当前位置:文档之家› 第七部分正说反译,反说正译





1. It is wiser than to believe what you call money talks 。我不至于蠢到相信你说的金钱万能呢。

2. He could do anything he was asked to do but return to his old life. 叫他干什么他都愿意,只要不让他再过从前的日子。

3. All graduates from Foreign Language Institutes will not be appointed to do translation work.


4. Africa is not kicking out western imperialism in order to invite other new master. 非洲踢出西方帝国主义,不是为了请进新的主人。

5. Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity. 双方都认为开会不失体面地接受这样的和平方案。

6. One could not be too careful in a new neighborhood. 新到一个陌生的邻里,越小心越好。

7. Nothing is so beautiful but it betrays some defect on close inspection. 再漂亮的东西,只要仔细观察,也会发现某种缺陷。

8. The moon is a world that is completely and utterly dead, a sterile mountainous waste. 月球上北京一个毫无生机的世界,是多山的不毛之地。

9. All the chemical energy of the fuel is not converted into heat. 燃料中的所有化学能并不都转化为热能。

10. All these various losses, great as they are, do not in any way contradict the law of conservation of energy.


11. All other sources of heat besides the sun would not raise the temperature of the earth 1/4 degree F.


1/4 度。

12. The contemporary phenomenon of motorcar worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails.


13. And this failure to recognize and analyze the interrelationship of linguistic and non- linguistic problems produces two major signs of ineffectiveness.


14. Not all sounds made by animals serve as language, and we have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery of echolocation in bat to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly utilitarian role.


15. Because of the possibility of human error and total reliance on communications between pilots and controller the system will be -dangerous “'fai rather than -safe."fail 由于人难免犯错,以及完全依赖飞行员与控制器之间的联系,这一套方法与其说会自


16.I know it is a square peg in a round hole; still, it serves after a fashion. 我知道此物方枘


17.One may as well be asleep to read for anything but to improve his mind and morals, and regulate his con duct.


18.Few things are impossible in themselves: and it is often for want of will, rather than of means, that men fail of success.


19.It is not our view that the substa nee the tone of his remarks this morning will con

tribute to creat ing a lasti ng p eace in the Middle East.


20.This failure could be blamed on the apparent failure to en sure that com muni cative skill in adequately rep rese nted in Ian guages courses.


21.The problem is above/beyond me. 这个问题我不懂。

22.But for my elder brother ' s help, I wouldn


't have finished the work.

23.This equation is far from being complicated. 这个方程


24.I will go fish ing in stead of havi ng less ons. 我要去钓鱼而不是去上课。

25. She is the last woma n I wan ted to sit next to at the dinner. 她是在晚餐间,我最不愿意与之


26.Africa is not kicking out Western imperialism in order to invite other new masters. 非洲将


27.Tom is not altogether satisfied with the result of the exp erime nt.


28. Tom is not satisfied with the result of the exp erime nt.


29.Tom is not satisfied with the result of the exp erime nt at all.


30.He didn ' t speak clearly and correctly. 他不能讲得既清楚又正确。

31.“Isn ' t the cloth magnificent? ” said the official and the minister.


32. Without numbers, we couldn ‘ t build houses or cities,

or make cars or ships. 没有数据,我们既不能建造房屋和城市,也不能建造汽车和轮船。

33.It is a wise father that knows his own child.


34.I don ‘ t believe she is at home, but I will go and see.


35.He has no reason to think less of himself because he is not dressed in a rich and fashi on able manner.


36.Don’ t be vain because you are goo-tboking.


37. You should not des pise a man because he is poor. 不要因为一个人穷就看不起他。

38. He does not work hard because he wants to earn more.


39. She didn ' t cry because she failed in the exam. 她不是因为考试不及格而哭泣。

40.Don’ t give up because it is difficUt. 不要因为事情难就放弃。

41.I didn ’ t go out for a walk, because it rained. 因为天下雨,所以我没有出去散步。

42.Don’ t scamp your work, because you are pressed for time. 即使时间紧迫,也不要草率行事。

43.We don ’ t live because we want to eat.


44.I didn ’ t go because I am afraid.




Sli ps are scarcely avoidable whe n you are new to your work.


The meet ing was marked by such an abse nee of discussi ons that at times it was almost on the point of break ing up.


His abse nee of mind duri ng the drivi ng n early caused an accide nt.


The city and the areas around it are an ice-free port and a nu clear-wea pon free zone.



Traveli ng alone,she was sitti ng still in the corner of carriage.


His lack of con siderati on for the feeli ng of others an gered every one p rese nt.


The days p assed quickly,but he worked as hard as ever.


The scientists made a solemn pledge at the confe rence,saying ” we' ll for ever live up what

our p arty and people expect of us.


Our PLA is worthy of being called a great army of the people.


That buildi ng is in a state of n eglect.

11 .任何事物都有两点,说只有一点叫知其一不知其二。

There are two asp ects to everythi ng; to say there is only one is to be aware of one aspect and to be ignorant of the other.


Ah Q, had a high opinion of himself. He looked dow n on all the in habita nts of Weizhua ng.


None of the an swers are right.



This material is no more elastic tha n that one.


All that glitters is not gold.


I could hardly recog nize you.


There is little ink in my pen.


Without this compu ter, we are but too liable to make miscalculati ons.


The P atie nt is too weak to be op erated on.


The beauty of Han gzhou is more tha n I can describe.


8. 正说反译和反说正译 正说反译 正说反译和反说正译的实质是从逻辑上改换说法。由于语言所反映的心理因素和不同语言的情调往往要求译者改换说法。英汉互译中,为了达到功能对等,增强语言交际效果,常常采用这两种技巧 We will live up to what our parents expect of us. 我们不能辜负父母的期望。 If you forward the transcripts yourself, they can be considered official only if the school envelope has remained sealed. 如果本人递交证件,则本人不得擅自拆封,否则证件将被视为无效。 如果自己提交档案,学校的密封信封必须加盖公章、完好无损,否则无效。Private! 闲人免进! Keep upright! 切勿倒置! Wet paint! 油漆未干! Urban clearway! 市区通道,不准停车! Inflammables—keep away from fire. 易燃物品,切勿近火! I prefer the red one to the black one. 我要红的,不要黑的。 The news of the assassination of President Lincoln spread like wildfire. 林肯总统遭到暗杀的消息不胫而走。 The plan cracked up through a bad landing. 飞机因着陆不当而撞毁。 Fully clothed, he fell across his bunk and was instantly sleep. 他不脱衣服,往床上一躺就睡着了。 I have fallen behind with my correspondence. 我没有及时回复信函。 Sleeping too long is a lame excuse for being late. 睡眠过久不利于健康。




第八章英翻译技巧(五)正说反译反说正译 正说反译、反说正译的应用 不论是正说反译还是反说正译,究其原因归纳起来主要是:保证语义明确、加强修饰效果、尊重汉语习惯,保证译文通畅易懂。 所谓反面表达,是指英语词句中含有“not”,“never”,“no”,“un-”,“im-”,“ir-”,“in-”,“less-”等否定成分,汉语词句中含有“不”、“没”、“无”、“未”、“甭”、“别”、“休”、“莫”、“毋”、“勿”、“非”等否定成份,不含这些成份的为正面表达。 (一)正说反译的应用 1.谓语动词或动词词组本身表示否定意义,常见的有:Fail, fizzle out, fall short, be frustrated, escape, elude, slip away, stop, cease, overlook, ignore, neglect, refuse, grudge(怨恨,不情愿做), disdain, reject, turn down, forbid, prohibit, exclude from, bar, ban, expire, be blind to, deny, avoid, omit, forget, prevent from, live up to, resist, miss, lack. I missed what you have said because of the noise outside.由于外面的噪音,我没听清楚你说的话。 To our disappointment, he failed to take the overall situation into account. 使我们失望的是他不顾大局。 Such a chance was denied to me.我没有得到这样一个机会。 2.介词或介词短语含否定之意,常见的词有: Above, against, below, beneath, beyond, instead of, out of, without, but for。 Learn how to be instead of do.要学习如何做人,而不是做事。 The question is above the five-yea-old boy.那个五岁的小孩不懂这个问题。 Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。 But for the storm,we should have arrived earlier.要是没有遇上暴风雨,我们会早到了。 All international disputes must be settled through negotiations instead of any armed conflicts. 一切国际争端应通过谈判而不是武装冲突来解决。 3、一些固定结构也是形式肯定,意思否定,例如absent (from), free from, safe from, different (from), far from, few, little,alien to,anything but, know better than(明白而不至于), too…to… , rather than,awkward(不熟练、不灵活、使用起来不方便),bad(令人不愉快的,不受欢迎的、不舒服的),blind to (看不到、不注意),dead(无生命的、无感觉的、不毛的),difficult(不容易的),foreign to(不适于,与……无关),short of(不足,不够),poor(不好的,不幸的),ignorant of(不懂) He knows better than to do such a thing.他不至于干这样的事。 His work is far from satisfactory.他的工作远远不能令人满意。 The problem is anything but easy.这个问题可决不容易。He is more brave than wise.他有勇无谋 4.含有if, before, unless,would rather 的从句或虚拟语气的句子,如: Jump down from the roof of the building. If you dare.我猜你也不敢从房顶上跳下来。 She will die of hunger before she steals.他宁愿饿死也小愿去偷。 I would rather die before I would betray my country.我宁可死,也不背叛我的祖国。 The troops would rather take a roundabout way than tread on the crops.部队宁可绕道走,也不踩庄稼。 5、许多英语习语从正面表达,习惯上却从反面加以翻译,如: He was utterly in the dark about what had happened in the department yesterday. 他对昨天系里发生的事全然不知。 Leave me alone!别管我!Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。 Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.宁为鸡头,不做凤尾。 (二)反说正译的应用 1.双重否定 You cannot make omelettes without breaking eggs.有失才有得/不破不立 We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life. 我们对生活要水远抱乐观态度。 Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.有志者事竟成。


正反译法练习之一 1.The newspaper accounts are far from being true. 报纸上的报道一点儿也不真实。 2.Mr. Thompson was above reproach. 汤姆森先生的行为是无可非议的。 3.Keep dry and the top side up! 请勿倒立,防止受潮! 4.Such a chance was denied to me. 这个机会跟我无缘。 5.All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 被狗叫的人不一定都是贼。(犬之所吠,并非皆贼) 6.He kept himself apart from the other children. 他和其他孩子保持距离,一个人待着。 7.No deposit will be refunded unless ticket produced. 如果不出示票据,押金是不会返还的。 8.他决不会说出这样的话. He should never have dreamt of saying such a thing. 9.她抱怨名单上没有她的名字. She complained about her name should be on the list. 10.他尽力克服技术资料的不足. He tried his best to overcome the lack of technical data. 11.在收据尚未签字以前不得付款. Don’t pay unless the receipt was signed. 12.他上火车站去接他的朋友,可是在人群中没见到他。(miss) He goes to the railway station to meet a friend, but he missed his friend in the crowd. 13.他直到三年级才认识到广泛阅读的重要性。(not…until) He did not realized the importance of the wider reading until three grade. 14.我警告过你,不要跟陌生人谈论我的事。(warn against) I have warned you against talking about me with strangers.


1、正说反译: Miss the bus 没有赶上车 Live up to the expectations of my parent 不辜负父母的期望 Be absent from the meeting 没有出席会议 A final decision 不可更改的决定 Frost-free refrigerator 无霜冰箱 Freeze 别动 Mortally ill 不治之症 The window refuses to open 窗户打不开 Children were excluded from getting in the building 儿童不许进入这个房间 The explanation is pretty thin 这个解释站不住脚 I have fallen behind with my correspondence 我有一些信件还没有回复

Fully clothes, he fell across his bunk and was instantly sleep 衣服也不脱,他往床上横着一倒,不一会儿就睡着了 Don’t lose time in posting this letter 不要忘了寄这封信 No deposit will be refunded unless ticket produced 凭票退押金 例1: 原文:她忍住了没有笑出声。 译文:She refrained from laughing. 例2: 原文:花园根本无人整理。 译文:The garden was in a state of total neglect. 例3: 原文:我不能忍受你的脾气。 译文:Your temper is more than I can bear. 例4: 原文:他宁死不屈。 译文:He would die before yielding. 例5: 原文:生活远非净是乐事。 译文:Life is far from being a bed of roses. 例6: 原文:风景美得无以言表。 译文:The scenery is too beautiful for words. That’s a thing that might happen to anyone. 这种事谁也免不了。 Opportunity knocks but once. 机会只来一次。


译国译民 专心翻译 做到极致 常用十大翻译技巧之五:正反译法 正译法和反译法: 这两种方法通常用于汉译英,偶尔也用于英译汉。所谓正译,是指把句子按照与汉语相同的语序或表达方式译成英语。所谓反译则是指把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。正译与反译常常具有同义的效果,但反译往往更符合英语的思维方式和表达习惯。因此比较地道。如: (1) 在美国,人人都能买到枪。 In the United States, everyone can buy a gun. (正译) In the United States, guns are available to everyone. (反译) (2) 你可以从因特网上获得这一信息。 You can obtain this information on the Internet. (正译) This information is accessible/available on the Internet. (反译) (3) 他突然想到了一个新主意。 Suddenly he had a new idea. (正译) He suddenly thought out a new idea. (正译) A new idea suddenly occurred to/struck him. (反译) (4) 他仍然没有弄懂我的意思。 He still could not understand me. (正译) Still he failed to understand me. (反译) (5) 无论如何,她算不上一位思维敏捷的学生。 She can hardly be rated as a bright student. (正译) She is anything but a bright student. (反译) (6) Please withholdthe document for the time being. 请暂时扣下这份文件。(正译) 请暂时不要发这份文件。(反译)

第七部分 正说反译,反说正译

第七部分正说反译,反说正译 英译汉 1.It is wiser than to believe what you call money talks。 我不至于蠢到相信你说的金钱万能呢。 2.He could do anything he was asked to do but return to his old life. 叫他干什么他都愿意,只要不让他再过从前的日子。 3.All graduates from Foreign Language Institutes will not be appointed to do translation work. 外院的学生并非都被分配去做翻译工作。 4.Africa is not kicking out western imperialism in order to invite other new master. 非洲踢出西方帝国主义,不是为了请进新的主人。 5.Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity. 双方都认为开会不失体面地接受这样的和平方案。 6.One could not be too careful in a new neighborhood. 新到一个陌生的邻里,越小心越好。 7.Nothing is so beautiful but it betrays some defect on close inspection. 再漂亮的东西,只要仔细观察,也会发现某种缺陷。 8.The moon is a world that is completely and utterly dead, a sterile mountainous waste. 月球上北京一个毫无生机的世界,是多山的不毛之地。 9.All the chemical energy of the fuel is not converted into heat. 燃料中的所有化学能并不都转化为热能。 10.All these various losses, great as they are, do not in any way contradict the law of conservation of energy. 所有这些损失,尽管很大,却都没有违反能量守恒定律。 11.All other sources of heat besides the sun would not raise the temperature of the earth 1/4 degree F. 除了太阳以外,所有其他能源都不能把地球的温度升高华氏1/4度。 12.The contemporary phenomenon of motorcar worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails. 崇拜汽车的这种现代现象在很大程度上要从与所有权相伴的独立和自由的意识上来解释。 13.And this failure to recognize and analyze the interrelationship of linguistic and non-linguistic problems produces two major signs of ineffectiveness. 你没能够意识到和分析出语言和非语言之间的内部联系,才产生了这两种效率低下的现象。 14.Not all sounds made by animals serve as language, and we have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery of echolocation in bat to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly utilitarian role. 动物发出的声音并不都气语言作用,我们只需要以蝙蝠的固定声位的发现为例,通过这个不同寻常的事例,我们就能知道声音起着非常实际的作用。 15.Because of the possibility of human error and total reliance on communications between pilots and controller the system will be “fail-dangerous” rather than “fail-safe.”。 由于人难免犯错,以及完全依赖飞行员与控制器之间的联系,这一套方法与其说会自


Translation concerning negation Aims: to understand the features of Chinese and English as regards negation, the application of negation in the process of translation Key points: the application of negation in the process of translation Difficulties: affirmative 肯定in Chinese but negative in English, negative in Chinese but affirmative in English Teaching procedures: Negation being an important conception in one’s expression of thoughts, expressions of negations is to be found in any tongue. This is naturally true of Chinese and English. However, the ways of indicating negation are quite different in the two languages. This frequently causes a lot of trouble to translators, who if not careful enough, would often make mistakes. 1. Features of the two languages as regards negation ●1. Both languages have negatives or expressions formed with negatives. In modern Chinese, the much-used negative words are: 不,没,别. These words express three different meanings: 不signifies表示denial of a statement;没denial of a being or occurrence(,非and 否can be put under this category);别dissuasion or prohibition(甭,勿,and 莫can be put under this category) ●The oft-used negatives in English are “not”, and “no”, in addition to “nothing”, ”nobody” “none”, “without”, “ neither…nor”, “never”, etc. ●Chinese negatives are generally capable of producing derivatives, particularly the word 不, 无and 非. Their derivatives are equivalent to English words formed by adding affixes, e.g. 不法unlawful, 不便inconvenient, 无边boundless,非正规军irregulars ●In English, apart from using negatives to express negation, words with a negative sense can be formed by adding affixes to roo t words. The affixes thus used are mainly “less”

正说反译,反说正译 作业

正说反译、反说正译作业 周三1-2 / 6-7 得分: 姓名:学号: 姓名:学号: 姓名:学号: 姓名:学号: Put the underlined sentences into Chinese / English,using the technique of negation. And please also explain what translation skills you are using. ① Yu Qian, a 28-year-old attorney, says she does not mind that her mother regularly attends matchmaking events, but refuses to marry a man simply because of parental pressure. “I could get married today if I wanted to,” Ms. Yu says. Instead, however, she has chosen to pursue a master?s degree in international business law at the University of Amsterdam, something she insists would not be possible if she were already married. “In China, marriage is not just a matter between two people,” she says, “it?s more about two families. If I were married, my decision to go abroad would have been a decision made by two families, and it would get too complicated.” So complicated, she says, that she pr obably wouldn?t have gone. ② While Yu has chosen to pursue her dream in defiance of her mother's wishes, she acknowledges it isn?t easy. Professor Xiao Suowei, a sociology professor at Beijing Normal University who studies Chinese marital and familial relationships argues that ③ because Chinese children are raised in philosophically Confucian households where respect for one?s parents is paramount, even grown children are vulnerable to criticism. “These women care about their parents – theirs are the opinio ns that really matter to them,” Xiao stresses. “It doesn?t matter what other people say, but when their parents tell them, …You should get married, otherwise you never will. If you don?t get married at 28, you are an undesirable woman,? can you imagine how that makes them feel? It?s really terrible.” Still, in a society where young women are often criticized for being overly materialistic when it comes to marriage, Xiao believes that many shengnv are sincerely looking for the right person. ④ That they are holding onto their marriage ideals even as they get older says a lot about their determination.


Negation (正说反译、反说正译法) The English language has its peculiarities in negation. Of course, English-speaking people have their own way of thinking in the negation and expressing negative implications. What is affirmative in form in English may be implied something negative in Chinese, and vice versa. The use of “yes” and “no” is a case in point. 1.--“Are you not going tomorrow?” --“No, I’m not going.” 2. “I don’t think you’re right in this point.” Discussion: “你是人,你不是东西。你是东西吗?你真不是东西!?我认为你不是东西。你算什么东西!” Version: You’re a person, not a thing. Aren’t you a person/a thing? Are you reliable/ some-thing? No, I don’t think so./Yes, I think so. What a creature you are! What a fool you are! You are a sheer idiot. I think you are an idiot. I don’t think you are tr ustworthy. You, really, are nothing. You think you are something. No, far from it. Purposes of Affirmation and Negation 1. to make the meaning clear, 2. to strengthen the rhetorical effect, 3. make it conform to the idiomatic use of the target language A. Some Idiomatic Expressions 1. riot police 防暴警察(即anti-riot police,而不是暴乱的警察) 2. crisis law 反危机法案(即anti-crisis law) 3. spy film 反谍影片 4. After you, sir. 先生,您先请。 5. 路上辛苦了。 原译:You must have had a tiring journey. 改译:Did you have a good trip? 6. Keep in lane! 不准换线! 7. Keep off the lawn! 请勿践踏草地!(正说反译) 8. I couldn’t agree more with you. 我完全同意你的看法。 9. Just make yourself at home. 不要客气。/别见外 10. He was the last man to say such things. 他绝不会说这样的话。 B. Negation--Affirmation 1. Isn’t it funny! 真逗! 2. When Stephen was introduced to the old couple, they said simply, “We’ve read your article. We expected to meet an older man.” 当史蒂夫被介绍给这对老年夫妇的时候,他们只是淡淡地说:“我们看过你的文章,但没想到你这么年轻。” 3. The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him. 归国的念头始终萦绕在他的心中。 C. Affirmation--Negation 4 .That’s a thing that might happen to any man. 原译:这样的事情可能发生在任何人身上。 改译:这种事情谁也难免。 5. His speech leaves much to be desired. 他的讲话很不如人意。

翻译技巧 反译法

第八节反译法 由于讲英语国家的历史、地理、社会文化背景和生活习性与我国不同,因此这些国家人们的思维方式和生活习性亦与我国不同。这种差别体现在语言习惯七,便产生了两种语言各自不同的表达形式。在表示否定意义时,这种差异显得尤为突出。有的英语句子形式上是否定的而实质上是肯定的,有的形式上是肯定的而实质上是否定的。在翻译某些英文句子时,应当特别注意两点:一是英语里有些从正面表达的词语或句子,汉译时可以从反面来表达,即正说反译法;二是英语里有些从反面表达的词语或句子,汉译时可从正面来表达,即反说正译法。例如: (1)The kind of machine is far from being complicated. 这种机器一点也不复杂。 这个句子如果译成“这种机器离复杂甚远”就使人感到不知所云。 (2)He wrote three books in the first two years,a record never reached before. 他头两年写了3本书,打破了以往的记录。 原文从反面表达,译文从正面表达。如译成“这是他从前从未达到的记录”则显得很别扭。 (3)I have read your articles,but,expect to meet an older woman. 我读过你的文章,但没料到你这样年轻。 本句如译成“我读过你文章,但我料想会见到一个年纪更大的女人”则不符合汉语表达习惯。 从以上例中可以看出,有些句子从正面译不顺,不妨从反面译;反面译不顺,则不妨从正面译,因为同一个概念,一个民族正着说,以为是合乎表达习惯的,而另一个民族则认为反着说才顺口。因此,在恰当的场合灵活运用反译法不失为确保译文语义明晰、文从字顺的有效手段。 一、正说反译法 英语中有些否定概念是通过含有否定意义或近似否定意义的词来表达的。一些语言学家称这些词为“含蓄否定词”,另一些语言学家则称之为“暗指否定词”。英语中的含蓄否定词或含蓄否定短语一般都要译成汉语的否定词组。 (一)名词 (1、Shortness of time has required the omission of some countries. 由于时间不够,没能访问某些国家。 (2)All international disputes should be settled through negotiations and avoidance of any armed conflicts. 一切国际争端应通过谈判,而不是武装冲突来解决。 (3 1 There was complete absence of information on t11e oil deposit in that country. 关于该国的石油储量情况,人们毫无所知。 (4)Politeness is not always the sign of wisdom,but the want of it always leaves room for.the suspicion of folly. 尽管有礼貌并不一定标志着此人有智慧,但是无礼貌却总是使人怀疑其 愚蠢。 (5)A lack of awareness of cultural differences or local customs Can create problems. 不注意文化差异或当地风俗可能会产生问题。 作为名词用的含蓄否定词还有:defiance(不顾,无视),denial(否认,否

第六节 正说反译,反说正译法

第六节正说反译,反说正译法 negation在语法与翻译两个不同学科中含义不尽相同。negation作为一种翻译技巧,它主要指在翻译实践中,为了使译文忠实而合乎语言习惯地传达原文的意思,有时必须把原文中的肯定说法变成译文中的否定说法,或把原文中的否定说法变成译文中的肯定说法。因此,翻译技巧中的negation译成“正说反译,反说正译法”是较为合适的。而语法中的negation则译成“否定”,因为它主要是指下面四种语言现象:1.Full negative(完全否定);2.Absolute negative(绝对否定);3.Semi negative(部分否定);4.Words or phrases with negative implication(含否定意义的词或短语)。前两种否定,除少数情况外,英语汉语中差别不大;而后两种否定,在英汉两种语言的运用中则差别较大,需要加倍注意。从下面的例句中,可以体会“正说反译,反说正译”在翻译中使用的一些情况。 1.I don’t think Tom is correct. 我认为汤姆不对。(不译成:我不认为汤姆是

对的。) 2.我想小李明天不会来了。 I don’t think Xiao Li will come tomorrow.(不译成:I think Xiao Li won't come tomorrow.) 3.A:Are you not going tomorrow? B I'm not going. 甲:你明天不去吗? 4.①Africa is not kicking out Western imperialism ② in order to invite other new masters. 进其他新的统治者。(假如不运用“正说反 译,反说正译”这一技巧,译文就会成为: 新的主子。”其义则大相径庭。) 他来这儿不是为了求得我们的帮助。 误:He came here not to ask us for help.


74 英汉翻译中的正说反译和反说正译的探讨 岳淑珍 ( 辽宁对外经贸学院,辽宁 大连 116052 ) 【摘 要】本文通过对英语句子的翻译,简要论述了英语翻译中的正说反译法和反说正译法。英语否定结构的翻译是英汉翻译中的一个重点,也是难点。本文作者按照词性进行分类,论述了各种正译与反译的翻译方法,为高校非英语专业的英语教师及参加四六级考试的学生,提供了切实可行的翻译技巧。【关键词】否定;正说;反译;反说;正译 由于社会文化背景不同,人们的思维方式有很大的差异。这种差别体现在语言习惯上,就产生了语言各自独特的表达形式。英汉两种语言在表达否定意义时,这种差异尤为突出。英语与汉语都可以从正面或者反面来表达同一概念。在翻译过程中,有些从正面表达的语句可以处理成反面表达,也可以把反面表达的内容处理成正面表达。 这种把正说处理成反说的译法被称作“反译”,把反说处理成正说的译法被称作“正译”。有时候语言的正反表达形式不能对译,必须进行正反转换,以保证译文的流畅和通顺。 一、正说反译 有些英语句子在形式和内容上虽然都是肯定的,但有时需要根据汉语表达习惯及修辞或语气的要求译成否定形式,才能更好地表达原文内容。翻译以下词汇和短语时可运用正说反译的方法。 1.正说反译 — 动词 miss(错过),deny(否认,剥夺),fail(不及格,未成功),lack (缺乏),ignore (不顾,不理),neglect(忽视),overlook(不注意), exclude(排除),refrain from(克制), refuse(拒绝),lose(丧失) 1)I missed what you have said because of the noise outside. 由于外面的噪音,我没听清楚你说的话。 2)She’s still feeling pretty low about failing that exam. 由于没有通过那次考试,她的情绪仍然低落。 2.正说反译 — 形容词 ignorant(无知的), regardless of(不顾),free from(免于), far from(远远不,非但不是),short of(不足),absent(缺席),out of(没有),bad(不适当的) 1)Our drinks are free from all artificial colorings and flavorings. 我们的饮料不含任何人工色素和调味剂。 2)While our boss was absent everyone started to take very long lunch breaks. 老板不在时,人人都开始延长午餐休息时间。 3.正说反译 — 介词 beyond(超出),but for(若不是),except(除了),above(超出)等 1)The question is above the five-year-old boy.那个五岁的小孩不懂这个问题。 2)But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier.要是没有遇上暴风雨,我们会早到了。 4.正说反译 — 连词 before (决不,还未来得及), unless (如果不), until (不到…时候), rather ... than ... (宁可…也不愿…) 1)I would rather die before I would betray my country.我宁可死,也不背叛我的祖国。 2)I would rather take a bus into town than driving around all day looking for somewhere to park. 与其整天开车到处寻找停车位,我还不如坐公交车进城呢。 5.正说反译 — 名词 absence(缺席),failure(不成功),refusal(拒绝),ignorance (无知) 1)In the absence of any evidence, the police had to let Anders go. 由于没有任何证据,警方不得不释放安德斯。 2)The failure of the international community to deal effectively with the problem has cost thousands of lives. 国际社会未能有效处理这个问题,导致了成千上万的人丧生。二、反说正译 反说正译是指在翻译过程中把原文的否定式译成肯定式。在某些语境中,英语中的否定往往需要译成汉语的肯定,即英语从反面表达,汉语从正面表达。 1.反说正译 — 动词 unload, disappear, disagree, disapprove, etc. 1) These beautiful birds are fast disappearing. 这些漂亮的鸟类濒临灭绝了。 2) When we got home and were unloading the car,I could hardly believe my eyes when my brother took a dog out of the car. 到了家,我们把行李从车上卸下来,当我兄弟从车里拿出一只小狗时,我真不敢相信自己的眼睛。 2.反说正译 — 形容词 unhappy,impatient,illiterate,unusual,untouchable, careless,uneasy,uncommon 1) Rapid and inexpensive transport and communication may threaten national cuisines. 快速及便宜的交通运输业会威胁到民族烹饪。 2)I like that painting; it’s most unusual. 我喜欢那幅画,它独具一格。 3.反说正译 — 名词 dislike, disbelief, unemployment, impatience 1)However, food likes and dislikes do not always seem related to nutrition. 不过,对食物的好恶似乎并不一定与营养有关。 2)Unemployment rose last month to its highest level for over five years. 上个月失业人数上升到五年多来的最高点。 4.反说正译 — 词组搭配 no more than(仅仅), in no time(立刻), not more than(最多), none but(只有), none other than(正是), cannot help ... (情不自禁), not until(直到) 1) I will have no doubt that he will succeed 2) 我坚信他会成功。 3) You cannot be too careful in crossing the street. 过马路时你们千万要加倍小心。 从上面的例句我们可以看出,英语翻译成汉语时,有时我们不

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