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My own culture story

Everyone has his own hometown so that everyone has his own culture story. Some of them are from the north of China , others are from the west of China. These different background leads to their different ways of customs and identity. However, I am from the south of China which is named Dong guan. Now let me tell you my own story to you.

To start with , Let me tell you some famous customs of Dong guan to you. As the Spring festival is approaching, people will do a must which it is said that will bring a good luck to their daily life. The must is climbing Huan qi Mountain which is also called Qi Feng Mountain on the first day of a year. This is one of famous mountains in Dong guan. Huangqi Mountain inside the park is 189 meters high. It looks like an unfolding flag in shape and is the symbol of Dongguan. The “hanging lanterns on top of Huangqi Mountain” is the first piece of scenery in the eight legendary sceneries of Dongguan. At the foot of the mountain there is a temple called Huangqi Kwan-yin (Buddha) Ancient Temple, which was built in Song Dynasty. (The Song Dynasty was a ruling dynasty in China between 960 and 1279).According to the custom, people will bring many incenses and firework to the temple of this mountain. Often, old people will make a pray in from of the guanying status for their family. So on the morning of that day, the mountain is very lively and it is fll of smoke around the temple of the mountain. However, many young people will climb this mountain during the eve of the year. I have some experience of this, because I used to climb the mountain with my parents when I was a child. But I went there with my friend rather than with my parents. Though there are a lot of people and the weather is very cold, but my friends and I were still very happy and we insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain.

In addition, As it is known to all, Feb 14th is the one of the most popular festivals in the world, called "Valentine's Day". Many couples or young lovers will get together and do some romantic things to celebrate on that day. In China, we also have our own "Valentine's Day", it's on Jul 7th Lunar Calendar. It has a romantic legend! The Chinese people believe that the Star Vega, east of the Milky Way is Zhi Nv. At the constellation of Aquila, on the western side of the Milky Way, Niu Lang waits for his wife. On the Double Sevenths Day …s night, many girls are with the help of their mother to pray their future marriage . They will use a special mirror and some red rope to express their wish to the Seven Lady . I got this experience because I also want a happy marriage.

Furthermore, it?s the Cantonese opera. It is very famous Cantonese Opera Cantonese opera is one of the major Chinese opera categories. It is a traditional Chinese art form that originated in southern China?s Cantonese culture, and involves music, singing, martial arts, acrobatics and acting. Maybe you think it is very out of date, but it is very popular in Dongguan.

In the capital of Dongguan –guancheng ., there are a lot of place to hold Cantonese opera , such as People Park and Yulan Opera. As many old people know that there is one opera show in the evening of weekend. During the nights , the square in front of People Park will be very lively ,because there are many people watching the opera. I have some experience of watching the opera show. Sometimes you don?t know what the actor sing ,but you will know what the show means .

At last, I will talk about the story about famous Dongguan food. Firstly, Rice Noodles with Roasted Goose on Houjie Street is the most famous food. The highlight of this dish is the broth, which is made from chicken, pork, bone and various spices and ingredients. Roasted goose and lai fen, a special rice noodle made in Guangdong, are added to the savory broth, completing this traditional Dongguan dish. I still remember the sense that I went to Houjie with my classmate and she taught me how to make a traditional this kind of food. But I don?t think it?s easy to make. Secondly, Steamed Rice Dumplings Wrapped in Leaves in Daojiao Town is another delicious

food. It is said that Daojiao zongzi is made of sticky rice and filled with quality egg yolk, mung beans, lotus root, streaky pork, garlic, ginger and various spices. Water cannot pass through the leaves into the body of the rice dumpling. To eat it, you should peel off the leaf outside and put some sugar on the rice. Those who enjoy sweet food will savor this snack the most. My mon is the biggest fans of Daojiao zongzi. She would like to make this food every year. And I will help her to do wrap the zongzi, it is very funny and and interesting . After finishing making , we will send these food to the relationships. What?s more , Sanhe Banquet is a very special food, The word sanhe refers to the three main ingredients of the dishes served at the banquet: rice worms, yellow-breasted bunting and carp. The yellow-breasted bunting is now a protected species, however, and has been replaced in the dish by sparrow, but the name sanhe is still preserved. The three main ingredients can be steamed, fried or baked to make a unique banquet likely to be enjoyed by travelers. Frankly speaking, I don?t like this food very much because one ingredient is insects. Sometimes I think is very hard to put into my mouth. But many people like it. Maybe different people have different taste.

All in all ,this is my own culture story and I like my hometown .


考研英语作文1000字:露西 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! lucy is my close friend who i came to konw in jiangyin county in 1999. she is a teacher of one high gave me a sharp impression when we met at the fisrt chatting ,we found that we have many common favorites,and finally we came to be friends. lucy is tall and slender with white skin,long-black hair and an blue-frame glasses. she looks beautful and has good characters of considerate and she is easy to get along with. lucy is good at singing and also has many other favorites ,such as swimming outdoors, reading ,surfing and so she is a modern and intellectual young girl with diverse abilities and knowledge. lucy is not only a good friend but also a ofen told


Mysterious Nuer Wedding Customs B12英语2班费丽莎 121101224 Abstract A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethic groups, religions, countries, and social classes. Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of wedding vows by the couple, presentation of gifts( offering, rings, symbolic items, flowers, money), and a public proclamation of marriage by an authority figure or leader. Special wedding garments are often worn, and the ceremony is sometimes followed by a wedding reception. Music, poetry, prayers or readings from religious texts or literature are also commonly incorporated into the ceremony.Marriage is sacred the world over, and that is definitely true in Africa , no matter which region or which culture you come from, and no matter what your religious beliefs. In this article, the author list the cryptic wedding customs of Nuer ,one of African nations , by revealing their cultures and wedding traditions and to make its culture clear. Key words: ghost marriage , nuer, cattle , Pater, genitor Content 1.Introduction Ghost marriage: Marriage among the Nuer ,a woman is married to a dead man , this kind of marriage is almost as frequent as marriage to a living man . A living man is found to physically father a child for the dead man. To understand this, one must distinguish between the Genitor-biological father and the Pater- legal father. The ghost marriage often takes place when a man is killed in a feud. Blood wealth payments are used to pay the bride price for the dead man's marriage. The point is to fulfill the dead man's lineage and the children of the dead man may eventually avenge him, despite the payment of blood wealth . In this way , bride's wealth and blood wealth are fluid and tied together in a cycle. 2.Nuer cattle cultures Nuer is located in southern Sudan, whose territory has access to the White Nile, because the proximity to this river and the high annual rainfall, Nuer territory floods often and has lots of diverse wildlife with very dense jungle in most areas but also savannah and swamp .Therefore ,everything revolves around cattle in Nuer life, and cattle is essential for their survival as people. The payment of cattle is usually the only way to square up between wronged parties. Without this resource there is no


1.英文原声电影赏析与跨文化交际能力的培养 2."跨文化非语言交际语用失误研究 3."公示语翻译中的语用失误探析 4.国内广告语言语用失误研究现状与分析 5."全球化语境下跨文化交际失误语用归因 6."跨文化交际中的语用失误类型及对策研究 7."基于礼貌原则的跨文化语用失误分析 8."跨文化言语交际中的语用负迁移 9."浅析化妆品广告中的语用预设 10."中西方饮食文化的比较研究 11."中美时间观之对比 1 2."浅析汉英问候语中的文化差异 13."英汉词汇的文化内涵差异探析 14."英语身体语的交际功能研究 1 5."浅谈英汉身势语的表意功能之差异 16."目标语文化的理解与跨文化交际 1 7."中西文化差异对中国学生英语学生的影响 18."跨文化交际中的文化误读

9."浅析文化差异对商务谈判的影响 20."英语禁忌语的文化内涵异同研究 21."英语学习中的文化习得 2 2."英汉思维模式的差异对跨文化交际的影响 23."外语学习者的思辨能力与跨文化交际之成效 24."培养英语学习者跨文化交际能力之策略 25."英汉道歉语差异及原因 26."中西跨文化礼貌语差异探析 27."英汉语言中礼貌表达法之比较 28."英汉习惯用语的文化内涵探源 29."英语称赞语及其回应的异同研究 3 0."中美(西)家庭教育理念的差异及其对孩子的影响 31."中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的主要障碍研究 32."试析跨文化交际中角色互动的作用 3 3."本土文化与异国文化的冲突对跨文化交际的影响 34."跨文化交际中的时间观差异 35."论跨文化交际中的中西餐桌礼仪

6."关于提升英语专业学生跨文化交际能力的培养 37."涉外婚姻中的中西文化冲突 38."论跨文化广告传播中食品商标的翻译439."多媒体教学与跨文化交际能力的培养40."中西方儿童文学的差异 4 1."中西体育文化的差异及其受全球化发展的影响 42."中西传统休闲文化及其价值观的对比分析 43."简爱与林黛玉不同命运的文化透析 44."国际商务活动中礼貌原则的应用 4 5."论文化背景知识在外语阅读教学中的作用 46."国际商务交际活动中的非语言交际 47."浅析英汉汽车商标的特点及其翻译 48."英汉隐喻差异的文化阐释 49."文化语境下的英汉植物词 50."文化语境下的英汉动物词 51."从体态语探析中西文化差异 52."浅析英汉颜色词的文化内涵 53."文化视野下英语谚语的比较


简爱英文读后感1000字 Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past. We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodneon one side and must check the badneon the other side. We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality. We also remember her striving for life, her toughneand her confidence… When we think of this girl, what she gave us was

关于和平的英语作文:War and Peace_1000字

书山有路勤为径;学海无涯苦作舟 关于和平的英语作文:War and Peace_1000 字 Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome.While peace is the ultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world, war has been inevitable in the course of human civilization. Does man have an innate taste for war? Or is it just an acquired scheme learned from human society? We only know that there hasnt been any period in the history during which the world was really at peace. Human beings pursue peace and prosperity through the establishment of families, communities, and nations. Why should we let all these be destroyed by wars? To reduce the possibility of war to the lowest extent, I have two suggestions. First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature. Knowledge derives from education and is a surer road to wisdom. 专注下一代成长,为了孩子


浅谈跨文化交际 【摘要】在中西跨文化交际中,文化冲突的事例屡见不鲜,严重影响了交往的顺利进行,因此我们很有必要找出其深层次的原因,并采取一定的措施来培养跨文化交际的能力,避免文化冲突。 【关键词】跨文化交际、文化差异、文化冲突 随着中国对外开放程度的逐渐深入,西方社会的人和事物越来越多地走进了我们的视野,在这种情况下,跨国域、跨民族、跨文化的经济和社会交往将会与日俱增,这就为我们提供了许多与西方人接触和交往的机会,这对于加深我们的西方社会的理解是一件好事,但这并不是一件简单的事情,因为我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家,思维方式、生活习惯和行为方式与我们迥然不同的人,在与之交往的过程中不可避免的会出现文化冲突的现象。 一.中西跨文化交际中经常出现的文化冲突 在中西跨文化交际中会出现的文化冲突有很多种,在这里我们不可能一一叙述,只能列出比较常见的几种。 1.隐私方面的冲突 中国人的隐私观念比较薄弱,认为个人要归属于集体,在一起讲究团结友爱,互相关心,故而中国人往往很愿意了解别人的酸甜苦辣,对方也愿意坦诚相告。而西方人则非常注重个人隐私,讲究个人空间,不愿意向别人过多提及自己的事情,更不愿意让别人干预。因此在隐私问题上中西双方经常发生冲突,例如:中国人第一次见面往往会

询问对方的年龄,婚姻状况,儿女,职业,甚至收入,在中国人的眼里这是一种礼貌,但在西方人眼里则认为这些问题侵犯了他们的隐私。 2.时间观方面的冲突 西方人的时间观和金钱观是联系在一起的,时间就是金钱的观念根深蒂固,所以它们非常珍惜时间,在生活中往往对时间都做了精心的安排和计划,并养成了按时赴约的好习惯。在西方,要拜访某人,必须事先通知或约定,并说明拜访的目的、时间和地点,经商定后方可进行。而中国人则属于多向时间习惯的国家,在时间的使用上具有很大的随意性,一般不会像西方人那样严格的按照计划进行,西方人对此往往感到不适应。 3.客套语方面的冲突 中国人注重谦虚,在与人交际时,讲求“卑己尊人”,把这看作一种美德,这是一种富有中国文化特色的礼貌现象。在别人赞扬我们时,我们往往会自贬一番,以表谦虚有礼。西方国家却没有这样的文化习惯,当他们受到赞扬时,总会很高兴地说一声“Thank you”表示接受。由于中西文化差异,我们认为西方人过于自信,毫不谦虚;而当西方人听到中国人这样否定别人对自己的赞扬或者听到他们自己否定自己的成就,甚至把自己贬得一文不值时,会感到非常惊讶,认为中国人不诚实。 4.餐饮习俗方面的冲突 中华民族素有热情好客的优良传统。在交际场合和酒席上,热情的

描写朋友高中英语作文1000字:My friends

描写朋友高中英语作文1000字:My friends I have lots of friends.Sometimes they play with me,sometimes they help me do my homework and sometimes we study English together.Let me tell you about my friends. Zhang Xiaoyong is my best friend.He is twelve years old.He comes from Wenzhou,Zhejiang.But he lives in Zhuzhou with his family.I like to talk with him very much.And he knows lots of things.He knows the mosquito how to eat food.And he likes watching TV show.He says his favourite TV show is MythBusters.He thinks it is very interesting and useful. Zhu Haoping is my good friend,too. He just turned 12- year-old.He comes from Changsha,Hunan.He is very good at P.E. Although he is short, he loves sports.He likes playing basketball and football.We usually plays football after school.He is good at playing football and basketball.He is really clever.His favorite subject is English and math. He likes to do math exercises. He Weican is my good friend.He is twelve years old.He is from Chenzhou,Hunan.He tell us lots of jokes every day.It is really funny.And He weican is cleverer than me.His favorite subject is P.E and math.He thinks P.E. is exciting and math is interesting.He likes playing basketball and every day he plays basketball on the playground. They are my good friends.I hope our friendship can be forever.And I will be your friend for age!


My feeling of study English More than seven years have passed since I began to learn English. But when asking myself,” what’s my level on English learning?" I feel shame. It's hard for me to communicate with others in English, although I'm able to write readily in English. What is our purpose of learning English? Before we go to college, we have been taught as children that learning English is just for the exams. However, after we enter college we have been told that learning English is for communicating in the future. When I first study English, I feel it is too difficult for me. In my class, everyone study English at primary school, they can pronounce every word cleverly, it make me upset .I did not know the simple word like “meet”, ”uncle” ,and so on .I always use the Chinese marks the word so as to pronounce it. In the class, my English teacher always let some student read the book, I always make mistake and my classmate always make joke on me. I try my best to learn English, but my English is very poor .I always get score less than 50; But my teacher always encourage me, she say:” Learning English is very easy once you like it not fear it. If you want to study English well, the first thing you need do is read many English books, you should practice it every day, No pains, no gains. I believe you must be successful if you follow as what I say.” With the hard work, my English grades has improve .Even enough it is improve a little, it make me happy. That grade let me become confident. I believe I have the courage to face every problem. At that time, write letter to make pen pal friend is very popular, I follow it. I write the letter to her, it makes me happy and excited. I begin to buy the magazines to copy the useful phrase to remember. The word which I did not know clearly I write once again. During that time, my best friend who likes to sing, sing a song “take me to your heart” I felt the song is very nice. It appeals to me. I let my friend teach that song to me. When we have time, we always practice it, in the class; we sing that song to all my classmates. One of my classmates who study English well tells me listen English song and watch English TV also can improve English skill. She let me sing the song which I interested in. finally I got A. I find some papers about English. It include four areas the foundation: Listening, speaking, reading and writing. But my big problems listening and speaking .I begin to listen the English tape once again until I know what the word means. When the college entrance examination, because of my poor English, so that I have to take class 2 to study, which mean the English is bad. It makes me upset .the good point is that college English class no longer like in high school, only, to solve the problem. I pay more attention to finish the English exercise every day, not speak English loudly. I like my college English teacher very much, she does not speak her selves, she always let us discusses in group to show the idea, let us joins her and follows her. I like English after approaching my English teacher. It really makes me happy. Learning English helps me open my eyes to see the whole world and learn to communicate with others from other nations and it does have colored my life. Communication is man’s basic ability and speaking is an important way of it. Speaking in different ways is even playing a more important role in modern society nowadays. It will be an essential skill in the near future. So I have to take English courses.


跨文化交际论文 学院:水产与生命学院专业:水产养殖专业10-4 姓名:黄运佳 学号:1001110411

浅谈中西方语言文化和饮食的差异 1.语言文化差异 语文是社会的产物,是人类历史和文化的结晶。它凝聚着一个民族世代相传的社会意识,历史文化,风俗习惯等各方面人类社会所有的特征。不同的文化背影和文化传统,使中西方在思维方式,价值观念,行为准则和生活方式等方面也存在有相当的文化差异。语文是文化的载体,词汇是文化信息的浓缩,是语言的重要组成部分,它反映着文化的发展和变化,同时也直接反映着文化的差异。 在中国两千多年的封建社会历史的过程中,儒家思想一直占据着根深蒂固的弦统治地位,对中国社会产生了极其深刻而久远的影响。中国人向来以自我贬仰的思想作为处世经典,这便是以儒家的“中庸之道”作为行为的基本准则。“中”是儒家追求的理想境界,人生处世要以儒家仁、义、礼、智、信的思想道德观念作为每个人的行为指南,接人待物,举止言谈要考虑温、良、恭、俭、让,以谦虚为荣,以虚心为本,反对过分地显露自己表现自我。因此,中国文化体现出群体性的文化特征,这种群体性的文化特征是不允许把个人价值凌驾于群体利益之上的。 西方国家价值观的形成至少可追溯到文艺复兴运动。文艺复兴的指导思想是人文主义,即以崇尚个人为中心,宣扬个人主义至上,竭力发展自己表现自我。“谦虚”这一概念在西方文化中的价值是忽略不计的。生活中人们崇拜的是“强者”“英雄”。有本事,有才能的强者得到重用,缺乏自信的弱者只能落伍或被无情地淘汰。因此,西方文化体现出个体文化特征,这种个体性文化特征崇尚个人价值凌驾于群体利益之上。 正因为如此,中西两种文化在对某些单词所带有褒贬色彩上有差异。如:ambition一词,本身具有褒贬两种含义。中国人用其贬义,表示“野心勃勃”,而英美人则取其褒义,表示“雄心壮志”。Aggressive一词,中国人常用来形容某人“挑衅”“好斗”,而美国人则用来形容某人“进取上进,有开拓精神”。 我国的群体性文化,非常重视家庭亲友关系,把它视为组成社会的细胞;而在西方国家,崇尚独立自主自强自立。中国人重视传统的君臣,父子,论资排辈,等级森严,而在英美国家,长辈与晚辈间地位平等,不计较老少界限,多以朋友相处。中国人的传统观念历来崇尚“四世同堂”“合家团圆”,自古就有“父母在,不远游”的良言古训;而在英美国家,18岁的子女仍住在家里依靠父母生活是不可思议的事情,他们必须依靠自己的双手去独立生活。同样,年龄大的父母即使失去了生活自理能力,一般也不会拖累子女,他们往往要住进老人院,由社会关照。 文化的不同带来价值观念的在不相同。如lod一词,中国人历来就有“尊老敬老”的传统。“老”在中文里表达尊敬的概念,如老祖宗,老爷爷,老先生等。“老张”,“老王”,透着尊敬和亲热,“张老”“王老”更是尊崇有加。中国人往往以年龄大为荣。和别人谈话时,年龄越大,资格越老,也就越会得到别人的尊敬。“姜还是老的辣”。在我们看来,长者不仅是智慧的化身,也是威望的象征。然而,西方国家极少有人愿意倚老卖老而自称”old”。在他们看来,“old”是“不中用”的代名词,是和“不合潮流”“老而无用”的含义连在一起的。英美人不喜欢别人说自己老,更不会倚老卖老。在西方文化中,他们把年龄作为个人极为重要的隐私看待。尤其是女士,更忌讳别人问自己的年龄。即使愿意谈论自己的年龄,也要别人猜测其年龄,而此时,他们的真正目的的期望别人恭维他们看上去比实际年龄小,是多么年轻。又如,英美人忌讳莫深的fat一词,见人说fat会令人沮丧不快而且反感。说到fatmeat (肥肉)多半会被认为是毫无价值的该扔掉的废物。而中国人见了小孩子说“胖嘟嘟”“胖乎乎”,表示对孩子的喜爱,对成年男子说fat有“发福”之义,对成年女子讲fat有“丰满”


跨文化交际之中西文化冲突 “跨文化交际”的英语名称是"intercultural communication"或 “cross-cultural communication”。它指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际, 也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。 一、造成文化冲突现象的原因探究 由于不同的民族所处的生态、物质、社会及宗教等环境不同, 因而各自的语言环境产生了不同的语言习惯、社会文化、风土人情等等诸语境因素。 不同文化背景造成人们说话方式或习惯不尽相同。因此, 在交流中, 人们总喜欢用自己的说话方式来解释对方的话语,这就可能对对方的话语做出不准确的推论, 从而产生冲突和故障。在跨文化交际中,交际的双方若不能进入同一文化背景之中, 就容易产生不解或误解,从而使交际失败。 二、中西文化的产生背景差异 中国文化是在黄土高原上孕育和发展起来的,然后在华北平原,再后是往长江以南发展,保持着长期的连续性和稳定性。中国的思想文化是儒学定于一尊而又兼容释道的文化。它以其特有的悠久、单纯的传统,以其特有的凝聚力和消化力,进入了近代世界一体化和文化大交流的时期。拥有上下五千年渊源历史宝贵遗产的炎黄子孙,在当今的21世纪现代社会,仍然遗传了祖先们的优良传统。 西方近现代文化主要是从古希腊罗马的异教文化发展过来的。古希腊伦理学和价值观的基本特征则表现为尚知和崇理,至善在于"作为一个自然存在的人的完善",尤其是理智、哲学的沉思被强调为最高的德性。古希腊人是乐生的,立足此世的,他们是多神论的,他们的人生观是自然主义的。孕育和起源于海边的文化注定了他们性格上的开放。这是与中国文化的大不同! 三、中西跨文化交际中经常出现的文化冲突 在中西跨文化交际中会出现的文化冲突有很多种,在这里我们列出几种比较常见的文化冲突。 1、私方面的冲突

高考英语作文1000字:元宵节-Lantern Festival

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英文关于爱情的文章1000字 The Positive Meanings of Love We'd like to share some of the positive meanings love has for us. Love means that I know the person I love. I'm aware of the many sides of the other person — not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and faults. I have an awareness of the other's feelings and thoughts, and I experience something of the core of that person. I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person on a deeper level. Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love. To the extent that it is genuine, my caring is not possessive, nor does it hold the other person back. On the contrary, my caring frees both of us. If I care about you, I'm concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become. Consequently, I don't put up obstacles to what you do that enhances you as a person, even though it may result in my discomfort at times. Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love. If I love you, I can see you as a separate person, with your own values and thoughts and feelings, and I do not insist that you surrender your identity to match an image of what I expect


中西文化与广告语言 广告语言是广告的核心内容。社会文化影响并制约广告语言及其表达,广告语言则蕴含或反映社会文化。语言是民族的语言,广告存在于一定的社会之中。一个民族的哲学观念、思维模式、文化心理、道德观念、生活方式、风俗习惯、社会制度、宗教信仰等等都必然会对广告语言产生作用。所以,任何一个社会的广告语言不可避免地反映社会文化的各个方面。事实上,反映社会文化的广告语言易为人们所理解和接受,可大大促进广告的功能。认识到这一点,并努力探讨出社会文化与广告语言之间的内在关系,对于理解和赏析广告语言,对于指导创作、设计既符合广告表达基本原则,又适合特定民族文化特征的广告语言具有十分重要的作用。据笔者所知,我国学者对中西文化与广告语言的研究甚少,尤其缺乏比较研究。本文是这方面研究的一个尝试。 一、哲学观念与广告语言 曹志耘(1992:130)认为,各个民族都有其独

特的对世界的认识和表达,有自己的哲学观念。哲学观念深刻地影响着有关语言的结构和运用,当然也影响着广告语言的应用。例如,天人合一是我国传统文化中一个最基本的哲学观念。在我国的一些广告中,天人合一观念对语言表达和接受的影响显而易见。如长虹牌电视机广告词“天上彩虹,人间长虹”,通过天上彩虹对人间“长虹”的映衬、比喻,给人一种天上人间一体,彩虹“长虹”一物的感受。通过这样的广告宣传,“长虹”彩电的美好形象栩栩如生地长驻于人们的脑际。“长虹”彩电驰名全国,颇受青睐,销售量跃居国产彩电之首,这固然与其质量息息相关,但无疑也与其广告词所创造的美好形象不无联系。 扬子电气的电视广告则由人群在大地上组合成多姿多彩的扬子电气商标图案和“扬子电气”四个大字,在此场景里,人和文字融为一体。同时,该广告仅有的两句话“扬子天地,扬子电气”将商品与天地相提并论。这样,整个广告形成了一种十分强烈的天人合一的和谐气氛,非常引人入胜。再举数例: ①与书为友,天地长久。(某丛书广告)


Differences between Chinese and Western cultural communication By Yu Li Na Under the supervision of Yang Dong Min A THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF ART Intercultural communication 错误!未找到引用源。 Shaanxi Normal University June,2013

Differences between Chinese and Western cultural communication Abstract: What is culture? Simple to say, culture is one of those you don't know why but also willing to accept, rules and knowledge from the start, in practice most people can experience the benefits, or that can bring benefits, so that these rules and knowledge has become the most people choose, this constitutes the main content of culture. But if this rule or understanding has been completely objective practice proves impossible do not insist, renewal ability is also culture has. So the culture is the difficult to give the rules and knowledge about (belonging to the values and Philosophy), and has some subjectivity, continuity, group, beneficial four characteristics. Key words: culture;subjectivity;continuity, group, beneficial four characteristics. 1 Introduction For example, the Spring Festival, everyone should think over the Spring Festival, but get used to it, it is difficult to say. We must have the spring festival what necessity, but can tell some benefits, so naturally continue down. But is this kind of natural inertia, has a powerful social force, unless the social upheaval, or completely oppressed the erosion of alien culture. The process for China's traditional culture is not more than once, but they were conquered by the Chinese culture has its own rationality and strong cohesion. Here the two Chinese cultural characteristics, reason and cohesion. To give credit to the acts of such a phenomenon exists in every society groups in society, exist in a variety of language and culture, the different levels and in different degrees, reflecting the people's social activity, it can not only shorten the distance between communication, and can contact feelings, to consolidate and strengthen the communication between United, played the role of social lubricant. Pomerantz American linguists point out that language is a kind of support to give credit to the sexual behavior (supportive action), is also a sexual evaluation (assessment action), that is to say, there is praise, not only praised the language of nature, there is also the nature of the evaluation. Let us explore the Chinese and English culture in the praise of the

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