当前位置:文档之家› 六年级语音专项训练





( ) 1. A. r ow B. n ow C. d ow n D. c ow

( ) 2. A invent ed B want ed C help ed D need ed

( ) 3. A. n a me B. c a ke C. gr a pe D. m a p

( ) 4. A. c u t B. m u sic C. p u ppet D. p u zzle

( ) 5. A. w a s B. w a sh C. w a nt D. w a ter


( ) 1. A. food B. school C. cook D. soup

( ) 2. A. visit B. climb C. which D. fifth

( ) 3. A. say B. May C. Saturday D. today

( ) 4. A. cooked B. learned C. rowed D. climbed

( ) 5. A. thank B. that C. think D. third


( ) 1. A. says B. days C. say D. make

( ) 2. A. mended B. boated C. waited D. climbed

( ) 3. A. boot B. foot C. room D. zoo

( ) 4. A. July B. friendly C. happily D. windy

( ) 5. A. family B. nature C. Saturday D. traffic



( ) 1. A. English B. sing C. going D. think

( ) 2. A. many B. apple C. bag D. dad

( ) 3. A. house B.mouth C. young D. cow

( ) 4. A. sure B. nice C. song D. pencil

( ) 5. A. come B. no C. note D. boat


( ) 1.A. about B. know C. down D. how

( ) 2.A. invented B. wanted C. cooked D. landed

( ) 3.A. April B. make C. grape D. apple

( ) 4.A. cut B. cute C. puppet D. puzzle

( ) 5.A. English B. sing C. thank D.want

六、找出下面划线部分发音不相同的单词,将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号里。 ( )1. A. dig B. fish C. right D. pick

( )2. A. grow B. now C. throw D. tomorrow

( )3. A. hear B. bear C. dear D. near

( )4. A. eat B. cheap C. leave D. great

( )5. A. go B. not C. wrote D. note


( )1. A. dig B. fish C. right D. pick

( )2. A. book B. boot C. good D. foot

( )3. A. map B. wash C. bag D. fat

( )4. A. be B. bed C. left D. red

( )5. A. go B. so C. hot D. home


( )1. A. bike B. side C. ship D. drive

( )2. A. eat B. cheap C. leave D. great

( )3. A. class B. clean C. coat D. cinema

( )4. A. letter B. member C. person D. teacher

( )5. A. grow B. now C. throw D. tomorrow


( )1. A. arm B. garden C. warm D. park

( )2. A. blue B. run C. study D. sun

( )3. A. busy B. very C. many D. my

( )4. A. hard B. start C. quarter D. dark

( )5. A. young B. country C. trouble D. mouth

十、找出下面划线部分发音不相同的单词,将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号里。 ( )1. A. speak B. please C. great D. seat

( )2. A. half B. always C. also D. already

( )3. A. worked B. called C. moved D. carried

( )4. A. food B. foot C. good D. look

( )5. A. English B. young C. thing D. long


( )1. A. cake B. bag C. cat D. hand

( )2. A. grass B. class C. hat D. ask

( )3. A. pig B. six C. kite D. fridge

( )4. A. come B. some C. mother D. coffee

( )5. A. should B. touch C. would D. put


( )1. sorry A. do B. sofa C. over D. holiday

( )2. good A. shoot B. room C. classroom D. cook

( )3. slow A. how B. down C. low D. town

( )4. were A. early B. where C. pear D. near

( )5. grass A. apple B. March C. map D. plane


( )1. bike A. think B. picture C. like D. sit

( )2. who A. where B. what C. while D. whose

( )3. yours A. yes B. sit C. his D. bus

( )4. these A. thank B. birthday C. that D. month

( )5. cup A. nice B. car C. pencil D. policeman


1. () A. fast B. stamp C. glass D. dark

2. () A. fight B. decide C. sick D. wide

3. () A. mistake B. hand C. travel D. Japan

4. () A. friendly B. believe C. field D. piece

5. () A. borrow B. flower C. below D. slow

6. () A. weather B. meat C. bread D. head

7. () A. short B. horse C. worth D. forty

8. () A. luck B. much C. full D. but



( ) 1. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. beach ( ) 2. A. back B. fast C. have D. map

( ) 3. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party

( ) 4. A. school B. tooth C. choose D. good

( ) 5. A. book B. moody C. look D. cook

( ) 6. A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu

( ) 7. A. push B. fun C. sun D. ugly

( ) 8. A. tiger B. her C. officer D. over

( ) 9. A. go B. no C. cold D. hot

( ) 10.A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday ( ) 11. A. too B. classroom C. broom D. afternoon ( ) 12. A. exercise B. bend C. neck D. these ( ) 13.A.colour B.American C.doctor D.licence ( ) 14.A.teacher B.seat C.sweater D.please ( ) 15.A.which B.who C.what D.where ( ) 16.A.little B.thing C.white D.with ( ) 17.A.yellow B.brown C.window D.know ( ) 18.A.worry B.sky C.only D.many ( ) 19.A.school B.chair C.China D.much ( ) 20.A.these B.they C.brother D.three ( ) 21. A. brother B. come C. police D .mother ( ) 22. A .cinema B. climb C. sister D. film ( ) 23. A. these B. bath C. think D .health ( ) 24 . A. morning B. color C. actor D. doctor ( ) 25. A. basement B. favorite C. basket D. table ( ) 26. A. island B. small C. ask D. helps ( ) 27. A. mouth B. dangerous C. thousand D. about ( ) 28. A. beach B. meal C. theatre D. leave ( ) 29. A. how B. snow C. tomorrow D. own ( ) 30. A. large B. language C. giraffe D. great


人教版六年级上册英语语音专项练习题 一、找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。 ()1. A. how B. know C. yellow D. window ()2. A. apple B. cat C. many D. mango ()3. A. not B. doctor C. kilo D. orange ()4. A. pears B. bananas C. apples D. grapes ()5. A. boxes B. peaches C. buses D. apples ()6. A. these B .thirsty C. those D. they 二、选出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。()1.baseball A. table B. father C. banana ()2. brother A. nose B. doctor C. son ()3. which A. knife B. with C. white ()4. this A. mouth B. three C. with ()5. room A. too B. book C. good ()6. ear A. pear B. bear C. hear 三、找出划线部分读音与其他三个不相同的单词。 ( ) 1. A. hurry B. student C . cup D. bus ( ) 2. A. that B. think C. mouth D. thank ( ) 3. A. guess B. she C. egg D. watermelon ( ) 4. A. right B .climb C. this D. pineapple ( ) 5. A. mother B. today C. come D. some


六年级语文听力测试(一) 材料一、认真听老师读短文,完成下面的练习。 1、判断以下对树袋熊整日昏睡的解释是否正确,在括号里画“√”或“×”。 ⑴树袋熊生性懒惰,喜欢睡觉。() ⑵树袋熊所吃的桉树叶含热量少,长时间的睡眠,可降低能量消耗。() ⑶树袋熊长时间睡觉,就可以省去消化桉树叶的时间。() 2、( )是树袋熊的美味佳肴,它不仅能为树袋熊提供身体所必需的淀粉和养分,还是树袋熊体内所需水分的来源。(2分) 3、选择正确答案.()2分 树袋熊每天必须具有长达( )个小时以上的睡眠,以降低能量消耗。 A、18小时 B、8小时 材料二、认真听老师读短文,完成下面的练习。 1、文中年轻人挣钱的方式是() A、唱歌、弹吉他、吹萨克斯 B、跳舞、玩杂耍、施催眠术 C、他发挥想象力,期待着有人观赏,有人被打动,朝他那木碗中投下一两枚硬币。 2、作者感动的原因是() A、举着一个没有底的画框,让他那张干枯的脸处在画框中央 B、天气很冷 C、他不肯白白伸手要钱,总想做点儿什么才能对得起那一两枚硬币的心思。 材料三、听老师读短文,完成练习。 听短文选择正确的答案填在()里面 1、简要概括这一段话的主要内容。 2、短文按照从头到尾的顺序,依次写了“小花鹿”的、、、。 3、我在短文里听到一对近义词。()--() (30分钟内完成试卷。16分以上为A1; 16分以下的同学给两次补考机会,记

做A2、A3。) 【材料】一 树袋熊短文 树袋熊和袋鼠一样是有袋动物。它给人的印象是整天昏昏欲睡,不少人以为它生性懒惰,其实,这是有原因的。桉树叶是树袋熊的美味佳肴,它不仅能为树袋熊提供身体所必需的淀粉和养分,还是树袋熊体内所需水分的来源。但桉树叶所含的热量极少,所以,树袋熊每天必须具有长达18个小时以上的睡眠,以降低能量消耗。同时,桉树叶含有一种厉害的毒素,在长期的进化过程中,树袋熊对此具备了较强的解毒功能。尽管如此,要消化这些有毒的叶子,也需要较长的时间。在睡觉的大部分时间里,树袋熊都在不停地消化。 【材料】二 在巴黎市中心的一个地铁站中,我看到一个年轻人,举着一个没有底的画框,让他那张干枯的脸处在画框中央,他把这叫做“自画像”。他不会唱歌,不会弹吉他,不会吹萨克斯,不会跳舞,不会玩杂耍,不会施催眠术,但是他不肯白白伸手要钱,于是他发挥想象力,期待着有人观赏,有人被打动,朝他那木碗中投下一两枚硬币。你也许觉得他很可笑,但是他那份总得做点儿什么才能对得起那一两枚硬币的心思,却不能不感动你。(节选自《巴黎的地铁》) 【材料】三 小花鹿 “小花鹿”可讨人喜欢。圆圆的脑袋上,一对粉红色的小耳朵向上竖着,仿佛在倾听周围的动静,脸上嵌着两只明亮的眼睛。一张小嘴微微撅着,好像是在跟我说话。“小花鹿”的身体是橘黄色的,上面有一个个大红色的梅花。他那条又小又短的尾巴向上翘着,显出一幅很调皮的样子。我在它的脖子上系了一条绿色的丝带打了个蝴蝶结这一下它变得更加神气更加漂亮了。

仁爱英语七年级下册unit 5 topic 3 基础训练(含答案)教学文案

Unit 5 Topic 3 周末作业一、Words ['wenzdi] ['m?nd?] ['tju?zdi] ['θ??zdi] ['fra?di] ['f?z?ks] [d????gr?fi] [ɑ?t] ['h?stri] [m?θ] [ba???l?d?i] [?p?l?t?ks] ['sa??ns] ['mi?t??] ['i?zi] ['?nt?r?st??] ['d?f?k?lt] [l??n] [hw?t?] ['s?bd??kt] [best] ['st?di] ['a?td??] [?k't?v?ti] [??ten?(?)n] [b?'twi?n] [st?mp] ['s?t?di] [na?t] [sa?nd] ['febr??ri] [hɑ?d] [le?t] n.星期三 n.星期一 n.星期二 n.星期四 n.星期五 n.物理(学) n.地理(学) n.体育.(physical educatin的缩写) n.美术,艺术 n.历史 n.数学=mathematics n.生物(学) n.政治 n.科学 n.会议;会面 adj.容易的 adj.有趣的 adj.难的 v.学习,学会det&pron.哪一个;哪一些 n.学科;主题 adv.& adj.最好地(的) (good和well的最高级) v.学习;研究n.书房 adj.户外的;室外的 n.活动 n.注意 prep.在(两者)之间; n.邮票v.跺脚 n.星期六 从…到… n.夜间 n.声音v.听起来好像 n.(Feb.)二月 adj.努力的;困难的adv.艰难地;努力地adv.晚,迟adj.迟(的),晚(的) 二、写出下列短语 上一节音乐课结束下一节课 谈论在那一天每一个工作日每逢星期二在星期三上午 你觉得…怎么样?= 该是做…的时候了学习;了解

六年级英语下册试题-语音专项练习 外研版(三起)(含答案)

外研版(三起)六年级英语下册语音专项练习 【模拟试题】 一、找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。 1. map A. basket B. name C. have D. same 2. student A. excuse B. full C. blue D. bus 3. here A. there B. where C. wear D. near 4. food A. good B. room C. foot D. bedroom 5. bike A. like B. big C. Miss D. twin 6. sweater A. team B. meat C. bread D. read 二、根据音标写出单词,使句子意思完整。 ?u] idea. 1. A. I have ____ [n [] ?u]. B. I don’t ______ [n [] ε?] is the zoo ? 2. A. ______ [w[] ε?]? B. What would you like to _____ [w[] 3. A. There are _____ [tu:] books on the desk. B. I like swimming, ____ [tu:] . 4. A. Do you like ____ [mi:t]? B. Nice to _____ [mi:t] you. 三、朗读下列单词,将划线部分的读音与相对应的音标连线。 1. [ai] tea meat c lean cheap

?car hard park pardon 2. [:] i?how now down town 3. [] 4. []?day way play stay 5. []t?hear near dear clear 6. [a:] high night right b right 7. [ei] girl shirt skirt first 8. [i:] horse short sport forty 9. [au] ship shop fish wish ?much lunch chess chair 10. [:] 四、判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F”()https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13435251.html, game ()2. is sister ()3. read clean ()4. black cook ()5. some fox ()6. lake wait ()7. use us ()8. have cat ()9. not nose ()10. chick chair ()11. ruler pupil ()12. we get ()13. hand pass ()14, on orange ()15. tall ball ()16. new tube ()17. know how ()18. shut bus ()19. go home ()20 .jeep jacket 五、选出划线部分读音不同的一个词。


六年级语文听力题训练二 材料一、认真听老师读短文,完成下面的练习。 1、判断以下对树袋熊整日昏睡的解释是否正确,在括号里画“√”或“×”。 ⑴树袋熊生性懒惰,喜欢睡觉。() ⑵树袋熊所吃的桉树叶含热量少,长时间的睡眠,可降低能量消耗。() ⑶树袋熊长时间睡觉,就可以省去消化桉树叶的时间。() 2、( )是树袋熊的美味佳肴,它不仅能为树袋熊提供身体所必需的淀粉和养分,还是树袋熊体内所需水分的来源。(2分) 3、选择正确答案.()2分 树袋熊每天必须具有长达( )个小时以上的睡眠,以降低能量消耗。 A、18小时 B、8小时 材料二、认真听老师读短文,完成下面的练习。 1、文中年轻人挣钱的方式是() A、唱歌、弹吉他、吹萨克斯 B、跳舞、玩杂耍、施催眠术 C、他发挥想象力,期待着有人观赏,有人被打动,朝他那木碗中投下一两枚硬币。 2、作者感动的原因是() A、举着一个没有底的画框,让他那张干枯的脸处在画框中央 B、天气很冷 C、他不肯白白伸手要钱,总想做点儿什么才能对得起那一两枚硬币的心思。 材料三、听老师读短文,完成练习。 听短文选择正确的答案填在()里面 1、简要概括这一段话的主要内容。 2、短文按照从头到尾的顺序,依次写了“小花鹿”的、、、。 3、我在短文里听到一对近义词。()--() (30分钟内完成试卷。16分以上为A1; 16分以下的同学给两次补考机会,记

做A2、A3。) 【材料】一 树袋熊短文 树袋熊和袋鼠一样是有袋动物。它给人的印象是整天昏昏欲睡,不少人以为它生性懒惰,其实,这是有原因的。桉树叶是树袋熊的美味佳肴,它不仅能为树袋熊提供身体所必需的淀粉和养分,还是树袋熊体内所需水分的来源。但桉树叶所含的热量极少,所以,树袋熊每天必须具有长达18个小时以上的睡眠,以降低能量消耗。同时,桉树叶含有一种厉害的毒素,在长期的进化过程中,树袋熊对此具备了较强的解毒功能。尽管如此,要消化这些有毒的叶子,也需要较长的时间。在睡觉的大部分时间里,树袋熊都在不停地消化。 【材料】二 在巴黎市中心的一个地铁站中,我看到一个年轻人,举着一个没有底的画框,让他那张干枯的脸处在画框中央,他把这叫做“自画像”。他不会唱歌,不会弹吉他,不会吹萨克斯,不会跳舞,不会玩杂耍,不会施催眠术,但是他不肯白白伸手要钱,于是他发挥想象力,期待着有人观赏,有人被打动,朝他那木碗中投下一两枚硬币。你也许觉得他很可笑,但是他那份总得做点儿什么才能对得起那一两枚硬币的心思,却不能不感动你。(节选自《巴黎的地铁》) 【材料】三 小花鹿 “小花鹿”可讨人喜欢。圆圆的脑袋上,一对粉红色的小耳朵向上竖着,仿佛在倾听周围的动静,脸上嵌着两只明亮的眼睛。一张小嘴微微撅着,好像是在跟我说话。“小花鹿”的身体是橘黄色的,上面有一个个大红色的梅花。他那条又小又短的尾巴向上翘着,显出一幅很调皮的样子。我在它的脖子上系了一条绿色的丝带打了个蝴蝶结这一下它变得更加神气更加漂亮了。

book 2 unit 5基础训练

10月31日高三英语课时作业(book 2 unit 5) 考号:姓名:班级: (一)基础单词(根据汉语提示写单词,注意正确形式) 1.The book will tell you how to ____________________(连接) a printer to your computer. 2.At the age of thirty, Samuel became a professional astronomer and _____________(获得) an international reputation. 3.He can play the piano, violin and several other __________________(乐器) 4.Who will take over the company is a very ________________(敏感的) issue. 5.Being a native of the city, he is ___________________(熟悉的) with all the streets here. 6.The baby is not really crying. She is only ________________(假装). 7.Her ______________(投入) to the job left her with very little free time. 8.She expressed her feelings in the ________________________(形式) of poetry. 9.The Asian Games will be _________________________(广播) live on TV. (二)重点单词 A:根据提示,写出下列单词的适当形式 10.____________________vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行 →____________________ n.表演;演奏→_____________________ n.表演者 11.___________________ _adj.幽默的;诙谐的→__________________n.幽默;幽默感 12.___________________adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的→_____________vt.吸引; 引起→_________________n.吸引;吸引力 13._____________________adj.痛苦的;疼痛的→___________________n.痛苦 B:一言辨异(根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空) 14.They _____________ him to their party, and he accepted their ___________gladly.(invitation) 15.I am fully ____________of his success, for his hard-working and ______________convince me.(confident) 16.After a _______________ pause, he began to end up the meeting ________with few words.(brief) (一)根据汉语提示写出短语 1.____________________梦见;梦想;设想 2.____________________说实在地;实话说 3.____________________认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 4.____________________用现金;有现钱 5.____________________戏弄 6.____________________依赖;依靠 7.____________________大约 8.____________________打碎;分裂;解体 9.____________________另外;也 10.___________________分类11.___________________最重要;首先 12.___________________熟悉;与……熟悉起来 (二)选用以上短语填空(其中有两个多余选项) 1.I'll give you 10 minutes __________to go over the text again before answering my questions. 2.Little did I ______________one day entering a university at that time. 3.______________, this tie is a little too colorful. I don't think it suits your boyfriend. 4.We __________great importance ________education and encourage constant learning and thinking. 5.“There is no future between us, so I want to_____________,”said the girl to her boyfriend. 6.Children need many things, but _____________they need love from their parents. 7.Economic development should ____________both domestic and foreign markets. 8.It is not difficult to ___________the materials as long as time permits. 9.The famous actress takes various exercises. ________________ , she is on a diet. 10.Usually it takes time for anyone to _____________a new place. 根据提示,利用本课所学知识,完成下面的小作文。 他依靠(rely on)信心和毅力(persistence)三十年如一日的练习唱歌,最重要的(above all)是他的歌声深受群众的喜爱。他十分看重(attach importance to)人们给予他的帮助,他认为没有(without which)这些帮助,他就不可能(can't)取得这么大的进步。他曾许诺他和歌迷的联系永远不分开(break up)。 词数:60词左右


选每组单词中画线部分发音与众不同的一项。( )1.A.airplane B.race C.grandma ( )https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13435251.html,st B.ready C.tree ( )https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13435251.html,st B.Mars C.was ( )4.A.hello B.on C.no ( )5.A.moon B.good C.book ( )6.A.head B.clean C.eat ( )7.A.look B.classroom C.zoo ( )8.A.careful B.are C.everywhere ( )9.A.film B.like C.visit ( )10.A.me B.bread C.please ( )11. A. Sunday B. Sue C. is ( )12. A. zebra B. jeans C. soft ( )13. A. takes B. these C. first ( )14. A. fire B. first C. third ( )15. A. win B. excited C. prize ( )16. A. she B. August C. sick ( ) 17. A.rich B. shorts C. ship ( ) 18. A. birthday B. either C. third ( )19. A. funny B. summer C. surprised ( )20. A. please B. spring C. September ( )21. A. chick B. shirt C. wish ( )22. A. visit B. winter C. air ( )23. A. heavy B. eat C. season ( )24. A. careful B. happy C. January ( )25. A. slowly B. around C. long ( )26. A. see B. me C. wet ( )27. A. late B. sad C. date ( )28. A. cup B. use C. music ( )29. A. Kite B. ill C. white ( )30. A. learn B. Earth C. wear ( )31.A.cat B.corn C. pencil ( ) 32. A. light B. lift C. list ( )33. A. other B. over C. home ( )34.A.cut B. but C. university ( )35. A. afraid B. actor C. again ( ) 36. A. enjoy B. eleven C. every ( ) 37A. can B. cake C. has D. have ( )38. A. can B. kite C. city D. cry ( )39. A. cry B. time C. sky D his ( )40. A. father B. three C. math D. thirty ( )41. A. clean B. heat C. head D. teach ( )42. A. seat B. sea C. bread D. please ( )43. A. food B. foot C. book D. look ( )44. A. bicycle B. buy C. climb D. begin ( )45. A. hour B. hurry C. house D. horse ( )46. A. this B. these C. them D. thank ( )47. eraser A. thank B. manC. grade D. apple ( )48. show A. down B. how C. now D. snow ( )49. cups A. pencils B. trees C. books D. songs ( )50. think A. their B. those C. they D. thirteen ( )51. zero A. song B. clock C. wrong D. hello


六 年 级 语 文 听 力 题 训 练完成听力题的要求:1、教师读题一遍。2、学生认真听,根据材料回答。 (一)【材料】 几年前,一位刚毕业的女孩打电话给父母,说她要去一家外企应聘,无意中提起中途会经过父母所在城市的一个小站。那个小站在邻县,距离他父母所在的城市有两个小时车程。 列车停靠在那个小站时是六点十分,停靠时间约十分钟,车刚停稳,女孩倚在窗口,隐约听见有人呼唤她的名字,她探身窗外——在蒙蒙曙色中是母亲的身影。母亲急急忙忙把用毛巾包着的一个瓷缸递给她,揭开盖子,是热气腾腾的肉汤。短暂的十几分钟,母亲几乎不容她说什么,只是满足的幸福的催她一口一口的喝汤。天凉,汤冷得快。列车开动时,女孩的母亲捧着一个空瓷缸站在月台上向女孩挥手。(节选自《时文精选》苇文) (一)【题目】 1、列车停靠在校站的时间是,你估计母亲从家里出发的时间最迟是。 2、喝了热腾腾的汤后,女孩会对母亲说。 3、短文表达了的情感。你能想起母亲为你做的最让你感动的事是

(二)【材料】 村口就是大河,水给村里的孩子带来欢乐,但有时也带来悲伤——难免有孩子被大河吞噬了生命。 村口一家有一个儿子。长到五六岁,父母就这么一个宝贝疙瘩,怕孩子万一被水冲走,此恨何时了。儿子听着别的孩子呼朋引伴去戏水,有时也情不自禁地移动脚步,然而…… 儿子10岁那年,滔滔的洪水漫过了村子,别的孩子像一条条鱼儿游离了险境。他们的孩子却被洪水吞没。悲伤的父母只知道溺爱孩子,但他们最终没有明白:对于河边的孩子,爱他们就该让他们学会游泳。(改编自《智慧背囊》) (二)【题目】 1、短文讲了村子里有一家人不让宝贝孩子怕他,村里的孩子却当洪水来时,村里的孩子,而这个小孩却。 2、根据内容,联系上下文,补充“然而”后面的内容 3、故事告诉我们一个道理 (三)【材料】 在巴黎市中心的一个地铁站中,我看到一个年轻人,举着一个没有底的画框,让他那张干枯的脸处在画框中央,他把这叫做“自画像”。他不会唱歌,不会弹吉他,不会吹萨克斯,不会跳舞,不会玩杂耍,不会施催眠术,但是他不肯白白伸手要钱,于是他发挥想象力,期待着有人观赏,有人被打动,朝他那木碗中投下一两枚硬币。你也许觉得他很可笑,但是他那份总得做点儿什么才能对得起那一两枚硬币的心思,却不能不感动你。(节选自《巴黎的地铁》) (三)【题目】 1、文中年轻人挣钱的方式是 2、作者感动的原因是 (四)【材料】 一个美国的小男孩天生就有一只大鼻子,因为这只大鼻子,他在学校几乎成了每个学生嘲笑的对象。他因此而成天闷闷不乐,他不爱和同学打交道,不愿意参加半晌的集体活动,只是常常趴在教室的最后一扇窗户看风景。 他的老师玛利亚发现了小男孩的忧郁。 一次课后,她走到小男孩身边问:“你在看什么呢?” “我看见一些人正在埋葬那条可爱的小狗。”小男孩悲伤不已。 “那我们到前面的一扇窗户边看看吧!”玛利亚牵着小男孩的手到另一扇窗户边,“孩子,你看到了什么?” 窗外是一片玫瑰花,开得芬芳而灿烂,小男孩的悲伤顿时一扫而光。 “孩子,你开错了窗户了。”玛利亚抚摸着小男孩的头说,“你知道么?在老师的心目中,你的鼻子是最可爱的。” “大家都笑我啊。”小男孩深感委屈。 “那是因为你没有换一扇窗户,把你鼻子最可爱的一面展示给大家看啊。” (节选自《另一扇窗子》)

必修(一)Unit 5基础训练英语试题

谷城三中高一英语必修(一)Unit 5基础训练 一、单词拼写 1.Jack is often told by his parents to be friendly to anybody even if he is ________(抨击).2.Different people have different ________(看法)about open education. 3.If you are interested in buying coloured business cards of high __________(质量)at a reasonable price, you need to use the Internet. 4.We should give all children ________ (平等)opportunities to develop their special talents. 5.Children should learn and obey the ________(原则)of the school first. 6.The People's Republic of China was ________(成立)in 1949. 7.In the end the soldiers succeeded in ________(逃跑) from prison and ran away. 8.I promise that you will be ______(报答)for providing useful information about the missing child. 9.I think Rose will become a good monitor, so I'd like to ________(投票)for her. 10.Girls should have the right to be ________(教育)at school as boys do. 11.There is an ________(相等的) number of boys and girls in the class. 12.There were 16 ________(票) in favor of my suggestion, and 15 against. 13.This is her first time to perform on the________(舞台). 14.He had been a talented artist in his ________(青年时期). 15.There is too much ________(暴力)on TV, which may have a bad effect on children. 16.I'm ________(乐意)to do anything for you. 17.Under the teacher's ________(指导), he can speak some English soon. 18.The man ________(攻击) her with a knife. 19.We aim at ________(质量) rather than quantity. 20.They struggled in their desperate attempts ________ but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction. 21.We hope that you will give ________(意见) and suggestions about our work. 22.He managed to ________(逃脱) from the big fire into the street. 23.London is full of homeless people ________(乞讨) in the streets. 24.It is always better to share your worries and troubles with your friends or ________(亲戚).25.I can't stand some people's ________(残忍) to animals. 26. He was ________(判决) to three years in prison. 27. He gave the children some chocolate to ________(奖赏) them for behaving well. 28. In general,children of ________(受教育的) parents usually get better grades. 29. Make sure the ________(电源) is turned off first before you leave the lab. 30. Mandela was already in his seventies when he became ________(总统). 二、在下列句子的空白处填入一个适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Although he is quite old, he leads an _____ life. His _____ include tennis and painting. (active) 2.Everyone hopes to be treated ________ because ________ is the basic demand. (equal) 3.After retiring from the basketball field, Yao Ming decided to get further ________ (educate) in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 4.Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is _____ (cruelty) to eat animals. 5.He offered ________ (guide) to us. 6.________ (hopeful), I'll be able to stay at home for three weeks this time. 7.It's ________ (legal) to drive a car without a driver's license. 8.He was ________ (devote) to his career. 9.It's ________ (fair) to treat women badly. 10.Tom is a ________ (self) boy, who always thinks of others. 11.He never ________ heart when he was in trouble. 12.It was a prison from ________ no one could escape. 13.The owner of the garden allowed us ______ (enter) the garden. 14.My mother devoted most of her time to ________ (care) for my sick father. 15.As ________ matter of fact, he was ________ lawyer. 16.Tom was out ________ work at that time. 17.He often turned ________ his neighbour for help. 18.Free ________ worry, the woman lived a peaceful life. 19.He was the first man ________ (explore) the outer space. 20.I'm worried about ________ I can be admitted to the university. 21.Things might get better, but it doesn't look very ________ (hope) right now. 22._______ (self) people must learn to share so as to make themselves become _______ (self).23.They have an ________ (activity) holiday, sailing and swimming. 24.It's so ________ (fair)—Mary gets more money for less work. 25.The money was divided ________ (equal) among her four children. 26.________ (devote) to their work, most of the parents spend little time with their children. 27.I'm worried ________ her driving the car tonight on the wet road. 28.The soldiers were fighting bravely ________ their people ________ the enemy. 29. When he was out ________work, he was involved in crimes of violence and was put ________ prison at last. 30.Only by practicing a few hours every day ________ you be able to master English. 31.We live in an age________more information is available with greater ease than ever before. 32.Most of the students in our class are________(will) to spend their money and time on books and other useful things. 33.Some of the films are full of________(violent),which is not good for young kids. 34.We’re just trying to reach a point ________ both sides will sit down together and talk. 35.Every time I________(see) the old man in the park,he is absorbed in reading papers. 36.When the sports hero turned________at our party,he was welcomed with open arms. 37.It’s important to learn to take a positive attitude_______life when you are _____trouble. 38.Tsinghua University,________(found) in 1911,is one of the best universities in China. 39.Under our teacher’s careful ________ (guide),we finished our homework in advance. 40.People who are well ________ (educate) will be respected by everyone. 课文缩写语法填空(一)根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Elias was a poor black worker in South Africa. The time __1__ he first met Nelson Mandela was a difficult period of his life. He was twelves years old at that time. Mandela was a black lawyear to __2__ he went for advice. Mandela offered __3__ (guide) to poor black people on their __4__ (illegal) problems. Elias needed Mandela's help __5__ he had little education. The school __6__ he studied for only two years was three kilometres away. He had to drop out of school because his family couldn't pay the school fees or the bus __7__. He couldn't read or write well. After trying hard, he got a job in a gold mine. __8__,he didn't have a passbook to live in Johannesbug and he worried about __9__ he would become out __10__ work. 课文缩写语法填空(二)根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 When Elias, a poor black worker in South Africa, first met Nelson Mandela, he was in a very


1 一、 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。 ( )1.A.how B.know C.yellow D.window ( )2. A.apple B.cat C.many D.mango ( )3. A.not B.doctor C.kilo D.orange ( )4. A.pears B.bananas C.apples D.grapes ( )5. A.boxes B.peaches C.buses D.apples ( )6. A.these B.thirsty C.those D.they 一、 选出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。 ( )1.baseball A.table B.father C.banana ( )2. brother A.nose B.doctor C.son ( )3. which A.knife B.with C.white ( )4. this A.mouth B.three C.with ( )5. room A.too B.book C.good ( )6. ear A.pear B.bear C.hear 二、 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不相同的单词。 ( )1.A.hurry B.student C.puppet D.bus ( )2. A.that B.think C.mouth D.thank ( )3. A.guess B.she C.egg D.watermelon ( )4. A.right B.climb C.this D.pineapple ( )5. A.mother B.today https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13435251.html,e D.some 三、 找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。 1.( )father A.mouth B.brother 2. ( )nose A.close B.seven 3. ( )cake https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13435251.html,te B.father 4. ( )sister A.bike B.is 5. ( )boy A.climb B.brother 6. ( )mother A.sister B.her 四、 判断下列划线部分读音是否相同, ( )1.driver write ( )driver teacher ( )2.farmer her ( )knife big ( )3.cook good ( )drink dress ( )4.tree trousers ( )look school ( )5.their hair ( )where here ( )6.that mouth ( )they those 五、 将下列单词按th 的两种发音分类。 that mouth this three think thin thank thirsty those there these they [that] th [ ] mouth 六、 单词辨音,用“√”或“×”表示。 student ( ) bus ( ) bananas pear grapes ( ) ear ( ) teacher nose worker ( ) orange ( ) tree ( ) dress ( ) 八. 判断下列划线部分读音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。 1.hair airport ( ) 2.ship shop( ) 3.where who ( ) 4.good school ( ) 5.minibus student( ) 6.station library( ) 九.找出划线部分读音与其他不相同的单词。 ( )1.A.move B.noodle C.who D.coffee ()2. A.sweets B.friends C.cats D.biscuits ( )3. A.apple B.water C.at D.bag ( )4. A.juice B.cup C.bus D.much ( )5. https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13435251.html,k B.it C.kite D.his ( )6. A.classroom B.bedroom C.room D.bathroom 十一、找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。 1.music A.bus B.student C.cup D.buy 2.chocolate A.goB.open C.too D.office 3.teacher A.school https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13435251.html,e C.lunch D.cake 4.bookcase https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a13435251.html,te B.cap C.apple D.snack 5.desk A.grape B.bed C.she D.he 6.kilo A.library B.like C.tiger D.hospital 7.oranges A.booksB.cats C.teachers D.maps 8.chair A.pear B.here C.ear D.dear 十二、判断下列划线部分读音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。 1.bread egg ( ) 2.plate snack ( ) 3.where whose ( ) 4.try right ( ) 5.bowl how ( ) 6.chopstick school( )

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