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Formalizing and achieving multiparty agreements via commitments

Formalizing and achieving multiparty agreements via commitments
Formalizing and achieving multiparty agreements via commitments

Formalizing and Achieving Multiparty Agreements via


Feng Wan Department of Computer Science North Carolina State University Raleigh,NC27695-7535,USA fwpub-ncsu@https://www.doczj.com/doc/9516587144.html,

Munindar P.Singh Department of Computer Science North Carolina State University Raleigh,NC27695-7535,USA



Multiparty agreements often arise in a multiagent system where autonomous agents interact with each other to achieve a global goal.Multiparty agreements are traditionally rep-resented by messaging protocols or event-condition-action rule sets in which agents exchange messages in a prede-?ned sequence to ensure both global and local consistency. However,these models do not readily incorporate agents’autonomy and heterogeneity,which limits their ability to help build a?exible open https://www.doczj.com/doc/9516587144.html,mitments have been studied for modelling various agent interactions.They have also been used as the key elements for formulating multi-party agreements and centralized approaches for resolving potential con?icts.This paper extends the above results by re?ning the formalizations and the existing protocols and proposing a decentralized protocol which is more e?cient in resolving con?icts.It also introduces the concept of proto-col safety,which ensures that agents not only interact e?-ciently but also correctly.This approach is geared toward constructing business processes where agents are mutually constraints in a manner that preserves their autonomy and heterogeneity.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

I.2.11[Arti?cial Intelligence]:Distributed Arti?cial In-telligence—multiagent systems;D.1.0[Software Engineer-ing]:Programming Techniques—general;H.4[Information Systems Applications]:Miscellaneous

General Terms



Agents,Commitments,Agreements,Multiagent Systems

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In a multiagent system,agents autonomously decide on whether to perform a particular action.When agents coor-dinate with each other to achieve a global task,they need to?rst create a multiparty agreement,which would satisfy global goals as well as the agents’individual constraints. Multiparty agreements in agent communities are more sub-tle than in other software systems where agreements are represented by?xed protocols and each party follows a pre-determined execution sequence.

Researchers have studied multiparty agreements from sev-eral perspectives,including developing standard languages and protocols such as FIPA[4],implementing domain-speci?c protocols such as auction protocols,and developing method-ologies for building agents such as AUML[7].These ap-proaches tend to de?ne interaction frameworks that limit agents’choices.There is a rich literature on how agents form teams and negotiate on global execution plans,e.g., by Tambe and colleagues[11],and on how agents with dif-ferent attitudes communicate facts with each other to make the right decisions,e.g.,by Parson et al.[8].

Consider an example where a buyer wants to buy some goods from a seller.The buyer may require the seller to ship the goods before he would pay.The seller may require the buyer to pay before he would ship.Various approaches exist to resolve such situations in the real world,e.g.,the buyer can make an advance deposit,the buyer and seller can use an escrow service to ensure successful execution of all steps, and so on.In essence,the di?erent approaches correspond to di?erent protocols that the agents must follow in order to bring an agreement to a fruitful completion.This leads to two questions of interest.What is the principled basis for such protocols?What semantics must be incorporated into the agreements?

Our proposed approach begins from a representation of multiparty agreements based on https://www.doczj.com/doc/9516587144.html,mit-ments represent the obligations made between pairs of agents and are used to model interactions in a multiagent system. Commitments help agents express promises and monitor each other’s compliance without regard to internal imple-mentational details.

This paper uses commitments as the basic elements to form multiparty agreements.For example,one of the agents may strengthen its conditional commitment,replace it by an unconditional commitment,or even perform the desired ac-tion.Doing so may induce the other agents to perform their desired actions resulting in overall progress.For example,

an agent A who is apparently deadlocked with agent B may help their collective deal progress by making an utterance such as“OK,I will ship if you promise to pay on receiving the goods.”Then,B could say“I promise to pay if I re-ceive the goods.”Assuming su?cient trust,progress could be obtained.

More subtle such moves would be involved when the agree-ment structures were more complex,e.g.,in terms of the number of participants involved and the richness of their relationships.The semantics of commitments provides a ready and rigorous basis by which the agents could decide their conversational moves and other agents could interpret these conversational moves with respect to the agreements at hand.Moreover,the semantics of commitments helps us specify particular protocols that apply in di?erent settings, and to analyze the e?ectiveness and safety of such protocols.


A commitment is an obligation from a debtor x to a cred-itor y about a particular condition p.A commitment has the following two basic forms.

?Unconditional commitment C(x,y,p).A commitment whose condition p will be brought about uncondition-ally by the debtor x.The commitment behaves as a directed obligation from the debtor x to the creditor y;

the creditor has special functions,including being able to release the debtor(we ignore this aspect here).For example,C(buyer,seller,pay)denotes that the buyer promises to pay the seller.

?Conditional commitment C(x,y,e→p).A commit-ment whose condition p will be brought about if the precondition e becomes true.For example,

C(buyer,seller,ship→pay)denotes that the buyer promises to pay the seller if the latter ships the goods to him.

The precondition e of a conditional commitment can be expressed as a compound predicate which could embed other commitments as needed.This allows us to de?ne com-mitments recursively and to specify complex obligation de-pendencies.For example,we could de?ne a commitment C(buyer,seller,C(seller,buyer,ship)→pay)saying that the buyer promise to pay the seller if the latter promise to ship the goods.This commitment di?ers from the above con-ditional commitment in that the payment only depends on the promise of shipping and may be performed before the actual shipping.

We require that for any inner commitment appearing on precondition e,the creditor must be the debtor of the imme-diate outside commitment.In other words,we require that if a commitment has form C(x,y,...C(w,v,q)...→p),then x=v.The motivation is that the debtor x’s commitment is conditioned on another party doing something for x. Commitments support several operations that combine to capture mutual and multiparty scenarios[10].For the sake of simplicity,this paper is limited to four main operations. The four operations,create,update,discharge,and cancel, drive the lifecycle of commitments.A commitment is ini-tially created when an agent makes a promise to another agent.If the commitment has been ful?lled,e.g.,the condi-tions have become true,then the commitment is discharged. However,before the commitment is discharged,the agents involved can possibly update the commitment.The update operation gives?exibility in manipulating agents’context to react to any potential requirement changes or exceptions. Agents can also cancel their commitments,e.g.,to accommo-date exceptions.However,to cancel a commitment,agents usually face penalties that compensate for whatever incon-sistencies that they may have introduced.Figure1shows the state diagram of the commitment lifecycle.

Figure1:Commitment lifecycle



In a multiagent system,an important class of interac-tions involves agents making and ful?lling commitments to each other.The commitments themselves form protocol de-pendencies and coordination requirements among the agents concerned.Therefore,we de?ne a multiparty agreement as follows:

Definition 1.A multiparty agreement A is given by a set of commitments{C1,C2,···,C n}where C i is either an unconditional commitment or a conditional commitment.

An example agreement A={C1,C2}is shown below.In this example,the buyer conditionally promises the seller if the latter ships the goods,then he will pay.The seller promises to ship the goods unconditionally.The outcome of this agreement is that the buyer pays to the seller after the latter ships the goods to him.



In another example the buyer promises the seller that if the latter promises to ship a goods,then he will pay the seller. The seller promises to ship the goods.The outcome of this

agreement is the payment and the shipment can happen in arbitrary temporal orders.

C1=C(buyer,seller,C(seller,buyer,ShipGoods)→Pay) C2=C(seller,buyer,ShipGoods)

Section4shows another agreement with deadlocking de-pendencies and describes how to resolve such cases.

3.1Agreement Derivation Rules

Here we give a set of rules to reduce an agreement(or a commitment set)to a set of conditions that all the agents would eventually bring about.The purpose of the reductions is to show how the interactions progress given a commitment set.This also gives us a way to detect potentially dead-locking agreements.For simplicity,we do not consider the cancel and update operations,which usually digress from normal executions and do not help in detecting deadlocks introduced by the original commitment set.

E1:C i∈A?Create(C i)

E2:Create(C(x,y,p)) Discharge(C(x,y,p))



E1shows that any commitment inserted into agreement A enters the Creation state immediately.We use?to de-note immediacy.E2shows that the creation of an uncondi-tional commitment will eventually reduce to a discharge of the commitment.We use to denote eventuality.This rule expresses the idea that when an agent makes an uncon-ditional obligation to another,he must ful?ll it eventually. E3shows that a discharge of an unconditional commitment makes the condition true immediately.Although rules E2 and E3support concluding that the creation of an uncondi-tional commitment can directly bring about the condition, the Discharge operation in between allows a designer to map concrete business activities corresponding to this operation. E4shows that after a conditional commitment is created, if its preconditions are satis?ed,it will be converted to its corresponding unconditional commitment by removing the preconditions.

The following shows a derivation on the second example agreement above.

A E1
















The derivation generates the action sequence{Pay,Ship-Goods}in which Pay happens before ShipGoods.However, it can also generate the sequence{ShipGoods,Pay}.Sec-tion4formally shows that this agreement is satis?able.3.2Generating Agreement Diagram

An agreement diagram(AD)denotes the set of constraint dependencies among interacting agents.An AD is derived from commitment sets and changes dynamically as agents manipulate their commitments during business engagements. The construction of an AD not only helps monitoring run-time agent behaviors but also detecting any agreement dead-locks(see Section4).Here we present Algorithm1that de-rives an agreement diagram from a given commitment set. The algorithm creates nodes for debtor and creditor agents, and edges for conditions.It connects these nodes following the condition dependencies.If one of the preconditions of commitment C1is brought about by another outside com-mitment C2,then we call it a hard dependency,since C2 must be discharged before C1can be discharged.However, if C2is an inner commitment of C1,then we call it soft de-pendency,since C1is discharged based on the promise of C2, but not necessarily before the ful?llment of C2.We use dot-ted lines to denote soft dependencies and solid lines for hard dependencies.The di?erentiation of the two types of depen-dencies enables us to capture important subtleties in agent interaction and thus generate?exible protocol executions. The following is a list of some sample commitment sets and their corresponding diagrams(see Figure2).









4.BUILDING SATISFIABLE AGREEMENTS In a multiagent system,each individual agent can have its local constraints.The agents’commitments not only spec-ify their protocols,but also factor in their local constraints (which in essence limit what the agents can promise others). However,since the agents are autonomous,the constraints of di?erent agents may form cyclic dependencies.For exam-ple,a buyer may want the seller to ship the goods?rst before he makes the payment,but the seller may want the buyer to pay?rst before he ships the goods.The two commitments can be expressed as below.

C1=C(buyer,seller,ShipGoods→P ay)

C2=C(seller,buyer,P ay→ShipGoods)

By executing Algorithm1,we obtain an agreement di-agram,as shown in Figure3.Apparently,neither party will proceed because of the deadlocking dependencies.Our approach detects these cyclic constraint dependencies.We propose several protocols to resolve them and produce a sat-is?able commitment set.First let us de?ne what a satis?able multiparty agreement is.

Definition 2.A multiparty agreement is satis?able if and only if for any C(x i,y i,p i),p i will eventually become true; or for any C(x i,y i,e i→p i),p i will eventually become true if e i becomes true.


We ?rst identify commitment entities based on the fol-lowing rules begin

(a)Each C (...)is a commitment entity;

(b)C 1(x 1,y 1,W 1)and C 2(x 2,y 2,W 2)are the same if x 1=x 2,y 1=y 2,and W 1=W 2;

(c)If ?C 1(x,y 1,W 1)and C 2(x,y 2,W 2)where y 1=y 2or W 1and W 2have di?erent conditions (re-gardless of preconditions),then rename them to C 1(x 1,y 1,W 1)and C 2(x 2,y 2,W 2)end

2For each unique agent in the list of commitment entities,draw a node labeled with the agent name.


For each commitment C (x,y,p )or C (x,y,e

→p ),draw an edge labeled with p from agent x ’s node.If the commitment does not form any hard dependencies,then use a dotted line,otherwise,a solid line.4for each commitment C (x,y,e →p )do


Convert e to DNF (Disjunctive Normal Form);switch e do

case P 1∧P 2∧···∧P n


Use an AND connector to connect edges p 1,p 2,...,p n to node x ;

case T 1∨T


··∨T n

7Use an OR connector to connect edge T 1

,T 2,...,T n to node x ;


For each T i ,if it has more than one atomic proposition,

then use an AND connector and perform step 5;9

For each edge p created above,

if there exists an agent node generated from step 3with edge p ,then merge the two edges;


If a node from step 3has not been picked up by step 9,then attach its original creditor node as the end node (If the creditor is one of the debtors x in step 4,then create a new node with a di?erent name).Algorithm 1:Building an agreement diagram

4.1Detecting Agreement Deadlocks

We have an intuition that,if the agreement diagram de-rived from a commitment set has a solid cycle (formed by all solid lines),then it forms a cyclic hard dependency chain.This means that no condition would be brought about.In other words,the commitment set is not satis?able.Here we introduce two theorems to show what kinds of agreement diagram are not satis?able.

Theorem 1.If there exists a solid cycle in a given agree-ment diagram and any node on the cycle only has AND pre-conditions,then the agreement is not satis?able.Proof. 1.First we de?ne p (t )as true or false at a

time t

2.Assume the cycle is x 1p 2

?→x 2p 3

?→...x n p 1

?→x 1,where p i is one of the AND preconditions of each node x i ,then based on steps (4)through (8)in Algorithm 1,

A1 A5


A2 A3

A4 Figure 2:Agreement diagram examples

Figure 3:A deadlock agreement

we obtain a commitment set {C 1,C 2,...,C n }where

C 1=C (x 1,x 2,p 1∧W 1→p 2)C 2=C (x 2,x 3,p 2∧W 2→p 3)...C n


C (x n ,x 1,p n ∧W n →p 1)

W i are the rest of the AND preconditions of node x i 3.Assume C 1is eventually discharged.Then we can ?nd a time t m ,such that p 2(t m )(i.e.,p 2holds at t m );4.Based on derivation rule E 4,we can ?nd a time t 1,t 1

8.Since no commitment on the cycle can be discharged,

the multiparty agreement is not satis?able.

To consider cycles that involve nodes with OR precondi-tions,we have the following theorem.

Theorem 2.If there exists a set of connected solid cycles in a given agreement diagram,and for any node that has OR preconditions,each edge of the OR preconditions is also on one of the cycles,then the agreement is not satis?able.

Proof. 1.Assume that a condition p1on a cycle be-comes true.Then the cycle must have at least one

node with OR preconditions.Otherwise,it con?icts

with Theorem1.

2.In all the nodes with OR preconditions,there must ex-

ist a node whose precondition becomes true.Otherwise,

no condition will be satis?ed on the cycle,which con-

?icts with the assumption in(1)above.

3.Assume the satis?ed precondition is p2.Based on the

premise,p2is also on one of the cycles.

4.If p2is on the same cycle that p1belongs to,by apply-

ing steps(2)through(7)in Theorem1,we can prove

that neither of them can be satis?ed.

5.If p2is on a di?erent cycle and the cycle has other OR

nodes,then repeat steps(2)and(3)above.

6.If p2is on a di?erent cycle and the cycle has no other

OR nodes,the proof is same as for step(4)above,so

p2cannot be satis?ed.

7.From the con?icts generated from steps(4)or(6)above,

we conclude that p1cannot be satis?ed.Therefore,the

agreement is not satis?able.

There could also exist dotted cycles(formed by all dotted lines).That is,even promises themselves may have dead-lock dependencies.For example,the two commitments be-low contain more subtle constraints.The analysis of this scenario is not within the scope of this paper.



4.2Resolving Agreement Deadlocks Deadlocking constraints imposed on a group of agents do not mean that these agents cannot engage activities at all. Autonomous agents can negotiate to serve their interests. To break these deadlocking dependencies,all the agents may choose to commit what they promise to do for the others re-gardless of what constraints they impose on the others,or some of the agents may concede to satisfy the others?rst be-fore their own constraints are satis?ed.All these approaches lead to a variety of protocols for forming satis?able multi-party agreements.For the sake of simplicity,we only show how to resolve a solid cycle that only has nodes with AND preconditions.We use the following three commitments as the example agreement:

C(x,y,p→q),C(y,z,q→r),C(z,x,r→p)By applying Algorithm1,we can tell that its agreement diagram is a deadlocking cycle.The following protocols de-scribe di?erent approaches to resolve this deadlock.


The two-phase(2PC)protocol is inspired by a similar pro-tocol,called two-phase commit,which is widely used in dis-tributed database systems where task executors either all commit or all abort their transactions to ensure task atom-icity and preserve system consistency[5].For the present purpose,we apply this protocol to agents who have dead-locking constraints,which prevents them from discharging any commitment to each other.The goal of the protocol is to make sure that all the involved agents commit?rst before their preconditions are met.The following shows the steps of the2PC protocol.

1A coordinator tells all the agents that are involved in a solid cycle that a2PC protocol is started;

2Each agent sends yes or no to indicate whether it wants to unconditionally discharge its commitments;

if all the agents answer yes then

3The coordinator sends yes to all agents;

4Each agent replaces its conditional commitment with a corresponding unconditional commitment by

removing the preconditions;


5No solution can be found.

By executing the2PC protocol,q,r,and p will be uncon-ditionally performed by x,y,and z,respectively.Once these conditions become true,they would also satisfy each precon-dition in the above commitments.In terms of this aspect, the2PC protocols essentially convert all the conditional commitments to their corresponding unconditional commit-ments provided all agents agree.Therefore,the above three commitments become


An assumption of the2PC protocol is that,for any com-mitment C(x,y,p→q),p is not required to happen before q, but must happen eventually.However,there may be other constraints which require that p happens before q can hap-pen(Section4.3returns to a discussion of protocol safety). The2PC protocol does not apply in such a case and we need other protocols to resolve such con?icts.

4.2.2Unconditional Yield

If an agent is willing to convert its conditional commit-ment to an unconditional commitment,we say that this agent yields unconditionally.In the above example,agent x may promise y to perform q without being satis?ed by p ?rst.This usually happens when the debtor of p,which is z in this example,has developed enough credit with x,which makes the latter believe that p will be eventually performed by z,even after x’s unilateral concession.This protocol di?ers from the2PC protocol in that it is based on trust whereas2PC is based on an unanimous agreement.Here we construct a protocol to convey x’s intention and propa-gate it to other agents to make corresponding commitment changes.

1A coordinator noti?es all the agents that are involved in

a solid cycle that an Unconditional Yield protocol has been initiated;

2Each agent sends yes or no to indicate whether it is willing to unconditionally discharge its commitment;

if at least one agent answers yes then

3pick the?rst agent(say agent x)who answers yes and forward its answer to all agents;

4Agent x will replace its conditional commitment with a corresponding unconditional commitment by

removing the preconditions.


5No solution can be found.

Algorithm3:Unconditional yield protocol

By executing the protocol on the above example,the three commitments are changed to


in which case agent x will commit q unconditionally to y (intuitively,based on its implicit belief that agent z will eventually commit p to it if r happens.)

4.2.3Conditional Yield

This is a more complicated scenario in that the agent will-ing to make an unconditional commitment does not place enough trust on the other agents.It must conditionally rely upon other agents’promises to it before it can perform its action.Conditional yield usually involves two agents.For example,let them be agent x and z.Agent x will bring about q if agent z promises x to bring about p.Agent z may make the promise,but may not ful?ll it until its pre-condition r is satis?ed.However,in the meantime,agent x can bring about q because of z’s promise.This protocol is described in Algorithm4.

1A coordinator noti?es all the agents involved in a solid cycle that a Conditional Yield protocol has been started;

2Each agent sends yes or no to indicate whether it is willing to conditionally discharge its commitments;

for each agent x who answers yes do

3Let z be the agent that x depends on;

4Contact z to see if it can make a promise to x;

if z answers yes then

5The coordinator picks agent x and z,and noti?es the result to all the agents;

6Agent z converts its conditional commitment to an unconditional commitment;

7Agent x converts its hard dependency commit-ment to a soft dependency commitment,which

is based on z’s promise;

8Stop the protocol;

9No solution can be found.

Algorithm4:Conditional yield protocol

By executing the protocol on the above example,the three commitments are changed to


Note that,although agent z creates an unconditional com-mitment,it may wait for r to happen before bringing about p.

4.2.4Decentralized Protocol

The above three protocols are centralized and they re-quire a coordinator.In such protocols,the agents are forced to wait for the voting results from the coordinator before proceeding.This would potentially delay the commitment ful?llment for the agents who are willing to yield,which in turn reduces the protocol e?ciency.Also,a centralized coordinator would create a single point of failure and af-fect robustness.To overcome the above disadvantages,we devised a decentralized protocol,which allows an agent to construct partial agreement diagrams locally.If a deadlock-ing cycle is detected by the agent,it can yield at its own will without coordinating with other agents.This protocol yields more agent autonomy and generates more?exible ex-ecutions.Due to the space limitation,we only describe the skeleton of the protocol in Algorithm5.

for each commitment made to others do

if the commitment has preconditions then

1Find the agents who can satisfy the precondi-tions;

2Send a message to each such agent informing them that this agent depends on those precon-


3On receiving a message informing of a dependency,

4Place the sending agent in the dependency list of the corresponding conditions;

if this agent relies upon other agents to bring about the conditions then

5Propagate the sending agent’s name(along with own name)to those agents;

if received dependency request refers to this agent


6A deadlock is detected;

7Apply local policies to decide whether to yield or not,or whether yield unconditionally or con-


Algorithm5:Decentralized protocol(one copy for each agent)

Here we give an example to illustrate the algorithm.If there exists a solid cycle,assume it represents the following commitment set.




C n?1=C(x n,x n?1,p n∧W n→p n?1)

C n=C(x1,x n,p1∧W1→p n)

Figure4shows a partial protocol execution that starts from agent x2,in which x2sends message to x3saying it

depends on p2to ful?ll its commitments to others;x3then puts x2in p2’s dependency list.Since x3relies on p3to bring about p2,it sends a message to x4saying x2should be in p3’s dependency list.The propagation eventually ends at x2,in which p1’s dependency list is?lled with{x2,...,x n,x n?1}. When x2?nds that itself is in the dependency list of p1,the condition that it is expected to bring about,it can conclude that it is involved in a dependency deadlock.


{X2, ..., Xn-1}

Figure4:A decentralized protocol

4.3Protocol Safety

Commitment-based protocols di?er from other protocols in that promises can be used as dependency constraints and these constraints can be manipulated on the?y.This char-acterization is extremely useful in a multiagent system where agents interact autonomously and system behaviors can only be validated by the commitments that agents make to each other.However,when considering the?exibility of protocol execution,we also need to take the correctness of execution into account.In other words,a?exibly generated execution sequence should not violate global business policies.Since the policies may or may not fall into the local view of agents, it is possible that agents behave incorrectly.Here we give two de?nitions to show what safe executions are.

Definition 3.A global policy is de?ned as

GP= n i e i→p i where both e i and p i are events and p i can happen only when e i happens.

Definition 4.An agreement is protocol safe(with re-spect to a given policy GP)if for any of its derivation se-quence{p1,p2,...,p n},?p i,p j where p i happens before p j, p j→p i/∈GP.

Protocol safety ensures that the manipulation of commit-ments and the resulting execution sequences should comply with a global policy.This requires all the protocols pre-sented above should take safety into account.The validation is relatively straightforward for centralized protocols,since the coordinator has the global view and can make right de-cisions.However for decentralized protocols,we may need to take extra steps to pass global static constraints to each agent.The research on an e?cient solution is still undergo-ing.5.DISCUSSION

Argumentation-based dialogue theory has been used for building multiagent systems.In recent work,Parsons et al.[8]have studied a set of agent attitudes by categoriz-ing agents’truth telling behavior as con?dent,careful,and thoughtful.These attitudes are further used to de?ne a set of agent dialogues such as Information-Seeking,Inquiry,and Persuasion.The motivation behind this work is to enable agents with di?erent level of knowledge and credibility to communicate facts with others and to make right decisions. As a counterpart of their work,our approach enables agents to convey constraints and promises instead of their knowl-edge so that our agents care more about whether a promise is ful?lled instead of whether a fact is true.

Research of constraint satisfaction problems(CSP)in dis-tributed systems,e.g.,by Liu et al.[6],has shown much promise.The models behind CSP are computational since the entire multiagent environment and individual agents are represented by variables,formulas,and constraints,which are made ready to compute based on mathematical rules. However,these models in most cases require homogeneous agents who sense and act in exactly the same manner,so they are not suitable for a real business-to-business world where parties are heterogeneous and loosely coupled.Our approach trades o?complexity in the agent models with ?exibility of the agents’behaviors.The outcome of our problem-solving is a set of satis?able commitments. Economou et al.study obligations among agents[1].In their theory,if deontic states are entered,then the commit-ments have to be ful?lled.This is similar to our approach.A key di?erence is that we respect agent autonomy and allow agents to manipulate commitments on the?y.Doing so not only produces optimal executions but can also help avoid deadlocks as discussed above.In this manner,our approach complements deontic theory.It reconciles obligations and autonomy to enable modeling and enactment of practical agent applications.

Commitments are widely recognized as the key elements to capture the interactions among agents;this goes back to work by Singh[9]and Castelfranchi[3].The essence of commitments is to create a structure to specify the obli-gations that each agent makes to others.By tracking the lifecycles of these commitments,one can monitor agents’ex-ternal behaviors and detect any violation and system incon-sistency without knowing the agents’internal structure[12]. Current research emphasizes how commitments are ful?lled or whether they are violated after they have been created. We are not aware of work that directly addresses how com-mitments can coexist from the very beginning.This is the aspect studied by this paper.In other words,we develop a means to detect deadlocking commitments and resolve them to ensure the progress of agent interactions.

Business-to-business applications are the main motivation for our approach.By looking at the existing approaches that model business processes,such as Agent UML(AUML)[7] and Business Process Execution Language(BPEL)[2],we can observe that they all impose in?exible protocols in which actions must happen in a prede?ned order.Agents get no opportunity to express whether they want to perform tasks di?erently than explicitly speci?https://www.doczj.com/doc/9516587144.html,mitments enable agents to tell each other what they are going to do and what conditions that have to be satis?ed to make it happen. This not only enables autonomous agents to perform their

tasks based on their local preferences,but can also avoid potentially deadlocking interactions caused by improper as-sumptions made by each agent.Our approach incorporates commitments into protocols and thus enable an open and ?exible environment for various parties doing business. This paper introduced commitments as the key elements for formulating a multiparty agreement from which we can derive agent interactions,detect potential commitment dead-locks,and resolve these deadlocks.The approach is a natu-ral extension of our recent work[13]on commitment causal relations where the interaction among business agents are modelled via commitments and causal relations among com-mitments while agent autonomy and heterogeneity are still preserved.

Key future directions include the following.One,create a complete list of agreement patterns to cover most of today’s e-business interactions.Two,extend the decentralized pro-tocol described above to give more negotiation capabilities to agents so as to maximize their autonomy.Three,more deeply study the role of trust in the above kinds of protocols.



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脐带间充质干细胞的研究进展 间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSC S )是来源于发育早期中胚层 的一类多能干细胞[1-5],MSC S 由于它的自我更新和多项分化潜能,而具有巨大的 治疗价值 ,日益受到关注。MSC S 有以下特点:(1)多向分化潜能,在适当的诱导条件下可分化为肌细胞[2]、成骨细胞[3、4]、脂肪细胞、神经细胞[9]、肝细胞[6]、心肌细胞[10]和表皮细胞[11, 12];(2)通过分泌可溶性因子和转分化促进创面愈合;(3) 免疫调控功能,骨髓源(bone marrow )MSC S 表达MHC-I类分子,不表达MHC-II 类分子,不表达CD80、CD86、CD40等协同刺激分子,体外抑制混合淋巴细胞反应,体内诱导免疫耐受[11, 15],在预防和治疗移植物抗宿主病、诱导器官移植免疫耐受等领域有较好的应用前景;(4)连续传代培养和冷冻保存后仍具有多向分化潜能,可作为理想的种子细胞用于组织工程和细胞替代治疗。1974年Friedenstein [16] 首先证明了骨髓中存在MSC S ,以后的研究证明MSC S 不仅存在于骨髓中,也存在 于其他一些组织与器官的间质中:如外周血[17],脐血[5],松质骨[1, 18],脂肪组织[1],滑膜[18]和脐带。在所有这些来源中,脐血(umbilical cord blood)和脐带(umbilical cord)是MSC S 最理想的来源,因为它们可以通过非侵入性手段容易获 得,并且病毒污染的风险低,还可冷冻保存后行自体移植。然而,脐血MSC的培养成功率不高[19, 23-24],Shetty 的研究认为只有6%,而脐带MSC的培养成功率可 达100%[25]。另外从脐血中分离MSC S ,就浪费了其中的造血干/祖细胞(hematopoietic stem cells/hematopoietic progenitor cells,HSCs/HPCs) [26, 27],因此,脐带MSC S (umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells, UC-MSC S )就成 为重要来源。 一.概述 人脐带约40 g, 它的长度约60–65 cm, 足月脐带的平均直径约1.5 cm[28, 29]。脐带被覆着鳞状上皮,叫脐带上皮,是单层或复层结构,这层上皮由羊膜延续过来[30, 31]。脐带的内部是两根动脉和一根静脉,血管之间是粘液样的结缔组织,叫做沃顿胶质,充当血管外膜的功能。脐带中无毛细血管和淋巴系统。沃顿胶质的网状系统是糖蛋白微纤维和胶原纤维。沃顿胶质中最多的葡萄糖胺聚糖是透明质酸,它是包绕在成纤维样细胞和胶原纤维周围的并维持脐带形状的水合凝胶,使脐带免受挤压。沃顿胶质的基质细胞是成纤维样细胞[32],这种中间丝蛋白表达于间充质来源的细胞如成纤维细胞的,而不表达于平滑肌细胞。共表达波形蛋白和索蛋白提示这些细胞本质上肌纤维母细胞。 脐带基质细胞也是一种具有多能干细胞特点的细胞,具有多项分化潜能,其 形态和生物学特点与骨髓源性MSC S 相似[5, 20, 21, 38, 46],但脐带MSC S 更原始,是介 于成体干细胞和胚胎干细胞之间的一种干细胞,表达Oct-4, Sox-2和Nanog等多


模块二滴定分析基本操作任务一分析天平的基本操作 一、分析天平的分类 分析天平是定量分析中最常用的准确称量物质的仪器。分析天平分类:等臂(双盘)分析天平、不等臂(单盘)分析天平、电子天平。 二、电子天平的介绍 1、工作原理:电磁平衡原理,秤盘通过支架连杆支架作用于线圈上,重力方向向下。线圈内有电流通过时,根据电磁基本理论,通电的导线在磁场中将产生一个向上作用的电磁力,与秤盘重力方向相反大小相同,与之相平衡,而通过导线的电流与被称物体的质量成正比。 2、性能特点:a.使用寿命长,性能稳定,灵敏度高,体积小,操作方便 b.称 量速度快、精度高 c.具有自动校准、累计称量、超载显示、自动去皮等功能 3、称量的一般程序 水平调节——打扫——预热——开启显示器——校准——称量——结束工作 ①水平调节检查水平仪,调节水平调节脚,使水泡位于水平仪中心。 ②打扫打扫天平秤盘 ③预热通电预热30min以上 ④开启显示器按ON键,显示器亮,显示屏出现0.0000g ⑤校准按“校准”键 ⑥称量被称物置于秤盘中间进行称量 ⑦称量结束工作取下被称物,核对零点,关闭天平,进行使用登记 4、基本称量方法 ①直接称量法将称量物直接放在天平盘上直接称量物体的质量。例如,称量 小烧杯的质量,容量器皿校正中称量某容量瓶的质量,重量分析实验中称量某坩埚的质量等,都使用这种称量法。 ②固定质量称量法

用于称量某一固定质量的试剂(如基准物质)或试样。适于称量不易吸潮、在空气中能稳定存在的粉末状或小颗粒样品。 A、去皮将干燥的容器置于秤盘上,待显示平衡后按“去皮”键扣除皮重并显示零点 B、加样打开天平门,用药匙将试样抖入容器内,使之达到所需质量。 固定质量称量法注意:若不慎加入试剂超过指定质量,用牛角匙取出多余试剂,直至试剂质量符合指定要求为止。严格要求时,取出的多余试剂应弃去,不要放回原试剂瓶中。操作时不能将试剂散落于天平盘等容器以外的地方,称好的试剂必须定量地由表面皿等容器直接转入接受容器,此即所谓“定量转移”。 ③递减称量法(减量法) 用于称量一定质量范围的样品或试剂。样品易吸水、易氧化或易与二氧化碳等反应时,可选择此法。。 称量步骤:试样的保存——取出盛试样的称量瓶——称出称量瓶质量——敲样——再称出其质量——样品质量——连续称样——称量工作结束 A、试样保存待称样品放于洁净的干燥容器(称量瓶)中,置于干燥器中保存 B、取出称量瓶左手戴手套取出称量瓶或者用折叠成约1cm的纸取出 C、称出称量瓶质量称出称量瓶质量,记录数据 D、敲样将称量瓶取出,在接收容器的上方倾斜瓶身,用称量瓶盖轻敲瓶口上部使试样慢慢落入容器中,瓶盖始终不要离开接受器上方。当倾出的试样接近所需量时,一边继续用瓶盖轻敲瓶口,一边逐渐将瓶身竖直,使粘附在瓶口上的试样落回称量瓶,然后盖好瓶盖,准确称其质量。两次质量之差,即为试样的质量。按上述方法连续递减,可称量多份试样。


精神分裂症的病因及发病机理 精神分裂症病因:尚未明,近百年来的研究结果也仅发现一些可能的致病因素。(一)生物学因素1.遗传遗传因素是精神分裂症最可能的一种素质因素。国内家系调查资料表明:精神分裂症患者亲属中的患病率比一般居民高6.2倍,血缘关系愈近,患病率也愈高。双生子研究表明:遗传信息几乎相同的单卵双生子的同病率远较遗传信息不完全相同 的双卵双生子为高,综合近年来11项研究资料:单卵双生子同病率(56.7%),是双卵双生子同病率(12.7%)的4.5倍,是一般人口患难与共病率的35-60倍。说明遗传因素在本病发生中具有重要作用,寄养子研究也证明遗传因素是本症发病的主要因素,而环境因素的重要性较小。以往的研究证明疾病并不按类型进行遗传,目前认为多基因遗传方式的可能性最大,也有人认为是常染色体单基因遗传或多源性遗传。Shields发现病情愈轻,病因愈复杂,愈属多源性遗传。高发家系的前瞻性研究与分子遗传的研究相结合,可能阐明一些问题。国内有报道用人类原癌基因Ha-ras-1为探针,对精神病患者基因组进行限止性片段长度多态性的分析,结果提示11号染色体上可能存在着精神分裂症与双相情感性精神病有关的DNA序列。2.性格特征:约40%患者的病前性格具有孤僻、冷淡、敏感、多疑、富于幻想等特征,即内向



脐带血造血干细胞库管理办法(试行) 第一章总则 第一条为合理利用我国脐带血造血干细胞资源,促进脐带血造血干细胞移植高新技术的发展,确保脐带血 造血干细胞应用的安全性和有效性,特制定本管理办法。 第二条脐带血造血干细胞库是指以人体造血干细胞移植为目的,具有采集、处理、保存和提供造血干细胞 的能力,并具有相当研究实力的特殊血站。 任何单位和个人不得以营利为目的进行脐带血采供活动。 第三条本办法所指脐带血为与孕妇和新生儿血容量和血循环无关的,由新生儿脐带扎断后的远端所采集的 胎盘血。 第四条对脐带血造血干细胞库实行全国统一规划,统一布局,统一标准,统一规范和统一管理制度。 第二章设置审批 第五条国务院卫生行政部门根据我国人口分布、卫生资源、临床造血干细胞移植需要等实际情况,制订我 国脐带血造血干细胞库设置的总体布局和发展规划。 第六条脐带血造血干细胞库的设置必须经国务院卫生行政部门批准。 第七条国务院卫生行政部门成立由有关方面专家组成的脐带血造血干细胞库专家委员会(以下简称专家委

员会),负责对脐带血造血干细胞库设置的申请、验收和考评提出论证意见。专家委员会负责制订脐带血 造血干细胞库建设、操作、运行等技术标准。 第八条脐带血造血干细胞库设置的申请者除符合国家规划和布局要求,具备设置一般血站基本条件之外, 还需具备下列条件: (一)具有基本的血液学研究基础和造血干细胞研究能力; (二)具有符合储存不低于1 万份脐带血的高清洁度的空间和冷冻设备的设计规划; (三)具有血细胞生物学、HLA 配型、相关病原体检测、遗传学和冷冻生物学、专供脐带血处理等符合GMP、 GLP 标准的实验室、资料保存室; (四)具有流式细胞仪、程控冷冻仪、PCR 仪和细胞冷冻及相关检测及计算机网络管理等仪器设备; (五)具有独立开展实验血液学、免疫学、造血细胞培养、检测、HLA 配型、病原体检测、冷冻生物学、 管理、质量控制和监测、仪器操作、资料保管和共享等方面的技术、管理和服务人员; (六)具有安全可靠的脐带血来源保证; (七)具备多渠道筹集建设资金运转经费的能力。 第九条设置脐带血造血干细胞库应向所在地省级卫生行政部门提交设置可行性研究报告,内容包括:


电子天平使用说明书 使用方法 ◎准备 1、将天平安放在稳定及水平的工作台上,避免振动、气流、阳光直射和剧烈的温度波动; 2、安装称盘; 3、接通电源前请确认当地交流电压是否与天平所附的电源适配器所需电压一致; 4、为获得准确的称量结果,在进行称量前天平应接通电源预热30分钟。 ◎电源 1. 天平随机附配交流电源适配器,输入220+22-33V ~ 50Hz 输出9V 300mA 2. 天平选用电池供电时可打开天平底部的电池盖按极性指示装入电池即可,建议使用9伏碱性电池,可连续工作约12小时。 当天平电池供电时,显示屏左上角电量指示框显示段数表明电池的状态(显示3段:电池充足,显示0段:电池耗尽,当电池电量将耗尽时,最后一个显示段闪烁。 ◎开机 在称盘空载情况下按<开/关>键,天平依次进入自检显示(显示屏所有字段短时点亮、型号显示和零状态显示,当天平显示零状态时即可进行称量; 当遇到相关功能键设置有误无法恢复时,按<开/关>键重新开机即可恢复初始设置状态。

◎校准 为获得准确的称量结果,必须对天平进行校准以适应当地的重力加速度。校准应在天平预热结束后进行,遇到以下情况必须使用外部校准砝码对天平进行校准。 1. 首次使用天平称量之前; 2. 天平改变安放位置后。 校准方法与步骤: 1.准备好校准用的标准砝码并确保称盘空载; 2.按<去皮>键:天平显示零状态; 3.按<校准>键:天平显示闪烁的CAL—XXX,(XXX一般为100、200或其它数字,提醒使用相对应的100g、200g或其它规格的标准砝码 4.将标准砝码放到称盘中心位置,天平显示CAL-XXX,等待几秒钟后,显示标准砝码的量值。此时移去砝码,天平显示零状态,则表示校准结束,可以进行称量。如天平不零状态,应重复进行一次校准工作。 ◎称量 天平经校准后即可进行称量,称量时必须等显示器左下角的“○”标志熄灭后才可读数,称量过程中被称物必须轻拿轻放,并确保不使天平超载,以免损坏天平的传感器。 ◎清零或去皮 清零:当天平空载时,如显示不在零状态,可按<去皮>键,使天平显示零状态。此时才可进行正常称量。


古代汉语词类活用例句列举 古代汉语词类活用例句列举《郑伯克段于鄢》1、例:壮公生,惊姜氏。P97 惊:用作使动,使。。。惊。2、例:无生民心。P99 生:用作使动,使。。。产生。3、例:若阙地及泉,隧而相见。P101 隧:名词动用。《公孙无知之乱》4、豕立而啼,P109 立:名词作状语,像人一样丫立。〈安之战〉5、皆主?献子。P117 主:名词动用,以。。。为主。6、君无所辱命。P119 辱:动词使动,使。。。受辱。7、从左右,皆肘之。P123 肘:名词使动,表示用胳膊推撞。8、臣辱戎士。123 辱:动词使动。9、人不难以死免其君。P123 免:用作使动,使。。。免于。10、故中御而从齐候。P123 中:方位名词做状语。〈子产说范宣子轻敝〉11、三周华不注。P122 周:

名词动用。12、郑人病之。P129 病:名词用作意动。13、象有齿而焚其身。P130 焚:动词用作使动。14、宣子说,乃轻弊。P130 轻:形容词用作使动,使。。。轻。〈苏秦连横约纵〉15、今先生俨然不运千里而庭教之。P182 远:形容词用作意动。16、明言章理,兵甲愈起。P183 明、章:用作使动。 1 17、辨言伟服。攻战不息。P183 辩、伟:都用作使动,使。。。雄辩,使。。。华美。18、繁称文辞,天下不冶。P183 文:名词用作使动。19、夫徒处而致利,安坐而广地。P183 广:形容词用作使动,使。。。广。20、言语相结,天下为一。P183 言语:名词作状语。21、今欲并天下,凌万乘,诎敌国。制海内,子元元。臣诸候。非兵不可。P183 诎:用作使动,使。。。屈服;子:名词用作使动,使。。。成为子女;臣:名词用作使动,使。。。成为臣子。22、约纵散横,以抑强秦。


TG-328分析天平使用说明书 一、分析天平结构及作用原理: 1.该分析天平,是属于双盘等臂式,横梁采用铜镍合金制成,上面装有玛瑙刀三把,中间为固定的支点刀,两边可调整的承重刀。 好仪器,好资料,尽在沧州建仪(https://www.doczj.com/doc/9516587144.html,)。欢迎查询。 打造中国建仪销售第一品牌,树立沧州产品全新形象 2.支点刀位于支点刀垫上,支点刀垫固定在天平立柱上端。 3.横梁停动装置为双层折翼式,在天平开启时,横梁上的承重刀必须比支点刀先接角触,为了避免刀锋损坏和保证横梁位置的再现性,开启天平求轻稳,避免冲击,摇晃。 4.横梁的左右两端悬挂承重挂钩,左承重挂钩上装有砝码承重架,该二零碎件分别挂在小刀刃上,另有秤盘各一件分别挂在承重挂钩上。 5.整个天平固定在大理石的基座板上,底板前下部装有二只可供调整水平位置的螺旋脚,后面装有一只固定脚,天平木框前面有一扇可供启闭及随意停止在上下位置的玻璃门,右侧有一扇玻璃移门。 6.秤盘上节中间的阻尼装置,是用铝合金板制成,固定在中柱上。是利用空气阻力来减少横梁的摆动时间,达到静止迅速,从而提高工作效率。

7.光学报影装置,固定在底板上前方,可直接读出0.1-10毫克以内的重量值。 8.天平外框左侧装有机械加码装置,通过三档增减砝码的指示旋钮来变换自10毫克-199.99克砝码以内所需重量值。 二、分析天平主要技术指标: 规格型号技术参数:秤盘尺寸 TG328A200g/0.1mg80mm TG328B200g/0.1mg80mm1 TG628A200g/1mg80mm 三、分析天平性能特点: 1.TG系列双盘机械天平,采用空气阻尼,光电读数,具有称量准确,读数简便,价格实惠。 2.专供实验室,学校,工矿等作精密称量分析用。 四、天平的安装方法: a.安装前的准备工作安装前的准备工作安装前的准备工作安装前的准备工作 1.安装选择:天平必须放在牢固的台上,不准有震动,气流存在,室内气温要求干燥明亮,温度最好保持在20℃±2℃左右,避免阳光晒射单面受热和气温潮湿,反之影响天平的灵敏度和正确性。

古代汉语练习题 词类活用

古代汉语练习(词类活用) 班级:姓名:学号: 一、简答: 1、什么是古代汉语的词类活用?古代汉语中的词类活用有哪几种? 2、怎样区别使动用法和意动用法?试举例说明。并说明如何翻译。 3、试说明名词做状语主要有哪几种情况。 4、名词、形容词用作动词的情况主要有哪些?应该如何辨认? 二、多项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出二个至四个正确的答案,并将其号码分别填在题干后的括号内,多选、少选、错选均无分。每小题1分,共5分) 1.下列各句中加着重号的词,属于词类活用的是() A.斩一首者爵一级B.能富贵将军者,上也 C.曹人凶俱,为其所得者棺而出之 D.夫鼠,昼伏夜动,不穴于寝庙,畏人故也 2.下列各句中加着重号的词属于名词作状语的是() A.裂裳衣疮,手往善药 B.其经承子厚口讲指画为文词者,悉有法度可观 C.范增数目项王D.诸侯宾至 3.下列各句含宾语前置现象的是() A.姜氏何厌之有B.楚君之惠,末之敢忘 C.除君之恶,唯力是视D.昭王南征而不复,寡人是问 4.对下列各句中加着重号的词组分析错误的是() A.子重使太宰伯州犁待于王后(动宾)B.将塞井夷灶而为行也(连动) C.臣之壮也犹不如人(主谓)D.以勇力之所加而治智能之官(偏正) 5.下列句子中有使动用法的是() A.秋九月,晋侯饮赵盾酒,伏甲将攻之 B.是时万石君奋为汉王中涓,受手谒,人见平

C.见灵辄饿,问其病,曰:“不食三日矣。”食之,舍其半 D.仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱 四、指出并具体说明下列文句中的词类活用现象: 1.秦数败赵军,赵军固壁不战。(秦与赵兵相距长平) 2.赵王不听,遂将之。(秦与赵兵相距长平) 3.身所奉饭饮而进食者以十数,所友者以百数。(秦与赵兵相距长平) 4.括军败,数十万之众遂降秦,秦悉阬之。(秦与赵兵相距长平) 5.信数与萧何语,何奇之。(韩信拜将) 6.王必欲长王汉中,无所事信。(韩信拜将) 7.吾亦欲东耳,安能郁郁久居此乎?(韩信拜将) 8.何闻信亡,不及以闻,自追之。(韩信拜将) 9.今大王举而东,三秦可传檄而定也。(韩信拜将) 10.遇有以梦得事白上者,梦得于是改刺连州。(柳子厚墓志铭) 11.自子厚之斥,遵从而家焉,逮其死不去。(柳子厚墓志铭) 12.以如司农治事堂,栖之梁木上。(段太尉逸事状) 13.踔厉风发,率常屈其座人。(柳子厚墓志铭) 14.晞一营大噪,尽甲。(段太尉逸事状) 15.即自取水洗去血,裂裳衣疮,手注善药。(段太尉逸事状) 16.黄罔之地多竹,大者如椽。竹工破之,刳去其节,用代陶瓦。(黄冈竹楼记)17.晋灵公不君。厚敛以彫墙。(晋灵公不君) 18.既而与为公介,倒戟以御公徒而免之。(晋灵公不君) 19.盛服将朝,尚早,坐而假寐。(晋灵公不君) 20.晋侯饮赵盾酒,伏甲将攻之。(晋灵公不君) 五、说明下列文句中的词类活用现象,并将全文译为现代汉语:


精神分裂症的发病原因是什么 精神分裂症是一种精神病,对于我们的影响是很大的,如果不幸患上就要及时做好治疗,不然后果会很严重,无法进行正常的工作和生活,是一件很尴尬的事情。因此为了避免患上这样的疾病,我们就要做好预防,今天我们就请广州协佳的专家张可斌来介绍一下精神分裂症的发病原因。 精神分裂症是严重影响人们身体健康的一种疾病,这种疾病会让我们整体看起来不正常,会出现胡言乱语的情况,甚至还会出现幻想幻听,可见精神分裂症这种病的危害程度。 (1)精神刺激:人的心理与社会因素密切相关,个人与社会环境不相适应,就产生了精神刺激,精神刺激导致大脑功能紊乱,出现精神障碍。不管是令人愉快的良性刺激,还是使人痛苦的恶性刺激,超过一定的限度都会对人的心理造成影响。 (2)遗传因素:精神病中如精神分裂症、情感性精神障碍,家族中精神病的患病率明显高于一般普通人群,而且血缘关系愈近,发病机会愈高。此外,精神发育迟滞、癫痫性精神障碍的遗传性在发病因素中也占相当的比重。这也是精神病的病因之一。 (3)自身:在同样的环境中,承受同样的精神刺激,那些心理素质差、对精神刺激耐受力低的人易发病。通常情况下,性格内向、心胸狭窄、过分自尊的人,不与人交往、孤僻懒散的人受挫折后容易出现精神异常。 (4)躯体因素:感染、中毒、颅脑外伤、肿瘤、内分泌、代谢及营养障碍等均可导致精神障碍,。但应注意,精神障碍伴有的躯体因素,并不完全与精神症状直接相关,有些是由躯体因素直接引起的,有些则是以躯体因素只作为一种诱因而存在。 孕期感染。如果在怀孕期间,孕妇感染了某种病毒,病毒也传染给了胎儿的话,那么,胎儿出生长大后患上精神分裂症的可能性是极其的大。所以怀孕中的女性朋友要注意卫生,尽量不要接触病毒源。 上述就是关于精神分裂症的发病原因,想必大家都已经知道了吧。患上精神分裂症之后,大家也不必过于伤心,现在我国的医疗水平是足以让大家快速恢复过来的,所以说一定要保持良好的情绪。


电子精密天平秤的使用方法及注意事项 刘维彬电子精密天平秤是定量分析工作中不可缺少的重要仪器,充分了解仪器性能及熟练掌握其使用方法,是获得可靠分析结果的保证。精密天平的种类很多,有普通精密天平、半自动/全自动加码电光投影阻尼精密天平及电子精密天平等。下面就电子精密天平的使用方法及注意事项做一介绍。 操作方法: 1.检查并调整天平至水平位置。 2.事先检查电源电压是否匹配(必要时配置稳压器),按仪器要求通电预热至所需时间。 3.预热足够时间后打开天平开关,天平则自动进行灵敏度及零点调节。待稳定标志显示后,可进行正式称量。 4.称量时将洁净称量瓶或称量纸置于称盘上,关上侧门,轻按一下去皮键,天平将自动校对零点,然后逐渐加入待称物质,直到所需重量为止。 5.称量结束应及时除去称量瓶(纸),关上侧门,切断电源,并做好使用情况登记。 注意事项: 1.天平应放置在牢固平稳水泥台或木台上,室内要求清洁、干燥及较恒定的温度,同时应避免光线直接照射到天平上。 2.称量时应从侧门取放物质,读数时应关闭箱门以免空气流动引起天平摆动。前门仅在检修或清除残留物质时使用。 3.电子精密天平若长时间不使用,则应定时通电预热,每周一次,每次预热

2h,以确保仪器始终处于良好使用状态。 4.天平箱内应放置吸潮剂(如硅胶),当吸潮剂吸水变色,应立即高温烘烤更换,以确保吸湿性能。 5.挥发性、腐蚀性、强酸强碱类物质应盛于带盖称量瓶内称量,防止腐蚀天平。 6.称量重量不得过天平的最大载荷。 7.经常对电子天平进行自校或定期外校,保证其处于最佳状态。 8.天平发生故障,不得擅自修理,应立即报告测试中心质量负责人。 9.天平放妥后不宜经常搬动。必须搬动时,移动天平位置后,应由市计量部门校正计量合格后,方可使用。



古代汉语中的词类活用现象 五种类型:名词用作动词 动词、形容词、名词的使动用法 形容词、名词的意动用法 名词用作状语 动词用作状语 (一)名词用如动词 古代汉语名词可以用如动词的现象相当普遍。如: 从左右,皆肘.之。(左传成公二年) 晋灵公不君.。(左传宣公二年) 孟尝君怪其疾也,衣冠 ..而见之。(战国策·齐策四) 马童面.值,指王翳曰:“此项王也。”(史记·项羽本纪) 夫子式.而听之。(礼记·檀弓下) 曹子手.剑而从之。(公羊传庄公十三年) 假舟楫者,非能水.也,而绝江河。(荀子·劝学) 左右欲刃.相如。(史记·廉颇蔺相如列传) 秦师遂东.。(左传僖公三十二年) 汉败楚,楚以故不能过荥阳而西.。(史记·项羽本纪) 以上所举的例子可以分为两类:前八个例子是普通名词用如动词,后两个例子是方位名词用如动词。 名词用作动词是由上下文决定的。我们鉴别某一个名词是不是用如动词,须要从整个意思来考虑,同时还要注意它在句中的地位,以及它前后有哪些词类的词和它相结合,跟他构成什么样的句法关系。一般情况有如下四种:

①代词前面的名词用如动词(肘之、面之),因为代词不受名词修饰; ②副词尤其是否定副词后面的名词用如动词(“遂东”、“不君”); ③能愿动词后面的名词也用如动词(“能水”、“欲刃”); ④句中所确定的宾语前面的名词用如动词(“脯鄂侯”“手剑”) (二)动词、形容词、名词的使动用法 一、动词的使动用法。 定义:主语所代表的人物并不施行这个动词所表示的动作,而是使宾语所代表的人或事物施行这个动作。例如:《左传隐公元年》:“庄公寤生,惊姜氏。”这不是说庄公本人吃惊,而是说庄公使姜氏吃惊。 在古代汉语里,不及物动词常常有使动用法。不及物动词本来不带宾语,当它带有宾语时,则一定作为使动用法在使用。如: 焉用亡.郑以陪邻?《左传僖公三十年》 晋人归.楚公子榖臣与连尹襄老之尸于楚,以求知罃。(左传成公三年) 大车无輗,小车无杌,其何以行.之哉?《论语·为政》 小子鸣.鼓而攻之可也。《论语·先进》 求也退,故进.之;由也兼人,故退.之。《论语·先进》 故远人不服,则修文德以来.之。《论语·季氏》 有时候不及物动词的后面虽然不带宾语,但是从上下文的意思看,仍是使动用法。例如《论语·季氏》:“远人不服而不能来也”这个“来”字是使远人来的意思。 古代汉语及物动词用如使动的情况比较少见。及物动词本来带有宾语,在形式上和使动用法没有什么区别,区别只在意义上。使动的宾语不是动作的接受者,而是主语所代表的人物使它具有这种动作。例如《孟子·梁惠王上》“朝秦楚”,不食齐宣王朝见秦楚之君,相反的,是齐宣王是秦楚之君朝见自己。 下面各句中的及物动词是使动用法: 问其病,曰:“不食三日矣。”食.之。《左传·宣公二年》


精神分裂症的病因是什么 精神分裂症是一种精神方面的疾病,青壮年发生的概率高,一般 在16~40岁间,没有正常器官的疾病出现,为一种功能性精神病。 精神分裂症大部分的患者是由于在日常的生活和工作当中受到的压力 过大,而患者没有一个良好的疏导的方式所导致。患者在出现该情况 不仅影响本人的正常社会生活,且对家庭和社会也造成很严重的影响。 精神分裂症常见的致病因素: 1、环境因素:工作环境比如经济水平低低收入人群、无职业的人群中,精神分裂症的患病率明显高于经济水平高的职业人群的患病率。还有实际的生活环境生活中的不如意不开心也会诱发该病。 2、心理因素:生活工作中的不开心不满意,导致情绪上的失控,心里长期受到压抑没有办法和没有正确的途径去发泄,如恋爱失败, 婚姻破裂,学习、工作中不愉快都会成为本病的原因。 3、遗传因素:家族中长辈或者亲属中曾经有过这样的病人,后代会出现精神分裂症的机会比正常人要高。 4、精神影响:人的心里与社会要各个方面都有着不可缺少的联系,对社会环境不适应,自己无法融入到社会中去,自己与社会环境不相

适应,精神和心情就会受到一定的影响,大脑控制着人的精神世界, 有可能促发精神分裂症。 5、身体方面:细菌感染、出现中毒情况、大脑外伤、肿瘤、身体的代谢及营养不良等均可能导致使精神分裂症,身体受到外界环境的 影响受到一定程度的伤害,心里受到打击,无法承受伤害造成的痛苦,可能会出现精神的问题。 对于精神分裂症一定要配合治疗,接受全面正确的治疗,最好的 疗法就是中医疗法加心理疗法。早发现并及时治疗并且科学合理的治疗,不要相信迷信,要去正规的医院接受合理的治疗,接受正确的治 疗按照医生的要求对症下药,配合医生和家人,给病人创造一个良好 的治疗环境,对于该病的康复和痊愈会起到意想不到的效果。


卫生部办公厅关于印发《脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术管理规 范(试行)》的通知 【法规类别】采供血机构和血液管理 【发文字号】卫办医政发[2009]189号 【失效依据】国家卫生计生委办公厅关于印发造血干细胞移植技术管理规范(2017年版)等15个“限制临床应用”医疗技术管理规范和质量控制指标的通知 【发布部门】卫生部(已撤销) 【发布日期】2009.11.13 【实施日期】2009.11.13 【时效性】失效 【效力级别】部门规范性文件 卫生部办公厅关于印发《脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术管理规范(试行)》的通知 (卫办医政发〔2009〕189号) 各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局: 为贯彻落实《医疗技术临床应用管理办法》,做好脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术审核和临床应用管理,保障医疗质量和医疗安全,我部组织制定了《脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术管理规范(试行)》。现印发给你们,请遵照执行。 二〇〇九年十一月十三日

脐带血造血干细胞 治疗技术管理规范(试行) 为规范脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术的临床应用,保证医疗质量和医疗安全,制定本规范。本规范为技术审核机构对医疗机构申请临床应用脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术进行技术审核的依据,是医疗机构及其医师开展脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术的最低要求。 本治疗技术管理规范适用于脐带血造血干细胞移植技术。 一、医疗机构基本要求 (一)开展脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术的医疗机构应当与其功能、任务相适应,有合法脐带血造血干细胞来源。 (二)三级综合医院、血液病医院或儿童医院,具有卫生行政部门核准登记的血液内科或儿科专业诊疗科目。 1.三级综合医院血液内科开展成人脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术的,还应当具备以下条件: (1)近3年内独立开展脐带血造血干细胞和(或)同种异基因造血干细胞移植15例以上。 (2)有4张床位以上的百级层流病房,配备病人呼叫系统、心电监护仪、电动吸引器、供氧设施。 (3)开展儿童脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术的,还应至少有1名具有副主任医师以上专业技术职务任职资格的儿科医师。 2.三级综合医院儿科开展儿童脐带血造血干细胞治疗技术的,还应当具备以下条件:


文言实词词类活用 活用为一般动词 (一)名词活用为一般动词 1.两个名词连用,既不是并列关系,又不是修饰关系,便是动宾或主谓,其中一个必然活用为动词。 a .有一老父,衣褐,至良所。 b.籍吏民,封府库。 c.我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙。 d.冬雷震震夏雨雪。 2.名词后紧跟代词,该名词活用为动词。 a.驴不胜怒,蹄之。 b.以其乃华山之阳名之。 c.名余曰正则兮。 3.名词放在副词后,便活用为动词。 a.日将暮,取儿槁葬。 b.太子及宾客知其事者,皆白衣冠以送之。 c.从弟子女十人所,皆衣缯单衣,立大巫后。 4.名词放在“能”“可”“足”“欲”等呢过愿动词后,便活用为动词。 a.假舟楫者,非能水也。 b.云青青兮欲雨。 c.其力尚足以入,火尚足以明。 d.子谓公冶长:“可妻也。” 5.名词带介宾结构做补语,这个名词活用为动词。 a.晋军(于)函陵,秦军(于)氾南。 b.唐浮图慧褒始舍于其址。 6.名词用“而”同动词或动宾词组连接时,活用为动词。 a.三代不同礼而王,五霸不同法而霸。 7.名词在“所”“者”结构中便活用为动词。 a.置人所罾鱼腹中。

a.是以,令吏人完客所馆。 形容词活用为一般动词 1.形容词用在“所”字之后,便活用为动词。 故俗之所贵,主之所贱;吏之所卑,法之所尊也。 (认为宝贵、认为低贱、认为卑下、认为高贵) 2.形容词在能愿动词后,活用为动词。 问其深,则其好游者不能穷也。(走到尽头) 3.形容词在“之”“我”能代词前,活用为动词。 稍出近之。(靠近) 4.形容词后带介宾结构做补语,它活用为动词。 令尹子兰……率使上官大夫短屈原于顷襄王。 (诋毁) 数词活用做一般动词 六王毕,四海一。(统一) 名词做状语 一、普通名词作状语 1.表比喻 a.嫂蛇行匍匐。 b.狐鸣呼曰。 c .赢粮而景从。 d .天下云集响应。 e.常以身翼蔽沛公。 f.一狼径去,其一犬坐于前。 2.表对人的态度 a.君为我呼入,吾得兄事之。 b.人人皆得以隶使之。 3.表动作行为的处所 a.夫以秦王之威,相如廷叱之,辱其群臣廷:在朝廷上 b.童子隅坐而执烛. 隅:在墙角 4.表动作行为的工具、凭借、方式


精神分裂症应该怎么治疗 1、坚持服药治疗 服药治疗是最有效的预防复发措施临床大量统计资料表明,大多数精神分裂症的复发与自行停药有关。坚持维持量服药的病人复发率为40%。而没坚持维持量服药者复发率高达80%。因此,病人和家属要高度重视维持治疗。 2、及时发现复发的先兆,及时处理 精神分裂症的复发是有先兆的,只要及时发现,及时调整药物和剂量,一般都能防止复发,常见的复发先兆为:病人无原因出现睡眠不好、懒散、不愿起床、发呆发愣、情绪不稳、无故发脾气、烦躁易怒、胡思乱想、说话离谱,或病中的想法又露头等。这时就应该及时就医,调整治疗病情波动时的及时处理可免于疾病的复发。 3、坚持定期门诊复查 一定要坚持定期到门诊复查,使医生连续地、动态地了解病情,使病人经常处于精神科医生的医疗监护之下,及时根据病情变化调整药量。通过复查也可使端正人及时得到咨询和心理治疗解除病人在生活、工作和药物治疗中的各种困惑,这对预防精神分裂症的复发也起着重要作用。 4、减少诱发因素 家属及周围人要充分认识到精神分裂症病人病后精神状态的薄弱性,帮助安排好日常的生活、工作、学习。经常与病人谈心,帮助病人正确对待疾病,正确对待现实生活,帮助病人提高心理承受能力,学会对待应激事件的方法,鼓励病人增强信心,指导病人充实生活,使病人在没有心理压力和精神困扰的环境中生活。 首先是性格上的改变,塬本活泼开朗爱玩的人,突然变得沉默寡言,独自发呆,不与人交往,爱干净的人也变的不注意卫生、生活

懒散、纪律松弛、做事注意力不集中,总是和患病之前的性格完全 相悖。 再者就是语言表达异常,在谈话中说一些无关的谈话内容,使人无法理解。连最简单的话语都无法准确称述,与之谈话完全感觉不 到重心。 第三个就是行为的异常,行为怪异让人无法理解,喜欢独处、不适意的追逐异性,不知廉耻,自语自笑、生活懒散、时常发呆、蒙 头大睡、四处乱跑,夜不归宿等。 还有情感上的变化,失去了以往的热情,开始变的冷淡、对亲人不关心、和友人疏远,对周围事情不感兴趣,一点消失都可大动干戈。 最后就是敏感多疑,对任何事情比较敏感,精神分裂症患者,总认为有人针对自己。甚至有时认为有人要害自己,从而不吃不喝。 但是也有的会出现难以入眠、容易被惊醒或睡眠不深,整晚做恶梦或者长睡不醒的现象。这些都有可能是患上了精神分裂症。 1.加强心理护理 心理护理是家庭护理中的重要方面,由于社会上普遍存在对精神病人的歧视和偏见,给病人造成很大的精神压力,常表现为自卑、 抑郁、绝望等,有的病人会因无法承受压力而自杀。家属应多给予 些爱心和理解,满足其心理需求,尽力消除病人的悲观情绪。病人 生活在家庭中,与亲人朝夕相处,接触密切,家属便于对病人的情感、行为进行细致的观察,病人的思想活动也易于向家属暴露。家 属应掌握适当的心理护理方法,随时对病人进行启发与帮助,启发 病人对病态的认识,帮助他们树立自信,以积极的心态好地回归社会。 2.重视服药的依从性 精神分裂症病人家庭护理的关键就在于要让病人按时按量吃药维持治疗。如果不按时服药,精神病尤其是精神分裂症的复发率很高。精神病人在医院经过一系统的治疗痊愈后,一般需要维持2~3年的


卫生部关于印发《脐带血造血干细胞库设置管理规范(试行)》的通知 发文机关:卫生部(已撤销) 发布日期: 2001.01.09 生效日期: 2001.02.01 时效性:现行有效 文号:卫医发(2001)10号 各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局: 为贯彻实施《脐带血造血干细胞库管理办法(试行)》,保证脐带血临床使用的安全、有效,我部制定了《脐带血造血干细胞库设计管理规范(试行)》。现印发给你们,请遵照执行。 附件:《脐带血造血干细胞库设置管理规范(试行)》 二○○一年一月九日 附件: 脐带血造血干细胞库设置管理规范(试行) 脐带血造血干细胞库的设置管理必须符合本规范的规定。 一、机构设置 (一)脐带血造血干细胞库(以下简称脐带血库)实行主任负责制。 (二)部门设置 脐带血库设置业务科室至少应涵盖以下功能:脐带血采运、处理、细胞培养、组织配型、微生物、深低温冻存及融化、脐带血档案资料及独立的质量管理部分。 二、人员要求

(一)脐带血库主任应具有医学高级职称。脐带血库可设副主任,应具有临床医学或生物学中、高级职称。 (二)各部门负责人员要求 1.负责脐带血采运的人员应具有医学中专以上学历,2年以上医护工作经验,经专业培训并考核合格者。 2.负责细胞培养、组织配型、微生物、深低温冻存及融化、质量保证的人员应具有医学或相关学科本科以上学历,4年以上专业工作经历,并具有丰富的相关专业技术经验和较高的业务指导水平。 3.负责档案资料的人员应具相关专业中专以上学历,具有计算机基础知识和一定的医学知识,熟悉脐带血库的生产全过程。 4.负责其它业务工作的人员应具有相关专业大学以上学历,熟悉相关业务,具有2年以上相关专业工作经验。 (三)各部门工作人员任职条件 1.脐带血采集人员为经过严格专业培训的护士或助产士职称以上卫生专业技术人员并经考核合格者。 2.脐带血处理技术人员为医学、生物学专业大专以上学历,经培训并考核合格者。 3.脐带血冻存技术人员为大专以上学历、经培训并考核合格者。 4.脐带血库实验室技术人员为相关专业大专以上学历,经培训并考核合格者。 三、建筑和设施 (一)脐带血库建筑选址应保证周围无污染源。 (二)脐带血库建筑设施应符合国家有关规定,总体结构与装修要符合抗震、消防、安全、合理、坚固的要求。 (三)脐带血库要布局合理,建筑面积应达到至少能够储存一万份脐带血的空间;并具有脐带血处理洁净室、深低温冻存室、组织配型室、细菌检测室、病毒检测室、造血干/祖细胞检测室、流式细胞仪室、档案资料室、收/发血室、消毒室等专业房。 (四)业务工作区域应与行政区域分开。


词类活用例子 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

文言实词词类活用 活用为一般动词 (一)名词活用为一般动词 1.两个名词连用,既不是并列关系,又不是修饰关系,便是动宾或主谓,其中一个必然活用为动词。 a .有一老父,衣褐,至良所。 b.籍吏民,封府库。 c.我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙。 d.冬雷震震夏雨雪。 2.名词后紧跟代词,该名词活用为动词。 a.驴不胜怒,蹄之。 b.以其乃华山之阳名之。 c.名余曰正则兮。 3.名词放在副词后,便活用为动词。 a.日将暮,取儿槁葬。 b.太子及宾客知其事者,皆白衣冠以送之。 c.从弟子女十人所,皆衣缯单衣,立大巫后。 4.名词放在“能”“可”“足”“欲”等呢过愿动词后,便活用为动词。 a.假舟楫者,非能水也。 b.云青青兮欲雨。 c.其力尚足以入,火尚足以明。 d.子谓公冶长:“可妻也。”

5.名词带介宾结构做补语,这个名词活用为动词。 a.晋军(于)函陵,秦军(于)泛南。 b.唐浮图慧褒始舍于其址。 6.名词用“而”同动词或动宾词组连接时,活用为动词。 a.三代不同礼而王,五霸不同法而霸。 7.名词在“所”“者”结构中便活用为动词。 a.置人所罾鱼腹中。 a.是以,令吏人完客所馆。 形容词活用为一般动词 1.形容词用在“所”字之后,便活用为动词。 故俗之所贵,主之所贱;吏之所卑,法之所尊也。(认为宝贵、认为低贱、认为卑下、认为高贵)2.形容词在能愿动词后,活用为动词。 问其深,则其好游者不能穷也。(走到尽头) 3.形容词在“之”“我”能代词前,活用为动词。 稍出近之。(靠近) 4.形容词后带介宾结构做补语,它活用为动词。 令尹子兰……率使上官大夫短屈原于顷襄王。 (诋毁) 数词活用做一般动词 六王毕,四海一。(统一) 名词做状语


精神分裂症患者在怎样的情况下会自杀 精神分裂症是最常见的一种精神病。早期主要表现为性格改变,如不理采亲人、不讲卫生、对镜子独笑等。病情进一步发展,即表现为思维紊乱,病人的思考过程缺乏逻辑性和连贯性,言语零乱、词不达意。精神分裂症患者随时有可能出现危险行为,这主要是指伤人毁物、自伤自杀和忽然出走。这些危险行为是受特定的精神症状支配的.那么精神分裂症患者在什么情况下会自杀呢? 被害妄想:这是所有精神病人最常见的症状之一,多数病人采取忍耐、逃避的态度,少数病人也会“先下手为强”,对他的“假想敌”主动攻击。对此,最重要的是弄清病人的妄想对象,即:病人以为是谁要害他。假如病人的妄想对象是某个家里人,则应尽量让这位家属阔别病人,至少不要让他与病人单独在一起。 抑郁情绪:精神分裂症病人在疾病的不同时期,可能出现情绪低落,甚至悲观厌世。特别需要留意的是,有相当一部分自杀成功的病人,是在疾病的恢复期实施自杀行为的。病人在精神病症状消除以后,因自己的病背上了沉重的思想包袱,不能正确对待升学、就业、婚姻等现实问题,感到走投无路,因此选择了轻生。对此,家属一定要防患于未然,要尽早发现病人的心理困扰,及时疏导。 对已经明确表示出自杀观念的病人,家属既不要惊慌失措,也不要躲躲闪闪,要主动与病人讨论自杀的利弊,帮助病人全面、客观地评估现实中碰到的各种困难,找出切实可行的解决办法。 另外,这种病人在自杀之前,是经过周密考虑,并且做了充分预备的,例如写遗书、收拾旧物、向家人离别、选择自杀时间、预备自杀工具等。这类病人的自杀方式也是比较温顺的,多数是服药自杀。因此,他需要一定的时间来积攒足足数目的药物,这时就能看出由家属保管药品的重要性了。只要家属密切观察病人的情绪变化,是不难早期发现病人的自杀企图的。 药源性焦虑:抗精神病药的副作用之一是可能引起病人莫名的焦躁不安、手足无措,并伴有心慌、出汗、恐惧等。这些表现多是发作性的,多数发生在下午到傍晚时分,也有的病人在打长效针以后的2?3天内出现上述表现。这种时间上的规律性,有助于家属判定病人的焦虑情绪是否由于药物所致。病人急于摆脱这种强烈的痛苦,会出现冲动伤人或自伤,这些行为只是为了发泄和解脱,并不以死为终极目的。家属可以在病人发作时,给他服用小剂量的安定类药物,或者在医生的指导下,调整抗精神病药的剂量或品种,这样就可以有效地控制病人的焦虑发作。 极度兴奋:病人的精神症状表现为严重的思维紊乱、言语杂乱无章、行为缺乏目的性,这类病人也可能出现自伤或伤人毁物。由于病人的兴奋躁动是持续性的,家属有充分的思想预备,一般比较轻易防范。家属要保管好家里的刀、剪、火、煤气等危险物品,但最根本的办法,是使用大剂量的、具有强烈镇静作用的药物来控制病人的兴奋。假如在家里护理病人确有困难,则可以强制病人住院治

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