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七年级下册英语工作总结 李玉球 本学期以来,本人遵守学校各项制度,按时出操、上课、组织学生早读及晚修,积极参加学校组织的各种教学活动,从各方面更加严格要求自己,结合本校的实际条件和学生的实际情况,认真备课、听课,虚心请教,及时反思教学,使教学有计划、有组织、有步骤地开展。我已完成本学期的教学工作,现对本学期以来的教学教育工作做以下总结,希望不断发扬优点,克服缺点,总结经验,吸取教训,使自己的教学工作更上一层楼。 一、努力提高自身素质,严格遵守工作纪律 在工作中,本人能够严格要求自己,时时处处以一个优秀教师的标准来要求自己,模范遵守学校的各项规章制度,做到不迟到、不早退,不旷会。认真学习教师职业道德规范,不断提高自己的道德修养和政治理论水平;认真学习新课改理论,努力提高业务能力,通过学习,使我对新课改理念有了更全面的、深入的理解,为本人改进教学方法打好了基础。 二、认真制定教学计划,使教学有序地进行。在参加学校组织的课改和教学理念的培训之后,依照学校工作计划、课标、教材、学生实际和教育教学规律,制定了学期教学计划,规划好阶段计划,课时计划。在此基础上,设计好每一堂课。 三、认真备课。作为一名教师,我的体会是,上好一堂课很难,但备好一堂课更难。在备课之前,必须对所有内容进行熟悉,参考多方面的资料,认真深入钻研教材,确定重点难点,同时,备课不仅要备教材,而且要备教法,备教学手段,因此,本人在自身努力钻研教材和教法的基础上,积极配合搞好小组集体备课。 四、认真组织课堂教学。一堂课的四十分钟,就是一个教师表演技能的阶段。上课时,本着“传道、授业、解惑”的原则,努力提高教学质量,使讲解有条理、清晰、准确、生动。使每堂课学生有所获,努力使学生打好基础,培养能力,发展智慧,培养学生的正确思维方式,养成良好的学习习惯。坚持做到以学生为主体,教师为主导,训练为主线。在课堂上,特别注意调动学生的积极性,加强师生交流,充分体现学生的主体作用,让学生学得容易,学得轻松,学得愉快。在课堂上,根据不同学生设计不同层次的问题,树立学生的自信心,让各层次的学生都得到提高。 五、认真批改作业。坚持布置适量的作业,使学生所学知识得到巩固和提高。布置作业时,坚持做到有针对性,有层次性,形式多样化。以此同时,提倡学


人教新目标七年级上学期期中考试英语试题 一.语法选择(10分) 1.Peter lost ________ English book. ________ English book is new. A. a, A B. an, An C. a, the D. an, The 2.—Are these ________ English books? —No. They're ________. A. her, his B. your, my C. his, her D. my, your 3.—What are those? —________ are ________. A. They, pencil boxs B. Those, pencil boxes C. They, pencil boxes D. Those, pencil boxs 4.This ________ Tom and Jim's ________. A. is, room B. is, rooms C. are, room D. are, rooms 5.Mom, ________ my good friends, Tom and Bill. A. this is B. these are C. he is D. she is 6.—Are these your erasers? —No, ________. A. there aren't B. these aren't C. they aren't D. it isn't 7.—________ do you ________“small”? —S-M-A-L-L A. What, say B. What, spell C. How, say D. How, spell 8.Look! Five _______ and some _______ are in the black bag. A. photo; key B. photos; keys C. photos; key D. photo; keys 9.The blue ruler is his. ________ the red one? A. What B. How C. What about D. Is 10. This pair of shoes ________ beautiful, but the shoes ________ expensive(贵的). A. are; are B. is; are C. is; is 二.完形填空。(10分)


七年级期中英语试卷 (满分100分,时间90分钟) 同学们,当你拿到这份试卷时,请展开你的智慧和双翼,你一定会发现自己有多棒。仔细、认真地作答吧,期待和你一起体验成功,分享喜悦。 选择题部分(45分) 一、单项选择(15分) ()1. 美国篮球协会的英文缩略词是____ A.UFO B.NBA https://www.doczj.com/doc/9e9219868.html,TV ()2. ________ she Miss Black ? A. Is B. Are D. Am ()3. This ________ ZhaoLin , Miss Brown . A. am B. is D. are ()4. —How are you,Lily? --________. A.How are you? B. I’m sorry. C. I’m fine,thanks. ()5. –Are you Mary? —________ . A. Yes,it is B.Yes,I am C.Yes,I’m ( )6._______for the great photo. A.Thanks you B.Thanks C.Thank ( )7.______name is Sue Read.I’m an English girl. A.Her B.My C.Your ( ) 8. ________. Is this your eraser? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me ( ) 9.Please call Mary _______555-4869. A.at B. to C. in ( ) 10. Bob and Tony ________ good friends. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 11. Here is a picture _______ my room. A. on B. of C. at ( ) 12. -Is she your sister? -No, ________. A. it isn’t B.she is C.she isn’t ( )13. Here _______ your book. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 14. --What is _________telephone number? --__________telephone number is 886677. A. her ; Her B. his ; He C. your; Your ( ) 15.My father and my mother are my______. A.parent B.parents C.brothers 二、完形填空(10分) This boy is Peter Barnes.His 1 name is Peter.His 2 name is Barnes. This is 3 school.His school 4 number is two-zero-zero-four- eight- five-six-seven.His teacher is Miss White.Miss White 5 a good teacher .Li Lei is a Chinese boy.Li Lei is his good 6 at school.Look! 7 his schoolbag.It’s 8 .Where’s his watch? I 9 know.Let’s 10 Mike at 495-6548. ( )1. A.first B.family https://www.doczj.com/doc/9e9219868.html,st ( )2. A.first https://www.doczj.com/doc/9e9219868.html,st C.good ( )3. A.you B.that C.his ( )4. https://www.doczj.com/doc/9e9219868.html, B.ID card C.phone ( )5. A.is B.am C.are


七年级英语期中考试试题(卷) (时间:120分满分:120分) 听力部分 Ⅰ、听力理解(共25分) (一)听句子,选出你所听到的信息。(5分) ( ) 1. A.coat B. shirt C.skirt D. kite ( ) 2. A.some pencils B. some desks C.some boxes D.some books ( ) 3. A.a clock and a wall B. a picture and a wall C.a clock and a picture D. two pictures on the wall ( ) 4. A. This is my watch. B. This is his watch. C. This watch isn't mine. D.This watch is his. ( ) 5. A.time B. rest C. homework D.housework (二)听句子,选出能回答该句子的最佳答语。(10分) ( ) 6. A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. Glad to meet you, too! D. Good morning. ( ) 7. A.I' m in Class Two. B. I' m in Room 3. C.Yes, our room is No.23. D.You are in Class Three. ( ) 8. A.Yes, I would. B. Yes, please. C.No, please not. D. No, I wouldn' t. ( ) 9. A. Don' t ask me. B. I live in a big city. C. From Canada. D.To the movie near my house. ( )10. A.It' s Tuesday. B. Twenty degrees. C. It' s spring. D.It' s cloudy and windy. (三)听短文,填出所缺单词,每空一词。(10分) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 笔试部分 Ⅱ、单项选择(10分) ( )16. It is time ______________now. A. to supper B. for supper C. to have supper D. B & C ( )17. --- ____ you ____a good rest?


2020年初一英语工作总结范文5篇 A summary of the first year of junior high school English in 2020

2020年初一英语工作总结范文5篇 小泰温馨提示:工作总结是将一个时间段的工作进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价、总分析,并分析不足。通过总结,可以把零散的、肤浅的感性认识上升为系统、深刻的理性认识,从而得出科学的结论,以便改正缺点,吸取经验教训,指引下一步工作顺利展开。本文档根据工作总结的书写内容要求,带有自我性、回顾性、客观性和经验性的特点全面复盘,具有实践指导意义。便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:2020年初一英语工作总结范文 2、篇章2:初一英语教育实习工作总结文档 3、篇章3:初一英语教学工作总结文档 4、篇章4:初一英语教师工作总结文档 5、篇章5:2020年初一英语组考试总结范文 篇章1:2020年初一英语工作总结范文 以下内容是由应届毕业生工作总结栏目小泰为大家整理 的初一英语教学工作总结,希望对大家有一定帮助。

本学期,我担任七年级两个班的英语教学工作。在工作 中我认真学习,深入研究教法,虚心向老教师和其他同事学习。结合本校的实际条件和学生的实际情况,我获取了很多宝贵的经验,学到了实用的教学方法。以下是我在本学期的教学工作总结。 一、要针对不同的班级进行课堂教学 每一个班级就像每一个人,性格、脾气、禀性各有不同。所以我针对我教的两个班级进行教学设计:七年二班的同学思维比较活跃,回答问题积极,但中等生占较大多数,尖子生相对较少。因此,上课时我弱化难点,强化重点,照顾到了大部分同学;而七年一班的同学偏向沉稳,积极性有些欠缺。虽然 有尖子生,但由于后进生比例较大,不足于带动整个班级。所以,对于尖子生我鼓励他们要有“超前”意识,人家没看到的,没做到的我已经完成了,而对于差生则鼓励他们把最基本的,最常用的单词,句子弄懂。经过一段时间的实践,证明教学效果比上个学期有了进步。 了解及分析学生实际情况,实事求是,具体问题具体分析,做到因材施教,对授课效果有直接影响。这就是教育学中提到的“备教法的同时要备学生”。这一理论在我的教学实践中得到了验证。


2015年上学期七年级期中考试 英语试题(附答案) 第一部分:听力部分(20分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择最佳答语,做第1—5小题。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( ) 1. A. It’s red. B. It’s book. C. It’s a book. ( ) 2. A. yes, I am. B. yes he is. C. No, I am. ( ) 3. A. It’s red. B. It’s a red. C. It’s a ruler. ( ) 4. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. yes, it isn’t. ( ) 5. A. Yes, she isn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. No, she is. Ⅱ.听对话或独白答题,每段对话或独白读两遍。(10分) ⑴、做第6—8小题。 ( ) 6. What’s your name? A.Jenny B. Jane C. Anna ( ) 7. What’s his name? A.Bob B. Bill C. Billy ( ) 8. What’s her name? A.Sally B. Mary C. Alice ⑵、听对话做第9—11小题。 ( ) 9. What’s the first (第一个)boy’s name? A.Mike B. Jack C. Bob ( ) 10. What’s color is Jack’s eraser? A.White B. Black C. Yellow ( ) 11. Is it Tom’s eraser? A.Yes. B. No. C. Sorry, I don’t know. ⑶、听对话做第12—15小题 ( ) 12. Is this Tom’s family photo?


七年级英语学业质量分析与反馈 卷面分值:100分答卷时间:100分钟 第I卷(选择题, 共60分) 一、听力部分(20分) 第一部分听对话回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,选出你认为最合适的答案,每段对话听两遍。 ( )1. How?s the weather today? ( )2. How did David come to school this morning? . ( )3. What is your mother? A B C ( )4. What sign do they mean? A. B. C ( )5. Where is the nearest bookshop? A. It?s next to the cinema. B. It?s behind the hospital C. It?s behind the post office ( )6. What will the boy do tomorrow? A. He?ll do his homework. B. He?ll go to work. C. He?ll do his housework. ( )7. What does the man mean? A. Tom is not in. B. The woman has got a wrong number. C. He will look for Tom for her. ( )8. What does the man want to do?

A. Climb hills. B. Go fishing. C. Go shopping. ( )9. What are they talking about? A. Buying a birthday present. B. Learning English. C. Having a birthday party. ( )10.When is the man?s birthday? A. On April 30th B. On May 1st C. On May 2nd 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,选出你认为最合适的答案,各听两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第11~12题。 ( )11. Who will go boating in the park? A. Andy. B. Jim and Kate. C. Andy, Jim and Kate ( )12. Where will they meet? A. At the gate of the park. B. At the gate of the school. C. At Kate?s home 听第二段对话,回答第13~15题。 ( )13. Who is ill in hospital? A. Mike?s mother. B. Mike?s grandfather. C.Mike?s grandmother ( )14. When did Mike go to the hospital yesterday? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. ( )15. What about the football match yesterday? A. England won the match. B. France won the match. C. America won the match. 听一段短文,回答16~20小题。 ( )16.When does Daniel's ideal school start? A. At 9∶00 a.m. B. At 3∶00 p.m. C. At 9∶30 a.m. ( )17.How many students are there in each class in Daniel's ideal school? A. Forty. B. Fifty. C. Fifteen. ( )18.Which is Daniel's favourite subject? A. Computer Studies. B. Maths. C. English. ( )19.What kind of food can Daniel eat every day? A. Fruit and meat. B. Fruit and vegetables. C. Vegetables and meat. ( )20.Where does Daniel go on a school trip every month? A. To a museum. B. To a cinema. C. To a park. 二、单选选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( )21. She likes reading _______ books and playing _______ piano. A. the, / B. / , a C. / , the D. a , /


六盘水外国语实验学校2017秋季学期期中考试 初一年级英语试卷 (考试时间:120分钟,满分:150分) 姓名班级成绩 第一部分:听力部分(25分) Ⅰ. 听句子选择图片:(你将听到五个句子,请你根据听到的内容,选择相应的图片。每个句子后你有5秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。共5题,计5分。) A B C D E F 1. _________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. _________ 5. _________ II. 听对话回答问题:(你将听到六段对话,每段对话之后你将看到一个或几个问题。请根据听到的对 话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话之后你有5至10秒钟的答题时间。听两遍。共 10小题,计10分。) 请听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 ( ) 6. What does the girl lose? A. Her bag. B. Her radio. C. Her ring. 请听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 ( ) 7. What does the boy find? A. A watch. B. A box. C. A pen. 请听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 ( ) 8. Where is the boy’s hat? A. On the desk. B. On the sofa. C. On the bed. 请听第四段对话,回答第9至第10两个小题。 ( ) 9. The man is Cindy’s ________. A. father B. uncle C. brother ( ) 10. Cindy is ________. A. eight B. seven C. six 请听第五段对话,回答第11至第12两个小题。 ( ) 11. Where’s Julia’s pencil? A. It’s in her schoolbag. B. It’s in her pencil box. C. It’s in the bookcase. ( ) 12. What is Dave’s last name? A. Brown. B. Hand. C. Miller. 请听第六段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。 ( ) 13. ________ things are in the picture. A. Two B. Three C. Four ( ) 14. What color is the cup? A. Green. B. Black. C. Blue. ( ) 15. What’s Mike’s ph one number? A. 780-4351. B. 780-3415. C. 780-3451. III. 听短文选择答案:(你将听到一段短文,然后你将看到5个问题。请根据听到的短文内容选择能 回答所提问题的最佳答案。听完短文之后你有1分钟的答题时间。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。) ( ) 16. What can NOT you see in the boy’s room? A. A table. B. A chair. C. A sofa. ( ) 17. Where’re the boy’s books? A. Under the table. B. On the sofa. C. On the table. ( ) 18. Where’s the basketball(篮球)? A. Under the chair. B. Under the desk. C. Under the bed. ( ) 19. What’s the name of his dog? A. Jim. B. Philip. C. Tom. ( ) 20. Who’s Philip’s friend? A. A plane. B. A baseball. C. A hat. IV. 听短文填写表格:你将听到一段短文,请根据听到的短文内容完成表格中的有关信息。听完短文 之后你有1分钟的答题时间。听三遍。共5小题,计5分。 Red and (23) __________


★七年级英语工作总结_共10篇 范文一:七年级英语工作总结[1]七年级英语教学工作总结这学期我担任初一级三、四班的英语教学。由于教学经验颇浅。因此,我对教学工作不敢怠慢,认真学习,深入研究教法,虚心向前辈学习。经过一个学期的努力,获取了很多宝贵的教学经验。以下是我在本学期的教学情况。 教学就是教与学,两者是相互联系,不可分割的,有教者就必然有学者。学生是被教的主体。因此,了解和分析学生情况,有针对地教对教学成功与否至关重要。最初接触教学的时候,我还不懂得了解学生对教学的重要性,只是专心研究书本,教材,想方设法令课堂生动,学生易接受。但一开始我就碰了钉子。在讲授第一课的时候,我按照自己的教学设计,上了一堂自认为明白易懂而又不死板的课,认为教学效果如期理想,怎知小测出来才知道不如人意。后来听同学们反应,才知道我讲的口语大部分同学听不懂,而教学的部分内容同学们以前从来未接触过。从而可知,我在上课前根本没有了解清楚学生的实际情况: 一方面,农村的学生英语听,说的能力相对较弱,授课采用较深的全英教学,同学们还不能适应。教学中要充分了解及分析学生实际情况,实事求是,具体问题具体分析,做到因材施教,对授课效果有直接影响。这就是教育学中提到的“备教法的同时要备学生”。这一理论在我的教学实践中得到了验证。 充分或者备得不好,会严重影响课堂气氛和积极性,曾有一位前辈对我说:“备课备不好,倒不如不上课,否则就是白费心机。”我明白到备课的重要性,因此,每天我都花费大量的时间在备课之上,认认真真钻研教材和教法,不满意就不收工。虽然辛苦,但事实证明是值得的。 一堂准备充分的课,会令学生和老师都获益不浅。认真备课对教学十分重要。特别是对英语这门学生不甚熟悉并感到困难的外语来说至关重要。 备课充分,能调动学生的积极性,上课效果就好。但同时又要有驾驭课堂的能力,因为学生在课堂上的一举一动都会直接影响课堂教学。因此上课一定要设法令学生投入,不让其分心,这就很


最新教学资料·人教版英语 七年级(上)英语期中检测试题 班级:__________ 姓名:__________ 得分:__________ 时量:90分钟 亲爱的同学: 经过两个多月的学习,你的英语成绩一定有很大进步。希望你在这次测评中, 能够展示自己的水平,看到今后努力的方向。祝你取得优异成绩! Good luck! Ⅰ、听力技能:(四节,共20小题,计20分) 第一节根据所听内容,选择相应的图画。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共4个小题,计4分) ( )1. A B C ( )2. A B C ( )3. A B C ( )4. A B C 第二节对话理解听下面的对话,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。听每 段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答

时间。(共8个小题,计8分) 听下面4段对话,听完每段对话后回答一个小题。 ()5. What is the girl’s first name? A.Nancy. B. Brown. C. Lucy ( )6.What is it? A. A pen. B. A box. C. A book ( )7.What color is the quilt? A. Purple. B. Yellow. C. Brown. ( )8. What is the girl’s phone number? A. 686-5624. B. 697-3845. C. 697-8345. 听下面一段对话,回答第9~10小题。 ( )9. What’s this? A. A clock. B. A card. C. A C D. ( )10. What’s that? A. A tape player. B. A radio. C. A model plane 听下面一段对话,回答第11~12小题。 ( )11.What’s the boy’s name? A. Dick. B. David. C. Daniel. ( )12. What color are his books? A. White and black. B. Red and black. C. Red and white 第三节听短文,然后根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误(T/F)。(共4个小题,每小题1分)( )13. Robin’s schoolbag is green and black. ( )14. An eraser is in the schoolbag. ( )15. Robin’s name is on the notebook. ( )16. Robin’s ID card number is 569. 第四节笔录要点根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。(共4个小题,每小题1分) Ⅱ、知识运用(两节,共20小题,计20分) 第一节单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案。(共10个小题,每小题1分)()21. _________ is my pencil box? A.Where B. What C. When ()22. This is my _________ , and those are my _________ . A. sister;brother B. sister;brothers C. sisters;brothers ()23. This is _____ ruler, and that is ______ ID card.


人教版七年级英语期中测试题 第Ⅰ卷选择题部分 笔试部分(满分100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 1. —What________telephone number? —It’s 210-5674762. A. are you B. is your C. are your D. your is 2. Please call Mary________354-640 3. A. in B. at C. to D. of 3. It’s________old photo.________photo is on the wall. A. /; a B. a; The C. the; A D. an; The 4. My father likes________TV. He________TV every evening. A. watches; watches B. watching; watch C. watching; watches D. watch; watches 5.________. Is this your pencil case? A. Sorry B. I’m sorry C. Excuse me D. Hello 6. Does she have two________? A. baseball bats B. baseballs bats C. baseball bat D. baseballs bat 7. He doesn’t play sports—he only________them________TV. A. watches; on B. looks; on C. looks at; in D. watches; in 8. I like balls very much. I collect________balls at home. A. lot of B. a lot of C. a lot D. a lots of 9. Let’s________now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to home 10.________Susan’s aunt________bananas? A. Does; likes B. Does; like C. Do; likes D. Do; like 11. They have eggs and apples________breakfast. A. with B. and C. for D. on 12. He likes________and________. A. tomatos; broccoli B. tomatoes; broccolis C. tomatoes; broccoli D. tomato; broccolis 13. Her name is Kate Smith. Her family name is________. A. Smith B. Kate C. Kate Smith D. Smith Kate 14. —________my keys? —Aren’t they in your bag? A. Where is B. Where are C. What’s D. Is it 15. This isn’t________backpack.________is________backpack. A. her; Its; her B. his; It; she C. his; Its; her D. his; It; her


初一英语期中考试题 一..单项选择(30) ( ) 1--________is your favorite_______?—Soccer. A. Who; teacher B. What ;day C, Who ;actor D. What ;sport ( )2.My father likes ___________television in the evening A. watching B. watches C. watched D. a watch.= ( )3.—When is Jay’s concert(演唱会)? ---It’s _______three o’clock _______the afternoon of July 18th. A. at; in B. at; on C. on; in D. in; on ( ) 4. He’s looking forward to ________his English classes. A .has B. have C .having D.hasing ( )5.—Are they going at do their homework?—Yes ,________. A they are B. they aren’t C. he is D. he isn’t . ( ).6 .It’s very easy ____________the football match. A .win B .wins C. to win D. winning ( )7.Tony and I ______the mountains next weekend. A .am going to climb B. am climb C .is going to climb D .are going to climb. ( )8.We’re also going __________and going to take a walk on the beach. A .sight B .sightsee C .sightseeing D to sightseeing ( )9.—What are you going to do the day after tomorrow? ---I’m going _______some clothes. A. buys B. buying C. to buy D. bought ( )10.Who _______will go to our English party? A. other B. others C. else D. another. ( )11. I like watching CCTV-4 _______it can help me learn more about the world. A. because of B. if C. because D .so ( )12.What are you going to do ______________? A. Sunday morning B. next Sunday morning C. last Sunday morning D in Sunday morning ( )13.There _________________a basketball match between Class One and Class Two this afternoon. A. is going to be B. will have C. are going to be D .is going to have ( )14I am enjoying _________playing in the river. A. himself B. herself C. ourselves D. myself ()15— Please tell me the girl's name. — ________ name is Betty. She's my classmate. A.She B.Her C.She's D.His ( ) 16— Where are the runners? — Over there. They ________ warming-up exercises. A.is doing B.do C.are doing D.does ( )17 Liu Mei, your mother is waiting ________ you at the school gate. A.at B.in C.of D.for ( ) 18— May I speak to Mr Smith?


七年级英语教学工作总结5篇 七年级英语教学工作总结篇一 一学年来,我认识搞好自己的本职工作,不断提高自己的思想觉悟和教学水平,认真学习新的教育理论,与时俱进,不断创新,积极推进教育教学改革,积极完成学校的各项工作,尊重并热爱学生,使学生学有所长,全面发展,下面就我本学年的工作作如下总结: 一、政治思想方面: 在本学年的教学中,我认真贯彻党的教育方针,以三个代表为理论指导,以八荣八耻严格规范自己的言行,不断学习教育教学法规,把对学生的思想品德教育入在首位,不断学习新的教育理论,及时更新教育理念,积极地投身于教育教学工作之中。新的教育形式要求我们必须具有先进的教育观念,才能适应教育的发展。所以我积极参加校本培训,做了大量的政治笔记与理论笔记,从中汲取营养,不断提高思想认识和政治修养。 二、教育教学方面: 要提高教育教学质量,就要搞好教学中的各个环节,本学年我做了下面的工作: 1、备好课,认真钻研教材,从备课本、备学生、备教法等方面入手,积极做好课前准备。 认真钻研教材,对教材的基本思想、基本概念、每个知识点都钻研清楚,了解教材的结构,重点与难点,掌握知识的逻辑,能运用自如,分析应补充哪些资料,怎样才能教好。了解学生原有的知识技能

的质量,他们的兴趣、需要、方法、习惯,学习新知识可能会有哪些困难,采取相应的教学措施。考虑教法,包括如何组织教材、如何安排每节课的活动,解决如何充分挖掘教育资源,利用现代传媒,把知识传授给学生,让学生形成技能、能力等。 2、认真组织教学,创设良好的课堂氛围,形成良好的师生关系,提高每节课的教学效率。 组织好课堂教学,关注全体学生,注意信息反馈,根据学生的身心特点,调动学生的有意注意,使其保持相对稳定性,同时,激发学生的情感,使他们产生愉悦的心境,创造良好的课堂气氛,课堂语言简洁明了,克服了以前重复的毛病,课堂提问面向全体学生,注意引发学生学英语的兴趣,课堂上讲练结合,布置好家庭作业,作业少而精,减轻学生的负担。加强课外辅导,深入学生,认真耐心地帮助他们。 3、积极参与听课、评课,虚心向同行学习教学方法,博采众长,提高教学水平。积级参加教研,不断学习。 4、以身作则,以自己的一言一行去感染学生。关心学生、热爱学生,平等的对待每一个学生。 5、积极挖掘教育资源,拓宽学生的视野,促进学生全面发展。 6、尊重领导,积极完成学校的其它工作及领导布置的工作。 三、工作考勤方面: 我热爱自己的事业,从不因为个人的私事耽误工作的时间,积极做好自己分内的工作,并且严格遵守学校的各项规章制度,团结学校


Units1-3&Unit 1 1. 打招呼的用语。 第一次见面:A: How do you do? B: How do you do? A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you , too. 2. 问候熟识的朋友和应答以及问候他人。A: How are you? B: I am fine/ all right/OK. 3. 辨认物品句型(—What’s this in English? —It’s a/an…)。 4 辨别颜色句型(What color is it? It’s red/green…)。 5 询问他人姓名及电话号码句型;掌握一些英文数字(0-9)。 What’s your/his/her first name? What’s your/his/her family/last name? Wha t’s your/his/her/ your sister’s phone number? 6. 中西方名字名和姓的区别,区别姓和名,男孩名和女孩名。 中国名字family/last name在前面,first/given name 在后面。Mr./Mrs/Miss/Ms+ family name e.g My teacher is Liu Jun. Liu is his _______name. Jun is his _____ name. We call him __________. Her teacher is Mary Smith. Mary is her _____ name. Smith is her ______ name. We call her _______. 7. 区别人称代词的主格和宾格。 I, we, you, he, she, it, they 是主格,通常放句首做主语。Me, us, you, him, her, it, them是宾格,通常放句末做宾语。 e.g ______(我们)like Miss Li. _____(她) teaches ______(我们)well and _____(她)likes _______(我们),too. 8. 元音音素用“an”, 辅音音素用”a”。 There is an a, e, f, h, i, l, m, n,o, r,s, x in the word “…”. an eraser, an ID card, an orange, an apple, an English boy, an mp3, an orange book,an Iphone 6,an IPad. an old man, an interesting song, an e-mail address, an American girl, an aunt, an uncle 9. 介绍自我介绍的一些重点句型如:There are …people in my family. They are ……I study in Class …,Grade…. . I like …. Unit 2&3复习重点 1.指示代词this、that、these、those的用法。 1) : 介绍他人的句型:单数用This/That is+单数复数用These/Those are+复数 2)Is this/that…? 回答用Yes, it is或No, it isn’t; Are these/those 回答用they 3) 打电话时:---Who’s that?(你是谁) ---This is John.(我是约翰)。 2.短语: thanks for···;here is/are; a photo of;Excuse me; call/ email sb. at;Thanks for doing sth.;ask sb. for sth.; a set of... 3. 分辨:A: How do you spell it?= Spell it, please. B: P-E-N, pen. A: Can you spell it?B: Yes, P-E-N, pen. 4.句型: --- Who’s she/he/they? --- She’s/He’s/They’re ··· --- What’s this in English?--- It’s a/an··· --- Is this/that your pencil? --- Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. It’s his. ---Is this boy/girl your brother/sister? ---Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. --- Are these/those your books? --- Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. They’re hers. 5.形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,放在名词前面修饰名词。形容词性物主代词+名词构成完整意义。 My, our, your, his, her, its, their是形容词性物主代词,后加名词。Mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs 是名词性物主代词,后面不加名词。 e.g I like ______ (你的) book,but I don’t like ________(她的). Unit 4复习重点 1. 介词:in,on, under, between, beside, next to, near, behind, in front of 2.谈论物品的位置:Where’s + the/your单数物品?It’s + 介词短语. Where are + the/your复数物品?They’re + 介词短语. Unit 5复习重点

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