当前位置:文档之家› 江苏省成人高等教育非英语专业专科英语考试汉译英题库 (1) 2

江苏省成人高等教育非英语专业专科英语考试汉译英题库 (1) 2

江苏省成人高等教育非英语专业专科英语考试汉译英题库 (1) 2
江苏省成人高等教育非英语专业专科英语考试汉译英题库 (1) 2

1. 10年后,那个腼腆的瘦小男孩变成一个自信漂亮的小伙。Ten years later, the shy and thin boy turned to a confident and handsome young man

2. 1974年中国考古学家在西安挖掘出兵马俑。1n 1974 chinese archaeologists unearthed the pottery army in xi'an

3. 阿尔弗雷德诺贝尔被认为是最伟大化学家发明家之一。Alfred nobel is regarded as one of the greatest chemists and inventors

4. 奥运会中最重要的事不是获胜而是参与。The most important thing in olympic games is nit to win but to take part

5. 把电话号码留给我,以便与你们联系。Give me your telephone number so that i can connect with you

6. 爸爸说他以最好价格买了这两汽车。May father said that he had bought the car at the best price

7. 帮助他使我们职责。It's our duty to help him

8. 彼德给她写了一封信。Peter wrote her a letter

9. 必须马上把病人送到医院。The patient must be sent to hospital right away

10. 毕业后我将回国,尽可能学好英语。After graduation, i'll go abroad to learn english as well as i can

11. 别担心你的花草,在你度假期间我会照看它们。Don't worry about your flowers. I'll take care of them while you are out

12. 并非所有求职者都了解这些技巧。Not all job seekers know these skills

13. 波琳能够干得比你好一点。Paulin can do better than you do

14. 不管你在什么地方,我都能找到你。Wherever you are, i can find you

15. 不仅是我们班同学,而且别班同学也兴奋喊叫。Not only are all the students of pur class shouting excitedly, but also the students of other classes

16. 不久就证明电脑有助于改进他们的服务。It was soon proved that computers could help improve their services

17. 不要把那只玻璃杯放在桌边。Don't put the glass on the edge of the table

18. 不要担心你母亲,她很快会好。Please don't worry about your mother. She will be well soon

19. 不要满足于对功课的浅尝辄止,只求及格。Don't be content to just skim over courses with '' only to pass'' in mind

20. 不要让自己的探索局限于与自己专业直接相关的科目。Let yourself explore beyond your immediate career objectives

21不要忘了在上学路上把信寄了。Don’t forget to drop off the letter on your way to school

22布莱克先生和他女儿进行了一次谈话。Mr. Black had a conversation with his daughter

23成功的语言学习者能以更快的速度学会一门语言。Successful language learners can pick up a new language more quickly

24乘了8个小时飞机后我感觉有点累。I felt a bit tired after an 8-hour flight

25除非签名真的,不然你无法打开银行贵重物品保险箱。You will not be able to open the safe-deposit box unless your signature is genuine

26穿白色服装的学生来自我们学校。The students in white are from our school

27此外,今年很多省份粮食大部分减产。In addition, there is a crop failure in many

provinces this year

28粗心大意导致她考试不及格。Her carelessness led to her failure in the exam

29达到十字路口前你要减速。Slow down before you cross the crossroads

30大部分顾客愿意存钱时输入密码。The majority of customers are willing to type a personal number with depositing money

31大家对你说的话感到厌倦。Everybody was tired of what you were saying

32当气候改变时,世界上的食物会更少。There 'll be less food in the world when the climate changes

33当时交通怎么样?正好是高峰期。How was the traffic at the moment? it was rush hour

34导游对游客说,祝你们旅途愉快。The guide said to the tourists,"have a pleasant journey"

35得知你成功我很快乐。It gave me much pleasure to hear of your success

36得知要下雨,他们决定不去购物。Knowing that it was going to rain,they decided not to go shopping

37迪克是我们班唯一懂四国语言的人。Dick is the only one, who knows four languages in our class

38第二天早上水变成冰。The next morning the water changed into ice

39电梯升至第10层。The elevator went up to the tenth floor

40对不起,让你久等。Sorry to have kept you waiting

41多穿些衣服防感冒。Put on more clothes in case you catch a cold

42多年以前他是钢琴演奏家,难怪他现在仍弹这么好。He was a good pianist many years ago, so it's no wonder he can still play so well now

43房间里有人吗?没有,一个人也没有。Are there any people in the room?no, there isn't any person in the room

44房屋前面有个池塘。There is a pond in front of the house

45放学后我准备去游泳。I shall go swimming after school is over

46父母应当为孩子树立好榜样。Parents should set a good example for their children 47父母总是尽一切努力保护孩子不受伤害。Parents always do their best to protect their children from any harm

48父亲明天将给我许多礼物。My father will give me a lot of gifts tomorrow

49高辉告诉他的朋友如何在面试过程中推销自己。Gaohui told his friend how to sell himself in an interview

50给我搬把椅子来,行吗?Fetch a chair for me, will you?

51根据统计数字,90%的美国中学已与英特网连接。According to statistics, 90 percent of american high schools are connected to the internet

52工人们停下活喝一杯茶。The workers stopped their work to have a cup of tea

53工作条件该变了她整个性格。The working conditions changed her whole personality

54顾客存取钱时间少了,顾客人数增加了。The amount of time for depositing and withdrawing money has been reduced and the number of the customers has increased 55顾客的人数将来有增加可能吗is it possible that the number of the customers will increase in the future

56挂电话之前最好称呼对方一次。You'd better use the caller's name at least once

before hanging up

57过去,医学主要是与治病改善生活条件有关。In the past, medicine was concerned mainly with treating diseases and improving living conditions

58孩子们玩得如此开心,不知天色已晚。The children were so interested in their play that they didn't realize it was dark

59孩子们正专心听老师讲话。The children are listing to the teacher attentively

60毫无疑问,我们将取得成功。It's out of question that we'll succeed

61合肥是安徽省省会。Hefei is the capital of anhui province

62很久以前,所有旅客都要与其所带的行李一起称重。A long time ago, all the passengers had to be weighed with their luggage

63怀特先生星期天上午去伦敦。Mr. white is leaving for London on Sunday morning 64还有很多时间吗?没有时间了。Is there much time left? No, there is little time left

65患难朋友才是真朋友。A friend in need is a friend indeed

66回家去吧,不然你妈妈会担心。Go home, otherwise, your mother will worry 67会议主席总结了大家意见。The chairman of the meeting summed up the opinions of all

68霍尔曼先生,非常高兴欢迎您访问我校。Mr. Hoffman, i'm very happy to welcome you to visit our school

69吉姆利用午饭时间与弗雷德对笔记。Jim took the advantage of the lunch time to compare his notes with fred's notes

70计划生育政策降低了中国出生率。The family planning program has brought down the fertility rate of china

71教育资源包括从天气情况到人口统计等专题的研究资料。Educational resources included the research information on topics raging from weather conditions to population statistics

72她病情如此严重,医生无能为力。She is so sick that the doctors can do nothing for her

73她出国为了继续深造。She went abroad so that she could continue her studies

74她从马上摔下来,结果不能上学。She was unable to go to school as a result of the fall from her horse

75她的话很含糊以至于我根本不明白她想说什么。She is so vague that i can never understand what she is trying to say

76她的家庭由她和丈夫,还有一个女儿组成。His family consists of herself, her husband and a daughter

77她的所有业余时间都用在英语学习上。All her spare time was devoted to learning english

78她给他一包烟。She gave him a packet of cigarettes

79她给我打了一针盘尼西林。She gave me an injection of penicillin

80她购买了一些适合冷天穿的衣服。She buys some clothes suitable for cold weather

81她回不回来仍是个问题。Whether she will come back remains to be a question 82她建议我向有经验的工人学习。She suggested that we learn from experienced workers

83她经历一个又一个艰难困苦。She went though one hardship after another

84她肯定会在比赛中获得冠军。She will surely win the championship in the competition

85她起得很早,以免上课迟到。She got up early for fear that she might be late for class

86她是第一个学会开飞机的妇女。She is the first woman to drive the plane

87她太自私,所以没人喜欢和她交往。She is so selfish that no one likes to deal with her

88她有三个孩子,两个男孩,一个女孩。She has three children:two boys and a girl 89她越有钱越贪婪。The richer she was, the greedier she became

90她再也抑制不住怒火。She was unable to hold back her anger any longer

91她在公共汽车停靠站等你。She is waiting for you at the bus stop

92她丈夫酒后举止使她尴尬。Her husband's drunken behaviour embarrassed her 93今日的世界充满宝贵知识。Today's world is full of precious knowledge

94今天《中国日报》还没到。Today's china daily has not arrived yet

95今天可真热。It's really hot today

96今天晚上开会吗?Is there a meeting this evening?

97今天我们家庭作业不多。We don't have much homework taday

98今天我请客。It's on me today

99今天下午你将干什么?我打算看风景。What are you going to do this afternoon? I'm going to see the sights

100今天早上,我们到火车站时刚好赶上早班车。This morning we arrived at the railway station just in time to catch the early train

101尽管变化很多,但传统家庭模式仍占主导地位。Despite the changes, the traditional forms of family will prevail

102尽管她不再年轻,但依旧美丽。Although she is no longer young, she is still pretty

103尽管他病了,他仍开会。In spite of his illness, he still came to the meeting 104尽管下雨,我们还是要去。We are going to go in spite of the rain

105尽管学习中存在问题和困难,我还是十分喜欢英语。In spite of the problems and difficulties in my learning of english, i still love it very much

106尽管这个任务十分艰巨,我很愿意干这事。Although the task is awful, i'm well content to do it

107看起来没人喜欢她。It seems that nobody likes her

108恐怕现在没有这样的工作。I'm afraid there is no such job available at the moment

109快餐正在改变中国人饮食观念。Fast food is now changing Chinese eating ideas 110快点,旅行车在外面等你。Hurry up, the coach is waiting for you outside

111李芳几乎每天花一个半小时学英语。Lifang almost spends an hour and a half on english everyday

112李明试图使大家相信他会很快适应工作。Liming tried to make everybody believe he would soon fit in

113李先生会在出站口接你们,然后带你们去旅馆。Mr. Li will meet you at the arrival gate and then he'll take you to the hotel

114理一次发多少钱。How much do you charge for a haircut

115连接英特网的电脑使你家成为一个拥有无线信息的场所。A computer that is connected to the internet allows your home to turn to a place of unlimited information 116旅行支票优点是安全方便。The advantage of travellers' checks is that they are safe and convenient

117玛丽在考试时绞尽脑汁寻找解决问题的答案。Mary was racking her brain for the key to the problem during the exam

118没有驾驶执照,你不可以开车。You cannot drive without a driver’s license 119没有见过凯旋门就等于没有到过巴黎。Not to see the arch of triumph is not to see paris

120没有人知道这个故事起源。No one knows the origin of the story

121每个月他都要给家里电汇些钱补贴家用。Every month he has to wire some money to support his family

122每天早晨,幼儿园老师微笑站在校门口,迎接孩子。Every morning the smiling kindergarten teachers stand at the gate greeting the children

123民主观念已深深根植人们心里。The notion of democracy has taken root among people

124明天我们全家将去餐馆吃一顿自助晚餐。Tomorrow, our family will go to the restaurant to have a buffet supper

125母亲把她打扮像个洋娃娃。Her mother dressed her up like a doll

126那笔钱已经转到我的账户。That sum of money has been transferred to my account

127那次火车事故是件可怕的事情。The railway accident was a terrible affair

128那栋楼房前面有棵大树。There is a big tree in front of the building

129那房子就在下一个拐角处,你不会找不到。The house is at the next corner. You can't miss it

130那个新百货商店几乎每天都挤满人。The new department store is crowded with people almost every day

131那位教授提出几种有价值的参考书。The professor mentioned a few valuable reference books

132那座小山是看日落好地方。That hill is a great place to watch the sunset

133南京不再是过去样子。Nanjing is not what it used to be

134南京大学简称南大。Nanjing university is called nanda for short

135能够在网上获取大量各种资料使我们世界变得更小。The access to a huge variety of information on the net has made our world a smaller place

136你乘飞机旅行过吗?have you ever travelled by air?

137你的表几点了?一点十五。What time is it by your watch? It’s one fifteen

138你的家乡发生什么变化。What changes have taken place in your hometown? 139你的心脏听上去没问题。Your heart sounds ok

140你付过保价金了吗?have you paid for your insurance?

141你刚才说了什么?What did you say just now?

142你好,罗伯特,身体如何?Hello, robert, how are you?

143你看过电影《泰坦尼克号》吗?have you seen the film titanic?

144你可以在公园游玩,在那里沐浴明媚阳光。You can play and enjoy the bright

sun in the park

145你了解这个公司的情况吗?Have you found out about this company?

146你慢慢讲,好吗?Will you speak slowly?

147你们办公室有几部电话?How many telephones are there in your office?

148你们应保持宿舍整洁干净。You should keep your bedroom clean and tidy

149你能帮我提这个包吗?Can you help me carry the bag?

150你能帮我找到丢失的手表吗?Can you help me find my lost watch?

151你认识和玛丽跳舞的那个年轻人嘛。Do you know the young man with whom mary is dancing?

152你太客气了。You are too polite

153你为什么不求助。Why don't you ask for help?

154你为什么不早告诉我们你不能参加我们音乐会呢?why didn't you tell us earlier that you couldn't come to our music evening?

155你喜欢什么体育运动。What kind of sports do you go in for?

156你喜欢中餐还是西餐。Do you like chinese food or westerner food?

157你应该亲切向所有打电话者打招呼。You should greet all the callers pleasantly 158你应花时间好好准备考试。You should take time to prepare well for the exam 159你在行动之前必须仔细想一想。Think carefully before you act

160你正是我要寻找的人。You are the very man i'm looking for

161你知道他家出什么事吗do you know what happened in his family?

162你最好还是试试以上概述的方法。You may do well to try the study techniques outlined above

163你最好骑自行车来。You'd better come by bike

164前法国总理高度赞西安兵马俑。The former french premier spoke highly of the pottery army in xi'an

165乔治正在与一位中国学生练习对话。George is practicing dialogues with a chinese student

166请把我的信装到你的信内寄出好吗?Will you please enclose my letter with yours?

167请不要把这些材料放在这里。Don't put the materials here

168请打听那艘船什么时候开往纽约。Please find out when the ship sails for newyork

169请给我订一张去广州的飞机票。Please book me an airline ticket for guangzhou 170请立即将这封信寄出去。Please send this letter right away

171请明天来参加面试。Please come to an interview tomorrow

172请您告诉我怎样写应聘信好吗?Will you please tell me how to write a letter of application

173请确保我们有足够时间赶火车。Please make sure that we have enough time to catch the train

174请通知我账号以便我把现金打入你账户。Please inform me of your account number so that i can pay the cash into your account

175请问,去环球旅行社怎么走?这边走。Excuse me,how can i get to the global travel agency? Please come this way

176请专心倾听,不要打断别人谈话。Please listen attentively and don't interrupt

177去杭州的火车上午8:30开。The train to hangzhou departs at 8:30 am

178去年两国贸易总额达40亿美元。Trade between the two countries totaled 4 billion dollars last year

179去年夏天她们在海南度假。They spent their vacation in hainan last summer 180让我把你介绍给该系领导。Let me introduce you to the head of the department 181日报上有很多版面专门评论体育活动。Several pages of the daily newspaper are devoted to discussing sports

182如果不马上走,你会迟到。Unless you go at once,you'll be late

183如果你从一个商店拿东西不付款,你肯定会被抓。If you take things from a shop without paying, you are sure to be caught

184如果你的英语学习一直不成功,很可能你没经常操练。If your english learning has not been successful,you have not probably not practiced using it regularly

185如果你听从我的劝告,你就可能成功。If you follow my advice, you'll probably succeed

186如果你想他请求,他会帮助你。If you ask him, he'll help you

187如果你要投诉邮局服务的话,你就去找邮局负责人。If you want to complain about the service, you can go to the person in charge of the post office

188如果你有能力,你很可能有机会晋级。If you are capable, you'll probably have a chance for the promotion

189如果你有时间,顺便来玩,任何时候你都受欢迎。If you have time, please drop in.you are welcome anytime

190如果书店离这儿不远,我宁愿走去。If the bookstore isn't far away from here, i'd rather go there on foot

191如果他有时间,让他看一下这本书。Let him read this book if he has time

192如今很多年轻人宁愿独身。Nowadays many young people prefer to remain single

193如我们所期待的,他按时完成任务。He finished the work on time just as we had expected

194三个人中我最喜欢比尔。Of all the three,i like bill the best

195上百万示威者,包括工人学生教师参加了游行。Millions of demonstrators including workers, students and teachers were on the march

196上车前要记得准备好一些零钱。Remember to have some change with you before you get on a bus

197上大学绝不仅意味着得到一个分数。Going to college means a lot more than earning a grade

198上大学是一件十分严肃的事。Going college is a very serious business

199上海是我去过的最漂亮城市。Shanghai is the most beautiful city I have ever visited

200上周末我去了无锡,玩得非常痛快。I went to wuxi last weekend and i enjoyed my trip very much

201圣诞节那天,他收到一件漂亮礼物。She was given a lovely gift on christmas day 202十年前,我们曾在同一所大学工作。We worked in the same university ten years ago

203什么都不能使我离开美丽家乡。Nothing could take me from my beautiful


204史密斯教授是我遇到的最好英语老师。Professor smith is the best teacher that we have ever met

205史密斯先生对这次旅行安排很满意。Mr. Smith was satisfied with the travel arragements

206世上万事万物都相互关联。All things are related to all other things in the world 207谁来看我都受欢迎。Whoever comes to see me will be welcomed

208谁想去,她就带谁。She will take whoever wants to go

209顺便问一下,你收到那封信吗?By the way, have you receive the letter?

210似乎他不知道如何开户。It seems that he doesn't know how to open an account 211所有人似乎都关心孩子教育问题。All the people seem to be concerned with children's education

212他把所有的钱都投到可靠证券。He invested all his money in reliable securities 213他班上大部分学生都是南京人。Most of the students in his class come from nanjing

214他背靠墙一动不动站着。He stood motionless against the wall

215他被车压了。He was run over by a truck

216他被胜利冲昏头脑。He was carried away by success

217他比我强,因为他是大学生。She has an advantage over me, for she is a college graduate

218他表达了出国深造愿望。He expressed his desire to go abroad to have a further study

219他表示要帮助我。He offers to help me

220他不能决定是否回家。He couldn't decide whether or not to return home

221他不认为这是令人生厌的事,因为他想把孩子训练成优秀运动员。He doesn't think it is a chore, because he wanted to discipline those children to be good players 222他不在梦想出国留学。She no longer dreams of studying abroad

他不知道怎样解这道数学题,所以他去请玛丽帮忙。He didn't know how to solve this maths problem, so he went to ask mary for help

223他长在农村,但现在工作生活在城里。He grew up in the countryside but he is working and living in the city now

224他常常在网上获取参考资料。He often got reference materials on line

225他常以点头微笑的方式与别人打招呼。He often greets people with a nod or a smile

226他的弟弟一直对计算机感兴趣。His little brother is always interested in the computer

227他的耳朵对机器中任何不正常的声音均十分敏感。His ears are highly sensitive to any unusual sound in the machine

228他的歌迷盛赞他是最受欢迎歌唱家。His fans all acclaimed him as the most popular singer

229他的话使她心里充满希望。His words fill her heart with hope

230他的口音表明他是南方人。His accent proclaimed him a southerner

231他的新作是关于一个发明家的一生。His new book is concerned with an inventor's life

232他的艺术作品很巧妙。His works of art are ingenious

233他的英语口语比我好。His oral english is better than mine

234他的最大目标是通过大学英语六级。His great aim is to pass college english band-vi

235他懂一点法语,但讲的不流利。He has some acquaintance of french but he doesn't speak it fluently

236他对这个房间发生事情感兴趣。He was interested in what had happened in the room

237他关心周围每个人。He cares for everybody around him

238他害怕他们球队会输掉这场比赛。He is afraid that his team may lose the game 239他和他的妻子原籍德国。He and his wife are german by origin

240他还没有告诉我们去北京旅游的细节。He hasn't told us details about his travel to beijing

241他将大部分人生花在时装设计。He spent a large part of his life on fashion designing

242他讲英语略带德国口音。He speaks english with a slight german accent

243他教她法文以交换英文。He is giving her french lessons in exchange for english lessons

244他近来手头不宽裕。He's living on a tight budget

245他卷入了汤姆和杰克的争吵。He got involved in the quarrel between tom and jack

246他看书时总是记笔记。He always takes notes while he is reading

247他靠小心投资获得利益。He has gained a profit by careful investment

248他靠在许多小处省钱,设法积攒了度假钱。By various little economies, she managed to save money for a holiday

249他夸耀自己是学校最棒足球队员。He boasts of being the best football play in the school

250他略懂一点英语。He knows a little english

251他没有把地址讲清楚。He didn't make the address clear

252他每天早上5点起床。He gets up at five every morning

253他们不知道下一步怎么办。They don't know what they should do next

254他们的母亲负担不了每天给他们吃鱼吃肉。Their mother can't afford to feed them on meat and fish every day

255他们对世界杯足球赛非常感兴趣。They are very interested in the world cup 256他们对我的询问很快做了回复。They gave a quick response to my inquiry 257他们更有可能开车来。It is more likely that they'll come here by car

258他们两互相帮助仿佛兄弟。They helped each other as if they were brothers 259他们旅游费共达2000美元。Their travelling expenses amount to 2000dollars 260他们没有等别人来帮忙,而是自己完成工作。Instead of waiting for others to come to help,they finished the work by themselves

261他们每月打的看一次歌剧。They go by taxi to the opera once a month

262他们明晚8:10分乘148列车到。They will arrive by train no. 148 at 8:10 tomorrow evening

263他们设法找出规律,得出自己结论。They tried to find the rules for themselves

and formed their own conclusions

264他们似乎并不比别人聪明。They don't seem to be any more intelligent than others

265他们所采用的方法是全新的。The method adopted by them is altogether new 266他们讨论主题是如何教英语。The topic of their discussion is how english could be taught

267他们为小说中主要人物定名字。They decided the names of main characters in the novel

268他们现在不在操场上打篮球。They are not playing basketball on the playground 269他们正在研究买房可能性。They are looking into the possibility of buying a house

270他们阻止我出门。They stopped me from going out of the door

271他偶尔来看望我。He came to see me occasionally

272他取得成功的原因是他非常勤奋。The reason why he has been successful is that he is very hard-working

273他如此生气,结果一句话也没说就离开办公室。He was so angry that he left the office without a word

274他是否来不重要。Whether he comes or not matters little

275他是在奶奶家长大的。He grew up with his granny

276他所想的问题是如何执行这些计划。What he was thinking about was how to carry out these plans

277他特别重视提高自己英语口语。He placed special emphasis on improving his oral englsh

278他为什么这么做永远是个谜。Why he did so remain a puzzle forever

279他厌倦川菜,因为太辣。He is tired of sichuan food. It's too hot

280他一定会来。He is certain to come

281他一定会使他的雇主相信他有能力素质胜任该项工作。He is sure to convince his employer he has the skills and qualities that match the requirements

282他以微弱优势当选。He was elected by a marrow margin

283他用了一个半小时做完作业。It took him an hour and a half to finish his homework

284他有可能坐火车到这个城市吗?Is it possible for him to get to the city by train? 285他有礼貌邀请我们参加晚会。He politely invited us to the party

286他原来在一家美国公司工作。He worked with an american company

287他在华夏宾馆预定了房间。He made a reservation in huaxia hotel

288他曾在北京大学读书,在那里认识了许多杰出人士。He studied at beijing university where he met many outstanding men

289他正在自学英语。He is teaching himself english

290他总是第一个到。He is always the first to come

291他总是第一个到学校。He is always the first to get to school

292他走起路来跟他父亲一样。He walks the same way his father does

293他坐在那里,仿佛啥事没有发生一样。He sat there as if nothing had happened 294汤姆到家时妈妈在做饭。My mother was cooking when tom came home

295汤姆邀请你参加他的晚会了吗?Did tom invite you to attend his evening party?

296体育运动能使学生更好面对竞争激烈的社会。Sports will enable the students to better face the highly competitive society

297天气时暖时冷。It's sometimes warm and at other times cold

298天气正变的越来越冷。It's getting colder and colder

299万里长城真是人造奇迹。The great wall is a truly man-made wonder

300万维网出现,使网上寻找查找资料变得更容易。The arrival of the web made it easier to find and view information on line

301王红正在找工作,但是找到合适工作不容易。Wanghong is looking for a job, but it is not easy to find a suitable job

302王小姐,请告诉我你现在做什么工作。Please tell me about your present job,,miss wang?

303王小姐想到管理部门去工作,所以她申请这个职位。Miss wang wanted to go into management, so she applied for the position

304为了避免感情受伤害,有些人宁可关闭心扉。To avoid getting hurt,some people choose to close their hearts

305为了不辜负老师期望,他比班上其他同学用功。To live up to his teachers' explanations, he works harder than anyone else in his class

306为了尽快康复,他卧床休息3天。In order that he could get over the illness as soon as possible, he stayed in bed for 3 days

307为了取得最佳健康状态,你必须创造健康生活方式。In order that you can achieve optimum health, you must create a healthy lifestyle

308为了在天黑以前到达,我们早早动身。We started early in order to arrive before dark

309为了掌握英语,我们必须主动独立有目的地去学习。It's necessary for us to learn english actively, independently and purposefully in order to master it

310为什么不去中医药看病?Why not go to see a doctor in the hospital of chinese medicine

311为我们的英语学习制定了一个长期计划。A long-term plan will be worked out for our english study

312魏芳在找做秘书的工作。Weifang is looking for a job as a secretary

313我爱你就像亲生儿子一样。I love you as if you were my son

314我爱我家乡,并为它近几年发展自豪。I love my home town and i'm proud of the developments that have taken place in recent years

315我不久前见过她,确切的说我昨天见过她。I saw her not long ago, as a matter of fact,i saw her yesterday

316我不能应允你做我的助手。I can't accept you as my assistant

317我不在乎开始工作时拿钱少。I don't mind being paid less at the start

318我不知道是否要给她写信。I don't know whether to write her a letter

319我到机场时,飞机已起飞。When i arrived at the airport, the plane had already left 320我的表才十二点四十五。我的表慢了半小时。My watch says only twelve forty-five. It’s half an hour slow

321我的狗很少叫。My dog seldom barks

322我的话令她困惑。What i said puzzled her

323我非常喜欢这部电影。I'm very interested in the film

324我刚听说她弟弟在战斗中牺牲。I have just heard that her brother was killed in a battle

325我给了他一些钱,免得他需要钱用。I gave him some money lest he need it 326我给他打了电话,免得他不知道此事。I telephoned him in case he didn't know it

327我很担忧,不知这钱是怎么花的。I am worried about how the money was spent 328我回家时,顺路看看你们?I’ll drop in on you on my way home

329我将同她一起去,以免她害怕。I'll go with her in case she is afraid

330我可以跟你一起去吗?May i have the pleasure of going with you?

331我可以填写这张申请表吗?当然可以。May i fill in this application form?yes, of course

332我肯定会胜任这份工作。I'm sure that i can be qualified for the job

333我恐怕不能借钱给你,因为我想买一辆新汽车。I'm afraid i can't lend my money to you because i want to buy a new car

334我每天骑车去上学,而不是坐公交车。I go to school everyday by bike instead of by bus

335我们班四分之一学生是男生。A quarter of the students in our class are boys 336我们必须努力克服工作中面临的困难。We must try to cope with all the difficulties that we face in our work

337我们必须提高获取信息的技能,以满足工作中不断增长的对这些技能的需求。We must improve the information skills to meet a growing demand for these skills in our work

338我们必须仔细考虑这件事。We must think about this very carefully

339我们不能走,因为正在下雨。We can't go for it's raining

340我们都盼望凯特到来。We are all looking forward to kate's coming

341我们对此计划意见一致。We agree on the plan

342我们刚才还谈到你。We were talking about you just now

343我们计划下周出发。We are planning to start next week

344我们家乡风景美得无法形容。The scenery of our hometown is too beautiful for words

345我们将尽快把这些书寄给你们。We'll send you the books as soon as possible 346我们决定先看房子再买。We decided to view the house before buying it

347我们开始意识到为什么彼德不能来。We came to realize why peter couldn't come

348我们可以通过参与网上讨论小组与别人交流。We can communicate with other people by participating in the online discussing groups

349我们可以向别国学习,但不应该依赖他们。We can learn from other countries, but we shouldn't depend on them

350我们老师用几句话总结该讲座。Our teacher summed up the lecture in a few words

351我们盼望再次见到你。We are looking forward to seeing you again

352我们什么时候度假还没定。When we should go on vacation has not been decided yet

353我们试图探究解决此问题各种方法。We try to explore the ways of solving the


354我们是走是留这里并不重要。It's not very important whether we should go or stay here

355我们通常6点起床。As a rule, we get up at about six

356我们已决定不去。We have decided not to go there

357我们应敞开心扉去爱,而不是等待被叩开心门。We should open our heart to love instead of waiting to be opened

358我们应当关心盲人。We should care for the blind

359我们应该深入了解她的想法,然后帮助她解决问题。We should gain some insight into what she is thinking about and then help her out

360我们有你要的款式,但没有你要的颜色。We have your style, but not in that color

361我们愿意亲眼看到工作环境。We are willing to see the working conditions with our own eyes

362我们之间毫无共同点。We have nothing in common

363我们最好把文件直接交给她。We'd better hand him the documents directly 364我免不了要碰到他。I can't avoid meeting him

365我明天把它给你送来。I'll send it to you tomorrow

366我盼望听到母亲消息。I look forward to hear from my mother

367我认为北京申报奥运会获胜可能性很大。I think beijing stands a good chance of winning the bid for the olympic games

368我认为你把钱存到银行有必要。I think it necessary that you keep your money in a bank

369我如何回报你的帮助?What can i do in return for your help?

370我申请的一个理由是我不在乎艰苦工作。One of the reasons i'm applying is that i don't mind hard jobs

371我是替你买的,不是给自己买的。I've bought it for you, not for myself

372我是在城南长大的,在城东读的书。I grew up on the south side of the town but went to college on the east side

373我收到一张交通罚款单,因为我闯了红灯。I got a traffic ticket because I ran the red light

374我叔叔在桂林已经住了四年。My uncle has lived in Guilin for four years

375我特别留意他眼睛,因为它们很大。I noticed his eyes in particular, because they were very large

376我完全忽视迪克,结果他非常生气。I took no notice of jack, so that he got very angry

377我为家乡近几年发展感到自豪。I'm proud of the developments that have taken place in my hometown in recent years

378我希望找到一份兼职工作以便继续学习。I hope to get a part-time job so that i can go on with my studies

379我想起在美国读书的日子。I thought of the days when i studied in the usa

380我想请你帮我一个忙。I'd like to ask you a favor

381我向他表明我回去。I indicated to him that i would go

382我一出去就给你打电话。I'll call you as soon as i go out

383我有三件事要谈。I've got three things to talk about

384我有一个好主意。I have got a good idea

385我在学校书店买了这本书。I bought the book at our school book store

386无论打电话的人是谁,你的态度都应该彬彬有礼。Your manner should be courteous regardless of who the caller is

387无论哪一边胜我都高兴。Whichever side wins, i'll be satisfied

388无论谁填写申请都可获得贷款。Whoever fills out the application can get the loan

389无人知道这一习俗起源何时。No one knows when such a custom came into existence

390下星期他们和我们一起去广州。they'll go to guangzhou with us next week 391现在东郊公园的树和以前一样多。Now east suburb park has many trees as it used to be

392现在计算机已被广泛应用。Computers are widely used now

393相信他的话才蠢。It's fool's trick to trust his words

394想打电话者表示你愿意尽你所能提供帮助。Show the caller that you will be as helpful as you can

395消息很快传到我们学校。News soon found its way to our school

396小王必须在9点之前到这儿吗?不必。Must xiaowang get there before 9? No, he needn't

397新建礼堂可以容纳2000人。The newly-built hall can hold two thousand people 398新鲜蔬菜在冬季出售价格也不贵。Fresh vegetables are sold at a reasonable price in winter

399许多人每周都到苏果超市采购,因为那里服务好价格公道。Many people do their weekly shopping at suguo supermarket because the service is good and the prices are reasonable

400许多人认为现在找工作变得越来越难。Many people think job hunting is becoming more and more difficult

401许多人在家通过电视观看现场直播的各种比赛。At home, numerous people watch all kinds of sports telecast on tv

402许多外国来访者称赞长城是一种令人惊奇的成就。Many a foreign visitor praised the great wall as a wonderful achievement

403许多外国人发现中国人很友好。Many foreigners find the chinese very friendly 404训练自己把学习变成一种乐趣,而非一件令人生厌的事。Discipline yourself to make learning fun, not a chore

405一般来说,女孩容易被外表蒙骗。Generally, girls are easily cheated by one's appearance

406一家旅游公司录用了李小姐,试用期3个月。A travelling agency accepted miss li for a three-month period of probation

407一年有2个月。There are 12 months in a year

408一切按计划进行着。Everything went according to the plan

409一切均按计划进行。Everything went according to the plan

410一完成那个实验,我们就去了图书馆。As soon as the experiment was over, we went to the library

411一下课,孩子们争先恐后冲出校门。As soon as the class is over, the children rush out of the school gates

412一直走到拐角,然后向左转。Walk straight to the corner and then make the left turning

413医护人员应努力学习,以便更好为病人服务。The doctors and nurses study hard so that they can serve the patients better

414医生不让他起来。The doctor didn't allow him to get up

415因为超速行驶,他被警察抓住。He was caught by a policeman for speeding 416因为他的眼睛有病,他看不清黑板的字。Because of his bad eyes, he couldn't see the words on the blackboard clearly

417银行的雇员努力向顾客提供良好服务。The employees of the bank try to provide good services for the customers

418英语在他们工作和生活中变得越来越重要。English is becoming more and more important in their work and in their lives

419由于上课迟到,汤姆害怕进教室。Being late for school, tom was afraid to enter the classroom

420邮递员已经取空信箱了。The postman has emptied the letter-box

421有20多人申请这一职务。More than 20 people applied for the position

423有空请过来喝杯茶。Please come over for a cup of tea sometime

424有了现代邮政便利,你可以往全世界任何地方寄东西。With modern postal conveniences, you can send anything to anywhere in the world

425有人接待你吗?are you being waited on?

426有效的电话通信关键在于礼貌。Good manners are the key to the effective communication

427有些人不善表达自己感情。Some people are not good at expressing their feelings 428有些人发现英语很容易学。Some people find it very easy to learn english

429有些学生课上不愿意说英语。Some students are not willing to speak english in class

430右边是一家加油站。There is a petrol station on the right

431幼儿智力不可低估。Babie's intelligence can not be underestimated

432与您会晤,不胜荣幸。It's a great honor to meet you

433阅读和写作是不同技能。Reading and writing are different skills

434在东郊公园,你可以放风筝,可以欣赏各种鲜花。In east suburb park, you can fly kites and enjoy all kinds of flowers

435在回家的路上,一个警察拦住他。A policeman stopped him on his way home 436在进行介绍时,介绍者应该口齿清楚。When making introductions, the introducer should speak clearly

437在距离目的地还有5英里的地方,我们汽车抛锚。Our car broke down when we were still 5 miles short of the destination

438在伦敦,许多人到中国餐馆吃饭。Many people eat in chinese restaurants in london

439在你昨天等我的地方等我。Wait for me at the same place as you did yesterday 440在他一生中大部分时间很贫穷。He was poor during a large part of his life

441在这种场合,我们最好不说话。On this occasion, we'd better not talk

442张峰是他的哥哥,他们是双胞胎。Zhangfeng is his brother. They are twins 443掌握英语不是一件容易的事。It's not an easy thing to master engish

444这本书在年轻人中很流行。This book is very popular among young people 445这本英语小说值得一读。The english novel is well worth reading

446这部机器是以它的发明者名字命名。The machine is named for its inventor 447这部小说十分有趣,我很想再看一遍。The novel is so interesting that i want to read it again

448这场空难事故中无一生还。No one survived the air crash

449这出戏将于今年秋天在农村巡演。The play will tour the countryside this autumn

450这顶帽子太小,我带不下。This hat is too small for me to wear

451这个单词是一个外来语。This word is adopted from a foreign languange

452这个东西在法语中叫什么?What do you call this in french?

453这个工作特别吸引我。This job attracts me in particular

454这个协会愿意向参与某项运动而不是观看比赛的人提供体育活动机会。This occasion offers sports programs to those who would rather participate in a sport than watch it

455这个星期天气特别热。It has been especially hot this week

456这个学校原先很小。This school was originally small

457这家工厂明年将生产一种新肥皂。A new kind of soap will be brought out in this factory

458这家公司雇用有工作经验的人。This company employs people with work experience

459这家银行向个人提供购房贷款。This bank makes loans to individuals for the purchases of houses

460这就是她曾工作的地方。This is where she once worked

461这就是他和女朋友第一次会面的公园。This is the park where he met his girl-friend for the first time

462这里有许多参考书,例如字典手册之类。There are many reference books, such as dictionaries and handbooks

463这啤酒不适合我喝。The beer doesn't agree with me

464这钱将有特定用途。The money is to be used for a specific purpose

465这是解决问题好方法。This is the good way to solve the problem

466这是你想要的书。This is the book you want

467这是谁的上衣?是他的。Whose coat is this? It's his

468这是我见过的最精彩球赛。This is the most exciting football game I have ever watched

469这是一场代价惨重的胜利。The victory is won at heavy cost

470这位外国留学生用信用卡付账支付其他开销。The foreign student pays bills and other expenses with credit cards

471这项工作需要细心耐心。This work demands care and patience

472这些不是我的书,我的书在桌上。These are not my books. Mine are on the desk 473这些书适合孩子阅读。Those books are suitable for children to read

474这样的安排可以省去我们很多麻烦。Such an arrangement will save us a lot of


475这药一天3次,每次3粒,服10天。Take three pills three times a day for ten days 476这要取决于你们在学习中所犯错误的态度。This depends on your attitudes towards making mistakes in your studies

477这一发明的消息传遍四面八方。The news of this invention spread far and wide 478这种事人们之间各不相同。This kind of thing varies from person to person 479这幢房子由5个房间组成。The house consists of 5 rooms

480正如我们预期的,病人很快就能做起来看书。The patient will soon be able to sit up and read as we expect

481政府给我们一笔贷款。The government granted them a loan

482直到玛丽来她才走。She didn't go until mary came

483直截了当说,大学是一个令人向往的地方。Putting it bluntly, the college is a place to be greedy

484只要你答应归还,你就可以把这本书借走。You may borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back

485只要你愿意尝试,你就可以创造充满爱的生活。You can create a life of love as you as you are willing to try

486只有知道密码之人才能进入我电脑。Only those who know the password can have access to my computer

487至多不过50人而已。There were fifty people at most

488至少你应该跟我们说实话。At least you should tell us the truth

489中国给外国人留下高速发展的印象。China impressed foreign students with its rapid development

490中国孩子不习惯吃奶酪。Chinese children are not used to cheese

491中国有一半以上人口是汉族。Over one half of the population belongs to the han nationality

492桌上有一杯牛奶。There is a glass of milk on the table

493自从1982以来南京发生了巨大变化。Great changes have taken place in Nanjing since 1982

494总经理需要一个新秘书。The general manager is in need of a new secretary 495总之,她很喜欢唱歌。In one word, she enjoys singing very much

496足球是一项深受欢迎的运动。Soccer is a highly popular sport

497最令我惊奇的是他英语这么好。What surprised me most was that his english was so good

498昨天他不得不呆在家里,因为他病了。Yesterday he had to stay at home because he was ill

499昨天他在会上做了令人激动报告。Yesterday he made an exciting report at the meeting

500做你认为重要的事,同时尊重别人观点。Do what you believe is right and respect the opinions of others

501做水手就不得不常年在外。Being a sailor involves long periods away from home


统考大学英语B英译汉 题库 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

2017年9月统考大学英语B英译汉题库(201709) 复习建议:本部分考6小题,每题5分,共30分。基本都是复习资料原题,对于基础好的同学,建议自己尝试翻译,然后背答案;对于基础差的同学,根据原句中的简单单词,把单词背过,再背答案。所有句子必须背过,重中之重!!! 阅卷方式:本部分采取人工阅卷方式,没有标准答案,翻译句中任何一个单词正确会给0.5-1分,整句意思正确,会给满分。遇到复习资料中的原题,直接将背过的答案写上;遇到没见过的试题,则认识一个单词就写一个单词的意思,千万不要空着! 1. As is known to all, China is the largest developing country in the world today. 众所周知,中国式当今世界上最大的发展中国家 2. The friend saw everything but did not say a single word. 这位朋友看到了一切,却一言不发。 3. They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set.他们认为电视机一定出了毛病了。 4. You and your team can discover the answers to problems together.你和你的团队能够一起找到问题的答案。 5. Life is meaningless without a purpose. 没有目标的生活是毫无意义的。 6. He didn't need to attend the meeting. 他没必要参加那个会议。 7. I read the local newspapers with great interest every evening. 我每晚怀着极大的兴趣读当地的报纸。 8. He prefers coffee to tea. 与茶相比,他更喜欢咖啡。 9. Our textbooks are very different from theirs. 我们的教材与他们的教材很不一样。 10. Are you fond of music? 你喜欢音乐吗? 11. You’d better do that again.你最好再做一遍。 12. What kind of life do most people enjoy? 大多数人喜欢什么样的生活? 13. This box can hold more books than that one. 这个箱子比那个箱子能装更多的书。 14. Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job. 安妮和玛丽都适合干这个工作。 15. I hurried to my office. 我匆忙赶到了办公室。 16. I slept soundly all night. 我整夜睡得很熟。 17. Have you seen Tom recently? 最近你看到汤姆了吗?


Unit 4 Translation 1、接受这份工作就得经常在周末上班,但约翰并不在意。 To take this job would involve working on weekends frequently, but John didn’t mind 2、众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。 It is well know that lung cancer is caused at least in part by smoking too much. 3、我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。 My grandparents said that the man who invented television had once lived in their neighborhood. 4、我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史斯密教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。 I propose that we go to find Prof. Smith in his office right after the meeting and invite him to our English evening 5、她因那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。 Having been operated on twice for the disease, she was so weakened that she could barely stand up 6、教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。Educators think that the generation growing up with television spend so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not have enough time to study. 7、我真希望你能拿出一个比这更好的解决办法来。 I do hope that you can come up with a better solution than this. 8、乍一看,这幅画并不好,但经过仔细观察,我们才发现它的的确观察,我们才发现它的确是一幅杰作。 At first glance the picture didn’t l ook very good, but after examining it carefully we found that it was indeed a masterpiece. Unit 5 Translation 1、史密斯医生从窗口望出去,突然看到一个年轻人正向他的诊所奔来。 Looking out of the window, Dr. Smith caught sight of a young man running towards his clinic. 2、艾米过去除了咖啡什么都不喝。 Amy used to drink nothing but coffee. 3、迈拉得知丈夫在事故中受了伤便哭了起来。 Myra broke into tears when she learned that her husband had got injured in an accident. 4、我们好几天没有看见怀特小姐了。她是病倒了还还是怎么了? W haven’t seen Miss White for quite a few days. Has she fallen ill of somethi ng? 5、研究所所长亲自查明一切都没有问题。 The director of the research institute came in person to make sure that everything was all right. 6、伦尼今天早晨上学又迟到了。他应该早一点起床的。肯定是昨晚睡得太迟了。 Lennie was late for school again this morning. He ought to /should have got up earlier. He must have stayed up too late last night 7、嗨,你不应该把那些孩子赶跑。他们是来帮忙的,不是来捣蛋的。 Say you oughtn’t to have driven away those kids. They came to lend you a hand, not to make trouble. 8、对护士来说,坚持这项规定是很重要的。 It is important for nurses to stick to this rule. Unit 6 Translation 1、据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。 It was reported that the building of the railway had been held up by a flood. 2、罢工结果,资方接受了工人的要求。 The strike resulted in the management accepting the workers’ demands. 3、煤矿工人们决定为争取更好的工作条件举行罢工。 The coalminers decided to go on strike for better working conditions 4、我很想买下这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带的钱不够。


历年上海英语翻译中级口译汉译英真题及答案 原文: 越来越多受英文教育的海外华人父母,已经认识到孩子在掌握不可或缺的英文的同时,也通晓中文的重要性。中国的崛起,让他们充分认识到孩子掌握双语的好处——既能增加他们的就业机会,也能让他们接触和熟悉东西方两种不同的文化。 这些人对中文的态度几乎没有完全改变。曾几何时,他们还非常骄傲地宣称自己只懂英文。现在,他们已开始积极支持孩子学习中文和中国文化,而且还不时走访中国,欣赏壮观的自然风光,认识丰富的文化遗产。 译文: An increasing number of English-educated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kids have a good command of Chinese. China’s rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact that their kids can benefit from their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West. They have hardly changed their attitudes towards Chinese. At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only. Now, they have begun to give full support to their kids learning Chinese and its culture, and they also make occasional visits to China, where they can enjoy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know its rich cultural heritage. 解析: 本段是一篇文化类介绍文章。总体难度一般,以句号结束的句子即可作为一


"英译汉" 1. "When she was eighteen, she began to work." 译文:["她18岁的时候开始上班。"] 2. "I sent him a Christmas card last year." 译文:["我去年送了他一张圣诞贺卡。"] 3. "He looks much older than his age." 译文:["他看起来比实际年龄老。"] 4. "Beijing Olympics can make Chinese people work harder." 译文:["北京奥运会能让中国人工作更努力。"] 5. "The traffic jams during morning and afternoon rush hours are a headache in big cities now." 译文:["上下班高峰期的交通拥挤问题是大城市目前的一个棘手问题。"] 6. "Would you like some coffee? There's still a little left." 译文:["你想要一些咖啡吗?还剩下一些。"] 7. "When were the Olympic Games founded?" 译文:["奥运会是何时创建的?"] 8. "I'lI try not to take up too much of your time." 译文:["我会尽量不占用您太多的时间."] 9. "He offered to help us with our work." 译文:["他主动帮助我们干活。"] 10. "I was having a nap when suddenly the telephone rang." 译文:["我在睡觉时,电话铃突然响了。"] 11. "Excuse me, where is the nearest police station?" 译文:["打扰一下,最近的警察局在哪儿"] 12. "We cannot tell when an earthquake is coming." 译文:["我们无法预测地震什么时候发生。"] 13. "These five boys failed in their English exam last term." 译文:["这五个男孩儿上学期的英语考试不及格。"] 14. "Look out the window it’s still raining today!" 译文:["看窗外,今天还在下雨!"] 15. "Did you go fishing with your friend last Sunday?" 译文:["你上周日和朋友去钓鱼了吗?"] 16. "How long will you be staying in China?" 译文:["你将在中国呆多久?"]


第一单元 1. The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed. 2. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day. 3 .Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best. 4. We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it. 5. Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull. 6. They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security. 第二单元 1 .If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous,it would have attracted a larger audience.‘ 2. She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress. 3 .I never had formal training,I just learned as I went along? 4. As their products find their way into the international


2004.5 It isn’t often that one has the chance to congratulate a noted woman writer on her 80th birthday. So on October 5 last year,when I went to Bing Xin’s house,I felt very excited. I explained that I hoped she would tell me something about how she becam e a poet. “I haven’t written poetry for many years,” she said smiling. “But I still love to read good poetry.” Bing Xin was fortunate to have parents who encouraged her to study and write. When she was attending a women’s college in Beijing in 1919,an event occurred which changed the whole course of her life. That was the May 4th Movement,a patriotic democratic movement started by students in Beijing. The mass demonstrations made a deep impression on her. She threw herself into the struggle and was put in charge of publicity by the Student Union. She wrote poems,articles and stories,attacking imperialism and feudalism in its various forms. Going to the U.S. in 1923 to study literature,she wrote down her impressions on the way and during her stay there. These were published in the collection To Little Readers. The book brought her instant fame,not only because she was a woman writer,but also because of the noble sentiments in the book. Quite a few younger writers say it was Bing Xin’s writings that started t hem on the road they have since followed. 2004.11 In recent years, the Chinese government has encouraged domestic travel and implemented a policy of "holiday economics", giving its citizens three annual week-long vacations and the opportunity to spend more savings on travel, shopping and eating out. In 2004, total tourist spending during the May Day holidays was 39 billion yuan. Tourism now contributes 2.3 percent of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP), and revenues are expected to grow by 10 percent annually through to 2013, creating 40 million jobs.


英译汉(历年考试真题) ….three times as much here………三倍多 A dog is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal. 狗一直一来被大家公认为是聪明、友好的动物 A dolphin is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal. 海豚以聪明和友好的动物闻名。 A friend of mine from high school is working in England now.我的一个高中同学现在正在英格兰工作。 A good memory is a great help in learning a language. 好记性对于学习一门语言是非常有帮助的 A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used. 那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。 After I get home, I'll call you. 到家以后,我会给你打电话。 Air is all around us. 空气无处不在。 Air pollution is more serious than water pollution. 空气污染比水污染更严重。 All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子。 All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事总是由难而易。 Americans usually eat three meals a day. 美国人通常一天吃三顿饭。 Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光. Are you fond of music? 你喜欢音乐吗? As a result, our personal income rose an average of 14 per cent last year alone. 结果, 仅去年一年我们人均收入平均增长13%。 As is known o all. China is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家. Before leaving the classroom, please turn off the lights. 离开教室前,请关灯。 Beijing Olympic Games can make Chinese people work harder. 北京奥运会能让中国人工作更努力。Bill hit his car into a wall last night. 昨晚比尔开车时,车撞到了墙上. Bob and Peter found out that they were twin brothers. 鲍勃和皮特发现他们是双胞胎兄弟。 Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job. 安和玛丽都很适合这份工作。 Business success depends on hard work. 事业上的成功依靠努力。 But I’ve got room for only two of you in the house. 但我在房子里只留了你们两个人的空间。 By 1901, states had laws against selling cigarettes to young people. 1900年以前,各州法令规定禁止向年轻人售卖香烟。 Call me tomorrow if you have time. 你明天如果有空给我电话。 Can you finish your work in time? 你能及时完成工作吗? Could you give me a cup of coffee, please? 请你给我一杯咖啡好吗? Could you show me the way to the train station? 你可以告诉我去火车站的路吗? Could you tell me how to get to the bank/your university? 你能告诉我去银行/你的大学怎么走吗?Could you tell me how to get to the bank? 你可以告诉我如何去银行吗? Could you tell me how to go to your university? 请你告诉我如何去你的大学,可以吗? Could you tell me where the post office is?你能告诉我邮局在哪吗? David will get a birthday gift from his sister. 戴维将从他的姐姐那里得到一份生日礼物。 Did you get that E-mail from me? 你收到我发的那封电子邮件了吗? Do you feel better now? 你现在感觉好些了吗? Do you go swimming every day? 你每天都去游泳吗? Do you have anything to say? 你有什么要说的吗? Do you know where the post office is? 你知道邮局在哪儿吗? Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗? Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这儿抽烟吗? Do you think students should do a part-time job? 你认为学生应该去做兼职吗?


掌握大量的词汇对于达到一门外语的流利程度是至关重要的。一个非官方的但却是经常被引用的有关剑桥初级证书英语考试(Cambridge First Certificate Examination)的数字表明,词汇量少于三千五百词的学生不大有可能在这项考试中成功。最近的研究也表明,其母语为英语的受教育至18岁或18岁以上的人至少认识一万六千个英语词。除非你已经会讲一种像西班牙语或德语这样的语言,要获得大的英语词汇是没有捷径可走的:你就得依靠勤奋和专注。当然,你可以从上下文猜出你阅读中遇到的一些生词的意思,但往往你得查词典才能搞清它们确切意思。一个切实可行的学习新词的方法或许就是大量阅读,最好是读那些你觉得有趣或刺激的故事。反复阅读同一本书常常是很有好处的:你每读一次都会学到不同的生词,而熟悉的背景又有助于将这些新词牢牢地印在你的脑海中。 Mastering a large number of words is essential to achieving fluency in a foreign language. An unofficial, but often quoted, figure for the Cambridge First Certificate examination suggests that students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are unlikely to be successful in the exam. Current research also suggests that native English speakers who have been educated up to 18 years old or beyond know at least 16,000 English words. And unless you already speak a language like Spanish or German, there are no shortcuts to a large vocabulary in English: you just have to rely on diligence and dedication. Of course you can figure out from the context the meanings of some new words you come across in your reading, but more often than not you have to look them up in a dictionary in order to be clear about their accurate meanings. A practicable way to pick up new words is, perhaps, to read a lot, preferably stories that you find interesting or exciting. It often pays to read the same book over and over again: each time you read it you will learn different new words, and the familiar context helps to fix them in your mind.


八级汉译英 1997年: Translation from CHINESE to ENGLISH (30 min) 1 来美国求学的中国学生与其他亚裔学生一样,大多非常刻苦勤奋,周末也往往会抽出一天甚至两天的时间去实验室加班,因而比起美国学生来,成果出的较多。我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁。但他十分欣赏亚裔学生的勤奋与扎实的基础知识,也特别了解(v-n)亚裔学生的心理。因此,在他实验室所招的学生中,除有一名来自德国外,其余5位均是亚裔学生。(主动和被动改)他干脆在实验室的门上贴一醒目招牌:“本室助研必须每周工作7天,早10时至晚12时,工作时间必须全力以赴。”这位导师的严格及苛刻是全校有名的,共有14位学生被招进他的实验室,最后博士毕业的只剩下5人。1999年夏天,我不顾别人的劝阻,硬着头皮接受了导师的资助,从此开始了艰难的求学历程。 【参考答案】 Like other Asian Americans, most Chinese American students are very diligent. They often spare one day even two days of the weekend for the overtime work in the lab, so they harvest more than American students. My advisor, who was an Asian American, had a strong(准)addiction to smoking and drinking, a nd(连词)a n irritable temper as well.(合句,定从,插入语and,with,状从句子,或提一部分作成份)However, he appreciated the industry and the solid basic knowledge of students with Asian origins.He also had a particular keen insight into the mentality of these students. So it was not surprising(用it 句式,补词)that all the students in his lab were from Asia except one from Germany. The advisor was so straightforward as to paste an eye-catching notice on the door of his lab, which read: “It is )无人称句正式)a must that all the research assistants in the lab work from 10 to 12pm every day, and seven days a week. (调整句子)Furthermore, they should spare no effort in working hours.” The advisor was well-known for his strictness and severity through out the university. During the three and a half years of my work there, fourteen students were recruited into his lab, but only five stayed until after they had graduated with a PH.D degree. In the summer of 1999, regardless the dissuasion, I accepted my tutor’s subsidization and from then on I began my hard way of study. 1998年: CHINESE TO ENGLISH 1997年2月24日我们代表团下榻日月潭中信大饭店,送走了最后一批客人,已是次日凌晨3点了。我躺在床上久久不能入睡,披衣走到窗前,往外看去,只见四周峰峦叠翠,湖面波光粼粼。望着台湾这仅有的景色如画的天然湖泊,我想了许多,许多…… On February 24, 1997, our delegation stayed at ZhongXin hotel beside RiyueTan, It was already 3 o'clock of the next morning when we saw off the last group of visitors, I lay down on the


大学英语六级汉译英经典试题详细解析(答案) 汉译英专项练习答案及解析 一、倍数增减的表示法 is 2.5 times greater than Force N2 (考点:倍数+ 形容词/副词比较级+ than) reacts three times as fast as the other one (考点:倍数+ as + 形容词/副词+ as) is 49 times the size of the moon (考点:倍数+ 名词) wants to raise the rent by a third (考点:动词+ by + 数词/百分比/倍数)plan to double their investment (考点:double + 名词) 二、时态 or the wedding will have finished by the time we get to the church (考点:将来完成时) the children had fallen asleep (考点:过去完成时) my sister will be taking her vacation at the seaside (考点:将来进行时) have been revising my resume all the morning (考点:现在完成进行时) No. It has been five years since I went on holiday (考点:It has been … since sb. did sth. 表示某人有多长时间没有做某事了)He has been in the army for 5 years (考点:1. 现在完成时;2.要用持续性动词才能接一段时间) 三、被动语态 is being replaced by the computer and the projector (考点:被动语态的现在进行时) will have been published by the end of this year (考点:被动语态的将来完成时) can be used to demonstrate the way that cells work (考点:1. 被动语态与情态动词联用; 2. 汉语有些没有“被”字等标志词的句子也表示被动, 要译成英语的被动语态) I was startled, for the prices were a great deal higher than I had anticipated (考点:同“3”的考点2) Effective measures must be taken immediately (考点:汉语的无主句通常翻译成英语的被动语态) 四、情态动词 but there is no answer. She can’t be at home (考点:情态动词可以表示可能性,can’t 表示“一定不”) I may have left them in the coffee shop yesterday (考点:“情态动词can/could, may/might, must + 完成式”用于表示对过去发生的动作的主观判断)


新视野大学英语翻译答案 Unit 1 一. 汉译英 1.对于网络课程,学生不仅可以选择何时何地学习,在回答问题 之前他们还可以有时间思考答案。 Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2.网上学习的想法使她非常兴奋,而他认为网上学习毫无疑义和 用处。 She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless. 3.与以英语为母语的人交谈是非常有益的体验,从中我们能学到 许多东西。 Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4.如今,越来越多的人可以利用互联网查找他们需要的信息。 Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5.他要她放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但是她觉得这个要求太过分 了。 He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6.既然我们已经学完这门课程,就应该多做些复习。 Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. 二. 英译汉 1.I’ll never forget the teacher who showed me that learning a foreign language could be fun and rewarding. Were it not for him, I would not be able to speak English as well as I do now. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有 价值的。如果没有他,我的英语说得不会像现在这样好。 2.No other language lets you experience the cultures of the world like English. With a strong knowledge of the English language, you can have wonderful cultural adventures


第1单元:(此单元无汉语) 1. No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2. Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them. 3. Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4. If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5. Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6. Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. 第2单元: 1、被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚称自己无罪。 The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2、总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。 All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron. 3、正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。 No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4、考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订宾馆是明智的。 Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5、服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并尽快咨询医生。 If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6、总结这次讨论时,他说双方都会好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。 Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. 第3单元 1、在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的。 In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional. 2、教室一旦同意接受新的教学计划,他们就得面对新计划所带给他们的压力。 Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them. 3、从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。 In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one’s study after graduating from universi ty instead of going to work directly. 4、由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视。 As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally. 5、据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。 It is said that the meeting, which is scheduled to be held this month, will be put off till next month.

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