当前位置:文档之家› 作文范文之雅思作文论证方法









举例论证是最有利于增强论述的可靠性与说服力的方法,同时,也是考官建议考生使用的。在雅思考题下方总会有这样一句话:“give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”

1. 常见表达方式



关联词:as a proof, as an illustration, as an example, for example, for instance, in particular, just as, namely, specifically, to illustrate, to demonstrate.



句型:a good case in point is that … a typical example can be found in … take … for example, … …, which may include …

2. 使用注意事项





3. 实例解析

例如,剑5 test 2, 考官在论述高中毕业生中断学业一年a gap year, 选择工作或者旅游的危险时用了举例的方法,你可以在很多话题中使用这种方法。但是请注意,雅思的举例论证方法不同于我们熟悉的举实例。当列举gap year的危险时,不可以举某某同学高中毕业后到一家公司工作,由于失误导致该公司的经济损失或某某同学高中毕业后周游列国,不幸受伤等等。雅思写作的文体属学术论文,要求科学严谨,由于个案不具备普遍性,因此不能作为证据。同理,考官也极少用for example这个表达实例的短语。雅思举例的方法局限于抽象的泛泛的例子。



1. 常见表达方式



关联词:therefore, hence, thus, as a result, consequently, interestingly, fortunately, unfortunately, surprisingly, unsurprisingly.



句型:due to/ owing to/ because of /thanks to…, …

as /since/because…, …

the reason why … is that …

… be related/linked to …

… be associated/connected with …

… contribute to/ give rise to …

2. 使用注意事项





3. 实例解析


1)only under the supervision of a teacher can students study effectively due to the fact that teenagers often lack


2)students’ lack of self-discipline contributes to the importance of a teacher’s supervision.

考生们不必担心论证中句子太短的问题。分论点的展开部分不必太长,通常30-40字最好,大概1-2句话。太长就会被扣上overdevelop 的帽子。如有的考生一段只有一个分论点,论证过程肯定罗嗦。因果论证的句子通常短小,重点注意句型的变化,即在一篇文章中不要重复同样的句型。用过连词,就换动词;用过副词,就换介词,从而达到句型的多样化。









举例论证是最有利于增强论述的可靠性与说服力的方法,同时,也是考官建议考生使用的。在雅思考题下方总会有这样一句话:“give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”

1. 常见表达方式



关联词:as a proof, as an illustration, as an example, for example, for instance, in particular, just as, namely, specifically, to illustrate, to demonstrate.



句型:a good case in point is that … a typical example can be found in … take … for example, … …, which may include …

2. 使用注意事项





3. 实例解析

例如,剑5 test 2, 考官在论述高中毕业生中断学业一年a gap year, 选择工作或者旅游的危险时用了举例的方法,你可以在很多话题中使用这种方法。但是请注意,雅思的举例论证方法不同于我们熟悉的举实例。当列举gap year的危险时,不可以举某某同学高中毕业后到一家公司工作,由于失误导致该公司的经济损失或某某同学高中毕业后周游列国,不幸受伤等等。雅思写作的文体属学术论文,要求科学严谨,由于个案不具备普遍性,因此不能作为证据。同理,考官也极少用for example这个表达实例的短语。雅思举例的方法局限于抽象的泛泛的例子。



1. 常见表达方式




关联词:therefore, hence, thus, as a result, consequently, interestingly, fortunately, unfortunately, surprisingly, unsurprisingly.



句型:due to/ owing to/ because of /thanks to…, …

as /since/because…, …

the reason why … is that …

… be related/linked to …

… be associated/connected with …

… contribute to/ give rise to …

2. 使用注意事项





3. 实例解析


1)only under the supervision of a teacher can students study effectively due to the fact that teenagers often lack


2)students’ lack of self-discipline contributes to the importance of a teacher’s supervision.





一.举例论证举例论证是最有利于增强论述的可靠性与说服力的方法,同时,也是考官建议考生使用的。在雅思考题下方总会有这样一句话:“give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”

1. 常见表达方式



关联词:as a proof, as an illustration, as an example, for example, for instance, in particular, just as, namely, specifically, to illustrate, to demonstrate. ②句型


句型:a good case in point is that ?.

a typical example can be found in ?.

take ? for example.

?, which may include ?.

2. 使用注意事项






3. 范例评析

剑桥雅思考试全真试题6 test b 考官范文选段

even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction. spending time with other children and

sharing non-virtual experiences is an important part of a child’s development that cannot be provided by a computer.

点评:考官这段对“使用电脑给孩子带来危害”的议论,用“such as”直接引出使用电脑的目的“getting information or emailing friends”。并且在举例的同时就评价说“it is no substitute for human interaction”,使用电脑与他人交流不能代替面对面的互动。并且进一步议论说“spending time with other children an d sharing non-virtual experiences”,在真实的环境而非虚拟的环境与同伴相处是孩子成长所必须的,电脑无法胜任。正所谓,举例言简意赅,议论及时深刻。



1. 常见表达方式



关联词:therefore, hence, thus, as a result, consequently, interestingly, fortunately, unfortunately, surprisingly, unsurprisingly.



句型:due to/ owing to/ because of /thanks to?, ?

as /since/because?, ?

the reason why ? is that ?

? be related/linked to ?

? be associated/connected with ?

? contribute to/ give rise to ?

2. 使用注意事项





3. 范例评析

剑桥雅思考试全真试题6 test 2 考官范文选段

those who feel that sports star’s salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent is very few, and the money is recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career. the

pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. so all of these factors may justify the huge earnings.

点评:考官从体育奇才数量少“the number of professionals with real talent is very few”, 竞争强度大“competition is constant”, 训练时间长“a player is tested every time”, 体育生涯短“relatively short career”, 媒体关注度高、压力大“the pressure from the

m edia”, 隐私基本得不到保护“little privacy out of the spotlight”多方面论证“体育明星的高收入是合理的”。正所谓,分析原因层层深入,得出结论水到渠成。


1. 常见表达方式


in contrast, by comparison, on the other hand, just as, similarly


compared with ?, ?

while/whereas?, ?



2. 范例评析

剑桥雅思考试全真试题8 test 2

题目:some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. others, however, believe

that school is the place to learn this. discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


however, learning to understand and share the value system of a whole society cannot be achieved just in the home. once a child goes to school, they are entering a wider community where teachers and peers will have just as much influence as their parents do at home. at school, children will experience working and living with people from whole variety of backgrounds for the wider society. this experience should teach them how to cooperate with each other and how to contribute to the life of their community.

点评:这道题的主题为“孩子社会意识的教育与培养是靠家庭还是靠学校”。考官在论证学校的教育义务时,着重强调了:相比较家庭,“teachers and peers will have just as much influence as their parents do at home”。学校中的老师和同学对孩子社会意识的培养有相同的影响力。而且,在学校相比较在家,“experience working and living with people from whole variety of backgrounds for the wider society”。孩子接触的世界更大,人的类型更多。正所谓,公正合理两方面,对比论证出真知。






1. 常见表达方式

according to a recent study, according to a recent article published in ?, according to a recent survey conducted by?,

a recent study/survey found that?

a recent opinion poll revealed that ?

2. 范例评析

剑桥雅思考试全真试题5 test4


雅思写作的论证方法 一方面,对于绝大多数考生而言,完成议论文正文的论证部分并不容易:他们的作文明显表现出论证单薄﹑内容空洞等问题。另一方面,写作的评分标准中有两项针对考生论证实力的检测,分别为写作任务的完成度和表达的连贯统一性。因此,如何全面掌握和正确使用各种论证方法是考生写作备考中亟待解决的问题。接下来介绍一些议论文的主要论证方法以及考生应该如何使用这些方法。 一.举例论证 举例论证是最有利于增强论述的可靠性与说服力的方法,同时,也是考官建议考生使用的。在雅思考题下方总会有这样一句话:“Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.” 1. 常见表达方式 ①关联词 优势:关联词能够较为方便的引出例子,主要是因为用这种方法引出的例子多是独立的句子,语法上的束缚少些。 关联词:as a proof, as an illustration, as an example, for example, for instance, in particular, just as, namely, specifically, to illustrate, to demonstrate. ②句型 优势:句型引出例子,能够保证表达的书面度与学术性。但是在使用时,考生需要特别注意语法正确。 句型:A good case in point is that …. A typical example can be found in …. Take … for example. …, which may include …. 2. 使用注意事项 ①选择典型的例子


雅思写作常见话题 一.学生生活 1、大学生交学费:一些人认为大学生应该支付他们的学费,另外一些人认为政府应该支付 学费,你的观点是什么? 2、考试:一些人认为考试对学生有负面的影响,一些人认为考试对教育有正面的作用,讨 论双方的观点并且给出你的见解。 3、出国留学:最近几年,许多年轻人决定出国留学,你认为出国留学利大于弊吗? 4、大学生找不到工作:目前大学毕业生难就业,分析个人和社会的原因,并提出解决方法。 5、大学宿舍与校外公寓:大部分大学都有很多居住方式供学生选择,他们可以选择大学宿 舍或校外公寓,讨论两种不同发做法并且给出你的见解。 6、学术课程和实用技能:人们常说,学校学科的定位过于学术化,而孩子们如果能学习到 有关家政管理、工作及人际关系技巧等方面的实际知识会对他们更有用,你是否同意此观点? 7、学生评价老师:一些人认为,为了提高教学质量,应该鼓励学生对老师进行评价和批评。 其他人则认为这将导致课堂上对老师的尊重和良好纪律的缺失。讨论双方的观点并且给出你的见解。 8、自学和跟老师学:一些人认为,没有老师,他们凭自己会学得更好,其他人认为有老师 的指导总是有利的。你的观点是什么? 9、学生兼职工作:许多国家的学生会在课余时间做许多不同的兼职。一些人认为这是错误 的,但是其他人相信这样的工作将能够拓展学生的知识并且增加他们的责任感。你的观点是什么? 10、不同的朋友和相似的朋友:有些人喜欢与自己性格不同的人交朋友,有些人喜欢和 自己性格相似的人交朋友,你喜欢和哪种类型的人交朋友呢?请说出理由。 二、家庭生活 1、照看老年人:有人认为老年人应该被在家中赡养,另外有些人认为他们应该被送到养老院,你的观点是什么? 2、孩子缺少父母关注:有些人认为现在的孩子不像以前的孩子那样能得到父母很多的关注。在多大程度上你同意或反对此观点? 3、家庭成员关系不亲密:人们现在普遍承认家庭成员的关系不像过去那样亲密了,请给出可能的原因并提出你的建议。 4、父母和学校:有些人认为父母应该教育孩子如何成为好的社会成员。然而另外一些人认为学校应该做这件事情。讨论两种见解并给出你的观点。 5、孩子早送幼儿园:现如今孩子们很早就被送到幼儿园,这样母亲们就可以回到她们的工作中去,而且孩子们也可以从小适应社会。你是否同意这样的观点? 6、体罚孩子:很长时间以来,体罚孩子是家庭中的一个惯例。但最近几年,人们对这一做法的观念发生了巨大的变化。现在有很多人强烈地反对这一观点。你的观点是什么? 三、现代科技 1、科技影响人们之间的交流:现在,因为科技,人们相互交流的方式已经发生了改变。科技怎样改变了人们相互交流的方式?这是一个正面的还是负面的发展? 2、计算机对孩子的影响:电脑并没有帮助孩子更有效地学习。另外,电脑的使用对青少年的身体和心理健康都有着负面作用。在多大程度上你同意或反对此观点呢? 3、太空研究:大量的钱花在太空研究上。一些人认为这些钱花得不应该。你是否同意? 4、私家车:你认为日益增多的私家车有哪些益处和弊端? 5、互联网:你认为互联网利大于弊吗?


1.依靠:dependon=relyon 2.导致:leadto=cause=resultin 3.源于:resultfrom=stemfrom 4.使用:use=apply 5.利用:takeadvantageof=makeuseof 6.带来:bring=provide=offer=supply 7.努力做:makemosteffortsto=workhardto=striveto 8.花时间做:spendtime/money/energy/lifeonsth/doingsth 9.专注于:focuson=payattentionto=concentrateto 10.分心/打扰: distractsbfromsth=disturbsb/sth=interruptsb/sth=obsesssbwithsthdistraction=diver sion=disturbance 11.起到作用:servetodo=playarole in doing = have a function to do = make a contribution to (对……做出贡献) 12.目的是:attempt to do = have an intention to do/of = have a purpose to do/of = have an objective to do/of = aim at doing/sth 13.为了:in order to do = for the purpose of doing/sth = with the view of doing/sth 14.有利于:bring benefits to = be benefitial to = bring advantages to 15.有害于:bring harms to = damage sth = ruin sth = undermine sth = be harmful to/for = be detrimental to/for 16.威胁到:endanger sb/sth = risk sb/sth = threaten sb/sth = place sb/sth into the danger/risk/threat 17.影响:have (positive/negative) effects/influence/impacts on sth 18.强调:stress = emphasize 19.忽略:ignore = neglect = overlook 20.联系:connect to/with = communicate with = contact to/with = have an access to = associate with(和……相关) 21.处理:deal with = cope with = handle = tackle 22.避免/预防/远离:keep A from B = prevent A from B = A avoid B = A refrain from B = A be away from B



雅思小作文真题 【篇一:雅思作文题目汇总】 一、教育 1、教育应该包括哪些内容? 母题:it is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. what should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? (050312) 提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇文章,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。 子题:大学应当教授理论知识还是实践技能?大学的是应当把学生培养成合格的公民还是让他们自己得益?准备未来职业最好的方法是上大学还是尽快离校积累工作经验?大学要不要扩招?中学阶段应当提供通才教育还是专才教育?要不要延长义务教育年限?要不要让农村地区的学生更容易上学?老师要教学生如何判断是非吗? 2、学校的科目谁来选择?(060916) 母题:some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. discuss the two views and give your opinion. 提示:这类题目采取的策略就是“双批判”,因为题目中提供的两种选择往往都是错误的。


雅思大作文-----主体段的论证方法 对于考生来说,对于某一话题说出一两个分论点并不是难点,而对这些分论点进行论述的展开部分(extend and support main ideas) 却是一个必修的部分。 在议论文中常用的论证方法主要有四种。 一,举例论证法 二,因果论证法 三,对比论证法 四,反证法 一,举例论证法 例如,你想证明一个事情的坏处,可以把这些坏处罗列出来。 However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. Young adults may end up never return to their studies or finding it difficult to re-adapt to an academic environment. They may think that it is better to continue a particular job or perhaps they may do something completely different from a university courses. 常用引导词 for example, for instance, ...as follows such as that is to say just as including in particular, to be specific, 练习1: Only under the supervision of a teacher can students study effectively. To be specific, a teacher always tries to draw students' attention during class and assign them homework to do after school. Generally teachers keep in touch with the parents in order to ensure that proper learning is taking place.


最近考试高频的十八个写作话题思路分析与素材汇总!只有7页,共18个话题,中英双语结合给出了关键思路和素材,给出了关键的高分词汇与表达!老是在考试时理不清思路、想不出素材的同学,看了一定会有帮助的!大家加油加油! ----------------------------------------------我是分割线--------------------------------------------------- 一、跳槽的原因及解决办法 1、相关词汇: fierce competition heavy pressure job-hopping is looked upon to move upward quickly keep skill fresh and up to date acclimatize themselves to the rapidly changing society 2、原因: (1)社会压力大,人们的竞争意识增强,不断改变以适应社会的变化。 (2)处于个人发展的需要,寻求升职,更新知识。 (3)金钱的诱惑,不在乎在哪儿工作,做什么职业,只要挣钱多。 (4)家庭原因,spouse工作地点改变或孩子去其他地方上学。 3、解决方法: (1)要理性看待,一般来说,stability equals success。

(2)chronic job-hopper将被questioned integrity and loyalty ,not reliable。 (3)政府和mass media应该鼓励人们扎根一个地方,扎扎实实干事业,并且尽可能提高welfare,改善城市和community的环境,留住人才。 (4)公司应该提高工资待遇,给employee创造一个良好的工作环境,在保证企业利润的同时要考虑员工个人发展,增加培训,扩充员工的知识。 二、大学是否应该根据就业教授学生知识,大学的主要功能是什么 平衡写: 1、认为应该提供实际知识的: (1)大学生毕业就要找工作,因此要培养学生掌握future job的技能。 (2)有人甚至声称理论没用,不是每个大学生都要做科学家。 2、反对方: (1)It will definitely be shortsighted to…目光短浅理论知识非常重要,理论指导实践,大学的职责不仅是教会学生一门技术,更重要的是教授一种方法。 (2)不学理论只学实际知识,会使学生变成utilitarian,narrow-minded,lack of imagination,如果学生要学的只是生存的技能,那就去vocational school。 3、总结 总之,我认为大学的功能是versatile的,促进学生all-around development,培养学生具有creative mind in some special field,而不只是教授该领域的实际知识,可以通过一些part-time job来获得。 三、个人不能对环境保护做不了什么,同意不同意 This is just an excuse for the ignorance of environmental protection. 1、分析环境恶化原因是缺乏环保意识。 2、给出解决办法。 四、维持博物馆是否是浪费金钱? 1、提出自己的观点(反对)。 政府应该spend a lot of money to enrich the collection of museums to cater for different tastes or needs of different people.有的人认为是浪费钱,我认为是很有必要的。 2、博物馆很重要(博物馆的作用)。 (1)illuminate the culture,history and arts of the world. 比如,世界上最大的British Museum provide visitors with all-round knowledge about the world culture and arts,collections in it trace the development of civilization throughout the history of mankind. Definitely a heartquake! (2)shoulder the responsibility to preserve and carry forward a country‘s traditional culture. (3)serve as a significant mean of adolescent education,benefit both the present and future generation. 教育学生什么是美,purify their heart,也可以作为第二课堂,提供教学参考


在雅思写作的四大评分标准当中,连贯性与衔接性是其中的一项评分标准,连贯性与衔接性其中一方面就是用连接手段(即连接词)来实现的。连接词本身是非常繁琐的知识,在教授连接词时也会遇到很多困难,那么学连接词首先把连接词词性掌握并掌握各词性的用法,学连接词就简便得多。朗阁海外考试研究中心分析认为,连接词大体可分为四种词性:连词,副词,介词和短语,它们各自的用法又不一样。 连词 如but, and,后接句子,连接并列句时前面逗号可有可无。当然连词也可放句首,这一点在考官范文里有很多体现。 例:In the past, populations were partly regulated by frequent war and widespread disease, but in recent years the effects of those factors have been diminished. (并列句中的连词) 段落开始:But how should it be achieved ( 连词放句首) 介词 如before, despite:后接名词或动名词 例:Before talking about the essential role of death penalty, you have to think about the meaning, and the purpose, of any kind of punishment. 副词 副词连接并列句,前面用句号或分号,后面用逗号(当然,如果副词前用句号,那就是另起一句了,不称之为并列句) 例:In many places today, children start primary school at around the age of six or seven. However, because it is more likely now that both parents work, there is little opportunities for children to stay in their own home up to that age.( 副词另起一句) The crime rate is increasingly high; therefore, the government needs to enforce more laws to curb this situation. ( 副词在并列句中) 短语 如on the contrary, in addition:用法和副词用法完全一样 例:They feel this is one area of life where they have the right to make decisions for themselves. For that reason, it would seem that the best approach would be work by persuasion rather than compulsion. The government plays a crucial role in scientific research; on the other hand, private companies hold certain advantages in conducting scientific research. ( 短语在并列句中) 掌握连接词的四大词性及用法以后,连接词的教学和运用就容易展开。我们可以参看考官范文,看看各类关系的时候考官如何使用连接词,使文章凸显出来。 因果关系 根据词性及用法可归结于: because / since/ as / for, so (连词), because of/ due to / owing to/ as a result of (介词) for that reason/as a result/ therefore/ accordingly (短语和副词) 例:I think the amount of waste produced is also as a result of our tendency to use sth once and throw it away. (可代替词汇because of/ due to / owing to)


解读雅思大作文之问题解决类论证方法 在雅思写作中我相信,考生在遇到问题解决类题目时,如果只是想到原因,却提不出任何解决策略,那么这篇文章即使有了大体结构也终会散架。今天,前程百利小编为大家解读如何论证解读雅思大作文中的问题解决类题目。 问题解决类常见论证方法有两种,大体框架为:问题+原因+措施。 第一种段落框架: 第一段:背景句+引出话题 第二段:原因1+措施1 第三段:原因2+措施2….可以有更多段落 第四段:总结建议+预测 第二种段落框架: 第一段:背景句+引出话题 第二段:原因1;原因2;原因3 第三段:措施1;措施2;措施3….可以有更多段落 第四段:总结建议+预测 第一种结构条理较为清晰,提出原因后紧随着解决措施,而第二种是提出全部原因后再提出各自的解决方法。如果考生逻辑性不强的话,很容易混淆。因此,考生要

结合自身实际情况采取不同的写作方法。 备考雅思大作文之问题解决类需要考生在平时多积累一些相关素材,以免在考试中没有思路,无从下手。 接下来就让我们来练一练吧! 例:It is said that people’s life now is becoming more and more stressful. What are the causes and how to solve it? 题目中的关键词为stressful。不管是学生还是职场人,或多或少都会有一定的压力,这就要看我们在面对压力的时候如何解决了。 因此,我们可以从以下角度去考虑原因以及解决策略。 Causes: 1. people's living rhythm has been promoted 2. social competition deprives their spare time 3. people have to shoulder the responsibility Solutions: 1. go in for some sports games 2. communicate with others frequently 3. find a balance between money and health


雅思写作十大常考话题 1.学生生活 例: University graduates receive higher salaries than those who have a lower education. Therefore, some people say such students should pay for all their tuition fees. To what extent do you agree or disagree 2.家庭生活 例:Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children. Many children do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree 3.现代科技 例: Computers do not help children to learn more effectively. On the contrary, their usage has a negative effect on both the physical and mental development of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree 4.媒体 例:Advertisements are getting their way into people’s lives. Discuss the effects of advertisements on people. Should all ads be banned 广告充斥人们的日常工作和生活。讨论广告对人们的影响。广告该不该禁止。 5.传统与发展 例:In the course of urban development, we often find ourselves confronted with the old building problem. Some people think we should pull down the old houses and buildings in the way; however, others argue that it is a very rash decision to tear them down without full consideration. What’s your opinion 6.动物 例:Should experiments be conducted on animals for the benefit of human beings 7.平等 例:In some countries, sports and entertainment personalities earn higher salaries than professionals like doctors, nurses and teachers. Why do you think this happens in some societies and do you consider it is good or bad 8.环境、资源、交通 例:The only way to improve the safety on the roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree 9.政府话题 例: Some people say the government should not put money in the Arts, such as music, opera and paintings, but instead should spend more money on construction of public facilities. Do you agree or disagree 10.其它话题 例: Should criminals be sent to prison or should they do something else as a punishment Explain your opinion and give your reasons.


雅思大作文常用词汇替换 大家都知道,写雅思作文的时候有个很大的问题就是腹中纵有千言万语,表达出来却都是小学词语。词汇量是拦路虎,但是要克服它却不是一朝一夕的事情。怎么办呢,最高效的办法就是背诵老师们精挑细选出来的常用替换词语了。下面的单词是我们单词系列里的第一部分,针对所有话题的大总结,也是最最常用的。每组里第一个单词是大家最常用的,后面的单词是它的替换词。需要注意的是,每个词的意思还是有小小的区别与常见的搭配,这点也是我给班上的学生讲解的重点,自己备考的同学可以通过查字典和例句来体会这些单词用法的区别。 1.people n. individuals, men, human beings, humanity 2.solve v. resolve, tackle, address, deal with 3.reason n. cause, 4.destroy v. ruin, devastate, harm(伤害), 5.influence, n. effect, impact v. affect 6.dangers n. hazards, perils 7.obvious adj. apparent, evident, manifest 8.good adj. beneficial, positive, meaningful, desirable, 9.bad adj. harmful, negative, baneful 10.famous adj. well-known, prominent, eminent, fame n., reputation n. 11.big adj. huge, vast, enormous, tremendous, immense 12.main adj. major, dominant, predominant, 13.poor adj. deprived, impoverished, poverty n. 14.rich adj. well-off, wealthy, affluent, prosperous +country/economy 15.enough adj. sufficient, adequate, abundant 16. a lot of, a host of, a great deal of +可数/不可数名词 a vast number of +可数 a large amount of + 不可数提示: great, vast, large可以互换位置 17.advantage n. benefit, merit, strong point 18.disadvantage n. drawback, weakness, weak point 19.improve v. enhance, boost, promote, augment, 20.claim v. argue, insist, assert, 21.agree with v. conform to, accord with 22.disagree with v. oppose to, be against 23.ban v. forbid, prohibit prohibition n. 24.obstruct v. hinder, impede obstruction n. obstacle barrier


雅思大作文范文:城市交通问题 这是雅思大作文范文《城市交通问题》,供大家阅读参考。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions. The progress of transport industry is inevitable and undeniable. What is under controversy is whether the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. To be frank, I am in high favor that we are well aware of the traffic problem. In my point of view, a possible cause of the problem is that we lack the infrastructure construction. Also the overpopulation is the cause of this problem, especially in China. Although the growth of the transport is rapid, it still can not meet the increasing needs of people. Furthermore, people abuse the private cars to take public transport instead, which caused more cars put into use. Lastly, individuals are also responsible for this problem. People are lacking in consciousness and awareness for


同意与否文体There is no denying that the specific issue of sth./ 或接whether 从句has become controversial.However, in spite of those who are against/ for …, I approve whole heartedly of/ 或I strongly object to the idea that … Those who hold negative/ positive attitude towards … believe that … may exert adverse/ significant effect on us.… is always top of the list of their argument.For example,… (请用举例子的方法解释).Besides, those critics/ advocates also claim that … (此处写第二个原因)for the reason that …. It is often the ca se that …(此处总结上段反方提出的几个观点)。But when it comes to …, …, and …,(此处先总结写你所支持的几个理由),an increasing number of people including me are convinced that ...For one thing, …。The evidence recently presented in research journals available to the public confirms that …此处写调查结果,通过数字来证明自己所列举的理由1。Similarly,… should also deserve our special attention.In other words, …(换种说法解释)。If…not,..(反过来在说一遍)。Last but not least, … Obviously, it is hard for both sides to come to an agreement on this complicated issue, but I still commit to the notion that …(再重申你的立场)。2 Agree or disagree (两边分)Introduction Recent years have witnessed …………………(背景)which has aroused a heated ,debate of whether …………….(把要讨论的话题引入进来)Views on this issue vary from person to person. From my point of view, before airing my own opinion, I do think it’s necessary to analyze / explore this thorny issue from different angles /

【精编范文】雅思大作文高频题目:科技-实用word文档 (1页)

【精编范文】雅思大作文高频题目:科技-实用word文档 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思大作文高频题目:科技 科技 078. Some people think that robots are very important to humans future development . Others think that they are dangerous and have negative effects on society . Discuss both opinions and give your personal view . 079. There are social , medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones . What forms do they take ? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones ? 080. In todays society , more and more work is done by machines . Do you think the positive effects of the development overweigh the negative effects on individuals and society ? 081. Today , foods travel thousands of miles from the farm to customers . Why has this happened ? Is this trend positive or negative ? 2 082. Some people argue that technology such as the cell phone destroys social interaction . To what extent do you agree or disagree ? 083. In the past century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon , he said , It is a big step for mankind . But some people think it makes little difference to our daily life . To what extent do you agree or disagree ? 084. The development of technology has changed the way people interact with each other . In which ways does it change the types of relationship that people make with each other ? Does it have a positive or negative effect on society ? 085. Air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world . Ordinary people can get no advantage with the development of air travel . To what extent do you agree or disagree ?


Make sense 合理In today’s media, some reports simply do not make any sense. Interestingly, people just keep listening to or reading them. Make up for 弥补To the master, no amount of money can make up for the death of a pet. Opt for sth./ opt to do sth. 选择(去做某事)Due to the stiff competition at work, an increasing number of people have opted for early retirement. Participate in 参与Parents should encourage their children to participate in group discussions as that will make children more co-operative individuals. Refrain from 克制(不去做某事)It would be difficult for children to refrain from playing a video game once they get addicted to it. Differ from 与…不同This product differs from other products in cost and performance.

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