当前位置:文档之家› 2013年03月国考教师资格证笔试科目三英语学科高中学段真题答案解析





1.What happened to the glass?

A.The glass is broken

B.The glass was broken

C.Tom has the glass

D.Tom broke the glass






1. 关于人的寿命的

2. 关于电视节目乏味的



31. 自我纠错是语言学习的有效方法之一。课堂教学过程中教师可以通过哪些方式引导学生自我纠错?写出四种方式,并各举一例说明。






Tom: Hello Alice, I’m interested in your work saving birds! What do you think is the most difficult part of your job?

Alice: Well..., I suppose it’s saving wild birds covered in oil. That’s the most difficult of all.

Tom: How does that happen?



Scientists have discovered that when chimpanzees have stomach pains, typically because of intestinal parasites, they look for a certain plant to eat, Lippea. It is common in the jungles where chimpanzees live, and it contains chemical substances effective against many parasites. Lippea is not the only natural medicine in the chimpanzees’ cabinet. They may actually use up to thirty different plants- for different problems. Interestingly, the local people make use of many of the same plants for medical purposes. It is almost certain that chimpanzees discovered these herbal remedies before humans.



Teaching objectives

Teaching contents

Key and difficult points

Major steps and time allocation

Actitities and justification

教学时间: 45分钟。


语言素材:The ancient Olympic Games

The original Olympic Games were part of an important religious festival to honour the Greek gods, especially Zeus....






解析:Once a topic is chosen, it is suggested that students work together to brainstorm ideas for writing, because students’ thoughts can be inspired by each other’s sparkling points. In the brainstorming session, students can list all the ideas related to the topic on a piece of paper or on the blackboard. Some ideas may be useful, while others may not. But this does not matter at all. The important thing is to get students to think freely and put down all possible ideas that come to their minds.


解析:Cultural variations in how emotion influences negotiation: Evaluating a process-oriented model from an interaction-based, cross-cultural perspective. Outstanding Scholarly Work Award from the Intercultural Communication Division of the International Communication Association.


解析:定冠词the在元音音素前读/ ei /,在辅音音素前念/e?/.


解析:The linguist Noam Chomsky claims that human beings are biologically programmed for language and that the language develops in the child just as other biological fuctions such as walking.(乔姆斯基声称人天生具有语言能力,而且语言的发展与儿童的其他生物功能,如行走,是一样的。他将这种先天能力称之为语言习得机制LAD)



Smoking, drinking and eating fast food will not stop you living to a ripe old age –if you have the right genes. A study of hundreds of centenarians revealed they

were just as likely to have vices as other people – and in some cases they indulged in them more. Some of them had smoked for 85 years, others got through more than two packets of cigarettes a day. They also exercised less than their shorter-lived counterparts but were less likely to become obese.

The bad news is ti is almost impossible to be sure if you are one of the lucky few blessed with the longevity genes. This means, say the American researchers, that there is no excuse for not taking care of your health.

Almost 500 men and women aged between 95 and 109 were asked about how they had lived their lives for the study. The study of 500 men and women aged between 95 and 109 found they were more likely to have smoked and drunk.

But this was far from the case, the Journal of the Amenrican Geriatrics Society reported. The long-lived men and women were no more likely to have dieted than the others and were more likely to have smoked and drunk.

Researcher Nir Barzilai, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, said:’This study suggests centenarians may possess additional longevity genes that help to buffer them against the harmful effects of an unhealthy lifestyle.’



31. 所谓自我纠错,就是学习者在表达过程中,根据自我监控,对自己出现的错误的语言行为进行改正。口语练习后的小组自我纠错、课堂测验纠错、创设语言情境进行两人一组的对话练习、选出代表站在讲台上用外语进行演讲或汇报讨论结果。

32.(1) 材料1是属于对话形式的语篇类型;材料2 是属于叙述形式的语篇类型

(2) 材料1适合听说课型,材料2适合阅读课型。


(3) 1.对教材内容进行适当的补充和删减







33.语言素材:The ancient Olympic Games

The original Olympic Games were part of an important religious festival to honour the Greek gods, especially Zeus....

Teaching topic: The ancient Olympic Games

Teaching aims

1. Knowledge aim:To grasp the clue of Olympic Games’ development and to analysis some long and difficult sentences.

2. Ability aim:To improve students’ listening and reading skills.

3. Emotion aim:To have a real understanding of the Weast country’s cutural through the learning of the ancient Olympic Games.

Teaching key points:To use some words and sentece patterns to describe the Olympic Games.

Teaching difficult points:Using some long and difficult sentences into real situations.

Teaching Methods:Situational teaching method communicate teaching method

task-based teaching method

Teaching Aids: Tape player Multi-media Picture

Teaching procedures

Step 1 : Lead in

At the very beginning of the class, students will be stiumlated by some videos about the Beijing Olympic Games. They have two minutes to show as many words as possible about the Olympic Games.

Step 2: Pre-reading

Listen to the tape carefully and answer two questions.

1. What the original Olympic Games stand for ?

2. What the text is generally about?

Ask some students to answer the questions but don‘t give them right answers. Step 3: While-reading

Task 1: Skimming

Fill out a table according to the article and the students should finish it by themselves. Then ask some Ss to write their answers on the blackboard and give them some courage.

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Task 2: Scanning

1.Discuss the main topic in pairs.

2.Make a conversation and give the best students some presents.

Task 3: intensive reading

1.Help the Ss understand and analyse the long and difficult phrases and sentences.

2.Answer some questions according to the article.

Pay attention to different Ss and encourage them to join in the activity.

Step 4:Post- reading

Interview each other and fill in the table. Then make a conversation according to the new sentence pattern and the requirement.

Lastly , read the whole passage together loudly.

Step 5: Summary

Students summarize the language points they have learned in this lesson;

Teacher makes supplements and emphasizes the differences between different between the ancient Olympic Games and the morden Olympic Games.

Tell students to care more about the changeable outside world.

Step 6: Homework

Students are encouraged to collect more things about the Olympic Games and try to retell the article with some new sentences patterns.

9) Blackboard layout

10)Teaching reflection


I.语言知识与能力 1.单项选择题(语言知识) (1)It was very ________ of him to wait for us. A.considerable B.considering C.considerate D.considered (2)________ from the top of the hill, the town looks beautiful. A.Seeing B.Having seen C.Seen D.To see 2.单项选择题(阅读理解) Every year hundreds of thousands of visitors to New York City go to see the United Nations Headquarters in midtown Manhattan. The 18-acre site includes four buildings - the Secretariat, the General Assembly, the Conference building, and the Dag Hammarskjold Library. The United Nations (UN) currently has 192 members, and the flags of those nations line the plaza in front of the General Assembly Hall and Secretariat. The row of flags, displayed in English alphabetical order, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, stretches from 48th Street to 42nd Street. The decision to locate United Nations Headquarters in the United States was made in 1946 by the UN General Assembly, then meeting in London. Several U.S. locations were considered, but a donation of 8.5 million dollars from philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, Jr. secured the purchase of land at the present site. And the City of New York provided a gift of additional land. The UN complex was designed by an international team of prominent architects. American Wallace K. Harrison was named chief architect, and ten other countries each nominated an architect to the Board of Design Consultants. The 11 architects began the project in early 1947. The U.S. government provided an interest-free loan to the United Nations for the cost of construction, which began in 1949. The Secretariat Building, which houses the UN administrative offices, was completed in 1950, and United Nations Headquarters officially opened in 1951. The


教师国培个人研修总结 通过学习,我感觉自己从很多方面都得到了提高。本次国培,我从以下两个方面谈谈自己的收获和感悟: 在新课改背景下,作为一名适应新时代的教师,教书育人的角色发生了很大的转换,我从教20多年,巨大的惯性成为我们角色转换 的阻力。为了适应新时期的要求,我必须不断地学习,树立终身学 习的观念,不断提高自身的专业素养,使学习成为自己的一种内需,通过学习提升师德修养,丰富知识结构,增强理论功底;工作中,积 极投身教育科研的改革与实践,从学生终身发展的高度积极探索新 的课堂教学;实践中,不断探求、感悟、反思,时刻提醒自己用脑子 工作,使自己逐步成为研究型、开拓型、全能型的教师。使自己不 断提高教育理论和学术水平,增强知识更新能力和教育教学能力, 从各方面不断完善自己,提高自身综合素质。 一、读书提升自我,完善自我。 我利用休息时间,在国培中广泛阅读各类书目,可以充实、更新自己的专业知识,领悟生活化、情境化课堂教学的真谛,提高自己 的教学水平。同时,注意多钻研、勤思考,将自己的教育教学实践 与理论结合起来,在总结和反思中来形成自己的教学风格。在本学 期内,我认真阅读《课程改革与问题解决教学》、《新课程背景下 的有效课堂教学策略》等有关教育教学方面的书刊,及时更新教育 理念。为了工作的需要,我还欣赏一些文学书籍,写好读书感想, 从而不断充实自己,使自己在教学中能够得心应手。 二、树立优良教风,提高课堂艺术。 要树立优良学风,刻苦钻研业务,不断学习新知识,探索教育教学新规律。钻研教材,写好每一个教案,上好每一堂课,多听同组 同事的课,多学习别人的优点和长处。另外,为业余时间多学习信 息技术,适应现代教学的要求。


第四部分教学实施与评价 第二节教学方法与技巧 1、新课的导入方法 (1)复习导入法 建立新旧知识之间的联系,为新知识的学习做好铺垫 (2)背景知识导入法 有助于学生排除思维障碍,深刻领悟所学新材料,实现教人、教文化教语言一体化。 (3)直观导入法。 直观教具包括,实物、卡片、幻灯片、教学电影等。由于直观教具呈现具体形象的声音、图像,容易吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣。 (4)话题导入法。 在呈现新材料之前,师生就一个话题用英语展开自由的讨论交流。能够提高学生使用英语交际的能力,为新知识的学习做好准别和预热(5)故事情节导入法。 教师在新课内容呈现以前,用第一人称或第三人称讲述故事。 故事具有强烈的吸引力,教师通过巧妙地设置悬念,可以让同学不知

不觉中进入到新知识的学习当中去。 2、语言呈现的方法 (1)利用真实情景呈现 学生周围的人、物等真实情景 (2)利用肢体语言呈现 教师在课堂上运用各种生动的表情、演示来进行新知识的呈现。包括眼神、动作、姿态、手势等。使学生获得生动直观的形象,促进徐盛对新语言的理解。 (3)利用直观教具呈现 采用直观媒介,如卡片、图片、幻灯片、投影仪等媒介 (4)利用电教手段呈现 充分利用投影仪,电脑等多种媒介创设情景来呈现。运用现代化手段通过优美的画面,悦耳的歌声,纯正的英语来把新知识呈现出来。(5)利用问答呈现 通过问答教师可以创设呈现新知识的语境,从学生已经学习过的旧知识中找到与新知识的结合点,采取问答的形式呈现新知识 (6)利用故事呈现 老师在讲述故事的同时,有意的融入要学习的新知识,使学生在无意

识的状态下就感知新知识。 (7)利用游戏、角色扮演呈现 3、课堂提问与反馈技巧 提问是教师训练学生思维和提高学生理解能力的重要手段。提问具有锻炼表达能力、检查学习效果等多种功能。 (1)课堂提问的类型 ①课堂程序性提问 与课堂管理的指令有关,目的在于落实教学计划,实施课堂活动。 ②课文理解性提问 展示性问题display question(检测学生对课文的理解程度,教师预先知道问题答案,答案通常是惟一的)、参阅性问题referential question (就课文中可以引发进一步思考的关键点进行提问,没有现成答案,老师也没有明确答案)、评估性问题evaluation question(要求学生能够对文中所涉及的话题、事件发表自己的看法和观点) ③现实情境性提问 根据学生现有的生活经验和知识,进行提问,要求学生根据实际情况进行作答。

国际英语教师资格证 高级证书作业参考答案

Assignment-Define the Acronyms for TESOL,SLA,L1,and L2 TESOL:Teaching English to Speakers of Sther Language SLA:Second Language Acquisition L1:"Language1"=the student's native(primary or first acquired)language. L2:"Language2"=the language being learned or studied What is an icebreaker activity?What are two types of icebreakers? Icebreaker activity is used when people meet at first time in a group and they do not know much about each other.Icebreaker activity can create a comfortable and connected atmosphere to make participants feel relax. There are two types of Icebreakers: 1.Facilitating Introductions:Are used to help participants ease into training and helps the participants to learn each other’s names and information(Dover, 2004).The introduction icebreakers are best used on first days of school when trying to learn student’s names and a little bit about them. 2.Topic Lead-ins:Are used to identify needs and goals,share information and resources,and/or surface resistance(Dover,2004).These will direct the student into the content that will be taught.The icebreakers can be used to generate interest in a topic and activate the student’s prior knowledge. Topic Lead-ins will encourage the sharing of information and resources(Dover, 2004). Essay Assignment-Design an icebreaker activity for young learners. Icebreaker activity:Name That Person 1.Divide into two teams and give each person a blank piece of card. 2.Let them to write five little know facts or features about themselves on their card.


2018年上半年中小学教师资格考试 英语学科知识与教学能力试题(初级中学) 注意事项: 1.考试时间120分钟,满分150分。 2.请按规定时间在答题卡上填涂、作答。在试卷上作答无效,不予评分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.The similarity between the English consonants/p/,/b/,and/m/is that they are all(). A.fricative B.plosive https://www.doczj.com/doc/9816997180.html,bial-dental D.bilabial 2.Which of the following is a back vowel in English?() A./?:/ B./?:/ C./?/ D./e/ 3.There is only one playground slide in this school,so the students have to take()to use it. A.turns B.the turns C.a turn D.the turn 4.Out of everyone’s expectation,Johnson suddenly returned()a rainy night. A.at B.in C.on D.during 5.She()it very well when she described her younger brother as“brilliant but lazy”. A.put B.made C.assumed D.interpreted 6.We don’t think()possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. A.this B.that C.its D.it 7.()the same mistakes in the annual financial report again made his boss very angry.


学校优秀老师国培心得体会 国培计划教师培训的学习期间,我认真观看了几位专家的精彩讲座,认真做好学习笔记,积极完成作业。专家们精湛的教艺,先进的理念和独特的设计给我留下了深刻的印象,我努力将专家经验和自身所学有机结合起来,丰富自己的课堂,提高自身的教学水平。通过这段时间的培训让我受益匪浅,先将学习心得总结如下: 一、树立终身学习的思想 我们要坚持活到老学到老,不断提高自身素质,以过硬的本领,带出一流的好学生,不遗余力地培养国家栋梁。在学习的过程中,要坚持理论联系实际,坚持边学习边思考,坚持动脑和动手相结合,坚持媒体运用技巧与业务专业相结合。要保证学习取得实实在在的效果,发扬求真务实,深钻细研学风,力戒走马观花,蜻蜓点水,浅尝辄止,不求甚解。要向实际学习,向社会学习,向同行学习,向学生学习。要坚持学以致用,把学到的教育技术真正地、更加有效地用到教学实践中去,从而大大提升教学质量,提高教学效果。 二、运用信息技术教学的思想。 作为一名新时代的教师,无论是从教学课件还是教学思维上,我们都应该运用信息,积极以新观念、新思路、新方法投入教学,以适应现代教学改革需要,切实发挥新课标在新时期教学改革中的科学性和引领性,达到应有的教学效果和作用,使学生获得能力的提高。 三、更好地做好教学设计工作 教学设计是教学活动的基础性工作,事关教学活动的成败。教学设计是理论到实践的桥梁。一份优秀的教学设计可以是集教学资源的搜索、多媒体课件的设计制作、教学计划的实施和教学评价的形成等为一体的,具有目的性、计划性,达到事半功倍效果的教学方案。 四、掌握了正确选择教学媒体的技巧 教学媒体既是一种资源,又是一种工具,我们要善于学习,善于运用。要充分发挥教学媒体对教学的支持作用,从而起到事半功倍的效果。要重视教学资源的有效利用。审视教学资源和教学设计的整合,结合教学设计,搜集资源,并创造性的设计、利用资源制作课件,支持自己的教学工作。同时,在今后的工作中,要和同事们共享设计和课件,学会评价资源,评价课件。 五、更进一步让我能够合理运用教学资源。 随着时代的发展,每一种新的技术都对教育产生了巨大的影响,以计算机为主的信息技术在教育中的应用,改变了教师的教学行为和学生的学习行为。在教


幼丿做师要树立国际意识才能在言传身教中将这种国际化的信息带给幼儿, 才能促进幼儿全方位的发展,幼丿做师国培让教师们受益良多。下面给大家分享2020教师国培个人心得总结最新大全.欢迎阅读! 教师国培心'得总结1 在这为期十天高强度、大密度的学习时间里,感谢国培给我们提供的学习机会与平台,沈阳师范大学请来北师大、东北师大、华东师大、河南师大等高校的教授以及沈阳本土专家为我们答疑解惑,让我们每天收获知识,增长见闻。 例如:北师大冯晓霞教授的《3——6岁儿童学习与发展指南》解读、东北师大王/」筷教授的《幼儿园活动的有效性》、华东师大朱家雄教授的《国内外学前教育发展现状和趋势》、河南师大刘晓红主任的《幼儿园教师专业标准(试行)》解i卖等重要前沿理论和实践课程。本土专家李红梅老师的《优秀教师成长历程——与名师对话》、韩沈丹园长的《幼儿园环境创设与课程关系》、罗英智的《幼儿园五大领域教育目标、内容与课程设置》以及线亚威主任的《以游戏为基本活动的幼儿园课程理论与实践》等。 通过学习”我感悟很多。深深感受到,学前教育是专业性很强的学科”作为幼丿澈育工作者,不能画地为牢,目光短浅,不能只盯着幼丿熾育,只做井底之蛙。我们要与时代同行,具有较强的前瞻性,敏锐性,及时捕捉生活的脉搏,博学善思”用我们无穷的智慧与爰心,陪伴孩子il']快乐成长。孩子是初升的太阳,

是祖国的未来,"少年强则中国强",而我们的工作就是培养这些祖国的未来栋梁, 在 他们受教育最关键的启蒙阶段,给予他们最需要、最科学的照顾和关注。 通过学习,我的教育教学观念获得了前所未有的大转变:学习让我了解了《纲要》与《指南》的相互支撑、正确认识了教与学的关系、幼儿园活动区课程实施策略黑东北育才幼儿园、阜姑区实验幼儿园、南宁幼儿园、沈政幼儿园的参观与学习「更是让我们零距离、全方位的了解国家级优秀园所的办园理念与策略,为我们将来的发展提供了丰富的经验和鲜活的实例。 皇姑区实验幼儿园的特级教师一为我们阐述了她在成长中的感悟。读书,是她的生活方式。腹有诗书气自华,是她追求的目标;乐于学习”是她的工作写照。简单质朴的语言,为我们生动再现了红梅老师一线工作中的情景与解决问题的方法;让我们在红梅老师的侃侃而谈中,了解了皇姑区实验幼儿园的园本文化与内涵发展。乐于学习、勤于学习、善于学习,是红梅老师对我们所有听讲教师的衷告。只有不断的学习,自身才会不断的发展、成长,优秀直至卓趣。 沈阳师大,十天学习,这里的专家循循善诱,这里的老师细致耐心,让我们每一个学员都为之感动和高兴;治班严谨又知性风趣的杨老师是大家的最爰,杨老师不仅在学习和生活上无微不至的关心和照顾我们,还义务的为我们做导游解说员。在参观园所的路上,耐心、细心的为我们来自全国各地的老师讲解沈阳的风土人情与社会雄 最后,借用王/」筷教授的一句话来结束我的国培感悟:动心动情的教育,才是 最好的教育杨老师,做到了,沈阳师大,做到了!


一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 1.Those robots can walk like__________. A.human B.humans C.humen D.humens 2.She with her friends__________to visit their teacher every week. A.go B.going C.goes D.went 3.I don’t think the poor__________always poor.Working hard__________very important.A.is;is B.are;are C.are;is D.is;are 4.Would you mind__________the window? A.I closing B.my closing C.me closing D.me close 5.It has been__________since we went out to play last time. A.some time B.sometime C.sometimes D.some times 6.Mr.Green works in a__________building. A.thirty stories high B.thirty-stories high C.thirty-stories-high D.thirty-story high 7.Many children would__________watch TV than do sports. A.rather B.1ike C.want D.love 8.It’S very nice__________you__________my parents your best wishes. A.of;sending B.of;to send C.for;to send D.for;sending 9.If you want to go to the movie tonight,S__________I. A.do B.am


(T r a n s l a t i o n) People’s Republic of China Teacher’s Qualification License Teacher's Qualification Certificate is a legal reference granted by the state to those who are qualified for teaching position. Any teaching personnel in any and all schools or other institutions shall bear this Certificate. Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China (seal)

Certificate Holder: *** Gender: ** Date of Birth: *** Nationality: * ID No.: 3**** Qualification Category:Qualification for Teacher in Higher Education Teaching Subject: Electrical Engineering and Automation Certificate No.: *** According to regulations in T eacher’s Law of People’s Republic of China and Regulations on the Qualifications of Teachers, *** is approved to be granted for a teacher of Higher Education. Approving Office (seal): Department of Education of ** Province (seal) ***


2020教师国培心得体会总结多篇 2020教师国培心得体会总结多篇为***投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。 中小学教师培训计划,简称“国培计划”,由教育部、财政部2010年全面实施,是提高中小学教师特别是农村教师队伍整体素质的重要举措。“国培计划”包括“中小学教师示范性培训项目”和“中西部农村骨干教师培训项目”两项内容。接下来是我为大家整理的2020教师国培心得体会总结5篇范文,但愿对你有借鉴作用! 2020教师国培心得体会总结范文1 这次中小学农村教师国培培训计划活动,为我们教师创造良好的学习机会,提供了优越的学习条件。在培训期间,我积极学习,认真聆听名家视频讲座,学习教学相关策略,并进行课堂教学实践,用心去领悟教育理论观点,这次培训使我在教学理论和教育观念上得到了大量的补充,反思了以往工作中的不足,同时也解决了一些我以往教学中的困惑。下面是我通过培训获得的点滴体会: 1、名家视频讲座,让我收获着专家们思想的精髓、理论的精华。 其中,教师的语言艺术尤其重要,语言艺术中的趣味性不容忽视,因为学生天生活泼好动,需要有趣的东西来吸引他,带有趣味性的语言更能吸引他的注意力,学生的注意力集中了,才能更好地进行教育教学此文转自斐斐课件园。课堂教学过程中的课堂提问艺术也至关重要。教学中不仅教师要善于提问,还要善于启发学生自己提出问题。只有认真的学习和掌握教

育科学文化知识,不断提高自身的业务水平和教育教学质量,深入到教育的改革和研究中去,这样才会始终沉浸在幸福的海洋里。此外,教师应将自己学习和研究的理论运用到教育实践中去,并不断地进行自我反思和批判,这样才会在教学中获得进步,逐步转向研究型教师,也才会体验到工作的快乐和幸福。 2、教育信念,就像一盏明灯,指引着教育工作者的行动方向。 有理想,才会有行动,当今社会多元价值并存,容易让人迷茫,失去方向。在这次远程培训学习中我对自己的职业有了正确的认知,不管教师的社会地位、降级地位如何,应该以教师这一职业为荣,我自身也感受到了一种深深的职业幸福感。“追求自己的教育之梦,是每一位优秀教师不可或缺的重要素质。 3、注重教师人格魅力的塑造和培养,教师的人格影响着孩子的成长,好教师是引领学生进行积极选择的向导,好老师能飞无助的心灵带来希望。 优秀教师应加强个人品味的修炼,用热情去点燃学生,用人格魅力去影响学生,用生命去关照学生。我从课程中、从教师们的教学魅力中感悟到了:教师的品味在于内外兼修、在于人格与专业的共同提升,修炼、激情与创新是成为优秀教师的不可缺少的因素。 4、教育是终生事业,是一个不断发展的过程,因此,一名优秀的教师要有丰厚的学识。 优秀教师应在繁重的教学工作之余,挤时间去学习充电,“问渠哪得清如许,唯有源头活水来”,深深感悟到:读书学习,永无止境,方能使自己

教师资格证考试《英语》教案设计 实例

教师资格证考试《英语》教案设计实例 《My clothes》第二课时教学设计 1教学目标 能听、说、认、读主要单词sweater, dress, shirt, pants socks ,coat.能听度,会说: I like the green skirt.并能在实际情境中运用。 能听懂Let’s do 部分的指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如“Put on your sweater Take off your jacket. 培养学生合作学习,鼓励学生创新。 2教学重点掌握有关服装的六个单词,并能在实际情 景中运用 3教学难点表示服装的名词以及读法,以及 句型“I like …. 4教学准备相关衣服卡片、单词卡片、课件、颜 色转盘5教学过程 Step 1:Greeting(打招呼) T: Stand up,please! Good morning ,boys and girls!(请起立!早上好,孩子们!) S: Good morning ,Miss Wang!(早上好,王老师!) T: Nice to meet you !(见到你们很高兴!) S:Nice to meet you ,too!见到你也很高兴!)

T:Sit down,please! Today let’s have a match between boys and girls.(请坐! 今天我们要举行一场男孩们和女孩们的比赛。 Step 2:Warming-up(热身) T: Look ! What’s this ? First ,let’s play a game. Please look and say the colours as quickly as you can .What colour is it?(看!这是什么?首先,我们一起做一个游戏。 请尽快地看并且说出你所看到的颜色。) S:Blue、green、black…(蓝色、绿色、黑色……) T:There are so many colours here.What colour do you like best? (这里有这 么多的颜色。你最喜欢哪种颜色呢?) S :Blue…(蓝色……) T:What’s my favorite colour? Can you guess?(我最喜欢的颜色是什么呢?你 们能才出来吗?) S: (Guess)(学生猜测……) Step 3:Presentation(新课呈现) T:Yes,I like white best.Look !I’m wearing a white skirt.(板书并用手势教读,小


教师资格证《英语学科知识与能力(高级中学)》真题及答案年中小 学教师资格考试真题试卷 《英语学科知识与教学能力》(高级中学)(满分150分) —、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。 1. Excellent novels are those which ____ national and cultural barriers. A. transcend B. traverse C. suppress D. surpass 1.A 【解析】考查动词辨析。句意为“优秀的小说是会跨越民族和文化的障碍的”。A,B两项与C,D两项均为形近词辨析。transcend“胜过,超越”,常用搭配是transcend national barriers超越国界;traverse “横越,穿过”,traverse the grassland穿越草地;suppress“抑制,镇压”;surpass“优于,超过”。所以正确答案为A。 2. As Alice believed him to be a man of integrity, she refused to consider the possibility that his statement was__. A. irrelevant B. facetious C. fictitious D. illogical 2.C 【解析】考查形容词辨析。空格要填入的是一个形容词,修饰“他的陈述(his statement)”, 句意为“因为Alice相信他是一个正直的人,所以她不认为他的言论存在_可能性”。as表示因果关系,前半句对“他”的描述是“正直的人”,后半句中refused表示否定,前后应该意思一致,因此空格应该表达和integrity相对的含义。irrelevant“不相干的,不切题的”,facetious“诙谐的,爱开玩笑的”,fictitious`嘘构的,编造的”,illogical“不合逻辑的,不合常理的”。所以正确答


教师国培学习心得体会5篇 心得体会是指一种读书、实践后所写的感受性文字。一般分为学习体会,工作体会,教学体会,读后感,观后感。以下是我整理的教师国培学习心得体会5篇,欢迎阅读参考! 教师国培学习心得体会(一) 通过这次“国培计划”远程项目的培训,使我提高了认识,理清了思路,学到了新的教学理念,找到了自身的差距和不足。我从中学习到了很多知识,而且在国培计划中有幸倾听了众多专家和学者的精彩讲解,使我对教学有了更多新的认识。 经过这次的培训令我感触很大,下面将谈谈我的一些感受: 本次培训给我许多思考,深刻的体会到自己有很多东西要去学习。怎样成为一个受欢迎的数学老师呢?怎样才能在教学过程中给学生营造一个良好的氛围,建立平等、民主、信任的新型师生关系?怎样才能……?我认为要解决的问题还很多,还需要自己不断的积累,不断的去学习。 首先,教育学生,从爱出发。平等的爱,理解的爱,尊重的爱,信任的爱,这些都是老师爱的真谛。不论在生活上,还是在学习上,都要给予学生必要的关心和帮助。只要有了问题时及时处理,处理的方法得当,注意和学生沟通,学生就会信任你,喜欢你。 爱学生,还表现在老师对学生的尊重和信任,以及对学生的严格要求,又要注意对学生的个体差异,区别对待。对成绩比较差的学生,我们老师要采用不同的教育方法,因材施教。师爱要全面、公平。

其次,如何使我们的数学课堂愈发显得真实、自然、厚重而又充满着人情味,作为数学老师的我更要关注的是蕴藏在数学课堂中那些只可意会、不可言传,只有身临其境的教师和孩子们才能分享的东西,要关注那些伴随着师生共同进行的探究、交流所衍生的积极的情感体验。 我们不但要传授知识,而且要善于以自身的智慧不断唤醒孩子们的学习热情,点化孩子们的学习方法,丰富孩子们的学习经验,开启孩子们的学习智慧。让我们行动起来,做一位有心的“烹饪师”,让每一节数学课都成为孩子们“既好吃又有营养”的“数学大餐”! 最后,我还认识到:一节好的数学课,新在理念、巧在设计、赢在实践、成在后续。一节好的数学课,要做到两个关注:一是:关注学生,从学生的实际出发,关注学生的情感需求和认知需求,关注学生的已有的知识基础和生活经验……是一节成功课堂的必要基础。 二是:关注数学:抓住数学的本质进行教学,注重数学思维方法的渗透,让学生在观察、操作、推理、验证的过程中有机会经历数学化的学习过程,使学生真正体验到数学,乐学、爱学数学。 此外,我认识到:一节好的数学课,不要有“做秀”情结,提倡“简洁而深刻、清新而厚重”的教学风格,展现思维力度,关注数学方法,体现数学课的灵魂,使数学课上出“数学味”!而教师的“装糊涂、留空间”也是一种教学的智慧和方法。 通过这些天的学习,,我从中学到了很多,不仅拓宽了我的视野,还丰富了我的实践经验,更让我的思想得到了升华,使我对数学教学有了更新的认识,更加热衷于教育事业。今后,我会更加努力学习,为教育事业贡献自己的一份力量。


2019年上半年教师资格证考试《初中英语》真题及答案 一、单项选择题。下列各题的备选答案中,只有一项是最符合题意的,请把这个答案选出。(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 1 Which of the following words has a stress pattern different from the rest? A、prepare B、technique C、obvious D、advice 2 Which of the following underlined words will be stressed when Julia responds to the person who has mistaken her for Julian? A、My name is Julia, not Julian. B、My name is Julia, not Julian C、My name is Julia, not Julian. D、My name is Julia,not Julian. 3 The word“UNESCO” i s called a(n). A、acronym B、blend C、clipped word D、coined word 4 He looks like a Scottish, but his accent may give him . A、off B、out C、in D、away 5 The book is so well received that it sells the million. A、at B、in C、by D、to 6 we are successful,we can be sure that we did our best. A、Provided that B、If only C、If or not D、Whether or not 7 —Will you be able to go swimming with us?


语音课型教案模板 仅为试讲教案样本, 具体内容应根据不同教学内容进行补充或调整 红色字体为板书内容 蓝色字体为设计目的 黑色字体为口述内容 绿色字体为提示内容 双元音教学案 Lessen plan for the pronunciation of ________ Teaching aims: (1)Knowledge aim: be able to know how to pronounce the diphthong ________ (2)Ability aim: By the end of the class, students should be able to pronounce the diphthong(记着此处换词)________ (3)Emotion aim: be able to pronounce the ________more confidently Teaching methods: 3-P model Teaching aids: chock, blackboard, some cards Teaching procedure: Pronunciation(板书内容) StepⅠGreeting and Lead-in (回答完评委的两个结构化问题,不要再想了!开始上课吧!自己站在讲桌后,右手压左手,自然摆放在腰带扣的地方,也就是肚脐眼的地方,告诉自己放松,再放松!双手越自然越好!气定神怡,平心静气,微笑对评委以及评委身后那不存在还要假装存在的学生,说:) T: Class begins. Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to have this English class with you. Today we are going to learn a diphthong(记着此处换词)in English. StepⅡPresentation ⅡShow some cards to the students. Lead in the diphthong(记着此处换词)________ T: first,I will show pictures on the blackboard. Do you know, what is this in English? S: this is a________. T: yes, very good. This is a________. Now read after me,________. S:________ T:________ S:________ T: OK, very good. Then the second one, what is this in English? S: this is a ________. T: good. This is a ________. And what is she doing now? S: she is crying. T: so in her eyes, there are …… S: ________ T: excellent! There are ________ in her eyes. Read after me. ________ S: ________


教师国培学习总结与反思 能够参加国培,对于教师们来说是一个不可多得的 几乎,那么在培训学习中,教师们应该如何对学习情况 进行总结反思呢?下面是由整理的教师国培学习总结与反思,希望对您有用。 教师国培学习总结与反思篇一 在2xx-x年的岁末,我有幸与同事们一起,与来自 各个地区的幼教同仁们一起相聚在武汉城市职业学院, 参加“国培计划(20xx)”——湖北省农村幼儿教师培训 骨干教师培训班。心中感到无限的荣幸与感激。能参与 此次国培计划的都是奋战在教学一线的骨干教师们,而 此次培训也是国家及其重视学前教育,专门为我们聘请 到很多名师教授为我们授课,是特别难得的一次学习机会。虽然我们顶着凛冽的寒风从各地汇聚于此,但国培 如同冬日里的暖阳,暖和着,照亮着每一位老师的心。 国培地点在武汉城市职业学院,我们置身于幸福而 又文化氛围浓厚的大学校园中,仿佛又回到了学生时期。对知识的渴求,对理论上的指导,实践中的困惑,无一 不促使我们认真聆听幼教专家学者的精彩讲座。虽然国 培工夫还没过半,但谈起心得,我归纳几个关键词: 一、传道解惑

在第一天的数学领域中,华师大的张教授为我们概括了目前老师们存在的问题,如现今在数学领域中,思想不明白,目的是否达到,认识不完整,研究薄弱等,那么往深层次分析,问题存在的原因是新纲要留给我们的空间太大,自然常识与数学都合为科学领域,但实际上又不一样。有的园所融合备课,有的园所分开研究,这些见地都是我们平时所困惑的事情,张教授一一为我们做了解析。 二、榜样互动 最为欣赏的是在幼儿园班级组织和管理中的何磊园长精彩的授课,开篇点题,借用非诚勿扰中的一句话:你讲或不讲,班级组织与管理它都在那里。在何磊园长的会谈中,大量运用一线教师喜闻乐见的案例为我们深化浅出的剖析班级组织和管理中存在的困惑。并与我们做互动谈话,激发了我们共同与专家一起探究问题的极大爱好。在互动中,我们逐步把握了班级管理的方法,如:规则的引导,情感的沟通,互动指导,榜样激励、目标指引等等。何磊园长在长达三个小时的授课过程中激-情,睿智,大方而富有感染力在我们心中埋下了榜样的种子,榜样的力量是无穷无尽的,相信在我们日后的工作中影响长远。 三、严谨治学


2018年下半年中小学教师资格考试 英语学科知识与教学能力试题(初级中学) 注意事项 1.考试时间120分钟,满分150分。 2.请按規定在答题卡上填涂、作答。在试卷上作答无效,不予评分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应 题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.Which of the following underlined parts is different from others in pronunciation? A.wished B.jumped C.kissed D.waited 2.Which of the following shows the general intonation pattern in a complex sentence? A.When I started my↗career there was no↗unemployment. B.When I started my↗career there was no↘unemployment. C.When I started my↘career there was no↗unemployment. D When I started my↘career there was no↘unemployment. 3.All the SSS in this school are taught by the same teacher. A.six-year-olds B.six-years-old C.six-year-old D.six-years-olds 4.The risk of infection for that patient hasn’t diminished after the operation.SSS, it has increased. A.On the whole B.On the contrary C.On the average D.On the other hand progress is measured.5.Testing is still a usual means SSS which students’ A.in B.at C.of D.by 6.Many people SSS in the project at both research and editing stages and we would like to thank them all here. A.have involved B.have been involved C.having involved D.having been involved 7.Only until very recently SSS possible that grammarians are able to make accurate . statements about the rules of some languages

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