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Improving collaborative filtering-basedrecommender systems

Improving collaborative filtering-basedrecommender systems
Improving collaborative filtering-basedrecommender systems

Improving collaborative ?ltering-based recommender systems

results using Pareto dominance

Fernando Ortega ?,José-Luis Sánchez,Jesús Bobadilla,Abraham Gutiérrez

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid,Crta.De Valencia,Km.7,28031 Madrid,Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:

Received 15June 2011

Received in revised form 25February 2013 Accepted 4March 2013

Available online 20March 2013 Keywords:

Collaborative ?ltering Recommender system Pareto dominance Similarity Neighbour

a b s t r a c t

Recommender systems are a type of solution to the information overload problem suffered by users of websites that allow the rating of certain items.The collabora t ive ?ltering rec- ommender system is considered to be the most successful approach,as it makes its recom- mendations based on ratings provided by users who are similar to the active user.Nevertheless ,the traditional collaborative ?ltering method can select insuf?ciently repre- sentative users as neighbours of the active user.This means that recommendations made a posteriori are not suf?ciently precise.The method proposed in this paper uses Paret o dom- inance to perform a pre-?ltering process eliminating less representative users from the k -neighbour selection process while retaining the most promising ones.The results from experimen t s performed on the Movielens and Net?ix websites show signi?cant improve- ments in all tested quality measure s when the proposed method is applied.

ó2013 Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.


Recommend e r Systems (RS)are responsible for providing users with a series of personali s ed suggestions (recommenda-tions)for certain types of items.RS extract the user’s relevant characterist i cs and determine the subset of items that may be of interest to them.

The way RS work can differ to a great extent depending on the types of items to be recommended and the available infor- mation about the user’s preferenc e s.Therefore,RS must be able to use different mechanism s to obtain the most promising items for each user.RS are commonly called ‘‘?lters’’because they act as such.Currently,the following types of RS are found in practice [1,12]:

Content-bas e d ?ltering [3,26]:Recomm e ndations are based on preferenc e s users have expresse d in the past about the items (e.g.,books purchased). Demograph i c ?ltering [22]:Recommendati o ns are based on positive ratings from other users who share the same age,geographical location,gender,profession,etc.as the active user. Collaborativ e ?ltering (CF)[1,8–10,17,20,23] :Relevant information is stored in a database that contains the ratings of a large number of users on a large number of items (?lms,books,jokes,study material,holiday destinations,etc.).CF aims to determine which users are similar to each other and then to recommend to the active user those items preferred by users similar to him or her.

Hybrid ?ltering methods [2,4,11,12,14]:In some cases,content-bas e d ?ltering and demographic ?ltering complemen t CF.By combining these methods with CF,recommend a tions can be made based on a more extensive set of information .0020-0255/$-see front matter ó2013 Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.https://www.doczj.com/doc/9517924830.html,/10.1016/j.ins.2013.03.011

?Corresponding author.Tel.:+34 913365104.

E-mail addresses:fernando.ortega@upm.es ,fortegarequena@https://www.doczj.com/doc/9517924830.html, (F.Ortega).

F.Ortega et al./Information Sciences 239 (2013)50–6151

Generally speaking,CF obtains better results than the other ?ltering systems described [12,16];thus,it is the most widely used ?ltering method.However,CF suffers from two main interrelated problems:(1)It requires a large enough database to guarantee the correct process to search for similar users and to make the recommendati o ns [17].(2)The rating matrix is typically excessively sparse [24],which makes it dif?cult to calculate the similarity between pairs of users and reduces the accuracy of the computed recomme n dations.

In this paper,we present a method that improves CF prediction and recommend a tion quality measures.The rest of the paper is structured in the following way:

In Section 2,we describe the motivation for and the foundations of the proposed method.

In Section 3,we formalise the process by which recommend a tions are obtained.

In Section 4,we de?ne experiments designed to validate the correct functioning of the proposed method.

In Section 5,we compare results obtained by applying the new method to results obtained by applying the traditional method.

In Section 6,we explain our conclusions and propose future work.

2.Designing the new method


The main objective of CF is to provide an user,whom we will call the active user,with a series of suggestions about items that may be of interest to him or her.Its operation is based on a very simple idea [1]:if two users have similar preferences,it is highly probable that one of them will like items they are not aware of if the other user likes them.Therefore,the purpose of CF is to search for those users who are most similar to the active user and then analyse their ratings to determine which items may interest him or her.This process can be summarised in the following three steps [1,9,16]:

1.Find the k users most similar to the active user (the k-neighbours of the active user).This phase has the most signi?cant

impact on the quality of the recommend a tions.The method proposed in this paper provides a novel approach for obtain- ing a suitable set of neighbours to the active user.

2.Predict the rating that the active user would give to items they have not yet rated,by observing the ratings of their k-

neighbours.When trying to predict an item’s value,there will normally be a signi?cant number of neighbou r s who have not rated the item;therefore,mechanisms must be de?ned that enable the k-neighbours ’ratings to be combined satisfactoril y.

3.Find the most suitable N items to be recomme n ded (due to their high rating,novelty,etc.).


One of the main problems faced by CF is the high degree of sparsity [24]in the rating databases ,which arises from the small percentage of available items for which a given user generally provides ratings.Thus,when we want to calculate the similarity between each pair of users,we must do so by only considering the items that both users have rated in common. Traditional similarity metrics [1,12],including Pearson Correlation,Cosine,and Mean Squared Difference (MSD),while appli- cable in many statistical applications ,are not suitable in the ?eld of RS,where not only are the data very sparse,but there is also a very small set of permitted values for the ratings.

Traditional metrics display a marked tendency to show high similarity between users based on the similarity of their rat- ings on a very small set of items.These metrics can assign maximum similarity to two users who have each rated hundreds of items but who have only rated three items in common.

Using the k-nearest neighbou r s(KNN)algorithm,it is common to?nd active users with a signi?cant number of inade- quate neighbours (neighbours who have little informat i on in common with the active user).Our hypothesis is that it is pos- sible to improve the quality of the recomme n dations of a CF RS if we use the Pareto dominan c e concept,which eliminates the less representative users from the k-neighbour s selection process and keeps the most promising ones.

Fig.1shows the characteri s tics of the k-neighbours (k=150)in the Movielens database and the positive impact of dis- carding neighbou r s with a small number of items in common.In this experiment,the following similarity metrics have been used:Pearson Correlation (COR),Cosine (COS),and Mean Squared Difference (MSD).Fig.1A shows the percentage of items rated by the active user that was included in the calculation of the similarity metric (with each of the neighbou r s)using tra- ditional CF.Clearly,traditional CF generally identi?es the active user’s neighbours using a very low percentage of his or her ratings.Fig.1B displays a decreasing trend in the Mean Absolute Error (MAE)(that is,the improvement)when the neigh- bours are identi?ed using a higher percentage of items in common with the active user.Fig.1C displays an increasing trend in coverage when neighbours are identi?ed using a higher percentage of items in common with the active user (the low cov- erage values arise from consideration of only a single neighbour).These experime n ts were repeated with the Net?ix data- base,and very similar results were obtained.

The proposed method attempts to solve this problem by using a novel approach ,based on Pareto dominance,to exclude unpromisin g users in the k -neighbours selection phase.

2.3.The concept of dominance

Some authors have attempted to solve the problem stated in Section 2.2by including a term in the similarity metric that discriminates against similarities calculated with too few items.In [9],the Jaccard Index is combined with the Mean Squared Difference to ensure that similar users have more items in common.In [10],the probability that the most important users (those with more knowledge about the items)are chosen as neighbou r s increases.In [16],the similarity metric is multiplied by a weighting factor correspond i ng to the percentage of common items that both the active user and the other user have rated.

The solution provided here is to use the Pareto Dominance concept used in multiobject i ve optimisation problems [30]to identify those users who correctly represent the user and who therefore must be considered to be candidate neighbou r s.

In a multiobject i ve optimisation problem,it is said that a solution x 0

is Pareto-optima l ,ef?cient or non-dominated (under the minimisation hypothesis)if no other feasible solution exists (we will call the set of all feasible solutions X ),which takes a lower value in some objective without causing a simultaneou s increase in at least one other one.Formally,we are faced with a problem of optimisa t ion in which we must ?nd the vector x =(x 1,...,x n )T 2X that optimises the multiobject i ve function

f (x )=(f 1(x ),...,f m (x ))T


We say that a solution x 02X is a non-dom i nated solution if there is no other solution x 2X such that f i ex T6f i ex 0Tfor all i =1,...,m and there is at least one index i such that f i (x )

The concept of dominance has been widely used in the design of algorithms to solve multiobject i ve optimisation prob- lems.Among the most representat i ve examples we ?nd the algorithms NPGA [19],NSGA I [27]and II [13],SPEA2 [30],PAES [21],MOSA [29]and MOTS [15],which use dominan c e to make their solutions converge towards the Pareto-op t imal.In the ?eld of RS,Pareto dominan c e has been used [28]to determine which items may be of interest to the user in a con- versational recomme n der system.Conversational recommend e r systems are instances of content-bas e d ?ltering and have been widely used in consumer-o r iented e-commerce applicati o ns.In this paper we present a complete l y different approach that integrates Pareto dominance into the CF RS.Fig.2shows a graphical representat i on of how the proposed method extends and complemen t s traditional CF.Clearly,the proposed method does not modify the traditional method.Instead,it identi?es a suitable set of initial users,ensuring that the traditional method obtains the most representat i ve neighbours of the current user.The proposed method performs pre-pro- cessing which discards those users that do not provide information in addition to that provided by the ?nally selected set of users.An important advantage of the proposed method is that it is compatible with any other implementati o n or improve- ment of the traditional method,such as similarity measure improvem e nt,and aggregat i on approach improvem e


1.Characteristics of the 150-neighbours in Movielens for different similarity metrics:Pearson Correlation (COR),Cosine (COS)and Mean Squared Difference (MSD).(A)Percentage of items rated by the active user that were used in the similarity metric calculation using traditional CF.(B)Trend in when the percentage of common items between the active user and his or her neighbours is increased.(C)Trend in coverage when the percentage of common items between the active user and his or her neighbours is increased.

3.Formalisation of the new method 3.1.Introduction

We de?ne an RS based on CF having l users who choose ratings for m items from the interval {min ,...,max },where the lack of a rating is represented by .The following sets are de?ned:

U ?f u 2N j 16u 6l g ;set of users e1TI ?f i 2N j 16i 6m g ;set of items

e2TV ?f v 2N j min 6v 6max g [f g ;set of possible ratings e3TR u ?fei ;v Tj i 2I ;v 2V g ;ratings of user u

e4TWe define the rating v of the user u on item i as r u ;i ?v e5TWe define the ratings average of the user u as r u


We de?ne the cardinality of a set C as its number of valid elements:

#C ?#f x 2C j x – g e7T#R u ?#f i 2I j r u ;i – g


3.2.Selecting the candidate neighbours (non-dominated users)

We determine the set of users who are candidate neighbours of the active user or,more formally,the set of non-domi-

nated users with respect to the active user.

Let I u ?f i 2I j r u ;i – g be the set of items rated by the user u


Let d (r x ,i ,r y ,i )be the absolute differenc e between the ratings given by user x and user y to the item i .

d er x ;i ;r y ;i T?

j r x ;i àr y ;i j r y ;i –


r y ;i ?


We say that user x dominates user y with respect to another user u (denoted as x >u y ),if the following expression (11)is satis?ed.

x >u y ()8i 2I u :d er u ;i ;r x ;i T6d er u ;i ;r y ;i T^9j 2I u j d er u ;j ;r x ;j T

Conceptually ,dominate d users do not show greater similarity to the active user than the users that dominate them,but

they do show lower similarity.In other words,dominated users do not provide any improvement compare d to those that dominate them and can therefore be


Proposed method location and operation with respect to the traditional method.The mathematical notation used is

We de?ne C u as the set of users who are candidat e neighbou r s to the user u(non-dominated users).The following expres- sion must be satis?ed:

Let D u be the set of users who are dominated by at least one user with respect to user ue12T

C u&U;u R C u;C u?Uàe

D u[f u gT;8y2D u;9x2C u j x>u ye13T

3.3.Finding the k-neighbours

To?nd the active user’s k-neighbours we must complete the following steps:

1.Calculate the similarity of the active user to each of the users who are candidate neighbou r s(C u).

2.Find the k users with the highest similarities to the active user.

The advantage of the proposed method arises from the fact that the process is applied to the subset C u&U,to which the most suitable candidate neighbours belong,and not to the whole set of users of the RS,U,as in the traditional method.

To perform the ?rst step we will use some of the traditional similarity measures [1,12].For this paper,we have selected Pearson Correlation (15),Cosine (16)and Mean Squared Differenc e(17).

Let A x;y?f i2I j r x;i– ^r y;i– g be the set of items rated by both users x and ye14TLet x be the active user:



i2A x;y

er x;ià r xTáer y;ià r yT



i2A x;y

er x;ià r xT2á


i2A x;y

er y;ià r yT2

q()y2C xe15T



i2A x;y

r x;iár y;i



i2A x;y







i2A x;y



q()y2C xe16T



#A x;y


i2A x;y

r x;iàr y;i



()y2C xe17T

simex;yT? ()y R C xe18TAs we can see,the neighbours are chosen only from the set of non-domina t ed users.

For the second step,we de?ne K u as the set of k-neighbours of the active user.The following expressions must be true: K u#C u^#K u6k^u R K ue19T8x2K u;8y2eC uàK uT:simeu;xTP simeu;yTe20TChoosing the optimal value of k is not a straightforw a rd task.The value of this paramete r depends on several factors,includ- ing the size,sparsity and nature of the database,the singularity of the active user,and the type of items to be recomme n ded. Brute force is required.For example,Schafer et al.[25]state ‘‘...calculating a user’s perfect neighbourhood is expensive –requir-ing comparis o n against all other users .’’In this paper we have tested several values of the parameter k to approach an optimum for each experiment.

The candidat e neighbours (C u)should cover all of the active user’s preferences (ratings).Therefore the number of neigh- bours required by each active user has a direct relationship to both the number of items rated by the user and the singularity of the user’s ratings.In the ?rst case,if the active user has rated more items,more candidates will be needed to cover all the user’s preferences .In the second case,if the ratings made are very unusual,it will be very dif?cult to?nd users that represent them (the required number of candidat e neighbou r s will be higher),whereas if the ratings are very common,fewer users will be needed to represent them (the number of candidate neighbours will be lower).

Fig.3shows the relationship between the number of candidate neighbours determined for active users and the number of items they have rated in the Movielens database.The quotient between the number of candidat e s and the number of ratings de?nes an active user’s singularity.If the quotient is small,few users will be needed to cover all of the active user’s prefer- ences,and,therefore,the active user is not very singular.On the other hand,if the quotient is large,it means many users were needed to cover all of the active user’s preferenc e s;therefore,the active user is very singular.

The Gaussian distribution displayed in Fig.3indicates the balance provided by the proposed singulari t y measure,which is derived from the ‘‘set of candidates (C u)’’concept given in this paper.

54 F.Ortega et al./Information Sciences 239 (2013)50–61

3.4.Item recommendati o n

The process by which recommend a tions are made to the active user can be divided into two steps:

1.Determine the rating predictions for the active user based on ratings made by the set of k-neighbours.

2.Find the N items with the highest predictions and recommend these items to the active user.

To complete the ?rst step (prediction),we must de?ne the way in which the ratings of the k-neighbour s are combined. Traditionall y,we have the following aggregation approaches [1,9,12]:mean (22),weighted mean (23)and deviation from the mean(24).

Let G u;i?f n2K u j r n;i– g be the set of neighbours who have rated item ie21TLet p u,i be the prediction of item i to user u:

p u;i ?


#G u;i


n2G u;i

r n;i()G u;i–?e22T

p u;i ?


n2G u;i

simeu;nTár n;i


n2G u;i


()G u;i–?e23T

p u;i ? r ut


n2G u;i

simeu;nTáer n;ià r nT


n2G u;i


()G u;i–?e24T



? ()G u;i??e25TTo develop the second step (recommendation),we de?ne X u as the set of items likely to be recommend e d to user u,and Z u is de?ned as the set of(at most)N items to be recommend e d.The following expressions must be satis?ed: X u&I^8i2X u;r u;i? ;p u;i– e26TZ u#X u;#Z u6N;8x2Z u;8y2eX uàZ uT:p u;x P p u;ye27T3.5.Sample computation

To better understa n d how the proposed method performs ,we have developed a sample computation.Table 1shows the parameters used in this sample computation.These parameters have been selected with the purpose of simulating a small, easily understandabl e CF RS.We de?ne a traditional rating range (one to?ve stars)and a reduced number of users,items, neighbours and recommend a tions.

The users’ratings of the items are displayed in Table 2.

Our objective is to determine the recommendati o ns to make for User 1(U1).First we?nd the set of candidat e neighbours, i.e.,those users who are non-dominated with respect to User 1.These relationshi p s are displayed in Table 3,in which the ?rst

two columns (d i

x;y and U1rated items )contain the differences between User 1’s ratings and those of the rest of user.

The third Relationship between the number of candidate neighbours and the number of ratings made by active users in

56 F.Ortega et al./Information Sciences 239 (2013)50–61

Table 1

Parameters used in the samp l e computation.

Parameter Value

Number of users (l)6

Number of items (m)10

Number of neighbours (k)2

Number of recommendations (N)2

Maximum vote (max)5

Minimum vote (min)1

Table 2

Users’ratings of items in the sample computation.

r u,i I1I2I3I4I5I6I7I8I9I10 U1 35 24 15

U2434 412 U351542 3 4 U4 432 1 5 U5 345 2 32 U6 52 53154

Table 3

Candidate neighbours of U1in the sample computation.

d i x;y U1rated items Dominated by Candidates (C U1)

the difference in ratings between User 1and the other users of the system,for calculating the dominating and dominated

Table 4

Similarities between U1and the set of candidate neighbours (C U1)and set of two nearest neighb o urs obtained .

Mean squared differences (16)Neighbours (K U1)


U10.937 0.859 0.55 {U2,U3}

Table 5

Recommendations made to U1in the sample computation.

I1I4I7I10X U1Z U1 p U1,i 4.5 4.0 2.0 {I1,I4,I7}{I1,I4}

column (Dominated by)contains the users who dominate other users with respect to User 1.The last column contains User 1’s candidate neighbours (C U1).

Fig.4displays this process graphically.The horizontal axis shows the items rated by User 1,and the vertical axis shows the absolute difference between User 1’s ratings and those of the rest of the users.Gray lines represent dominated users and black lines represent non-dom i nated users.For example,we can see that User 2dominates User 4because the line repre- senting User 2is always below or at the same height as the line representing User https://www.doczj.com/doc/9517924830.html,er 3dominates User 5for the same reason.

Table 4shows the set of k-neighbours selected from the set of candidates.We use MSD (17)to measure the similarity between users.Those users who do not belong to the set of candidates of U1have no similarity to them (18).

Table 5indicates the predictio n s made for items not rated by U1,using the arithmetic mean (22)as the aggregation ap- proach.X u refers to the set of items likely to be recommended .Z u refers to the recomme n dations actually made.

4.Experimental design

4.1.Quality measures

To validate the behaviou r of the proposed method,we use the following prediction and recommend a tion quality mea- sures:mean absolute error,coverage ,precision and recall [5,16–18].

We use the Mean Absolute Error (MAE)to determine the mean error that occurs in the aggregate of all the predictio n s made.We de?ne a user’s MAE as follows:

Let B u?f i2I j r u;i– ^p u;i– g be the set of items rated by user u where a prediction can be obtained e28T

mae u?


#B u


i2B u

j r u;iàp u;i je29T

We de?ne the system’s MAE as follows:




mae ue30T

We use the coverage to measure the capacity of a user’s k-neighbours to recommend new items.We de?ne the user’s coverage as follows:


u ?100?

#f i2I j r u;i? ^p u;i– g

#f i2I j r u;i? g


and the system’s coverage as follows:









We use the precision and the recall to measure the quality of the recommend a tions made.The precision indicates the percentage of relevant recommended items with respect to the total number of items recomme n ded.The recall indicates the percentage of relevant recommend e d items with respect to the total number of relevant items.An item is considered relevant or not relevant accordin g to the parameter h.To calculate the precision and the recall,we re-de?ne(26)and (27) as follow:



&I^8i2X0u;r u;i– ;p u;i– e33T

Z0 u #X0










T:p u;x P p u;ye34T

We de?ne a user’s precision as follows:


u ?

#f i2Z0


j r u;i P h g




and the system’s precision as follows:









We de?ne a user’s recall as follows:

recall u?#f i2Z0


j r u;i P h g

#f i2I j r u;i P h g


F.Ortega et al./Information Sciences 239 (2013)50–6157

and the system’s recall as follows:

recall ?


u 2U

recall u


4.2.Experiments performed

The standard RS baseline is k-nearest neighbours CF,using Pearson Correlation as the similarity measure and deviation from the mean as the aggregat i on approach [5].As the proposed method is a pre-processi n g step applied prior to classical CF,in our experiments we determine whether this step improves the CF RS results.If our hypothesis is correct,a signi?cant improvement in all quality measures should be observed.In our experime n ts we use Pearson Correlation (15),Cosine (16)and MSD (17)as similarity measures.As an aggregat i on approach we use deviation from the mean (24).One test is performed using the traditional method and one using the pro- posed method.We then determine whether any improvement is observed in the above-mention e d quality measure s :MAE (30),coverage (32),precision (36)and recall (38).

The experiments are performed on the Movielens and Net?ix databases ,the main paramete r s of which can be seen in Table 6.All the experiments are performed using cross-val i dation.In the case of Movielens we use 20%of test users to per- form the experiments ,whereas in Net?ix we use 5%of test users.In both cases,the percentage of test items is 20%.Table 7shows the main parameters used in the experiments ,the databases tested,and the ?gures where the results are presented.5.Results

In this section,we present the results obtained from the experiments using the Movielens and Net?ix databases (Table 6)Table 6

Main parameter s of the databases used in the experim e nts.

Movielens Net?ix

Number of users 4382 480189 Number of items 3952 17,770

Number of rates 1000209 100480507 Min and max values



the items rated by the active user that were used in the similarity metric calculation using the proposed CF.

Table 7

Experiment parameters.

Prediction Recommendation Cross-validation Figures k

Step k




Users (%)Items (%)Movielens {50,...,800} 50{1,...,20} 100 5


20Fig.6Net?ix {50,...,800} 50{1,...,20} 200 5




58 F.Ortega et al./Information Sciences 239 (2013)50–61

6.Improvements produced in quality measures results using the proposed method instead of the traditional method.Database:Movielens.(A)


7.Improvements produced in quality measures results using the proposed method instead of the traditional method.Database:Net?ix.(A)MAE. Coverage.(C)Precision.(D)Recall.

Fig.6shows the improvement produced in the quality measures for the Movielens database when the proposed method is used rather than the traditional method.Fig.6A shows the improvem e nt produced in the quality of the predictions (MAE). The most notable improvement is obtained with small values of k because as k increases,the neighbourhood s of the two approaches tend to be more and more similar and the quality of the predictions tends to be the same.Fig.6B shows an in- crease in the coverage using the proposed method.For this measure,the most notable improvements are also produced for small values of k.This result is important because we achieve good predictio n quality in the interval of k values (low values) where the operation of RS are more ef?cient.

Figs.6C and D show the improvement produced in precision and recall,respectivel y.For these experime n ts,we used a value of k=100 and a relevance threshold of h=5.The proposed method always produces an improvement.This

60 F.Ortega et al./Information Sciences 239 (2013)50–61

improvement decreases with the number of recommendati o ns in the precision and increases with the number of recomme n-dations in the recall.

Fig.7displays the improvement obtained using the proposed method with the Net?ix database.Fig.7A shows the improvement in MAE,which is more consistent with the Net?ix database than with the Movielens database.This improve- ment arises because the number of Net?ix users is much greater than the number of Movielens users,which allows the pro- posed method to discard a higher number of dominated users while simultaneou s ly including a higher number of dominating users.

Fig.7B shows that coverage increases as k https://www.doczj.com/doc/9517924830.html,ing the Net?ix database,it becomes necessar y to achieve a balance between accuracy and coverage.In contrast to the results obtained using the Movielens database,with Net?ix the coverage improvement increases as the number of neighbours increases.This is because the number of items in Net?ix is much larger; therefore,it is easier to recomme n d items not rated by the active user [5–7].

Figs.7C and D show the improvement produced in precision and recall,respectively.For these experiments,we used a value of k=200 and a relevance threshold of h=5.The trends are similar to those observed using the Movielens database; therefore,we?nd that there is a general improvement in recommend a tions obtained using the proposed method compared with those obtained using the traditional method.

6.Conclusions and future work

The traditional collaborativ e?ltering method selects insuf?ciently representat i ve users as neighbours of the active user. This means that recommendati o ns made a posteriori are not suf?ciently precise.The method proposed in this paper involves a pre-?ltering process that eliminates the least representat i ve users from the k-neighbour selection process and retains the most promising ones.

The improvements obtained are always positive with respect to both the prediction quality measures and the recomme n-dation quality measures.This demonstrat e s that certain users should not be included among the active user’s neighbours and that the traditional similarity measures are not capable of detecting them.The favourable results obtained here can be considered generally applicabl e due to the broad margin of improvement observed and their testing on the two most rep- resentative databases of collaborativ e?ltering recommend e r systems.

The proposed method is appropriate for use in all collaborativ e?ltering recommend e r systems,as it requires only the introduction of one additional (prior)phase to the traditional method.The proposed method is applicable to all memory- based collaborativ e?ltering recomme n der systems,is easy to implement and is effective in producing improved results.

For future work,we propose making use of the concept of a user’s singularity,which is obtained as the proportion be- tween the number of candidates (C u)and the number of items rated by the active user u,as shown in Fig.3.This singulari t y concept can be used to improve the accuracy of the RS or as a parameter to de?ne a collaborativ e?ltering trust measure . Acknowled g ements

Our acknowledgemen t to the GroupLens Research Group ,to the FilmAf?nity and Net?ix compani e s and the computer re- sources,technical expertise and assistance provided by the Supercompu t ation and Visualization Center of Madrid (CesViMa) and to the Spanish supercomputa t ion network.


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