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Unit 1 College Life

Ⅰ. Paraphrase(2′×5=10′)

1. A fact is no longer a bare fact: it is invested with all its possibilities. It is no longer a burden on the memory: it is like an energizing as the poet of our dreams, and as the architect of our purposes.

A fact is no longer a mere fact: it is endowed with all kinds of possibilities. We don′t take it a burden to memorize it anymore. It is like an energetic poet who describes vividly our wonderful dreams, and an architect who can help us fulfill our goals.

2. Imagination is not to be discovered from the facts: it is a way of illuminating the facts.

Imagination should not be separated from the facts: it is a way of interpreting the facts.

3. Youth is imaginative, and if the imagination be strengthened by discipline, this energy of imagination can in great measure be preserved through life.

Young people are imaginative, and if the imagination be strengthened by discipline, then this kind of imagination will, to a great extent, be kept, and benefit them a lot in the future.

4. Those reflection upon the general functions of a university can be at once translated in terms of the particular functions of a business school.

The opinion about the general functions of a university can be at once explained through the particular functions of a business school.

5. It requires an imaginative understanding of laws of political economy, not merely in the abstract, but also with the power to construe them in terms of the particular circumstances of a concrete business.

It requires an imaginative understanding of laws of political economy, not only in the abstract, but also with the ability to understand them in concrete business situation.

6. It requires that discipline of character which can say “yes”and “no”to other men, not only by reason of blind obstinacy, but with firmness derived from a conscious evaluation of relevant alternatives.

It requires that students should cultivate such a discipline of character that their agreement or disagreement with others is based on their consideration and evaluation of relevant alternatives instead of out of their stubbornness.

7. There can be no criticism of the custom, but there may be an unfortunate effect—prolonged routine work dulls the imagination.

This practice is not wrong and should not be criticized, but long-period routine work will reduce the imagination of young people.

8. Hence, instead of a drudgery issuing in a blind rule of thumb, the properly trained man has some hope of obtaining an imagination disciplined by detailed facts and necessary habits.

The properly trained man will not do the routine tedious work only by experience. Instead, he hopes to obtain an imagination trained by detailed facts and necessary habits.

Ⅱ. Translation(2′×5=10′)

1. 有些人总是从钱的角度考虑问题。

Some people always consider matters in terms of money.

2. 真正的教育不在于简单地讲授事实。

Real education does not consist in simply being taught facts.

3. 我们一定不能把理论与实践脱离开。

We mustn′t divorce theory from practice.

4. 他认为凭经验做事不可靠。

He considers it unreliable to do things by rule of thumb.

5. 我们的成功在很大程度上是做好充分准备的结果。

Our success, in large measure, is the result of our adequate preparation.

Unit2 Learning to Learn

Ⅰ. Paraphrase (2′×5=10′)

1. Born to succeed, it seemed, she was more than willing to sacrifice herself in the name of achievement.

As she had been expected to succeed since she was born, it seemed that she was happy to give up her own interest for the sake of success.

2. Many students today display a distributing willingness to choose academic institutions, fields of study and careers on the basis of earning potential.

Many students today choose universities, majors and professions according to the potential of earning money, but they also feel worried or upset because the decision is not based on their own interest or likes.

3. Degrees in economics are marketable and likely to garner their holders high salaries without the added effort of medical or law school.

Graduates with degrees in economics are more likely to find a job and earn high salaries, while at the same time they don′t need to make efforts like those who study medicine or law.

4. They are satisfied with the game of institutionalized education—play by the rules, play hard, win the degree.

They are happy with the requirements of a university. They follow the rules study hard and then get a degree.

5. In treating learning as a means to an end, this generation has chipped away at the quality of its education and consequently, as its quality of life.

Thinking that the purpose of learning is to develop one′s potential for earning money, young people of this generation has reduced the quality of education and as a result, has reduced the quality of life.

Ⅱ. Translation(2′×5=10′)

1. 很长时间以来医生们把这种疾病的起因归于一种未知的病毒。

For a long time the doctors had attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus.

2. 分清正事和娱乐很重要。对学生而言,学习总是需要优先考虑的事情。

It′s important to distinguish between business and pleasure. For students, learning is always a priority.

3. 这道菜很容易做,主要由两个鸡蛋和四个西红柿组成。

It′s a simple dish to prepare, considering mainly of two eggs and four tomatoes.

4. 你总是倾向于根据说话人是谁而接受或拒绝某些观点,你得改掉这个习惯。

You always tend to accept or reject ideas on the basis of two expresses them: you must get rid of this habit.

5. 出于省钱的考虑,我们决定只派一个人出席这次大会。

For the sake of saving money, we have decided to send just one person to attend the conference.

Unit 4 Personality and Interpersonal Relationship

Ⅰ. Paraphrase (2′×5=10′)

1. Adults need to be very careful while rearing a child because deep scars on the psychology of a child may have permanent marks.

Things done by parents that have hurt the children deeply may affect the children for the rest of their life. Therefore, parents need to be careful in the process of bringing up their children.

2. Although opportunities of progress are everywhere, a student has to work very hard to climb the stairs of

a brilliant career.

Although students are provided with many opportunities of process, they have to make great efforts in order to achieve the goal of a prosperous career.

3. But it is no longer a rational approach.

At present in this competitive society, the idea that a physically attractive person will have a good personality no longer holds true.

4. But due to negligence, our winning potential does not grow to the best of its capacity.

However, because of our negligence, we have not exerted our potential fully.

5. Previously it was thought that every person live his or her whole life according to the personality script written in child and that to change it was almost impossible.

People used to think that a person established his or her personality in the childhood and developed that way. As long as the personality is established, it can hardly be changed afterwards.

6. You may even be crushed by the competition forced upon you by other people.

The pressure caused by fierce competition with others may crush you.

7. Your self-confidence can not only conquer the mountains of difficulties but also the interview panel.

Your self-confidence will help you overcome all the difficulties. And it can also enable you to gain the recognition of the interviewers.

8. A person burdened with this or that disease may win pity of others, but it is very difficult for that person to maintain attraction.

A person who suffers diseases may win pity of others, but it is difficult for that person to be truly attractive in the eyes of others.

9. With bad habits you may become a sheer nuisance for others.

You are likely to be viewed as a nuisance if you have some bad habits.

Ⅱ. Translation(2′×5=10′)

1. 我认为学校应该重视学生的全面发展。

I think that schools should place great emphasis on the overall development of students.

2. 据我所知,星期六的晚会已经被推迟了。

To the best of my knowledge, the party on Saturday evening has been postponed.

3. 他拒绝在有记者出席的情况下对自己的表现做任何评价。

He refused to comment on his performance in the presence of journalists.

4. 作为美国人,他的中文很不错了。

As an American, he has a fairly good command of Chinese.

5. 我会根据你的工作量来给你酬劳。

I will pay you according to the amount of work you have done.

Unit 5 Stress and Mental Health

Ⅰ. Paraphrase (2′×5=10′)

1. If you are speaking in public for the first time, if you are rushing to catch the last train home, or if you are made redundant.

If you are speaking in public for the first time, if you are rushing to catch the last train home, or if you are laid off/fired.

2. Some stress can be positive and research has suggested that a moderate level of stress makes us perform better.

Some stress can be beneficial to us and research has suggested a reasonable level of stress makes us do a better job.

3. Stressful situations can also be exhilarating and some people actually thrive on the excitement that comes with dangerous sports or other “high-risk” activities.

Stressful situations can also be greatly exciting and some people find great enjoyment and excitement in dangerous sports or other “high-risk” activities.

4. Taken to extremes, stress can be a killer.

Acted in a way that is far from normal or reasonable, stress can be harmful to us.

5. Unfortunately these changes are less helpful if you are stuck in a busy office or on an overcrowded train.

Unfortunately these changes are less helpful if you cannot leave/escape from a busy office or stay long on an overcrowded train.

6. These feelings can feed on other and can themselves produce physical symptoms—making you feel even worse.

These feelings can affect each other and become mutually stronger.

7. You may suddenly become verbally or physically aggressive even if you were previously mild-mannered.

You may suddenly lose your temper and be ready to argue with or fight with others even if you

were previously mild-mannered.

8. If you find yourself become angry or upset, you may find it helpful to take time out, even if it′s only for five minutes.

If you find yourself becoming angry or upset, you may find it helpful to stop working and relax even if it′s only for five minutes.

9. Try to let go of those in the second and third groups—there is no point in worrying about things you can′t change or things that will sort themselves out.

Try to ignore those in the second and third groups—it′s unnecessary to worry about the things that you can′t change or do anything about.

10. Try to keep things in proportion and don′t be too hard on yourself.

Try not to take on more than you can do, and set too high demands on yourself.

Ⅱ. Translation(2′×5=10′)

1. 他在公司受到了老板的批评,回到家只好拿妻子和孩子出气。

He was criticized by his boss in the company and took it out on his wife and child at home.

2. 经过几年的建设,这个镇的面貌已经焕然一新。

After several years′ construction, the town took on a new look.

3. 由于他家离公司比较远,他上班往往迟到。

As he lives quite far from the company, he is prone to be late for work.

4. 我们经理是那种苦干有成的人。

Our manager is the kind of person who thrives on hard work.

5. 下笔之前,我得花些时间理清思路。

I need to spend some time sorting out my thought before I write.

Unit 6 Food and Health

Ⅰ. Paraphrase(2′×5=10′)

1. …w e know how we should be eating, the problem is we don′t.

We know how we should be eating, but the problem is in reality we don′t apply this knowledge to our daily diet.

2. Food is an international cross-cultural intergenerational source of pleasure. It is a little bit of heaven on a plate.

Food is a source of pleasure which could be shared between nations, cultures and generations. It is like a paradise on a plate.

3. So we have not only the increasing numbers relative to the overall population, but the severity as well.

The proportion of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing in the overall population; moreover, the severity of the disease is also increasing.

4. …e ven though we know better, our best intentions are easily swept away in a wave of temptation…

Even though we have a better knowledge of how we should be eating, the temptation of food, which is like a wave, would carry us away and make us forget our initial intention.

5. Because we are getting more food for the same price, it seems like better value for the dollar.

Because we can buy more things with the same amount of money, it seems that the dollar has increased its value.

6. It is all in the arithmetic of calories.

The calculation of calories in the fast food we take can tell us what happens.

7. But if we have gone for 100 years knowing the right thing and eating the wrong thing, is there any hope for change?

But if it has been 100 years since we knew how we should be eating, is it possible for us to get out of the present paradoxical situation of diet?

Ⅱ. Translation(2′×5=10′)

1. 他们在签证申请程序方面做出了改进,以期比以往更节省人力、物力和时间。

They have made some improvement in terms of visa application process so as to spare more manpower, material resources and time than ever before.

2. 网络游戏令许多学生沉溺其中,后果是这些学生既浪费了金钱也浪费了时间。

Computer games have made many students addicted .As a result, they waste both time and money.

3. 许多电子废品最后进了填埋区。

A lot of e-waste ends up in landfills.

4. 在寻求新的解决办法的过程中,他们经历了无数次的失败。

They have experienced lots of failures during their quest for new solutions.

5. 母亲脸上露出的笑容意味着她已经原谅我了。

Mother′s smile implies that she has forgiven me.

Unit 9 Holidays and Celebrations

Ⅰ. Paraphrase(2′×5=10′)

1. Holidays are very important for us: they “glue” us to people around us by being a common experience,

a social meaningful historical event or a cultural or religious celebration.

Holidays are a kind of common experience or historical, cultural or religious celebration which can make people feel emotionally connected with each other.

2. A holiday can create the intellectual context for learning, and it is through this learning that the emotional integration might occur.

A holiday can create a context in which the new immigrants learn to understand the new culture and the new land finally.

3. I left the table physically stuffed, yet strangely empty.

After the feast, I was physically full but I feel lonely because I could not feel any emotional connection to the holiday.

4. We learned American culture that first year of my teaching in the U.S. as a distant, purely academic, “textbookish” content.

In the first year of my teaching in the U.S., American culture to my students and me could only mean something far away from us, something purely academic and something existing only in the


5. The etymology of the world “turkey” would become a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural adventure, a glance into my classroom languages and history, and an arena for anthropological and linguistic research.

To find the origin of the word “turkey” would become a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural journey, a window through which to look at different languages and history in my classroom and a large research area in which we could do studies in anthropology and linguistics.

6. Every year the thanksgiving story helped me to better articulate the beautiful myth reflecting the historical reality.

Every year the beautiful mysterious story reflecting the historical reality is more clearly understood and expressed with a better understanding of Thanksgiving story.

7. I also felt the story and the celebration, despite its Hollywood-like plot, makes Americans feel proud about their historical beginning, which was paradoxically someone else′s ending.

The story and celebration seemed to be plots in Hollywood movies, I also had the feeling that even so, they made Americans feel proud of their historical beginning though paradoxically the beginning at the same time was the ending of American Indian history.

8. I strangely felt American: simultaneously feeling both like the Pilgrims and the Indians.

Strangely I had a feeling of being an American who has the characristics of both the Pilgrims and the Indians.

9. Thanksgiving has become my holiday in essence and meaning, just like what it means to most American families: the connection to the past, to the present, to the roots and to each other.

To me Thanksgiving has become a holiday in its real sense, just like what it means to most American families: being the connection to the past, to the present, to the beginning of their culture and to each other.

10. I feel all this now, discovering how my intellectual knowledge about his country has integrated my being via emotional channels.

I feel all this now, through establishing emotional connection with the culture I found how my intellectual knowledge about his country has made me a real part of this society.

Ⅱ. Translation(2′×5=10′)

1. 我们学校一直努力追求优异的教学质量。

Our school constantly strives for excellence in its teaching.

2. 中国加入世界贸易组织对跨国企业的发展有促进作用。

The multinationals can benefit a lot from China′s entry into the WTO.

3. 就业难给许多大学毕业生带来了心理问题。

The unemployment embarrassment of college graduates has brought about a lot psychological problems for them.

4. 他的头脑中充斥着各种各样的数学难题。

His head has stuffed with a variety of difficult mathematical problems.

5. 你必须把工作申请表中的每一个空格都填写完整。

You should fill in all the blanks on the job application form.

Unit 12 Great People

Ⅰ. Paraphrase(2′×5=10′)

1. For greatness to take place it has to carry beyond the year, the decade, or the century; it has to be more than just something superficial; it has to be able to travel well from one area to another.

Greatness should transcend the limitations of time; it should be eternally admired and appreciated by people. Greatness should have a profound influence on people from all walks of life.

2. Some of those quite great people have been religious contemplatives, whose lives provide an affirmative answer to the question philosophers love to ask: “If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, has it made any sound?”

One kind of great people are those who are faithful to their religious beliefs. They constantly refine their minds through religious contemplation .Although their refinement and cultivation may not be known by others, the process of contemplation itself is great and provides an affirmative answer to the question “could people with religious beliefs who contemplate the significance of life be regarded as great ones?”

3. What this means is that when you look at great people throughout history, the distinction is not so much between being great and not being great as between greatness manifesting itself in a small arena of life and in a very large one.

It is not the criterion of “being great or not” that differentiates great people from others. The range of the influence of a man′s greatness determines whether he is regarded by others as being great or not.

4. While success is dependent on external circumstances and achievements, greatness is an inner contact between the individual and the universe to create and discover deepening qualities of life and how best to express them.

One′s success relies on such factors as external circumstances and achievements, etc. Whereas one′s greatness depends on his discovery of some universally great values through his behavior.

5. It is not so much this kind of activity they are involved in; be it music, gardening, raising children or finding

a cure for a disease, as their personalities that have an effect on all of us.

It is not the kind of activity carried out by great people that influences us; instead it is the personalities of great people that have a profound influence on us.

Ⅱ. Translation(2′×5=10′)

1. 为了维持生计,他承担了许多额外的工作。

He has taken on extra work to make ends of meet.

2. 这本小说获得了好评,但是从实际销售情况来看,它并不太成功。

The novel has well reviewed, but in terms of actual sales it has not been very successful.

3. 年纪大的人有时会显得对现代社会缺乏了解。

Old people sometimes seem out of touch whit the modern society.

4. 因为是色盲,他无法区分出红色和绿色。

Being color-blind, he can′t make a distinction between red and green.

5. 许多父母为了提高孩子的个人修养而购置了钢琴。

Many parents have purchased pianos for the betterment of their children.


商务英语期末考试参考答案 说明:商务英语期末考试有五种题型: 一、中英短语互译已经全部总结,见下文 二、问答题已经提供了参考答案,仅供参考,见下文 三、案例分析题请根据题目要求自行准备 四、英语段落翻译中文已经注明,请自己翻看商务英语教程 五、写作请根据题目要求自行准备 1、中英短语互译(详见商务英语课件——每个PPT中的短语部分) PPT1: 1. individual proprietorship个体经营,独资企业 2. convertible bonds 可转换债券 3. memorandum of association 公司章程 4. monopolistic competition 垄断竞争 5. business credit 商业信用 1. 财政资源 financial resources 2. 有限责任公司 limited company 3. 销售收入 sales revenue 4. 有形商品 tangible goods 5. 流动资金 working capital PPT2: 1. flexible manufacturing system 弹性生产系统 2. fractional reserve system 部分准备金制度

3. credit instruments 信用工具,信用票据 4. bull market/bear market 牛/熊或多头/空头市场 5. manufacturing process 制造工艺 1. 厂址选择 facility location 2. 库存控制 inventory control 3. 总支出 aggregate expenditures 4. 股权证/权益证 equity instruments 5. 财务管理 financial management PPT3: 1. performance appraisal 绩效/业绩评估 2. promotion-from-within 内部提拔 3. skills inventory 技术库存 4. macroeconomic ramification 宏观经济衍生物/结果 5. closed-end fund 封闭式基金 1. 项目生命周期 project life cycle 2. 软技能和硬技能 soft skills and hard skills 3. 补偿制度 compensation system 4. 开放式基金 open-ended fund 5. 优先股 preferred stock PP4: 1. profit-oriented objective 利润导向的目标 2. marketing intermediary 营销代理商


freelance 自由职业的[?fri:lɑ:ns] You sell your work or services to a number of different companies. 自由职业 你把你的工作或服务卖给许多不同的公司 teleworking 远程工作;在家办公; You work for a company from home via email,phone or the Internet电子办公 你在家中通过电子邮件、电话或互联网为一家公司工作, job-sharing 分担工作制 You do your job for part of the week and another person does it for the other part. 分担工作 你在这周做了你的这份工作的一部分,另一个人做另一部分 shift work 换班工作 You work during different parts of the day(eg nights).轮班工作 你在一天中的不同时段工作(如夜班) part-time 兼职;半日工作 You only work for some ot the week(not full-time).兼职工作 你只工作了一周(不是全职)。 temping 打临时工,做临时工作,打零工 You work for different companies for a short time without a permanent contract.临时工作 你在不同的公司工作很短的时间没有一个永久的合同。 c onsultancy 顾问工作,顾问职位; 咨询公司; [k?n?s?ltnsi:] You aren’t employed by a company,but are paid to give specialist advice.顾问公司;咨询公司 你不是受雇于公司,但支付给专业的意见 flextime 弹性上班制; You work a number of hours per week or month but you decide when you start or finish.弹性制 你每周工作几个小时或一个月,但你决定当你工作的起始时间 hot-desking 办公桌轮用制(按需要或依照轮流制度分配办公桌,而不是给每位员工桌子); You don’t have a permanent place or office to work at,but you find a place to work when you arrive.办公桌轮用 你没有一个固定的办公地点,但当你需要办公室可以找到一个办公地点 How to job - share Wouldn't it be nice if the working week finished on Wednesday? With a job-share it can. Here's the essential guide to making it work. 如果工作都在星期三完成,那岂不是很好吗?有工作共享就可以做到。这里是使它工作的基本指南。 (0) Find the perfect partner Find someone you like. 'Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame,says Carol Savage, the managing director of Flexecutive, a flexible working consultancy.


Unit 4 Advertising Part I Business Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence. C1 Outdoor advertising is one of the fastest growing _______________ in the market. A markets B sections C segments D sectors D2 The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and ‘street furniture’ is ______ about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the worl d’s spending on advertising. A worthwhile B worthy C valued D worth C3 The soaring costs of TV are ______________ clients to consider alternatives. A making B driving C prompting D letting A4 BMW ran a ‘teasers’ campaign in Britain on bus shelters. A exclusively B largely C greatly D inclusively C5 Placing an ad on a bus shelter for two weeks ________________ at about £90. A works on B works away C works out D calculates D6 We are facing a ________________ with our market share. What are we going to do about it? A promotion B sale C order D crisis A7 Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for creating imaginative and ____________ campaigns. A effective B efficient C effect D efficacious C8 Focus now needs to ________________ potential clients that it still


广东外语外贸大学成人高等教育 商务英语(专科)2018学年第1学期 《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷) 年级: 考试形式:闭卷 考试时间:90分钟 Part I Multiple Choices (15 points, 1 point each) Direction : There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four Choices 1. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _______ and perfected now. A. developed B. have developed C. are being developed D. will have been developed 2. Y ou _______ her in her office last Friday; she’s been out of town for two weeks. A. needn’t have seen B. must have seen C. might have seen D. can’t have seen 3. She’s always been kind to me – I can’t just turn ______on her now that she needs my help. A. my back B. my head C. my eye D. shoulder 4. Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs _______ directed. A. like B. so C. which D. as 5. The _______ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly the gap between researchers and teachers. A. joint B. intensive C. overall D. decisive 6. W e can accept your order _______ payment is made in advance. A. in the belief that B. in order that C. on the excuse that D. on condition that 7. The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of diseases in the _______ of the earthquake. A. consequence B. aftermath C. results D. effect 8. Research universities have to keep up with the latest computer and scientific hardware _______ price. A. on account of B. regardless of C. in addition to D. not to mention 9. I am surprised _______ this city is a dull place to live in. A. that you would think B. by what you are thinking C. that you should think D. with what you were thinking 10. Don’t let the child play with scissors _______ he cuts himself. A. in case B. so that C. now that D. only if 11. They always give the vacant seats to _______ comes first. A. whoever B. whomever C. who D. whom 12. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______ it comes to classroom tests. A. when B. since C. before D. after 13. Personal computers are no longer something beyond the ordinary people; they are _______ available these days. A. promptly B. instantly C. readily D. quickly 14. Owing to _______ competition among the airlines, travel expenses have been reduced considerably . A. fierce B. strained C. eager D. critical 15. Doctor often ______uneasiness in the people they deal with. A. smell B. sense C. hear D. tough Part II Word Match (15 points, 1 point each) Direction : Match the following words with their definitions within each group of five words. Write Group 1 1. authentic A. having powers of learning, reasoning or understanding 2. commitment B. twist; changing shape 3. exaggerate C. a promise or decision to do something 4. intelligent D. real; true and accurate 5. distortion E. say more than the truth about something Group 2 6. authority A. basic; central; forming the necessary basis of something 7. donate B. something that is considered more important than other matters 8. substantial C. the right or ability to control 9. priority D. give something for the benefit of others 10. fundamental E. large in size, value or importance Part III Sentence Completion (10 points, 1 point each) 1. George is not only a skillful painter, but also a ______ writer. (talent) 2. The ________ John to Mary was announced in the newspapers yesterday . (engage) 3. I love the movie because the _______ is my favorite. (act) 4. _______ to say , this absent-minded professor left his umbrella in the classroom again. (need) 5. I'm afraid the girl is a little ________ for her age and height. (weight)


freelance自由职业的[fri:lɑ:ns] Yousellyourworkorservicestoanumberofdifferentcompanies.自由职业 你把你的工作或服务卖给许多不同的公司 teleworking远程工作;在家办公; Youworkforacompanyfromhomeviaemail,phoneortheInternet电子办公 你在家中通过电子邮件、电话或互联网为一家公司工作, job-sharing分担工作制Youdoyourjobforpartoftheweekandanotherpersondoesitfortheotherpart.分担工作 你在这周做了你的这份工作的一部分,另一个人做另一部分 shiftwork换班工作 Youworkduringdifferentpartsoftheday(egnights).轮班工作 你在一天中的不同时段工作(如夜班) part-time兼职;半日工作 Youonlyworkforsomeottheweek(notfull-time).兼职工作 你只工作了一周(不是全职)。 temping打临时工,做临时工作,打零工Youworkfordifferentcompaniesforashorttimewithoutapermanentcontract.临时工作 你在不同的公司工作很短的时间没有一个永久的合同。 c onsultancy顾问工作,顾问职位;咨询公司;[knsltnsi:] Youaren’temployedbyacompany,butarepaidtogivespecialistadvice.顾问公司;咨询公司 你不是受雇于公司,但支付给专业的意见 flextime弹性上班制; Youdon’thavea permanentplaceorofficetoworkat,butyoufindaplacetoworkwhenyou arrive.办公桌轮用 你没有一个固定的办公地点,但当你需要办公室可以找到一个办公地点 Howtojob-share Wouldn'titbeniceiftheworkingweekfinishedonWednesdayWithajob-share (0)Findtheperfectpartner Findsomeoneyoulike.'Bepreparedtocommunicateandsharecreditandblame,saysCarolSava ge,themanagingdirectorofFlexecutive,aflexibleworkingconsultancy. creditandblame信用和责任;director主管,主任;flexible灵活的;consultancy顾问


《商务英语阅读》期末复习指导 一、课程说明 适于省开英语专业专科商务方向学习者使用。本课程选用的教材是由对外经济和贸易大学黄震华教授主编的《商务英语阅读》一书,中央广播电视大学2003年6月出版。共十八课,每课有正副课文各一篇,共三十六篇。 二、考试说明 考试的性质及方式:期末采用闭卷考试,时间90分钟。考核范围:广东电大编写的《商务英语阅读期末复习指导》;期末考试成绩计核方法:形成性考核成绩占30%,期末考试占70%。期末考试题型及所占比例:选择题(15%);填空题(10%); 翻译题(30%);阅读理解(45%)。 三、综合复习 (一)选择题 1、C 2、D 3、D 4、A 5、C 6、B 7、B 8、B 9、A 10、B 11、A 12、A 13、A 14、C 15、A 16、C 17、C 18、C 19、C 20、C 21、A 22、D 23、C 24、A 25、B 26、A 27、A 28、D 29、C 30、B 31、D 32、B 33、C 34、B 35、C 36、C 37、C 38、B 39、D 40、D (二)填空题 1.用下列词填空: 1、air-conditioned; 2、handmade; 3、thunder-struck; 4、heart-felt; 5、data-based; 6、self-employed; 7、custom-built; 8、weather-beaten 2.用下列词填空: 1. structure 2. managers 3. benefits 4. margin 5. capital market 6. investment 7. marketing concept 8. raw material 9. shareholders 10. capital


商务英语期末复习 Unit 2 1c词汇用下面的词语填进下列句子的空格中 1、Managers have to decide how best to allocate the human, physical and capital resources (资源、财力)available to them. 2、Managers – logically – have to make sure that the jobs and tasks given to their subordinates are manageable. 3、There is no point in setting objectives if you don’t communicate them to your staff. 4、Managers have to supervise their subordinates, and to measure, and try to improve, their performance. 5、Managers have to check whether objectives and targets are being achieved. 6、A top manager whose performance is unsatisfactory can be dismissed by the company’s board of directors. 7、Top managers are responsible for the innovations that will allow a company to adapt to a changing world. 1d词汇课文里有一些常见的动词-名词搭配(入achieve objectives, deal with crises等等。把下面的动词和名词按照常用搭配连起来。 1、make decisions 做出决策 2、communicate information/decisions/objectives 向……传达信息/决定/目标 3、allocate resources 分配资源,或“配置资源” 4、develop strategies/people 发展战略/培养人员 5、measure performance 测评绩效 6、motivate people 激励员工 7、perform jobs 完成工作 8、set objectives 设定目标 9、supervise subordinates监管下属 Unit 3 1b词汇下面是一些有关公司组织机构的基本词语。把它们和定义用直线连起来。 1、autonomous 自治的 Independent, able to take decisions without consulting a higher authority 2、decentralization 分散,分权 Dividing an organization into decision-making units that are not centrally controlled 3、function 职能 A specific activity in a company, e.g. production, marketing, finance 4、hierarchy 层次,层级 A system of authority with different levels, one above the other 5、line authority 直线职权 The power to give instructions to people at the level below in the chain of command 6、report to 向……报告(负责) To be responsible to someone and to take instructions from him or her 7、subordinates 下属 People working under someone else in a hierarchy Unit 4 1a词汇下列的句子说明某些关于工作的基本词汇。哪些是正确的答案? 1、To inspire, to induce, to give a reason or incentive to someone to do something. (motivate 激发) 2、A person employed by someone else, working for money. (employee 职工,雇员) 3、Relations between employers and employees, managers and workers, management and unions. (labor relations 劳资关系)


Unit 1~2 Mercantilism 重商主义 Neomeicantilist 新重商主义者 Trade surplus 贸易顺差 Quota and tariff 配额和关税 Government intervention 政府干预 Zero-sum game 零和博弈 Positive-sum game 常和博弈 The theory of absolute advantage 绝对优势理论 The theory of comparative advantage 比较优势理论 Factor endowments 要素禀赋理论 Product life cycle 产品生命周期(+theory ……理论) Economies of scale 规模经济 Diminishing returns 收益递减规律 Green revolution 绿色革命 Voluntary restriction 自动出口限制 Deposit 佣金 First mover advantage 先占优势 Barrier to entry 进入(市场)壁垒 Porter’s diamond theory 波特的钻石理论 National competitive advantage 国家竞争优势 The department of commerce 商务部 Letter of credit 信用证 Draft /bill of exchange 汇票 bill of lading B/L 提单 Sight draft 即期汇票 Time draft 远期汇票 Banker ‘s acceptance 银行承兑(+bill …汇票) Trade acceptance 商业承兑汇票 Countertrade 对等贸易 Barter 易货贸易 Switch trading 转手贸易 Offset 抵消 Counter purchase 互购贸易 Compensation trade 补偿贸易 Mercantilism suggests that it is in a country’s best interest to maintain a trade surplus -- to export more than it imports(重商主义就是保持贸易顺差以实现一国的最大利益---出口超过进口) Mercantilism advocates government intervention(介入) to achieve a surplus in the balance of trade (重商主义主张政府介入以便实现对外贸易顺差) It views trade as a zero-sum game - one in which a gain by one country results in a loss by another (将贸易看成零和博弈,一个国家收益一个国家受损) Absolute Advantage 绝对优势 Adam Smith argued that a country has an absolute advantage in the production of a product when it is more efficient than any other country in producing it 亚当斯密认为一个国家生产一种商品比其他任何国家效率都高时存在绝对优势 According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of goods for which they have an absolute advantage and then trade these goods for the goods produced by other countries 按照亚当斯密的说法,各国应该专门生产具有绝对优势的商品,然后用他们交换其他国家生产的商品 The Benefit(好处) of Absolute Advantage and Free Trade The Principle for International Division of Labor–Absolute Advantage 国际分工的原则---绝对优势 The Consequence(结果) of Division of Labor and Free Trade 分工的结果和自由贸易 1. To Production: the Flow of the Factor of Production 生产要素的流动; the Efficiency of Factor Distribution 要素分配效率;the Quantity of Production 产品质量。 2. To Consumer: Welfare from Free Trade自由贸易福利: low price of imports and more consumption 低价格的进口更多的消费 Comparative Advantage比较优势 Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage suggests that countries should specialize in the production of those goods they produce most efficiently and buy goods that they produce less efficiently from other countries, even if this means buying goods from other countries that they could produce more efficiently at home李嘉图的比较优势理论认为一个国家分工生产最有效率的产品,而从别国购买自己生产效率相对较低的产品,


《商务英语阅读》期末考试复习资料一、词汇翻译题(课内词汇+课外高频商务词汇) 1.entrepreneur 企业家 2.specification 规格详述 3.human resources 人力资源 4.institution 机构 5.orientation 方向,导向,新员工 入职培训 6.decline 消减,衰亡 7.bonus 奖金 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a02699210.html,unch 推出,投放市场 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a02699210.html,munity 社区,共同体 10.necessities (生活)必需品 11.stock 股票 12.liquidity 流动性,变现性 13.risk 风险 14.potential 潜在的 15.act of God 不可抗力 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a02699210.html,y off 使……下岗 17.listed company 上市公司 18.log on 登入、连接(上网) 19.absolute interest 绝对产权 20.keyboard skills 打字技能 21.human resources 人力资源 22.account for 解释某事物的原因,占……比例 23.executive 高级管理人员,执行总 裁 24.logo 企业或公司等专用的标记、标 识 25.administration 管理 26.budget 预算27.feasible 可行的 28.industry 产业,行业 29.ingredient 成分,要素 30.securities 证券 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a02699210.html,mission 佣金 32.dividend 股息,红利 33.mature 到期,成熟 34.accounts receivable 应收账款 35.job description 岗位描述 36.letter of intent 意向书 37.living wage 基本生活工资 38.bar code 条形码 39.acid test 决定性的考验 40.executive 高管,主管 41.administrative expenses 行政管 理费用 42.jet lag 飞机时差反应 43.customized 用户化的,按客户要求 定制的 44.keep-fit market 保健市场 45.lecture theatre 梯形教室,梯形 报告厅 46.local adaptation 本土化 47.balance sheet 资产负债表 48.benefits package 福利套餐,整体 福利 49.bill of lading 提单、提货单 50.access fee 使用费 二、单项选择题(课内) 1.Factors of production refer to _______. A.natural resources and capital https://www.doczj.com/doc/a02699210.html,bor and entrepreneurs C.both A and B 2.The structure of a large manufacturing company and that of a small service firm


2008~2009第一学期商务英语期末试卷 一、单词翻译. 1’×20=20’ (1)中翻英 1.human resources manager 2.run out of 3.personnel 4.line manager 5.joint venture 6.head office 7.turnover 8.take place 9.over the counter 10.stationery (2) 英翻中 1.会计师2有限责任公司3大量生产4达到平衡、趋于稳定5副作用 6操作说明7私有化8命令、处方9登记、注册10义务、职责 二、单项选择(根据每题的口信或留言条等,选出正确的一项)2`×1 0=20` 1.Due to circumstances beyond our control, the conference will be postponed. A.The conference will take place as planned B.The conference will take not place C.The conference will take place at a later date 2.For additional charges, please refer to page 10. You should turn to page 10 A.to see about possible discounts B.to find out about extra costs C.for information about the product 3.Tick if you wish to make an immediate purchase. You have to tell the company if you want A.to buy the product B.more information C. a production demonstration 4.Punctuality improves on bus services. A.The quality of service is improving buses B.More buses are now running on time C.Buses are becoming cheaper to use 5.Mrs Rothe called ---she’s unavailable for the meeting tomorrow. Mrs Rothe will A.be late for the meeting tomorrow B.take part in the meeting tomorrow C.not be at the meeting tomorrow 6.European sales have recovered this year. Compared to last year, European sales have A.improved B.remained steady C.decreased 7.Chris Call Annette Pohl. She’s on her way to a meeting so try her mobile on 0486 366 57. Annette Pohl is in A.her office B. a meeting C.her car 8. Mr Ranson called while you were on the phone. He’ll try again this afternoon. Mr Ranson A. promised to call back B. left a message C. was put through 9. Sales were good but distribution problems led to a slight drop in profits. The company had problems with A.producing enough goods B.delivering enough goods C.selling enough goods 10. Delegates are asked to check out by 10.30 a.m. The delegates should leave their rooms A.before half past ten B.at half past ten C.earlier than half past eleven 三、完形填空1.5`×12=18` New call centre creates 2000 jobs in north-east More good news. Barclays Bank is setting up a call in Sunderland(1) of the growth of its telephone banking service. This is a welcome decision for the north-east, (2)--- companies considered less attractive (3)--- regions such as London and Scotland in(4)---list of the best locations for call centres. Opening early next year, the centre(5)---expected to employ


武汉船舶职业技术学院 2013-2014学年第一学期《商务英语阅读》期末试卷(网络卷) 班级姓名学号____________ 题号I II III IV V 总分 得分 得分 I.Matching(每题2分,共14分) 评卷人 Directions: Look at the sentences blow and the book reviews on the opposite page. Which book does each sentence 1–7 refer to? For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. 1.In this book you learn about the lives of business leaders from the past. 2.This book looks at how large companies deal with various problems areas. 3.This is an account of one business leader’s experiences. 4.This book describes both successes and failures. 5.This book suggests probable trends in the business world. 6.The writer of this book gives his personal views of what makes a good business leader. 7.This book based on interviews with business leaders. A My Years with Baize Engineering by James Salinas Salinas outlines the key qualities of good management in this autobiography. He believes that decisions should be based on fact, not opinions; that people’s strengths should be exploited; and that disagreement is sometimes necessary. But the main point he makes is that leadership means performing well at all times and setting a good example. B Leading On edited by Frances Peake In this collection of essays, top business leaders predict how businesses will change over the next few years. They analyze changes in business and society and their effects on bob markets, as well as taking a look at possible strengths and weaknesses of leading economies and their currencies. This collection outlines a vision of tomorrow’s business would and the type of

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