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2015考研英语阅读真题:考研英语(一)第3篇The journal Science is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process, editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt announced today.

The policy follows similar efforts from other journals, after widespread concern that basic mistakes in data analysis are contributing to the irreproducibility of many published research findings.

“Readers must have confidence i n the conclusions published in our journal,” writes McNutt in an editorial.

Working with the American Statistical Association, the

journal has appointed seven experts to a statistics board of reviewing editors(SBoRE).

Manuscript will be flagged up for additional scrutiny by the journal’s internal editors, or by its existing Board of Reviewing Editors or by outside peer reviewers.

The SBoRE panel will then find external statisticians to review these manuscripts.

Asked whether any particular papers had impelled the change, McNutt said:

“The creation of the ‘statistics board’ was motivated by concerns broadly with the application of statistics and data analysis in scientific research and is part of Science’s overall drive to increase reproducibility in the research we publish.”

Giovanni Parmigiani, a biostatistician at the Harvard School of Public Health, a member of the SBoRE group.

He says he expects the board to “play primarily an advisory role.”

He agreed to join because he “found the foresig ht behind the establishment of the SBoRE to be novel, unique and likely to have a lasting impact.

This impact will not only be through the publications in Science itself, but hopefully through a larger group of publishing places that may want to model their approach after Science.”

John Ioannidis, a physician who studies research methodology, says that the policy is “a most welcome step forward” and “long overdue.”

“Most journals are weak in statistical review, and this damages the quality of what they publish.

I think that, for the majority of scientific papers nowadays, statistical review is more essential than expert review,” he says.

But he noted that biomedical journals such as Annals of Internal Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet pay strong attention to statistical review.

Professional scientists are expected to know how to analyze data, but statistical errors are alarmingly common in published research, according to David Vaux, a cell biologist.

Researchers should improve their standards, he wrote in 2012, but journals should also take a tougher line, “engaging

reviewers who are statistically literate and editors who can verify the process”.

Vaux says that Science’s idea to pass some papers to

statis ticians “has some merit,

but a weakness is that it relies on the board of reviewing editors to identify ‘the papers that need scrutiny’ in the first place”.






















additional[?’di??nl]adj. 附加的,另外的

overdue[‘?uv?’dju:]adj. 过期的,未兑的,迟到的overall[?uv?’r?:l]adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的widespread[‘waidspred]adj. 分布(或散布)广的,普遍的manuscript[‘m?njuskript]adj. 手抄的

n. 手稿,原稿联想记忆


methodology[.meθ?’d?l?d?i]n. 一套方法,方法学

internal[in’t?:n?l]adj. 国内的,内在的,身体内部的

association[?.s?usi’ei??n]n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想

cell[sel]n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室


1. The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. (2005. 阅读. Text 2) 【译文】最近的行动是由白宫召集了一批 来自国家科学院的专家团,他们告诉我 们,地球气候毫无疑问正在变暖,而这个问题主要是人为造成的。【析句】句子的主干是The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences to tell us that...and that...。主系表容易辨认,to tell us作目的状语,两个并列的that引导tell的宾语从句。令整个 句子略显复杂的是插入语enlisted by the White House,割裂了这句话的整体性。 2. But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions. (2005. 阅读. Text 2) 【译文】但是科学确实为我们的未来提供了最好的指导,关键是我们的国家和整个的世界在做重要决策时,应该以科学能够提供的关于人类现在的行为对未来影响最好的判断作为依据。【析句】首先,句子的主干science does provide us...future and it is critical...。and连接两个并列的句子,前句是个简单句,容易理解;后句中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,因为从句很长,若放在句首,句子则显得头重脚轻。that主语从句中,our nation and the world 是主语,base是谓语,important policies是宾语,on the best judgments 是宾语补足语,而judgments后有that引导的定语从句。注意,concerning the futrue...actions中的concerning此处是介词,意

2017考研英语 阅读理解精读100篇(高分版)

UNIT SIX TEXT ONE Maintaining internal E-mail systems has long been the bane of the university information-technology director. Servers are unwieldy and unreliable, and in the past several years, the number of student complaints has grown exponentially as forward-moving providers like YahooMail, Hotmail, and Gmail have increased expectations of what E-mail should offer. The solution for a number of colleges has been to wave the white flag and outsource E-mail hosting to the experts. Microsoft, which owns Hotmail, and Google (Gmail) are the biggest players in the educational E-mail hosting market. Along with the neat-o peripheral gizmos like messaging, calendars, and collaboration tools, the outsourced systems are more stable, have better spam filters, and provide much more storage space than the typical university's in-house system. At the University of Pennsylvania, its old E-mail service gave students 60 megabytes of storage, just 3 percent of the 2 gigabytes Windows Live now provides. In return, Google and Microsoft get almost nothing, at least monetarily and in the short term. Microsoft's Windows Live @ edu and the Google Apps Education Edition are free of charge for schools. Eliminating another source of revenue, the two tech giants stripped their respective services of advertising in an effort to accommodate educators' concerns. Microsoft breaks even on the venture (it does run ads on non-E-mail services like instant messaging), while Google, which makes almost all its money through advertising, runs at a loss. But what money they don't make at the moment will—the companies hope—pay great dividends in the form of lifelong users in the future, says Google's Jeff Kelter. As quickly as they shuffle out of commencement, graduates see their E-mail transition to the traditional ad-based formats of Gmail and Hotmail. And unlike before, when universities couldn't afford to host thousands of alumni, Google and Microsoft can maintain every account indefinitely, retaining customers as long as customers still want them. Not all schools are ready to outsource their tech dirty work, with privacy and security topping the list of concerns. Critics worry that by handing over the responsibility of E-mail hosting, colleges also relinquish the freedom to keep the information safe in the best way they see fit. Even in the corporate world, there is great skepticism of consumer technologies like Google Apps. Yet most university IT managers agree that outsiders would do a better job protecting individual E-mail from viruses and spam than their own small operations, and strong word-of-mouth praise has done wonders to supplement the almost nonexistent marketing budgets for these Microsoft and Google


考研英语阅读真题及答案 英语阅读关于考研的在历年的真题中,有不少的精华等着大家去发掘。下面是给大家整理的考研英语阅读真题及答案,供大家参阅! 1991年考研英语阅读真题及答案解析Section II Reading Comprehension Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (30 points) Text 1 A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So, as a police officer, I have some urgent things to say to good people. Day after day my men and I struggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime. Something has gone terribly wrong with our once-proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of values. A key ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability. Accountability isn t hard to define. It means that every


超精读——全面提升英语阅读能力 作者:丁晓钟来源:点点英语 经常有同学问我:有没有什么捷径能够顺利地通过四六级、考研或者其它英语考试? 我的回答总是:没有。但是,帮助同学们找到一套科学的学习方法,不仅可以提高英语能力,而且对考试也有切实的帮助,是我一直所追求的。在国内这样的非母语学习环境里,如何在英语学习上少走弯路,最为行之有效和直接的提高英语水平的办法就是大量阅读,并作精细阅读,这样才能带动“听说写译”等其它能力的突破。结合我个人的学习体会,并经过长时间的思考和教学中的摸索,我总结出了一套以阅读为突破口,提高英语综合能力和突破四六级和考研等等英语考试的“超精读”方法,希望能对同学们有所帮助。 对大部分中国学生来说,欠缺的不是泛读,而是精读。总的来说,同学们在超精读文章的时候要对文章和考点、干扰项等进行详细的分析、总结。这时要仔细体会文章中精彩的语言,注意词语的内涵、使用、扩展和搭配,代词和名词的指代,对精彩句型的模仿,以及对重要语法现象、长句、难句、文章结构的分析。另外,还要注意分析句子和句子之间的关系,是因果、递近、转折还是什么?尤其要注意文章的第一句和最后一句,以及每段的第一句和最后一句与其它句子的关系,体会每句话在文章中的作用。在阅读过程中,要培养自己对文章主要讨论对象、关键词,作者和专家的观点,以及语气的把握。特别注意作者和专家的观点,专家和专家之间的观点是否相同或相反或互补,以及作者和专家的语气是赞成还是反对,是关注还是乐观等等。如果是真题,还要仔细分析考点和正确、干扰选项的规律、特征。在此过程中,可把文章尽可能的多读几遍,甚至翻译一下,提高对文章中单词、短语、句型等的反应速度,阅读速度自然也就提高了。 如果能做到上面几点,那么你才能说真正地理解了文章,阅读理解能力以及综合英语能力都会得到很大的提高,其结果是对考试中的每个题型的把握都会更上一层楼。先从听力说起,据研究,一个人的阅读理解能力和听力水平是成正比关系的。试想,有的同学连听力原文都看不懂,怎么可能听懂呢。另外,在超精读的过程中,所积累的词汇能力,对词汇题也有很大帮助,我曾做过统计,如果对10套左右的四六级、考研阅读真题中的词汇进行过深入学习,大纲中的重点词汇就已经囊括大半。最好的词汇记忆方法是通过阅读来学习,可以记得又牢又准确。对翻译、完形、改错、简短回答问题等小题型,你就会觉得得心应手,因为你对这些题型的解题能力和你的阅读、词汇能力最相关。关于作文,许多同学喜欢背模版,其实模版作文千篇一律,很难拿到高分。如果在读英语报刊和真题的过程中,我们有意识地摘抄积累一些精彩地道的词汇和句型,考试时信手拈来,无疑会使评卷老师眼睛为之一亮。实际上,我们所阅读的英语文章就是一篇篇精彩的作文范文。如果我们能在早晨、傍晚朗读或背诵英语报刊文章或真题阅读文章,经常进行翻译练习,耳濡目染接触到的都是地道的英语,坚持下去,我们的听说读写译能力很自然地就会得到提高。 第一步:准备好阅读材料,训练阅读速度,捕捉文章大意。不要查字典、看译文。 在阅读英语报刊(推荐阅读Time, Newsweek, the Economist等)或者真题的时候,第一遍都必须首先注意提高阅读速度。对报刊上的文章,第一遍读的时候不要查字典,记下起止时间,计算单位时间的阅读量。对真题,更加要控制在规定的时间内完成,阅读时就要随时对可能的考点作出标记,最后结合解题技巧来解题。这时的重点放在训练速度,掌握文章大意、结构,以及作者和专家等的观点。 第二步:总结文章中词汇使用的准确性、形象性、多样性和感情色彩及语气,复合词的使用,总结各类重要搭配,对各类重要词汇进行扩展,正确识别代词与抽象名词的指代,并记忆和运用可以在作文中使用的词汇。 1.从文章中词汇使用的准确性、形象性、多样性和感情色彩及语气角度,复合词的使用进行总结。


考研英语阅读理解精读100篇之经济类 unit1 unit1 Some of the concerns surrounding Turkey’s application to join the European Union, to be voted on by the EU’s Council of Ministers on December 17th, are economic-in particular, the country’s relative poverty. Its GDP per head is less than a third of the average for the 15 pre-2004 members of the EU. But it is not far off that of one of the ten new members which joined on May 1st 2004 (Latvia), and it is much the same as those of two countries, Bulgaria and Romania, which this week concluded accession talks with the EU that could make them full members on January 1st 2007. Furthermore, the country’s recent economic progress has been, according to Donald Johnston, the secretary-general of the OECD, "stunning". GDP in the second quarter of the year was 13.4% higher than a year earlier, a rate of growth that no EU country comes close to matching. Turkey’s inflation rate has just fallen into single figures for the first time since 1972, and this week the country reached agreement with the IMF on a new three-year, $10 billion economic programme that will, according to the IMF’s managing director, Rodrigo Rato, "help Turkey... reduce inflation toward European levels, and enhance the economy’s resilience". Resilience has not historical ly been the country’s economic strong point. As recently as 2001, GDP fell by over 7%. It fell by more than 5% in 1994, and by just under 5% in 1999. Indeed, throughout the 1990s growth oscillated like an electrocardiogram recording a violent heart attack. This irregularity has been one of the main reasons (along with red tape and corruption) why the country has failed dismally to attract much-needed foreign direct investment. Its stock of such investment (as a percentage of GDP) is lower now than it was in the 1980s, and annual inflows have scarcely ever reached $1 billion (whereas Ireland attracted over $25 billion in 2003, as did Brazil in every year from 1998 to 2000). One deterrent to foreign investors is due to disappear on January 1st 2005. On that day, Turkey will take away the right of virtually every one of its citizens to call themselves a millionaire. Six noughts will be removed from the face value of the lira; one unit of the local currency will henceforth be worth what 1m are now-ie, about €0.53 ($0.70). Goods will have to be priced in both the new and old lira for the whole of the year, but foreign bankers and investors can begin to look forward to a time in Turkey when they will no longer have to juggle mentally with indeterminate strings of zeros. 注(1):本文选自Economist;12/18/2004, p115-115, 2/5p; 注(2):本文习题命题模仿2004年真题text 1第1题和第3题(1,3),2001年真题text 1第2题(2),1999年真题text 2第2题(4)和2002年真题text 3第4题(5); 1.What is Turkey’s economic situation now? [A] Its GDP per head is far lagging behind that of the EU members. [B] Its inflation rate is still rising. [C] Its economy grows faster than any EU member. [D] Its economic resilience is very strong. 2.We can infer from the second paragraph that__________. [A] Turkey will soon catch the average GDP level of the 15 pre-2004 EU members


2015考研英语阅读理解精读P8—哲学 Passage 8 We threaten punishments in order to deter crime.We impose them not only to make the threats credible but also as retribution (justice)for the crimes that were not deterred.Threats and punishments are necessary to deter and deterrence is a sufficient practical justification for them.Although penalties can be unwise,repulsive,or inappropriate,and those punished can be pitiable,in a sense the infliction of legal punishment on a guilty person cannot be unjust.By committing the crime,the criminal volunteered to assume the risk of receiving a legal punishment that he could have avoided by not committing the crime. There remain,however,two moral objections.The penalty may be regarded as always excessive as retribution and always morally degrading.To regard the death penalty as always excessive,one must believe that no crime—no matter how heinous—could possibly justify capital punishment.Such a belief can be neither confirmed nor refuted;it is an article of faith.Alternatively,one may believe that everybody,the murderer no less than the victim,has a natural right to life.The law therefore should not deprive anyone of life. Justice Brennan has insisted that the death penalty is “uncivilized,”“inhuman,”inconsistent with “human dignity”and with “the sanctity of life,”that it “treats members of the human race as nonhumans,as objects to be toyed with and discarded,”that it is “uniquely degrading to human dignity”and “by its very nature,involves a denial of the executed person’s humanity.”Justice Brennan does not say why he thinks execution“uncivilized.”Hitherto most civilizations have had the death penalty,although it has been discarded in Western Europe. By“degrading,”Justice Brennan seems to mean that execution degrades the executed convicts.Yet philosophers have insisted that,when deserved,execution,far from degrading the executed convict,affirms his humanity by affirming his rationality and his responsibility for his actions.They thought that execution,when deserved,is required for the sake of the convict’s https://www.doczj.com/doc/a0187990.html,mon sense indicates that it cannot be death—our common fate—that is inhuman.Therefore,Justice Brennan must mean that death degrades when it comes not as a natural or accidental event,but as a deliberate social imposition.The murderer learns through his punishment that his fellow men have found him unworthy of living;that because he has murdered,he is being expelled from the community of the living.This degradation is self-inflicted.By murdering,the murderer has so dehumanized himself that he cannot remain among the living. Execution of those who have committed heinous murders may deter only one murder per year.If it does,it seems quite warranted.It is also the only fitting retribution for murder I can think of. 1.The author’s attitude towards death penalty is____. [A] negative [B] positive [C] impartial [D] ambiguous 2.It is implied that infliction of legal punishment is justified because the offender____. [A] spares no effort in holding himself back from the criminal action


考研英语阅读理解精读篇解析 第一篇 European Union environmental officials have determined that two kinds of genetically modified corn could harm butterflies, affect food chains and disturb life in rivers and streams, and they have proposed a ban on the sale of the seeds, which are made by DuPont Pioneer, Dow Agrosciences and Syngenta. The preliminary decisions are circulating within the European Commission, which has the final say. Some officials there are skeptical of a ban that would upset the powerful biotechnology industry and could exacerbate tensions with important trading partners like the United States. The seeds are not available on the European market for cultivation. In the decisions, the environment commissioner, Stavros Dimas, contends that the genetically modified corn, or maize could affect certain butterfly species, specifically the monarch,and other beneficial insects. For instance, research this year indicates that larvae of the monarch butterfly exposed to the genetically modified corn ''behave differently than other larvae.'' In the decision concerning the corn seeds produced by Dow and Pioneer, Mr. Dimas calls ''potential damage on the environment irreversible.'' In the decision on Syngenta's corn, he says that ''the level of risk generated by the cultivation of this product for the environment is unacceptable.'' A decision by the European Union to bar cultivation of the genetically modified crops would be the first of its kind in the trade bloc, and would intensify the continuing battle over genetically modified corn. Banning the applications for corn crops also would mark a bold new step for European environmental authorities, who are already aggressively pursuing regulations on emissions from cars and aircraft, setting it at odds with the United States and angering industries. ''These products have been grown in the U.S. and other countries for years,'' said Stephen Norton, a spokesman for the United States trade representative. ''We are not aware of any other case when a product has been rejected after having been reviewed and determined safe'' by European food safety authorities, he said. Barbara Helfferich, a spokeswoman for Mr. Dimas, declined to comment on the specifics of the procedure because commissioners had not yet made a final decision. But she said that the European Union was within its rights to make decisions based on the ''precautionary principle'' even when scientists had found no definitive evidence proving products can cause harm. She said that the decisions by Mr. Dimas could go before the commission within a few weeks, but she said that no date had been set. In the decisions, Mr. Dimas cited recent research showing that consumption of 1


考研除了考察知识素养外,更多的还要考察题型的系统化总结、熟知命题思路等。对于考研 英语阅读来说,除了正向的掌握词汇、学习语法等,还应该掌握一些辅助技能,在关键时刻 可以助你一臂之力。因此我们就需要清楚在阅读的题目设置上,有哪些选项的特征会偏向于 正确选项,又有哪些特征偏向于是错误选项。当然这只是一个参考,为正确率多一层保证, 踏踏实实地学仍然是主要,这是应急之道! ?正确选项的特点分析 1、正确选项是原文内容的同义替换 那么相对的就是说:如果选项中的句子是文中的原文,就有可能是陷阱,不是正确选项,因 为很可能会是句子虽对但是与题目不符合。 而在同义替换的过程中需要注意的是有可能只是某个单词或者短语的简单替换,也有可能是 句式的替换和语态的转换,还有可能是对文中内容的概括归纳和总结。总之意思不变是原则。 2、正确选项一般符合常理和道德 需要注意的是:这是要分情况去讨论的。因为如果题目是针对文中的某个人物的观点,那么 这个人物有可能会有一定的谬论的出现,那么如果在这种内容上设置题目很明显就只能根据 原文的意思来,也就是说正确选项极有可能是不符合常规的。 但是,就绝大多数观点类的题目而言,无论是结论也好还是作者观点态度也好,正确选项基 本符合常理和伦理道德,以保证不误导大家正确的价值观。 3、补充小点 (1)出现的位置:段首段尾处、转折关系处、让步关系处、因果关系处、条件关系处; (2)正确答案通常与文章中心思想,主旨大意,作者对文中论述事物所持的观点态度有关。注意:这是解题基调,如果作者在文中对整个事物是持积极正面的评价,那么选项中出现消极 反面的,与事实相反的肯定不是解。 (3)正确答案从语义上去理解经常含有不肯定的语气词和委婉表达的词:can,may,might,possible,notnecessarily,some尤其是推理题的答案常这样设置,以显示推理题所论述含义的 相对性。 (4)正确答案具有概括性(考察考生的理解归纳能力),深刻性,因为其考查的对象是阅读文章 的重点和要点。 (5)难的最可能是答案,这与命题动机有些相似,难的比容易的更能考察考生对语言的理解能力,具体体现在下面几个方面: a.否定的比肯定的难,否定的是答案(包括否定,双重和多重否定)。 b.抽象的比具体的难,抽象深刻的是答案,具体肤浅的不是。 c.动态变化的比静态的难,动态变化的是答案。 d.未知难于已知,未知的是答案。 (6)常规的不是答案,观点新且合理的是答案。 (7)含义与文章内容方向一致的,描述客观的是答案。 (8)选项含义丰富有弹性的是答案,绝对的无端的不是答案如:有条件的是答案,相对的是答案。 注意:四个选项中有两项意思相反时,其中必有一个是答案。 ?错误选项的特点分析 1、偷换概念


第三部分:阅读理解(每小题2分,满分40分) (A) Nine years ago, after Leo had died, people said to me, "I never knew he was your stepfather." You see, I never called him that. At first, he was no one special in my life. Then he became my friend. In time, I felt he was also my father. Leo married my mother when I was eleven. Two years later we moved into a house in a new suburban(郊区的)development, where we put down roots. At first our lawn (草坪) was just a pile of mud with wild grass, but Leo saw bright possibilities. "We'll plant trees there to give us shade as well as some flowers," he said. And just these little touches made our house different from all the others. More important, a real family was forming within this house, with its own special traditions. Leo was becoming a fulltime parent, and I was learning what it meant to have a father. Weekday mornings when the weather was bad, Leo often drove me to school. Having a father drop you off may have been something my classmates took for granted, but I always thought it was wonderful. Saturday mornings, we went to the hardware(五金)shop, then stepped into the five and ten, buying a sports magazine or something else. Some people might think that doing shopping together is nothing special, but I, who had ever before spent my childhood watching other families do their everyday activities, experienced them now with extreme delight. Looking back, I realized that Leo gave me what I needed most, the experience of doing ordinary things together as a family. Soon after we moved to the suburbs, one of our new neighbors introduced herself to me. She had already met my mother and Leo. "You know," she said, "you look just like your father." I knew she was just making conversation but even so... "Thank you", I said. Why tell her anything different? 56. The writer's purpose in writing this passage is _______. A. to share her unforgettable experiences B. to show how interesting a person Leo was C. to remind us of our parents D. to explain why they moved to the suburbs 57. Which of the following can be used in place of "put down roots"? A. Settled. B. Planted. C. Farmed. D. Worked. 58. In the writer's opinion, _______. A. it is not easy for stepfamilies to live together B. not all the stepfathers are as good as Leo C. the husband and wife must think more about their children before they divorce(离婚) D. in stepfamilies the love and friendship are extremely precious 59. When he said "Why tell her anything different", the writer meant that _______. A. he should have told her the truth B. he wouldn't tell her the truth C. he wanted to tell her something that had nothing to do with Leo D. he'd like to keep silence whenever he met the neighbors (B) The modern Olympic Games were founded with the intention of improving health and education, promoting world peace, and encouraging fair and equal competition. But over the years, the Olympic saying, "faster, higher, stronger", has pushed scientists as well as athletes to do

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