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Chinese ancient garment

China is a historical country with splendid civilizations, in which the Chinese costume is an important part. From the change of Chinese costumes, we can see the political change, economic development and customs evolvement through the long history. The Chinese costume, which has over 5,000 years’ history, is just like a long river. And today I’ll present them in three parts, namely Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.

Han Dynasty

China’s complete code of costume and trappings was established in the Han dynasty. The costume code of the western Han dynasty follow the one established in the Q in dynasty, which featured a cicada-shaped hat(蝉形的帽子), red clothes. In addition, people of that time wore jade(玉) articles and red shoes.

Tang Dynasty

From the Sui to the T ang, the ancient Chinese clothing developed to its peak. The political stability, economic development, manufacturing and textile technology, and the frequent foreign relations contributed to the development of clothing. The clothing in this period had formed the most fantastic chapter in the clothing history.

bold, colorful, various styles

Qing Dynasty

During the Qing Dynasty, clothes were elegant and poised. People at that time wore clothes befitting their social status, official ranks and lifestyle according to the regulations of the Qing government. As Manchu is the minority in power of Qing dynasty, the Qing clothing shows a strong nomadic characteristics.

shirt is not exposed


the right-side lapel of junction decorated with buttons (偏襟右衽以盘纽为饰) clothing plus clothing


increase waistcoat or jacket


Rectangular outline


clothes do not get the waist down


Horseshoe-shaped sleeve cover hand


set rolling craft decoration


flowerpot shoes(花盆鞋)

Nowadays, many people love our traditional culture and worship(尊崇)our ancestry’s clothes style .For this reason they wear Han Clothes, found Han Clothes clubs, hold activities on Han Clothes and so on.

1.Wearing Han Clothes to sacrifice (祭祀).

2.Wearing Han Clothes to celebrate to be an adult.

3.Holding Han Clothes wedding .


深衣Deep Clothing 汉:这个衣服是来距今两千多年的汉朝,是妇女穿的,大家注意一下她的特色在于她的,衣领,袖子,腰带。首先衣领是交叉口,袖子又称袂mei ,并且它又宽又长,体现着以袖为地,以领为天,心怀的思想。其次腰间的又大和长的带子有装饰性还有象征性,象征权利。 Hanfu: This kind of cloth comes from Han dynasty which has more than two thousand years history and worn primarily by woman. Please have a look at her collar, sleeves and belt. First look at the collar, the main feature of it is wrapping the right side over before the left. Sleeves, we also call Mei, it is wide and long, reflecting the thinking of regarding Sleeve as ground, collar as the sky and

Harbor the earth. Second, big and a long waist strap are decorative as well as symbolic, a symbol of power. 齐胸襦裙 唐:距今一千多年,衣服在贵族、歌舞伎者流行,材料是纱制的,以丰满和胖为美,袒胸露臂,色彩艳丽。 slip skirt Tang Dynasty: a thousand year from now, the costume which is made of yarn is popular with nobility and kabuki, chubbiness is considered as beauty, lay bare one's bosom and arms, beauifully colored

Chinese ancient garment中国古代服饰

Chinese ancient garment

China, known as a" land of dresses",has a long history in the development of its clothing culture. Dresses in different periods reflect, to a certain extent, the situation of the politics, economy, military affairs, religions, and the civil customs of the specific historical stages. Then,let's have a choice game!

Shang Zhou Yuan Qin Han Tang Qing

Chinese clothing in the past dynasties can be roughly divided into the following categories: 1. clothing of the remote times; 2. that of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties; 3. that of the Qin and Han Dynasties; 4. that of the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties; 5. that of the Sui, Tang ,and the Five Dynasties; that of the Song Dynasty; 6. that of the Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties; 7. that of the Ming Dynasty; 8. that of the Qing Dynasty;


汉服英文介绍 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

Dress culture is introduced 服饰文化介绍 Hanfu clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese(Han -the predominant ethnic group of China).? 汉服是中国汉民族传统服饰。 It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 4000 years since China originally began.? 她从中华文明开端时就已经存在,至今已有近4000年的历史。(当然如果你喜欢你可以说成5000) However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty (the Manchu minority ruled dynasty) in about 300 years. The ruling class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume. This is why today's Chinese national costume was widely known as Qipao (Chi-Pao), a Manchu style of clothing. Our effort is to re-promote and advocate Hanfu to the public awareness.? The main feature of Hanfu is wrapping the right side over before the left.There are casual wear and formal wear of it.? 汉服的主要特点是交领右衽,包含礼服和常服两种。 For the casual wear such as Shenyi (Shen-Yee): a long full body garment; Ruqun (Zu-Chin): a top garment with a separate lower skirt, etc. Formal garments may include: Xuanduan (Shyan-Duan): a dark robe, this dress is mostly used in sacrificial ceremonies and state occasions; Yuan-Lin Shan: a closed, round collared robe, mostly used for official or academic occasions.?Chinese civilization, also called "Hua-Xia" ("Hwa-Shia"). "Hua"("Hwa") means the beauty of the dress & decoration which is Hanfu clothing; "Xia"("Shia") is the grandeur of rites and social conduct.? 中华文明又被称为“华夏”,华代表服饰之美,夏代表礼仪之大。 Many East Asian national costumes, such as the Japanese Kimono, the Korean Hanbok still share the basic style with Hanfu,as historically these nations were largely influenced by (Han) Chinese culture. 东亚许多民族的传统服饰,比如日本的和服、韩国的韩服,都是在汉服的基础上发展而来。 Costume in the Han Dynasty 汉服


Dress culture is introduced 服饰文化介绍 Hanfu clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (Han -the predominant ethnic group of China). 汉服是中国汉民族传统服饰。 It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 4000 years since China originally began. 她从中华文明开端时就已经存在,至今已有近4000年的历史。(当然如果你喜欢你可以说成5000) However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty (the Manchu minority ruled dynasty) in about 300 years. The ruling class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume. This is why today's Chinese national costume was widely known as Qipao (Chi-Pao), a Manchu style of clothing. Our effort is to re-promote and advocate Hanfu to the public awareness. The main feature of Hanfu is wrapping the right side over before the left.There are casual wear and formal wear of it. 汉服的主要特点是交领右衽,包含礼服和常服两种。 For the casual wear such as Shenyi (Shen-Yee): a long full body garment; Ruqun (Zu-Chin): a top garment with a separate lower skirt, etc. Formal garments may include: Xuanduan (Shyan-Duan): a dark robe, this dress is mostly used in sacrificial ceremonies and state occasions; Yuan-Lin Shan: a closed, round collared robe, mostly used for official or academic occasions. Chinese civilization, also called "Hua-Xia" ("Hwa-Shia"). "Hua"("Hwa") means the beauty of the dress & decoration which is Hanfu clothing; "Xia"("Shia") is the grandeur of rites and social conduct. 中华文明又被称为“华夏”,华代表服饰之美,夏代表礼仪之大。 Many East Asian national costumes, such as the Japanese Kimono, the Korean Hanbok still share the basic style with Hanfu, as historically these nations were largely influenced by (Han) Chinese culture. 东亚许多民族的传统服饰,比如日本的和服、韩国的韩服,都是在汉服的基础上发展而来。Costume in the Han Dynasty 汉服 China's complete code of costume and trappings was established in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD). The yarn-dyeing, embroidering and metal-processing technologies developed rapidly in the period, s中国完整的服装服饰制度在汉朝确立的。汉代染织工艺、剌绣工艺和金属工艺发展较快,推动了服装装饰的变化。


中国古代服装Ancient Chinese Articles of Clothing 姓名:××× 班级:2010级14班 学号:000000000000000

中国古代服装 中国古代服装包括中国古代的各种衣裳、冠帽、鞋袜等服装,在世界上自成一系,其结构与款式随着生产与生活方式的发展而逐渐变化。通过对古代服装的研究,可以认识历代人物的风貌。在鉴定有关文物时,服装也是断代的重要尺度。古代服装存世不多,在研究中除依据实物外,古代雕塑、绘画中的人物形象,也往往是重要的参考资料。 一、旧石器时代晚期 周口店山顶洞人的文化遗存中曾发掘出骨针。到了新石器时代晚期,在不同地区和族别的人们中间,服饰款式已各不相同。以发型为例,大地湾文化中有剪短的披发,马家窑文化中有后垂的编发,大汶口文化中有用猪獠牙制成的发箍,龙山文化中则用骨笄(音gǔjī;指兽骨制的簪子)束发,陕西龙山文化之神木石峁(音mǎo)遗址出土的玉人头像,头顶有髻,可能就是用笄束发的反映。因此得知束发为髻在远古时已是华夏族服装的特征。 二、夏商与西周 夏商与西周时的衣着无实物存世。据安阳侯家庄墓及妇好墓所出玉、石人像,可知商代贵族上身穿交领衣,腰束绅带,下身着裳,腹前系市(蔽膝)。西周时遗留下来的人像材料更少。从洛阳出土的玉人及铜制人形车辖来看,衣、裳、带、市仍是贵族男装的基本组成部分。其衣用正色,裳用间色,并特别重视裳前之市。 三、秦与汉 秦始皇陵兵马俑坑中大批陶俑的出土,为秦汉武士的服装提供了较充分的例证。他们穿的半长衣所交掩之曲裾(音jū;指衣服的大襟或衣服的前后部分)虽较浅,但仍为深衣(古代上衣、下裳相连缀的一种服装。为古代诸侯、大夫、士家居常穿的衣服,也是庶人的常礼服)之属,其下身着长裤,腰系施钩之革带。这种装束在西汉时仍广泛流行,裤也逐渐向全社会普及。冠制的确立是在汉代实现的。上古时,华夏族之冠主要从属于礼制,男子成年时皆行冠礼。汉代的冠则主要从属于服制,是身份、官职以至官阶的表征。身份低微的人,只能戴帻(音zé;指古代的头巾)而不能戴冠。冠本为加于发髻上的一个发罩,并不覆盖整个头顶, 帻则像一顶便帽。冠和帻不能随便配合,文官戴的进贤冠要配屋顶状的介帻,武官戴武弁(音biàn;指古代的一种帽子,古代贵族子弟行加冠礼时用弁束住头发,礼成后把弁去掉不用)。进贤冠前部高耸,后部倾斜,冠前有“梁”,可根据梁数的多寡来区别戴冠者的身份。皇帝戴的通天冠和诸侯王戴的远游冠也都是在进贤冠的基础上增益华饰而成。在区别尊卑方面,进贤冠上的梁虽然起一定作用,但梁数多不过三。所以汉代又用绶(音shòu;指一种丝质带子,古代常用来拴在印纽上,后用来拴勋章)作为官阶的标志,不同等级的官员之绶的颜色、织法、密度和长度都不相同。汉代妇女一般将头发向后梳成下垂的圆髻,名椎髻。常着深衣,它的曲裾不但在下身缠绕好些层,且在其斜幅上缀以三角形物及长飘带。以下是汉代妇女曲裾及男式服装:


英国的传统服饰叫什么名字 英国是很多人都想要去一探究竟的地方,那里的风土人情、民族习俗都让人心生向往。那么,你知道英国的传统服饰叫什么名字吗?下面是爱汇网小编精心为大家搜集整理的英 国的传统服饰,大家一起来看看吧。 英格兰人是英国的民族,主要分布在英格兰和威尔士,少数分布在苏格兰和北爱尔兰。他们多信基督教新教,属英国国教派;也有少数天主教徒。英国的正式国名是“大不列颠与 北爱尔兰联合王国”(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),常简称为联合王国(United Kingdom)或不列颠(Britain),在此一架构下又包括了四个区域,分别是 英格兰、苏格兰、威尔斯和北爱尔兰,从历史及人种上而言,苏格兰人(Scots)、威尔斯人(Welsh)和北爱尔兰人(Northern Irish)都属于凯尔特族(Celtic peoples)的后裔,而英格兰人(English) 则主要是属于盎格鲁撒克逊族(Anglo-Saxon)。国土面积是241,752平方公里, 人口有6060万(2006),其中英格兰人占83.6%。由于英格兰人在人口与文化上的绝对优势,在名义上整个联合王国又受英国王室统治,且政治权力的核心又决定于伦敦国会,把英国与不列颠等同于英格兰也变成相当自然的事。当然,英伦三岛经过数百年来互动与交往,显然在语言与文化上已经有了相当程度的融合。 尽管英格兰是一个有着丰富的民间传说和传统的国家,但是它却没有十分确定的民族 服装。最出名的英格兰民族服装就是人们在跳莫里斯(Morris)舞时穿着的服装。现在,在 许多乡村夏季表演民间舞蹈的时候,还能够见到这种服装。表演的男子们都穿着典型的传统服装:白衬衣、白裤子,戴一顶用毡子或者麦草做成装饰有缎带和鲜花的帽子,在绑腿和毡帽上有许多小钟铃,小铃和缎带的作用是避邪和祈求丰收。这种服装的变化非常丰富,不同的地区都有些小变化,也有穿黑色衬衣、黑色裤子的,并在脸上涂黑。舞蹈道具有手杖、剑、白色手帕、鹿角、牛角以及罂粟(象征身体健康)、麦穗(象征丰收和富裕)等等, 都带有英格兰传统服装的特色。传统的莫里斯舞通常被当作一种仪式,含有与地球起源有 关的神秘含义,表演者全部为男性,但现在也有一些女性成员。 英格兰乡村服装还带有撒克逊时代服装的遗俗,其中最突出的是长罩衫。这种长罩衫 多是以方形、长方形亚麻布料缝制而成的,没有弯曲复杂的线条,有时前后面都一样,所 以两面都可以穿。长罩衫的色彩因地区不同而有所不同,如在剑桥是橄榄绿色,而在其他 地区则是深蓝色、白色、黑色等。 英国人十分注重传统礼仪,卫兵们至今仍穿着英格兰的传统服饰,鲜红色上衣,黑色长裤,高顶的熊皮帽子。伦敦塔的卫兵仍穿着五百多年前猩红色的都铎式制服——一种红


英国是很多人都想要去一探究竟的地方,那里的风土人情、民族习俗都让人心生向往。 那么,你知道英国的传统服饰叫什么名字吗?下面是爱汇网精心为大家搜集整理的英国的传统服饰,大家一起来看看吧。 英国的传统服饰:英格兰英格兰人是英国的民族,主要分布在英格兰和威尔士,少数分布在苏格兰和北爱尔兰。 他们多信基督教新教,属英国国教派;也有少数天主教徒。 英国的正式国名是“大不列颠与北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),常简称为联合王国(United Kingdom)或不列颠(Britain),在此一架构下又包括了四个区域,分别是英格兰、苏格兰、威尔斯和北爱尔兰,从历史及人种上而言,苏格兰人(Scots)、威尔斯人(Welsh)和北爱尔兰人(Northern Irish)都属于凯尔特族(Celtic peoples)的后裔,而英格兰人(English) 则主要是属于盎格鲁撒克逊族(Anglo-Saxon)。 国土面积是241,752平方公里,人口有6060万(2006),其中英格兰人占83.6%。 由于英格兰人在人口与文化上的绝对优势,在名义上整个联合王国又受英国王室统治,且政治权力的核心又决定于伦敦国会,把英国与不列颠等同于英格兰也变成相当自然的事。 当然,英伦三岛经过数百年来互动与交往,显然在语言与文化上已经有了相当程度的融合。 尽管英格兰是一个有着丰富的民间传说和传统的国家,但是它却

没有十分确定的民族服装。 最出名的英格兰民族服装就是人们在跳莫里斯(Morris)舞时穿着的服装。 现在,在许多乡村夏季表演民间舞蹈的时候,还能够见到这种服装。 表演的男子们都穿着典型的传统服装:白衬衣、白裤子,戴一顶用毡子或者麦草做成装饰有缎带和鲜花的帽子,在绑腿和毡帽上有许多小钟铃,小铃和缎带的作用是避邪和祈求丰收。 这种服装的变化非常丰富,不同的地区都有些小变化,也有穿黑色衬衣、黑色裤子的,并在脸上涂黑。 舞蹈道具有手杖、剑、白色手帕、鹿角、牛角以及罂粟(象征身体健康)、麦穗(象征丰收和富裕)等等,都带有英格兰传统服装的特色。 传统的莫里斯舞通常被当作一种仪式,含有与地球起源有关的神秘含义,表演者全部为男性,但现在也有一些女性成员。 英格兰乡村服装还带有撒克逊时代服装的遗俗,其中最突出的是长罩衫。 这种长罩衫多是以方形、长方形亚麻布料缝制而成的,没有弯曲复杂的线条,有时前后面都一样,所以两面都可以穿。 长罩衫的色彩因地区不同而有所不同,如在剑桥是橄榄绿色,而在其他地区则是深蓝色、白色、黑色等。 英国人十分注重传统礼仪,卫兵们至今仍穿着英格兰的传统服饰,

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