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Lesson One

Passage 1 American Music

One of America's most important exports is her modern music. American music is played all over the world. It is enjoyed by people of all ages in every country. Although the lyrics are in English, people who don't speak English can enjoy it too. The reasons for its popularity are its fast pace and rhythmic beat.

Music has many origins in the United States. Country music, coming from the rural areas in the southern United States, is one source. Count music features simple themes and melodies describing day-to-day situations and the feelings of country people. Many people appreciate this music because of the emotions expressed by country music songs.

A second origin of American pop music is the blues. It depicts mostly sad feeling reflecting the difficult lives of American blacks. It is usually played and sung by black musicians, but it is popular with all Americans.

Rock music is a newer form of music. This music style, featuring fast and repetitious rhythms, was influenced by the blues and country music. It was first known as rock-and-roll in the 1950s. Since then, there have been many forms of rock music: hard rock, soft rock and others. Many performers of rock music are young musicians.

American pop music is marketed to a demanding audience. Now pop songs are heard on the radio several times a day. Some songs have become popular all over the world. People hear these songs sung in their original English or sometimes translated into other languages. The words may differ but the enjoyment of the music is universal.

Passage 2 Music in Different Cultures

In western culture, music is regarded as good by birth, and sounds that are welcome are said to be "music to the ears". In some other cultures, for example, the lslamic culture, it is of little value, associated with sin and evil, In the West and in the high cultures of Asia, it is said that there are three types of music. First classical music, composed and performed by trained professionals originally under the support of courts and religious establishments; second, folk music, shared by the population at large and passed on orally; and third, popular music, performed by professionals, spread through radio, television, records, film, and print, and consumed by the mass public.

Music is a major component in religious services, theater, and entertainment of all sorts. The most universal use of music is as a part of religious rituals. In some tribal societies, music appears to serve as a special form of communication with supernatural beings, and its prominent use in modern Christian and Jewish services may be the leftover of just such an original purpose. Another less obvious function of music is social adherence. For most social groups, music can serve as a powerful symbol. Members of most societies share keen feelings as to what kind of music they "belong to": Indeed, some minorities including, in the U.S.A., black Americans and Euro-American groups use music as a major symbol of group identity. Music also symbolizes

military, patriotic and funerary moods and events. In a more general sense, music may express fifes central social values of a society. In western culture, the interrelationship of conductor and orchestra symbolizes the need for strong cooperation among various kinds of specialists in a modern industrial society.

Passage 3

Music comes in many forms; many countries have a style of their own. Poland has its folk music. Hungary has its czardas. Argentina is famous for the tango. The U.S. is known for just a type of music that has gained worldwide popularity.

Jazz is American's contribution to popular music. While classical music follows formal European tradition, jazz is a rather free form. It is full of energy, expressing the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz sounded like America. And so it does today.

The origins of jazz are as interesting as the music itself. Jazz was invented by black Americans, who were brought to the southern states as slaves. They were sold to farm owners and forced to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields. The work was hard and life was short, When a slaver died his friends and relatives would gather and carry the body to have a ceremony before they buried him.

There was always a band with them. On the way to the ceremony, the band played slow solemn music suitable for the situation. But on the way home, the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Everyone was happy. Death had removed one of their members, but the living were glad to be alive. The band played happy music. This music made everyone want to dance. This was an early form of jazz.

Music has always been important to African-Americans. The people, who were unwillingly brought to America from West Africa, had a rich musical tradition. In the fields, they made up work songs. Singing made the hard work go faster. And when they accepted Christianity, these songs became lovely spirituals, which have become an everlasting part of American music.

Lesson Two

Passage 1 Holidays in Britain and the Us

People in the US get a two-week paled vacation from their job every year. Most British people have four or five weeks paid holiday a year. Americans often complain that two weeks are not enough, especially when they hear about the longer holidays that Europeans enjoy. In addition, there are eight days in each European country, which are public holidays (the British call them Bank Holidays) and many of these fall on a Monday, giving people along weekend.

What do people do in Britain and the US when they are on holidays? In the US, outdoor vacations are popular, for example, at the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone or other national parks and forests. Young people may go walking or camping in the mountains. Many people have small trailers in which to travel, or if they have a car, they may stay at motets on the journey, Disneyland and Disneyworld are also popular. In addition, people can go skiing in the Rocky

Mountains of Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. Some children go to summer camp for a holiday during the summer vacation from school, where they do special activities, such as sports or crafts. When Americans want a holiday for fun in the sun, they usually go to Florida, Hawaii, Mexico or the Caribbean. They may go to Europe for culture, for example, to see art, plays, and places of historic interest.

In Britain, many people like to go to the seaside for holidays. There are places near the sea, such as Black pool, Scarborough and Bournemouth, where there is plenty to do, even when it rains. People also like to go to the countryside, especially to walk, in places like Scotland, Wales and the Lake District. When the British go abroad they usually want to go somewhere warm. Spain and the Spanish islands of Majorea and Lbiza are popular, as are other places in southern Europe. For skiing, people often go to the Alps.

Passage 2 Welcoming the New Year

Every country in the world celebrates New '(ear but not everyone does it on the same day. The countries of North and South America and Europe welcome the New Year on January l, This practice’ began with the Romans. Julius Caesar, a Raman ruler, changed the date of the New Year from the first day of March to the first day of January. In the Middle East, New Year is on the day when spring begins. People in China celebrate it on the Spring Festival, which is the first day of their lunar calendar. The Spring Festival usually comes between January 21 and February 19. Rosh Hashanah, which is the Jewish New Year, comes at the end of summer.

In all of these cultures, there is a tradition of making noise. People made noise in ancient times to drive away the evil spirits from home. Today many people do it with fireworks. In Japan, people go from house to house making noise with drums and bamboo sticks. Young people in Denmark throw broken pieces of jars or pots against the sides of friends' houses.

In the United States, many people stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve to watch the clock pass from one year to the next. Friends often gather together at a party on New Year's Eve, and when the New Year comes, all ring bells, blow horns, blow whistles, and kiss each other.

In many European countries, families start the new year by first attending church service, which is followed by paying calls to friends and relatives. Italian boys and girls receive gifts of money on New Year's Day.

New Year's Day is more joyful than Christmas in France and Scotland. In these countries Christmas is a religious holiday only, while the New Year is the time for gift-giving, parties, and visits.

Passage 3 The Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese. It comes on the first day of the first month according to Chinese lunar calendar. It marks the beginning of a new year. It is also an occasion for family reunion. Family members and relatives get together to say goodbye to the old year and greet the new one. Guonian means "passing the year. People start preparing

for it half a month before it comes. They clean their houses thoroughly, decorate them and even paint them; they buy new clothes for children, and they prepare food for the big feast on the eve of the festival. On the eve of the festival, the whole extended family comes together for a big dinner. Dumplings are a must for this festival dinner in northern China, while for southerners niangao - a sticky sweet rice pudding - is the traditional food for this occasion. People stay up until midnight chatting, playing mahjong or watching TV. At the turn of the old and the New Year, people used to let off firecrackers to greet the arrival of the New Year, In the old days people believed setting off firecrackers could drive away the evil spirits. But now, people make phone calls or send messages on mobile phones to exchange New Year's greetings. Early in the morning, children greet their parents and are given Hongbao - cash tucked inside red envelopes. The Lantern Festival, on the 15th of the first month according to the lunar calendar, is considered the formal end of the Spring Festival. It is an occasion of lantern displays and folk dances everywhere. One typical food is Yuanxiao - dumplings made of sweet rice rolled into balls with all sorts of filling. The Spring Festival is a national holiday. For most people, it lasts seven days. In the past, people stayed with their families at home. Few traveled during the holiday. Nowadays things have changed.

Lesson Three

Passage 1 World Trade Organization

Established on January l, 1995, World Trade Organization is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It exists to promote a free-market international trade system. The WTO promotes trade by:

1. reducing tariffs;

2. prohibiting import or export bans or quotas;

3. eliminating discrimination against foreign products and services;

4. eliminating other impediments to trade, commonly called "non-tariff trade barriers".

The WTO currently has 134 member countries, accounting for over 90% of world trade. Over 30 0thers are negotiating membership. The WTO's top level decision-making body is the ministerial conference which meets at least once ever3r two years, Over three-quarters of WTO members are developing countries. Special provisions for these members are included in the WTO agreements. GATT is now the WTO's principal rule book.

Decisions are made by the entire membership by consensus or majority vote. The WTO's agreements have been ratified in all members' parliaments. If a trade barrier is found to be unfair, the WTO can authorize the imposition of trade sanctions to force a change in that country's law. The WTO exempts trade barriers which are designed to conserve natural resources or protect health.

Critics say the WTO agreements are skewed in favor of rich countries. The West may preach trade liberalization, but it has used negotiations to prize third world markets while keeping its own barriers intact.

Passage 2

President Jiang Zemin said on November 16, 2000 that in the development of a “New Economy”, it is essential to take advantage of the latest developments in science and technology. He made this address at the eighth informal meeting of leaders of the APEC forum. He explained that the "New Economy" refers to the kind of economy initiated and sustained by new technologies and hi-tech industries. "The advancement of technology, led by IT and bio-technology industries, is giving rise to a new industrial revolution", Jiang said.

Developing countries are faced with the difficult tasks of both transforming their traditional industries and developing new industries, Jiang noted, adding that the continued expansion of the "digital dude" has widened the wealth gap between North and South and may trigger new imbalances in the world economy.

"Against the background of accelerated economic globalization and the dynamic progress of science and technology, we must facilitate cooperation between developed and developing countries on exchanges of human resources, technology and infrastructure, and we must help countries develop independently to narrow the North-South gap."

"Today, the development, application and impact of science and technology far transcend national boundaries. For example, every major breakthrough made in the human genome projects a crystallization of cooperation between scientists from a number of countries. Only when applied in a global context can the achievements of science and technology benefit people", Jiang said. He also noted that economic globalization should stress the popularization of scientific and technological knowledge.

The protection of intellectual property rights should be guided by market rules in such a way that the rules will be helpful to the spread of scientific and technological knowledge, so that all countries may benefit, he added.

Passage 3 The American Economic System

An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers. In the American economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall in response to the relative demands of consumers and the supplies offered by seller-producers. If the product is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be a bit up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product. Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system.

The important factor in an economy of private ownership is that individuals are allowed to own productive resources (private property), and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and produce goods and sew ices for sale at a profit. In the American

economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.

Lesson 4

Passage 1 Higher Education in the United States

Since 1945 more than one million students from all over the world have studied in the United States. In a recent single year, there were more than 150,000 foreign students who came to the United States' institutions of higher learning. They were welcomed and most were successful in their academic studies. Foreign students who study in the United States benefit a lot from the American educational system.

Three developments that today's students are benefiting from started more than a century ago following the Civil War. The first of these was the rapid growth of technological and professional education to meet the urgent demands of a complex industrial and urban society. New schools of technology, engineering architecture, law and medicine flourished, The second was the provision for graduate study, such as what had long existed in France and Germany. Harvard and John Hopkins Universities quickly took the lead in this field, but the state universities did not lag far behind. The third was the increased provision for the education of women. This included the establishment of new women's colleges, such as Vassar, Wellesley and Smith, and the adoption of co-education in all the new state universities as well as in many private institutions.

These developments, the growth of technological and professional education, the provision for graduate study, and the increased educational opportunities for women, began over a century ago following the end of the Civil War.

Passage 2 Education in Canada

Canada's per capita spending on education is among the world's highest. All provinces have compulsory education laws requiring that students attend school until the age of fifteen or sixteen, Elementary education includes kindergarten through the eighth grade. Canada's bilingual and bicultural heritage has had, and continues to have, a profound effect on the educational system. Since 1985, the province of Ontario has maintained publicly funded Roman Catholic and French-Language schools from kindergarten through the twelfth grade in addition to the English-Language schools. Saskatchewan and Alberta also support separate Roman Catholic schools. Quebec Province maintains a dual school system - Protestant and Catholic, each has its own school board.

Higher education in Canada is offered in a variety of forms, Entrance requirements vary from one province to another. The traditional universities offer three-year general degree programs and four-year honors degree programs emphasizing a specialization. Seven of the universities are French-speaking while the others are English. All the traditional universities are

concerned about the relationship between their curricula, the economy and society. Graduates in recent years have faced considerable difficulty in finding employment.

The Canadian provinces maintain junior colleges, community colleges, and technical institutes. They provide a variety of courses, often short-term, that cater to individual interests. These include subjects of current events and calligraphy. Adult education has become increasingly oracular in Canada in recent years. Almost all institutions offer some adult education courses.

Passage 3

Millions of people are enrolled in evening adult education programs across America, Community colleges have become popular and their enrollments have increased rapidly. Large universities are offering more courses in the evenings for adult students. In this way, the demand for more education is being met. One reason for this is that many older people are changing their professions. They are looking for different careers. Another reason is that repair costs have increased, Adults are taking courses like plumbing and electrical repair. In this way they hope that the high costs for repairs can be avoided. Advanced technology is the most important factor for the rise in adult education. Engineers, teachers and business people are taking adult education classes. They have found that more education is needed to do their jobs well. Various courses are offered. Computers and business courses are taken by many adult students. Foreign languages, accounting and communication courses are also popular. Some students attend classes to earn degrees. Others take courses for the knowledge and skills that they can receive. The lives of many people have been enriched because of adult education.

Lesson 5

Passage 1 Housing Options in the United States

Finding the right place to live in can help ensure a most rewarding experience in-the United States for international students. Depending on your situation: whether you are here alone or with a family, the duration of your stay, the amount of privacy you would like, anything from living on campus in a residence hall to private accommodation in a motel could suit your needs. As an ESL student, your housing may or may not be included in the study program. The basic choice to make is whether to live on or off campus. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.

The advantages of living on campus are as follows: you will have a furnished room, easy access to campus facilities such as libraries, computer labs, sports facilities and cafeterias, access to social activities and peers, and maximum interaction with other students. Eating on campus is usually cheaper, and you don’t have to worry about transportation to and from classes. There are also some disadvantages. You may be sharing a bedroom with other students, so you will not have much privacy. You must be flexible when living with others.

The advantages of living off campus are as follows: you will have privacy, more real world

experiences, your own bathroom and kitchen facilities, and furnished rooms, It is possible to have visitors at any time and suitable for students with their families. However, there are some disadvantages. The rooms are not always furnished. Unless you are living with a host family, there is a lack of spontaneous social activities with people. And transportation is inconvenient. You may waste time rn transit to and from classes.

Passage 2 Living on Campus

All students are required to live in the Residence Hall, which provides students with good opportunities to make friends, meet each other and enjoy a wonderful campus life. The Student Residence Hall is situated on the campus within short walking distance from the library, study rooms, computer science center and recreational facilities. Students will also have convenient access to the sea and other places of interest in the area. They will have quite a different life while walking along the beach, visiting places off-campus and looking for fun.

At present, about 60 rooms are available and each accommodates 3 students. All rooms are fully furnished with bookshelves, cupboards, desks, one telephone, one TV and modern outlets.

A shared washroom and bathroom are provided on each floor, and both have considerable facilities. There is a laundry with several washing machines on the first floor. Bedding is provided and each week a clean linen change will be arranged.

A group of well-trained staff are responsible to see that all public areas are clean at all times. Security guards are always on watch on the first floor to answer questions and complaints and guarantee the safety of every resident.

The Dining Hall is on the second floor of the building. Both students and the college faculty are encouraged to have meals in the College Dining Hall. Breakfast, lunch and supper are all offered and a great variety of nutritious and healthy Chinese foods also available.

A small cafe is open everyday from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on the third floor. Here you can find a very romantic and elegant place for sampling western food, drinking coffee or other beverages and talking to friends. Both food and service are standard.

Passage 3 Academic Levels and Credits

Academic Levels

A first-year college or university student is commonly known as a "freshman", whereas "sophomore", "junio", and "senior" designate second-, third- and fourth-year students. Collectively, these students are called "undergraduates"; students in the first two years are called "underclassmen" and in the last two years "upperclassmen". Successful completion of four years of undergraduate study entitles the student to a bachelor's degree, which is the prerequisrte for admission to graduate school. Students who begin college studies in two-year colleges earn an associate's degree and may transfer to the appropriate level of a bachelor's degree program. Credits

Undergraduate academic progress in higher education in the United States is usually

measured in units called "credits", -credit hours", or "points". In schools on the semester system a credit is defined as one hour of classroom instruction, or two or three hours of laboratory experience per week for a semester. Most students normally take 15 0r 16 credits a semester, but some take 17 or 18.

For instructions on the quarter system, a "quarter hour" of credit is defined in the same way, but based on the 10-week term as previously noted. Three quarter credits are therefore the equivalent of two semester credits and represent the same amount of academic accomplishment. The total number of credits taken in a term is often called the class load.

Ordinarily 60 or 64 semester credits are required for a two-year associate degree and 120 to 128 credits for the four-year bachelors.


娄底五县市联校2015年下学期期中考试 一、听对话,选择与所听内容相符的图片。 1. Go along this street and turn left. You’ll see the hospital. 2. Could you tell me where I can get an iPod 5? 3. Do you know how to get the nearest bank? 4. His sister lives next to a supermarket. 5. Could you Please Lend we your dictionary? 二、听对话,选择正确的答案。(5分) 6. M: Did you use to read English before you went to school in the morning? W: Yes, I used to do 20 minutes’ reading. 7. W: Who is the woman in the picture? M: My mother. She used to have long hair. 8. W: Is that boy Bill? M: Yes, though he used to be short. 9. W: You used to study late, right? M: I had to, because I had a lot of work to do. 10. W: Steve used to be on the swim team, but now he is interested in soccer. M: Yes, and he is a good football player now. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(5分) 听第一段对话,完成第11-12小题。 M: Hi, Melissa. Nice to meet you! We haven’t seen each other for a long time. W: Yes, we haven’t seen each other since we left school to years ago. You have changed a lot. You used to wear T-shirts, but it’s the first time I have seen you in a business suit. M: Yeah, I don’t like suits, But now I work in a bank, so I have to. 听第二段对话,完成第13-15小题。 W: My six-year-old brother started school this week. M: He’s really lucky. Life was great when I was six. W: Really? Why? M: Oh, schoolwork was really easy. W: Not for me. I didn’t use to like tests, Now I don’t worry about tests. M: And we used to play every day after school, Now we just study all the time. W: Yeah, but we used to walk to school, Now we have to take the bus. M: I remember one bad thing. I used to hate sports, now I love P.E. class. W: Me, too. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分) Last Sunday I drove back to my hometown. It used to be a quiet place, but now it has changed a lot. There are tall buildings and wide roads everywhere. So when it gets dark, all the lights are on. Wow! How beautiful it is! But the thing that I was interested in is to chat with my old friends. We used to play together. We often climbed the trees, swam in the river and caught insects, but most of us were terrified of spiders because they were ugly. Now our life is different. We all grow older, but we all miss the old days.


亲爱的读者们: 由于工作的原因,需要《剑桥国际英语教程4》(Passage 4)的听力原稿。在网络上搜索到一些,但是它们有一些小错误,并且缺失几个单元的听力原稿。 已经整理教材CD-A中的听力原稿,CD-B的听力原稿会在接下来的日子里上传。 由于时间仓促,且笔者的水平有限,难免会有错误和遗漏。请发送私信,我会予以修正,以方便后续的读者。 想出来的智慧 2018年1月10日

Unit 1 Luis: Well, I guess the biggest change in my life over the last five years is that I got married. I used to be single, and now I’m not! I used to enjoy going out with friends every weekend- you know I was a lot more sociable. Now a more of own body, I liked to stay at home, watch TV- that kind of thing. It’s not so bad. I guess you could say that I grew up- I was tired of going out all the time and ready to settle down and start a family. Celine: For me the change has been with my work. I used to work in a large company. I worked in their corporate headquarters downtown in the accounting department. It was a great job- good money, decent benefits. When I first started at that company, I was very young and very ambitions. But after a while, I got tired of it. I was so unhappy there, and the commute was killing me! But one evening two years ago, I attended a seminar on working for yourself-you know, being self-employed and starting your own company. So I quit my job and gave it a try. It was scary at first, but after a little while I could see it was going to work out just fine for me. I couldn’t be happier. Diana: Gosh, five years ago I was a completely different person. You wouldn’t have recognized me if you’d seen me then! I talk a lot now, but I was more reserved then. And I hardly exercised at all. I never played any sports and rarely spent time outside. I was in terrible shape and worried about my health. But all that changed when I met my friend Judy. See, she convinced me to start slowly, you know, by walking every morning before work and swimming twice a week. Well, now I spend most of my free time outside- hiking, swimming when the weather’s good, playing tennis or racquetball- those kinds of things. I’m in pretty good shape now and feeling wonderful. Luis: Well, my wife is always saying that I’m not very good with money, not practical at all. She’s always teasing me about spending habits, but she’s right. When I see something I want, I just go and buy it, even if it is something I don’t really need. I guess I waste a lot of our money. We’re expecting our first child in December, and now that there’s going to be three of us, well , I think I do need to be more careful. Celine: working at home has been a real struggle. It’s been a lot harder th an I imagined. I need to be more organized, that’s for sure. So, I ’ve decide to hire at a part-time secretary- you know, someone who can come in couple of times a week and help out with me phones, the filing, and just clean up in general. I’m so busy that sometimes I kind of let things get out of hand- the office gets really messy! I sure could use some help. Diana: Well, I started mountain climbing a year and a half ago, and I just love it. Well, the next step for me is to concentrate on that sport and se e where I can go with it. I’d love to someday- say, five or ten years from now- go mountain climbing in the Himalayas. They have some of the highest and most beautiful mountains in the world. That would be a real adventure! But before I do anything like that, I have to practice, practice, practice! And I have to get stronger –mentally as well as physically. Paul: So, Andrea, you going home for the holidays? Andrea: I sure am. I’ve booked a fight for tomorrow afternoon and I can’t wait!


剑桥雅思1下载TEST3听力原文(Section4)。下面为大家整理了剑桥雅思真题1下载TEST3中听力原文部分的相关内容,包含了剑桥雅思真题1TEST3 Section4的听力音频,并附有Section4雅思听力原文,同学们可先进行下载训练,再看原文。 以下是剑桥雅思真题1下载TEST3听力Section4中的相关音频,同学们可根据听力音频答题,赶快下载来听。 下面为大家整理了剑桥雅思真题1下载TEST3听力中Section4听力原文的详细内容,其中包含了雅思听力考试Section4的音频部分,同学们可在做剑桥雅思真题1下载TEST3听力(Section4)后,再听原文兑答案,另外,雅思听力原文中给出了答案的相关提示,供同学们进行下载练习。 SECTION 4 Lecturer: Good morning and welcome to the University of Westlands. My name is Marcia Mayhew and I’m the co-ordmator of the Bachelor of Social Science degree. This morning I’d like to tell you about the structure of the university and about some of the requirements of the degree that you’re about to enter. The Bachelor of Social Science is in one faculty within the university, that is the faculty where I Q32 work, known as Arts and Social Sciences. Here on this campus we also have the faculties of Architecture, Law and Science and Technology among others. It’s important to know something about the structure of the faculty because, as you go through your course, you may need to call on members of the staff to help you. At the top of the faculty we have a dean and below the dean we have three Q33 divisions; each division has a divisional head and your degree is located in the Division of Social Sciences. Within each of the divisions, there are the departments and each of these offers the different degrees. For instance two of the departments which offer the major subjects for your award are Sociology and Psychology. Each


剑桥雅思4Test4 听力 Sectio n-1答案+解析 剑桥雅思4Test4听力Section 1 答案+解析 Section 1 谈话场景:筹备告别会。人物关系:关系亲密的同事。谈话话题:讨论将给要离开的同事 开告别会的有关事宜:时间、地点、邀请人员、礼物等。 交际与语言表达 1.这部分考查的是一个日常生活场景一一为要离开的同学/同事举办一个告别晚会。其中涉及到活 动举办的地点和时间、邀请人员、何时发岀邀请、活动项目以及需携带的物品等。 2. “1 think a hotel will probably work out rather expensive, and I 've been looking at the College Dining Room. ”我觉得去酒店太贵了,我一直在考虑学校的餐厅。“work out ”表示“解决,解答,做出,制订出,消耗完”的意思。例如:It will work out rather expensive. 这样做成本很高。 “be looking at ”表示“留心,注意”。 3. “ We usually go round with an envelope during coffee break, don 't we? ”我们通常在喝 咖啡的休息室带着信封顺便过去,不是吗?“Coffee Break”这个词早在1952年就出现在报刊上了,《咖 啡的益处》中说:“只需清晨的一杯咖啡就足以使我们拥有顺利度过一天的好心情。这也正是工作休息时 间喝咖啡的意义所在。”管理者发现“Coffee Break ”作为一种办公室文化,不但可以激发员工的创意和 灵感,提升工作的热情与专注,而且还是一种特殊的沟通方式。现在公司开设的“Coffee Break ” 都是了解咖啡、互相沟通、提升公司形象的良好模式。接待客户抑或朋友小聚,如果您可以不经意间对咖啡的“前世今生”侃侃而谈,那必将令对方刮目相看。而为客户提供一杯贴心的现磨咖啡,更是对客户表示尊敬、 拉近彼此距离的法宝。


九年级期末考试试卷听力材料 第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。对话听一遍。1. W: John, your English is pretty good! How do you learn it? M: By listening to tapes. 2. M: Shall we go bike riding next weekend, Mary? W: Oh, I’m not allowed to go out on weekends. How about watching TV at home? 3. M: Look at the actor. He has no hair. W: But he used to have short hair. 4. W: Would you like to go to Shanghai by train or by car? M: We’ll drive our car. 5. M: Which charity would you like to raise money for, Mrs Black? W: I would give it to Greenpeace. 第二节:听对话,回答问题。对话听两遍。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6-7两小题。 M: May I have a look at those photos on the table? W: Certainly! They were taken by my son. He is a photographer. M: They are so nice! Then your son is a great man. W: Thanks! He’s been a photographer for 10 years. He loves taking pictures. M: I’ve also got some nice pictures. And this is my name card. W: Oh, you are a photographer, too! 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8-10三小题。 W: Hey, Jimmy, you look unhappy, what’s the matter? M: I have so many family rules at home. W: Parents are always worried about us. You should understand them! M: I do understand them! But they don’t understand me. I’m old enough to do what I want to. W: What would you like to do, then? M: I’d like to meet my friend on line. I’ve known him for a long time, but my parents don’t allow me to do it. W: Oh, Jimmy, are you joking? It’s dangerous to meet a friend on line. M: Is it true? What would you do, if you were me? W: I would never meet a stranger on line myself. 第三节:听短文,选择答案。请根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。短文听两遍。 Mike was born in 1982 in New York. At the age of five, his father was sent to China to work in a college. Mike came to Beijing with his parents. The next year, he went to a school. There he made a lot of Chinese friends. In 1994, Mike had to say goodbye to his friends because his family decided to return home. Now Mike is studying in a high school. He misses his friends very much.


第8页 CD 1,10 磁带1.A NARRA TOR:Simon and Alex are in their Art class.They’re making bowls and they can’t stop.They’re busy. SIMON:Oooh.My bowl’s terrible! NARRA TOR:Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella’s very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it’s easy.Lenny doesn’t think Maths is easy.He thinks it’s difficult. LENNY:I can’t do this Maths problem.It’s difficult. STELLA:Come on.Lenny.You can do it.It’s easy. NARRA TOR:...It’s 73-72.What an exciting game!Meera’s got the ball and she’s running with it.Meera’s quick.The boy’s slow. GIRL:This is really boring.I don’t like basketball. CD 1,11 磁带1,A 1 Be careful with those glasses,Sally! I am being careful. 2 What was the film like? It was really boring. 3 What’s 397 and 79? Oh, I don’t know,That’s difficult. 4 What was the football match like? It was really exciting! 5 Come on,Mary.Don’t be so slow. I’m not slow! 6 What’s 2 and 2? That’s easy.It’s 4. 7 Can I talk to you? No,sorry.I’m busy. 8 The bus is coming,Be quick! 9 The weather’s terrible! Oh no!Look at our food. CD 1,12 磁带1.A SIMON:Hey!The school show’s really exciting,Dad. MR STAR:Yes ,It is...and it’s good to see your teachers.Who are they all? SIMON:Well,the man who’s talking to Mun is my Maths teacher.He’s called Mr Newton. MR STAR:Right,Is the man who’s singing your Music teacher? SIMON:No,he’s Mr Burke,our sports teacher.Miss Flower’s our Music teacher.She’s the woman who’s wearing the long green skirt.They do the‘after school club’. MR STAR:The ‘After school club’?What’s that? SIMON:It’s a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons. ...And can you guess who my Art teacher is? MR STAR:Ooh,Simon,that’s difficult.Is it the woman who’s playing the guitar? SIMON:Very funny.Dad.No,that’s Mrs Robinson.our English teacher.Our Art teacher’s over


Text 1 Section1 W:Good evening. King's restaurant. M:Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant? W:Oh,yes. M:I'd like to find out a few more details if I may. W:Yes,of course. Can I take your name? M:It's Peter Chin. W:Ok,Peter. Well,if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested,we could arrange you to come for an interview. M:Great,thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend. W:That's no problem at all. What would you like to know? M:Well,um,what sort of work is it- washing up? W:It's answering the phone. M:Oh,right,fine. W:And not waiting at table. M:That'll be good. And how many nights a week would it be? W:Well,we're really only busy at the weekend.


hello,and thank you for asking me to your teachers' meeting to told about the dinosaur museum and to tell you a bit about what you can do with your students on there Well let me give you some of the basic information first In regard to opening hours We are open every day of the week from 9.am to 8.pm except on mondays,when we close it at 1.30 pm And in fact the only day in the year when we are closed is on the 25th december You can book a guided tour for your school group any time that we are open if you bring a school group to the museum when you arrive we ask you to remain with your group at your car park one or more of the tour guides will welcome you there and brief you what the tour will be about we do this there because our entrance is quite small and we really haven't got much room for briefing group in the exhibition area as far as the amount of time you'll need goes if you bring a school group you should plan on allowing a minimum of 90 minutes for the visit this allow 15minutes to get on and off the coach 45 minutes for the guided tour and 30 minutes for the after tour activities if you are going to have lunch at the museum youwill,ofcourse,have to allow to have more time there are two cafes in the museum with sitting for 80 people if you want to eat there you'll need to reserve some seating as they can get quite crowded at lunch time then outside the museum at the back there are tables and students can bring their own lunch and eat there in the open air when the students coming into the museum foyer we ask them to check in the backpacks with their books lunch boxes at the cloakroom before they enter the museum proper i am afraid in the past we have had few things gone missing after the school visit so this is a strict rule also some of the exhibits are fragile and we don't want to be accentidentally knocked but we do provide school students have handouts with questions and quizzes on them there is so much that students can learn in the museum and it is fun for them to have something to do of course they'll need to bring something to write with for these we do allow students to have photographs


期末检测题听力原文及参考答案 Ⅰ. 听力原文 A)听对话回答问题。(读两遍) 1. W: May I borrow two books about science? M: Sure. Here you are. 2. M: Hello! May I speak to Mr Qiu? W: Sorry! He has gone to Guiyang, and he will come back in a week. 3. M: You look so nice in green, Mary. W: Thank you. But red is my favourite. 4. M: Look at the dark clouds! W: Oh, dear, let’s go back home. 5. W: Why not play ping-pong this afternoon? M: I’m afraid I’m not good at it. I’d rather play volleyball. 6. W: Did you watch the game yesterday? M: Yes. My favourite football team lost the game and it made me really sad. 7. W: Excuse me, but it’s a bit hot here. Do you mind if I open the window? M: Of course not. I feel a little hot, too. 8. W: My father spent 388 yuan buying a watch as my birthday present. M: How lucky you are! 9. W: Have you ever been to Japan before? M: Yes, I have. I’ve been there once with my parents. 10. W: I go to see the dentist every four months. What about you, Jim? M: I see my dentist every two months. B)听对话和短文回答问题。(读两遍) 听第一段对话,回答11~12小题。 W: It’s raining outside. What shall we do? M: Let’s watch TV. W: OK. Here’s the TV guide. Let me see. . . Do you want to watch cartoons? M: No. What else is on? W: There’s CCTV news and a few chat shows. M: How about sports? W: Oh, the World Cu p has begun. Let’s watch it. M: OK. I love football! 听第二段对话,回答13~15小题。 M: Would you like to go to New York with me over Christmas, Sally? W: Yes, I’d love to. But where will we stay? M: At a friend’s house. I always stay with him and there’s a room for yo u, too. W: OK. Will he mind? M: Of course not. He is looking forward to seeing you. W: Will we drive to New York?


剑12 听力test 4 Section 1 (1241) Hello, Pembroke Cycli ng Holidays, Bob speak ing. Oh hello. I've see n your advert for people to lead cycle trips. Are you the right pers on to speak to? Yes, I am. Could I have your n ame, please? It's Margaret Smith. Are you look ing for a perma nent job, Margaret? No, temporary. rve got a perma nent job starti ng in a few mon ths' time, and I want to do someth ing else un til then. What work do you do? This will probably sound crazy - I used to be a lawyer, and the n I made a complete career cha nge and rm going to be a doctor. I've just finished my training. Right. And have you had any experie nee of lead ing cycle trips? Yes, I've led several bike tours in Africa. The trip to In dia that I had arran ged to lead n ext month has now bee n can celled, so whe n I saw you were advertis ing for tour leaders, I decided to apply. OK.Now we normally have two or three leaders on a trip, depending on the size of the group. Some tours are for very experie need cyclists, but we've got a tour coming up soon in Spa in, which is proving so popular we n eed an additi on al leader. It's a cycling holiday for families. Would that suit you? It certainly would. I enjoy working with children, and I probably n eed some more experie nee before I go on a really challe nging trip. That tour in cludes several tee nagers: have you worked with that age group before? Yes, I'm a volun teer worker in a youth club, where I help people to improve their cycli ng skills. Before that I helped out in a cycli ng club where I taught beg inn ers. Well that's great. Now the trip I mentioned is just for a fortnight, but there might be the possibility of leading other tours after that.

剑桥雅思 Text 听力原文

T e s t 1 Section 1 A:Hi,George! Glad you're back. Loads of people have phoned you. B: Really A: I felt just like your secretary! B: Sorry! I went into the library this afternoon to have a look at a newspaper and I came across something really interesting A: What A book B:No,a brochure(EXAMPLE) from a summer festival - mainly Spanish music. Look,I've got it here. A: Spanish music I really love the guitar. Let's have a look. So what's this group ‘Guitarrini' B: They're really good. They had a video Q1with all the highlights of the festival at a stand in the lobby to the library,so I heard them. They play fantastic instruments - drums and flutes and old kinds of guitars. I've never heard anything like it before. A: Sounds great. B: Okay. Shall we go then Spoil ourselves Yes,let's.

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