当前位置:文档之家› 语法讲解:名词短语作状语







We often have six classes every day: four in the morning and two in the afternoon.


The Comprehensive English teacher requests that each student should submit at least four compositions and one research report every term.


As a result of the appreciation of land and building materials, the average price of housing in the City Proper has increased three to four thousand yuan per square meter compared with that of the same period last year.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


5) 本学期晚些时候,我们将举行一次英语综合技能大赛。

Later this term, we will organize an English Comprehensive Skills Contest.

6) 你这些日子躲到哪里去了?我怎么总看不到你呢?

Where have you been all these days? Why haven’t I seen you?

7) 那天,在回家的路上,我不幸被扒手偷了手机。

That day, on my way home, a pickpocket stole my mobile phone

三、在表示方式的名词短语“the American way”、“the British way”中,介词“in”通常被省略。

8) 要学会讲一口地道的美国英语,最好的办法是去美国生活一段时间。

The best way to learn to speak English the American way is to spend some time in the USA.

9) 我在英国伦敦期间,讲的就是英国英语;可是,回到广州不久,就开始讲起了中国式英语了。

I spoke English the British way when I was in London, but soon after I returned to Guangzhou, I began to speak Chinese English.


10 ) 每天晚上,我一回到宿舍就发现同学们都睡觉了。

I find my roommates sound asleep the moment I get back to my dorm every night.

11) 我一到达北京就打你电话。

I will ring you up the moment I arrive in Beijing.



The other day, at the English corner on campus, we met each other and became good friends.


形容词作状语 形容词在句中作定语、表语和宾语补足语的情况很多,但作状语的时候也不少。女口: The bag fell on the floor and broke open.袋子掉到地上摔破了。Glad to accept the girl nodded her agreement. 这姑娘乐于接受,点头表示同意。 形容词(短语)作状语时,通常说明主语的情况,即表示主语的状态、性质、特征等,有时它和宾语的关系密切,且可位于句首、句末和句子中间,通常和句子的其它部分用逗号分开,但单个形容词可 以连在一起。 一、形容词(短语)作状语说明主语的情况,可以表示动作或状态发生的原因、方式、时间或伴随等, 或对谓语作补充说明。 1. 表示原因,但原因意义不很突出,有时是并列的。例如: Afraid of difficulty, he prefers to do the easy maths problem.他害怕困难,宁愿做容易的数学题。 Anxious for a quick decisiop our leader called for a vote.我们队长急于迅速作出决定,要求进行表 决。 2. 表示方式或伴随。例如: The lost boy spe nt three days in the forest cold and hungry.那个迷路的男孩又冷又饿地在森林中过了二天。 The moon had just risen, very golden over the hill. 月亮刚刚升起,挂在山上,十足的金黄色。 3. 形容词(短语)作状语时,它和句中谓语动词在意义上的联系不密切,只是对谓语补充说明。 Effective the first of October, our supermarket will close at eleven. 我们超市 ^一点关门,从十月一日起生


【问题实例】 Your friend comes to school very upset. 你的朋友来到学校心情很不好。 句中的 upset 是状语吗?如果是的话,形容词可用作状语吗? 【问题分析】 形容词在句子中的主要作用是用作表语、定语、宾语补足语等,但有时它也可用作状语。一般说来,形容词用作状语主要表示以下用法: (1) 表示伴随(即用作伴随状语)。如: Your friend comes to school very upset. 你的朋友来到学校心情很不好。 They waited, breathless, for the result. 他们屏住呼吸等待结果。 The manager approached us full of apologies. 经理满怀歉意向我们走来。 The boy nodded, pale and scared. 男孩点点头,脸色苍白十分惊恐。 (2) 表示原因(即用作原因状语)。如: Overjoyed, she dashed out of the house. 她非常高兴,急步跑出屋去。 Curious, we looked around for other guests. 由于好奇,我们向四面看看有什么别的客人。 Greatly disappointed, he decided to leave the place. 他大为失望,决定离开这个地方。 Unable to afford bus fares, she walked to interviews. 由于没有钱坐公共汽车,她走路去参加面试。 (3) 表示结果(即用作结果状语)。如: He emerged from the accident unharmed. 他在车祸中没有受伤。 The children came home, tired and hungry. 孩子们回到家里,又累又饿。 (4) 表示让步(即用作让步状语)。如: Right or wrong, he always comes off worst in an argument because of his inability to speak coherently. 由于讲话语无伦次,所以不论有理没理,他在辩论中的表现总是非常糟糕。 Wet or fine, he got up at six and took a walk in the park. 不管是晴天还是下雨天,他总是六点钟起床,并到公园里散散步。 (5) 表示说话人的态度(即用作语法上的评注性状语,也有的语法书称之为独立成分)。如: Strange to say, he is still ignorant of it. 说也奇怪,他还不知道这件事。 More important, he’s got a steady job.更重要的是他得到了一个稳定的工作。 And most important of all, she had faith in him. 况且最重要的是,她对他有信心。 (5) 表示时间或条件(即用作时间状语或条件状语,具体需视语境而定)。如:

语法 状语从句讲解

语法状语从句 由从句担任的状语,在句子中可修饰谓语(或其它动词)、形容词、副词或就是整个句子,它可以用来表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、比较、让步等。 第一讲时间, 地点状语从句 时间状语从句:when, while, as, before, after, since , whenever until, till, by the time(注意时态) as soon as, had hardly…when, had no sooner…than,(on doing sth…) the moment, every time/ each time, the first time, once e、g: When he came, I had cleaned the classroom、 He didn’t stop working until his mother came bake、 He worked until his mother came back、 As soon as he returned, he bought a new flat、 He had no sooner returned than he bought a new flat He came to scene the moment he heard the news、 I thought her nice and honest the first time I met him、 Once he makes up your mind, he won’t change his mind、 It was two years before I met him again、= Two years passed before I met him again、注意点1、when引导的从句动词可以就是延续性的或短暂性的,while引导的从句中动词必须就是延续性的; while有时并不表示时间,而表示对比,表示“而”、“却”。 When I got home I found the door locked、 While(或When)we were working in the fields, it suddenly began to rain、 His pencil is red, while mine is yellow、 2、till与until not…until/till 解释为直到…才…主句动词一般就是短暂性的 …till/until… 解释为直到…为止主句动词一般就是延续性的一般情况下可以互换,但until可以位于句首,till则不能。 He worked until it was dark、 He didn’t stop working until it was dark、 Until it stops raining,the children can’t go out、 =Not until the rain stops can the children go out、 地点状语从句 引导地点状语从句的连词就是where 与wherever等。 I ll go wherever the people want me to go、(wherever=to any place where) He works where his grandfather fought、(where=in the place where) You must stay where you are、= You must stay in the place where you are、 Wherever you go, I go too、 Where there is water, there is life、(那儿有… 那儿就有… Where there is a will, there is a way、) 圈出其中的从句并翻译: 1.Whenever it is his turn to speak, he gets nervous、 2.Every time he comes, he always tells us something interesting、 3.When I get the news, I will let you know as soon as possible、 4.Once he makes a promise, he will never break it、 5.I had no sooner run into the school gate than I heard the bell for class、 6.I found the lost watch under a desk after the children had left for home、 7.He had to be called two or three times before he came down to dinner、 8.We didn’t notice anything wrong with the washer until we started using it、 9.The hunter made mark on the tree where he stops、 10.Wherever he is, he will find time to do some reading、


名词作状语 名词作状语是词类活用中最常见也是最复杂的一种语法现象。名词作状语,简称名作状。就是指名词放在动词的前面,对这个动词起着直接修饰或限 制的作用。 常见类型 1、表比喻 名词状语起比喻作用,表示动作行为的特征或状态,可译为“像……那样”。如:少时,一狼径去,其一犬坐于前。(《狼》) 析:名词“犬”,修饰动词“坐”, 比喻“坐”的状态,译为“像狗那样”; 练:“项伯乃拔剑起舞,常以身翼蔽沛公” 2、表态度 主语对宾语所持的态度,可译为“像对待……那样”或“当作……一样”。如:吾得兄事之。《鸿门宴》

析:我得像对待兄长一样对待他。练:“齐将田忌善而客待之” 3、表工具、方式(依据)。 这类名词状语的译法,只要在名词前加上介词“用”或“按”等即可 如:1、“叩石垦壤,箕畚运于渤海之尾”。 析:名词“箕畚”修饰动词“运”,作状语,表示“运”所凭借的工具,译为“用箕畚……” 2、“失期,法当斩”,其中的“法当斩”可译为“按照法律判斩首之罪”。 4、表动作处所 这类名词状语由方位名词充当,表示动作行为发生的处所,可译为“在(从)……”。如:“夫以秦王之威,而相如廷叱之”,其中的“廷叱之”可译为“在朝堂上呵斥他”。 5、表动作趋向 可译为“向(往)……”。例如:

如:“南取汉中,西举巴蜀,东割膏腴之地,北收要害之郡”中的方位名词前也可加介词“于”,如“南取”可理解为“向南取”。 一.要看谓词与其前面的名词的意义关系。 名词和谓词如果是陈述和被陈述的关系,就是主谓结构;若是修饰、限制与被修饰、限制的关系,就是名词作状语。如:“吾之后,汝兄弟父事丞相”中的“父事丞相”,如果是陈述和被陈述的关系,意思就是“父亲侍奉丞相”,这显然与原来的句意不同。应该理解为修饰与被修饰的关系——“像对待父亲一样地侍奉丞相”。


形容词及其短语作状语英语中,用来作状语的,最常见的就是副词,有时候,形容词及其短语也可充当状语。形容词或形容词短语作状语,用来描述谓语动作,说明谓语动作发生的时间、原因、条件或伴随的情况,也可表示让步和结果,有时前面可以加上某些从属连词,进一步表明状语的性质。形容词或形容词短语作状语时,大多用逗号与全句分开,位置可在句首、句中或句末。 1、时间: Don’t marry young. 不要早婚。 When seriously ill, my grandmother usually drank the Chinese medicine to the very last drop . 病得严重时,奶奶每次喝中药都是喝得一滴不剩。 There is no cure available for the disease and AIDS patients have to deal with the fact that they might die young. 这种病没有切实有效的治疗方法,爱滋病病人必须面对这个事实:他们可能年纪轻轻就会死去。 Learn young, learn fair.学习趁年轻,要学就学好。 Enthusiatic, they are quite co-operative. 热心的时候他们是很合作的。 2、原因: Hungry, she hurried to the kitchen. 她感到很饿,就匆匆地去了厨房。Eager for an immediate reply, he sent me another email. 渴望立刻得到答复,他又给我发了一封电子邮件。 Sad and unhappy, cold and wet ,Lear became mad. 悲伤不快,又湿又冷,利尔疯了。 Confused and a little concerned, the minister asked, “Carl, what are you doing?”牧师感到非常纳闷,于是略带一些关心地问道:“卡尔,你在干什么?”Overjoyed, she dashed out of the house. 他非常高兴,急步跑出屋子。Strong, proud and united, the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia. 圣彼得堡的人民坚强、自豪、团结一致,他们是当代的俄罗斯英雄。Helpless, we watched our home destroyed before our eyes. 我们束手无策,只能眼睁睁地看着自己的家园被毁掉。 Modest and easy to approach, he soon put everyone completely at ease. 他是那样谦虚、平易近人,很快使大家放松下来。


从句 从句按其在主句中的句法功能可分为三类: 即名词性从句、形容词性从句(即定语从句)和副词性从句(即状语从句)。 引导从句的词称作关联句. 一、名词性从句 引导这些名词性从句的关联词包括: 从属连词that, if, whether; 连接代词 who,whoever,whom,whomever,which,whichever,what,whatever,wh ose; 连接副词where, when, why, how。 其中, 从属连词只起连接作用, 在从句中不充当任何句法成分, 而连接代词和连接副词既起连接作用, 在从句中又充当一定的成分. That Owen should have married his cousin is not at all surprising. The fact is that he didn't go to the dinner party. I don't know if he will attend the meeting. Have you heard the news that Mary is going to marry Tom? 你听说玛丽要和汤姆结婚的消息了吗?(that引导同位语从句) [提示]

1. 在含有主语从句的复合句中, 为保持句子平衡, 常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语从句置于句末. It's well-known that water is indispensable to life.(形式主语) 2. 为保持句子平衡, that引导的宾语从句也常用it代替, 而将真正的宾语从句置于主句句末。这常常出现在主句有形容词或分词作宾语补足语的情况下。 He made it quite clear that he preferred to live here. 3. 从属连词whether和if都作“是否…”解, 但if不可引导主语从句和表语 从句。whether可与or(not)连用, 而if不可以。 I don't know whether (if) she is at home. Whether she comes or not makes no difference. 4. that和what引导名词性从句的区别: that在从句中不充当成分,而what在从句中充当一定的成分, 如主语、表语、宾语等。that可省略, what则不可省。 He always means what he says. She suggested (that) he do it at once. 5. 同位语从句大多由从属连词that引导, 常跟在下列名词后面, 如fact, idea, opinion, news, hope, belief等, that不可省。同位语从句一般用来解释说明这些名词的具体含义和内容。 We are familiar with the idea that all matter consists of atoms. The news that we are invited to the conference is very encouraging.


形容词做状语 作原因状语,通常位于句首。 1.Thirsty and eager to ger a little rest, she went into the restaurant and seated herself at a littl table by the window 2.Afraid of difficulty, he prefers to do the easy maths problem. 3.Being ill, I stayed at home. 4.Lost in thought, he almost ran into the dar in front. 时间、条件状语 1.Enthusiastic, they make good students 2.Ripe, these apples are sweet 3.You had better eat vegetables fresh 作让步状语 1.Every nation, big or small, should be equal. 2.Right or wrong, I'll stand by you. 伴随状语 1.They started the experiment, hopeful for success 2.After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, exhausted 3.The lost boy spent three days in the forest cold and hungry. 4.The thief hid himself in the corner, afraid of being caught 5.Excited and overjoyed, the children rushed to the front. 有些形容词如strange, funny, curious, odd, important, surprising, remarkable等作状语时,表示的是评注性的说明是说话人的看法、态度和评价,前面可以加more或most作评注性状语,。 1.Curious, the result turned out that way.真奇怪,结局竟然是那样 2.More remarkable, he has made a breakthrough in his research. ex. 1.______, some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless A. Strangely enough B. Enough strangely C. Strange enough D. Enough strange 2. ______and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprised. 3.______ in the mountains for a week, the two students wre finally saved by the local police. (lost)


形容词及形容词词组 概述:形容词(adjective简称adj.或a.) 很多语言中均有的主要词类中的一种。主要用来修饰名词的词,表示事物的特征。形容词用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质,状态,和特征。 重点:形容词的用法 难点:形容词的位置 内容: 一、形容词分类 形容词是一种开放词类,在句中主要作修饰成分。形容词主要分为单词形容词,等级形容词和非等级形容词。 1.依词的构成划分:单词形容词(One-word Adjective)和复合形容词(Compound Adjective) 由一个自由词素构成,如:boy, kind 1)单词形容词 自由词素+前(后)缀构成,如:boyish, unkind adj.+adj. red-hot 炽热的;dark-green深绿色的 adj./adv.+-ing easy-going随和的;good-looking好看的 adj./adv.+-ed new-born新生的;ready-cooked烧好的2)复合形容词n.+adj. sea-sick晕船的;ice-cold冰冷的 n.+-ing man-eating吃人的;epoch-making划时代的 n.+-ed heart-broken伤心的;ice-covered结冰的 adj.+n.+-ed gray-haired白发的;one-eyed独眼的 2. 依句法功能划分:中心形容词(Central Adjective)和外围形容词(Peripheral Adjective) 1)中心形容词:既能作名词修饰语又能作主补和宾补的形容词 e.g. Green apples are sour (作名词修饰语) Pillar-boxes are green. (作主语补语)


咼中英语状语从句 定义: 在句中作状语的从句是状语从句,修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词等.状语从句由从属连词引导,从属连词在句中不充当句子成分,只起连接作用,状语从句放在句首时,要用逗号,放在句 尾时不用. 分类 根据意义上的不同,状语从句可分为:①时间状语从句②地点状语从句③原因状语从句④ 目的状语从句⑤条件状语从句⑥结果状语从句⑦让步状语从句⑧方式状语从句⑨比较 状语从句三、时间状语从句主句是一般将来时,时间状语从句用一般现在时表将来;主句是—过去将来时,从句用一般过去时表示过去将来时;主句是一般过去时忆:“主将 ,从句用一般过去时.记从现” (一)引导时间状语从句的连词有:As,whe n (whe never),before,after,as soo n as,un til (till),since,every time,once. | (二)、具体应用1)“while ”主、从句动作或状态同时发生.用while引导的从句用延续性 动词,常表示较长的时间或一个过程.记忆:While 后用进行时.While we were having supper, all the lights went out. Please kee p quiet while others are study in g」 While I was writing letters last night,he was watching TV. 2 )When 表示“就在”的时候", while 意为反而,可是,表示转折.One evening Beethoven was walking in a street,when he sudde niy stopped outside a little house. 3)When ever无论什么时候,随时 1.When ever some one throws in some rubbish,the truck p roduees a pi eee of music. 每当有人扔进一些垃圾时,它(汽车)就放一段音乐 2.When ever we' re in trouble,they will help us. 3.I go to the theatre, whe never I am free. https://www.doczj.com/doc/9f12083240.html,e and see me whe never you want to.你随时来看我 4) till和until(表示"直到” ”)句首多用until | 1在肯定句中表示“直到”为止”,主句谓语动词要用延续性动词 I was wait ing un til/till he arrived. 2、在否定句中表示“直到,,才”主句谓语动词常用终止性动词,这时until和till常被before 替换. I did n' t leave till/un til she came back. 5) si nee:主句用完成时,从句用一般过去时,si nee引导的从句间或可用现在完成时 It is two years since I have studied En glish. 1.We have known each other si nee we were childre n. 2.We have bee n friends (ever sin ce) since we met at school. 3.It is ”(一段时间)+since+—般过去时态句子 It is two years since my sister married. I


形容词短语用作状语 陕西勉县二中,周雨松 形容词不但可以作定语,表语和补语,还可以作状语,具有副词的功能。现归纳如下:1. 作时间状语 1) Ripe, these apples are very sweet. 成熟后,这些苹果非常甜。 2) we don`t eat vegetables raw. 我们不会生吃蔬菜 2. 作方式或伴随状语,具有补充说明谓语的作用 3) For a moment she just stood there, unable to believe what had just happed. 有一阵子,他站在那儿不能相信刚才发生的事情。 4) Overjoyed, they rushed to the front. 他们非常高兴,急步跑到前面。 5) Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear. 克鲁索盯着脚印看,满心恐惧。 6) He was lying in bed, awake, listening to the rushing wind. 他醒着躺在床上,静听着那急风。 7) Cheerful, efficient and warm-hearted, they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable. 他们乐观,能干,热情,一定会想方设法使你一路顺风。 3. 作原因状语 8) Afraid of being scolded, for a moment, little Franz thought of playing truant. 害怕挨骂,小弗朗兹一时起了逃学的念头。 9) Easy to be with, he is warmly welcomed. 他平易近人,所以很受人欢迎。 4. 作让步状语 10) Every nation, big or small, should be equal. 国家无论大小,都应一律平等。 11) Old or young, they all like these cartoon pictures. 无论年龄大或小,他们都不得喜欢这些卡通画。 5. 作评注性状语,表示说话人的态度,看法。 12) Worse still, the lion could even carry off the baby in its mouth. 更糟糕的是,狮子甚至可能把婴儿叨走。 13) Strange, they shouldn` t arrive by now. 奇怪,他们这会应该来了。 14) Surprising, little Gauss worked out such a problem in such a short time. 真惊人,小高斯在这么短的时间就算出了这么难的题目。 6. 结果状语 15) He returned from war, safe and sound. 他安然无羔地从战场归来。


条件状语从句 概念定义 由引导词if或unless引导的状语从句叫做条件状语从句。在英文中,条件是指某一件事情实现之后(状语从句中的动作),其它事情(主句中的动作)才能发生,通常译作“假如”。(注意:在含有条件状语从句的复合句中,表示将来时态,主句是一般将来时态,祈使句或情态动词,从句要用现在时态,[主将从现原则](主将从现,将并非指将来时,还指表示将来含义的,跟着if后的那句话是从句。) 类型 条件状语从句 语法引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是if,由if引导的条件状语从句表示在某种条件下某事很可能发生。如: 1) If you ask him,he will help you. 如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。 2) If you fail in the exam,you will let him down. 如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的 if引导的条件状语从句既可以将从句放前面也可以将从句放后面 (如果天下雨,我们就不玩了)If it rains,we will stop playing.‘ 转为We will stop playing if it rains. if引导的条件状语从句

另外,if从句还表示不可实现的条件或根本不可能存在的条件,也就是一种虚拟的条件或假设,从句多用一般过去时或过去完成时。如:If I were you,I would invite him to the party.如果我是你,我会邀请他参加聚会。I would have arrived much earlier if I had not been caught in the traffic.如果没有堵车,我会到的早一点儿。 那么,除了if之外,是否还有其他连词也可以引导条件状语从句呢?回答是肯定的,不仅有,还有很多。这些词由于出现的频率较小,且用法较复杂一些,所以不如if为大家所熟知罢了。下面就这些词的用法以例句的形式进行一下简单总结。 1、unless conj.除非,若不,除非在……的时候 You will fail to arrive there in time unless you start earlier.如果你不早点动身,你就不能及时赶到那儿。 Unless it rains,the game will be played.除非下雨,比赛将照常进行。 2、on condition(that)...在……条件下,如果 on condition (that)...引导的条件从句是主句事件发生的前提条件或唯一条件。 I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret.我可以告诉你真相,条件是你答应保密。 You can go swimming on condition (that) you don't go too far from the river bank.你只有在不远离河岸的条件下才可以下水游泳。 3、supposing conj.如果,假如 supposing引导的条件从句表示一种假设条件。 Supposing it rains,shall we continue the sports meeting?倘若下雨,我们的运动会还要继续举行吗? Supposing anything should go wrong,what would you do then?假如出了什么问题,你准备怎么对付?


文言文名词作状语详细分析 名词作状语详细举例分析 在现代汉语里,名词作状语只限于时间名词和方位名词,普通名词作状语则比较少。而在古代汉语里,名词(包括普通名词、时间名词和方位名词)作状语却是常见的现象。名词作状语有的很富有修辞色彩,了解这种语法现象有助于更好地理解古文的句意。 (1)普通名词作状语 ①表示比喻。例如: A.嫂蛇行匍伏。 B.子产治郑二十六年而死,丁壮号哭,老人儿啼。 C.少时,一狼迳去,其一犬坐于前。 [简析]A句中"蛇行"的意思是"像蛇一样地爬行","蛇"是名词作状语,是用普通名词所代表事物的某些特征作比喻修饰动词。B句中"儿啼"是"像小孩一样地啼哭"。C句中"犬坐"是狼"像犬一样坐着"。 ②表示对人的态度。例如: A.君为我呼入,吾得兄事之。 B.田单乃起,引还,东乡坐,师事之。 C.齐将田忌善而客待之。 [简析]A句的"兄",名词,在这里作"事"的状语,表示对人的态度,可译为我要用招待兄长的方式招待他。B句的"师"与C句的"客"都与此同。

③表示动作行为的工具、凭借和方式。例如: A.叩石垦壤,箕畚运于渤海之尾。 B.黔无驴,有好事者船载以入。 C.事不目见耳闻而臆断其有无,可乎? D.群臣吏民能面刺寡人之过者,受上赏。 [简析]AB句的"箕畚"和"船"分别修饰动词"运"和"载",表示动作行为的工具。"箕畚运用渤海之尾",意思是用箕畚运到渤海边上;"船载以入",意思是用船载运进来。C句的"目"和"耳"分别修饰动词"见"和"闻",表示凭借。"目见耳闻"可译为亲眼看到亲耳听到。D句的"面"修饰动词 "刺",表示用面对面、直言不讳的方式进谏。"面刺"可译为当面指责。 ④表示动作行为的处所。例如: A.夫以秦王之威,而相如廷叱之,辱其群臣。 B.刘备、周瑜水陆并进。 C.赵襄王郊迎甘罗。 [简析]A句的"廷叱",意思是在朝廷上呵叱。B句的"水陆并进",意思是从水路和陆路一齐进军。C句的"郊迎",意思是到郊外迎接。 ⑤普通名词作状语虽和一般主谓结构形式完全相同,但意思大不一样。 A.通过句子或上下文的意思来确认 [辨析]例如"斗折蛇行""老人儿啼",如果是主谓结构,意思就


形容词除了可以作定语、表语或补语外,还可以在句中作状语,具有副词的功能。形容词作状语用时,一般用逗号将其与句子的其余部分隔开。这种状语可位于句首、句末或句中。它在意义上相当于一个状语从句,具有以下语义与特征。 一、形容词或形容词短语可以作状语,表示行为方式或伴随状况。有时,它会像非限制性定语从句一样,表示意义上的增补,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语。例如: 1、 Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear、 (=Curose, who was full of fear, stared at the footprint、 )克鲁索两眼死盯着脚印瞧,内心里充满着恐惧。 2、 He approached us, full of apologies、 (=He, who was full of apologies, approached us、 )她连声道歉地朝我们走过来。 二、形容词或形容词短语可以作状语,表示原因。这种状语一般

位于句首,有时也可位于句中。例如: 1、 Angry at the girl oversleeping, Mr Green went down to wake her up、 (=Mr Green went down to wake up the girl because he was angry with her for oversleeping、 )格林先生下去叫醒她,就是因为她睡过了头惹恼了她。 2、 Lin Tao, glad to accept the suggestion, nodded his agreement、 (=Because he was glad to accept the suggestion, Lin Tao nodded his agreement、 ) 因为林涛很乐意接受这个建议,所以她就点头同意了。 三、形容词或形容词短语可以作状语,表示时间或条件。这种状语通常位于句首,也可位于句末。例如: 1、 Ripe, these apples are sweet、 (=When / If these apples are ripe, they are sweet、 )这些苹果熟了,味道很甜。 2、 Enthusiastic, they are quite cooperative、 (=When / If they are enthusiastic, they are cooperative、 )


动词-ing做状语【学案】 (必修四第四单元语法点) 1.-ing短语在句子中可作状语,来修饰谓语动词或整个句子,表示动作发生的时间、原 因、条件、结果、让步或伴随等情况。 2. -ing短语作状语一般表示一个次要的动作,一般都可以变为相应的状语从句或并列句。 1. 作时间状语 -ing短语作时间状语要置于句首。如: Hearing the bad news, they couldn’t help crying. =When______________________, they couldn’t help crying. 当听到这个不幸的消息时,他们情不自禁地哭了起来。 Having received his letter, I decided to write back. =After_______________________, I decided to write back. 收到他的信后,我决定给他回信。 注意:当v-ing形式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前时,应使用完成式:having done _______________(finish) his homework, he rushed out to play basketball. 2. 作原因状语 -ing短语作原因状语置于句首。如:Being so angry, he couldn’t go to sleep. =Because__________________, he couldn’t go to sleep. 因为太生气了,他不能入睡。Having been to the Great Wall many times, he didn’t go last week. =_______________he had been to the Great Wall many times, he didn’t go last week. 因为 他已经去过长城许多次,上周他就没去。 3. 作条件状语 -ing作条件状语置于句首或句末。如:Working hard, you will succeed. =If______________, you will succeed. 如果你勤奋一点,你就会成功。


用形容词作状语翻译下列句子: 1.饥寒交迫,那个小女孩不住地哭泣。 2.长途国外旅行之后,他精疲力竭地回到了家。 3.他谦逊、开朗,使大家很快就一点也不紧张了。 4.在我回家的途中,我看到一个中年男子躺在路边,烂醉如泥。 5.回答不出老师的问题,学生们都保持沉默。 6.又怕又冷,时光旅游者踏上了回到现在的旅程。 1.Cold and hungry, the little girl kept crying. 2.After the long journey from abroad, he got home , tired/ tired out/worn out. 3.Modest and easy-going, he soon put everyone at ease. 4. On my way home, I saw a

middle-aged man lying by the roadside , blind drunk./ very drunk. 5.Unable to answer the teacher’s question,all the students kept silent. 6.Scared and cold, the Time Traveller starts back towards the present. Scared and cold,the Time Traveller starts back towards the present. 又怕又冷,时光旅游者踏上了回到现在的旅程。 scared, cold 是形容词作伴随状

语。表示主语实施谓语动作时伴随的状态。 He was lying in bed, awake, listening to the rushing winds. They broke into the bedroom and found the man lying on the floor, dead. Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear. 形容词与分词作状语的关系: 1.形容词做原因状语,有无being 区别不大:

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