当前位置:文档之家› 2018年“圆梦计划”综合复习试题集(专升本)











1.提出"惟陈言之务去"的写作主张的是() A







B. 契诃夫、屠格涅夫、培根

C.屠格涅夫、契诃夫、培根 D.培根、屠格涅夫、契诃夫

2.下列词人中,属于豪放派的是() d






A.孔子 B.孟子 C.老子 D.庄子







A.传记 B.奏章 C.文论 D.史论









C.闻一多《发现》 D.艾青《我爱这土地》







A《雷雨》、《日出》、《北京人》 B.《茶馆》、《屈原》、《北京人》

B.《茶馆》、《雷雨》、《日出》 D.《屈原》、《茶馆》、《雷雨》







A.刘永、辛弃疾 B.李清照、柳永

C.辛弃疾、李清照 D.苏轼、辛弃疾







A.共叔段、公子吕、颍叔考 B.郑庄公、颍叔考、公子吕

































11."气,水也;言,浮物也"一句所用的修辞格是() d






A.郁达夫和徐志摩 B.郭沫若和郁达夫



















A.三十从军今白发 B.三顾频频天下计



14.从作品的风格和表现手法上看,《炉中煤》是一首() d

















26. 阅读下列语段,回答文后问题:



(1) 这一语段表明,作者写作本文的目的是()






(2) 文中加下划线的“勖,字,遂”三个字词的释义按序()






27. 阅读下列语段,回答文后问题:




(1) 这一语段运用的修辞手法有()






(2) 文中用来类比“人与万物”之关系的语句是()






(3) 这一语段运用类比进行论证,其基本结论是()






28. 阅读下列语段,回答文后问题:



(1) 本语段“盘庚之迁”的典故引自于()

A: 《论语》; B: 《尚书》; C: 《春秋》; D: 《孟子》


(2) 这一语段引用“盘庚之迁”典故用意是()

A: 今日当一切不事事,守前所为而已; B: 不恤国事、同俗自媚于众为善;

C: 不量敌之众寡,欲出力助上以抗之; D: 不为怨者故改其度





(1) 文中“暖溶溶玉醅,白泠泠似水,多半是相思泪”的双重喻义的是()

A:酒有味,人有愁; B:酒无味,人无愁

C:酒有味,愁易消; D:酒无味,愁难消


(2) 这一语段中赞颂“爱情至上”的典型语句是()

A: 暖溶溶玉醅,白泠泠似水,多半是相思泪;

B: 眼面前茶饭怕不待要吃,恨塞满愁肠胃;

C: 蜗角虚名,蝇头微利,拆鸳鸯在两下里;

D: 一个这壁,一个那壁,一递一声长吁气


30. 阅读下列语段,回答文后问题:





(1) 一语段对“人与马”关系的描写,反映了当时的社会中()






(2) 一语段在描写“人与马”对话中,运用了类比手法的句子是()






31. 阅读下列语段,回答文后问题:














(1) 文中“呕出一颗心来,--在我心里”一句运用的表现手法是()






(2) 这一语段综合运用的艺术手法有()






32. 阅读下列语段,回答文后问题:










(1) 文中“但我不能放歌”流泻的心情是()






(2) 这一语段运用的抒情手法有()






33. 读下列语段,回答文后问题:




(1) 文中说话的“我”和听话的“你”在作品中的姓名是()






(2) 文中说话的“我”表现出的性格特征及其向听话的“你”指出的出路是()









(1) 这一语段在原文结构中的位置及其叙述方式是()

A: 结尾,顺序; B: 开头,顺序

C: 结尾,倒叙; D: 开头,倒叙


(2) 这一语段寄寓的情感是()

A: 对丰收在望的田园风光的热爱; B: 对献身家园的先烈的深切缅怀;

C: 对和平富裕的生活的向往; D: 对辛勤劳作的农夫的赞颂


判断题(您认为正确的,写“正确”;您认为错误的,写“错误”。每小题2分,共20分。 )



















18 《陈情表》中,作者向晋武帝陈述自己不能奉召出仕的实情,是因为要侍奉自幼相依为命、现已年老多病的祖母。答案:正确





1.Phonetics (5 points)

Directions::In each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. A. come B. some C. move D. love

2. A. honor B. house C. horror D. heel

3. A. thief B. think C. theory D. these

4. A. now B. how C. allow D. window

5. A. meat B. dead C. cream D. steal

II. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

6. We asked both John and Jerry, but _____ could offer a satisfactory explanation.

A. neither

B. either

C. both

D. nor

7. I’d like to find someone _____I can discuss such a problem.

A. who

B. whom

C. with whom

D. to whom

8. The baby can’t even sit up yet, _____walk!

A. don’t mention

B. let alone

C. other than

D. rather than

9. I did not notice that my dog was missing _____a moment ago.

A. before

B. until

C. to

D. On

10. The company director has informed us that we must _____department budge by 25%

A. cut down

B. cut away

C. cut off

D. cut up

11. Companies usually _____a number of experiments before a new product is launched.

A. practice

B. control

C. carry

D. conduct

12. I remembered that the air conditioners _____ runed off before left home.

A. were

B. were to be

C. had been

D. have been

13. -How do you like your new job?

-well, it’s great _____salary, but it does not offer much prospects for promotion.

A. in change of

B. in terms of

C. in case of

D. in favor of

14. In my opinion, this is a(n)_____different matter.

A. entirely

B. merely

C. purely

D. fully

15. Take an umbrella with you in case it_____.

A. may rain

B. could rain

C. rained

D. rains

16. The murderer was brought in, with his hands_____ behind his back.

A. to have been tied

B. having tied

C. to be tied

D. tied

17.-Do you think Joshua is the right person for this job?

-He is well-grounded in economic theory, but lacks _____in production management.

A. devotion

B. attitude

C. experience

D. energy

18._____about it earlier, we could have wamed people of the danger.

A. Would we know

B. Should we know

C. Have we known

D. Had we known

19. It was_____ of you not to disturb these old people late at night.

A. patient

B. considerate

C. deliberate

D. modest

20. -Hey, what do you think of his speech last night?

-I have no idea. I arrived_____ find that he had almost finished it.

A. in order to

B. so as to

C. only to

D. ready to

III. Cloze (30 points)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mak your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

What is music? Music is sound arranged into pleasing or interesting 21 . It is part of every culture on Earth. People use music to 22 feeling and ideas. Music also serves to entertain and relax.

Music is a performing art. It 23 form such arts as painting and poetry, in which artists 24 works and then display or publish them. Musical composers need musicians to 25 and perform their works. 26 ,most musical performances are really co-operations between composers and performers.

Music also play a major role in other arts. Opera 27 singing and music with drama. Ballet and other forms of dancing need music to help the dancers 28 their steps. Motion pictures use music to help set the mood as well as introduce the actions or enhance its 29 on the audience.

Music is one of the 30 arts. People probably started to sing as soon as 31 developed. Hunting tools struck together may have been the first musical 32 .By about 10,000 B. C., hollow bones had been used by 33 people to make flutes. The first written music dates from about 2500 B.C.

There are two chief kinds of Western music, classical and popular, Symphonies, operas, and bullets are 34 music, It is generally harder to write and perform. Musicians who perform it need a lot of training. Popular music 35 country music, folk music, jazz, and rock music. It is easier to perform and understand.

21. A. models B. types C. styles D. patterns

22. A. express B. explore C. cover D. test

23. A. results B. develops C. differs D. separates

24. A. discover B. create C. imagine D. invent

25. A. adapt B. interpret C. follow D. complete

26. A. Thus B. However C. Besides D. And

27. A .joins B. associates C. connects D. combines

28. A. with B. for C. after D. upon

29. A. force B. effect C. influence D. impact

30. A. greatest B. easiest C. oldest D. best

31. A. agriculture B. society C. humanity D. language

32. A. performers B. events C. instruments D. notes

33. A. previous B. old C. early D. ancient

34. A. light B. background C. classical D.


35. A. accepts B. includes C. explains D. illustrates

IV Reading Comprehension (60points)

Directions:There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four

questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A,B, C and D.Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

What do you use to get around town? A car? A bike? Your feet? Perhaps you should try a Segway!

The Segway is perfect for short journey. It’s an electric vehicle that consists of a platform between two wheels, with a pole that connects the platform to the handlebars. To ride it ,you step up onto the platform, and control the Segway by moving your body. Lean forwards to go faster, and backwards to slow down.

On older models, direction is controlled by a twist grip (扭转把手)on the left handlebar. This varies the speeds between the two motors, a decrease in the speed of the left wheel would turn the Segway to the left .With newer models you simply lean to the left or right. Meanwhile, a gyroscope (陀螺仪)detects your movements and prevents the machine from falling over. The Segway has a maximum speed of 19 km per hour and a range of about 38 km. After that, you need to plug it in and recharge the battery.

Segways are used for a variety of purposes. People with mobility problems can now enjoy walks in the country with their friends and family. Some golfers us them as an alternative to the golf cart. And dog owners now have an easier way to take the dog to the park. A few police forces use Segways, too. They allow officers to move quickly whilst maintaining contact with the public. They’re also becoming a common sight on airport. However, the most popular use is in tourism, particularly for city tours. Visit any major tourist city in summer, sit outside a cafe for a while and there’s a good change you’ll see a group of tourists passing on Segways.

36.What is the Segway according to this passage?

A.A pole that connects two handlebars

B.A newly appeared public traffic vehicle.

C.A bicycle with a platform between two wheels.

D.An electric two-wheeled vehicle for short trips.

37.How do you turn to the left on Segways of newer models?

A. Lean to the left.

B. Adjust the twist grip.

C. Press the left bar.

D. Control gyroscope

38.How far can you travel on a Segway at most?

A. less than 19 km.

B. About 19 km.

C. About 38 km.

D. More than 38 km.

39.The last paragraph focuses on______.

A. what a Segway is like

B. where to find a Segway

C. how to control a Segway

D. when a Segway is useful

Passage Two

Nancy Bright and her husband john had been working overtime and saving for a long time so that they could pay the advance for Nancy’s dream house. Today was the day that they had enough money in hand to make a down payment on the house. But the real estate (房地产)agent informed them that she had received another offer for the house. Although the other offer was slightly less than that of Nancy and john’s, that person with the new offer was willing to pay the whole amount at once. The owner, in urgent need of money, wanted to accept the second offer.

Nancy and john looked at each other with disappointed looks. They walked back home feeling very low about having lost the house. Soon they recovered and involved themselves into their daily lives, though once in a while Nancy would sink into a mild depression over losing the house.

One day Nancy woke up in the morning feeling even lower than usual. She kept feeling sick, even lost interest in her routine coffee. She put all these symptoms down to the stress of working hard and losing her dream house. A weed passed and she seemed to get worse. John was worried and insisted on taking her to the doctor. The doctor, after taking a few tests, informed them with a huge smile that Nancy was two months pregnant! John and Nancy were overjoyed but also worried about not having their own house before the baby was born.

One evening Nancy wandered into the street where her dream house was, and as she passed by it, she was surprised to see that there were notices stuck on all the houses. On closer

examination she found that the notices were for all the residents to move out of the houses as they were building a highway and the whole row of houses needed to be pulled down. Nancy suddenly realized that not getting her dream house had been a blessing in disguise. She thanked God and decided to be happy with the blessings blessings she had and started looking forward to the birth of her child.

40.Why did Nancy and her husband lose their dream house?

A. They couldn’t pay the whole amount for the house at once

B. Someone else offered move money for the house.

C. They couldn’t afford the advance for the house.

D. The house owner decided not to sell the house.

41. How did they feel after they lost their dream house?

A. They felt sorry and hardly recovered.

B. They felt relieved but with little regret.

C. They enjoyed their daily lives all the same.

D. They were depressed but tried to adjust themselves.

42.What did Nancy find about the house one day?

A. It would be on sale again

B. It would be pulled down

C. It had been redecorated.

D. It had been emptied

43.What does the phrase “a blessing in disguise” in the last paragraph mean?

A. A good luck

B.A dirty trick

C. A secret wish

D.A false alarm.

Passage Three

Most of the guests who come on our trips have never been to Egypt before. We want to make everyone comfortable and at ease, but we do always get the same questions in advance of trip. So here I will give you some travel tips.

What should I wear?

If you’re lucky enough to visit Egypt between November and February, pack a sweater. You’ll need it 一the desert gets chilly at night. During the day, the temperature will be agreeable and comfortable. Any other time, pack as if you’re going to Phoenix or Vegas in August. For the ladies, bathing suits are normal if there’s a pool where you’re going, but leave the string bikini at home 一it is a Muslim country, after all. Last, if you are planning on visiting any mosques or certain parts of upper Egypt, ladies will need to plan

on bringing something that comes at least to the elbow, and no shorts for men or women in those areas.

What special things do I need to pack?

One of my favorite things in the world to bring to Egypt is an Evian Mister, a sprayer with a fine mist of Evian water. You may be able to find it in your local drug store. Spray a little on your face or head, and your body temperature will feel like it’s dropped 10 or 15 degrees. Other items include your camera, sun block and extra batteries.

How do I communicate with home?

Internet cafes are plentiful everywhere, especially in Cairo, Luxor, and Alexandria. If you have international calling on your phone, you should be able to use it 一AT&T and Sprint both work internationally for sure, but make sure you have the international coverage.

A satellite phone is best if you are certain to need coverage in the middle of the country. Like while sailing up the Nile, but for most people these days a cell phone is fine.

What medical preparation do I need?

In a word: none! The one thing you may come down with in Egypt is politely called “Pharoah’s Revenge.”The thing that knocks out Pharoah’s Revenge is a regionally produced medicine, and is available at every drugstore for $1a box. DON’T drink local water. DO drink bottled water, avoid the skins of fresh vegetables, and you’ll be fine.

44.What clothing is proper for ladies visiting a mosque?

A.String bikinis.

B.Long-sleeve clothes.

C.Bathing suits.


45.What’s the use of an Evian Mister?

A.To relieve your thirst.

B.To prevent sunburns.

C.To cool yourself down.

D.To drive away insects.

46.What information is provided about distance communication?

A.A cell phone is enough for most people.

B.AT&T and Sprint offer free service in Egypt.

C.A satellite phone doesn’t work in Mid-Egypt.

D.Internet cafes are only available in big cities.

47.What does “Pharoah’s Revenge” probably refer to in the last paragraph?

A.A curse.

B.A legend.

C.A disease.

D.A vegetable.

49.Which word best describes the homeless man?





50.Why did Robby go back to the hot dog seller?

A.She wanted to think the hot dog seller.

B.The homeless man asked her for a hot dog.

C.She wanted to buy a hot dog for the homeless man.

D.The hot dog was so delicious that Robby wanted another.

51.What is the theme of this passage?

A.The rich should help the poor.

B. One good turn deserves another

C.Kindness is the greatest wisdom

D.A kindness shown, a kindness sown.

Passage Five

Whatever you do, don’t challenge a chimpanzee named Ayumu to a number memory game.

In 2007, Ayumu became famous for his lightning speed at a game that goes like this: A player views a computer screen where the number 1 through 9 appear briefly at once and then tun to white squares. The player then taps the squares where the numbers had been, in order from 1 to 9. People can do it . But no human competitor has ever completed the game faster or more accurately than Ayumu the chimp. For almost five years Ayumu remains undefeated.

Psychologist Nicholas Humphrey of Darwin College at Cambridge University in England now thinks he knows the secret behind the chimp’s ability. Humphrey suspects Ayumu’s brain may have a condition that allows the chimp to see numbers as colors. This would mean that Ayumu may see a color glow after the number disappears. Then, instead of remembering the numbers, he remembers a sequence of colors, each associated with a number.

The condition that Humphrey believes Ayumu may have is called synesthesia. Humans with synesthesia may associate numbers and letters with colors. For example, a person may see the number“5”as the color blue. Until now, scientists and assumed only humans could have synesthesia.

Humphrey found the inspiration for his idea at a 2011 scientific conference. There, he heard a presentation about Ayumu’s memory abilities and another talk about synesthesia. He then put the two ideas together.

Not everyone is convinced that Humphrey is correct. Primatologist Tetsuro Matsuzawa of the Primate Research Institute at Kyoto University in japan has spent decades studying the

amazing memories of chimpanzees, including Ayumu. He maintains that chimps simply have faster memory recall than people.

52.What is Ayumu famous for?

A.His gift in playing computers.

B.His talent in calculating numbers.

C.His skill in tapping the numbered squares.

D.His amazing performance in a memory game.

53.Which of the following is true of Nicholas Humphrey?

A.He thinks Ayumu has an amazing memory.

B.He believes that Ayumu sees the colors of numbers.

C.He was inspired by Primatologist Tetsuro Matsuzawa.

D.He delivered a speech on synesthesia at the 2011 conference.

54.Where does Humphrey get the inspiration for his idea?

A.From an experiment.

B.From a conference

C.From a research on chimpanzees.

D.From the color blue

55.How does Tetsuro Matsuzawa explain Ayumu’s performance in the game?

A.Ayumu uses synesthesia.

B.Ayumu is cleverer than most chimps.

C.Chimps recall things faster than people.

D.Chimps are good at dealing with number.

V. Daily Conversation (15 points)

Directions: Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Mary: Well, Susan, how was your shopping trip with Nancy this afternoon?

Susan: Don’t ask. 56

Mary: What do you mean? Something went wrong?

Susan: Went wrong? 57 !Nancy thought I had said I would meet her at the department store at 2:30 when I really said 2:00. Then she thought we would meet at the main entrance in front when I really said at the east entrance on the Twelfth Street.

Mary: 58 ?

Susan:Yes! 59 !I had given up waiting and went inside the women’s clothing department. So did she. Thus we met finally and it was 3:00 by then.

Mary:Did you get what you wanted? 60 .

Susan:A blouses,as a matter of fact. But by that time, all those on sale were gone. So I settled for a skirt.


I.Phonetics (5 points, one point each)






II. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points, one point each)




9.B . 10.A

11.D 12.C 13. B 14.A 15.D

16. D 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.C

III. Cloze (30 points, two points each)

21.D 22.A 23. C 24.B 25.B

26.A 27.D 28.A 29.B 30.C

31.D 32.C 33.D 34.C 35.B

IV. Reading Comprehension (60 points, there points each)

36.D 37. A 38.C 39.D 40.A

41.D 42.B 43.A 44.B 45.C

46.A 47.C 48.B 49.B 50.C

51.D 52.D 53.B 54.B 55.C V. Daily Conversation (15 points, three points each )

56.H 57.E 58.B 59.C 60.D



Not all people got their names _1__ their father. Some got their names from the places they __2__. For example, a family that lived in a village __3__ many green trees and plants was called Green or Greenberg. If they lived in a town called Moor, they were __4__ the Moores.

Sometimes people got their names from___5__ they looked. A tall person was, perhaps, called Long. If people in a family had __6__ hair, the family was sometimes called the Blacks or the Browns. If their hair was __7___, they may have been called the Whites.

People often took their names from the kind of __8___ they did. A person who sewed clothing was named Taylor. ___9___ person who baked bread was called Baker. A person who had a very good ___10__ was named Singer.

After a while these names stayed with people and became family names that are still used today.

1. A. after B. out of C with D. from

2. A. stayed in B. worked for C. lived in D. played at

3. A. of B. with C. for D. at

4. A. known B. said C. called D. written

5. A. the way B. a way C. what D. written

6. A. light B. heavy C. dark D. soft

7. A. heavy B. dark C. soft D. light

8. A. subject B. work C. major D. course

9. A. Another B. Other C. Others D. A

10. A. brain B. voice C. body D. name


When we say that Cambridge is a university town we do not mean just that it is a town __1__ a university ___2__ it. Manchester and Milan have universities, but we do not call them university towns. A university town is one where there is no clear separation ___3__ the university buildings and the rest ___4__ the city. The university is not just one part __5__ the town; it is all___6__ the town. The heart ___7__ Cambridge has its own shops, pubs, market place and so on, but most ___8__ it is university-colleges, all the teachers, libraries, clubs and other places __9___ university staff and students. Students fill the shops, cafes, banks and churches, making these as well part ___10__ the university.

1. A. in B. outside C. with D. behind

2. A. of B. in C. at D. before

3. A. between B. over C. among D. above

4. A. through B. near C. of D. about

5. A. in B. out of C. towards D. of

6. A. around B. over C. across D. behind

7. A. to B. of C. inside D. like

8. A. of B. from C. on D. by

9. A. to B. for C. in D. about

10. A. in B. of C. for D. with


All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. the sun heats and feeds mankind. Each year it __1__ men with two hundred million tons of grain and___2__ ten million tons of wood.

Coal, oil, natural gas, and all other __3___ are stored-up energy from the sun. It was collected by the plants as carbon compounds and stored __4__ ago. Even waterpower comes from the sun. Water ___5_ into vapor by the sun falls as rain. It runs ___6__ the mountains and is converted to electric power.

Light transmits only the energy __7___ comes from the sun’s outer layers, and ___8__ of this energy that is directed toward the earth never arrives. About __9___ of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. In __10___, the earth itself gets only one half-billionth of the sun’s entire output of radiant energy.

1. A. gathers B. produces C. provides D. sends

2. A. hardly B. merely C. really D. nearly

3. A. fuels B. solids C. soils D. materials

4. A. years B. ages C. times D. generations

5. A. turns B. turning C. turned D. is turned

6. A. up B. down C. around D. into

7. A. that B. what C. where D. because

8. A. little B. a little C. much D. few

9. A. nine-ten B. ninth-tenth C. nine-tenth D. nine-tenths

10. A. place B. fact C. form D. part


On Monday afternoon Mrs. Joan, dressed for going out, took her handbag with her money and her key in ___1__, pulled the door__2__ her to lock it and went to the

Over 60s Club. She always went there__3__. It was a nice outing for an old woman who lived __4__.

At six o’clock she came home, let __5__ in and at once __6__ cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke in her house? How? Had someone got in? She __7__ the back door and the windows. All were ___8__ or fastened, __9__ usual. There was no __10__ of forced entry.

1. A. it B. its C. her D. hers

2. A. in front of B. beside C. behind D. before

3. A. Monday B on Monday C, Mondays D. on Mondays

4. A. single B. lonely C. alone D. only

5. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself

6. A. smell B. smelling C. smelled D. smelt

7. A. notice B. saw C. checked D. looked through

8. A. locking B. locked C. closing D. closed

9. A. like B. look like C. as D. the same as

10. A. sight B. sign C. scene D. signs


(一)1-5:DCBCA 6-10:CDBDB

(二)1-5:CBACD 6-10:BBABB

(三)1-5:CDABC 6-10:BACDB

(四)1-5:ACDCD 6-10: DCBCB


Passage One

Of all the animals in the animal kingdom, which one (aside from man) is the cleverest?

There are several ways of measuring the intelligence of animals. In one test some scientists set three identical cans on a table. While an animal watches, he puts food under one of the cans. Then he leads the animal away. Some time later, he brings it back to see if it remembers which can has the food. No smelling is allowed; the animal must go to the correct can or it fails.

This is called a delayed-response test. The idea is to find out how long an animal’s memory can keep the information. The scientists would try showing the cans to the animal an hour later, or two hours later, or even a full day later. They discovered that chimpanzees(黑猩狸)and elephants have the best memory, and are able to remember the correct can for at least twenty hours. No other animal is close. Dogs come next, but they only remember for nine hours.

To settle the matter, the scientists designed a huge maze(曲径,迷宫)and ran the chimpanzees and elephants through it. The maze was very difficult, with many blind paths and dead ends. It took the chimpanzees ten minutes to find their way out. The elephants needed a half hour. Even allowing for the elephants


2018 年成人高考专升本政治考试真题及答案 一、选择题:1~40 小题,每小题 2 分,共80 分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出一项最符合题目要求的。 1. 可知论与不可知论的区别在于如何回答() A. 世界的本质是什么的问题 B. 世界有无统一性的问题 C. 世界的存在是怎样的问题 D. 世界可否被认识的问题 2. 相对静止是物质运动在一定条件下的稳定状态,这是一种() A. 唯物辩证法的观点 B. 形而上学的观点 C. 庸俗唯物主义的观点 D. 相对主义诡辩论的观点 3. 联系的观点和发展的观点是唯物辩证法的() A. 实质 B. 总特征 C. 核心 D. 总规律 4. 和谐是矛盾的一种特殊表现形式,体现着矛盾双方的() A. 绝对同一

B. 相互分离 C. 相互依存 D. 绝对排斥 5. 在认识的本质问题上,唯物主义认识路线与唯心主义认识路线的对立表现为() A. 一元论与二元论的对立 B. 反映论与先验论的对立 C. 可知论与不可知论的对立 D. 能动反映论与直观反映论的对立 6. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准。这是因为() A. 实践具有自觉能动性的特点 B. 实践是认识的来源 C. 实践具有直接现实性的特点 D. 实践是认识的目的 7. 社会存在指的是 A. 社会的物质生活条件 B. 生产关系的各个方面 C. 社会的物质财富 D. 生产力的基本要素 8. 生产关系包括多方面的容,其中具有决定意义的是() A. 产品分配关系 B. 生产中人与人的关系 C. 产品交换关系

D. 生产资料所有制关系 9. 上层建筑的两个组成部分是() A. 意识形态和政治上层建筑 B. 意识形态和观念上层建筑 C. 政治制度和法律制度 D. 政治思想和法律思想 10. 社会革命和改革都根源于() A. 新理念和传统观念的矛盾 B. 人口增长和资源匮乏的矛盾 C. 生产力和生产关系的矛盾 D. 社会存在和社会意识的矛盾 11. 在历史创造者问题上,两种根本对立的观点是() A. 决定论和非决定论 B. 宿命论和唯意志论 C. 可知论和不可知论 D. 英雄史观和群众史观 12. 鸦片战争后,中国贫穷落后和一切灾祸的总根源是() A. 帝国主义的压迫 B. 封建主义的压迫 C. 官僚资本主义的压迫 D. 民族资本主义的压迫 13. 新主义革命与旧主义革命的根本区别在于革命的()


浙江省2018年选拔优秀高职高专毕业生进入本科学习统一考试 英语 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答 题纸规定的位置上。 2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 Part I Reading COmPrehenSiOn (60 marks, 60 minutes) SeCtiOnA FOrmat 1(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) DireCtions:There are 4 PaSSageS in this part. EaCh PaSSage is followed by five questions. For each Of them there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide On the best ChOiCe and blacken the COrreSPOnding Ietter On AnSWer Sheet. PaSSage one QUeStiOnS 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: AU.N.reportsayswaterisi ndema ndaro Un dtheworldastemperatures On Earth'ssurfacerisea nddem an dgrowsalo ngwithpopulatio HsThereportwasreleasedthisweekattheWorIdWaterForumi nBrasilia.T hec Onferen CehaSbee ndescribedastheworld'slargestwater-relatedeve nt. FederaIDiStriCtGOvernorRodrigoRollembergspokeatapa neldiscussi Onon TUeSdayattheforum.H edescribedwatershortagesasaworldwideproblem.Thepublicwatersupplyhaslesswaterbecauseoflowr


山东省2017年普通高等教育专升本统一考试 英语试题 本试题分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共10页。满分100分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、身份证号填写到 试题规定的位置上。 2. 第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答案不能答在试题上。 3. 第Ⅱ卷答题必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定域内 相应的位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带 纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力理解(PartⅠListening Comprehension.本大题共20小题,每小题1,共20分。) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Short Conversations 1 . A)She finished her reading two weeks ago. B)She finished her reading quickly. C)She will write an English novel in two weeks. D)She couldn’t finish her reading in less than a month. 2.A)It gets on your nerves if you buy five of them. B)It's a very good bargain. C)It's too expensive. D)If you buy five, the price is lower. 3 . A)She wants to know when the man will be free. B)She will be busy every day this week. C)She will be able to go some time later. D)She doesn’t want to go to the theater with the man at all. 4. A)The airplane has already left. B)The plane is overdue. C)They should take the 9:45 flight. D)The plane has arrived early at 3:39.


2018年全国一卷试题答案解析 A篇: 21.A由题目中的book in advance可对应第一段最后reserve your spot before availability可推知答案。reserve→预订,出现在2016年全国三卷语法填空中。 22.D由题目可定位到文章第三段原文“entertain you with the most interesting stories”可知答案。 23.D由bicycle tour可定位到文章最后一段provide v.提供(八年级下册unit3)由文 章最后两句,可知答案。 B篇: 24.B由文章第一段but后可知,这是题目的答案“but she is cooking up storm in her latest role”但是她正在烹饪在她最新的角色中。latest最新的(七年级上册)late迟的,晚的→latest adj.最新的。 25.C.由题目定位到第二段“with the help of chef Matt Tebbutt offers top tips on how to reduce food waste.”厨师Matt Tebbutt帮忙提供好的建议关于怎样减少食物浪费。 C选项“Matt”在做饭问题上给susanna提供帮助。 26.由第四段可知,在这里由8部分组成的系列节目中susanna主持.save money:good food.这个节目是紧跟着ITV’s save money:good heal+n这个节目的,交代了Good Food这一部分产生的背景。 27.文章多次体现出文章的主旨:1.第一段最后:how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budgetc预算,济源市高三二模完形填空发现。2.susanna 主持的节目Save Money。3.最后一段中的on a budget,less expensive。 干扰项C:让你自己成为一个完美的厨师,有些片面,文章主旨是在有限的预算下, 做出同样美味的食物。 C篇: 28.B:由hunter-gatherer times定位到文章第一段第三行“devdoped their own patterns of speech independent of each other代出他们自己的独立于别人的语言类型”及最后一句“they spoke perhaps 12000 languages between them”他们彼此之间讲 说的语大概12000种。


2017年江苏省专转本英语模拟试题1 第I卷(共100分) 注意事项: 1、答第I卷前,考生务必按规定要求填涂答题卡上的姓名、准考证号等项目及卷首和第7页上的姓名; 2、用铅笔把答题卡上相应题号中正确答案的标号涂黑。答案不涂在答题卡上,成绩无效。 Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by four comprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: Animals react to the changing seasons with changes in mood and behavior and human beings are no exception. Most people find they eat and sleep slightly more in winter and dislike the dark mornings and short days. For some, however, symptoms (症状) are severe enough to damage their lives and to cause considerable stress. These people are suffering from SAD. The symptoms tend to start from around September each year lasting until April, but are at their worst in the darkest months. The standard figure says that around 2% of people in Northern Europe suffer badly, with many more (10%) putting up with milder symptoms. Across the world the incidence (发生率) increases with distance from the equator (赤道), except where there is snow on the ground, when it becomes less common. More women than men are found having SAD. Children and young people can also suffer from it. The problem stems from the lack of bright light in winter. Researchers have proved that bright light makes a difference to the brain chemistry, although the exact means by which sufferers are affected is not yet known. As the cause is lack of bright light, the treatment is to be in bright light every day by using a lightbox or a similar bright treatment. (Going to a brightly-lit climate, whether skiing or somewhere hot, is indeed a cure). The preferred level


SectionⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered b lank and mark [A],[B], [C] or [D] on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things t hat will obviously be painful? Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Science. T he new research reveals that the need to know is strong that people wil l 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3 . In a series of experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Ch icago and the Wisconsin school of Business tested students’ willingness t o 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. Fo r one 5 , each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist? Half of the pens w ould 6 an electric shock when clicked. Twenty-seven students were told with pens were electrified; another tw enty-seven were told only that some were electrified.7 left alone in th e room. The students who did not know which ones would shock them cli cked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew t hat would 8 . Subsequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, 9 the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects. The drive to10 is deeply rooted in humans, much the same as the basic drives for 11 or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct—it can 12 ne


2017年北京专升本英语考试真题 Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or works from the 4 choices marked A.,B.,C. and D. then you should write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 1.Don’t get discouraged. Learning a new language_______a lot of effort. A. take B. would take C. has taken D. takes 2.Californians, in fact, seem to have_______but politics on their minds. A. something B. anybody C. anything D. somebody 3._______I could say anything more, Holmes had rushed off towards the station. A. When B. Before C. As D. Since 4.It was a wonderful vacation----we________every minute of it. A. are enjoying B. have enjoyed C. enjoyed D. will enjoy 5.”What do you think we should do?” she said,______to her husband. A. turns B. to turn C. turned D. turning 6.How I wish I ________the chance to attend college when I was your age. A. had B. had had C. have had D. have 7.I don’t want to go skating, and_________, the ice is too thin. A. Moreover B. then C. therefore D. though 8._______his knowledge of the mountainous village, Tom was selected as our guide. A. Regardless of B. In spite of C. On account of D. Instead of 9.______better treatment, the doctor told him a lie, saying his illness was nothing serious. A. For B. With C. Of D. At 10.In this new course, you_______how to deal with communication problems. A. learned B. will learn C. have learned D. are learning 11.I have been in love with movies _______ I first went to the cinema. A. once B. when C. before D. since 12.It seems reasonable_______that peopled behaviour is influenced by what they see on TV. A. concluded B. concluding C. to conclude D. conclude



2012年成人高等学校专升本招生全国统一考试 政治 答案必须答在答题卡上指定的位置,答在试卷上无效。 一、选择题:1-40小题,每小题2分,共80分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出一项最 符合题目要求的,将所选项前的字母填涂在答题卡相应题号的信息点上。 1、哲学的基本问题是() A、世界观和方法论的关系问题 B、物质和运动的关系问题 C、思维和存在的关系问题 D、实践和理论的关系问题 2、有哲学家认为,万物瞬息万变,没有相对静止,人连一次也不能踏进同一条河流() A、形而上学观点 B、主观唯心主义观点 C、庸俗唯物主义观点 D、相对主义诡辩论观点 3、长期脱离人群,在狼群中长大的“狼孩”没有意识,这一事实说明() A、意识是生物界长期发展的产物 B、意识是社会的产物 C、意识是人脑发展的产物 D、意识是对客观世界的反映 4、下列选项中,包含着新事物必然战胜旧事物这一哲学道理的是() A、黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回 B、高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪 C、乘舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春 D、山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村 5、辩证唯物主义认识论最基本的观点是() A、实践的观点

B、唯物论的观点 C、可知论的观点 D、辩证法的观点 6、一个完整的认识过程是() A、认识-实践-认识 B、实践-认识-实践 C、感觉-知觉-表象 D、概念-判断-推理 7、我们对待马克思主义既要坚持又要发展。这种态度的哲学基础是() A、认识是主体对客体的能动反映的原理 B、实践是认识的来源和目的的原理 C、感性认识有待于上升到理性认识的原理 D、真理的绝对性和相对性相统一的原理 8、在人类全部社会关系中,最基础的关系是() A、血缘亲族关系 B、地缘政治关系 C、物质生产关系 D、思想文化关系 9、在构成生产力系统的诸因素中,属于渗透性因素的是() A、劳动资料 B、劳动对象 C、自然科学 D、经营管理 10、社会基本矛盾有两对,一对是生产力和生产关系之间的矛盾,另一对是() A、个人和社会之间的矛盾 B、人和自然之间的矛盾 C、被剥削阶级和剥削阶级之间的矛盾


2017年浙江专升本英语考试真题 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案的标号。不能答在试卷上。 Part 1 Reading Section A Format 1 To hear most recent research tell it, coffee is a miracle drink. The magic beans will ward off skin cancer and Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症), reduce heart failure and diabetes(糖尿病) risks, heighten focus, and maybe even protect liver health. Oh, and decrease suicide risk, according to the newest study that validates our coffee addictions. According to a study performed by the Harvard School of Public Health and published this month in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, people who drink two to four cups of java each day are less likely to commit suicide than those who don’t drink coffee, drink decaf, or drink fewer than two cups each day. The study followed over 200,000 people for at least 16 years. And it’s not just a weak link: the researchers found that the suicide risk was cut by around 50 percent for coffee addicts. This isn’t the first time that researchers have discovered that coffee and smiles might go hand-in-hand. A 2011 study found that women who drink coffee cut their risk of depression by 15 percent compared to those who don’t. Michel Lucas, the head researcher of the most recent study, told The Huffington Post that coffee addicts can thank caffeine for the good news. The drug may actually act like a mild anti-depressant by tweaking levels of happy hormones . Of course, there’s plenty of research out there that doesn’t look so kindly upon coffee drinkers. Recently, the New Yorker published an article arguing that while coffee may heighten focus, that means it also puts a squeeze on creativity. And of


Part I Reading Comprehension (20×2’=40’) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. We use both words and gestures to express our feelings, but the problem is that these words and gestures can be understood in different ways. It is true that a smile means the same thing in any language. So does laughter or crying. There are also a number of striking similarities in the way different animals show the same feelings. Dogs, tigers and humans, for example, often show their teeth when they are angry. This is probably because they are born with those behavior patterns. Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world. In Chinese and English literature, a ph rase like “he went pale and began to tremble” suggests that the man is either very afraid or deeply shocked. However, “he opened his eyes wide” is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means surprise. In Chinese surprise can be described i n a phrase like “they stretched out their tongues”. Sticking out your tongue in English is an insulting gesture or expresses strong dislike. Even in the same culture, people differ in the ability to understand and express feelings Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at recognizing fear, anger love and happiness on people’s faces. Other studies show that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body language than younger people do. 1. According to the passage, _____________. A. we can hardly understand what people’s gestures mean B. words and gestures may have different meanings in different cultures C. words can be better understand by older people D. gestures can be better understand by most of the people while words cannot 2. People’s facial expressions may be misunderst ood because ___________. A. people of different ages may have different understandings B. people have different cultures C. people of different sexes may understand a gesture differently D. people of different countries speak different languages 3. Even in the same culture, people ___________. A. have different abilities to understand and express feelings B. have exactly the same understanding of something C. never fail to understand each other D. are equally intelligent 4. From this passage, we can conclude ___________. A. words are used as frequently as gestures B. words are often found difficult to understand C. words and gestures are both used in expressing feelings D. gestures are more efficiently used than words 5. The best title for this passage be___________. A. Words and Feelings B. Words, Gestures and Feelings C. Gestures and Feelings D. Culture and Understanding Passage Two Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage. The English policeman has several nicknames but the most frequently used are “copper” and “bobby”. The first name comes fro m the verb “to cop” (which is also slang), meaning “to take”or “to capture”, and the second from the first name of Sir Robert Peel, a 19th century politician, who was the founder of the police force as we know it today. An early nickname for the poli ceman was “peeler”, but this one has died out. Whatever we may call them, the general opinion of the police seems to be a favorable one, except, of course, among the criminal part of the community where the police are given more derogatory nicknames which originated in America, such as “fuzz” or “pig”. Visitors to England seem to be very impressed by the English police. It has, in fact, because standing joke that the visitor to Britain, when asked for his views of the country, will always say, at some point or other, “I think your policemen are wonderful”. Well, the British bobby not always is wonderful but he is usually a very friendly and helpful sort of character. A music-hall song of some years ago was called “If You Want To Know The Time, Ask A Policema n”. Nowadays, most people own watches but they still seem to find plenty of other questions to ask the policeman. In London, the policeman spend so much of their time directing visitors about the city that one wonders how they ever find time to do anything else. Two things are immediately noticeable to the stranger when he sees an English policeman for the first time. The first is that does not carry a pistol and the second is that he wears a very distinctive type of headgear, the policeman’s helmet. His he lmet, together with his height, enables an English policeman to be time it is suggested that the policeman should be given a pistol and than his helmet should be taken from him, but both suggestions are resisted by the majority of the public and the police themselves. 6. Nowadays British people call the policeman ___________. A. pig B. peeler C. bobby D. fuzz 7. Which of following statements is TRUE? A. There are fewer criminals in America than in Britain. B. The English police usually leave a deep impression on visitors. C. The English bobby is friendly but not helpful. D. The English police enjoy having pistols. 8. If you see an English policeman for the first time, you will probably notice at once that __________. A. he often tells people time B. he is usually very helpful C. he has a helmet on the head D. he wears special clothes 9. That an English policeman can be seen from some distance is ___________. A. a standing joke B. of no help C. strange and funny D. of some help 10. Visitors praise the English police because ___________. A. they are police and helpful B. they obey orders C. they often give thanks D. they are armed with modern equipment Passage Three Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.

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