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Section II : Reading Comprehension

Part A Text 1

{一} ①In order to “change lives for the better”and reduce

“dependency,”George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced the “upfront work search”scheme. ②Only if the jobless arrive at the job centre with a CV, register for the online job search, and start looking for work will they be eligible for benefit —and then they should report weekly rather than fortnightly. ③What could be more reasonable?



【语篇分析】本段介绍了文章的背景。①中的带引号的内容显然是George Osborne的观点。


的“upfront work search”scheme。③是关于①②的合理性如何的疑问。这一问句的意思就有两种可能:一、此事非常合理——没有事比这更合理;二、此事不合理——George Osborne 还能想到什么更合理呢?如果该句放在文章的结尾,则肯定是第一种可能。但它只是在第一段末尾,下面还有很多内容,所以尚不能下结论。

【难句剖析】①In order to ... “dependency”为目的状语从句,Chancellor of the Exchequer 作George Osborne的


[外刊例句] Only in this way will you be able to anticipate what's coming next and respond quickly and appropriately. 这有通过这种方式,你才能预期接着会发生什么并快速而恰当地回应。

【核心单词】upfront adj. 预付的| scheme n. 方案,计划| CV ( = curriculum vitae) n. 简历| fortnightly adv. 两


【必背搭配】be eligible for有资格获得…的

{二} ①More apparent reasonableness followed. ②There will

now be a seven-day wait for the jobseeker's allowance. ③“Those first few days should be spent looking for work, not looking to sign on.”he claimed, “We’re doing these things because we know they help people stay off benefits and help those on benefits get into work faster.”④Help?

⑤Really? ⑥On first hearing, this was the socially concerned chancellor, trying to change lives for the better, complete with “reforms”to an obviously indulgent system that demands too little effort from the newly unemployed to find work, and subsidises laziness. ⑦What motivated him, we were to understand, was his zeal for “fundamental fairness”—protecting the taxpayer,

controlling spending and ensuring that only the most deserving claimants received their benefits.




是在第一段的基础上继续介绍“upfront work search”scheme的细节和George Osborne自己对此的说法。根据“Help? ”、“Really? ”和“On first hearing”等词语可以明显地看出,④④④④出现语意转折,作者并不认


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同George Osborne的观点和“upfront work search”scheme。所以,第一段末尾③What could be more reasonable?以及本段的①①①只是在引述George Osborne的观点,而作者本身的观点与此相反。对比①④可知,①是引述George Osborne自己所言引入“upfront work search”scheme目的,而⑦是作者判断出George Osborne的动机。

【难句剖析】③he指代上段的George Osborne,on benefits作后置定语修饰those。⑥动名词结构trying to ...

作后置定语(同位语)修饰the socially concerned chancellor;“A, complete with B”的意思是“A,包括B”,此处A为trying ... better, B为reforms ... system;定语从句that demands ... and subsides laziness修饰an obviously indulgent system。⑦What motivated him为主语从句,we were to understand为插入语,破折号后的protecting ..., controlling ... and ensuring ...作fundamental fairness的同位语,从句that only ... benefits作ensure的宾语。【考点提炼】(1) Really?(真的吗?)常表示前述内容并不属实,并在后面提出反驳意见。

[外刊例句] This poster says opening up the western parts of Canada and Australia has turned them into "global giants". Really? Canada's share of the global GDP is 1.8% and Australia's is 1.2%. (https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13131657.html,) 这一海报说开放加拿大和澳大利亚的西部使它们转变为“全球强国”。真的吗?加拿大的GDP只占全球1.8% 而澳大利亚只占1.2%。

(2) On first hearing(乍一听), at first blush(乍一想), at first glance/sight(乍一看)等,常用来表示最初的反应并非真实。at first和initially常用来表示“一开始”情况如何,然后又出现了转折。

[外刊例句] At first glance, Indians enjoy the freedom to speak and criticize no less than Americans, Europeans or others lucky enough to live in democracies. Look closer and the picture is rather different. The country is enthralled at the moment by a series of corruption scandals, mostly involving members of the ruling Congress party.(https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13131657.html,) 乍一看,印度人享有的言论和批评的自由不比美国人、欧洲人以及其它足够有幸生活在民主国家的人少。更深入地

观察会发现情况大相径庭。该国现在遭遇了一系列贪腐丑闻,主要涉及执政的的国大党成员。【核心单词】reasonableness n. 合理性| allowance n. 补贴,津贴| indulgent adj. 放纵的,宽容的| subsidise v.

资助| motivate v. 激励| zeal n. 热情,热诚| deserving adj. 值得的,应得到的| fairness n. 公平,公正| claimant n. 申请者

【必背搭配】(be) complete with包括,连同| socially concerned关心社会的| newly unemployed新失业的【理解难点】sign on [英国英语]办理失业登记(以获得失业救济金) BrE: to state officially that you are

unemployed by signing a form, so that you can get money from the government {三} ①Losing a job is hurting: you don’t skip down to the job

centre with a song in your heart, delighted at the prospect of doubling your income from the generous state. ②It is financially terrifying, psychologically embarrassing and you know that support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get. ③You are now not wanted; you are now excluded from the work environment that offers purpose and structure in your life. ④Worse, the crucial income to feed yourself and your family and pay the bills has disappeared. ⑤Ask anyone newly unemployed what they want and the answer is always: a job.



【语篇分析】①②③④为一个意群,主题句是Losing a job is hurting,其余内容都是在对这个主题句进行解释



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【难句剖析】①过去分词短语delighted at ...作状语。③定语从句that offers ... life修饰work environment。⑤从

句what they want作动词ask的直接宾语,anyone newly unemployed为其间接宾语,其中newly unemployed作后置定语修饰anyone。

【核心单词】skip v. 跳| double v. 加倍,成为两倍| generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的| minimal adj. 微薄的,极

小的| feed v. 抚养,供养,供给

【必背搭配】psychologically embarrassing 使人心理上感到难堪的| extraordinarily hard非常困难| be excluded

from被排除在…之外| pay the bill 支付账单

{四} ①But in Osborneland, your first instinct is to fall into

dependency —permanent dependency if you can get it —supported by a state only too ready to indulge your falsehood. ②It is as though 20 years of ever-tougher reforms of the job search and benefit administration system never happened. ③The principle of British welfare is no longer that you can insure yourself against the risk of unemployment and receive unconditional payments if the disaster happens. ④Even the very phrase “jobseeker’s allowance”is about redefining the unemployed as a “jobseeker”who had no fundamental right to benefit he or she has earned through making national insurance contributions. ⑤Instead, the claimant receives a time-limited “allowance”, conditional on actively seeking a job: no entitlement and no insurance, at ?71.70 a week, one of the least generous in the EU.




痛苦而非常想找工作,可以推断出①中Osborne所言与此相反。而①的意思是,Osborne认为如果不对失业补助等福利加以严格控制,就会让很多人陷入对福利制度的依赖而不思进取、不劳而获。这里与第一段中的in order to reduce dependency联系起来,可进一步说明Osborne的观点。②③④⑤是一个意群,作者在此论证Osborne所言不实。③disaster指代Osborne’s scheme,可见作者认为若施行Osborne’s scheme会是一场灾难。

【难句剖析】①过去分词短语supported ... falsehood作dependency的后置定语。②句使用了虚拟语气,表示

与过去事实相反。因此,此句表达的的真正意思是20 years of ever-tougher reforms of the job search and benefit administration system happened,即这二十年间一直在进行严厉的有关改革。

③that引导同位语从句that you ... happens修饰The principle of British welfare。正常语序应是The principle of British welfare that …is no longer,因同位语从句较长,为使句子不至于头重脚轻而将其后置。④定语从句who had ... contributions修饰jobseeker,其中又有一个修饰benefit的定语从句he or she ... contributions。

【核心单词】indulge v. 纵容,放纵| falsehood n. 谬误,虚假,谎言| very adj. (与the, this 或my, your等连

用)正是那个,恰好是| claimant n. 申请者| entitlement n. 津贴

【必背搭配】insure A against B 为A投保B险,保障A防范B带来的危险| fundamental right 基本权利|

conditional on 以…为条件| seek a job 找工作,求职


21. George Osborne’s scheme was intended to(George Osborne计划的目的是什么)

22. The phase “to sigh on”(Line 2, Para. 2) most probably means(短语“sign on”最可能表达什么意思)


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23. What prompted the chancellor to develop his scheme?(是什么促使这个大臣推行他的计划?)24. According to Paragraph 3, being unemployed makes one feel(根据第三段,失业状态使人感觉到什么)25. To which of the following would the author most probably agree?(作者最可能同意下列哪一项?)



21. George Osborne’s scheme was intended to

【精确定位】由题干George Osborne’s scheme定位到第一段①In order to “change lives for the better”and reduce

“dependency,”George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced the “upfront work search”scheme. ②Only if the jobless arrive at the job centre with a CV, register for the online job search, and start looking for work will they be eligible for benefit —and then they should report weekly rather than fortnightly.

【选项解码】[A] provide the unemployed with easier access to benefits.(为失业者得到补助金提供更加容易的途

径) 由②可见George Osborne’s scheme使获取补助金更加困难,与本选项的内容相反。

[B] encourage jobseeker’s active engagement in job seeking.(鼓励求职者积极参与找工作) 从

②可知,George Osborne’s scheme一系列措施就是让失业者积极找工作才能获取补助金,即其目的为鼓励失业者

丁晓钟:考研英语历年真题超精解·2014年- 29 -

【核心单词】sadly adv. 悲哀地,难过地,令人痛心地| vehicle n. 交通工具,传播媒介,(传达或表达思想的)

工具,手段| publicize v. 宣扬,宣传,公布| propaganda n. 宣传【必背搭配】be deprived of 被剥夺了,丧失

{五} Today, professors routinely treat the progressive interpretation

of history and progressive public policy as the proper subject of study while portraying conservative or classical liberal ideas —such as free markets and self-reliance —as falling outside the boundaries of routine, and something legitimate, intellectual investigation. 如今,教授们通常将进步的历史观



【难句剖析】句子主干为professors routinely treat …as …;并列连词while引导现在分词短语while portraying …

as …作伴随状语(表示分词短语的动作伴随谓语动词的动作同时发生,以及两者之间的对比关系),在意义上它相当于与前面句子并列的单句while professors portray …as …。[类似于“treat/portray sb/sth as + 形容词/名词等”的结构还有“regard/see sb/sth as …”和“describe sb sth as …”等。——笔者注] professors将the progressive interpretation of history and progressive public policy视为the proper subject of study,表明对它们持肯定态度。falling outside of the boundaries of routine, and sometimes legitimate, intellectual investigation表示逾越了常规、合理事物和理性调查的界限,即表示不常规、合理和理性,可见professors对conservative or classical liberal ideas —such as free markets and self-reliance持否定态度。以上的剖析可参阅下面的[外刊例句]:

(1) An interesting example of this is the growing number of organizations that outsource implementation and maintenance of their systems while maintaining control of the overall enterprise architecture. (https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13131657.html,) 关于这点有一个有趣的例子,就是越来越多的机构外包它们的系统的运行和维护,而坚持自己对整个企业架构的控制。

(2) Oftentimes, our leaders behave as if they were outside of the boundaries of the law.

(https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13131657.html,) 我们的领导人时常表现得像是逾越了法律的界限。

【核心单词】progressive adj. 进步的,革新的,当代的| portray v. 描述,描绘

【必背搭配】treat as将…视为| public policy公共政策| free market自由市场| intellectual investigation理智的


{六} ①The AAAS displays great enthusiasm for liberal

education. ②Yet its report may well set back reform by obscuring the depth and breadth of the challenge that Congress asked it to illuminate.



【难句剖析】②by obscuring ...作方式状语,that引导定语从句修饰the depth and breadth of the challenge。【核心单词】obscure v. 掩盖| breadth n. 宽度| illuminate v. 阐明

【必背搭配】display great enthusiasm显示巨大的热情| set back 推迟,使…受挫,把…往回拨


36. According to Paragraph 1, what is the author’s attitude toward the AAAS’s report?(根据第一段,作者对AAAS的报告持什么态度?)


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37. Influential figures in the Congress required that the AAAS report on how to(国会中有影响力的人要求AAAS报告该如何去做)

38. According to paragraph 3, the report suggests(根据第三段,该报告建议什么)

39. The author implies in paragraph 5 that professors are(作者在第五段暗示了教授们是什么状况)40. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?(下列哪一项是本文最佳标题?)

洞悉提干,可以推测文章的主题跟AAAS’s report相关。


36. According to Paragraph 1, what is the author’s attitude toward the AAAS’s report?



【选项解码】[A] Critical.(批评的)从语气上初步判断regrettably标志作者所持态度是负面的,再从语意上

may cause more harm than good精准判断作者对AAAS’s report持批评的态度,所以答案选[A]。[B] Appreciative.(感激的)作者既已指出may cause more harm than good,显然不会

持感激的态度。[C] Contemptuous.(轻蔑的)作者对AAAS’s report虽然持批评态度,也不可能偏激到contemptuous的程度。因为作者是在针对一篇报告发表议论,而不是发表对论敌的“战斗檄文”。故排除本选项。[D] Tolerant.(容忍的)作者已指出报告may cause more harm than good,显然不是容忍的态度。37. Influential figures in the Congress required that the AAAS report on how to



【选项解码】[A] retain people’s interest in liberal education. (维持人们对通才教育的兴趣) 文中无相关信息。

[B] define the government’s role in education. (明确政府在教育中的作用) 干扰信息来自第二段①…asking that it identify actions that could be taken by “federal, state and local governments, …,这部分是说要求AAAS确定可由“联邦、州和地方政府…”采取的措施,并没有要求其明确政府在教育中的作用。故排除[B]。[C] keep a leading position in liberal education. (保持在通才教育方面的领先地位) 题干中的Influential figures in the Congress是对句①中的leading congressional Democrats and Republicans的替换;选项[C] keep a leading position in liberal education. 是对句①的目的状语为to maintain national excellence in humanities and social scientific scholarship and education的替换。因此答案选[C]。

[D] safeguard individuals’rights to education. (保障个人受教育的权利) 文中无相关信息。38. According to paragraph 3, the report suggests 【精确定位】由题干可直接定位到第三段。

【选项解码】[A] an exclusive study of American history. (只学习美国历史) 干扰信息来自②…stresses the study

of history and government, particularly American history and American government …,但是原文只是说报告“强调学习历史和政治,特别是美国历史和美国政治”,而不是“只学习美国历史”。所以本选项属于混淆语意,予以排除。

[B] a greater emphasis on theoretical subjects. (更加重视理论科目)文中没有涉及theoretical subjects的内容,本选项属于无中生有,予以排除。

[C] the application of emerging technologies. (应用新兴技术) 根据选项进一步定位到②,可以发现选项中the application of emerging technologies是对该句the use of new digital technologies的替换。因此,[C]为答案。注意:修炼好基本功,熟练掌握基础词汇的涵义,将对你快速锁定正确选项有非常大的帮助。[注释] application n. 应用,运用emerging adj. 新兴的


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[D] funding for the study of foreign languages. (资助外语学习) 干扰信息来自④The report also

advocates greater study of foreign languages, …,句中advocate的词义是“提倡,主张,拥护”,并非“资助”(fund)。所以本选项属于混淆语意,予以排除。39. The author implies in paragraph 5 that professors are


【选项解码】[A] supportive of free markets.(支持自由市场) 从[难句剖析]可知,professors对free markets持否


[B] cautious about intellectual investigation. (谨慎对待理性调研) 文中提及“理性调研”是在后半句:portraying conservative or classical liberal ideas …as falling outside the boundaries of …intellectual investigation,但原文只是说professors“将保守的或经典自由派的观点…描述为逾越了…理性调研的界限”,并没有说明他们对待理性调研是否谨慎。

[C] conservative about public policy. (对公共政策持保守态度) 从[难句剖析]可知,professors 对progressive public policy持肯定态度,而对conservative or classical liberal ideas持否定态度,本选项与文中所述内容相反。

[D] biased against classical liberal ideas. (对古典自由主义思想持有偏见) 从[难句剖析]可知,professors对conservative or classical liberal ideas持否定态度,即持有偏见,本选项是对portraying conservative or classical liberal ideas as falling outside the boundaries of routine, and something legitimate, intellectual investigation的概括替换,故为正确答案。

40. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

【精确定位】通读全文可知:前三段是一个大意群,主要叙述和议论对“The Heart of the Matter”的总体评价、

如何由来和正面评价;后三段是一个大意群,指出报告并未触及到问题的核心(狭隘的通才教育),谈论了对美国教育的一些现状和该报告的负面评价。解此类典型的主旨题时,要把握对文章的全面理解,注意文中出现频率高的关键词(如本文的the report,即“The Heart of the Matter”)以及带有作者强烈感情色彩的副词(如本文的regrettably和unfortunately等),语意转折处往往会出现作者观点句。

【选项解码】[A] Ways to Grasp “The Heart of the Matter”(掌握《问题的核心》的方法),文中未提及相关内容。

[B] Illiberal Education and “The Heart of the Matter”(狭隘的教育与《问题的核心》),根据前面的定位分析,本选项显然是概括了全文内容和主题的最佳标题。

[C] The AAAS’s Contribution to Liberal Education (AAAS对通才教育的贡献) 只是勉强涉及文章第三段的内容大意,而非整篇文章的主旨。另由前面的分析可知,作者对AAAS’s report 持批评态度(见第四段Unfortunately, despite 2①?years in the making, “The Heart of the Matter”never gets to the heart of the matter: the illiberal nature of liberal education at our leading colleges and universities.),本选项与此相悖,不可能作为标题。

[D] Progressive Policy vs. Liberal Education (进步政策vs.通才教育) 文中仅在第五段提及progressive public policy,显然本选项不能作为概括全文的标题。Part B

丁晓钟:考研英语历年真题超精解·2014年- 38 -

Part B




1. describe the drawing briefly

2. interpret its intended meaning

3. give your comments (二)图画中有哪些人或物?



状态(用形容词等作定语)动作(用动词或者动词短语作谓语)Y mother be in the prime led her daughter by the hand 30 years ago Y daughter little; young Y mother aged

Y daughter


has grown to full maturity

takes her mother by the arm





A. 一个好的社会现象或事物

B. 一个不好的社会现象或事物

C. 一个有好有坏的社会现象或事物

D. 一种优良的精神、品质、道德、素质等

E. 以上都不是




①mutual support相互扶养;mutual affection相互关爱;care for each other互相照顾②role reversal角色互换(二)分段提纲:






①motherly love母爱,parental love父母的爱

①rear, raise抚养(父母抚养小孩);support扶养(父母抚养小孩或者子女赡养父母) ①care for, take care of 照料,关爱

④parenthood, motherhood, fatherhood 身为父母、人母、人父


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④elder abuse虐待老人,elder neglect忽视老人

④the old/elderly/aged, elders, senior citizens, the gray army老年人④old age, advanced age老年⑧aging of population人口老龄化第二段:分析涵义






①The thirty years have witnessed a natural role reversal in the drawing: the mother in her prime led her daughter by the hand 30 years ago while the daughter who has grown to full maturity takes her aged mother by the arm now. ①Actually, the transformation of the family structure effected by the elapsed decades is not just a sole shift in the physical strength but rather a multi-faceted concern, which includes changes in economic status, mental clarity, emotional support and so on.

①The motherly or even parental love characterizes its unconditional nature. ①Parents in most China’s households tend to do whatever it takes to ensure child’s excellent personal growth, although combining a career with parenthood can be a difficult balance to strike. ①In return, the grown-up children are morally and legally bound to support their elderly parents financially and emotionally as if the elderly were their little kids. ④It is supposed to be an approximately fair exchange.

①However, what frustrates us is the fact that cases of elder abuse or neglect are reported with regrettably high frequency. ①Yet not even the most dogged optimist could say that the aging of population would not burden the sandwich generation, who have to care for their children and parents. ①How to alleviate the burden involves all concerned, among which the government also plays a big role. ④Only when the government become a big spender on pension and health-care systems, does the well-being of younger and elder generations increase substantially. 【范文精译】






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第一段①while前后是并列结构,表示了两幅图的对比。定语从句who has grown to full maturity修饰daughter。②非限制性定语从句which includes ...修饰a multi-faceted concern。第二段②对于整个句子而言,although引导让步状语从句;whatever it takes to ensure ... growth作动词do的宾语从句,it为形式主语。③as if the elderly were their little kids为虚拟语气,只表示一种假设,而非事实,故用were。

第三段①what frustrates us为主语从句,that cases of ... high frequency为fact的同位语从句。

②从句that the aging ... sandwich generation作动词say的宾语,从句who have to ... 作sandwich generation的宾语。③从句how to alleviate the burden作主语,从句among which ... a big role作定语修饰all concerned。④为倒装结构。【核心单词】reversal n. 逆转| prime n. 青春,精华,全盛时期| maturity n. 成熟| effect v. 造成,引起,带

来| elapse v. 时间流逝| multi-faceted adj. 多面的| concern n. 让人顾虑、关心的事物| characterize v. 以…为特点| household n. 家庭| parenthood n. 身为父母| frustrate v. 挫败| regrettably adv. 遗憾地| dogged adj. 顽强的,顽固的| burden v. 将负担加于< n. 负担> | alleviate v. 减缓,减轻| involve v. 涉及| pension n. 养老金

【必背搭配】role reversal角色互换| in sb’s prime正值年富力强| grow to full maturity长大成人| physical

strength体力| economic status经济地位,经济状况| combine A with B 将A和B结合在一起| strike a balance达到平衡| morally and legally bound受到道德和法律约束的| in return反过来,作为回报| support sb financially and emotionally在经济和情感上支持某人| fair exchange公平交易| elder abuse or neglect虐待或忽视老人| with high frequency频繁地| dogged optimist固执的乐观主义者,非常乐观的人| aging of population人口老龄化| sandwich generation “夹心层”一代,上有老下有小的一代| all concerned所有与之相关的人| big spender花费大量资金的机构,花钱大手大脚的人| increase substantially实质性增长【词汇拓展】prime:Nowitzki is past his prime. 诺维斯基已过了巅峰期。| multi-faceted:The two countries enjoy

a complex, multi-faceted and fraught relationship.(https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13131657.html,) 两国之间存在着复杂、多面和让人忧心的关系。| unconditional:Japan has surrendered unconditionally.日本已经无条件投降。| do whatever it takes:The ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. (https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13131657.html,) 欧洲央行准备倾尽全力来保存欧元。I always set myself a goal and then just did whatever it takes to get there. (https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13131657.html,) 我总是为自己设定一个目标,然后就是倾尽全力去达到。| 词根hood表示“…的身份”:fatherhood身为人父,motherhood身为人母| be legally bound = be bound by law有法律责任的,受法律约束的| approximately = roughly大约地,大概地| regrettably = unfortunately不幸地,让人遗憾地| sexual abuse性虐待,child abuse 虐待儿童| burden(v.) = place/impose burden(n.) on将负担加于| 英语中惯用“某某是一个什

么样的人”来表达中文常说的“某某人怎样”之意。例如:The manager is a good listener. 该经理善于倾听他人意见。My father is a heavy sleeper. 我爸睡觉睡得沉。My mother is a light eater. 我妈食量小。The teacher is a heavy smoker. 这个老师烟抽得很多。


[第一步] 写出简单句

①Parents in most China’s families often do sth. ①It takes sth to ensure child’s personal growth.


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①Working as a parent can be a difficult balance to achieve.

[第二步] 添加形容词或其它定语

①Parents in most common China’s families often do sth. ①It takes sth to ensure child’s great personal growth. ①Working as a parent can be a difficult balance to achieve.

[第三步] 添加副词或其它状语

①Parents in most common China’s families often do sth. ①It takes sth to ensure child’s great personal growth.

①Working as a parent can be a very difficult balance to achieve.

[第四步] 替换掉“平淡无奇”的用法

①Parents in most average China’s households tend to do sth. ①It takes sth to ensure child’s excellent personal growth.

①Combining a career with parenthood can be a extraordinarily difficult balance to strike.

[详解] averge替换common,household替换family,tend to替换often,excellent替换great,combining a career with parenthood替换working as a parent,extraordinarily替换very,strike a balance替换achieve a balance

[第五步] 使用从句,将多个简单句整合为一个复合句

Parents in most average China’s households tend to do whatever it takes to ensure child’s excellent personal growth, although combining a career with parenthood can be a extraordinarily difficult balance to strike.

[详解] ①①句共有代词sth,分别作do和take的宾语,所以①①之间可由连接代词whatever 引导宾语从句来连接。①①和①语意呈转折关系,所以用从属连词although引导让步状语从句来连接。


As shown in the drawing, the mother led her daughter by the hand 30 years ago; while the daughter who has reached adulthood takes her aged mother by the arm now. What motivated the cartoonist, we were to understand, was his zeal for publicizing the intimate relationship between parents and children and mutual care for each other.

The harmonious society presupposes a good parent-child relationship, which is one of larger

questions of right and wrong affecting the entire society. There are few people who have more grounds for deserving the word of greatness than parents, which has been principally defined by their dedication to children. As many parents hit advanced age, they often start to notice that their physical fitness, mental clarity and even economic status are not what they used to be. Most average people in China work fearsomely hard to support their kids and parents, with the possible exception of some heartless children, who don’t feel restrained by the weight of morals and law and provide extraordinarily minimal or even no care to their parents. These cases of elder abuse and neglect probably render the elderly financially terrifying and psychologically embarrassing and potentially have a detrimental impact on the social wellbeing.

There are some legitimate concerns about how to isolate children from the pressure to support their parents. In order to change lives for the better and reduce dependency on children, the national pension system should be subsidized more heavily by the government. It is surely a good thing that more money and attention come to the elder rather than go elsewhere. What could be more reasonable?





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(1) What motivated the author/cartoonist, we were to understand, was his interest/zeal for A/B/C .

A. calling for us to pay attention to environment protection

B. encouraging us to struggle constantly for success

C. publicizing the importance of cooperation 笔者注:该句型可用来表示作者的意图。

(2) The harmonious society presupposes A/B/C , which is one of larger questions of right and wrong affecting the

entire society.

A. the emphasis on environmental protection

B. a diversity of cultures

C. the special stress on public virtues

(3) There are few people who have more grounds for A1 than A2

. A1. deserving the fame of innovation A2. Steve Jobs

But there are few places where people have more grounds for B1 than B2 . B1. complaint for environmental pollution B2. China

But there are few times when people in China have more grounds for C1 than C2 . C1. basking in a cosy family atmosphere C2. in the Spring Festival (4) There are some legitimate concerns about how to A/B/C .

A. balance environmental protection and economic improvement

B. improve the public virtues

C. choose a proper career after graduation

(5) It is surely a good thing that more money and attention come to A/B/C rather than go elsewhere.

A. environment preservation

B. education

C. the underdeveloped areas


英语主谓一致 一)主谓一致的种类 1.语法形式上的一致 主语为单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式;主语为复数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式。如: The number of the students present is 200. Jane and Mary look alike. 2.意义上一致 1)主语形式虽为单数,但意义为复数,谓语动词用复数。如:The crowd were shouting. 单数形式代表复数内容的词有:people, police, cattle等。 2)主语形式为复数,而意义上却是单数,谓语动词用单数。如:The news was so surprising. 形复意单的单词有news和一些以ics结尾的学科名称,如physics,politics, economics等。 3.就近原则 即谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于最靠近它的词语。如用连词or,either…or, neither…not, not only…but also等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,谓语动词与靠近它的主语一致。如: Either your students or Mr. Wang knows this. (二)主谓一致的应用 1.名词作主语 1)某些集体名词,如family, team等作主语时,如果作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,如果就其中一个个成员而言,谓语动词用复数形式。如: His family is a happy one. The whole family are watching TV. 这类名词有:audience,class,club,company,crew,enemy,crowd,government,group,party,public,team等。 名词population一词的使用情况类似。“a group(crowd) of +复数名词”等短语之后的谓语动词也同样可用单数或复数,前者强调整体,后者强调各个部分。 2)某些集体名词,如people, police, cattle等,只当复数看待,谓语动词必须用复数。如: The police are searching for the thief. 3)单、复数同形的名词主语时,谓语动词应根据意义决定单、复数。如:A sheep is over there. Some sheep are over there. 4)名词所有格之后的名词被省略,这种情况一般只指商店、工厂、住宅等,作主语时,动词一般用单数。如:The doctor’s is across the street. My uncle’s is not far from here. 常见的省略名词有:the baker’s, the barber’s, the carpenter’s, the Zhang’s等。 表示店铺的名词,一般作集体名词看待,但用作主语时,谓语动词往往用复数。如: Richardson’s have a lot of goods to sell. 5)当名词词组中心词为表示度量、距离、金额、时间、书名等复数名词时,往往可以根据意义一致的原则,把这些复数名词看作一个整体,谓语用单数形式。如: Three years has passed since then. 6)不定代词each, every, no所修饰的名词即使以and或逗号连接成多主语时,谓语动词仍用单数形式。如:Each boy and each girl wants to go to the cinema. 7)如果主语有more than on e…或many a…构成,尽管从意义上看是复数内容,但它的谓语动词仍用单数形式。如:More than one student has read the book. Many a girl has been there. 但是,“more +复数名词+than one”结构之后,谓语动词一般多用复数形式。如: More members than one are against your plan. 8)一些有两个部分构成的名词表示衣物或工具作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数形式,例如:glasses, clothes, trousers, shoes, compasses, chopsticks, scissors等。但如果主语用“a kind of, a pair of , a series of等加名词”构成时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如: A pair of shoes was on the desk. 9)this kind of book =a book of this kind(这种书),其谓语动词用单数;短语this kind of men =men of this kind =these kind of men(口语)(这一类人),但this kind of men的谓语动词用单数,men of this kind和these kind of men的谓语动词


新浪微博:@小熊是学渣 放飞梦想,勇敢追逐2013.4.23 NJIT设北410永远忠于你年轻时的梦想 ——题记 一、写在考研之前——分享几个概念 1.国家线与自主划线 2013年考研国家线(除34所之外的所有大学)片段 学科门类一区(A类)二区(B类) 总分政、英单科数、专单科总分政、英单科数、专单科工学(不含照顾专业)295 40 60 285 37 56 经济学340 49 74 330 46 69 管理学345 51 77 335 48 72 一区主要指除二区之外的省;二区:内蒙古、广西、海南、贵州、云南、西藏、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆注意:非自主划线大学可以在国家线之上自己划线 东南大学(34所自主划线高校之一)2013复试线 学科门类总分政、英单科数、专单科 工学(不含照顾专业)330 50 90 经济学360 55 95 管理学370 55 95 34所自主划线大学≈985工程大学一期 (34所自主划线大学=985工程大学一期+中国农业大学—中国海洋大学) C9大学联盟(清北复交、南大、哈工大、浙大、西交、中科大) 2.关于择校和考试 (1)择校的几个要素(考研也是信息战,要懂得搜集信息) A.考试科目与参考书目 B.报名人数与录取人数 C.录取分数(关注学校的研究生院网站和相关学院的网站) D.复试(差额)比例(一般在1:1—1:3之间) E.学校实力(①综合实力:是否211,985,2011计划等②学科实力:本学科是否有一级学科博士点,是否国家重点学科或查询教育部2012学科评估排名) F.地域 G.真题(难度) H.学费与学年 I.保研人数 J.就业前景(去向、薪资)A.考试相关 报名时间9月底(应届生)、10月10号—10月31号确认时间11月11号—11月14号 初试时间一般1月初(2014年预计在1月4日) 复试时间:34所一般在3月中下旬非34所在4月5号—4月15号左右 调剂时间:4月1号—5月5号 关于考名校的建议:建议报考热门学校热门专业(比如复旦管院、北大光华)的同学不要有短板学科 最建议名校冷门专业(如北京大学环境专业,地质专业等) 二、学习方法与学习规划 1.政治 政治分为四个部分:马原(哲学、政经、科社)占24% 毛中特占24%


带着微博去旅行”看微博发力垂直领域 微博早已秣兵历马,自上市以来频频在垂直领域发力,刚结束的欢乐购车季总订金破92亿,14天预订超过6万台。而微博上影响力最大的品牌活动之一,大型户外旅游活动-- “带着微博去旅行” 2014年第三季正在火热进行时。 微博联手阿里发力在线旅游 从新浪微博统计数据来看,第三季活动参与量已经突破8000万人次,参与人数超过1500万人。微博作为全球最大的中文社交平台,拥有5亿用户数,其中有6000多万用户发布过与旅游相关的内容,3200万用户添加了旅游标签,在各垂直领域排名第一位。微博已经成为旅游爱好者最大的聚集地之一,这也让微博十分适合做旅游主题的活动。由此可见,在线旅游市场是微博最有机会发力的领域之一。 中国旅游市场正面临飞速增长,尤其是在线旅游市场异军突起。艾瑞咨询数据显示:2013年我国在线旅游市场交易规模2204.6亿元,同比增长29%,近三年复合增速高达32.5%;预计2017年在线旅游市场规模将达到4650.1亿元,复合增长率为20.5%。 在高速增长的大背景下,在线旅游市场白热化,巨头们又怎能放弃这一块“优质土地”。 阿里在2013年4月和2014年4月两次入股新浪微博,更是让微博在各个垂直领域全速发力。新近上市的阿里不但拥有微博32%的股份,这次旗下的淘宝旅行更是与微博进行了全面的合作。与微博一起共同推出“带着微博去旅行一起码上游”,通过上百条免费的全球旅游路线和1000万讨论旅游红包吸引微博上的旅游爱好者参与。 微博与淘宝旅游的合作,也为淘宝旅游带去了大量的流量,在活动开始的一周内,就发放了超过70万个淘宝旅行的红包。这些用户使用淘宝旅游的红包,不但为淘宝的商家带来了销量,还为其累计了珍贵的用户数据,让社交媒体与在线旅游电商得以打通。 挖掘优质旅游UGC内容 本季的带着微博去旅行从7月22日开始至10月9日结束,持续近3个月时间,跨越暑假、中秋节、国庆节3个时间节点,和各地特色旅游资源相结合,

(完整word版)主谓一致 详解 超详细

1、形式一致 主语是复数,谓语动词用复数形式 主语是单数,谓语动词用单数形式 2、语意一致 谓语动词用单数的清况 1)当名词词组中心词为表示金钱、时间、度量、距离、价格等复数名词时,把这些复数名词看作一个整体。谓语动词采用单数形式。 Twenty-five dollars is too much to pay for that shirt. Fifty minutes isn’t enough to finish this test. Ten miles seems like a long walk to me. 2 以“-s”结尾的书刊名、国名、组织名、游戏名、运动名,谓语动词用单数 以-ics结尾的名词指一门学科时,常用单数谓语动词形式。当这些名词表示实际内容时,谓语动词则用复数形式。 这类单词有:economics经济学electronics电子学 physics物理学politics政治学 mathematics数学statistics统计学 Roots was a novel about a slave family. His politics were a matter of great concern to his friend. Politics is his favorite subject. Statistics show that approximately 40 percent of all marriages in the US end in divorce. Statistics is a subject that is difficult to learn. 3) 有些表示某类别的总称的集合名词,如:machinery(机械),clothing(衣服),luggage(行李),furniture(家具),equipment(设备),jewelry(珠宝)等作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。如:My luggage was sent by air. The equipment of our factory is all imported from Britain. 4) 不定式、现在分词和从句作主语,谓语动词通常用单数: Playing with fire is dangerous. 注意:若用and连接两个动名词、不定式短语或主语从句,表示两个不同的概念,则谓语动词用复数形式。若表示同一概念,则谓语动词用单数形式 Early to rise and early to bed is a good habit. When and where the building will be built hasn’t been decided. 主语从句要根据从句表达的意思而定 What she said is correct.What he gave me are five English books. 谓语动词用复数的情况 1)由and或both...and...连接两个单数名词作主语时,指的是复数概念,谓语动词用复数形式(不可数名词同样)。如: Fire and water do not agree. 注意如果and连接的两个词是指同一个人、同一事物或同一概念,则两个名词共用一个冠词,谓语动词必须用单数。


主谓一致 主谓一致是高一下学期的一个语法专项。对于这一语法的掌握大部分靠理解后的记忆。关键要找准主语,再看其句式结构,按照规则办事。另外,对于作主语的名词还要分清是可数名词还是不可数名词。下面我们就这一语法内容进行讲解。 谓语受主语支配,须和主语在人称、数上保持一致,叫主谓一致。处理主谓一致问题可依据三项原则:语法上一致、意义上一致和就近一致。 一、语法上一致: 谓语和主语通常是从语法形式上取得一致,即主语为单数形式,谓语动词也采用单数形式,主语为复数,谓语也为复数形式。 A、谓语用单数的情况 1、以单数名词或代词、动词不定式、动名词短语或从句作主语时。 例:The boy is clever enough to study maths well. To work hard is necessary. Reading aloud is very important in learning a foreign language. Whether she comes or not is of no matter. 2、由and连接的并列单数主语的前边如果分别有each, every, 或no修饰时,其谓语要用单数形式。 例:In our country every boy and every girl has the right to education. No teacher and no student is going to take part in such a boring game. 3、主语是单数,其后尽管有as well as, no less than, rather than, more than, but, except, besides, with, along with, together with, like, including, in addition to等起连接作用的词语带其他名词,谓语动词仍用单数。 例:The teacher as well as the students likes this painting. 4、某些不定代词,如either, neither, each, one, the other, another, anybody, anyone, anything, somebody, someone, something, every body, every one, everything, nobody, no one, nothing.等,当它们作主语时,通常用单数。 5、many a +单名,谓语用单数。 例:Many a student is coming. 6、the number of+复数名词,谓语用单数,中心词是number。 二、意义一致:

西安交大管理学 冲刺必背核心

管理学冲刺版 必背核心理论配套芮明杰《管理学:现代的观点》第二版或第三版(西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院指定教材)复习时间建议:11月初至1月中旬(考前) 复习三遍适宜,尽量全部背诵

政治:田维彬(新浪微博)/肖秀荣/风中劲草时政 英语:丁晓钟(新浪微博)—点点英语(真题超精解+外刊阅读) 理论学科,是管理学科群中最为基础的学科。狭义的管理学包括组织理论和组织资源配置方式方法研究两块内容,广义的管理学还包括经营领域的研究。 管理学的研究范围有两大方面:一是组织本身包括组织的动力学机制、组织的构造及运行等;一是组织内依靠行政机制运作的各种管理方式方法,包括对资源配置的整体性系统方法和针对局部问题的各种职能性方法。 展望21世纪的管理学,它或许在以下三个方面有所突破、有所创新: 1.夯实管理学的理论体系。 2.形成管理学的方法论。 3.管理学研究内容深化。 第1章管理的概念 动。计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制等行为活动是有效整合资源所必需的活动,它们仅是帮助有效整合资源的部分手段或方式,本身并不等于管理。管理的核心在于对现实资源的有效整合。 1.1-2 管理的特性:动态性、科学性、艺术性、创造性和经济性。这五个特性相互关联,是管理性质的五个不同方面的反映。 1.动态性。①这类活动需要在变动的环境与组织本身中进行,需要消除资源配置过程中的各种不确定性。②组织所处的客观环境与具体的工作环境不同,各个组织的目标与从事的行业不同,从而导致了每个组织中资源配置的不同性。 2.有章可循,照 章运作便可取得预想效果的管理活动)无章可循,需要边运作边探讨的管理活动)。这两类活动可以转化,这种转化的过程就是对这类活动与管理对象规律性的科学总结。 3.艺术性。①管理主体对这种管理技巧的运用与发挥;②在众多可选择的管理方式中选择一种合适的用于现实的管理之中。 4.创造性。创造性根植于动态性之中,与科学性和艺术性相关,管理创新成为必需。 5.经济性。①反映在资源配置的机会成本之上;②反映在管理方式方法选择上的成本比较。③在选择不同资源供给和配比上有成本大小的问题。 1.2管理的目标与基本手段 1.2-1 管理的目标 1.管理的目标是双重的。 2.组织既定目标的双重性:功利性和非功利性。 3.管理目标与组织目标。(1)组织存续目的决定了组织在资源配置方面的既定目标,既定目标是组织存续目的的阶段性展示。(2)既定目标分解成各类管理活动的具体目标,这些具体目标的逐步实现将最终帮助实现组织既定目标。 1.2-2 管理的基本手段


主谓一致 一、以并列结构作主语的主谓一致 1.由and/ both… and连接的并列主语 1)Both Mr. Smith and his son (has, have) gone fishing. 2)Bread and eggs (is, are ) a good breakfast. The manager and secretary (is , are ) not here. 3) 当and 连接的名词词组有each, every 或many a等限定词时,随后的动词通常用单数。 e.g. Every girl and every boy in this room (is, are) studying hard. Many a boy (was, were) sad after seeing the film. 2.由or/ nor/ either… or/ neither…nor/ not only…but also连接的并列结构作主语,依据“就近原则” e.g. My sisters or my brother (is, are) likely to be at home. Either my father or my brothers (is, are ) coming. Not only he switches but also the old wire (has, have) been chagend. 3. 主语+ as much as/ rather than/ more than/ no less than/ as well as/ in addition to/ with/ along with/ together with/ except/ but 等引导的从属结构时,其后的动词取决于主语本身的形式e.g. Some of the workers as much as the manager (was, were) responsible for the loss. His brother rather than his parents (is, are) to blame. My wife, more than anyone else in the family (is, are ) eager to go there again. The father as well as his sons (is, are) going to the park tomorrow. No one except two girls(was, were) late for dinner. 二、数量概念名词作主语的主谓一致 1.表示确定数量的名词词组作主语 1)如被看做是一个整体,谓语动词用单数 如被看做是组成该数量的个体,谓语动词用复数 e.g. Six months (is, a re) too short a time. There (is ,are ) six coins in my pocket. 2) “分数/ 百分数+ of”的结构,谓语动词依of 后面的名词而定 e.g. Over sixty percent of the city (was, were) destroyed in the war. Thirty-five percent of the doctors (was, were ) women. 3)one in/ one out of +复数名词,谓语动词用单数 e.g. One in ten students (has, have) failed the exam. 4) 两数想减或相除,谓语动词用单数 两数相加或相乘,谓语动词单复数均可 e.g. Forty minus fifteen (leaves, leave) twenty-five.


微博草根大号是怎样炼成的 捞一把就走,这话适合各行各业,也适用于微博。 一个朋友说““啪啪来了,给微博一耳光,陌陌来了,给微博一耳光,微信来了,给微博啪啪啪好几个耳光“。 准备撤离微博的,不止是普通用户,也有那些草根大号。 有个南京的朋友,窦窦,最早的大号经营者,微博圈不少人应该熟悉这个ID。 他直接控制1千万粉丝,间接控制1亿粉丝,虽无大名,但扎得很深 从进入到退出微博圈,亲眼看着微博的蛮荒、黑暗、茂盛和衰败。 梳理起这串由八卦连接起来的微博故事 也许会看到微信发展的些许身影,也许能为下一代社交媒体产品规避点风险。 对第一批大号来说,玩微博是被逼的 按照窦窦的说法,2009年做微博的那批人,都是站长圈混不下去了,才改玩微博的。 金融专业毕业后,窦窦先后玩过硬件和3D地图 那时打交道的都是政府高官,那气场、那三观、那玩法,总觉得和他这种屌丝创业者不搭。 很偶然的机会,窦窦参加了那种互联网人扎堆的会议,一下子神清气爽。 那个年头,就算是alex排名前一百的站长也不会拽得要命,特朴实,特别好说话。 也没什么圈子的说法,反正玩来玩去,窦窦就有了那时最潮的称呼:站长。 站长中间有一个“高端站长群”,现在风头正劲的投资人、CEO或者已经消失的失败者,都在里面。 有一天,群里出现了新浪微博的注册码。 这对站长们来说并不新鲜,窦窦早就在饭否和滔滔上过了一把大号的瘾,早就尝过被关停的悲剧。

对于随便一单子就有十万的站长来说,例如阿飞这种混得很好的牛叉站长 不会吃饱了没事去可能一夜蒸发的新浪微博玩。 但还真有人去玩了。 就是那一批当站长当得不给力的兄弟,像尹光旭他们做的搜酷全球网赚不到什么钱 像酒红冰蓝,还有很多人,既然做站长没钱途,那就换个地方待待吧,微博就微博吧。 别看现在有人吹得跟先知一样,套用王家卫的说法,不过是时势使然,都是被逼的。 拓荒时期,三教九流领风骚 2010年,微博的火候慢慢起来,几万粉的账号也出现了。 正好公司有闲人,窦窦觉得就进去玩一下吧,这一玩就是两年多。 当时玩微博的有两大流派,内容流和粉丝流,天真的玩前者,现实的做后者。窦窦太天真了,居然想做成一个有节操的媒体。 窦窦从国外网站抓一些美图,稍微翻译下,扔到网上去,鼎盛时,每天热门微博里的1/3美图都是窦窦他们弄的。 腾讯微博一来,窦窦则赶紧注册了二三十个号,每个账号分别推不同的内容 美其名曰“重复内容是浪费别人的时间”。 窦窦还会找一些论坛里的神贴,做成长帖后扔到网上去,转发的人暴多 可惜被其他大号@200次以后,才能增加1、2万粉丝,涨势不乐观。 经常转发的账号里有个叫“冷笑话精选”,窦窦很反感,这个账号老是一拿就用,没啥职业道德。 后来当地团委开会,窦窦提早十分钟到了,尹光旭也是,一聊才知道,这家伙就是冷笑话精选的操盘人。 那时的尹光旭,还不知道有高端站长群这么个玩意,窦窦一听,既然你玩微博这么潮,去群里和大家聊聊呗。

【名师导航】中考英语精讲复习 主谓一致(要点提示+专项专练)

主谓一致 【要点提示】 所谓主谓一致,主要是指主语和谓语动词在“人称”和“数”上的一致,其基本原则有三个:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和邻近原则。下面就初中阶段需要掌握的重点内容作一归纳。 1. 主语是单数,即使后面跟with, except, as well as等引导的短语,谓语动词仍用单数形式。例如: Mr Green with two students is standing outside the classroom. 2. each以及由every, some, any, no等构成的不定代词在句中作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。例如: Each of the children has an apple. Everything begins to grow fast in spring. 3. 动词不定式(短语)、v-ing形式(短语)等在句中作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。例如: To do is much more difficult than to say. Climbing hills is his hobby. 4. 表示时间、金钱、长度等的短语作主语表示整体时,谓语动词常用单数形式。例如:Three years has already passed. 5. “one of + 复数名词 / 代词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如: One of the students was hurt in the accident. 6. family, class, police等集体名词作主语表示整体概念时,谓语动词用单数形式;若表示具体成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如: His family is moving next month. His family enjoy watching the football match. ★但是people一词在表示“人”时,总是表示复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:Look! Three American people are playing with the dog. 7. 由and连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数形式;但如果表示的是一种事物或一个概念时,谓语动词则用单数形式。例如: His mother and his sister are good at dancing. The teacher and writer is the twins’ father. 8. “some / all / half / most / the rest / 分数等 + of + 名词 / 代词”作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于of 后的名词或代词的数。例如: Half of the milk was polluted. The rest of the doctors are all from Canada. 9. what, who 等疑问代词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。但是,如果说话人确信回答中要用复数主语(尤其是问句中的某些词语表明答句中要用复数主语时),则可用动词的复数形式。例如: W hat’s in the box? Who have not received their postcards? 10. “... pair(s) / kind(s) / sort(s)等 + of + 名词”作主语时,谓语动词常与pair(s) / kind(s) / sort(s)等保持一致。例如: This kind of book is interesting.


主谓一致的讲解 主谓一致是指: 1)语法形式上要一致,即名词单复数形式与谓语要一致。 2)意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致。 一、并列结构作主语时的主谓一致 1.由and 连接主语时 And 连接的两个或多个单数可数名词、不可数名词或代词作主语时根据意义或概念确定谓语用单数或复数 1)并列主语表示不同的人、物或概念时谓语动词用复数 Li Ming and Zhang Hua are good students. Like many others, the little tramp and the naughty boy have rushed there in search of gold. 小流浪汉和调皮的小男孩也赶到那里寻找金子 Both rice and wheat are grown in this area. 2)并列主语表示同一个人、物或概念时,谓语动词用单数形式。 The professor and writer is speaking at the meeting. 那位教授兼作家正在会上发言 A journalist and authour lives on the sixth floor. 一位新闻记者兼作家 His lawyer and former college friend was with him on his trip to Europe. 他的律师兼大学时代的朋友陪他去欧洲旅行 The Premier and Foreign Minister was present at the state banquet. 总理兼外长 比较:the writer and the educator have visited our school. the writer and educator has visited our school. His lawyer and his former college friend were with him on his trip to Europe. 注意:指同一个人或物时,并列主语前只用一个冠词,指不同的需要分别加冠词,但两个名词具有分别的对立的意思时只需要一个冠词即可 A boy and girl are playing tennis. 3)并列主语前有each, every, many a , no 等修饰时谓语动词用单数 Each doctor and (each) nurse working in the hospital was asked to help patients. Every man, woman and child is entitled to take part in the activity. 有权参加 Every boy and (every) girl admires him for his fine sense of humour. Many a boy and (many a ) girl has made the same mistake No boy and no girl is there now.没有任何男孩和女孩在那里 注意:many a 跟单数可数名词但是表示复数意义翻译为很多 Many a student was disappointed after seeing the movie. 4)并列主语为不可分的整体时,谓语动词用单数 A law and rule about protecting environment has been drawn up. 关于保护环境的法律法规已经起草完成。 The knife and fork has been washed 刀叉已经被洗好 War and peace is a constant theme in history 战争与和平是历史永恒的主题 注意;常被视为主体的结构 A cup and saucer 一副杯碟 A horse and cart 马车 A knife and fork 一副刀叉


《我是雷锋!!!!》 1.The country's top press and media watchdog issued a ban on the TV drama called Wu Meiniang. 【参考翻译】这个国家的最高新闻和媒体监管机构对《武媚娘传奇》这部电视剧发布了禁令。 【必背搭配】issue a ban发布一个禁令。 2.The book has been hailed as a masterpiece. 【参考翻译】这本书被誉为杰作。 【必背搭配】可用于15年英语一小作文中,be hailed as为加分亮点。 3.New Year's stampede in Shanghai: 35 dead, 43 injured. 【参考翻译】新年发生在上海的踩踏事故造成35死,43伤。【必背搭配】stampede 踩踏事故 4.Rumor has it that dollar-shaped coupons thrown from the third floor of a building may trigger the stampede. 【参考翻译】谣言称从三楼的建筑抛洒下的美元样式的优惠券可能引发了这次踩踏事件。 【必背搭配】体会句型:Rumor has it that...有传言说;trigger 引发。 5.Former Florida governor Jeb Bush has reportedly scaled back his business commitments as he thinks seriously about a White House run.



《微博运营与加粉技巧》 前 言 一、什么样的帐号会受到推荐 、基于关注关系的账号推荐机制 、好友关注动态的推荐机制-大 V 制 、主页关注后推荐机制-社群制 、基于兴趣分类的找人机制 、兴趣分类的找人机制-特别推荐、 、兴趣分类的找人机制-24 小时热门 人物 、兴趣分类的找人机制-好友热门关注 、兴趣分类的找人机制-新人推荐、基于站方的辅助推荐 二、什么样的帐号会降权-玩微博的禁忌是什么 、微博运营的 26 条军规 三、个人微博与企业微博的矩阵运营 四、吻合推荐机制的微博的营销推广的三种玩法 五、微博互动-社群联动法:六招互动,玩转圈子 、活动互动 、抽奖互动 、赠送互动 、软文互动 、协助互动

、干货互动 、内容互动 、选项互动 、爆料互动 、困难互动 、借势互动、社会热点互动、线下互动 、论坛互动

托尼富原创 前言 说到核心的话,即两种玩法: 一是用专业的内容提升自己的专业度,在这个过程,一方面持续不断的提供专业的内容,另一方面就是要不断地反复地持之以恒与大 V 互动(指与不同的大 V 互动); 二是形成自己的圈子,并不断地扩大自己的圈子,以无私公开分享的态度去运营圈子,千万不要抱有:只能让别人转评赞我,不主动去转评赞别人,当你不是中心,要学会与中心互动,这个中心其实就是大 V。 两种方法是相辅相成的,在这种玩法下,你的微博即使不能引起足够多的大 V 注意,也能够享受 到社群影响带来的威力。 封闭或自私的人难有大成就,开往或分享的人将享有越来越多的福利。

高考英语 第十五章 主谓一致知识精讲

英语中的主谓一致 [知识精讲] 主谓一致是指: 一、语法形式上要一致,即单复数形式与谓语要一致。 ●I often help him and he often helps me. ●We often help each other and learn from each other. 二、意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致。 1)主语形式虽然为单数,意义为复数的,谓语动词用复数。有些集体名词可为单数也可为复数,主要依据意思而定:如果指整体用单数,如果指这个集体中的个体时则用复数。 ●His family is not very large.(他的“家”是指整体) ●His family are all music lovers.(他的“家人”是指家里的个体) 注意: 集体名词中有一类只当复数看待的词,或者我们只把它们看作复数的词,那么它们的谓语只能用复数,象:cattle,folk,people,police,youth等等,这里要提一下的是people这个词,如果它所表示的是民族的话,那么它的谓语就用单数. 2)主语形式为复数,而意义上为单数,谓语动词用单数。形复意单的词有:news,works,trousers,pants,shorts,glasses,scissors和一些以s结尾的书名、组织机构的名称以及以ics 结尾的学科名称等。 ●Physics is a difficult subjiect. ●Her glasses are new. 但是当这类词前有a pair of 修饰时,谓语动词应用单数形式。 ●This pair of pants is fit for me. 三、就近原则,即谓语动词的单复形式取决于最靠近它的词语, 1、并列结构作主语时。 1)由and 并列的两个名词做主语时,如果表示的是一个同一概念或者单数概念,谓语动词用单数,否则用复数 ●The iron and steel industry is very important. ●The teacher and poet often gives lectures around the city. 2)当each...and each...;every...and every...;no...and no...;many a.. and many a...结构作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 ●No man and no animal is to be found on the moon. ●Many a doctor and many a nurse is busy with their work. 3)由not only…but also…; neither…nor…; either…or…并列两个主语时,谓语动词和就近的保持一致 ●Not only the students but also the teacher wants to see the film.


关于游戏领域的微博的一些个人看法 根据自己对微博及游戏特点的认识,简单的从下面四个方面谈谈对游戏微薄的粗略想法: 1.微博的优势 2.游戏微博靠什么打动用户 3.一些具体的实现 4.关于运营的一点想法 一.微博的优势 对于web产品而言,能否留住用户是产品成功与否的一个重要衡量标准,微博以其简短,即时,互动性好,传播快等特点,已成为一个更好的符合用户生活节奏和习惯的网络平台。 微博的这些特性已经成功成为商家用来提升客户关系,推广新产品或服务,紧急事件处理,活动传播及问题发起的重要手段之一。 二.游戏微博靠什么打动用户 网络游戏是一种以实现娱乐、休闲、互动和取得虚拟成就的网络产品。游戏的娱乐性跟互动性是一款游戏产品的重要组成部分。游戏通过提高用户的互动性使用户更好的投入游戏,可以增加用户对该游戏的凝聚力,以此更好的留住用户并扩大用户群体。 目前为止,游戏用户可以通过游戏本身,论坛及官方网站等参与交流及互动。但因为一般游戏内部的交流无法跨平台,实现互动的随时随地;论坛发帖回帖形式的单一及对文字能力要求及官方网站的无法很好互动性等特点,用户跟用户、用户跟游戏的互动性得不到更好的实现。而微博的及时性,跨平台性,便捷性将能更好的实现游戏的互动、娱乐及社交,弥补现行的交流方式的不足。 调查显示,网络游戏的用户跟微博用户的共性:他们思想更活跃,更容易接受新事物,有更强的表达跟沟通能力,有更高的参与意识;简单,快捷及方便的特性比较符合他们的生活节奏和习惯。因此我认为一款契合用户习惯,易用的及时互动平台将能更好的提升游戏本身的娱乐性,社交性及互动性。 游戏微博可以实现多游戏,多用户,多平台的互动,可以利用信息模式中的多对多关联模式,实现迅速的夸大用户群体,提升产品的知名度,提升用户对游戏的凝聚力。 从用户角度讲: 多游戏互动。即用户可以同时关注不同的游戏,用户通常会通过自己最喜欢的游戏进入微博账户,但却可以同时参与不同游戏的互动,用户信息处理的效率会大大提升,更及时便捷的参与到不同的多款游戏中。 多用户互动。不同的用户可以通过关注共同的游戏,共同的游戏目的甚至游戏内共同的职业 等互动,更快捷的提升自己的社交范围。 多平台互动。用户在不方便登录游戏的情况下,可以通过web、wap及其他客户端软件跨平台的实时关注游戏微博内的活动,变相的参与游戏中,更好的提升用户对游戏娱乐性的体验。 三.一些具体的实现 游戏微博的实现一方面要继承现有微型博客的特性:方便用户记录想法与行为并分享信息。方便,便捷,即时。另一方面要融合进游戏本身的娱乐、互动和用户能从中获得的成就感。 结合这两方面来实现有游戏特色的微型博客:


主谓一致详细讲解 1.由and所连接的两个名词指同一人物、同一事物、同一概念时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 例如: Both bread and butter were sold out in that grocery. Zhang Hua and Li Ming are good students. 注意:当两个主语为不可分的东西时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如: A watch and chain was found on the desk. Bread and butter is nutritious. When and where this took place is still unknown. 注意:一身兼二职的情况:The writer and runner is attending the conference. 2. 由every…and every…, each…and each…, many a…and many a …, no ...and no…等构 成复合主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如: Each man and each woman is invited.每个男人和女人都邀请了。 No boy and no girl is there now. 现在那里没有一个男孩和女孩。 Many a boy and many a girl has been invited.很多男孩和女孩都被邀请了。 In China every boy and every girl has the right to receive education. 在中国每个男孩和女孩都有接受教育的权利。 3. 由or, not only... but also..., not…but…, either...or, neither...nor,whether……or……连接 主语时,谓语与靠近的主语一致,即就近一致的原则。例如: He or his brothers were to blame .Either you or I am mad. Are either you or I mad? Neither you nor he is right. Not only the teacher but also his family were friendly to me. 4. 当主语后跟有with, along with, together with, besides, except, like, including, in addition to, as well as, rather than等词时,谓语动词根据前面的主语变化。例如: All but one were here just now. A library with five thousand books is offered to the nation. She as well as the other teachers is going t o Nanjing. 5. 某些词结尾字母为s, 但并不是复数形式,如: physics, maths , economics (经济学), politics, news…作主语时用单数形式。means, works(著作)单复同形。例如: Physics is very important. Every means has been tried. Every possible means has been used to prevent air pollution, but the sky is still not clear . 6. 当一些由两部分构成的表示衣物或工具的名称作主语时, 谓语用复数形式, 如: trousers , shorts, shoes, glasses, goods, clothes, chopsticks, scissors. 如果这些词由a pair, piece, kind , type ,box + of 修饰,则用单数形式.例如: My trousers are white and his clothes are black. A pair of shoes is lying here. These kinds of glasses are popular. 7.单复数同形的名词,如sheep, deer 等做主语时,应根据主语的单复数意义确定谓语动词 的形式。例如: A deer is over there. Some deer are over there . 8.population做主语时,通常看作单数,若population前有分数、百分数修饰时,则句子谓 语通常用复数。例如: The population in China is very large and 80% of the population live in rural areas . 9. 复数名词, 如: people, police, public ,crew ,cattle作主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式。例如:The police like to help people. People are talking abou t the news .. The cattle are grazing in the fields . 10. 集体名词, 如: family ,crowd ,class ,team ,audience ,committee ,club, group ,enemy ,

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