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高级英语lesson2Words and Expressions

Words and Expressions

1.mourn vt. to grieve over (someone who has died) 向(某人)哀悼[致哀]; 为(某事)哀痛
The whole nation mourned the death of a much-loved leader. 举国上下哀悼敬爱的领导人。

2. wail vt.to grieve or protest loudly and bitterly痛哭:大声并痛苦地抱怨或反对
The wind wailed through the trees. 风穿过树林发出似嚎叫的声音

3. appeal to finding attractive or interesting
These books are designed to appeal to children.
The idea of becoming director of the factory appealed to him.

4. corpse
corpse ticket 士兵佩的身牌(以便于死亡后辨认)
a walking corpse 骨瘦如柴的人

5. lump n.
1) an irregularly shaped mass or piece 块团:形状不规则的团或块
lump sugar 块糖
lump in (one's) throat
2) severe punishment or treatment惩罚
take one's lumps得到惩罚
get one's lumps 自食其果
lump v. to tolerate (what must be endured)忍受或习惯于:忍受(必须被容忍的)
like it or lump it. 不喜欢也得忍受它

6. identify: v. recognize; be able to name
Can you identify your umbrella among a hundred others?
Schoolboys could identify almost every car as it passed by.

7. literal
1)in a literal manner; word for word:
Translate the Greek passage literally.
2)(abbr. lit.) in a literal or strict sense:
Don't take my remarks literally.
3)really; actually:
There are people in the world who literally do not know how to boil water.
The children were literally starving. 孩子们的确是在挨饿。

8. flesh
1) He always folds his hands together and eats his own flesh. 整天偷懒
2) The landlady demanded her pound of flesh every day.无情地逼债
3) The very thought of the snake makes my flesh creep. 一想到就不寒而栗
4) All flesh must die. 人总有一死。
pick up/gain flesh
reduce/lose flesh
His flesh fell rapidly away 很快消瘦
5) She is much nicer in the flesh than in her photographs本人看上去要比照片上的好看(本人)
6) He tried his best to help them because they were his own flesh and blood. 亲骨肉
7) I want to help you, but the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。

9. undifferentiated
You can't differentiate one brown stuff from another, because they look just the same.
If they do have individuality, it is irrecognizable, just like insects, like bees.

10. regularity: n. a state or situation in which things happen repeatedly
There is no regularity about his work.
He makes the same stupid suggestion with great regularity.
His heart beats with the regularity of a clock pendulum.

11. sidle: to move sideways; to advance in an unobtrusive, furtive, or coy way
The maid sidled through the narrow doorway.
The swindlers sidled up to tourists but was caught on spot.

12. of a sort/of sorts: used when something is of a particular type but is not a very good example of it. 勉强称得上的

I taught myself to type and got a job of sorts. 我自学打字,找到了一份勉强过得去的工作。
sort of:used to say that something is partly true but does not describe the exact situation
I sort of like him, but I don’t know why. 我有点儿喜欢他,但不知道为什么。
---Were you disappointed? 你感到失望吗?
---Well, yes, sot of. But it didn’t matter really. 嗯,是的,有一点。不过没有什么关系。

13. stow to put, hide away in safe place
We stowed all the boxes in the attic.
Potatoes must be stowed in a cool dark place.
My jewellery is safely stowed away in the bank.
His baggage was safely stowed away in the plane.

14. sore-eye: eyes covered with sores from
1. malnutrition
2. lack of medical care
3. unhygienic condition malnutrition and lack of medical care
sore all over全身酸痛
in sore need. 极度需要
a sore subject 令人难堪窘迫的话题
sore news 使人痛心的消息
a sore grief 极度忧伤
A sore loser 一输就恼火的人
get sore over/about sth 因某事而脑火

15. infest: When insects, rats or other animals infest a plant, area, they spread in a large numbers and cover the area, usually causing damage.
fly-infested --- full of flies
The back yard was infested by rats.
warehouses infested with rats
streets infested with drugs.
clothes infested with lice
area infested with bandits

16. booth: a stall for selling goods
public telephone booth
an announcer booth广播员室
information booth问讯台
projection booth 放映室

17. prehistoric: ancient; out-of-date or old-fashioned
His ideas on morals are really prehistoric. (derog or humor)
Is Simon's prehistoric car still working?

18. warp: to cause to bend, curve, or twist out of shape
The hot sun warped the boards.
Some gramophone records warp in very hot weather.

19. frenzied adj. full of uncontrolled excitement
Will this push him too far and lead to a frenzied attack?
She was climbing now with a sort of frenzied haste.
a frenzied mob of over a thousand student
make frenzied efforts

20. clamour
1) (n.) a loud outcry; a hubbub; 大的叫喊声;嘈杂声
2) (n.) a vehement expression of discontent or protest 大声疾呼:对异议和抗议的强烈表示
a clamor in the press for pollution control
3) (v.) to exclaim insistently and noisily固执地、吵嚷地主张:
The representatives clamored their disapproval. 代表们吵嚷着不赞同
4) (v.) to make insistent demands or complaints坚持要求或抱怨
They clamored for tax reforms坚持要求税收改革
The protesters clamored the mayor into resigning. 强烈要求市长下台
21. somewhere
1) at, in, or to a place not specified or known某处, 到[在]某处 在附近; 大约(about)
go somewhere out of town到城外某处去
The troops have been sent to somewhere at the front. 部队被

2) approximately; roughly:
somewhere about five o'clock大约五点钟

22. nothing but :to emphasize how bad a quality or situation is 除了… 什么也不是
This car’s been nothing but trouble. 这辆汽车,除了添麻烦,什么用处也没有。
anything but: not at all 一点也不,根本不
Those receptionists are anything but helpful. 那些接待人员一点也不帮忙。

23. take in
1)to grant admittance to; receive as a guest or an employee. 让…进入,接纳,吸收:允许…进来;接受…为客人或雇员
2)to reduce in size; make smaller or shorter 收缩:在尺寸上减小;使…变小或为变短:
took in the waist on the pair of pants. 把裤子的腰身改小一些
3)to understand 理解:
couldn't take in the meaning of the word. 不能够理解这个词的含义
4)to deceive or swindle 欺骗,诱骗:
He was taken in by a confidence artist. 被一名骗人的行家给骗了
5)to look at thoroughly; view: 详尽地看;注视:
The American couple took in the sights. 饱览各个景色

24. wring (wrung)
 1) to twist, squeeze, or compress, especially so as to extract liquid. Often used with out绞,拧: 扭拧、压挤或压缩,尤指以此来挤出水分。常与out 连用
Wring the wet clothes.
I’ll wring your neck if you don’t do it.
The thief wrung out tears in an effort to get some sympathy.
2)to cause distress to; affect with painful emotion使痛苦:造成痛苦;使感情上遭受痛苦:
 a tale that wrings the heart. 使人痛心的故事
3)to obtain or extract by applying force or pressure迫取:施加压力或诉诸武力来取得:
 The police wrung the truth out of the recalcitrant witness.
 Wring a confession from the prisoner

25. desolate
1) barren; lifeless无人烟的, 荒凉的; 荒芜的
The forest was left desolate by the fire.
After the war the town was a desolate place.
The streets which were usually so thronged now grown desolate (Daniel Defoe)
He left the war-torn and desolate city.
2)sad, dreary; dismal and forlorn. 孤独的; 孤寂的; 凄凉的, 不幸的
If sb. is desolate, they feel very sad, lonely and without hope.

The old lady was desolated by her husband’s death.
She has been desolate since losing her job.
3)(v.) to lay waste; devastate使荒芜, 成废墟
The land was desolated by floods.
We were desolated by the death of our good friend.
The invading Nazi army desolated the European countries. 入侵的军队使那个国家饱受蹂躏。

26. cultivate: v.
1) till耕作, 种植
The land is cultivated with rice and cotton.
2) to form and refine, as by education培养, 养成
Gradually he cultivated a taste for music.
The students have cultivated a good habit of reading English in the morning.
3) make fr

iends with.交朋友
The Jews and Arabs tried to cultivate friendship with each other.
cultivation (n.)
1) Better cultivation of soil will result in better crops.
2) The cultivation of fish in ponds brings about wealth to the poor family.
3) bring new land under cultivation开垦荒地
4) intensive/extensive cultivation集约[粗放]耕作
5) cultivation of the mind修心养性
6) cultivation of good habits养成良好的习惯

27. register
1) a variety of language used in a specific social setting:在特定的社会背景中使用的各种语言
They speak in an informal register; write in a scientific register.
2) to set down in writing; record记录:写下;记下
It is for the historian to discover and register what actually happened (Robert Conquest)
3) to give outward signs of; express表达,扮出…表情
Her face registered surprise. 她的脸上流露出惊讶的表情
4) to attain or achieve获得,取得:完成或达到:
Their company has registered a new high in sales this year 达到一个新的销售记录
5) to make an impression; be recorded in the mind牢记:产生印象
This kind of warning failed to register with the tourists. 警告无法令人印象深刻
6) register sth. in one's memory把某事记在心里
7) register luggage on a railway把行李交铁路托运
8) to enroll as a student入学登记:作为学生注册
spent the morning registering graduate students上午在办研究生的注册工作
9) register this letter. 把这封信挂号

28. boil
1) to be in a state of agitation; seethe; to be stirred up or greatly excited
Look at the river boiling over the rocks. 河水翻腾,拍打岩岸
The mere idea made me boil.
The old man boiled with resentment.
2) to condense; summarize浓缩;简化
The president asked me to boil down the complex document.
This scathing editorial can simply boil down to an exercise in their partisan politics.
boil down to归结为
The whole matter boils down to the fact that they don't really love each other.
Most of the crimes may boil down to a question of money.
boil over
The argument between the two nations finally boiled over into open war.

29. infantry: the combat arm made up of units trained to fight on foot.
The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies.
light infantry轻步兵
armored infantry 装甲步兵

30. whereabouts: about where
Whereabouts do you live?
His whereabouts is a matter of conjecture.
Whereabouts did I leave my ballpoint?
The escaped prisoner‘s whereabouts is/are still unknown

31. sullen: Gloomy or somber in tone, color, or portent
sullen, gray skies
a sullen face
The sullen child refused to answer my questions. 那愠怒的孩子拒绝回答我的问题。

32. Distinguish the following synonyms
1) contemptuous: manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful. 轻蔑的; 目

空一切的, 傲慢的
a contemptuous look/attitude/air
She's contemptuous of my humble home and poor surroundings.
contemptible: deserving of contempt despicable.可鄙的
It was contemptible of him to speak like that about a respectable professor!
It was a contemptible trick to tell lies and play on an old friend!
a contemptible number

2) glitter: brilliant or showy, often superficial attractiveness.
glisten: to shine by reflection with a sparkling luster.
glimmer: a dim or intermittent flicker or flash of light.
shimmer: to shine with a subdued, flickering light.
spark: to shine with animation:
The diamond ring glittered on my finger.
A sudden flash of inspiration resulted in his new novel.
His forehead glittered with sweat.
The film première was a glittering occasion with many famous stars in attendance.
The girl’s eyes sparkled with merriment.
The water shimmered in the moonlight.
All is not gold that glitters.
3) wail, cry, weep, sob, whimper, moan
4) frenzy, mania, delirium, hysteria
5)desolate,alone, lonely, lonesome,solitary
6)plight, predicament, quandary,

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