say it? You’ve been very, very kind. And Mrs. Johnson. And Penny. Stephen: Thank you very much, Mikko. Nice of you to say so. Now on your way, old boy. You’ll miss your plane. Petros: Have a good flight. Bye. Task 2 【答案】 A. 1) c, 2) b, 3) a B. 1) F, 2) F 【原文】 Penny, Buck and Tony took off from Greenhill on June 23rd. They flew east and got to the Pacific in September. On the way there they saw a lot of interesting things. They traveled by camel in the desert. They met some Bedouin people there, and lived with them for a few days. They made films and recordings of dances in the Himalaya Mountains, and on the island of Bali. They flew to the mountain of New Guinea and stayed in a village there. Now they are flying over the Pacific Ocean. Tony: Just look at those islands! Real South Sea islands! They’re beautiful, aren’t they? Penny: But look over there. Buck: Oh dear! Bad weather. Tony: Does it often rain like this in the South Seas? Buck: Yes, it does. Penny: We can’t fly in this rain. It’s too dangerous. I’m going to land down there, near that island. Buck: Be careful, Penny.


Task 1 Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10 Task 1Task 2Task 3 Model 1Model 2Model 3 Task 1Task 2Task 3 Further listening 1Further listening 2Further listening 3Further speaking 1 Unit 5 Does your best friend have four legs? Done with this task. Target score: 60% Your current score: 65% Unit 5 test Next Directions: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recordings Parts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recording starts playi please do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menu above. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing the complete recording. Part I Script Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. His parents wanted him to learn to be responsible. B. His parents believed it was good for his health. C. His parents hoped he would not be lonely. D. His parents loved animals. 2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She saw her uncle riding a horse many times when she was young.


大学英语听力教学模式 [摘要]本文针对目前大学英语教学改革中对学习者听力要求的不断提高与有限的听力教学之间的矛盾,利用在新生当中进行的有关听力方面的调查结果,归纳并分析讨论了EFL学习者在听力方面存在的问题, 指出EFL学习者在提高听力理解方面存在着诸多需要教师帮助解决的问题,并对大学英语听力教学模式提出了一些建议。 [关键词] 听力障碍;教学模式;听力技能 一、引言 听力理解一直是中国英语学习者在英语学习方面比较头痛的一个问题。随着大学英语教学改革的不断深入,听力理解题目在大学英语测试中所占的比例已达到35%。然而学生的听力课时仍然极其有限,通常平均每周为1-2节。无疑,教师面临着如何在有限的课时内进行有效的听力教学的严峻挑战。传统的听力教学模式中,教师很少去教学生怎样听,而更多的只是将大量的视听材料“灌”给学生,认为学生在接触过大量的听力内容之后便会自然而然地获得听力方面的技能,无需向学生讲授如何去听。教学中,多数教师遵循着同一种固定的模式——打开课本,讲解生词,播放磁带或光盘,提问/回答问题,给出答案。长此以往,学生会发现这种教学模式远远没有解决自己听力上的问题,进而对这种单调的教学模式失去兴趣,而学习者学习兴趣的丧失便成为了英语听力学习中最大的障碍。因此,作为教师很有必要在如何讲授听力课程方面寻找新的思路。 二、英语学习者的听力障碍 在学生中多次进行的问卷调查结果显示,听力理解成为学习者的头痛问题主要源于以下几个方面的障碍: 1. 听力理解过程的认识 对于听力理解过程的认识多数学习者只停留在“听一段材料,然后能够知道材料里说的是什么,并能回答设置的相关题目”这一层面上,对于听力理解到底是一种什么样的过程其实并不清楚。Howatt and Dakin 指出听力理解要求听者能够在接受说话者的语音、理解其语言中的词汇、语法的基础上判断和领会其所说的内容。要实现这一过程,听者需要具备一系列的听力技能,即我们通常所说的微技能。听力微技能包括: (1)预想说话者会说什么;


Unit 9 Task 1 【原文】 Compere: And now for our first question. It comes from Mrs. June Moore. Mrs. Moore Mrs. Moore: Does the panel think that computers will change our lives Compere: Mrs. Moore wants to know if computers will change our lives. Philip Barnes Philip Barnes: Computers have already changed our lives. Business is more efficient. Planes and trains provide a better service... Miss Anderson: Just a moment, Mr. Barnes. You may be right about business, but how many people have lost their jobs because of computers Computers have changed our lives, but I don't want my life changed. Arthur Haines: Excuse me, Miss Anderson. We're talking about our lives, not your life. The computer will affect everyone in the world. Records can be kept of everything we do. Records will be kept of all our private lives. In my opinion, the computer is the greatest disaster of the 20th century. Phyllis Archer: Could I interrupt Arthur Haines says the computer is a disaster, but the computer is a machine. It was invented by people; it is used by people. If the computer is a disaster, then people are a disaster. Compere: Thank you, Phyllis Archer. Thank you, panel. And thank you, Mrs. Moore. Task 2 【答案】


Price rises but inflation stays low. 1. Everybody in Britain is talking about falling prices though they know inflation is high. T F 2. Professor Brown found it easy to explain the difficult economic issue. T F 3. Chinese-made products have made Britain poorer. T F 4. In the past decade the CPI in Britain has increased only modestly. T F 5. The low inflation has resulted from higher prices for some goods and lower prices for mass-produced Chinese goods. T F Petrol, up. Eating out, up. School fees, up. Everyone in Britain seems to be talking about price rises, but why then is inflation still so low?

Professor Brown gave the seemingly difficult economic issue a simple answer: It is the low-priced "Made-in-China" products that help keep inflation under control. In his presentation at an economic forum, Brown reminded the price-sensitive Britons that Chinese-made commodities have not only helped bring down the inflation figures, but also made the already rich countries like Britain richer. Consider the following figures. Over the past 10 years, the total cost of living in Britain, as measured by the official consumer price index, has risen by just 14 percent. But that very modest average increase has included high inflation in some categories: school fees, for example, are up 62 percent, hairdressing up 58 percent, holidays up 52 percent, and eating out up 33 percent on average, with top London restaurant prices showing much faster growth. Why then has the total cost of living remained so stable? The answer to the question, the professor said, is not just interesting in its own right, but tells Britons a surprising amount about what is happening today not only in Britain but in the world economy as a whole. Because the prices of mass-produced goods have been plunging: clothes prices down by 42 percent in a decade, shoes by 31 percent and consumer electronics by 63 percent. Professor Brown said that this relates to China's entry into the global economy. By becoming the workshop of the world, China has pushed down the prices of all mass-produced goods.

现代大学英语听力1 原文及答案(unit 1)

Unit 1 University Life Taks 1 Script Okay, Okay, let's begin. Hello, everyone. My name's Susan Hudson, and I'll be your teacher for this class, Intercultural Communication. Uh, to begin with, please take a look at the syllabus in front of you. As you all should know by now, this class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50. We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using the research lab every other week on Thursday in Room 405 during the last two months of the class. Uh, this is the text for the class, Beyond Language. Unfortunately, the books haven't come in yet, but I was told that you should be able to purchase them at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance on a midterm and final test, periodic quizzes, uh, a research project, and classroom participation. My office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays, and you can set up an appointment to meet with me at other times as well. Key A. Answer the following questions. 1)What are the name of the teacher and the name of the course? Key: Susan Hudson and Intercultural Communication. 2)When and where will the class meet for the first half of the course Key: The class will meet in the room they are in now and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50. 3)Where can the students get the textbooks? Key: They can purchase the textbooks at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. 4)When are the office hours? Key: The office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays. B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.


大学英语听力练习材料 大学英语听力练习,意味着我们要多做练习题。下面是给大家整理的大学英语听力练习的相关知识,供大家参阅! 大学英语听力练习1Part ⅠListening Comprehension(20 paints) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear ten short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken twice.After eac conversation,there wi11 be a pause.During the pause,you should read the four choices marked A,B, C and D,and decide on the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.A.Cooler and drier B.Cooer and rainier C.Warmer and drier D.Warmer and rainier 2.A.8 am to 9 pm B.5 am to 9 pm C.9 am to 5 pm D.closed 3.A.She received her passport last week. B.She plans to stay in South America for a month.

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