当前位置:文档之家› 初一英语口语模拟考试





Today, I am going to talk about Bangkok, my hometown and the capital of my country, Thailand. There are many interesting places to visit in Bangkok, but first I want to tell you about our traffic problem. The streets are very crowded in Bangkok, so it can take a long time to get from place to place. It used to take me more than two hours to get to school by bus! I often slept on my way there! If you want to get somewhere on time in Bangkok, you must leave early. Lots of people take tuk-tuks to get through the traffic quickly. Tuk-tuks are like little cars with three wheels. Bangkok is next to a big river.












Today, I am going to talk about Bangkok, my hometown and the capital of my country, Thailand. There are many interesting places to visit in Bangkok, but first I want to tell you about our traffic problem. The streets are very crowded in Bangkok, so it can take a long time to get from place to place. It used to take me more than two hours to get to school by bus! I often slept on my way there! If you want to get somewhere on time in Bangkok, you must leave early. Lots of people take tuk-tuks to get through the traffic quickly. Tuk-tuks are like little cars with three wheels. Bangkok is next to a big river.


1. I want to be a singer in the future. What do you want to be?

A teacher. / A doctor. / I want to be a teacher.

2. Great! I passed the English exam this time.

Congratulations. / That’s great!

3. I have been to Guangzhou many times. How many times have you been there? Never. / Twice . / Three times.

4. I’m going to visit Shanghai this summer. Where are you going?

Guangzhou. / Beijing.

5. I watch TV once a week. How often do you watch TV?

Every day. / Twice a week. / Sometimes. / Once a week.









I like dancing very much. I have learned it for about 8 years. Now I need to practice dancing once a week. I like dancing with my classmates. I sometimes take part in the dancing competitions. I think dancing is fun, and it is also good for my health. I like it very much!


I have three questions for you: Do you often see a blue sky above our city? Is the air in our city fresh? Is the water in our river clean? The answers to these questions are all “No”! My grandfather often tells many interesting stories about his childhood. At that time. the sky was blue, the air was fresh and the water was clean. When my grandfather and his friends played in the forest, they could hear birds sing. When they swam in the river, they could see many fish. It was a happy time. However, today, the air and water are becoming dirtier. People are killing animals, and cutting down and burning trees. Some animals and plants are now disappearing. Earth is in trouble.










I have three questions for you: Do you often see a blue sky above our city? Is the air in our city fresh? Is the water in our river clean? The answers to these questions are all “No”! My grandfather often tells many interesting stories about his childhood. At that time. the sky was blue, the air was fresh and the water was clean. When my grandfather and his friends played in the forest, they could hear birds sing. When they swam in the river, they could see many fish. I t was a happy time. However, today, the air and water are becoming dirtier. People are killing animals, and cutting down and burning trees. Some animals and plants are now disappearing. Earth is in trouble.


1.I like summer very much. Which season do you like?

Spring. / Winter. / Autumn. / I like Summer.

2.I fell off my bike when I went to school this morning and hurt my foot.

I’m sorry to hear that.

3. I had dumplings for breakfast this morning. What did you have for breakfast? Bread and milk. / Noodles. / I had noodles for breakfast.

4. I got home from school at about five o’clock yesterday. What time do you usually get home?

At 5:30. / I usually get home at about 5:30.

5. It is Tuesday today. What day was it yesterday?

Monday. / It was Monday.








Liu Dan is my best friend. She is 15 years old. She was born in Guangzhou. She is very tall. She likes singing and swimming. She is good at all the subjects. She is very lovely and helpful. She gets on well with her classmates.


People work with different parts of their bodies. A construction worker mostly uses his hands. An athlete mostly uses his or her arms and legs. Teachers use their brains for thinking, their mouths for speaking, their eyes for reading and their ears for listening. But how many people use their noses for their jobs? In fact, quite a few!

A perfume maker must have a good sense of smell. A good sense of smell is also useful for working with any kind of food. A cook working in a restaurant uses his or her nose all day. He or she must have a good sense of taste as well. Firemen need to have a good sense of smell. The best firemen can smell smoke very quickly.









People work with different parts of their bodies. A construction worker mostly uses his hands. An athlete mostly uses his or her arms and legs. Teachers use their brains for thinking, their mouths for speaking, their eyes for reading and their ears for listening. But how many people use their noses for their jobs? In fact, quite a few!

A perfume maker must have a good sense of smell. A good sense of smell is also useful for working with any kind of food. A cook working in a restaurant uses his or her nose all day. He or she must have a good sense of taste as well. Firemen need to have a good sense of smell. The best firemen can smell smoke very quickly.


1. I like watching news programme. What TV programme do you like best? Cartoons. / Sports. / News. / I like sports programme best.

2. There are four weeks in a month. How many days are there in a week?

Seven days. / There are seven days in a week.

3. I’m sorry. I forgot to bring the book here.

It doesn’t matter. / Never mind. / That’s all right.

4. My birthday is on April 8. When is your birthday?

May 2. / July 10. / My birthday is on May 2.

5. You look so tired. What’s the matter with you?

I have a headache. / I didn’t sleep well last night.







There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. I like spring best. It is usually warm and sunny. Trees turn green and birds begin to sing. There are many beautiful flowers everywhere. We can go out to visit different places. Spring is my favourite season.


Tea is one of the most important and popular drinks in China. There are many different kinds of tea. People always say, “We have 10,000 different kinds of tea.”But mostly, we have green tea, black tea, oolong tea and white tea. There are also many different kinds of flower tea. Most people know the story about Dragon Well green tea. This tea comes from the Chinese village of Dragon Well, not far from Hangzhou. Nearly 2000 years ago, the village had many months with no rain. All of the crops were dying, and the farmers were very worried. Then a man found a dragon in a well. He asked the dragon to get out of the well. As soon as the dragon came out, it began to rain and the crops were saved.










Tea is one of the most important and popular drinks in China. There are many different kinds of tea. People always say, “We have 10,000 different kinds of tea.”But mostly, we have green tea, black tea, oolong tea and white tea. There are also many different kinds of flower tea. Most people know the story about Dragon Well green tea. This tea comes from the Chinese village of Dragon Well, not far from Hangzhou. Nearly 2000 years ago, the village had many months with no rain. All of the crops were dying, and the farmers were very worried. Then a man found a dragon in a well. He asked the dragon to get out of the well. As soon as the dragon came out, it began to rain and the crops were saved.


1. Happy Teachers’ Day! This is my present for you. I hope you’ll like it.

Thank you. / Thank you very much.

2. I go to school by bus every day. How do you usually go to school?

On foot. / By bike. / By bus. I usually go to school by bike.

3. I like yellow best. What’s your favourite colour?

White. / Green. / Red. / My favourite colour is red.

4. Tomorrow is Sunday. I will visit my grandparents. What will you do?

I will stay at home. / I will go shopping.

5. I often play basketball with my classmates at school. Who do you play it with? My classmates. / Li Ming. / I play basketball with Li Ming.








I like playing basketball very much. I began to play basketball four years ago. I play basketball with my classmates every day. I play it very well, so I join in the school basketball team. Playing basketball made me strong and healthy. It also made me know what is team work. It is good for our health.


七年级英语口语练习题(100分) 口头回答(80分) 1.What sport do you often do with your friends? What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? 2.I want to be a doctor. Because I want to help sick people. 3.What’s your favourite sport? Playing basketball./ Swimming./ Running. 5.What do you usually have for breakfast? I often have a glass of milk and some bread. 6.What does your father work as? A doctor/ a teacher. 7. How do you usually go to school? On foot. / By bus. / By bike. 8. How often do you play on your computer? Sometimes. / Once a week. 9.Which subject do you like better, Chinese or maths? I like maths. 10. Which season do you like best? Why? Spring. Because everything is growing in spring. 11. How often do you have P.E. ? Once a week / Twice a week. 12. Where did you have breakfast this morning?


小学英语学科 2014-2015学年第二学期期末口语评价活动的 实施方案 为促进小学生口语表达能力的提升,突出语言的交际功能,进一步重视非纸笔评价手段,经研究,教研室决定在全市小学三、四年级开展期末口语评价活动。活动本着以人为本的指导思想,着重考查学生实际口语表达水平及语言运用能力。 一、口语评价的意义 语言最基本的功能是交际性,针对学生英语学习中不敢大胆开口说的现状,有必要实行英语口语评价,这是提升学生语言综合运用能力的必要途径,同时也能够进一步地促进《义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)》所倡导的“小学英语教学评价以激励学生的学习兴趣和自信心为主要目的”的达成。 二、参评对象 , 小学三、四年级全体学生 三、评价内容和标准 依据《义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)》语言技能分级标准中一级说唱标准和PEP小学英语三、四年级上册教材内容,三、四年级设置不同的口语测试评价内容和评价标准,具体如下: (一)评价内容 分为两大项:朗读和吟唱、口语交际。其中:

三年级 1.朗读和吟唱 (1)朗读指定的单词,朗读时要用升、降两种语调。 — (2)朗读课文对话,会正确使用连读和升、降调,朗读流利。 (3)朗读课本中的自选歌谣,要有节奏感。 (4)选唱课本中的英文歌曲,演唱熟练。 (5)根据图片说出单词。 2.口语交际 交流和表达本册教材中的话题。 四年级 1.朗读和吟唱 - (1)朗读指定的单词,朗读时要用升、降两种语调。 (2)朗读课文对话,会正确使用连读和升、降调,朗读流利。 (3)朗读课本中的自选歌谣,节奏感强。 (4)选唱课本中的英文歌曲,演唱熟练。 (5)根据图片说出单词或短句,并能正确拼读单词。 2.口语交际 (1)交流和表达:通过师生自由会话,交流和表达本册教材中的话题。 (2)角色表演:根据提供的对话,能同伴合作做简单的角色表演。 (


初中英语口语考试问题 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

初中英语口语考试面试问题荟萃 1.Doyoulikemusic?Whatkindofmusicdoyoulike? 2.Doyoulikeyourmotherorfather?Whydoyoulikehimorher? 3.Doyoulikeyourteacher,yesorno?Why? 4.Introduceyourselfandsaythepersonyouadmiremost. 5.Whoisthemostimportantpersoninyourlife? 6.Areyouoftenlateforclass?? 7.Which?is?the?most?important?traditional?festival?in?your ?country? 8.How?far?is?it?from?your?home?to?the?school??? 9.Howdoyouusuallygotoschool?(Bybus.) 10.What’stheageofyourgrandmother?Howisshenow? 11.Whatdoyouthinkoftheairinourcity? 12.Whichdoyouprefer,stayingathomeorgoingonatrip? 13.Whoisyourfavouritesinger? 14.What’sthetimenowbyyourwatch? 15.What’sthedatetoday? 16.WhichcityisthecapitalofAmerica? 17.Whichflowerdoyoulikebest? 18.Howoftendoyougotothecinema? 19.What’syourfavouritesport?


初一英语口语试题(二):看图说话 1、Pretend that Helen is your friend,and say something about the picture(假装你是海伦的朋友,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开始): Helen studies at Zhaoqing Middle School. She gets up at 6 a.m. every day … 2、Pretend you are Jim or Kate, and say something about the picture(假装你是吉姆或 凯特,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开 始): This is a picture of my family. There are six people. The one…

3、Pretend you are David, and say something about the picture(假装你是大卫,描述图画)。Start like this(你可以这样开始): This is a picture of my family There are five people. The one in the middle is my grandpa… 4、Say something about the pictures: what’s the weather like there(描述图画,那里的天气怎样)? Start like this(你可以这样开始): In spring, the sun shines. It’s us ually warm and sunny……


小学英语口语评价方 案

小学英语学科 2014-2015学年第二学期期末口语评价活动的 实施方案 为促进小学生口语表达能力的提升,突出语言的交际功能,进一步重视非纸笔评价手段,经研究,教研室决定在全市小学三、四年级开展期末口语评价活动。活动本着以人为本的指导思想,着重考查学生实际口语表达水平及语言运用能力。 一、口语评价的意义 语言最基本的功能是交际性,针对学生英语学习中不敢大胆开口说的现状,有必要实行英语口语评价,这是提升学生语言综合运用能力的必要途径,同时也能够进一步地促进《义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)》所倡导的“小学英语教学评价以激励学生的学习兴趣和自信心为主要目的”的达成。 二、参评对象 小学三、四年级全体学生 三、评价内容和标准 依据《义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)》语言技能分级标准中一级说唱标准和PEP小学英语三、四年级上册教材内容,三、四年级设置不同的口语测试评价内容和评价标准,具体如下:(一)评价内容 分为两大项:朗读和吟唱、口语交际。其中:

三年级 1.朗读和吟唱 (1)朗读指定的单词,朗读时要用升、降两种语调。 (2)朗读课文对话,会正确使用连读和升、降调,朗读流利。 (3)朗读课本中的自选歌谣,要有节奏感。 (4)选唱课本中的英文歌曲,演唱熟练。 (5)根据图片说出单词。 2.口语交际 交流和表达本册教材中的话题。 四年级 1.朗读和吟唱 (1)朗读指定的单词,朗读时要用升、降两种语调。 (2)朗读课文对话,会正确使用连读和升、降调,朗读流利。 (3)朗读课本中的自选歌谣,节奏感强。 (4)选唱课本中的英文歌曲,演唱熟练。 (5)根据图片说出单词或短句,并能正确拼读单词。 2.口语交际 (1)交流和表达:通过师生自由会话,交流和表达本册教材中的话题。 (2)角色表演:根据提供的对话,能同伴合作做简单的角色表演。 (二)评价标准


中考英语听力口语自动化考试问答 一、听力口语自动化考试与以往考试相比有哪些主要变化 1.考试内容实行两考合一。将以往的英语口语等级测试和中考听力测试合并进行,通过计算机一次性完成考试。 2.考试方式实行人机对话。以往的英语口语等级测试方式为“师生对话”,由测试员现场提问,现场测试打分,以往的中考听力考试则在中考笔试时进行,依靠考场内广播或录音机播放听力磁带。实行人机对话后,考生坐在计算机前,戴上考试专用耳麦,由计算机播放听力录音和试题,考生用计算机作答并对着麦克风回答口语题。出题、考试、判卷、结果反馈全部由计算机完成。 3.成绩评定实行电脑评分。考试结束后,由计算机记录下考生的答案,由自动阅卷专用服务器综合各种特征给出评分,经考试组织部门确认后发布。 综上三点,听力口语自动化考试,简化了考试程序,减轻了考生负担,规范了考试要求,避免了人为因素可能造成的不利影响。

二、听力口语自动化考试如何组织 根据省教育厅统一部署,2009年起,全省中考英语听力口语自动化考试由省教育厅统一组织,统一命制试题、统一考点设置、统一考试时间、统一考试流程、统一评分标准、统一发布成绩。 三、听力口语自动化考试考点和考场如何设置 人机对话考试对考点的要求比较高。省教育厅要求原则上以各初中学校为考点,以各学校的计算机网络机房为考场,考场计算机及相关软硬件配置均须符合考试所要求的基本条件,不符合要求的必须在升级、补充到位的基础上才能申报考点。从目前申报情况看,我市大多数初中学校已符合考场设置条件,全市大多数初中毕业生都可在本校参加听力口语自动化考试。少数不符合考场设置条件学校的学生由各地教育行政部门统一安排到就近的考点参加考试。 四、一个考场内同时有30人进行听力口语考试,会不会互相干扰 按照考场设置要求,一个考场内设置不少于33台考试机和1台监考机,每个考场同时安排30人进行考试。考试所用耳麦和话筒都是特制的,考生只能听到考试机播放的声音,话筒也只对定向的声音录音,完全不影响考试效果。


初中英语口语考试面试问题荟萃 1.Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? 2.Do you like your mother or father? Why do you like him or her? 3.Do you like your teacher, yes or no? Why? 4.Introduce yourself and say the person you admire most. 5.Who is the most important person in your life? 6.Are you often late for class?? 7.Which?is?the?most?important?traditional?festival?in?your?country? 8.How?far?is?it?from?your?home?to?the?school??? 9.How do you usually go to school ? (By bus.) 10.What’s the age of your grandmother? How is she now? 11.What do you think of the air in our city ? 12.Which do you prefer , staying at home or going on a trip ? 13.Who is your favourite singer? 14.What’s the time now by your watch ? 15.What’s the date today? 16.Which city is the capital of America? 17.Which flower do you like best? 18.How often do you go to the cinema? 19.What’s your favourite sport? 20.How many people are there in your family? 21.Are?you?interested?in?English??


英语口语测试方案 一、测试目的 1、了解、检查现阶段小学3-6年级学生英语学习状况 2、了解教师在使用教材, 贯彻落实小学英语课程标准的情况 3、对照小学英语课程评价要求, 促进考试改革, 确保我市从三年级起始的英语教学质量, 推进素质教育。 二、测试时间 每学期二次, 第一次一般在期中质量抽测之前, 第二次在期末质 量抽测之前。具体时间各个学校根据实际情况待定。 三、命题特点 本次测试着重考查学生对所学的基础知识、基本技能的掌握情况 以及初步的运用英语的实际能力。 四、实施要求 1、口语测试要有益于学生能力培养, 自信心的树立, 要形成学生继续学习的动力。在测试时要求教师在了解学生学习状况的基础上, 运用多种方法、手段尽可能让每一位学生心情愉快地经过测试。 2、口语测试中要求师生有一对一的对话的过程, 并尽可能采用自然对话形式完成, 同时教师要注重测试过程的自然流畅。歌曲和小诗能够让学生自选, 能够采用两人或三人组合的形式完成。

五、口语测试参考内容 1、 Free talk ( 师生共同完成。注意环境、气氛的宽松) 例: T: Good morning / afternoon. T: How are you? T: Sit down, please. T: What’s your name? T: What time is it? … 此项测试主要考查学生的情景反应能力。教师提问、学生回答均要求灵活。尽量避免与课本知识雷同, 同时要注意文明礼貌用语的使用。对话不少于5个来回。 2、 words 主要是单词和词组的认读。 此项测试主要考察学生的单词和词组的发音。教师能够抽查部分单词让学生认读。单词或词组可参考教学用书后面的词汇表中的单词。 3、 Ask and answer( 能够使用图片、实物等辅助测试) 例: What can you see …? Where is …? What is … plus …?


2014--2015学年度第一学期 小学四年级英语口语测试方案 一、测试目的 1、了解、检查四年级学生英语学习状况 2、对照小学英语课程评价要求,促进考试改革,推进素质教育。 二、测试时间 口语测试在2014年12月1日—25日期间。 三、命题特点 本次测试着重考查学生对所学的基础知识、基本技能的掌握情况以及初步运用英语的实际能力。 四、实施要求 口语测试要有益于学生能力培养,自信心的树立,要形成学生继续学习的动力。在测试时要求教师在了解学生学习状况的基础上,运用多种方法、手段尽可能让每一位学生心情愉快地通过测试。 五、平时成绩20分 1.听读作业完成情况8分 2.书写作业完成情况8分 3.课堂表现4分 六、口语测查项目 (一)1.项目:认读单词(2分)

2.内容:Unit1——Unit6 黑体单体和星号单词 3.标准:要求发音正确,朗读流利,声音优美、洪亮,吐字清晰正确;吐字较清晰,声音较为洪亮;吐字不清,声音偏低,有一处错误就扣0.2分,扣完为止。 4.方式:抽签决定所读单词组。 (二)1.项目:朗读句子(3分) 2.内容:Unit1——Unit6 中的重点句型 3.要求发音正确,朗读流利,声音优美、洪亮,吐字清晰正确;吐字较清晰,声音较为洪亮;吐字不清,声音偏低,有一处错误就扣0.2分,扣完为止。 4.方式:抽签决定所读句群。 (三)1.项目:对话表演 (Role-play) (5分) 2.内容:Unit1——Unit6 中的对话或者Story T ime 3.标准:语音语调标准,情景合理,感情丰富。 注:针对我校英语实际情况:课时少,学生英语程度参差不齐,为增强学生自信心,提高其英语学习积极性,故口语考试未得到满分10分的同学都可以在2014年12月1日—25日期间反复重考,直到得到自己满意的分数为止。


口语测试题 《课程标准》阶段性达标测试 三年级英语口语测试卷 一、本测试卷共A、B、C三部分,供教师对学生口语测试时使用, 每位学生仅测试其中一部分,抽签决定。各学校务必严密组织、严格操作。 二、时间安排:2014年11月21日星期五上午8:00开始 三、满分:20 分四、评分要求: 五、口语测试题 口语测试卷A 、请根据图片或汉语提示说出单词(8 分)

黄色绿色 Ⅱ、请说出你所听句子的应答语。 (12 分) 1.What's your name? 2.Good afternoon,? 3.Let's go to school. 4.I have an eraser. 5.How are you? 6.Goodbye,? 口语测试卷B 、请根据图片或汉语提示说出单词(8 分) 红色橙色 1.Hello,I 'm Miss White.

2.Hi,my name's? 3.Nice to meet you! 4.Good morning. 5.How are you? 6.Bye,? 口语测试卷C 、请根据图片或汉语提示说出单词(8 分) 白 色Ⅱ、请说出你所听句子的应答语。(12 分) 1.What's your name? 2.How are you? 3.Let 's go to school! 4.Let 's make a puppet!

5.Nice to meet you! 6.Goodbye,? 《课程标准》阶段性达标测试 四年级英语口语测试卷 一、本测试卷共A、B、C三部分,供教师对学生口语测试时使用,每位学生仅测试其中一部分,抽签决定。各学校务必严密组织、严格操作。 二、时间安排:2014年11月21日星期五下午1:40开始 三、满分:20 分四、评分要求: 五、口语测试题 口语测试卷A 、请根据图片读出单词(10 分)


初三英语口语测试成绩表(1) 姓名 一.Read the passage(1 分) I like to have friends who are like me. I’m quieter than most of the kids in my class, and so is my best friend Tom. There are some differences, though. I’m more intellectual than Tom. She’s more athletic. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Mary is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but Mary is more athletic than me. Also, I’m

quieter than she is. 二.Interview questions(2 分) 1. What do you think is the most helpful invention 2. What are cars used for 三.Topic compositions.(2 分)任选下面两题中的一题,作口头作文。 2. How often do you speak English Do you often read English books Tell us something about your English study. Are you a good English student


Test17 一听对话回答问题。(计10分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。 ( ) 1. What time does Gina’s mother go to work? A B C ( ) 2. What did the woman buy yesterday? A B C ( ) 3. Which animal do they mention? A B C ( ) 4. How is the speaker’s daughter coming back? A B C ( ) 5. What does Nancy like doing most in the free time? A.Dancing . B. Playing the piano. C. Playing guitar. ( )6. What color does Ann like best? A. Brown B. Blue C. Red ( )7.Whereis Mary now? A. At home. B. At her sister's home. C .In th e hospital.( ) 8. What does the girl want? A. Milk. B. Water. C. Tea ( ) 9.How much is the blue T-shirt? A.80 yuan B. 18 yuan C. 8 yuan ( ) 10.What is the woman doing? A. She is crossing the road. B. She is working in the office. C. She is driving. 二听对话和短文回答问题。(计10分) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。


七年级英语口语测试模拟试题 第一部分:朗读单词(总共10分) straight kilometer bamboo traffic treasure sign prepare giraffe above forest 第二部分:朗读短文或段落并根据其内容回答问题(总共10分)Dear friends, I am going to have a birthday party at home this weekend. I would like to invite you to the party. It will start at 2 p.m. on Sunday, 21 April. My parents will prepare plenty of food and drinks for us. We will also play some games. This is the way to my home. Take the underground. Get out at Exit A. Turn left and walk straight on to the traffic lights. Then cross Autumn Street and turn right. Walk across Orange Street.You will see a bank in front of you. My home is next to the bank. I am looking forward to seeing you at the party. Yours, Suzy 1. Who is the letter from? 2. When will the party start? 3. What will Suzy’s parents prepare for them? 4. What will you see when you cross the Orange Street? 第三部分:话题简述(总共10分) 这个星期六下午在阳光花园有一个英语角活动,Daniel想要参加。他将从他家走到那里,出门左拐,直走,将会看见红绿灯,只要过了马路,经过一个超市,就可以看见阳光花园在街道的拐角处。


桐庐县小学英语口语测试实施方案 (讨论稿) 英语作为国际交往和科技、文化交流的重要工具,具有工具性和人文性双重性质。小学英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们对英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心,培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,使他们形成初步用英语进行简单的日常交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础。根据教育部《义务教育英语课程标准》,为全面提高我县小学英语教学质量,全面评价学生学习英语情况,结合我县教学现状,制定桐庐县小学英语口语测试实施方案。 一、测试目的 1. 了解、检查小学各年级学生英语学习状况,着重考查学生口语表达及实际运用所学语言的能力。 2. 了解教师在使用教材,贯彻落实英语课程标准等方面的情况。 3. 优化评价方式。促进学生个性化、多元化的发展。 二、事项说明 1. 测试时间:每学年第二学期5月。三个模块同时进行,每位学生平均用时大约2~3分钟。每所学校检测用时约1.5小时。 2. 被测学校:同类学校(或四类学校选同类学校抽测)。 3. 测试地点:被测学校(候测室与检测室)。 4. 被测学生:三~六年级随机抽测一个年段。随机抽取被测班级,从被测班级中随机抽取30名学生。(或按学校学生数,等距抽取。) 5. 测试员(教师):全县安排13个监考组,每组3名监考教师,其中1名为组长,每组一天完成三所学校监考工作。监考教师由教研室组织人员并进行培训。 6. 测试内容:三个模块,包括自主展示、即时朗读、综合运用。 三、测试流程 (一)测试准备 1. 被测学校:准备两间教室(工作室),一间为测试室,一间为候测试。 2. 被测学生:测试前,测试教师组长随机抽取被测年段一个班,然后再从被测班级中抽取30名学生,男女生比例相等。年级人数少于30人的按实际人数。测试开始5分钟前,每组10人带本学期课本在候测试等候。 3. 测试教师:测试教师分工,每位教师负责检测一个模块并当场打分。 (二)测试过程 测试开始,一名学生在候测试(测试教师1处)完成第一模块自主展示模块后,进入测试室从测试老师手中抽取即时朗读题目完成第二模块,最后至第三位老师处抽取第三模块综合运用题目并完成测试。所有考生依此进行。


初中英语口语面试问题荟萃1 1.Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? Yes, I do. ①I like classical music most. Maybe many people think it odd for a young m an to like classical music. But this is just the truth about me. I purify my mi nd in the course of appreciating the masterpieces by masters, Beethoven, Moza rt, etc.. ②Well, I like hip-hop, you know. It is so cool and fun. It’s a very lively mu sic. Whenever I listen to it, I just throw away bad feeling and hop around an d entertain myself. ③Err, I would say Chinese traditional music is what I am interested in. becau se I think the Chinese culture is a great culture and the music has its peculiar elegance. It’s very soft and nice. ④I like pop songs, especially those of old stars who are from Hong Kong an d Taiwan. Their voices ar e very stylish and their songs are well written, which tells the true feeling o f modern people. 2.Do you like your mother or father? Why do you like him or her? I like my mom. My mother is a kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. She gives us every comfort we need. We all love her very much. ②I like my mother very much. My mother is a thrifty and industrious woma n. She saves every penny that she can to keep everything in order. As she ha s been busy ever since she was young, she looks older than she really is. My mother often says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play. If you did not work, you will become lazy and of no use to the society.” What a good piece of advice it is! We must worth it well and always keep it in ou r minds. ③I like my father very much. Although he is very busy, he is always helpin g others. He is helpful. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try hi s best to help them. ④I like my father very much. My father likes English as I do. Also, he love s his family for ever. And I love him for ever. He is always kind and he is a man of perseverance. He works very hard and his services are highly apprec iated. My father is a man of devotion. Every morning he gets up the earliest t o make breakfast for us. In the evening, he is always the late to come back home. On weekends, he always takes us to go outing in his car. He is a man of few words, but he often says to me “A little learning is a dangerous thin g”. I will always remember these words. 3.Do you like your teacher, yes or no? Why? ①Yes, I do. I have many teachers now and I love them all, but my favorite t eacher, I think, is my English teacher Miss Gao. She is tall and thin, in my e


口语测试 一、用正确的语音语调朗读短文: (从每单元的Reading 中选出) 二、根据实际情况回答下列问题: 1. Do you often watch TV in the evening? 2. How many students are there in your class? 3. What do you often have for breakfast? 4. Where are you from? 5. How do you usually go to school? 6. Can you cook food for yourself? 7. How old are you? 8. When do you usually exercise? 9. Is your home near your school? 10. Who does the cooking in your family? 11. When were you born? 12. What do you do on Sundays? 13. How long does it usually take you to do your homework in the evening? 14. How long do you sleep every day? 15. How many classes do you have a day? 16. Do you like reading? 17. What is your favorite sport?

18. How many people are there in your family? 19. Does your father love you? 20. Is your mother good at cooking? 21. What are your parents? 22. What’s the name of your school? 23. Which class are you in? 24. How often do you have P.E. lessons? 25. What subjects do you like best? 26. Are you good at English? 27. Do you work hard at your lessons? 28. Do you have computer lessons every week? 29. Can you sing English? 30. How many hours of TV do you have every week? 31. Who runs the fastest in your school? 32. Do you often play games? 33. What day is it today? 34. How many hours are there in a day? 35. What day comes after Sunday? 36. What month is this month? 37. Which season do you like best?

PEP小学六年级英语口语测试 方案

小学六年级英语口语测试方案 一、测试目的 1.检查六年级学生英语学习状况; 2.了解教师在使用教材,贯彻落实小学英语课程标准的情况; 3.对照小学英语课程评价要求,促进考试改革,推进素质教育。 二、测试时间 口语测试在2014年6月3日—13日。 三、命题特点 本次测试着重考查学生对所学的基础知识、基本技能的掌握情况以及初步的运用英语的实际能力。 四、实施要求 1.口语测试要有益于学生能力培养,自信心的树立,要形成学生继续学习的动力。在测试时要求教师在了解学生学习状况的基础上,运用多种方法、手段尽可能让每一位学生心情愉快地通过测试。 2.口语测试中要求师生有一对一的对话的过程,并尽可能采用自然对话形式完成,同时教师要注重测试过程的自然流畅。 3. 口语测试可以由本班英语教师完成,也可以由本校英语教师共同完成。 五、活动安排 (一)1.项目:认读单词10分 2.内容:六年级上下两册教材中要求的四会单词或短语(15个) 3.标准:要求发音正确,朗读流利,声音优美、洪亮,吐字清晰正确,读对其中的10个词或短语得10分;吐字较清晰,声音较为洪亮,且读对其中的8-9个词或短语得8-9分;吐字较不清,声音偏低,且读对其中的6-7个词或短语得6-7分;吐字不清,声音偏低,有多处错误(4-5分)。 4.方式:抽签决定所读单词或词组。 (二)1.项目:看图说话5分

2.内容:六年级上下两册教材中的图画 3.标准:学生能根据情境中的内容说四、五句话,内容表达准确,声音清楚、流畅得5分;学生能根据情境中的内容说一、两句话,内容表达准确,声音清楚、流畅得4分;学生能根据情境中的内容说一句话,内容表达基本准确,表达较为流畅得3分。 4.方式:抽签决定所要表达的图片。 (三)1.项目:朗读课文5分 2.内容: 六年级上下两册教材中的Let’s talk 或者read and write其中一段或一篇。 3.标准:朗读课文声音优美、洪亮,节奏自然,吐字清楚,错误很少(5分);朗读课文声音优美、洪亮,节奏较自然,吐字较清楚,错误较少(4分);朗读课文声音较低,节奏较慢,吐字不清,语法错误较多,内容较少(2-3分) 4.方式:抽签决定所要朗读的课文。 六、 评价标准 以等级制加分数(总分20分)评价方式进行,16——20分为优,14——15为良,12——13为合格,其余为待合格。


Test35 一听对话回答问题。(计10分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。 ( ) 1. What’s Rick’s favorite sport? A B C ( ) 2. How will the weather be like this May Day? A B C ( ) 3. What does Peter want to be when he grows up? A B C ( ) 4. Where has Tina been in the last few days? A B C ( ) 5. Who did th e best in the high jump of the three? A. Lily. B. Lucy. C. Mary. ( )6. Where is the girl’s father? A. In America. B. In Russia. C. In Australia. ( )7.What will the doctor say then? A. You’re welcome. B. Excuse me. C. It doesn’t matter. ( ) 8.What does the woman think of Tom? A. Tom is clever, but he can’t work out the problem. B .Tom isn’t clever enough to work out the problem. C. The problem is easy enough for such a clever boy as Tom to workout. ( ) 9.What does the woman mean? A. She has invited him. B. She hasn’t invited him. C. She can help him.


2014年中考英语口语考试模拟试题(一) 一、朗读(5分) 给你50秒钟时间准备朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,立即在80秒钟内朗读短文一遍,当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即中止朗读。(操作说明:学生朗读的准备时间为50秒钟,录音时间为80秒钟。当80秒钟过后,电脑播出录音中止信号,屏幕即显示第二大题的题目) Disneyland is a famous park in the USA.Its founder was Walt Disney. He is famous for his cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Snow White. Disney was born in the USA.After leaving school, he sold newspapers and delivered letters. At the same time, he studied art at night. Finally, he got a job drawing cartoons for films. Sometimes a mouse sat on Walt’s desk when he was at work. He drew the mouse and put it in a cartoon. This became Disney’s most famous cartoon character- Mickey Mouse. Mickey soon became a star and Disney became rich and famous 三、简短说话(5分) 给你两分钟的时间准备。当听到“开始录音”的信号时,请根据所

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