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sqlplus scott/tiger

解锁账户(管理员身份:sqlplus sys/tiger as sysdba)

alter user hr identified by tiger account unlock


查询方式:select * from dept;


开始---->运行(输入CMD)----> sqlplus 用户名/密码


开始---->程序---->Oracle - OraDb10g_home1---->Application


第三种方式: isqlplus(浏览器的方式)

打开IE---->输入URL http://localhost:5560/isqlplus-->



查看数据库的表格数量:select * form all_tables;

显示用户表结构:desc user_tables;找出table_name字段,在根据table_name查找用户表

显示用户:select table_name from user_tables;




select * from dept;//*查询所有记录

select deptno,dname from dept;

select deptno,dname,loc from dept;

更换用户:之前sqlplus scott/tiger 转换:conn sys/tiger as sysdba.



示:select ename as name,sal as salary,comm co from emp;(别名便于显示)

第二种奖金显示:select ename "name",sal "salary",comm "employee comm" from emp;

连接符的应用:select ename,job,ename || ' is a ' || job as "employee detail" from emp;

select deptno from emp;

select distinct deptno from emp;//删除重复的

DOM 下用spool(启动)spool off(来结束)来保存之后的内容。

日期select ename,hiredate from emp;

获得编号:select empno,ename,job,deptno from emp

where deptno = 20;where deptno>10;

值在两者之间的(between...and...):select ename,job,sal from emp

where sal between 2500 and 3000;

IN(运算符):select ename,sal,deptno from emp

where deptno in(10,20);

LIKE:select ename,sal,job from emp

where ename like'_A%';

and(可多个条件连用):select ename,sal,deptno from emp

where sal>2000

and deptno = 20

and ename = 'FORD';

or(可多个条件连用):select ename,sal,deptno from emp

where sal>2000

or deptno = 20

or ename = 'FORD';

not:select deptno from emp

where deptno not in(10,20);

升序排列:select ename,deptno,sal,hiredate from emp

order by hiredate;

降序排列:select ename,sal,hiredate,job from emp

order by sal desc ;




全部变小:select lower('SAJLJSDF csljOJFJOSFDJ') from dual;

全部变大: select upper('LKDJSLFlkjlsdkjflkjsdflkj') from dual;

首字母变大:select initcap('SFJLSlklsdkfjlskjdfl sdlfjlas') from dual;

字符连接:select concat('sdfjsldjkfsdf') from dual;

取字符串长度:select length('dfdofjdf') from dual;

判断第一次遇见字符的位置:select instr('djaljdlfkjsdf','l') from dual;答案为:4

只能去掉两边的字符:select trim('h' from 'ehlloworldh') from dual;未指定是为空格(去掉两边的空格)

不足的位在左边补*:select lpad(sal,10,'*') from emp;

不足的位在右边补*:select rpad(sal,10,'*') from emp;

获取字符段:select substr('HelloWorld',1,5) from emp;

取中间字符所在位置:select instr('HelloWorld','W') from emp;


四舍五入函数:select round(45.926,2) from dual;//保留小数点后两位,进行四舍五入进位

截断:select trunc(45.926,2) from dual;//从小数点后两位开始截断

select trunc(45.926,-2) from dual;//从小数点前两位开始截断答案为0

select trunc(45.926) from dual;//保留整数

取模函数:select mod(6565,2) from dual;

查询系统时间:select sysdate from dual;

select sysdate+3 from dual;

select sysdate+10 from dual;//加的天数超过本月月份自动加

select sysdate-3 from dual;

求入职天数:select ename,sysdate-hiredate hiredate from emp;//当前时间减去入职时间

求入职年数: select ename,hiredate,round(sysdate-hiredate)/365 hiredate from emp;

select to_char(sysdate+2/24,'yyyy-dd-mm hh24:mi:ss') from emp;//sysdate+2/24在日期上加12小时。

select next_day(sysdate,'星期五') from dual;

select last_day(sysdate) from dual;

trunc(sysdate,'D'); 截取到本周的第一天(0:00)

trunc(sysdate,'MM'); 截取到本月的第一天(0:00)

trunc(sysdate,'DD'); 截取到本日的0:00

trunc(sysdate,'yyyy'); 得到今年的第一天的0:00

select to_char(sysdate,'year month dd day dy') from emp;

select to_char(123456.78,'L999G999D99') from emp;








使用NVL 函数



select avg(sal),sum(sal),max(sal),min(sal) from emp;

select max(hiredate),min(hiredate) from emp;

select count(*) from emp;

select count(comm) from emp;

select sum(comm) from emp;

select count(*) from emp

where deptno = 10;

select deptno,count(*) a from emp 2 group by deptno;

select deptno,min(sal) as a from emp 2 group by detpno;

select avg(nvl(comm,100)) from emp;

select avg(comm) from emp;

select ename,comm from emp where comm is not null;

select count(distinct deptno) from emp;

select deptno,job,sum(sal) 2 from emp 3 group by deptno,job;

select avg(sal) from emp

select avg(sal) from emp 2 group by deptno;

select ename,comm from emp where comm is not null;

select deptno,avg(sal) from emp 2 group by deptno 3 having avg(sal) >2000; 每个部门的平均工资:select max(avg(sal)) from emp 2 group by deptno; select ename,d.deptno from emp,dept d;

select ename,dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno;

创建表:create table departments

did number primary key,

dname varchar2(20),

lid number);

插入数据:insert into departments values(10,'accounting',1);

select * from locations;

select * from departments;

查询多张表中的相同字段:select e.ename,d.dname,l.city from

emp e,departments d,locations l

where e.deptno = d.did and d.lid = l.locid;


select tabel_name from user_tables;

等级:select * from salgrade;

薪水在最低和最高之间:select e.ename,e.sal,s.grade from

emp e,salgrade s

where e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal;

加号行为匹配令一行为全部:select e.ename,d.dname from emp e,

dept d

第一种情况: where e.deptno = d.deptno(+);

select e.ename,m.ename from

emp e,emp m

where e.mgr = m.empno;

select empno,ename from emp;

select e.ename,d.dname from emp e natural join dept d;

select e.ename,d.dname from emp e

join dept d


select e.ename,d.dname from emp e

,dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno;

join...on..实现外连接e.deptno = d.deptno : select e.ename,d.dname from emp e

2 join dept d on e.deptno =


按等值的连接:select e.ename,d.dname,l.city from

emp e,

departments d,

locations l

where e.deptno = d.did and d.did = l.locid;//d.did和l.locid无关连

和上面等值关系的join...on...方法:select e.ename,d.dname,l.city from

emp e

join departments d on(e.deptno = d.did)

join locations l on(d.did = l.locid);


select e.ename,d.dname from emp e,

dept d where e.deptno(+) = d.deptno;

左(右)外连接:select e.ename,d.dname from dept d

left outer join emp e/right outer join dept d

on(e.deptno = d.deptno);

全外连接(full outer join):select e.ename,d.dname from dept d

full outer join dept d

on(e.deptno = d.deptno);

部门编号为空: select * from emp where deptno is null;


指定一个人来和其他人比较:select ename,sal from emp

where sal >/=/<>

(select sal from emp where ename = 'SCOTT');

select ename,job,sal from emp where sal =(select min(sal) from emp);

分组,过滤,子查询:select deptno,min(sal) from emp

group by deptno

having min(sal) > (select min(sal) from emp where deptno = 20);

IN(在什么中):select empno,ename,sal from emp

where sal in

(select min(sal) from emp group by deptno);

ANY() : select empno,ename,job,sal from emp//empno(员工编号)

where sal > any

(select sal from emp where job = 'SALESMAN');




select * from emp where deptno = &no;输入no的值:10

select ename,deptno,sal*12 from emp

where job = '&job';输入job的值:SALESMAN

select * from &table; 输入table的值:emp

insert into dept(deptno,dname,loc) 2 values(50,'market','beijin');

insert into dept values(60,'account','shanghai');

insert into dept(deptno,dname) values(70,'test');

insert into dept(deptno,dnam,loc) values(80,'PK','chongqing');

insert into dept values(90,'test1',null);

desc emp

insert into emp(empnom,ename,hiredate) 2 values(123,'tyler','sysdate');

insert into emp(empno,ename,sal) 2 values(&empno,'&ename',&sal);

输入empno的值:1234 输入ename的值:枫输入sal的值:6000

select empno,ename,sal,hiredate from emp;


创建表格:create table emp_bak(

empno number primary key,

ename varchar(20),

sal number(7,2));

创建行:insert into emp_back 2 (select empno,ename,sal

3 from emp where deptno =10);

更新数据:update emp_bak set sal = 3000 2 where empno =7782;

update emp_bak set sal = 3000, 2 ename = 'Pk' 3 where empno = 7934;

update emp set sal = 1200, 2 job = 'SALESMAN',

3 hiredate = to_date('2010-6-25','yyyy-mm-dd')

4 where ename = 'SMITH';

select ename,sal,job,hiredate from emp;

update emp set sal =

(select sal from emp where ename = 'KING'),


(select hiredate from emp where ename = 'KING')

where deptno = '10000';违反完整约束条件(SCOTT.FK_DEPTNO) - 已找到子记录

更新数据错误:insert into emp(empno,deptno,ename) values (0123,55,'HELLO') rollback(取消之前操作)

删除数据:delete from emp where empno = 1234;

删除所有数据:delete from emp_bak;

删除表:drop table emp_bak;

删除中的完整性错误:delect from dept where deptno = 20;

违反完整约束条件(SCOTT.FK_DEPTNO) - 已找到子记录


进入两个CMD中: 第一个:create table myemp(id number);//创建表格第二个:insert into myemp values(1);//创建一行

select * from myemp;//不能查询到数据select * from myemp;//可以查询到数据

savepoint a;//创建保存点

rollback to a;//返回保存点

select * from myemp;//还是返回第一次创建的那个值

insert into myemp values(2);//创建第二行

rollback to a;//返回保存点

select * from myemp;还是只显示第一次创建的值

insert into myemp values(2);//从新创建第二行


select * from myemp;//现在可以查询到创建的值rollback to a;//报错从未创建过报错点(以为以提交)


查看用户定义的表:select table_name from user_tables;


显示表结构:desc user_objects

查看用户定义的...:select * from user_catalog;

:select object_name,object_type from

2 user_objects where object_type = 'TABLE';

怎样去掉头部:set heading off;

打开:set heading on;

添加一个列:alter table emp1 2 drop column job;

删除一个列:alter table emp1 2 add(job varchar2(30) default 'clerk');

更改表名:alter table emp1 rename column sal to salary;

rename emp1 to emp01;

设置为不可用(不显示):alter table emp1 set unused columns sal;

创建注释:comment on table emp1 is 'emp1 information';

查询注释:select * from user_tab_comments where comments is not null;

删除不可用:alter table emp1 drop unused columns;


创建约束表:create table employees

(id number unique,

name varchar2(20) not null,

hiredate date,

email varchar2(30),

constraint employee_email_uk unique(email));//用户加的约束名

select constraint_name from user_constraints where table_name = 'EMPLOYEES';

创建行:insert into employees values


insert into employees values


insert into employees values


表及约束:create table employee3

(id number,

name varchar2(20),

constraint employee3_id_pk primary key(id));

select constraint_name from user_constriaints where table_name = 'EMPLOYEE3';


CHECK约束: create table employee5(

id number,

name varchar2(20),

sal number(7,2),

constraint emp_sal_ch check(sal > 800));

insert into employee5 values(1,'1name',100);

alter table employee5

add constraint emp_id_pk primary key(id);//表已更改

alter table employee5

modify(name varchar2(20) not null);//表已更改

删除约束: ALTER TABLE employee5


alter table departments

drop primary key cascade;

无效化约束:alter table employee5

disable constraint emp_id_pk cascade;

激活无效化约束: alter table employee5

enable constraint emp_id_pk;

创建视图:create view v_emp20


select empno,ename,sal,deptno from

emp where deptno = 20;

授权:grant create view to scott

撤销授权:revoke view from scott;

select empno,ename,sal,deptno from

emp where deptno = 20;

select * from v_emp20;

创建复杂视图: create or replace view v_emp_sal



select deptno,max(sal),min(sal),avg(sal),count(*)

from emp group by deptno;

select view_name from user_views;

select view_name,text from user_views;//text查询上下问

如何在视图中插入数据:insert into v_emp20 values(3344,'feng',3900,20);

创建一行:insert into v_emp20 values(3344,'feng',3900,20);

删除行:delete from v_emp20 where empno = 3344;

删除视图:drop view v_emp21;

创建:update v_emp20 set sal = 3800 where empno = 7788;

select object_name from user_objects

where object_type ='VIEW';

尾例:select rownum,deptno,dname,loc from dept;

工资最高的前三行:select rownum num,empno,ename,sal,job from

(select * from emp where sal is not null order by sal desc)

where rownum<4;

最早入职的5位员工:select rownum num,empno,ename,sal,job,hiredate from

(select * from emp order by hiredate)

where rownum <6;

序列创建:1.create sequence myseq;

2.create sequence myseq1 start with 100 increment by 10;

3. create sequence myseq2 start with 1000 increment by 100

maxvalue 999999 nocache nocycle;

查询序列: desc user_sequences



SEQUENCE_NAME,MIN_VALUE,MAX_VALUE,INCREMENT_BY,last_number from user_sequences;


获得下一个序列和当前序列的方法:select myseq1.nextval from dual;

修改步进:alter sequence myseq

increment by 2

maxvalue 999999;

插入:insert into dept values(myseq.nextval,'sales','chongqing');

删除序列:drop sequence myseq3;//序列不存在:select myseq3.currval from dual;

创建所以:create index emp_ename_idx on emp(ename);

查询:desc user_indexes;

select object_name from user_objects where object_type = 'INDEX';

查看索引信息:select index_name,table_name,column_name from user_ind_columns;

创建同义词:create synonym e for emp; select * from e;

转换到授权帐户: grant create synonym to scott;

撤销授权:revoke synonym from scott;

删除同义词:drop synonym ve;

创建所有用户都能访问的同义词:conn sys/tiger as sysdba

create public synonym sy_e for scott.emp;

select * from scott.emp;

删除:drop public synonym sy_e;;

集合:create table test_a( create table test_b(

a_id number, b_id number,

a_name varchar2(20)); a_name varchar2(20));

创建行: insert into test_a values(1,'a0'); select * from test_c

insert into test_a values(2,'a1'); union

insert into test_b values(1,'a0'); select * from test_d; //去掉从复的

insert into test_b values(3,'a3'); select * from test_c

insert into test_b values(1,'a2'); union all

select * from test_d;//不去掉从复的

交集: select * from test_c 补集:select * from test_c

intersect intersect

select * from test_d; select * from test_d;

exists(子查询存在为TRUE,不存在为FALSE):select * from emp e

where exists(select deptno from dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno);

select * from emp e

where exists(select deptno from dept where deptno = 100000);

select empno,ename,deptno from emp e where deptno in

(select deptno from dept d where d.deptno = e.deptno);

select empno,ename,deptno from emp e where deptno in

(select deptno from dept d where d.deptno = e.deptno and d.deptno = 10);

结果相同的两种表达式:select empno,ename,deptno from emp e

where not exists(select * from dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and deptno = 10);

select empno,ename,deptno from emp e

where deptno not in(select * from dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and deptno

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