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Manufacturing Corporate Identities: An Analysis of Financial

Statement Footnote Disclosures

Financial reporting of organizational performance is facilitated primarily through financial statements and the related supplemental disclosures found in the annual report or Form 10-K. Standardized financial statements, such as the income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows, are mostly uniform in format and thus provide for inter-firm comparisons of various financial metrics. This ―boilerplate‖ format provides for simple ―net income‖ or ―current assets‖ comparisons between firms given the uniformity of the content contained within each financial statement; however, there are supplemental disclosures contained within these reports that should provide additional information to illuminate and thereby enhance the financial statement content.

We previously studied a McDonald-ized or scripted boilerplate discourse in place for corporate financial reporting that extended beyond the financial statement format (Hillon & Smith, 2004). Due to the lack of specific requirements on management discussion and analysis and financial disclosure footnote formatting, the prevailing theory on organizational identity suggests that firms should use financial narratives to differentiate themselves from their competitors thereby manufacturing their corporate identity. Given this, we expected to find a wide array of supplemental reporting content that was also as unique and differentiable as the firms themselves. To test this we obtained a random sample from the S&P 500 Index of firms and examined the frequency distributions of the number of footnotes and related page number totals contained in each of the supplemental financial footnote disclosures from each firm within our sample. We found a clustering tendency, which is suggestive of a homogeneous rather than heterogeneous firm identity. We next performed a content analysis of the supplemental footnote disclosures. When we categorized the footnotes by actual title using the firm with the fewest number of

footnotes as the minimum, over 70% of the sample firms had identical or similar footnote titles. We then analyzed the related footnote content and found an even stronger relationship with over 90% of the firms reporting the same or similar content. The implications of our preliminary findings are important in light of corporate identity as they are more supportive of a homogeneous reporting regiment rather than a heterogeneous firm identity. We conclude with these implications and the need for further research in this area.

The origins of research into organizational identity can be traced back much further than the field of organization studies itself. For instance, the looking-glass self was a phrase coined by one of the luminaries in the field of sociology (Cooley, 1909) to describe the construction of identity as a reflexive socialization process. We look into the mirror of society to see how others view and judge our behavior, and over time, a distinctive identity is shaped and constructed (Tischler, 2002). Corporate identities can also be viewed as the products of reflexive social interaction, as annual reports, financial disclosures, and feedback from both shareholders and regulating entities constitute a process that is analogous to looking into a mirror to both assess and influence the perceptions of society.

Glynn, Barr, & Dacin (2000, p. 730-731) have observed that ―because an identity is self- reflexive, it influences how the organization’s strategic issues are defined and resolved.‖ However, the major difficulty in assessing the social influences on identity construction is the necessity of identifying the salient contextual factors that enable separation of an organization from its environment, as well as categorization of components within the organization. This continual search for novel dimensions of comparison implies that social identities never completely coalesce around static values and terminal meaning. Also, the concepts of status and legitimacy are presumed to be transient. Hence, motivated by an imbalance in social status, an organization that compares unfavorably in strategic competencies to its competitors may attempt to showcase other more favorable attributes to enhance its identity (Chattopadhyay, Tluchowska, & George, 2004).

Hogg&Terry (2002, p. 125) suggested that benchmarking with a set of

differentially prestigious organizations is ―one way in which organizations may deliberately manipulate the inter-group social comparative context.‖ Fin ancial data in both quantitative and qualitative form is the lingua franca of benchmarking studies, thus, within a social identity theory frame; one would expect to find salient differences in form and content of all such identity defining prototypes. For our study, this implies that creative responses to ameliorate the perceived inequalities among corporations should appear, at least from time to time, in the identity construction tools available to each organization. Thus, we should expect to occasionally see distinctive form and content in the financial metrics and narratives of corporate disclosures. At the very least, we should expect to see some form of stratification based on prestige or attempts at social mobility.

Previous research has suggested a need for further exploration of this phenomenon, as Hillon and Smith’s (2004) financial socialization pilot study found more of a McDonaldized or scripted ―boilerplate‖ discourse in place for corporate financial reporting. Due to the lack of specific requirements on management discussion and analysis and financial footnote disclosure formatting, the prevailing theory on organizational identity suggests that firms should use these financial narratives and metrics to differentiate themselves from their competitors. The capital markets need financial information to differentiate firms and thereby avoid the problem of adverse selection. According to Scott (2003, p. 11- 12): to understand how financial accounting can help to control the adverse selection problem, it is desirable to have an appreciation of how investors make decisions. This is because knowledge of investor decision processes is essential if the accountant is to know what information they need. The accounting reaction to securities market efficiency has been full disclosure, that is, the supplying of large amounts of information to help investors make their own predictions of future firm performance. The form of the disclosure does not matter – it can be in notes, or in supplementary disclosures such as reserve recognition accounting and management discussion and analysis, in addition to the financial statements proper.

From another perspective, the FASB issued a pronouncement addressing the

usefulness of financial disclosures in Statement of Financial Accounting Concept (SFAC) Number 2. This authoritative pronouncement essentially defined the relevance of financial information in assisting the financial statement users to form their own understanding of financial events relative to their expectations. In addition to present events, the financial information can also assist the user in forming predictions of events such as future profitability. SFAC 2 (1996, p. 1035) stated in part: Relevant accounting information is capable of making a difference in a decision by helping users to form predictions about outcomes of past, present, and future events or to confirm or correct prior expectations. Information can make a difference to decisions by improving decision makers’ capacities to predict or by providing feedback on earlier expectations. Usually, information does both at once, because knowledge about the outcomes of actions already taken will generally improve decision makers’ abilities to predict the results of similar future actions. Without knowledge of the past, the basis for a prediction will usually be lacking. Without an interest in the future, knowledge of the past is sterile.

From an organizational perspective, Scott (1981, p. 89) noted that ―interaction with the environment is essential for open system functioning.‖ Information is an essential link between the firm and the environment in which it operates and the financial information disseminated by a firm is extremely important to outside investors and financial decision-makers, the primary constituents of the capital markets. Authoritative literature in accounting and management presupposes that the financial information disclosed by management will be understood and appropriately utilized by the capital markets (Jones & Shoemaker, 1994), regardless of the accounting methods applied. However, as the gatekeeper to essentially perfect information about the firm, management controls access to sensitive proprietary information. Accordingly, management selectively offers information disclosures to the capital markets, rather than all firm information, in order to shape its corporate identity.

The FASB stated in SFAC 1 (1996, p. 1018) that: ―the usefulness of financial information as an aid to investors, creditors, and others in forming expectations about

a business enterprise may be enhanced by management’s explanations of the information. Management knows more about the enterprise and its affairs than investors, creditors, and other ―outsiders‖.

Given that it has this superior information management may choose to selectively communicate financial information to those outside of the firm by means of financial disclosures. Thus, management must balance the needs for disseminating information in the interest of securities market efficiency against its own needs for continually shaping and constructing its social identity. The FAS addressed this responsibility for balance reporting by management in SFAC1 (1996, p. 1014) as follows:

Financial reporting should provide information that is useful to present and potential investors and creditors and other users in making rational investment, credit, and similar decisions. The information should be comprehensible to those who have a reasonable understanding of business and economic activities and are willing to study the information with reasonable diligence.

In light of management’s dual purposes for information dissemination, we cannot overemphasize the necessity for users of their financial disclosures to exercise due diligence in attaining a balanced understanding of the information content to thus make judicious investment decisions.

Failure to fully observe and comprehend all of the disclosed financial information does not adversely impact the quality of the financial information. However, such a partial vie w into Cooley’s (1909 looking-glass of reflexive identity would likely distort the reflected image, contrary to the firm’s intent. Thus, in anticipation of potential image distortion, we would expect firms to overemphasize, rather than underplay, their salient and distinctive features through al channels at their disposal. Supplemental financial disclosures were intended by the FASB to aid in clarifying the unique business circumstances that arise in the life of every firm. Information reifies the corporate identity, and thus, we would expect supplemental financial disclosures to enable investors to further differentiate among firms. To test this assertion, we turned our attention to a practical assessment of the management’s

use of financial information as a versatile too of corporate identity construction.


We took a random sample of 30 companies from the Standard and Poor 500 Index and then obtained the latest year end annual report or Form 10k for each firm selected. Next, we analyzed the form and content of the footnote disclosures for the financial statements contained therein with both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Supplemental footnote disclosures provide needed illumination of the basic set of required financial statements contained in each annual report or Form 10k. These minimum expectations for statement disclosures quite rationally should lead to a uniform ―boilerplate‖ financial statement format, as ―organizational fields establish norms that create cognitive expectations for ot her organizations to follow‖ (Glynn, Barr, & Dacin, 2000, p. 730). However, the same line of reasoning should not apply to the form and content of supplemental footnotes that purport to illuminate firm-specific elements of the financial statements. Hence, one should very reasonably not expect to find them presented in a uniform or ―boiler plate‖ format. Next, to facilitate a quantitative content analysis, we began by counting the number of footnote disclosures as well as the related number of pages from each company report from our sample set. These supplemental footnote disclosures provide needed illumination of the basic set of required financial statements contained in each annual report or Form 10-K. While we concede the necessity of a uniform ―boiler plate‖ financial statement format our concern was that the supplemental footnotes that provide additional specific information in order to illuminate the financial statements were not themselves a uniform or ―boiler plate‖ format. We then observed the freque ncy distributions of the total number of footnotes and the total number of pages containing the footnote disclosures for each firm.

After counting the total number of footnotes and related number of total pages contained in each company report and assessing the sample through descriptive statistics, our next step was to classify and categorize the footnote disclosures by title and then content. We designated the firm with the fewest number of footnotes as our minimum value disclosure and then compared the other firms in the sample by

footnote title and then by content to that minimum value firm.

Similarities and differences were then observed for both footnote title used as well as for actual footnote content. For purposes of categorization, our table for the footnote titles consisted of a matrix with the actual titles used in the minimum number of notes firm with four categories of footnote titles classified as either: (a) Same, (b) Similar, (c) Different, or (d) Not Found For a footnote title to be classifi ed as ―Same‖ the title would have to be identical. For example, the footnote title Income Taxes was found in the minimum footnote firm. Thus, for any firm to be categorized as ―Same,‖ the title would have to be labeled identically as Income Taxes. A footnote title of Provision for Income Taxes would be classified as ―Similar,‖ as the title includes income Taxes, but is not strictly identical. If references to income taxes were included in a footnote section under a title such as Deferred Obligations, then the classification would be ―Different.‖ Finally, if there were no provision for income taxes in the disclosure notes and thus, no related footnote title, then ―Not Found‖ would be the appropriate classification. We then reviewed the footnote titles matrix for any related content of the footnote disclosures

The purpose of this exhaustive review was to further clarify the categorization of the footnotes by incorporating the content. For example, Firm A may have had lease activity disclosed in the footnotes un der the title of ―Leases‖. Firm B may have also had leasing activities but disclosed the content in a footnote titled―Commitments‖. By only considering the footnote titles Firm A would be categorized as having lease related disclosures whereas Firm B would not be categorized with leasing activities. This potential obfuscation is thus mitigated when content is considered for purposes of categorization. Accordingly, both firms would be properly categorized as―Similar‖ in the footnote content matrix and thereby elucidate the similarities among firms that may not be apparent by only considering the footnote titles. A presentation and discussion of the descriptive statistics for our analysis follows in the next section.


Our initial findings are suggestive of a homogeneous rather than heterogeneous regiment of supplemental financial disclosures. In concluding that firms apparently

use their supplemental financial disclosures to decrease distinctiveness among peers, we end this study with a better empirical understanding of the complex phenomenon of corporate identity construction. However, the theoretical assumptions of differentiation from previous research may need to be reconsidered in light of our preliminary findings and thus may require that we now consider other sources to provide a more meaningful theoretical basis for future research. Echoing Albert & Whetten (1985), Pratt & Foreman (2000) explored how organizations manage the multiple competing and often conflicting identities within the collective by assessing their self-identified central, distinctive, and enduring attributes. One of the strategic benefits of a diversity of identities noted in their study is that a minimal set of identities serves to increase the organization’s repertoire of responses to a complex environment. In essence, a corporate identity is the superficial reflection of the organization’s underlying requisite variety. We attempted to extend this line of reasoning by positing that the firm’s financial disclosures should al so constitute just such a superficial representation of the underlying distinctive competencies. The strategic competitive advantage of an organization must in some way distinguish it from its competitors, therefore we quite reasonably expected to see specific and unique features in the form and content of the annual reports-established tools of social identity construction-for the S&P 500 firms in our random sample. Ironically, a strategic focus on core competencies to create a distinctive competitive advantage can work against adaptive capacity by reducing variety within the organization (Glynn, Barr, & Dacin, 2000).

Hence, a possible explanation for the apparent propensity of firms to manufacture standardized corporate identities through their financial disclosures is that many organizations are pursuing variety-reducing strategies to differentiate themselves. In contrast to this strategic orientation, Glynn & Abzug (2002, p. 267) followed an institutional theory frame in arguing that symbolic isomorph ism or ―the resemblance of an organization’s symbolic attributes to those of other organizations within its institutional field‖ conveys legitimacy. Our theoretical contribution beyond those of the two previous research citations was to show that both strategic and

symbolic isomorphism were not confined by industry, inter-organizational, or institutional fields, as our sample was randomly drawn from the entire S&P 500.

Therefore, our findings suggest that these theoretical explanations may be insufficient for exploring identity construction. A more expansive secondary socialization (Berger & Luckmann, 1966) model of organizational identity, as indicated by previous research (Hillon & Smith, 2004), may be necessary in order to capture and comprehend a more profound perspective on identity construction through financial narratives and other disclosures of organizational performance. Such an approach could feasibly provide broader theoretical support for the clash of objectives observed in firms pursuing variety-reducing strategies while simultaneously attempting to create distinctive corporate identities.

While we initially attempted to analyze the process of corporate identity construction through supplemental footnote disclosures, we now realize that we have only taken a first step toward revealing the true nature of an apparently homogeneous ―boilerplate‖ supplemental disclosure regiment. Additional research to examine the Management Discussion and Analysis (MDA) section of the annual reports may be needed to provide further insight into this identity de-constructing affinity for standardized reporting and information disclosure.

Source: Smith, William L Vol.4 Issue 1/2 p120-129, 10p



有效执行的财务报告主要是通过财务报表和年度报告或10 - K表格找到的相关补充披露来简化。标准化的财务报表,如损益表、资产负债表和现金流量表,大多是统一格式同时提供公司内各种财务指标间的比较。这种“标准”格式为财务报表内容一致的公司提供简单的“净收入”或“流动资产”的比较,但是包含在这些报告的补充披露,应提供更多信息,以阐明并增强财务报表的内容。


















随后在使用的附注标题和实际的附注内容中发现了共性和差异。出于分类的目的,我们的附注标题表格由一个矩阵组成,这个矩阵根据最少附注公司的现有标题将附注标题分为四类:(a) 相同,(b) 相似,(c) 不同,或(d) 未发现。一个附注标题要被分类为―相同‖,标题就必须是相同的。例如,在最少附注公司中发现了附注标题―所得税‖。因此,对于任何被归类为―相同‖的公司,标题就必须同样标有―所得税‖。而一个―所得税备提‖的附注标题将被就要被分类为―相似‖,因为标题包含所得税,但并非严格同一。如果提到的所得税是包含在一个标题比如―递延义务‖下的附注部分,那么就分到―不同‖项下。最后,如果在披露叙述中没有所得税备提,那么分到―未发现‖项下就是适当的。随后,我们根据附注披露的相关内容检查一下附注标题矩阵。








出处:Smith, William L Vol.4 Issue 1/2 p120-129, 10p



文献综述: 基于哈佛分析框架的财务报表分析的 文献综述 财务分析的重要性日益凸显,它不仅代表着企业的经营成果,还为企业以后的发展和管理提供决策依据。财务分析是通过一系列分析技术与方法,对企业的各种能力进行综合分析与评价,及时发现企业经营中出现的问题和不足,为企业的管理者管理和决策的信息。这是一个逻辑性很强的分析过程,需要从各种复杂的信息中把握分析逻辑,形成分析框架,才能获取有价值的信息。另一方面,财务分析对于投资者和股东的未来投资活动具有重要意义,它有助于利益相关者了解企业的经营现状和未来发展。本文对哈佛分析框架的国内外研究成果进行述评,为进一步的研究奠定基础。 1 国外关于财务分析方法的研究 伴随着西方资本市场的发展,其财务分析方法日益完善,财务分析体系快速发展。学者们开始建立财务分析框架,以更好地对企业的财务状况经行分析。少数学者提出从筹资活动、经营活动和投资活进行财务分析。而绝大部分学者则是在财务分析的基础上逐步引进战略分析、会计分析和前景分析三个维度。一部分学者是从三个维度来构建财务分析框架的。以Salmi(1997)为代表的学者提出从概论、会计分析和财务分析三个维度进行财务报表分析。而以Stickney(1999)为代表的学者则是从环境分析、会计分析和财务分析这三个维度展开。相比较而言,Stickney的尝试在原来两维度的基础上增加了环境分析,使得财务分析结果更为可靠。 还有一部分学者是从四个维度来构建财务分析框架的。最具有代表性的是哈佛大学佩普(K.G.Palepu)、希利(P.M.healy) 和伯纳德(V.L.Bemard)(2000)在《运用财务报表进行企业分析与评估》一书中提出了哈佛分析框架。其提出了一种集战略与财务报表分析为一体的、更具实际应用效果的财务分析框架,即哈佛分析框架。该框架由战略分析、会计分析、财务分析、前景分析共四个部分组成。哈佛分析框架的战略分析模块对企业所面临的外部环境进行了全面分析,不仅能发现企业发展中面临的机会和威胁,更能从战略高度为企业发展指出方向。哈佛分析框架做到了结合企业外部经济环境与企业个体特征、行业经济发展状况、生合周期和获利能力等因素对企业进行综合评判,对于投资者


摘要 正确组织和有效开展经济分析,对于企业正确制定经营方针,选择最佳方案,编制经营计划,合理评价企业经济活动,以及不断提高经济效益具有重要意义。经济分析具有判断性、情报性、预防性和建设性。企业是社会经济的细胞,股份制企业是社会经济细胞中较活跃的群体。 本文依据全面分析与重点分析相结合,经济分析与技术分析相结合,定性分析与定量分析相结合,利用核算数据与搞好调查研究相结合原则,对省哈飞汽车股份自2007 年至2009 年的财务状况从资本结构分析、偿债能力分析、营运能力分析、盈利能力分析、综合分析以及趋势分析等方面进行由外到地剖析和评价,对2009 年经营中存在的问题进行分析,最后提出建议。 关键词:财务报表分析;盈利能力;偿债能力

Abstract It is very important to organize and do economic analysis efficiently for an enterprise. The analysis plays key point in making business plan,evaluating the economic activities reasonably,and improving economic benefits. Economic analysis has the features of judging,information,predicting and constructing. The enterprises are the cell of social leconomy. The corporations,which are on the stock market,are the most active colony in them. In this report,by combination of whole analysis and emphasis analysis ,economic analysis and technical analysis,feature analysis and value analysis,and based on the rules of combination calculated data and research,the author tries to do an analysis and evaluation to Hafei Automobile Works Car company, the key enterprise of Heilongjiang Province. Based on the adjustment of financial statements,the analysis of capital structure,the analysis of assets operation efficiency,the analysis of profitability,the analysis of debt redemption and the synthetic analysis of the corporation from 2007 to 2009. The author also submits some suggestions to the problems in 2009 of the company. KeyWords:Financial Analysis; Profitability; Debt redemption


财务报表分析外文文献及翻译 LNTU---Acc 附录A 财务报表分析的杠杆左右以及如何体现盈利性和值比率 摘要 关键词:财政杠杆;运营债务杠杆;股本回报率;值比率 传统观点认为,杠杆效应是从金融活动中产生的:公司通过借贷来增加运营的资金。 杠杆作用的衡量标准是负债总额与股东权益。然而,一些负债——如银行贷款和发行的债券,是由于资金筹措,其他一些负债——如贸易应付账款,预收收入和退休金负债,是由于在运营过程中与供应商的贸易,与顾客和雇佣者在结算过程中产生的负债。融资负债通常交易运作良好的资本市场其中的发行者是随行就市的商人。与此相反,在运营中公司能够实现高增值。因为业务涉及的是与资本市场相比,不太完善的贸易的输入和输出的市场。 因此,考虑到股票估值,运营负债和融资负债的区别的产生有一些先验的原因。我们研究在资产负债表上,运营负债中的一美元是否与融资中的一美元等值这个问题。因为运营负债和融资负债是股票价值的组成部分,这个问题就相当于问是否股价与账面价值比率是否取决于账面净值的组成。价格与账面比率是由预期回报率的账面价值决定的。所以,如果部分的账面价值要求不同的溢价,他们必须显示出不同的账面价值的预期回报率。因此, 标准的财务报表分析的能够区分股东从运营中和借贷的融资业务中产生的利润。因此,资产回报有别于股本回报率,这种差异是由于杠杆作用。然而,在标准的分析中,经营负债不区别于融资负债。因此,为了制定用于实证分析的规范,

我们的研究结果是用于愿意分析预期公司的收益和账面收益率。这些预测和估值依赖于负债的组成。 这篇文章结构如下。第一部分概述并指出了了能够判别两种杠杆作用类型,连接杠杆作用和盈利的财务报表分析第二节将杠杆作用,股票价值和价格与账面比率联系在一起。 第三节中进行实证分析,第四节进行了概述与结论。 1 杠杆作用的财务报表分析 以下财务报表分析将融资债务和运营债务对股东权益的影响区别开。这个分析从实证的详细分析中得出了精确的杠杆效应等式 普通股产权资本收益率=综合所得?普通股本 (1) 杠杆影响到这个盈利等式的分子和分母。适当的财务报表分析解析了杠杆作用的影响。以下分析是通过确定经营和融资活动中的资产负债表和损益表的组成开始分析。计算每一项活动所获得的利润,然后引入两种类型的杠杆作用来解释运营和融资的盈利以及股东的总体盈利。 1.1 区分运营和融资过程中的盈利 普通股权=经营资产,金融负债,经营负债,金融负债 (2) 侧重于普通股(以便优先股被视为融资债务),资产负债表方程可重申如下:经营性资产的区别(如贸易应收款,库存和物业,厂房及设备)和金融资产(存款及可出售证券吸收多余现金)在其他方面。然而,债务方面,融资负债也区别于经营负债。不应该把所 有负债都当作融资负债来处理,相反,只有从运营中得到的现金,就像银行贷款,短期商业票据和债券属于这种类型。其他负债,如应付账款,累计费用,预收收入,重组债务和养老金负债,产生于业务。这种区别并不像当前与长远负债那么简单;养老金负债,例如,通常是长期,短期的借款是一种当前的负债。


有限公司 财务报表附注 截止2013年12月31日 (除另有注明外,所有金额均以人民币元为货币单位) 一、企业概况 本公司根据中华人民共和国《公司法》,经工商行政管理局注册登记,领取了号企业法人营业执照,于年月日正式成立。 注册资金: 法定代表人: 企业性质: 经营地址: 经营范围: 二、不符合会计核算前提的说明 本企业无不符合会计核算前提的情况 三、重要会计政策和会计估计的说明 1、会计制度 本企业根据企业会计准则和《企业会计制度》编制会计报表。 2、会计年度

本企业的会计年度从公历每年1月1日至12月31日止。 3、记账基础和计价原则 本企业的会计核算以权责发生制为记账基础,各项资产均按取得或购建时发生的实际成本入账。 4、记账本位币 本企业的会计核算以人民币为记账本位币。 5、现金等价物的确定标准 现金等价物是指本企业持有的期限短(从购买日起,三个月内到期)、流动性强、易于转换为已知金额现金、价值变动风险很小的投资。 6、存货核算方法 存货分为原材料、包装物、在产品和产成品等。均按实际成本计价。发出产成品按加权平均法结转成本。 7、长期投资核算方法 股权投资和其他投资按投资时实际支付的金额记账。 对被投资单位无控制、无共同控制且无重大影响的,采用成本法核算,投资收益于被投资公司宣告分派现金股利时确认,而该现金股利超过投资日后产生的累积净利润的分配额,冲减投资的账面价值。 对被投资单位具有控制、共同控制或重大影响的,采用权益法核算。本企业的初始投资成本超过应享有被投资公司所有者权益份额之间的差额,作为股权投资差额在10年内平均摊销,计入损益。投资收益以取得股权后所占被投资公司的净损益份额计算确定。被投资公司除净损益以外的其他所有者权益变动,相应


本科毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 题目双汇企业财务报表分析研究 姓名宋孟姣 专业 2010级财务管理本科1班 学号 201040016 指导教师董玥玥 郑州科技学院工商管理学院 二〇一四年三月

FINANCIAL STA TEMENT ANALYSIS OF EVERAGE AND HOW IT INFORMS ABOUT PORABLIITY AND PRICE-TO-BOOK RA TIOS 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS OF EVERAGE The following inimical statement analysis separates the effects of enhancing liabilities and operating liabilities on the portability o f shareholders’ equity. The analysis yields explicit leveraging equations from which the speci?cations for the empirical analysis are developed. Shareholder portability, return on common equity, is measured as Return on common equity (ROCE) = comprehensive net income ÷common equity (1) Appropriate inimical statement analysis disentangles the effects of leverage. The analysis below, which elaborates on parts of Nazism and Penman (2001), begins by identifying components of the balance sheet and income statement that involve operating and enhancing activities. The portability due to each activity is then calculated and two types of leverage are introduced to explain both operating and enhancing portability and overall shareholder portability. 1.1 Distinguishing the Portability of Operations from the Portability of Financing Activities Common equity =operating assets+financial assets-operating liabilities-Financial liabilities (2)The distinction here between operating assets (like trade receivables, inventory and property, plant and equipment) and inimical assets (the deposits and marketable securities that absorb excess cash) is made in other contexts. However, on the liability side, enhancing liabilities are also distinguished here from operating liabilities. Rather than treating all liabilities as enhancing debt, only liabilities that raise cash for operations—like bank loans, short-term commercial paper and bonds—are classier as such. Other liabilities—such as accounts payable, accrued expenses, deferred revenue, restructuring liabilities and pension liabilities—arise from operations. The distinction is not as simple as current versus long-term


一、中色股份有限公司概况 中国有色金属建设股份有限公司(英文缩写NFC,简称:中色股份)1983年经国务院批准成立,主要从事国际工程承包和有色金属矿产资源开发。目前,中色股份旗下控股多个公司,涉及矿业、冶炼、稀土、能源电力等领域;同时,通过入股民生人寿等稳健的实业投资,增强企业的抗风险能力,实现稳定发展。 二、资产负债比较分析 资产负债增减变动趋势表 (一)增减变动分析 从上表可以清楚看到,中色股份有限公司的资产规模是呈逐年上升趋势的。从负债率及股东权益的变化可以看出虽然所有者权益的绝对数额每年都在增长,但是其增长幅度明显 该公司07年的速动比率为0.89,08年为0.81,09年为0.86,相对来说,没有大的波动,只是略呈下降趋势。每1元的流动负债只有0.86元的资产作保障,是绝对不够的,这表明该企业的短期偿债能力较弱。 (3)现金比率 该公司07年的现金比率为0.35,08年为0.33,09年为0.38,从这些数据可以看出,该公司的现金即付能力较强,并且呈逐年上升趋势的,但是相对数还是较低,说明了一元的流动负债有0.38元的现金资产作为偿还保障,其短期偿债能力还是可以的。 (三)资本结构分析 (1)资产负债率 该企业的资产负债率07年为58.92%,08年为61.14%?09年为59.42%。从这些数据可

以看出,该企业的资产负债率呈现逐年上升趋势的,但是是稳中有降的,说明该企业开始调节自身的资本结构,以降低负债带来的企业风险,资产负债率越高,说明企业的长期偿债能力就越弱,债权人的保证程度就越弱。该企业的长期偿债能力虽然不强,但是该企业的风险系数却较低,对债权人的保证程度较高。 (2)产权比率 该企业的产权比率07年为138.46%,08年为157.37%,09年为146.39%。从这些数据可以看出,该企业的产权比率呈现逐年上升趋势的,但是稳中有降的,从该比率可以看出,该企业对负债的依赖度还是比较高的,相应企业的风险也较高。该企业的长期偿债能力还是较低的。不过,该企业已经意识到企业的风险不能过大,一旦过大将带来重大经营风险,所以,该企业试图从高风险、高回报的财务结构向较为保守的财务结构过渡,逐渐增大所有者权益比例。 。 逐年下降趋势的。尤其是08年下降幅度最大,充分看出金融危机对该公司的影响很大。之所以下降,是因为该公司近三年的主营业务收入都在下降,虽然主营业务成本也在同时下降,但是下降的幅度没有收入下降的幅度大,这说明企业的全部资产经营效率降低,偿债能力也就有所下降了。总体来看,该企业的主营收入是呈现负增长状态的。 (2)流动资产周转率 该企业的总资产周转率07年为1.64,08年为1.18,09年为1.02。从这些数据可以看出,该企业的流动资产周转率是呈现逐年下降趋势的。尤其也是08年下降幅度最大,说明08年的金融危机对该公司的影响很大。总的来说,企业流动资产周转率越快,周转次数越多,周转天数越少,表明企业以占用相同流动资产获得的销售收入越多,说明企业的流动资产使用效率越好。以上数据看出,该企业比较注重盘活资产,较好的控制资产运用率。


第五章财务报表附注分析 5.1 财务报表附注的作用和内容 财务报表附注是为帮助理解财务报表的内容而对报表的有关事项等所作的解释,它作为财务报告的重要组成部分,是对财务报表的补充。其内容主要包括所采用的主要会计处理方法,会计处理方法的变更情况、变更原因以及对财务状况和经营成果的影响,非经常性项目说明,财务报表中有关重要项目的明细资料,其他有助于理解和分析报表需要说明的事项。 5.1.1 财务报表附注的作用与局限性 编制财务报表附注的目的主要是为报表所使用者理解和分析报表的内容提供帮助,是对财务报表本身无法或难以充分表达的内容和项目所作的补充说明和详细解释,其作用上财务报告的其他部分所无法替代的。其具体作用表现在以下三方面: (1)帮助报表使用者深入理解财务报表提供的信息。由于报表使用者的层次、专业、使用报表的目的不同,其对会计信息披露的要求差别很大,单纯依靠资产负债表、现金流量表及损益表等提供的信息,无法满足要求。因此,有必要对报表中的有关数据进一步说明。例如,现有及潜在的投资者需要详细了解股东权益及盈利能力,仅靠财务报表无法满足其要求,则需要在附注中对股本结构及各项盈余、利润情况详细说明。 (2)提高财务报表信息的可比性。由于各公司或同家公司在不同时期可能采用不同的会计政策,降低了会计信息的可比性,而仅靠财务报表又无法避免这种情况的出现,因此需要通过在附注中详细说明会计政策的采用及其变更情况,尽量消除有关的不可比因素,提高信息的可比性。

(3)扩充财务报告所提供信息的容量。由于财务报表内容和形式严格的规定性,限制了财务报表披露的信息量,而财务报表附注却可以通过灵活的披露方式,丰富财务报告所提供信息的数量和内容,使其提供的信息更加完整和全面。 由于财务报表附注主要使对财务报表内容和项目的补充和解释,因此对它的解读和分析,必须紧密结合财务报表的数据,附注自身是无法全面反映报表提供者的整体财务情况的,只能针对某些方面进行详细说明或解释;另外,由于财务报表附注形式的随意性,它没有财务报表本身直观,披露信息的科学性和客观性也受到一定限制。 为了更好地理解财务报表的信息,建议读者重视对企业非财务性信息的分析。有些非财务方面的信息对信息使用者来说比货币信息更重要。企业非货币性信息主要包括以下几个方面的内容: (1)董事会对经营情况的回顾和对未来的展望; (2)企业管理层对财务报告的评价; (3)注册会计师审计报告的措辞; (4)企业的股利发放政策; (5)企业产品的市场状况与发展趋势; (6)企业的公众声誉; (7)企业的雇员人数、学历构成、薪酬状况和流动状况等。 5.1.2 财务报表附注的内容 根据《企业会计准则——基本准则》第64条的规定,财务报表附注的内容“主要包括:所采用的主要会计处理方法;会计处理方法的变更情况、变更原因以及对财务状况和经营成果的影响;非经常性项目说明;财务报表中有关重要项目的明细资料;其他有助于理解和分析报表需要说明的事项。”公司的财务报表附注,一般包括以下主


中文4400字 Babic Z, Plazibat N. Enterprise Value Based On The Analysis Of Financial Statements [J]. International journal of production economics, 2008, 56: 29-35 Enterprise Value Based On The Analysis Of Financial Statements Z Babic, N Plazibat ABSTRACT Analysis of data on the financial statements, the use of discounted cash flow method, the relative value of other methods to analyze financial statements and financial data to find useful data on the enterprise value analysis, with its inherent value is the closest a value to facilitate management by better management decisions and investment decisions of enterprises. Now, under the conditions of market economy, the enterprise itself can be traded in the market of goods, by the profits to maximize the conversion to maximize the value of. Therefore, the enterprise value based on financial statement analysis is particularly important. Financial statements as a reflection of the financial positio n and operating conditions of enterprises, statutory information of listed companies, the real financial statements data can reveal the enterprise's past operating results, the pros and cons of the identification of business, to forecast the future of the enterprise. The article first describes the limitations of the traditional statements and how to improve, then the enterprise value is based on the improved report. KEYWORD: Financial statements, corporate value, Enterprise value evaluation 1 Introduction 1 The meaning of enterprise value The enterprise value is accompanied by the emergence of property rights trading market in the 1960s, a concept first proposed by the U.S. regulators. Under market economy conditions, the goods of the enterprise itself is a transaction in the equity market as the commodity stakeholders, including investors, creditors, managers must understand the value of the business. Enterprise value as a commodity currency performance. 1.2 Analysis of the significance of enterprise value Enterprises maximize the value of thinking helps to improve the company. Each listed


万科企业股份有限公司财务报表分析 姓名:章晨 班级:08级电子商务 学号:200810450122 指导老师:孙万欣黄丽萍 毛剑峰万洁 聂铭洁 日期:2010.6.28

目录 一、公司简介 (3) 二、资产负债表和利润表的纵向分析和横向分析 (4) 三、比率分析 (5) (一)偿债能力分析 (5) (二)营运能力分析 (6) (三)获利能力分析 (7) 四、分析结论 (8)

万科企业股份有限公司财务报表分析 一、公司简介 (一)公司基本情况 万科企业股份有限公司成立于1984年5月,是目前中国最大的专业住宅开发企业。2008年公司完成新开工面积523.3万平方米,竣工面积529.4万平方米,实现销售金额478.7亿元,结算收入404.9亿元,净利润40.3亿元。 万科认为,坚守价值底线、拒绝利益诱惑,坚持以专业能力从市场获取公平回报,是万科获得成功的基石。公司致力于通过规范、透明的企业文化和稳健、专注的发展模式,成为最受客户、最受投资者、最受员工、最受合作伙伴欢迎,最受社会尊重的企业。凭借公司治理和道德准则上的表现,公司连续六次获得“中国最受尊敬企业”称号,2008年入选《华尔街日报》(亚洲版)“中国十大最受尊敬企业”。 (二)公司经营范围 万科1988年进入房地产行业,1993年将大众住宅开发确定为公司核心业务。至2008年末,业务覆盖到以珠三角、长三角、环渤海三大城市经济圈为重点的31个城市。当年共销售住宅42500套,在全国商品住宅市场的占有率从2.07%提升到2.34%,其中市场占有率在深圳、上海、天津、佛山、厦门、沈阳、武汉、镇江、鞍山9个城市排名首位。 (三)公司行业分析 自创建以来,万科一贯主张“健康丰盛人生”,重视工作与生活的平衡;为员工提供可持续发展的空间和机会,鼓励员工和公司共同成长;倡导简单人际关系,致力于营造能充分发挥员工才干的工作氛围。2001年起,万科每年委托第三方顾问公司对全体职员进行员工满意度调查。 公司努力实践企业公民行为。万科从2007年开始每年发布社会责任报告。由公司出资建设的广州“万汇楼”项目被广东省建设厅列为“广东省企业投资面向低收入群体租赁住房试点项目”,并于08年年中正式实现入住。08年12月31日,由公司全额捐建的四川绵竹遵道镇学校主教学楼及卫生院综合楼交付仪式在四川遵道正式举行,成为震后首批企业捐建的永久性公共建筑。 未来,房地产市场将迎来一个崭新的发展期,住宅企业在绿色建筑的研发、制造方面的能力,在绿色社区的营造、维护方面的能力,都将成为产品竞争力中越来越重要的一部分;并可能在其他产品、服务日益同质化的情况下,成为未来市场竞争的核心要素。


财务报表中英文对照 1.资产负债表Balance Sheet 项目ITEM 货币资金Cash 短期投资Short term investments 应收票据Notes receivable 应收股利Dividend receivable 应收利息Interest receivable 应收帐款Accounts receivable 其他应收款Other receivables 预付帐款Accounts prepaid 期货保证金Future guarantee 应收补贴款Allowance receivable 应收出口退税Export drawback receivable 存货Inventories 其中:原材料Including:Raw materials 产成品(库存商品) Finished goods 待摊费用Prepaid and deferred expenses 待处理流动资产净损失Unsettled G/L on current assets 一年内到期的长期债权投资Long-term debenture investment falling due in a year 其他流动资产Other current assets 流动资产合计Total current assets 长期投资:Long-term investment: 其中:长期股权投资Including long term equity investment 长期债权投资Long term securities investment *合并价差Incorporating price difference 长期投资合计Total long-term investment 固定资产原价Fixed assets-cost 减:累计折旧Less:Accumulated Dpreciation 固定资产净值Fixed assets-net value 减:固定资产减值准备Less:Impairment of fixed assets 固定资产净额Net value of fixed assets 固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets 工程物资Project material 在建工程Construction in Progress 待处理固定资产净损失Unsettled G/L on fixed assets 固定资产合计Total tangible assets 无形资产Intangible assets

关于财务报表分析研究的文献综述 精品

毕业论文(设计)开题报告 论文题目关于财务报表分析研究的文献综述 学生姓名学号js0843544 专业财务管理 指导教师职称副教授学历本科 开题报告内容: 本篇论文综述了财务报表分析的基本方法,从财务报表分析盈利能力分析方法的研究、财务报表分析偿债能力分析方法的研究、财务报表分析杜邦分析方法的研究三个层面来阐述财务报表分析理论的发展与研究,在总结各个文献理论研究成果的基础上,借鉴他们采用的分析方法,将理论应用于实际,并采用以传统比率分析和现金流量比率相结合的方法对上市公司个案进行分析和评价。在分析时,分析公司基本情况,关注上市公司的历史,关注会计处理方法对利润的影响、分析子公司和关联方对利润的影响、分析会计主要项目的详细资料,并且了解宏观经济的发展状况和被分析对象所处行业的发展水平。 一、本文选题的意义 公司财务报表是关于公司经营活动的原始资料的重要来源。尤其是作为上市公司,必须遵守财务公开的原则,定期公开自己的财务状况,提供有关财务资料,便于投资者查询。上市公司公布的一整套财务资料中,主要是一些财务报表。财务报表分析,就是利用会计报表直接提供的信息,采用专门的方法,对财务报表进行资料归集、加工、分析、比较、评价等,对企业财务状况和经营成果做出综合评价,并提出改善财务状况的措施办法。通过财务报表分析,可以为报表使用者提供新的会计分析信息。这些会计分析信息,对于企业的主管部门,投资者、经营者及有关方面具有重要作用。可以说,财务报表分析是会计工作的升华。 财务分析从盈利能力、营运能力和偿债能力角度对企业的筹资活动、投资活动、和经营状况进行了深入、细致的分析,以判明企业的财务状况和经营业绩,这对于企业投资者、债权人、经营者、及其他与企业有关的利益相关者了解企业的财务状况和经营成效是十分有益的但是前面的财务分析通常是从某一特定角度,就企业的某一方面的经营活动所做的分析,这种分析不足以全面评价企业的总体财务状况和财务成效,很难对企业总体财务状况和经营业绩的关联性做出综合结论。为弥补财务分析的这一不足,有必要在财务能力单项分析的基础上,将有关指标按其内在联系结合起来进行综合分析。随着社会和经济的不断发展,财务报表体系得到不断地发展和完善,目前基本上形成了以资产负债表、利润表、和现金流量表为基础的财务报表体系。 二、国内外研究现状及成果 1、国外研究现状



1 公司基本情况 1.1背景资料 重庆钢铁股份有限公司(以下简称“重钢”)是于1997年8月11日在重庆市成立的股份有限公司。公司的母公司为重庆钢铁(集团)有限责任公司(重庆市国资委控股的独资企业)。 重钢作为中国的一家大型钢铁企业和中国最大的中厚板生产商之一,主要生产、销售中厚钢板、型材、线材、冷轧薄板、商品钢坯及焦化副产品、炼铁副产品。公司生产工序完整,供产销自成体系,工艺技术先进,产品质量优良。其中造船钢板、压力容器钢板、锅炉钢板获得多个质量奖项及国内、国际多家专业机构质量认证,以“三峰”商标出售的产品在中国同类产品中享有盛名。 1.2总体经营情况 2009年,为应对国际金融危机带来的不利影响,国家实施了积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,“保增长、扩内需、调结构、惠民生”一揽子刺激经济增长措施的效果显现,国民经济企稳回升,全年实现了8.7%的增长。在国民经济增长的带动下,国内钢材需求大幅增长,特别是基建、汽车、机械、家电等行业需求增长尤为明显,但受钢材进口及产能过剩的影响,钢材价格在低位波动。公司积极应对金融危机造成的不利局面,把握有利的市场机遇,保产促销,经济采购,严格质量管理,开发新产品,在全年实现不亏的同时,积极开展环保搬迁。报告期内,公司共生产焦炭134.97万吨、生铁294.19万吨、钢322.04万吨、钢材(坯)300.07万吨,焦炭、钢及钢材(坯)同比减少1.27%、4.09%和6.59%,生铁同比增长0.57%。全年分别实现营业收入和净利润人民币10,654,115千元和人民币 84,029 千元,同比下降 35.50%和 85.96%。 第一,公司积极应对不利的市场行情,保产促销。在低迷的市场行情下,公司加强了与客户的沟通,妥善处理客户的议价要求,同时,加强维护战略客户关系,加强本地市场销售,确保了生产所需订单;公司把握市场短期的反弹行情,以及建筑钢材和优钢棒材有利销售形势,及时调整销售策略扩大销售。2009年,公司实现钢材(坯)销售 297.28万吨,货款回笼率100.85%。


公司 财务报表附注 2009年度 金额单位:人民币元 一、公司基本情况 公司(以下简称公司或本公司)系由×××、×××投资设立,于年月日在工商行政管理局登记注册,取得注册号为的《企业法人营业执照》。现有注册资本元。 公司(以下简称公司或本公司)系经批准,由投资设立的外商独资/中外合资/中外合作经营企业/港澳台投资企业,于年月日在工商行政管理局登记注册,取得注册号为的《企业(法人)营业执照》,投资总额元,注册资本元。经营期年。于年月投产/营业。 本公司经营围:。 二、公司采用的主要会计政策、会计估计和合并财务报表的编制方法 (一) 会计准则和会计制度 执行企业会计准则和《企业会计制度》及其补充规定。 (二) 会计年度

会计年度自公历1月1日起至12月31日止。 (三) 记账本位币 采用人民币为记账本位币。 (四) 记账基础和计价原则 以权责发生制为记账基础,以历史成本为计价原则。 (五) 外币业务核算方法 对发生的外币业务,采用当月1日/当日中国人民银行公布的市场汇价(中间价)折合人民币记账。对各种外币账户的外币期末余额,按期末市场汇价(中间价)进行调整,发生的差额,与购建固定资产有关且在其达到预定可使用状态前的,计入有关固定资产的购建成本;与购建固定资产无关的属于筹建期间的计入长期待摊费用,属于生产经营期间的计入当期财务费用。 (六) 外币财务报表的折算方法 1.资产负债表中所有资产、负债类项目均按照报表决算日的市场汇价(中间价)折算为人民币金额;所有者权益类项目除“未分配利润”项目外,均按照发生时的市场汇价(中间价)折算为人民币金额;“未分配利润”项目以折算后的利润分配表中该项目的人民币金额列示。折算后资产类项目与负债类项目和所有者权益项目合计数的差额,作为“外币报表折算差额”在“未分配利润”项目后单独列示。 2.利润表中所有项目和利润分配表中有关反映发生数的项目,按报告期市场平均汇价/报表决算日的市场汇价(中间价)折算为人民币金额;利润分配表中“净利润”项目,按折算后利润表该项目的数额列示;“年初未分配利润”项目以上一年折算后的年末“未分配利润”项目的数额列示;“未分配利润”项目按折算后的利润分配表中的其他各项目的数额计算列示。 (七) 现金等价物的确定标准 现金等价物是指企业持有的期限短(一般是指从购买日起3个月到期)、流动性强、易于转换为已知金额现金、价值变动风险很小的投资。 (八) 短期投资核算方法 1.短期投资,按照取得时的投资成本扣除已宣告但尚未领取的现金股利或已到付息期但尚未领取的债券利息入账。短期投资持有期间所享有并收到的现金股利或债券利息等收益不确认投资收益,作为冲减投资成本处理;出售短期投资所获得的价款减去出售的短期投资的账面余额/账面价值以及未收到已记入应收项目的现金股利或债券利息等后的差额,作为投资收益或损失,计入当期损益。出售短期投资结转的投资成本,按加权平均法/先进先出法/后进先出法/个别计价法计算确定。 2.期末短期投资按成本与市价孰低计量,市价低于成本的部分按单项投资/投资类别/投资总体计提跌价准备。


Accountability in financial reporting: detecting fraudulent firms 在财务报告的责任:检测欺诈性公司 “会计研究所和会计学院,玛拉工艺大学,莎阿南,马来西亚雪兰莪州” 摘要 本文旨在探讨公司欺诈行为与非欺诈行为的财务比率间存在的差别,并确定哪些财务比率是显著的虚假报告。样本包括在马来西亚公共上市公司的65个欺诈性企业和65个非欺诈性企业,根据2000年和2011年数据的研究发现,有欺诈行为的公司和非舞弊的公司,在总债务与总资产、应收账款销售额方面存在显著的均值差异。此外,Z分数衡量破产概率是为了检测是否存在财务报告舞弊。 关键词:财务比率;财务报表分析;虚假财务报告;上市公司;马来西亚

一、引言 根据马来西亚上市公司的要求欺诈的公司被囊定为犯罪认定。欺诈是在实践中出现的一种欺诈行为,广义的概念具有两种基本类型。首先是挪用资产,二是财务报告舞弊。财务报告舞弊通常发生在以财务报表造假的形式来获得一些有益的形式。有些人认为欺诈涉及财务报表故意的扭曲(硬盘接口技术2009)。 在财务报告过程中欺诈检测是资本市场参与者和其他利益相关者的首要任务(例如,埃利奥特,2002;委员会,2007)。在公开上市交易的公司如安然和世通公司欺诈发生时市场参与者如投资者经历了重大的经济损失。一些专家认为,在目前的经济衰退调查研究诈骗方式中财务报告舞弊率可能会增加(敏茨,2009)。 在ISA 240规定的欺诈检测是一个分配给审计人员具体任务。审计人员通常使用帮助他们检测欺诈的工具称为分析程序(阿尔布雷克特,2009)。分析程序是指重要比率分析和趋势分析以及由此产生的调查,与其他相关信息不一致或偏离预测值波动的关系。许多研究者和诈骗者推荐的财务比率可以作为一个有效的工具来检测欺诈(印度野,2009;白,阴阳,2008;人,1995)。 本文的目标是,首先探讨舞弊和非舞弊公司的财务比率的平均值之间的差异;其次本文研究的是欺诈报告中的财务比率的特征。


云南白药财务报表附注分析 一、会计报表附注涵义及作用 (一)含义 会计报表附注是财务报表必不可少的组成部分,是对在资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表和所有者权益变动表等报表中列示项目的文字描述或明细资料,以及对未能在这些报表中列示项目的说明等。会计报表附注针对报表本身所反映财务信息受到限制这一点,专门对会计报表正文信息进行了补充说明,它提供与会计报表所反映的信息相关的其他财务信息,使报表使用者通过阅读会计报表及其相关的附注,更好的作出决策。通过会计报表附注,会计信息使用者可以了解企业的基本会计假设、会计政策、会计政策和会计估计变更、关联方关系及其交易、资产负债表日后事项等内容。 (二)作用 由于会计报表的局限性,仅依据会计报表得出的财务分析结论是片面的,甚至可能得出错误的结论,误导决策。因而,只有注重会计报表附注在财务分析中的作用,仔细阅读深入领会会计报表附注,才能正确评价企业的生存发展能力或找出存在的问题,减少决策的失误。首先,会计报表附注披露能够满足会计信息使用者对于会计信息需求的变化。其次,会计报表附注披露能够提高财务会计报表信息的价值。财务会计报表附注是为帮助理解会计报表的内容而对报表的有关项目等所作的解释,可见,在对会计报表进行趋势分析、结构分析以及比率分析时,应充分考虑会计报表附注中的相关信息。 二、云南白药战略分析公司 (一)行业分析 1、现有企业间的竞争 (1)中央产品的竞争 公司的中央型产品属于中药止血类药物,主要的竞争对手是有西药止血药和其他中药止血药。西药针剂止血快,效果明确,对于大多数内出血住院病人还是首选西药针剂,而公司的白药胶囊、宫血宁一般处在辅助地位,用于康复期病人或者慢性出血病人优势更明显。其他中药止血药有三七、止血灵、仙鹤草、白芨等。 总的来说,白药产品因为多种替代品的存在而且在急危重病人不可能作为首选药在医院里面的竞争优势并不十分明显,白药的优势主要集中在白药衍生的日化和非处方药里。

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