当前位置:文档之家› 九年级英语起点考试试卷笔试部分






( )26. –You shouldn’t wait here, _______you can go and ask Jim why. –OK, I’ll do that.

A at the beginning

B in the end

C at first

D at least

( )27.- What a pity! I miss a chance. - When another chance______ next time, you can take it.

A comes along

B gets along

C takes along

D runs along

( )28. - The bus is going so slowly! - Yes. There is usually a lot of _____ at this time of day.

A buses

B taxis

C people

D traffic

( )29. – Do you mind if I stay here a little longer? - ____.

A No, you can’t

B Yes, you may

C Certainly not

D Yes, not at all

( )30. -How long has his brother_______ the book? – For two weeks.

A kept

B bought

C lent

D borrowed

( )31. -_______fish, we eat meat, vegetables and so on. –Yes, it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.

A Except

B Besides

C Between

D Among

( )32. – I have learnt _______twenty English songs. – Really? You are great.

A a few

B many

C more

D another

( )33.- _______. – Well, on Saturday morning, I played volleyball on the beach.

A How was your weekends?

B Where did you go last weekend?

C What did you do last weekend?

D When did you start your weekend?

( )34. – Can you_______ English with me? – Certainly, with pleasure.

A help

B say

C talk

D practice

( )35. – If you fall into trouble, please let me know. -_______.

A I will think it over

B I will never fall into trouble

C I will. It’s very kind of you

D I’m very happy to hear that

( )36. – Is _______here? – No, Jim is away.

A anybody

B somebody

C everybody

D nobody

( )37. – which about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? – I do that sometimes. I think it _______.

A cares

B improves

C helps

D matters

( )38. I’m just asking for your_______ answer to the question how we can learn more English.

A clear

B special

C full

D specific

( )39. –You can’t walk or even speak. Does it worry you much? –it’s not a problem. It’s a challenge. I just enjoy_______ it.

A changing

B solving

C facing

D forgetting

( )40. –On weekends, I usually play computer games all day. –Don’t _______ time on such silly things.

A take

B put

C add

D waste

三. 完形填空(本题共15分,每小题1分)

Robby was 11 years old when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I (41) that students begin at an earlier age, which I explaine d to Robby, but Robby said that it had been his mother’s (42) to hear him play the piano. So I took him as a student.

Although Robby tried very hard, he didn’t have the basic sense of music. However, he continued and at the end of each weekly (43) he would always say, “My mom’s going to hear me play some day.” But it seemed (44). He just did not have any inborn(天生的) ability.

I only knew his mother from a distance as she dropped Robby off or waited in her old car to (45) him up. She always waved and smiled but never visited my class. Then one day Robby (46) coming to our lessons. He telephoned me and said his mother was (47).

Several weeks later I was preparing my students for the music show (48) Robby came and asked me if he could be in it. “Miss Hondorf… I’ve just got to (49)!” He said.

The night for the show came. The high school gym was (50) with parents, friends and relatives. The show went off well. Then Robby came up on stage. I was (51) when he said that he had chosen Mozart’s Concerto No. 21 in C Major. I was not (52) what I heard next. His fingers were light on the keys. He played so (53) that everyone rose to applaud(为……鼓掌) him. In tears I ran up on stage, “Oh, Robby! How’d you do it?”

“Well Miss Hondorf… I kept on (54) at home. Remember I told you m y mom was sick? Well, in fact she had cancer and passed away this morning. And well…she was born deaf, so tonight was the (55) time she ever heard me play…”

( )41. A. prefer B. image C. suppose D. wish

( )42. A. plan B. idea C. need D. dream

( )43. A. meeting B. lesson C. test D. show

( )44. A. successful B. useless C. wonderful D. hopeless

( )45. A. pick B. put C. take D. hold

( )46. A. finished B. broke C. stopped D. ended

( )47. A. tired B. sick C. deaf D. unhappy

( )48. A. as B. since C. while D. when

( )49. A. succeed B. learn C. play D. listen

( )50. A. seated B. filled C. held D. mixed

( )51. A. surprised B. certain C. disappointed D. angry

( )52. A. pleased with B. interested in C. excited for D. ready for

( )53. A. carefully B. hard C. differently D. wonderfully

( )54. A. practising B. listening C. training D. learning

( )55. A. best B. last C. worst D. first



“Class, tomorrow I want you to bring a cup of macaroni(通心粉) for our craft class, OK?" I was afraid of the next day because I knew we had no macaroni at home. Living in an alcoholic environment, we never had too much of anything except beer bottles.

I went home after school. Where could I find macaroni? I knew that the local bottle shop gave ten cents for a beer bottle, so I decided to sell some bottles to get money for macaroni.

I started collecting the bottles and sold them. I got eighty cents. Although I did my best, I still had no macaroni for my craft class.

"Weren’t you listening when I asked you to bring it, John?" my teacher asked.

I was embarrassed(尴尬). I didn’t know w hat to say and other children started laughing. Then a little girl, Rosalyn, who sat beside me, turned to me and said, "You can have some of mine.” She gave a bag of macaroni to me. The kindness in her eyes made me start to cry and I ran out of the room in shame.

I never took her macaroni or thanked her for her bag of kindness. However, I often think about Rosalyn and the way she turned to save me that day. Once, anger and hurt were always full of my life. I kept kind people like Rosalyn away, but after that class, I changed my attitude. I thanked all the people like Rosalyn that made this world a better place to live in.

( )56. The teacher asked the students to bring macaroni(通心粉) to school for their class.

A craft

B art

C environment

D English

( )57.The writer was afraid of the next day because .

A his family had run out of macaroni

B he found no macaroni in the shop

C he didn’t know where to buy macaroni

D he didn’t have enough money for macaroni

( )58. The underlined words alcoholic environment mean in the text.

A a family full of drinks

B a family without love

C a quite poor place

D a quite dirty place

( )59. I felt when e teacher asked me for macaroni.

A excited

B angry

C hurt

D embarrassed

( )60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A I began to hate Rosalyn after that class.

B I sold some bottles and got enough money for macaroni.

C I never took Rosalyn’s macaroni but I thanked her for he r kindness.

D I changed my attitude and thanked the people that kind made this world better.


Guitar Player Wanted

Are you a lover of music? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing or dance? Welcome

to our Sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike at 5487-6598 or send an e-mail to


Hot Club

Do you like to play table tennis? Do you want to play it well? Mr. Zhang is a good

teacher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30.


Address: Room 105, Lantian Hotel

Swimmer Wanted

Can you swim? Do you like children? Can you teach them to swim on Sundays? Come

and join us. Call Joe at 8472-9999 for more information.

Summer Job

Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Would you like to work

for a magazine? Then come and work as a reporter. Please call Karen at 5561-8823.

( )61.If you want to join the Sunshine Rock Band, you should play the well.

A. piano

B. guitar

C. drum

D. violin

( )62.Who can teach you to play table tennis?

A. Mike.

B. Joe.

C. Mr. Zhang.

D. Karen.

( )63.You want to learn to play table tennis. Then you can go to Lantian Hotel on .

A. Fridays

B. Saturdays

C. Sundays

D. Mondays

( )64.You want to teach children to swim. Then you can call .

A. 5487-6598

B. 8665-7868

C. 8472-9999

D. 5561-8823

( )65.The ads(广告)above may be from .

A. a newspaper

B. a storybook

C. a science book

D. a guidebook


She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. No way could I have sent her away. No way, not me anyway. Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before. "We're moving house. " "No space for her any more with the baby coming. " "We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? She was a present. " People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning(抛弃)an animal .And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen.

I called her Goldie. If I hand known what was going to happen I would have given her a better name. She was so homeless during these first few days. She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her. There was nothing I could do to make her happy, it seemed. Heaven knows what had happened to her before. But at last at the end of the first week she calmed down. Always by my side, whether we were out on one of our long walks or sitting by the fire.

That’s why it was such a surprise when she pulled away from me one day when we were out for a walk. We were a long way from hom e, when she started barking and getting very restless. At last I couldn’t hold her any longer and she ran off down the road towards a farmhouse as fast as she could.

By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and upset with Goldie. But when I saw her licking(舔) the four puppies(幼犬) I started to feel warm in heart. “We didn’t know what had happened to her,” said the woman at the door. “I took her for a walk one day, soon after the puppies were born, and she just disappeared.” “She must have tried to com e back to them and got lost,” added a boy from behind her.

I must say I do miss Goldie, but I’ve got Nugget now, that is a good lesson: not to judge people, and she looks just like her mother.

( )66. It’s clear that __________.

A. Goldie was abandoned for no reason

B. the writer liked Goldie because it was beautiful

C. Goldie was loved by her owner

D. Goldie didn’t like a walk with her owner

( )67.In her first few days at the writer’s house, Goldie________.

A. felt worried

B. was angry

C. ate a little

D. found her way to her old home

( )68. Goldie rushed off to a farmhouse one day because she_________.

A. saw her puppies

B. heard puppies’ barkings

C. wanted to leave the writer

D. found her way to her old home

( )69. The underlined word Nugget is closed in meaning to__________.

A. a kind mother

B. a good lesson

C. a lovely boy

D.an interesting experience

( )70. The best title for the passage may be__________.

A. Goldie’s Secret

B. A Mother’s love

C. A Surprising Walk

D.Loving a nimals



Miss / started / stay / hardly / just / realize

My biggest problem is that I’m too busy. When I was young , I used to have so much time, but these day I get up early and( 71) in school all day. Then I go right home and eat dinner. Before I (72) high school, I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but I (73) don’t have time any more. In the evening, I used to watch TV or chat with my grandmother, but now I have to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to concerts. These days, I (74) ever have time for concerts. I do my homework and go to bed. I really (75) the old days.

71.______ 72._____ 73.______ 74._______ 75.______



Mr. and Mrs. Jones’ flat was full of boxes, small and large, trucks and furniture. The two of them were busy with pencils and paper, checking the l(76) of luggage when there was ring at the door. Mrs. Jones went to open it, and saw a well-dressed middle-aged lady outside. The lady said that she had come to w (77) them to their home.

Mr. Jones i (78) her in.

“I hope you’ll e (79) us for all this mess,” said Mrs. Jones. “We’re trying…”

“Oh, that’s quite all right.” said the lady. “Do you know, in some p (80) of this town neighbors are not at all friendly. There are some streets-where people don’t know their neighbors-not even their next-door o (81) . But in this building, everybody is a friend with eve rybody else. We are one big, happy family. I’m sure you’ll be happy here.”

The lady was greatly s (82) when she visited the flat the next time, because she found a quite d (83) man and woman in it. Mr. and Mrs. Jones had not the h (84) to tell her that they were not the new owners of the flat, but the old owners, who had lived beside her for two years. All this time she hand never visited them or even n (85) them who were her next-door neighbors.

76. l_________ 77.w_______ 78.i_________ 79.e_________ 80.p_________

81.o_________ 82.s________ 83.d________ 84.h_________ 85.n_________









2.词数60-80.参考词汇文明的civilized ;遵守obey


单项选择专练11 【课时安排】 1课时 【精炼反馈】 1. Daming is back ________China with his family. A: to B: in C: at 2. I bought a book__________ you. A: to B: in C: for 3. It _________interesting . A: looks B: look C: looking 4. It is for_________ baseball. A: playing B: plays C: played 5. Who gave it ________you. A: to B: in C: at 6. Russia sent the first animal __________space. A: to B: in C:into 7.In October __________,ShenzhouⅤflew into space with Yang Liwei . A: 2002 B: 2013 C: 2003 8. He was very proud ________him A:of B: in C: at 9. Helen Keller was born ________America ______1880 A: to in B: in in C: at in 10. She couldn’t see_______ she couldn’t hear. A: or B: and C: but 11. Later she learned _______read A: to B: in C: at 12. She wrote a book about_________. A: herself B: her C: she


外研社三年级起点小学英语单词汇总 第一册MOUDLE 1hello (hi) 你好I am (I’m) 我是goodbye(bye-bye) 再见good morning 早上好How are you? 你好吗fine(身体)很好thank you 谢谢and 和MODULE 2too 也boy 男孩girl 女孩Ms. 女士good afternoon 下午好Mr. 先生what 什么your 你的name 名字MODULE 3 a 一个panda 熊猫now 现在it is(it’s )它是red 红的blue 蓝的yellow 黄的green 绿的black 黑的dog 狗desk 书桌chair 椅子orange 橘黄色的MODULE 4 how many 多少个?one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十cap 帽子hand 手cat 猫MODULE 5 stand up 起立point to 指向door 门window 窗户sit down 坐下bird 鸟eleven 十一welve 十二MODULE 6 pupil 小学生this 这个my 我的school 学校classroom 教室English 英语teacher 教师that 那个bag 书包pencil 铅笔pen 钢笔book 书MODULE 7happy birthday生日快乐head 头to 给…… on 在……上面under 在……下面hat 帽子where 那里in 在……里面cake 蛋糕here 这里present 礼物MODULE 8today 今天how old 多大know 知道no 不,不是dragon 龙yes 是的help 帮助kite 风筝look 看MODULE 9mother 母亲father 父亲doctor 医生grandpa 祖父,外祖父grandma 祖母,外祖母sister 姐妹me 我(宾格)brother 兄弟driver 司机policeman 警察armer 农民nurse 护士he 他she 她MODULE 10arm 手臂leg 腿foot(feet) 脚these这些


英语三年级起点测试题 1 。Let’s ( choose )选择the best picture for her. 2. I often ( tidy ) 整理my room. 3. My sister often( tidies )整理her ( bookshelf ) 书架 4. The UN wants to make ( peace )和平in the ( world )世界 5. ( Kangaroos) 袋鼠like jumping . 6. I’m ( thirsty )口渴, I want something to drink . 7. I didn’t ( bring ) 带来any drinks . 8. It’s fun to drink this ( way )方式.Please stand in a ( line) 队at the bus station . 18. My father bought a (special) ( 特殊的) present for me . 19. The birds are singing . Can you (hear) ( 听见) 20 . Nation Day is __nearly_( 差不多) here , I am going to go to Dalian on Nation Day . 21. Families are ( together ) 一起。 22. My mother gave me some ( presents ) 礼物。 23. ( pleased) 高兴to meet you . 24. Here is her ( address ) 地址。 25. Do you want to be my ( pen pal)笔友? 26. Amy is very ( pretty) 美丽. 27 . I have a ( foreign ) 外国的teacher . 2. There are three ( million )百万people in this city . 5. There are lots of tall (buildings )建筑物. 6. Tell me about this ( place) 地方。 7 .The clock is fifty ( metres)米high 8. I had a big (surprise )惊奇yesterday . 12. There were Chinese people ( everywhere) 到处。 13. He has got many ( stamps ) 邮票。 14. He is putting his ( stamps ) 邮票into his ( album ) 集邮册。 15 。I like( collecting ) 收集( stamps) 邮票。 16. He is from ( Canada ) 加拿大.He is ( Canadian)加拿大人。 17. We can see some ( coconut) 椰子trees .。 1. It’s ten ( thousand )千( kilometres )公里 3. The moon is ( millions ) 百万of years old . 4. ( Thousands ) 千of people built this ( building) 建筑物 9. The food was (different )( from ) 不同于Chinese food . 10 . I saw Chinese ( dancing ) 舞蹈last ( weekend )周末。 11. There were lots of Chinese ( restaurants ) 饭馆。 12. ( Chopsticks) are ( difficult) ( for) her . 13. Beijng is a big ( city) 14. I can ( answer0 your ( questions) 15. Our school ( finishes ) at 4 o’clock . 16. Panadas love ( bamboo) 17. The snake is ( copying) the flute . 18. A (child ) sleeps for eight hours . 19. A fox is ( awake) at night .


外研版三年级起点三年级英语下册 一;单词归类 《一》;物品类 1; toy 玩具 2; doll 洋娃娃 3; kite 风筝 4; box 盒子 5; book 书 电脑游戏 《二》;交通工具 1; ship 轮船 2; car 小车 3; bike 自行车 4; bus 公共汽车 《三》;动物类 1; monkey 猴子 2; tiger 老虎 3; lion 狮子 4; an elephant 一头大象 5; panda 熊猫 6; cat 小猫 7; dog 狗 《四》;指高矮胖瘦大小的形容词 1; tall 高的 2; short 矮的 3; fat 胖的 4; thin 瘦的 5; big 大的 6; small 小的 《五》;食品类 1; rice 米饭 2; meat 肉 3; noodles 面条 4; fish鱼肉 5; milk 牛奶 6; peanut 花生 7; sweet 糖果 《六》;水果类 1; pear 梨子 2; banana 香蕉 3; an orange 一个桔子 4; an apple 一个苹果 《七》;功课类 1; Chinese 语文;汉语 2; math 数学 3; English 英语 4; music 音乐 5; art 拳术 6; P;E;体育7; Science 科学 《八》;一年四季 1; spring 春天 2; summer 夏天 3; autumn 秋天 4; winter 冬天 《九》;指天气的形容词 1; warm 暖和的 2; hot 炎热的 3; cool 凉爽的 4; cold 寒冷的 5; sunny 阳光充足的 6; windy 有风的 《十》;节日类 1; Spring Festival 春节 2; New Year 新年 3; Christmas 圣诞节 4; Christmas tree 圣诞树 5; Happy Spring Festival;春节快乐 6; Happy New Year;新年快乐 7; Happy Christmas;圣诞快乐 8; Merry Christmas;圣诞快乐 9;Happy birthday to you;生日快乐 《十一》;衣物类 1; dress 裙子 2; coat 外套 3; sweater 毛衣 4; T-shirt T 恤衫 《十二》;运动 1; football 足球 2; basketball 篮球 3; table tennis 乒乓球 4; morning exercises 早操 5; riding bikes 骑自行车 6; skipping 跳绳 7; swimming 游泳 《十三》;表整点的时间 1; at four o’clock 在四点钟 2; at five o’clock 在五点钟 3; at nine o’clock 在九点钟 《十四》;表半点的时间 1; half past one 一点半 2; half past six 六点半 3; half past eight 八点半 《十五》;动词短语 1; get up 起床 2; go to school 上学 3; go home 回家 4; go to bed 上床睡觉 5; go swimming 去游泳 6; go fishing 去钓鱼 7; go to work 去上班 8; watch TV看电视 9; have breakfast 吃早饭 10; have lunch 吃午餐 11; have dinner 吃晚饭 12; play basketball 打篮球 13; play football 踢足球 14; play table tennis 打乒乓球 15; look at 看;;;;;;16; fly kites 放风筝 17; sing songs 唱歌 18; swim 游泳 19; walk 步行 20; sleep 睡觉 21; have music 上音乐课 《十六》;乘交通工具的介词短语


小升初英语总复习——词汇句型语法词汇篇 三年级到六年级词汇

六年级英语总复习-词语归类 一、写出完全形式。 1.w h o's w h o i s 2.s h e's s h e i s 3.h e's h e i s 4.w h a t's w h a t i s 5.w h e r e’s w h e r e i s 6.w e'r e w e a r e 7.yo u'r e yo u a r e 8.t h a t's t h a t i s 9.I'm I a m10.i s n't i s n ot11.a r e n't a r e n ot12.t h e y'r e t h e y a r e 13.don't do not 14.let's let us 15. can’t can not 16. it's it is 17. I’ve I have 18. I’d I would 19. hasn’t has not 二、写出下列单词的复数形式。 1.b u s b u s e s 2.b o x b o x e s 3.g l a s s g l a s s e s 4.c l a s s c l a s s e s 5.w a t c h w a t c h e s 6.m a n g o m a n g o e s 7.f i r e f l y f i r e f l i e s 8.s h e e p s h e e p 9.p e o p l e p e o p l e10.m a n m e n11.w o m a n w o m e n12.a p p l e a p p l e s 13.f a m i l y f a m i l i e s14.l i b r a r y l i b r a r i e s15.b a b y b a b i e s16.b o y b o y s 17.toy toys 18.child children 19.foot feet 20.strawberry strawberries 21.horse horse 22.policeman policemen 23.dress dresses 24. fish fish 25.tooth teeth 26.country countries 27. foot feet 28.dragonfly dragonflies 29.me us 30.building buildings 31. cloth clothes 32. this these 33. that those 34.circle circles 35.story stories 三、反义词或对应词。 1.s a m e d i f f e r e n t 2.n e w o l d 3.o l d y o u n g 4.s h o r t l o n g 5.b i g s m a l l 6.t a l l s h o r t 7.y e s n o 8.o p e n c l o s e 9.h o t c o l d10.h e r e t h e r e11.s i t s t a n d12.u p d o w n 13.t h i n f a t14.f a t h e r m o t h e r15.r i g h t w r o n g16.b l a c k w h i t e 17.t h i s t h a t18.t h e s e t h o s e19.b o y g i r l20.g r a n d f a t h e r g r a n d m o t h e r 21.m a n w o m a n22.h u s b a n d w i f e23.a u n t u n c l e24.b r o t h e r s i s t e r 25. he she 26. left right 27. go come 28. nurse doctor


PEP小学英语单词总汇 PEP英语三年级(上册)三会单词 Unit 1 pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔pencil-case 铅笔盒ruler 尺子eraser 橡皮crayon 蜡笔book 书bag 书包sharpener 卷笔刀school 学校 Unit 2 head 头face 脸nose 鼻子mouth 嘴eye 眼睛ear 耳朵arm 胳膊finger 手指leg腿foot 脚body 身体 Unit3 red 红色的yellow 黄色的green 绿色的blue 蓝色的purple 紫色的white 白色的black 黑色的orange 橙色的pink 粉色的brown 棕色的Unit 4 cat 猫dog 狗monkey 猴子panda 熊猫rabbit 兔子duck 鸭子pig 猪bird 鸟bear 熊elephant 大象mouse 老鼠squirrel 松鼠 Unit 5 cake 蛋糕bread 面包hot dog 热狗hamburger 汉堡包chicken 鸡肉French fries 榨薯条Coke 可乐juice 果汁milk 牛奶water 水tea 茶coffee 咖啡 Unit 6 one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十doll 玩具娃娃boat 小船ball 球kite 风筝 balloon 气球car 小汽车plane 飞机 PEP英语三年级(下册)三会单词 Unit 1 boy 男孩girl 女孩teacher 教师student 学生this 这个my 我的friend 朋友I’m=I am 我是nice 好的;愉快的good morning 早上好good afternoon 下午好meet 遇见;碰见goodbye 再见too 也;太Unit 2 father 父亲;爸爸dad 爸爸(口语)mother 母亲;妈妈mom 妈妈(口语)man男人woman 女人grandmother (外)祖母 grandma (口语)(外)祖母grandfather (外)祖父 grandpa (口语)(外)祖父sister 姐妹brother 兄弟


人教版PEP六年级上册(三年级起点)英语 Unit 3 What are you going to do? 第三课时 一、教学内容: 人教版PEP六年级上册(三年级起点) Unit 3 教案第三课时 (共6课时) 二、教学目标: 语言知识:1、学生能够读懂let’s read 中的段路,并根据段落内容写出Lin Yun’s weekend plan。 2、认读音标:︱A:︳︱?︱︱T︱︱?︱︱M︱︱ν︱︱N︱,并掌握 相关音标的发音要领。 3、了解Good to know的内容。 语言技能:学生能够根据段落内容陈述自己的周末活动安排。 学习策略:让学生积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,感受自我价值,体验成功的喜悦。 情感态度:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生乐于参与,勇于进行交际实践。 文化意识:了解书籍的演变过程,体验祖国悠久的文化历史,培养学生的爱国热情。 三、学情分析: 学生学习英语的兴趣较浓,但在课堂上由于担心出现错误而不敢大胆发言,口 语表达能力一般,因此没有良好的英语学习习惯。但书写习惯较好,有学好英语的 愿望,有很大的发展空间。 四、教学重难点分析: 1.本课时的教学重点是阅读段落并根据段落内容进行第三人称的转述,掌 握第三人称时be going to句型的用法。 2.本课时的教学难点是转述时第一人称与第三人称的人称代词的变换。 五、教具准备 1.教师准备若干张表格(形式见教学过程说明)。 2.师生准备第1、2课时中出现过的图片(read a magazine , go to the cinema, take a trip, theme park, the Great Wall) 3. 投影仪(呈现音标) 六、教学过程: Ⅰ.热身(Warm-up) (1)师生问好 T:Good morning, everyone! Ss:Good morning, Miss Zhang! T: How are you today?


仿写例句专练1 【课时安排】 1课时 【精炼反馈】 一、模仿例句写句子 例句:The cow / run The cow is running. 1. The sun / shine _____________________________________________________________ 2. The ducks / swim on the pond____________________________________________________ 3. The boys/ look at the ducks .___________________________________________________ 4. The birds/ sing._______________________________________________________________ 5. The birds / fly away/_____________________________________________________ 6. The ducks / eat their sandwiches ____________________________________________ 二、模仿例句写句子 例句:The cow / run The cow is going to run. 1. Daming/ go swimming_____________________________________________________ 2 .She /watch TV____________________________________________________ 3. The boys/ look at the ducks .___________________________________________________


三年级起点英语单词(下册)义务教育教科书 Unit1 Uk英国 canada加拿大 USA美国 china中国 she她 student 学生 pupil学生;(尤指)小学生 he她 teacher教师 boy男孩and与;与 girl女孩 new新的 friend朋友 today今天 Unit2 Father父亲;爸爸 dad爸爸(口语) man男人 woman女人 mother 母亲;妈妈 sister姐;妹 brother 兄;弟 grandmother(外)祖母grandma(口语)(外)祖母 grandfather(外)祖父 family家;家庭Unit3 Thin瘦的 fat胖的 tall高的 short矮的 ;短的 long长的small小的big大的giraffe长颈鹿so这么;那么children(child的复数)儿童 tail尾巴 Unit4 On在…上 in在…里 under在…下面 chair椅子 desk书桌cap帽子 ball球 car小汽车 boat小船 map地图 toy玩具Box 盒;箱 Unit5 Pear梨 apple苹果 orange橙子 banana香蕉 watermelon西瓜strawberry草莓 grape葡萄 buy 买 fruit水果 Unit6 Eleven十一twelve十二thirteen十三fourteen十四

fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen十八nineteen十九 twenty二十 kite风筝 beautiful美丽的 常用表达法 Unit1 Welcome!欢迎! Where are you from?您就是哪里人? I'm from the UK。我就是英国人。 Unit2 Who's that man?哪位男士就是谁? He's my father。她就是我爸爸。 Who's that woman?那个女士就是谁? She's my mother。她就是我妈妈。 Is she your mother?她就是您妈妈不? Yes,she is。就是的,她就是。 Is he your father?她就是您爸爸不? No,he isn't。不,她不就是。 Unit3 It's so tall!她好高啊! Come here,children!到这里来,孩子们! It has a long nose。它有长鼻子。 It has small eyes and big ears。她有小眼睛与大耳朵。 Unit4


北师大版(三年级起点)英语2020年小升初模拟卷(四) 一、单项选择 1.一How tall are you?—I'm 1. 6 . A. cm B. meter C. meters 2.I've got black ____. A. coat B. trousers C. T-shirt 3.Let's table tennis . A. plays B. playing C. play 4.There ________ too many pictures here. A. be B. are C. is 5.桌子上有很多的尺子。 A. There are many rulers on the table. B. There are many books on the table. 6.I want to go to the US ________. A. once upon a time B. long long ago C. one day 7.Look! Miss Fang's got _______ sunglasses. A. a pocket of B. a pair of C. a bottle of 8.It __________ apples and bananas. A. like B. likes C. don't like 9.There no time to have breakfast. A. has B. is C. are 二、词汇。(根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。) 10.March, April and ________ are in spring. 11.Four m________ are under the tree. 12.写出下列单词的相应形式。 (1)I(宾格)________ (2)he(宾格)________ (3)she(宾格)________ (4)we(宾格)________ (5)they(宾格)________ (6)you(宾格)________ 13.Mrs. Liu ________ ________ flowers. The flowers are her daughter's favourite things. 14.—Can Linda ________ (swim) well?—Yes, of course. 15.Sam ________(bring) a lot of bananas to the monkeys yesterday. 16.It was ________(sun) in the morning. 三、口语交际。从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。 17.读一读,选择恰当的句子补全对话。



小学英语语法总结 一、时态小结 凡是在must, mustn’t, can, can’t, let’s, don’t, may,will后的一定要用动词的原形

二、名词的复数。 名词按其数,可分两种:可数名词和不可数名词. 可数名词的复数变化规则: 1. 一般情况下,直接在词尾加-s, 如:girl-girls, book-books, pen-pens 2. 以s,x,sh,ch结尾的词,在词后加-es, 如:class-classes, box-boxes, match-matches, 3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y 为i 再加-es, 如:city-cities, family-families, country- countries 4. 以f或fe结尾的,变f或fe为v再加-es, 如:knife-knives, wife-wives, life-lives, 5. 以o 结尾的加-es或-s, 如: radio-radios, tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, zoo-zoos, photo-photos, 6. man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, child-children, 三、形容词的比较级、最高级。 形容词有比较级与最高级之分, 单音节词的变化规则: 1. 一般情况下,直接在词尾加-er或-est, 如:small-smaller-smallest, short-shorter-shortest 2. 以e结尾的,加-er或-est, 如:large-larger-largest, nice-nicer-nicest. 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的, 变y 为i 再加-er或-est, 如:busy-busier-busiest, heavy-heavier-heaviest. 4. 以重读闭音节,一个辅音字母结尾的,双写该字母,再加-er或-est, 如:big- bigger-biggest, thin-thinner-thinnest. 5. 多音节的词,前加more, most, 如: beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful. 6. good-better-best 四、be 动词,助动词。 现阶段be动词形式有: am, is, are, were, was, isn’t, aren’t, weren’t, wasn’t 助动词形式有: do, does, did, don’t, doesn’t, didn’t ※ 1. 在英语句子中进行变化的时候, 有be动词的就在be动词上变化,变 “过去”, “否定”; 否 定 过去否定 am-------am not(第一人称“I” ) am, is ------ was ---- ----- wasn’t


三年级上册英语第一单元《Hello》课文翻译人教(新版)Hello! I'm Zoom. 您好!我是祖姆。Hello, I'm Mike. 你好,我是迈克。 Hi, I'm Wu yifan. 你好,我是吴一凡。Hi! My name's Zip. 你好!我的名字是次波。 Goodbye! 再见! Bye, Miss White ! 再见,怀特小姐!Hello,I'm Chen Jie. 嗨,你好,我叫洁。 What's your name? 你叫什么名字? My name's Sarah. 我叫莎拉。 Hello, I'm Miss White. 你好,我是怀特小姐。 Hello, I'm Wu yifan. 你好,我是吴一凡。Hi, I'm Sarah. 你好!我是莎拉。 Hello, I'm Liu Xin. 你好!我是欣。Hi, I'm John. 嗨,我是约翰。 I have a ruler. 我有一把尺子。 I have a ruler. Me too ! 我有一支尺子。我也是! I have a pencil. Me too ! 我有一支铅笔。我也是!

I have a crayon. Me too ! 我有一支蜡笔。我也是! I have an eraser. Me too ! 我有一块橡皮。我也是! Hello, I'm Mike. 你好,我是迈克。 What's your name? 你叫什么名字? My name's John. 我是约翰。Goodbye! 再见! Bye, Miss White ! 再见,怀特小姐! What's your name? 你叫什么名字?My name's Lily. 我的名字是莉莉。Oh, no! 哦,不! Zoom! your bag! 祖姆!你的包! Open your pencil box. 打开你的铅笔盒。 Show me your pen. 让我看看你的钢笔。 Close your book. 把书合上。 Carry your bag. 携带你的包。 Hello! 您好! Hi! Who's there? 你好!谁在那里? Guess! 猜! Are you Tutu? 你是图图?


小学三年级起点英语第二册 Modulel Alphabet Unit 1It’s the ABC Song 教学目的与要求: 1、知识技能目标: 能听说读写26个英文字母。能正确识别印刷体、手写体大小写字母。 2、情感、文化目标: 对学生进行爱国主义教育,培养学生养成良好的学习习惯。 重点、难点: 1、听说读写26个英文字母。 2、掌握字母书写规范,正确辨认大小写及印刷体与手写体。 课前准备: 头饰,录音机,字母卡片,单词缩写挂图,英、美、中国国旗、奖品等。 板书设计: The Alphabet字母表 A a B b Cc D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 教学步骤: 一、复习 (一)问候 Sing“Good morning”song and“How are you?” (二)自由会话(D—David,让学生做小先生,以下为David与同学们的对话) Dialogue 1: T:Good moring, what’s your name ? D:Hello,my name is David.D-a-v-i-d.(同时书空)I'm 12.Glad to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you. D:This is Miss Wang,my English teacher. T:Glad to meet you.

Ss:Nice to meet you. Dialogue 2: D:Look,What's this in English? S1:A cat. D:Spell it,please. S1:Yes,c-a-t,cat. D:What colour is it? S2:Black. Dislogue 4: D:Let's count from 1 to 20,OK? Ss:OK. (Boys 1,3,5…Girls 2,4,6… Clap hands from 1 to 10.Stamp feet from 11 to 20.)(拍手跺脚数数) Dialogue 5: D:Let's sing the song“I can say my ABC.” Ss:OK!(Listen to the tape and sing the song.) 二、新授 (一)按字母表顺序听说读写26个字母。 1.教师在黑板上写Module 1,挂上字母表,让学生逐个认读字母。 2.让1号到26号学生起立并出示他们的头饰从A到Z,然后对学生说Let's count from 1 to 20.全班看着一个个字母用英文数数。 3.高低声朗读(Read the alphabet in a low voice then recite in a loud voice.) 4.书写字母Listen and show the cards of letters:Bb Dd Ff Gg Jj Qq Nn Rr Un Ww Mm Xx Yy Tt. 5.找朋友游戏:带头饰的同学走到教室前说出字母之后将头饰传给别的没有头饰的同学(Play a game of looking for friends.For example,B:A-B-C.Then say G:F-G-H,J:I-J-K,Q:P-Q-R,W:V-W-X.) 6.听歌曲,默写字母接力赛,发给每组一张四线格纸,每组学生按字母顺序一人写一个,看哪组写得又快又好,获胜者得红旗。 (二)学习单词缩写 1.有些单词可以用他们的缩写形式来写,醒目易懂;


人教版小学英语·三年级上册·单词表 Unit 1 pen[pen]钢笔 pencil['pens?l]铅笔 pencil-case['pens?lkeis]铅笔盒 ruler['ru:l?]尺子 eraser[i'reiz?]橡皮 crayon['krei?n]蜡笔 book[buk]书 bag[b?ɡ]书包 sharpener['?ɑ:p?n?]卷笔刀 school[sku:l]学校 Unit 2 head[hed] 头 face[feis] 脸 nose[n?uz] 鼻子 mouth]mauθ]嘴 eye[ai]眼睛 ear[i?]耳朵 arm[ɑ:m] 胳膊 finger['fi?ɡ?] 手指 leg[leɡ]腿 foot[fut]脚 body['b?di]身体 Unit 3 red[red]红色的yellow['jel?u]黄色的 green[ɡri:n]绿色的 blue[blu:]蓝色的 purple['p?:pl] 紫色的 white[hwait] 白色的 black[bl?k]黑色的 orange['?rind?] 橙色的 pink[pi?k]粉色的 brown[braun]棕色的 Unit 4 cat[k?t] 猫 dog[d?ɡ, d?:ɡ]狗 monkey['m??ki]猴子 panda['p?nd?]熊猫 rabbit['r?bit]兔子 duck d?k] 鸭子 pig[piɡ]猪 bird[b?:d]鸟 bear[bε?]熊 elephant ['elif?nt]大象mouse]maus, mauz]老鼠squirrel['skw?:r?l] 松鼠 Unit 5 cake[keik] 蛋糕 bread[bred]面包 hot dog[h?t d?ɡ]热狗hamburger ['h?mb?:ɡ?]汉堡包


短句改错专练9 【课时安排】 1课时 【精炼反馈】 把有错的地方画出来,然后把正确的写在横线上。 1. I want to some hot dogs.____________ 2. I want eat an apple.___________ 3. It’s thirteen dollar.____________ 4. It’s thirteen yuans.____________ 5. when are you going to eat? In twelve.___________ 6. It is rain now._____________ 7. Let’s going under the tree.___________ 8. It ‘s going to windy.____________ 9. It will is windy.___________ 10. We are looking some ducks.___________ 11. The sun is shining.__________ 12. Children are jumping in the water.__________ 13. She is buying things to your birthday.__________ 14. Who gave it for you._________ 15. Tha apples are falling from the stairs.__________ 16. The dalloons are fly away.________ 17. He is playing trumpet, but the phone is ringing.__________ 18. He is playing the football now.__________ 19. My father and I is going to go to the park.__________ 20. It look interesting.__________ 21. He is proud with his father._______________ 22. He flew in Beijing.__________ 23. We spend three hours last night._________ 24. She wrote a book about her.________

三年级起点 英语三年级上册 单词表(带音标)

Unit 1 hello[h?'l?u]你好 I[ai] 我(主格) Miss [m?s]小姐 Unit 2 Mr ['m?st?(r)]先生 Mrs ['m?s?z]夫人 are [ɑ:(r)]是 fine [fa?n]好的goodbye [?g?d?ba?]再见hi [ha?]你好 thank [θ??k]谢谢 you [ju]你,你们 Unit 3 boy [b??]男孩 girl [g?:l]女孩 am [?m]是 no[n??]不 not [n?t]不 yes [jes]是Unit 4 tall [t?:l]高的 short [??:t]矮的 fat [f?t]胖的 thin [θ?n]瘦的 friend [frend]朋友 he [hi]他 is [?z]是 my [ma?]我的 she [?i]她 this [e?s]这个 Unit 5 father ['fɑ:e?]父亲 mother[?m?e?(r)]母 亲 brother [?br?e?(r)] 兄弟 sister [?s?st?(r)]姐妹 me [mi]我(宾格) beautiful [?bju:t?fl] 美丽的 who [hu:]谁 Unit 6 hair 头发 eye [a?]眼睛 ear [??(r)]耳朵 nose [n??z]鼻子 mouth [ma?θ]嘴 face [fe?s]脸 big [b?g]大的 long [l??]长的 look [l?k]看 small [sm?:l]小的 Unit 7 Blackboard[?bl?kb?:d]黑 板 door [d?:(r)]门 window [?w?nd??]窗 clean [kli:n]打扫 close [kl??z]关上

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