当前位置:文档之家› 2005地大(北京)考博英语真题




PRAT 1.lmagine that you are on a train to Shanghai.In the seats in front of you there are two foreigners, and you can hear their conversation. One of them is telling the other about his job.He says what he does,not what he is or what field (profession or occupation)he is in.

On your paper you see a list of the names of people in 60 different occupations or professions.As you listen,decide what the speaker is.Then find the correct word on the list and write the nunber beside it in the proper blank on your answer sheet.

For instance,suppose you hear this:(Speaker P)“Well,I don’t enjoy lecturing very much,especially to younger students,but I do love my research.I’d be so happy if I could spend every day in the lab with my graduate students and postdocs.However,that’s just not the way university departments operate.”You decide that the speaker must be a professor,so you find “a professor”on your list.You see that the number beside it is 61;you then write the number 61; in the blank beside p on your answer sheet.

By the way,in reality there is no P and no 61,and“a professor”is not one of the choices on your list. This is just a theoretical example.You will now have three minutes to read the list.[SILENCE]

All right,now let’s begin![15 points]

1 an accountant 会计31 a librarian

2 an actor 32 a mathematician 数学家

3 an airline pilot民航驾驶员33 a mechanic机修工(技工)

4 an architect建筑师34 a mechanical engineer机械工程师

5 an astronomer 天文学家35 a military officer

6 a biologist 36 a novelist小说作家

7 a chef 烹调师37 a nurse

8 a civil engineer土木工程师(建筑)38 a paleontologist古生物作家

9 a concert pianist高级钢琴演奏师39 a press photographer新闻摄影师

10 a construction worker 40 a plumber管道维修工(水暖工)

11 a corporate executive企业执行总裁41 a poet诗人

12 a dentist牙医42 a police detective侦探(刑警)

13 a dietician营养师43 a police patrolman普通警察(巡警)

14 a diplomat外交官44 a pop singer流行歌手

15 an electrician电工45 a postman邮递员

16 a fashion designer时装设计师46 a private businessman私营企业家(个体商人)

17 a film critic电影评论家47 a private detective私人侦探

18 a film director 电影导演48 a psychiatrist心理医生

19 a flight attendant飞机乘务员49 a psychologist心理学家

20 a florist花店老板50 a publisher出版商

21 a geologist 51 a radio announcer电台播音员

22 a geopgysicist 52 a schoolteacher(primary)

23 a graphic designer图形设计员53 a schoolteacher(secondary)

24 a hairdresser发型设计师54 a software engineer

25 a hardware engineer硬件工程师55 a store clerk/shop assistant

26 a hotel manager 56 a surgeon 外科医生

27 a journalist 57 a tax official税务员

28 a judge法官58 a travel agent 旅行社职员

29 a lab technician 59 a university student

30 a lawyer 60 a vet 宠物医生(兽医)

PART 2. Each question in this part consists of one or more sentences in which four words or phrases are underlined. The four underlined parts are marked A,B,C or D. Decide which one of the four parts is not good English. Then write the letter found under that part in the proper space on your answer sheet.

If the four underlined parts are all good English and there is no error in the sentence, then write E in the space on your answer sheet. REMEMBER! You always have FIVE possible choices: A,B,C,D or E(= no error).

1. The Chinese characters for “coal” and “bad luck” have the same sound (mei), so


some superstitious people are convinced that digging for coal means bringing bad lucks to



2. Wang Weiping went to the US as a visiting scholar for a year and a half. When he


returned back to Beijing, he established ajoint research project with the geologists


on the campus where he had done his research.


3. Half of samples we brought back from our expedition to northwestern Tibet are being


analysed in this lab. The other half are being analysed in a lab at Columbia University.


4. In recent years India has witnessed many terrible fires in factories and dormitories. The


reasons of these fires are usually clear, but this has not led to much effective action to


cut the number of deaths from such disasters.


5. After graduating from Fudan University and working for SINOPEC for five years, Li


Weidong went to Australia to study for a MBA. He expects to get his business degree in early 2006.


6. That construction firm has a poor safety record. When a worker gets hurt or killed, the


managers usually give certain amount of compensation to the family of the victim, but they


don?t take the safety problem very seriously.


7. Thank you very much indeed for editing my latest paper and speaking to Professor Johnson


about my precarious financial situation. I greatly appreciate all your helps.


8. Fatalities in China?s coal mines are much too common. No matter whether the mines are large or small,


the death rate from accidents is unacceptably high. Miners need better safety,


not better safety regulations.


9. Yesterday a police stopped me on the street and asked me to show my identification papers. I


had no idea why he was stopping me and he wouldn?t explain his action.


10. The only trip that I have ever taken abroad was to South Korea, but I have ever traveled to 18


provinces of China, including Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai. I hope to travel to India on business


next year.

11. In part because of increased demand from China and India,


both which have rapidly growing economies, the prices of oil, iron and other key resources


have almost doubled since the early 1990s.


12. I stepped up to the inspection window, then I showed the customs official my ticket, passport and


entry card. He studied my visa for what seemed a long time before he


finally handed everything back to me.


13. Three Chinese leading geologists came to the conference and took part in a very stimulating


panel discussion. It was on the spread of deserts worldwide and ways to halt their expansion.


14. Yesterday Li Weidong and I took a small truck to Tianjin to pick up some new


equipments for our laboratory. On the way back we had to change a tire.


15. It wasn?t until Anne received John?s letter from Brazil that she learned of his decision to


break off their engagement. He hadn?t had the courage to tell her directly, so he


informed her by letter instead.


16. Over the years I have found that Chinese students who usually have good math training tend to


make better technicians than students from Iran, Egypt or Latin America. Of course,


there are exceptions.


17. Zhang Jianguo became a computer engineer chiefly because his parents urged him that

A having computer skills would always make it possible for him to get a good job and


earn plenty of money.


18. In order to do research in this border area we must first apply for permission from


the China government. I am not sure how easy it will be for us to get such permission for work


this summer. It?s already May now, after all.

19. Some geographers predict that Beijing and Tianjin will eventually grow together, becoming one


gigantic urban complex with 40 million inhabitants. Tianjin, which is in the southeast of Beijing,


today has about half the population of the capital.

20. Both Henan and Anhui have good rail links with the rest of China, but Anhui benefits from


being closer to the Shanghai area. Otherwise the economic problems that Henan


faces are more or less the same with those of Anhui.


PART 3. Read the two articles below carefully and completely. (Notice that the paragraphs are numbered.) Then answer the questions that follow. In each case write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

You are not allowed to use a dictionary. However, we have provided short lists of difficult words with their definitions to help you read the two texts. Read the vocabulary lists before you begin the articles.


a blood vessel:a tiny tube that carries blood through your body

bonus points: extra points (in a competition that the person with the greatest number of points wins)

a chamber: a room or compartment. The human heart has four chambers.

evolution: the gradual change in plant and animal species over long periods of natural history. Related adjective: evolutionary

a hormone: a chemical produced by your body that stimulates and controls processes such as growth and sexual development

menopause: the time in a woman?s life when she loses the ability to become pregnant

to procreate: to reproduce

a treadmill: a piece of exercise equipment with a flat moving surface that you walk or run on while staying in the same place

an ultrasonic scan: a way of examining an inner part of the body by using very high-frequency sound to create a picture

veteran (adj): having long experience

a volunteer: someone who offers to do something without being forced, or sometimes without being paid

[1]Women live longer than men. This is unfair, but true. In developed countries the average difference in lifespans is five or six years. In the poor world the gap is smaller, owing to the risks of childbirth, but nowhere is it absent. The question is why?

[2]That question can be answered at two levels. An evolutionary biologist would tell you that it is because women get evolutionary bonus points from living long enough to help bring up the grandchildren. Men, by contrast, wear themselves out competing for the right to procreate in the first place. That is probably true, but not much help to the medical profession. However, a group of researchers at John Moores University, in Liverpool, England, has just come up with a medically useful answer. It is that while 70-year-old men have the hearts of 70-year-olds, those of their female peers resemble the hearts of 20-year-olds.

[3]Professor David Goldspink and his fellow researchers looked at 250 volunteers aged between 18 and 80 over the course of two years. All the volunteers were healthy but physically inactive. The team?s principal finding was that the power of the male heart falls by 20-25% between the ages of 18and 70,while that of the female heart remains undiminished.

[4]Each volunteer?s heart function was measured before exercise and at peak exertion on a treadmill. In particular, the researchers measured blood flow and blood pressure. Their subjects were also given an ultrasonic scan to measure the size of the chambers of their hearts, the thickness of the heart?s muscular wall, and its filling and emptying actions.

[5]The researchers found that between the ages of 20 and 70, men lose one-third of the contractile muscle cells in the walls of their hearts. Over the same period, women lose hardly any contractile cells. There is a strong link between the number of these cells and the function of the heart. What remains a mystery is why men lose these cells and women do not.

[6]A previous theory of why women outlive men suggested that the female sex hormone, oestrogen, could have a protective effect on the heart, But Dr Goldspink dismisses this idea, saying that there is no discernible drop-off in female heart function after menopause, when oestrogen levels decrease dramatically. However, oestrogen does have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. The study found that blood flow to the muscles and skin of the limbs decreases with age in both sexes. The changes in the structure of the blood vessels occur earlier in men, but women catch up soon after menopause.

[7]It?s not all bad news for men, though. In a related study, the team found that the hearts of veteran male athletes were as powerful as those of inactive 20-year-old male undergraduates. But can men really recover lost heart function after a lifetime of inactivity and poor diet? Is it ever too late to start exercising? “I think the answer is no,”says Dr Goldspink, “The health benefits to be gained from sensible exercise are to be recommended, regardless of age,” So if you are male and middle-aged, get on with it.

1 Professor Goldspink and his colleagues discovered that

A women have stronger hearts than men do

B men?s hearts are damaged by the effort to procreate

C childbirth weakens women?s hearts

D men?s hearts lose power as they age

2 Dr Goldspink?s group used ultra-sound to

A assess the characteristics and operating capacity of each volunteer?s heart

B check the size of the area surrounding each volunteer?s heart

C create pictures of each volunteer?s heart as it filled and emptied

D measure the efficiency of each volunteer?s heart before and after exercise on the treadmill

3 According to the facts presented in the article, the female hormone oestrogen

A shields the female heart from the effects of aging

B promotes the flow of blood to a woman?s arms and legs

C causes a decline in female heart function after menopause

D greatly improves the quality of blood in women

4 At menopause, the amount of oestrogen in a woman?s body

A rises slightly

B fluctuates

C plunges

D soars

5 Most males reading this article would probably conclude that they should

A eat a richer diet

B be more careful about the kind of exercise they get

C give up smoking

D get more exercise


to abate: to become less intense

to annihilate something: to destroy something completely

an asteroid: a large piece of rock traveling in space

to bombard something: to attack something by throwing objects at it and hitting it many times. Related noun: bombardment

to be bound to happen: Something that is “bound to happen” will almost certainly happen.

a comet: a ball of dust and ice that travels through space on a regular path. We see a comet as a bright object in the sky with a tail of light.

detritus: waste material left after something has been destroyed, used or eroded

genesis: the beginning, birth or origin of something

a long shot: something that is not very likely to succeed (but which MAY succeed)

a lull in something: a period of little or no activity, a period of calm

a microbe: a tiny living thing that can be seen only through a microscope

NASA: the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the US space agency

organic: having the element carbon(C) as one of its components

tantalizing (adj):exciting to think about, but perhaps not obtainalbe

to teem:to be abundant, to abound, to exist in great numbers

to underpin something: to be a key part of the basis for something

[1]When I was a student in the 1960s, anyone who believed that there might be life on other planets was considered a crackpot. Now all that has changed. The claim that life is widespread in the universe is not only respectable, it also underpins NASA?s ambitious astrobiology program. Find another Earth-like planet, astrobiologists say, and life should have happened there too. NASA is spending billions of dollars to search for life on Mars, the most Earth-like of our sister planets. But we may not need to go all the way to Mars to find another sample of life. It could be present under our very noses. No planet is more Earth-like than Earth itself, so if life started here once, it could actually have started many times over.

[2]Geologists believe life established itself on Earth about four billion years age. Australian rocks dated at 3.5 billion years contain fossilized traces suggesting that microbes were already well established by then. But the ancient Earth was not a pleasant place. Huge asteroids and comets mercilessly pounded the planet; the biggest impacts would have covered our globe in burning rock vapor, boiling the oceans dry and sterilizing the surface worldwide.

[3]How did life emerge amid this violence? Quite probably it was a stop-and –go affair, with life first forming during a lull in the bombardment, only to be annihilated by the next big impact. Then the process was repeated, over and over. As the bombardment began to abate and the impacts diminished in severity, isolated colonies of primitive microbes sheltering deep underground managed to survive. One of these colonies was destined to become life as we know it.

[4]What about the preceding life forms? Were they all completely destroyed? It?s possible that pockets of microbes could have survived in obscure hiding places until the next genesis, opening up the tantalizing prospect of two or more different forms of life co-existing on the same planet. Although they would compete for resources, one type of life was not necessarily bound to eliminate the rest. After all, “life as we know it” includes many very different species of microbes that exist side by side.

[5]Thus, microbes from another genesis-life of a very alien, still unfamiliar type-could conceivably have survived on Earth until today. The chances are that we wouldn?t have noticed. Under a microscope, many microbes appear similar even if they are as genetically distinct as humans are from starfish. So you probably couldn?t tell just by looking whether a micro-organism is “our” life or alien life. Genetic sequencing is used to position unknown microbes on the tree of life, but this technique employs known biochemistry. It wouldn?t work for organisms on a different tree using different biochemical machinery. If such organisms exist, they would be eliminated from the analysis and ignored. Our planet could be teeming with alien microbes without anyone suspecting it.

[6]How could we go about identifying “life as we DON?T know it”?One idea is to look in unusual environments. Our awareness of the range of conditions in which life can thrive has been extended greatly in recent years, with the discovery of microbes dwelling near scalding volcanic vents, in radioactive pools and in total darkness far underground. Yet there will be limits beyond which our form of life cannot survive; for example, temperatures above about 130 degrees Celsius. If anything

is found living in even harsher environments, we could examine it to see whether what enables it to survive is so novel that it cannot have evolved from known life.

[7]Identifying alien organisms in less extreme settings would be a much harder challenge, especially if they use the same basic molecules as familiar life-nucleic acids and proteins. But there is one sure indicator. The building blocks of proteins,called amino acids, are all unbalanced in the same distinctive way.Viewed in a mirror, these “left-handed”amino acids would appear right-handed. Such mirror-image molecules exist, but the life forms we are familiar with don?t use them. Most biochemists think it is just an accident that “life as we know it “selected the left-handed version. If this supposition is correct, then there is a 50-50 chance that alien life would have favored the right-handed version. Such “anti-life” would eat “anti-food”:right-handed amino acids and other mirror molecules. This offers a simple way to filter out known life from alien life. Prepare a culture medium of anti-food and see if anything flourishes. Of course it?s a long shot, but it is easy to try, and scientists at the Marshall Space Flight Center are now testing the response of microbes from various extreme environments to a bowl of anti-soup.

[8]Even if alien life has not survived to the present day, it may still have left traces. Geochemists have identified organic detritus from ancient microbes in rocks as old as 2.7 billion years. Alien organisms might have left remnants containing odd suites of molecules or produced distinctive geochemical alterations lik eunusual mineral deposits. These remnants would still give us a genuine “second sample”, a form of biology that is unrelated to familiar life. By comparing the way evolution works in both cases, we could identify which features of life follow from general principles and which are just accidents of history.

[9]But there is a more profound dimension to this research. Nobody knows how life began. Somehow a mixture of lifeless chemicals assembled itself into a primitive organism, presumably through a long and complex sequence of chemical reactions. Our ignorance of this process is so great that scientists can?t even agree on whether it was a gigantic, one-time chance event, or the expected and frequent outcome of intrinsically life-friendly natural laws, as the astrobiologists hope. The discovery of a second sample of life on Earth would confirm that bio-genesis was not a unique event and strengthen the belief that life is written into the laws of the cosmos. It is hard to imagine a more significant scientific discovery. Our view of the universe and our place within it would be forever transformed, and we would at last have the answer to the biggest of the big questions of existence: Are we alone?

6 The word “crackpot” in paragraph 1 means

A a ceramic object with a serious flaw

B a person with the ability to see far into the future

C someone whose views and insights show that he is far ahead of his time

D someone with strange opinions not respected by most educated people

7 When he wrote this article, one objective of the author was probably to

A influence the public in favor of spending more money on inter-planetary space travel

B answer critics of government spending on basic scientific research

C win public support for research on fossil microbes and microbes living in extreme environments

D criticize NASA for regarding Mars as the best place t seek confirmation that life exists or

has existed not only on Earth but elsewhere in the universe

8 The author hypothesizes that early life on Earth

A arose many times both despite and because of the violence of the environment

B was helped to diversify by the violent environment

C had to be microbial in order to survive amid the violence of the environment

D would necessarily have survived till times, given the nature of Earth?s environment

9 If it actually exists, the “anti-life” referred to in paragraph 7

A traveled to Earth from another planet

B is based on “right-handed” amino acids or other right-oriented molecules

C would cancel out “life” if brought into contact with it

D can readily be detected with conventional genetic sequencing techniques

10 Scientists today

A think that life is a bizarre chemical accident almost certainly limited to Earth

B are still unable to achieve a meaningful consensus on how life probably arose on Earth

C generally share the view that life on Earth is the product of a single huge event

D agree that conditions in the universe favor the emergence of life on countless planets

PART 4. The sentences below contain one or more blanks. In each blank you must write ONE appropriate word. There may be several appropriate choices, but you must write only one. Your choice must be logical, grammatically correct and properly spelled. In other words, it must be acceptable real English. Any answer in good English is correct.

Remember: put one and only one word in each blank. If you put more than one word in a blank, your answer is automatcally wrong. Putting nothing in a blank also counts as an error. [50 points]

1. Last Saturday the was beautiful, so John got into his car and to the beach.

2. Do you know when the bank ? I need to cash a .

3. The traffic in Stockholm moves even at the rush hour. Usually I can get home

from work in than half an hour.

4. Everyone John and Silvia has seen the film. Is there anything to do this


5. Why did you send him the article by regular post? You simply have e-mailed it to him.

6. My father has matrhematics at a secondary school in Shanghai since 1980. My

mother has a as chief accountant in a small manufacturing .

7. Alan got very when he heard the news. He turned red in the face and started to

shout. I was afraid he have a heart attack. It him a long time to calm down.

8. We brought some toys for the childrent to play .All three girls seemed to have

We heard them laughing and giggling all afternoon.

9. You?ll have to keep very still the performance. The musicians are particularly

eager that the people in the audience not make while they are playing the two new pieces by the Russian composer.

10. I?m not very good at telling .Even when the ones I tell are extremaly funny, no one

laughs. Stories, on the other hand, are no problem for me to tell.

11.On Monday I start my new job. I?m really forward to it. I can?t to

meet my new colleagues and out what my duties are.

12.I don?t of smoking. It?s such a disgusting !It …s especially

disturbing when young people smoke. Don?t they read?Aren?t they aware of the of getting cancer from cigarettes?

13.The court has decided that John Adams is guilty stealing from the company that he

to work for. He is being sent to for five years.

14.Did you have any finding my office? A lot of visitors about how

hard it is to locate.

15.It?s time the students to class. If they don?t now, they?ll be late

and the instructor will be annoyed.

16.A: How can we get rid of this foul smell?

B: opening all the doors and windows. Maybe that bill .

17.The authorities ought to put a traffic light here. A light would help to accidents.

18.One of my roommates is from Jilin and the other is from Baotou. It isn?t surprising that

of them knows how to cook Sichuan food.

19.Our TV set is out of .The repairman is coming to look at it tomorrow.

20.The project was to be completed last month, but we were to finish

the work on schedule. ,the authorities were willing to give us an extension.

21.Jane is a liar that you can never trust anything she says.

22.We often lend other DVDs of foreign films.

23.The more you eat, the you get.

24.Look at all the puddles on the street! It have rained pretty hard last night. It?s

that I didn?t hear any rain falling while I was in bed. Did you?

25. governments can afford to support research in particle physics nowadays. It is

hugely expensive. Even the American government is to provide money for new particle physics projects.

26.How can I call John his telephone number?You can?t call someone

you have his phone number, and John?s is unlisted, so there?s no way to get it that I know of.



北京大学考博英语模拟题14 Part ⅠVocabulary 1. The attack of the World Trade Center will leave a ______ impression on those who have witnessed the explosion. A.long B.forever https://www.doczj.com/doc/9b1012574.html,sting D.lively 答案:C [解答] 本题空格处是说留下持久的印记。long的意思是“长期的”;forever的意思是“永远”;lasting的意思是“持久的”;lively的意思是“活泼的,逼真的”。四个选项中只有C项符合题意。 2. The magician picked out several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance. A.by accident B.on average C.on occasion D.at random 答案:D by accident偶然的。on average平均的。on occasion有时。at random随意的。 3. British hopes of a gold medal in the Olympic Games suffered ______ yesterday, when Hunter failed to qualify during the preliminary heats. A.a sharp set-back B.severe set-back C.a severe blown-up D.sharp blown-up


2016年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷完整版 注:本答案非旭晨考博网出,完整参考答案请及时关注《2017年旭晨医学考博英语一本通第11版》后续更新,将免费提供。 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing. 30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way. Part II Vocabulary (10%) Section A Directions: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C


中国地质大学考博英语真题部分解析 34.A解析:例证题。题目“Toyota Motor是一个_______的例子”。定位到末段,末段主要提到热情的消费者可能会号召其他人抵制某个产品,威胁到产品所属公司的名声,这时公司的回应有可能不够迅速、周到。这是本段的核心信息。接下来就拿Toyota Motor举例,举例中提到这个公司在公司名声遇到如上提到的危机情况时作出的反应,且成功减轻了危害程度。由此可知,例子是对本段中心句的一个反面例子论证公司对hijacked media 的反应。故选项[A](有效地回应被劫持利用的媒体)为正确答案。 干扰项:[B]persuading customers into boycotting products(劝说消费者抵制产品),文中末段第一句提到了消费者可能会劝说其他人抵制某些产品,故为张冠李戴。[C]cooperating with supportive consumers(与支持自己的消费者合作),在例子中提到Toyota Motor公司缓解危机的方式是与消费者直接沟通,这首先属于例子内的信息,不符合例证题的解题思路,其次沟通交流不等于合作,故排除。[D]taking advantage of hijacked media(利用被劫持的媒体),文中是消除被劫持媒体带来的危害,而非去利用被劫持的媒体,故排除。 (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537) 35.A解析:主旨题。题目“这篇文化在那个主要讲述的是______”。本文首段第三句就提出文章中心“companies today can exploit many alternative forms of media”,即虽然传统收费媒体仍在发挥重大作用,但是现今的公司可以去选择其他媒体形式。后文主要是介绍其他可选择的媒体形式,并对其作出评论。故选项[A]Alternatives to conventional paid media(与传统收费媒体对应的其他媒体形式)为正确答案。 干扰项:[B]Conflict between hijacked and earned media(被劫持媒体和免费媒体之间的冲突)[C]Dominance of hijacked media(被劫持媒


Part Two:Structure and Written Expression(20%) Directions:For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked、Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet、 11. Whether the extension of consciousness is a “good thing”for human being is a question that a wide solution、 A.admits of B、requires of C、needs of D、seeks for 12.In a culture like ours, long all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that the medium is the message、 A.accustomed to split and divided B.accustomed to splitting and dividing C.accustomed to split and dividing D.accustomed to splitting and divided 13.Apple pie is neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value、 A、at itself B、as itself C、on itself D、in itself 14. us earlier, your request to the full、 A、You have contacted…we could comply with B、Had you contacted…we could have complied with C、You had contacted…could we have complied with D、Have you contacted…we could comply with 15.The American Revolution had no medieval legal institutions to or to root out, apart from monarchy、 A、discard B、discreet C、discord D、disgorge 16、Living constantly in the atmosphere of slave, he became infected the unconscious their psychology、No one can shield himself such an influence、 A、on…by…at B、by…for…in C、from…in…on D、through…with…from 17、The effect of electric technology had at first been anxiety、Now it appears to create 、 A、bore B、bored C、boredom D、bordom 18、Jazz tends to be a casual dialogue form of dance quite in the receptive and mechanical forms of the waltz、 A、lacked B、lacking C、for lack of D、lack of 19、There are too many complains about society move too fast to keep up with the machine、 A、that have to B、have to C、having to D、has to 20、The poor girl spent over half a year in the hospital but she is now for it、 A、none the worse B、none the better C、never worse D、never better 21、As the silent film sound, so did the sound film color、 A、cried out for…cried out for B、cry out for…cry out for C、had cried out for…cried out for D、had cried out for…cry out for 22、While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very 、 A、trigger B、meager C、vigor D、linger 23、Western man is himself being de-Westernized by his own speed-up, by industrial technology、 A、as much the Africans are detribalized B、the Africans are much being detribalized C、as much as the Africans are being detribalized D、as much as the Africans are detribalized 24、We admire his courage and self-confidence、 A、can but B、cannot only C、cannot but D、can only but 25、In the 1930’s, when millions of comic books were the young with fighting and killing, nobody seemed to notice that the violence of cars in the streets was more hysterical、


2016年全国医学博士英语统考答案 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing.


2018年地大(北京)英语考博翻译试题 Social impacts of technology Although affordances and constraints of technological products are not objective features of them, they can be correlated with objective material features in them. For example, the physical constitution of speed bumps physically prevents cars from speeding without damage to the car or major inconvenience. The physical procedure of fertilization in IVF affords pregnancies without prior physical intercourse. In a particular context of use, these physical features translate into new social realities (new behaviors, new social arrangements, new perceptions and beliefs) that can be identified as impacts of a technological product. Social impacts of technology can be identified at different levels of social analysis, including the micro-level of individuals and their interactions, the meso-level of groups and organizations and their interactions, and the macro-level of social structures, cultural systems and social institutions and their dynamics. For the study of the role of technology in a good society, which is an issue that plays out at the macro-level, macro-level impacts of technology are obviously the most important to consider. However, micro- and meso-level impacts may also need to be considered in order to properly identify and understand macro-level impacts. At the micro-level, technological products may influence their immediate context of use in at least three ways. First, they may affect the behavior of users and the social roles and relations that users build in relation to others. For example, the possession of an automobile may influence where people live and what places they visit, and may also signal social status and identity. Second, technological products will not fit every user profile equally well, meaning that some users will not be able to use them well, or not at all, because they lack the required physical characteristics, knowledge, skills, interests, or access to resources. As a consequence, the introduction of a new technological product will affect potential users in different ways, benefiting some while excluding or marginalizing others. Third, technological products often require the presence of material and social contextual background conditions for them to function well. For example, for automobiles to function well as vehicles for transportation, there must be material and social infrastructure present, such as roads, traffic lights, police, ambulance services, and so forth. The introduction of new technological products will therefore often stimulate the creation of appropriate background conditions for them to function well. This is also a way in which technological products have social impacts. These three types of affordances and constraints, concerning influence on behavior and social roles, selection of user profiles, and selection of material and social background conditions, also play out at the meso-level of groups and organizations.


北京大学考博英语真题常见句子翻译方法近期很多考生问关于条件状语从句的分析和翻译问题,在此,育明考博老师结合同学提出的两个典型问题为大家分析条件状语从句,并给出相应的参考译文。 一、问题:请分析并翻译:If you are part of the group which you are addressing,you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties. 解析:很多考生看到这样一句从横三、四行的长句会心生畏惧,对自己没有信心,自然也就无法理清这句中的各种枝节。拿到这样的一个句子,最主要的仍然是先把主干找到,然后再看其他部分和主干的关系。需要各大院校历年考博英语真题及其解析请加扣扣七七二六七八五三七或二八九零零六四三五一,也可以拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八享受考博辅导体验。 句子主干:you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems and it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties 主干是由两个并列的分句组成的,第一个分句是you will be in a position to know the experiences主系表结构,第二个分句是it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties形式主语+系表结构+不定式作真正的主语。

中国地质大学 考博真题 英语 2003及答案

C H I N A U N I V E R S I T Y O F G E O S C I E N C E S PhD Entrance Examination in English 21April 2003 LISTEN TO THIS! Good morning! You are about to take the English test for people who wish to enter the doctoral program in the earth sciences at this school. The test may be rather different from any exam you’ve taken in the past. The first part is a timed listening exercise. The other four sections test your knowledge of grammar, elementary writing skills and basic vocabulary, plus your reading ability. You can have as much time as you like for the last four parts of the test—within reason, of course. The test has five sections, worth a total of 130 points in all; the answers in part 5, the reading test, are worth three points each. The answers for parts 1,2,3 and 5 (in other words, every part except 4) should be marked on your answer sheet. The answers for part 4 should be written directly on this test paper. Make sure you READ AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS for each part of the test! The results of this exam will enable us to compare your preparation in English with that of the other candidates. The “passing” grade is relative; in other words, it will depend on the scores for the whole body of test-takers. You should just relax and do as well as you can. We shall now begin. Turn the page to part 1. Good luck!


北京大学2007年博士研究生入学考试英语试题 Part One: Listening Comprehension略 Part Two: Structure and Written Expression (20%) Directions: For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the ANSWER SHEET. 21._________ before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful time together. [A] Had they arrived [B] Would they arrive [C] Were they arriving [D] Were they to arrive 22._________ last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent. [A] He would leave school [B] He left school [C] He had left school [D] He has left school 23.Some people viewed the findings with caution, noting that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remained _________. [A] to be shown [B] to have been shown [C] to have shown [D] being shown 24.__________ that should be given priority to. [A] It is the committee has decided [B] It is only the committee has decided [C] It is what the committee has decided [D] It is what has the committee decided 25. The most interesting new cars may owe __________ the simple wisdom of hiring a few talented people and allowing them to work. [A] less local free-spiritedness than [B] less local free-spiritedness than to [C] to less local free-spiritedness than to [D] less to local free-spiritedness than to 26. Over the years, Jimmy Connors __________ phenomenal displays of tennis and temper—and at the U.S. Open last week, he exhibited both again. [A] has treated spectators with [B] has treated spectator for [C] has treated spectators [D] has treated spectators to 27. Summer holidays spent on the hot ghetto streets are __________ the time middle-class students devote to camps, exotic vacations and highly organized sports. [A] as hardly culturally enriching as [B] as hardly enriching culture as


北京大学考博英语历年试题综合分析 导言:考博英语真题的重要性 全国各大院校在制定本校英语专业考试大纲时,对英语的考核基本上不指定参考书,考生在备考时往往感到漫无目的,无所适从,所以对各大院校的考博英语历年真 题分析则显得尤为重要。华慧考博英语教研中心在历时8年的教学研究的过程中,总 结国内50多所重点院校的考博英语试题的出题特点与规律,认为考生精研各院校的历年试题对考出良好的成绩有非常大的帮助。 考博英语试题的独特性 众所周知,英语类的考试,如高考、大学英语四六级、专业四八级考试、研究生 入学考试等均由统一的命题组人员统一命制试题,命题组阵容强大,且耗费的人力、物力也不在少数,其题目基本是原创题目。而考博英语却并非这样,因此,考博英 语有其自身的独特性,考博英语的独特性主要表现在其命题方式与题目来源两方面。 首先,从命题方式来看,博士考试中,要求考生达到英语的最低分数线,这一要 求就注定了各大考博院校的英语试题的命题方式,各大考博院校不会花费大量的人力、物力及时间原创一套考博英语试题。并且各大院校为了保证其试题的准确性,一般会 选择已经考过的各类相关难度的试题,这样就可以避免出现大量的因个人学术水平方 面而引起的错误和争议。 其次,从题目来源看,各大院校的考博英语试题基本来自专四、专八、六级、杂 志文章或其它考博院校的原题,极少出现原创题目。因其题目来源的独特性,我们研 究各大院校的考博英语试题就显得非常有必要且益处极大。如果考生在考前了解了这 一情况,且充分重视这个规律,那么获得考博英语高分不是什么难事。所以考生考前 精研考博英语真题是非常有必要的。

考博英语试题的作用 考博英语试题的作用主要有三个,即指导、规划与调控作用。 指导作用。通过研读历年的考博英语试题,考生可以了解该院校的题目类型、题目来源、 题目难度等,指导考生在较短的时间内找到正确的复习方法,获得自己满意的成绩。 规划作用。考生在宏观把握所报考院校的英语试题的出题规律后,结合自身的英语情况,对自己的英语备考做出一个正确且切合实际的复习规划。 调控作用。通过研读历年的考博英语试题,以所报考院校的英语真题为标杆,随时监控与调节自己的复习计划,使自己的复习计划在最短的时间内获得满意的成绩。 由此可知,研究真题对于考生在较短时间内提升成绩是有很大帮助的。因此,华慧考博英语研究中心对北京大学历年的考博真题进行了细致且深入的研究,将北京大学考博英语的出题特点、题目类型等进行了详细论述,对下一年度的考博英语命题趋势进行了预测,并提出了针对北京大学考博英语的备考方法,让考生的复习备考更加具有针对性,让考生少走弯路,快速提高考试成绩。 以下是华慧考博英语研究中心对北京大学考博英语历年试题详细分析。 一、北京大学考博英语试题的考核要求 北京大学博士研究生非英语专业入学考试是学校为招收博士研究生而设置的选拔性考试。教育部颁布的《硕士、博士研究生英语教学大纲》规定:“博士生入学其英语水平原则上应达到或略高于硕士生的水平”。根据这一规定,并结合历年招收博士研究生的具体情况,我校博士生入学英语考试既考查考生的语言知识,又注重测试考生的语言应用能力。


2018年全国医学考博英语试题.d o c

2018MD 全国医学博士外语统一考试 英语试卷 答题须知 1.请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标 准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按“考场指令”要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。 2.试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(Paper Two)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不 要做在试卷上。 3.试卷一答题时必须使用2B铅笔,将所选答案按要求在相应位置涂黑;如要更 正,先用橡皮擦干净。书面表达一定要用黑色签字笔或钢笔写在标准答题卡上指定区域。 4.标准答题卡不可折叠,同时答题卡须保持平整干净,以利评分。 5.听力考试只放一遍录音,每道题后有15秒左右的答题时间。 国家医学考试中心

PAPER ONE Part 1 :Listening comprehension(30%) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example You will hear Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint. Here C is the right answer. Sample Answer A B C D Now let’s begin with question Number 1. 1. A. About 12 pints B. About 3 pints C. About 4 pints D. About 7 pints 2. A. Take a holiday from work. B. Worry less about work. C. Take some sleeping pills. D. Work harder to forget all her troubles. 3. A. He has no complaints about the doctor. B. He won’t complain anything. C. He is in good condition. D. He couldn’t be worse. 4. A. She is kidding. B. She will get a raise. C. The man will get a raise. D. The man will get a promotion. 5. A. Her daughter likes ball games. B. Her daughter is an exciting child. C. She and her daughter are good friends.


Part Two:Structure and Written Expression(20%) Directions:For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet. 11.Whether the extension of consciousness is a “good thing”for human being is a question that a wide solution. A.admits of B. requires of C. needs of D.seeks for 12.In a culture like ours, long all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that the medium is the message. A.accustomed to split and divided B.accustomed to splitting and dividing C.accustomed to split and dividing D.accustomed to splitting and divided 13.Apple pie is neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value. A. at itself B. as itself C. on itself D. in itself 14.us earlier, your request to the full. A.You have contacted…we could comply with B.Had you contacted…we could have complied with C.You had contacted…could we have complied with D.Have you contacted…we could comply with 15.The American Revolution had no medieval legal institutions to or to root out, apart from monarchy. A. discard B. discreet C. discord D. disgorge 16. Living constantly in the atmosphere of slave, he became infected the unconscious their psychology. No one can shield himself such an influence. A. on…by…at B. by…for…in C. from…in…on D. through…with…from 17. The effect of electric technology had at first been anxiety. Now it appears to create . A. bore B. bored C. boredom D. bordom 18. Jazz tends to be a casual dialogue form of dance quite in the receptive and mechanical forms of the waltz. A. lacked B. lacking C. for lack of D. lack of 19. There are too many complains about society move too fast to keep up with the machine. A. that have to B. have to C. having to D. has to 20. The poor girl spent over half a year in the hospital but she is now for it. A. none the worse B. none the better C. never worse D. never better 21. As the silent film sound, so did the sound film color. A. cried out for…cried out for B. cry out for…cry out for C. had cried out for…cried out for D. had cried out for…cry out for 22. While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very . A. trigger B. meager C. vigor D. linger 23. Western man is himself being de-Westernized by his own speed-up, by industrial technology. A. as much the Africans are detribalized B. the Africans are much being detribalized C. as much as the Africans are being detribalized D. as much as the Africans are detribalized 24. We admire his courage and self-confidence. A. can but B. cannot only C. cannot but D. can only but 25. In the 1930’s, when millions of comic books were the young with fighting and killing, nobody seemed to

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