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【最新文档】雅思写作优秀范文-推荐word版 (2页)

【最新文档】雅思写作优秀范文-推荐word版 (2页)



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Some people think that visitors to other countries should imitate local customs and behaviors. Other people disagree. They think that the host country should welcome different cultures.

What is your point of view on the issue?

The shifting of the term a melting pot, a traditional way of understanding Americas identity into a salad bowl, now preferred by many minority groups, who have worked to preserve the distinct culture of their group shows, in my opinion, the view of multiculturalism deep rooted among the people.

People of one culture who move to a country where another culture dominates may feel confused when they deal with people there. This kind of cultural shock usually passes if a person stays in a new culture long enough to understand it and get used to its ways. Some of them may also give up their old ways and imitate local customs and behaviors. In a multicultural society, however, assimilation does not always occur.

A multicultural society, on the other hand, supports the view that many distinct cultures are good and desirable. In the United States, for instance, millions of people speak both English and the language of their own culture. They eat both American foods, such as apple pie and ethnic food. They celebrate both national holidays Fourth of July and


Topic 1: When international media (including movies, fashion shows, advertisements and other TV programs) convey the same messages to the global audience, people argue that the expansion of international media has negative impacts on cultural diversity. What is your opinion? 媒体信息一致的缺点: ?国际媒体(global media)—般掌握在少数几个有实力的机构手中(in the hands of a few, large, powerful organizations);有了媒体的宣传(propaganda)后,西方文化成了主流(domineering force),大规模的、有吸引力的广告(mass seductive advertising )唤起了落后地区人们对物质新的向往(create fresh desires),经济联系增强(strong economic ties),西方产品取代了本地产品,使人们更加向往西方的文化; ?文化开始融合在一起(mingle),人们被新的价值观所围绕(bombarded with new values),对自己的文化失去信心和自豪感(confidence and pride),拒绝接受自己的文化传统(rejection of their cultural heritage)转而接受西方的文化习惯(adoption of Western cultural practices);西方媒体削弱了民族的特征(ethnic identity)和社会的凝聚力(social cohesion);因为担心失去观众(a loss of viewers),当地的电视台也开始播放西方的电视节目(television shows), ?国际媒体的普遍会降低世界文化的品质和多样性(degrade the quality and diversity of world culture);文化被商业化(commercialized), —些文化产品(cultural goods),如音乐、服装,都变成了商品(commodities in the marketplace)。因此,即便一些文化在世界其他地方传播,它原来的性质(authenticity)已经丧失。 媒体信息一致的优点: ?国家之间的频繁交往会促进文化之间的交流。因此,相互了解和相互认同的可能性(likelihood of mutual understanding and mutual acceptance )就会增加,这是顺应全球化的趋势; ?未必一定放弃传统观念(not necessarily lead to the abolition of traditional values),事实上媒体可以起到宣传和稳固传统文化的作用; ?主流媒体一般都会反应文化多元性(The dominant media reflect cultural diversity.); —些外国节目其实促进了文化多元性(Most foreign programming is promoting cultural diversity.),适应了当地的条件(adapt to local conditions),注意到了当地文化的敏感性(aware of cultural sensitivity).自我调节来适应市场(exercise self-censorship to suit the market :)。 As international media companies expand across the world, the growing popularity and uniformity of some media programs (such as TV shows, movies, fashion shows) is causing worldwide concern. Many people have strong views toward this trend. In my opinion, international media is closely linked to cultural globalization and cultural homogeneity. The dominance of international media is a sign of Western cultural imperialism and has the potential to thwart cultural diversity. It is not a secret that international media is owned and operated by a handful of giant corporations, such as Time Warner. They control large sectors of the media market and place national media companies at risk. The contraction in the number of media owners will cause a proportional reduction, in the variety of programs broadcasted. For example, painting, music and movies accessible in the media have a small number of genres, imposing restraints on one's knowledge of artworks of different cultural backgrounds. In addition to seizing control over those creative industries, global entertainment companies affect cultural diversity by reshaping the perceptions, beliefs and norms of ordinary citizens in different countries. Most of the cultural values and ideals promoted by the leading mainstream media are of American origin. American culture values individuality, maximization of one's benefits and material wealth, rather than communal life and family solidarity, the values and norms previously treasured in" many Asian countries. Unfortunately, many Asian people now imitate American people, causing the alteration of their perceptions of family. This radical change can be attributed to those movies and TV programs that portray the success of American individuals or corporations.


满分雅思大作文赏析 对于雅思写作的复习,一些雅思大作文范文,例文还是很有必要自己观摩的,为此小编特收集整理了这篇雅思大作文九分例文点评,分享给大家。希望考生能从中总结出对自己有用的知识点。 满分雅思大作文赏析 范文第一段: C h i l d r e n w h o g r o w u p i n f a m i l i e s w h i c h a r e s h o r t o f m o n e y a r e b e t t e r p r e p a r e d t o d e a l w i t h t h e p r o b l e m s o f a d u l t l i f e t h a n c h i l d r e n w h o a r e b r o u g h t u p b y w e a l t h y p a r e n t s.T o w h a t e x t e n t d o y o u a g r e e o r d i s a g r e e? S o m e f e e l t h a t t h e c h i l d r e n o f l o w i n c o m e f a m i l i e s a r e b e t t e r e q u i p p e d t o d e a l w i t h d i f f i c u l t i e s p o s e d b y t h e r e a l w o r l d w h e n t h e y g r o w u p a n d t h e y a l s o b e l i e v e t h e p r i v i l e g e d c h i l d r e n o f w e a l t h y f a m i l i e s a r e l e s s f i t t o d e a l w i t h t h e s e d i f f i c u l t i e s .T h e i m p l i c a t i o n s a n d v e r a c i t y o f t h i s a r g u m e n t s e e m s e l f-e v i d e n t,b u t i n f a c t r e q u i r e c l o s e r e x a m i n a t i o n.(58w o r d s) 名师点评:


有的同学说,留学学校要各单项不低于6.5分,但是雅思考了两次每次都是6分,自己很认真的复习也背了很多高分范文怎么提个0.5分就那么难。 雅思作文怎么说呢,是雅思里面提分最快也是最难提分的一项,有人指导掌握正确的方法,只要基础不差一周提1分完全有可能,但要是走进了备考死胡同,就是考10次很有可能0.5分也提不了。 为了备考的小伙伴更好的理解考官出题的意图,以及高分作文的解题思路,快速写出一篇8分作文,下面小编就对2017年1月的雅思真题进行了详细地解析,会对雅思备考的小伙伴非常有帮助,烤鸭赶紧收藏! 1月7日题目 Task2 Art classes, like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be compulsory subject in high school. To what extant do you agree or disagree? ◆思路解析◆ 本题属于雅思大作文中的同意与否题型 讨论的是教育类话题--艺术教育 首段可以是题目的同义改写,然后明确表达自己观点,即自己是支持艺术教育为必修课的~ Nowadays, many people contemplate whether art classes should be compulsory courses of high school. I am convinced that it is absolutely necessary to make this idea come true as soon as possible. 第二段可以让步一下,指出艺术教育的昂贵使之成为必修课有些难度


# 43. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The table below shows CO2 emissions for different forms of transport in the European Union. The Pie Chart shows the percentage of European Union funds being spent on different forms of transport. You should write at least 150 words.

model answer: The chart shows CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre for variuos methods of transport in the European Union while the pie chart shows European Union spending on transport. Flying by air produces by far the greatest CO2 emissions, approximately three times as much as passenger cars which are the next largest producers. Very little is spent by the EU on air travel while roads make up more than half of the EU transport budget. Trains produce about three times less CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre than passenger cars and eight times less than air travel. Nearly a third of EU transport funds are spent on railways. Ships are a clean form of transport and produce about the same amount of CO2 per passenger kilometre as trains do. However, only 2 percent of EU funds are spent on ports. A further one percent is spent on inland waterways. Coaches are the cleanest form of transport. Emissions of CO2 per passenger kilometre from coaches are half those of buses. Buses emit less than half as much CO2 per passenger kilometre as cars. The European Union spends 10 percent of its transport budget on public transport, such as buses and coaches. (197 words)


11. Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children. Many children suffer because they do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past. In the modern society today, a large number of parents spend their time in the job. Due to this situation, many children do not get much attention from their parents as children did in the past. Of course I admit of children get more comfortable life than before, also children probably having higher living standard as well. Nevertheless, what are the children really want? Is the money? Is the computer? Or is the attention from their dad or mom? The otherwise, what does the parents want to leave in the childhood of their children? In my opinion, I agree with many children do not get much attention from their parents as children did in the past. In addition, I understand the parents wish to giving better life to their children, therefore, they work harder than before, because of this, the parents lost the time to accompany with their children and unable to pay attention to their children as the children did in the past, but I think the most important thinking is “there are not thing important than the attention from the parents to children”. We should know the rich materia l life can?t replace the care from parents of children. One of parents? responsibilities is take good care to their children, also parents should spend more time to teach children. In conclusion, modern lifestyle changed relationship between parents and children, many parents misunderstand the meaning of bring up of children, they thought “bring up of children” means giving money to their children, giving anything the children want is love. But actually it totally wrong, the most important part of bring up must be pay attention to children, care them, teach them, not only spend money of them. 12. More and more qualified people are moving from poor to rich countries to fill vacancies in specialist areas like engineering, computing and medicine. Some people believe that by encouraging the movement of such people, rich countries are stealing from poor countries. Others feel that this is only part of the natural movement of workers around the world. (brain drain) The so-called …brain drain? from poor to rich c ountries is now robbing poorer countries of essential personnel like doctors, nurses, engineers, and the trend is set to continue, if not to get worse. Some people say this movement of people around the world is not a new phenomenon. Migrant workers have always been attracted by the wider choice of employment and greater opportunity in major cities in their own countries and abroad. Recently, as the technological age has advanced and as richer countries find themselves with not enough workers to feed their development, they have had to run to other parts of

剑桥雅思考官写作范文:Major influence on your personality

剑桥雅思考官写作范文:Major influence on your personality 本文剑桥雅思考官写作范文的Topic是Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on your personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. Which do you consdier to be the major influence? 剑桥雅思考官写作范文对于雅思考生来说具有很好的参考价值,望考生从中学习到其优点,在今后的雅思写作当中合理运用。 Topic: Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much moreinfluence on your personality and development than any experiences we may havein our life. Which do you consdier to be the major influence? 题目:研究显示,我们与生俱来的特点对我们的影响比后天的得到的经验大。那你认为什么是最大的影响因素呢? 剑桥雅思考官写作范文: Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development isheavily influenced by the genetic sciences. We now understand the importance ofinhereited characteristics more than ever before. Yet we are still unable todecide whether an individual's


剑桥雅思3 T est2 task1 The chart shows that Britain, among the four European countries listed, has spent most heavily on the range of consumer goods included. In every case, British spending is considerably higher than that of other countries; only In the case of tennis racquets does another country, Italy, come close. In contrast, Germany Is generally the lowest spender. This is most evident in photographic film, where Germany spends much less than Britain. Germany only spends more than another country, France, in two cases: tennis racquets and perfumes. Meanwhile, France and Italy generally maintain middle positions, averaging approximately similar spending overall. Specifically, France spends more on CDs and photographic film but less on tennis racquets than Italy does. Italy's spending on personal stereos is only marginally greater than that of France, while spending on toys is equal between the two. It is clear from the data given that there are some significant differences in spending habits within Europe. TEST 2 T ASK 2 Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed I would like to begin by pointing out that 'traditional skills and ways of life' are not automatically of one country, but of a culture or community. In many ways, the history of civilization is me history of technology: from the discovery of fire to the invention of the wheel to the development of the Internet, we have been moving on from previous ways of doing things. Some technologies, such as weapons of mass destruction, are of negative impact. Others, such as medical advances, positively help people to live better or longer, and so very much help traditional ways of life. Surely, few people would seek to preserve such traditions as living in caves Interestingly, technology can positively contribute to the keeping alive of traditional skills and ways of life. For example, the populations of some islands are too small to have normal schools. Rather than breaking up families by sending children to the mainland, education authorities have been able to use the Internet to deliver schooling online. In addition, the Internet, and modern refrigeration techniques, are being used to keep alive the traditional skills of producing salmon; it can now be ordered from, and delivered to, anywhere in the world. In conclusion, without suggesting that all technology is necessarily good, I think it is by no means pointless', in any way, to try to keep traditions alive with technology. We should not ignore technology, because it can be our friend and support our way of life. T est3 task1 The data shows the differences between developing and industrialized countries' participation in


雅思10范文急求雅思范文10篇 无忧雅思网论坛: 这是他主页: 3g雅思网: 上面都有范文!希望对你有帮助! 首先分析这种现象的利与弊 advantages:pany 会进一步推进科学研究的发展,由于公司大多数会投资有生产或者市场价值的研究,这样就弥补了政府在这方面投入的不足。而且商业性研究会带来利益,进而带来一系列好处。。。 disadvantages: 也许会导致科研商业化,吸引研究者更多的从事商业研究而忽略基础研究,造成基础研究薄弱,科学技术研究水平发展不平衡。 然后,假设你认同利大于弊,进一步阐述你的理由,强化利大于弊的观点。

假如你不认同,同上。 最后别忘了作总结,再次重申你的观点 Training Experience in Shanghai chmin 发表于 xx-3-28 8:29:00 Last week I went to Shanghai for the taining classes held by Altair, a famous engineering software pany.I can't remember the exactly times that I have been to Shanghai, but this time, i'd like to say, is very memorable. Not because I excursed some splendid artifical sights nor I was taken to some characteristic restaurants, just only since the afflictive time in autobus every morning. Life in school is quite fortable. If there's no class in the morning, I just need to wake up naturally, and inordinate some time, the moment i opened my eyes, it's alreay 12 o'clock. Incredible, I got up before 7 o'clock the whole last week, and spent more than one and half an


第一段: 1.nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose that university education serves. 2.However, whether they should mainly provide job-related skills or pure knowledge to graduates has caused heated debate. 3.My view is that practical skills should be the main focus of universities. 第二段: 4. to start with, there is no denying that the purpose of receiving education is to obtain knowledge and skills, which will enable the graduates to become qualified employees in the future job market. (第一原因) 5.this is because most of them, after graduation, will enter workplace, earn a living, and support their own families. . (进一步阐释) 6.in view of this, universities, as service providers, have to give top priority to the students real needs. (观点成立) 第三段 7. moreover, focusing on the job related skills can benefit the university itself. (第二观点) 8. a typical example is that 3D technology has become a heated topic after the Avatar made the world crazy. (举例说明) 9. if a university can quickly respond and consolidate teaching resources to offer courses about 3D, not only will its graduates be more competitive in the job market, but the university itself will keep pace with the technological development and more forward. (例证解释说明) 第四段: 10. however, there are also arguments supporting the opinion that universities should only offer knowledge to students for its own sake. (反方观点) 11. it is evident that, if students are interested in these theoretical knowledge, they probably become scientists and scholars, who will make greater contribution to the society. (反方观点合理性) 12. Despite that, there students are few/the minority and most of them are more concerned with job-related skills. (驳斥反方观点) 13. consequently, theoretical knowledge should not be put in the first place by universities. (观点小结) 第五段 14. in sum, the major function of universities should be providing students job-related skills, guaranteeing high rate of employment, and thus making the society function well. 15.Meanwhile, we should not ignore the other important roles universities are undertaking. 16. Only by doing so can universities maintain dynamic and sustainable development.


怎样更好地利用剑桥雅思范文 ---雅思写作7分应该这样炼成 作者前言: 雅思写作高分到底有没有捷径?这是一个很多同学都非常关心的问题。我的答案简单明了:没有!绝对没有。雅思考试之所以被公认为世界上目前为止,最权威的英语应用能力测试系统,就是因为它能够真正地反映出我们实际的英语应用能力,如果像某些“名师”忽悠的那样可以在10天内彻底解决雅思写作问题,甚至获得7分以上高分的话,那雅思考试还谈什么权威性了?! 英语实际运用能力的提高是不可能一蹴而就的,但是我认为,对于大多数中国的高中、大学考生来说,在对雅思作文基本要求了解后,经过一些简单练习,我们都可以写出5分至5.5分的水平,但是如果要在此基础上跨越6分,绝对需要1个月的针对性训练,要考到7分以上,则需要更长时间的努力。虽然说捷径是没有,但是针对性的、能够事半功倍的训练与教学方法是肯定有的。 剑桥系列教材中的范文及考官评语就是值得我们充分利用的最好素材。我将在本文中针对剑桥7中的8篇范文及考官评语进行比较详细地解析,希望能够给广大雅思写作考生提供一些启发、帮助。由于水平有限,肯定有需要提高的、不完全准确的地方,还请谅解。 完美雅思ROCK- 赵岩

第一:怎样利用好剑桥系列教材中的范文。 范文利用好,对我们迅速提高自己的写作水平是非常有帮助的。范文数量不多,尤其是带考官评语、评分的更少,所以大家一定要对其充分利用。如果有时间,建议大家在仔细阅读每篇范文前自己先写一篇,可以稍微多花一点时间,尽量发挥自己最好的水平。然后,再对照范文,进行一下比对,看看自己那方面不足,哪方面做的好一点,最后再看看考官对该范文优缺点的点评和评分。这样我们就可以对自己作文水平有一个比较好的判断,而且对范文中的优缺点、自己文章中的优缺点,特别是需要提高的地方,有一个更清楚地认识,这对迅速提高我们自己的写作水平、争取更好的写作成绩是非常重要的。如果有些同学已经马上就要考试了,感觉自己动手写的时间不够,那么你至少应该花足够时间好好去审题,然后写一个草稿,把自己文章的观点、文章结构、主要的论据列出。然后再对比该范文及考官对范文的评价,这样也有助于我们分析自己的文章对比范文有何不足、有何值得学习的地方,这样利用范文去提高我们自己的写作能力、分数,我认为是最有价值的。 第二:雅思作文评分标准即考官对我们作文评分的依据。 兵法云:知己知彼,百战不殆。我们要想获得雅思高分,就必须先了解什么样的雅思作文可以得到6分、7分甚至8分,也可以说我们要清楚为什么考官只给了我们的作文5分,5.5分,甚至更低的分数。对这个问题清楚了,我们才能对自己目前写作中的弱点、丢分点有一个基本了解,才能够清楚自己下一步努力提高的地方在哪里,事半功倍的针对性训练也才finally Mission Possible. 所以,建议大家仔细研究一下,下面考官写作评分标准的内容,然后对照自己的文章,总结一下自己目前主要的问题在哪些方面。 小作文Task 1评分标准(Band 5 ~ 9) 详细内容请参照33页、34页!


雅思8分作文解决方案 A Solution to Score 8 in IELTS Writing 孙肇春著 全真雅思试题(2002各城市A、G类写作真题及范文) 准确试题预测(2002-2003年雅思写作准确评估和预测) @2002 Copyright reserved 版权所有翻印必究

作者简介 孙肇春,1971年生于山东烟台,1999年毕业于广东外语外贸大学博士点(原广州外国语学院),文学硕士。研究方向句法学和理论语言学。兴趣爱好广泛,对词源学具有浓厚的兴趣和较深的研究,喜欢英美文学和欧洲文化史。2000年在暨南大学任教,曾担任口译、英美散文欣赏等课程。2001年辞职。现任深圳环球雅思学校校长,主讲雅思写作、阅读和词汇速记法。业余爱好:平民类运动项目。擅长篮球、乒乓球、羽毛球、健身等运动,。座右铭:If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Preface Building upon my experience as an IELTS writing teacher and professional writer, I collected abundant writing materials authentic from test centers and other media. This book is the result of a combination of two years of teaching experience and the research of IELTS writing skills, built upon equally as many hours creating original writing samples to students preparing to take their IELTS test. This book has been developed to be used in the classroom and for self-study. The book covers both the General Training and Academic test. Using a step-by-step approach, a detailed explanation of how to approach writing in IELTS is given, with each unit concentrating on one particular aspect of the writing test. The exercises are designed to teach the required skills, focusing on practical application of knowledge. Model answers are also included for students to compare their own writing against, thereby gradually guiding students in wring articles that fully meet the requirements of the IELTS writing test in every aspect. The materials in this book are all authentic, keeping the original style and content. The book is very helpful for the students who are planning to take the IELTS test. The book also gives a prediction of the IELTS in 2003, covering any possible topics which are commonly seen in the test.

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