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Do you want to know something about the history of weather? Don’t look at the sky. Don’t look for old weather reports. Looking at tree rings is more important. Correct weather reports date back only one century, but some trees can provide an exact record of the weather even further back.

It is natural that a tree would grow best in a climate with plenty of sunlight and rainfall. It is also expected that little sunlight and rainfall would limit the growth of a tree. The change from a favorable to an unfavorable climate can be determined by reading the pattern of rings in a tree trunk. To find the weather of ten years ago, count the rings of a tree trunk from the outside to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the other rings, then it is certain that plenty of sunny and rainy weather occurred. If the rings are closed together, then the climate was bad for the tree.

Studying tree rings is important not only for the history of weather, but also for the history of man. In a region of New Mexico you can find only sand---no trees and no people. However, many centuries ago a large population lived there. They left suddenly. Why?

A scientist studied patterns of dead tree rings which had grown there. He decided that the people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees. Trees were necessary to make fires and buildings. So, after the people destroyed the trees, they had to move. In this instance studying tree rings uncovers an exciting fact about the history of man.

1. It is understood that in a favorable climate ________.

A. tree rings grow together

B. tree rings grow far apart

C. trees in New Mexico will grow big and tall

D. people can cut down most of the trees in New Mexico

2. The scientists are interested in studying tree rings because they can tell ___.

A. whether in that area the climate was favorable or not

B. whether a particular tree was healthy or not

C. whether people took good care of the trees or not

D. how old the trees were

3. By studying the dead tree rings, the scientist discovered ___.

A. where the people had left

B. what the people used to eat

C. how the people left

D. why the people had to leave

4. The people had to leave the region of New Mexico because ___.

A. they had cut down all the trees

B. there were many trees there

C. they had no water

D. bad weather stopped the growth of trees

5. The main idea of the passage is _________.

A. tree rings reflect the history of weather and the history of man

B. destroying tree will do man no good

C. studying tree ring is the only way to know the history of weather

D. m an shouldn’t cut so many trees

1--5 BADAA



We were about to gather up our things and return to our car 16 a man appeared. He looked very annoyed (恼怒的) and asked us 17_ if we 18 that these grounds were private property (财产). He ___19___ a notice __20___ said that camping was not allowed. 21 father explained that he ___22___ the notice and did not know the camping was not allowed. _23 father apologized, the man did not seem 24 and asked him for his name and address. All the way home, we were so __25__that hardly anyone spoke a word.

For the 26 the week, we wondered what would happen. The following Sunday we stayed at home 27 it was a fine day. About noon, a large and very expensive car stopped outside our house. We were surprised when we saw several people __28 to have a picnic in our small garden. Father got very ___29__ and went out to ask them 30 they knew what they were doing. He was 31 to see that one of them was the man who had taken Father’s 32 the week 33 .

__34___ of them began laughing and father welcomed the strangers into the house. In time, we became good friends, but we learned a lesson we have 35 forgotten.

16. A. because B. when C. while D. as

17 A. politely B. quietly C. angrily D. sadly

18 A. realized B. promised C. doubted D. wondered

19. A. put up B. held C. pointed to D. prepared for

20. A. what B. which C./ D. where

21. A. Happy B. Angry C. Poor D. Rich

22. A. had seen B. has not seen C. saw D. did not see

23. A. When B. Since C. Though D. Because

24. A. shocked B. inspired C. satisfied D. annoyed

25. A. pleased B. tired C. sleepy D. upset

26. A. rest of B. next C. following D. last

27. A. though B. as C. as if D. since

28. A. to prepare B. to be preparing C. preparing D. prepare for

29. A. angry B. excited C. glad D. amused

30. A. that B. whether C. what D. so that

31. A. surprised B. surprising C. sorry D. tired

32. A. things B. name C. car D. property

33. A. before B. later C. recently D. ago

34. A. None B. Both C. Neither D. All

35. A. ever B. never C. still D. yet

完型:16-20:BCACB 21-25CDCCD 26-30 AACAB 31-35 ABABB

When Mt Vesuvius erupted (爆发)in 79 A.D, it destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The first excavators (挖掘者)were the people of Pompeii who, 1 to their city when the eruption stopped, dug down through the 2 of their buried homes and salvaged (抢救)what they could 3 their furniture and 4 . the tunnels they 5 through the solidified ash can still be seen in place. But a time came 6 Pompeii and Herculaneum were forgotten. Throughout the Middle Age these two buried cities were not 7 . and it was not until 1709 8 an Austrian prince sank a shaft at Herculaneum then, by means of underground tunnels, 9 the city of its treasures, in 1729 systematic(系统地)excavation began on the same site.

From the end of the eighteenth century to the present day, digging had gone practically continuously,_ 10 slowly, and often with few resources. Perhaps this slowness has not been entirely a

11 ., since it has resulted in large, untouched sections of both cities left preserved for modern, scientific

12 . Archeological(考古学的)techniques have 13 so much in the last fifty years that a 14 can

now be shown far more archeological information than was possible before. Today most of Pompeii and

a substantial section of Herculaneum have been 15 . They are the best archaeological sites in

16 , and the most wonderful. For here, and 17 else on earth are ancient cities in which 18 did not die out but was suddenly 19 . “Behind these walls”, as one writer has said, “lies an ancient Italian town, stilled in a moment of time. To enter the 20 of this city is to walk 2000 years in the past.

1. A. arriving B. retuning C. coming D. going

2. A. walls B. floors C. gates D. roofs

3. A. of B. from C. out of D. in

4. A. thing B. tools C. ownings D. belongings

5. A. went B. got C. drove D. moved

6. A. when B. and C. that D. until

7. A. discovered B. researched C. disturbed D. reached

8. A. when B. that C. before D. after

9. A. stole B. removed C. cured D. robbed

10 A. but B. though C. even D. despite

11. A. mistake B. wrong--doing C. advantage D. disadvantage

12. A. discovery B. research C. excavation D. foundation

13. A. improved B. changed C. added to D. enlarged

14. A. spot B. site C. place D. position

15. A. thrown B. stopped C. removed D. cleared

16. A. Africa B. Asia C. America D. Europe

17. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere

18. A. human being B. life C. citizens D. animals

19. A. arrested B. found C. seen D. discovered

20. A. walls B. gates C. center D. roofs

二、1-5 BDADC 6-10 ACBDB 11-15 DCABD 16-20 DCBAB


Long long ago, a God called Ratu lived in the sky. Ratu liked to play games and make people angry. The game he liked best was to fly down into the sea and frighten all the fishes. The fishes became very tired of his game. They asked Hemi, the God of the sea, to help them.

So Hemi tried to catch Ratu the next time he flew into the sea, but he was too slow. Ratu laughed at

Hemi as he flew past him. This made Hemi angry and he had an idea. He asked the fishes to bring him a lot of seaweed. Hemi tied it all together and made a large net from it. Soon Ratu flew down and Hemi threw the net over him. Ratu fought and fought but could not get free. He was caught.

Ratu promised (保证) never to frighten fishes again if Hemi would set him free. But Hemi did not believe him. Instead, he changed Ratu into a mountain in the sea. Ratu was so angry that when he opened his mouth to shout at Hemi, fire and smoke broke out. And that is why the Island of Ratu is a volcano (火山).

1. This story is a ________.

A. joke

B. humor

C. true story

D. fairy tale

2. The key meaning of this story is ________.

A. how volcanoes are born

B. how Ratu was beaten

C. why some gods are good and some are bad

D. why the Island of Ratu is a volcano

3. Ratu liked to fly down into the sea because ________.

A. he liked to make fun of the fishes

B. the fishes welcomed him

C. the fishes were friendly to him

D. he had too much fire in his mouth.

4. Why did Hemi not believe Ratu’s promise?

A. Because Ratu was a funny god.

B. Because Hemi was an honest god.

C. Because Hemi was not believable.

D. Because Ratu was believable.

5. The main point of the story seems to be that ________.

A. the person who makes trouble will be punished

B. some volcanoes in the sea are gods

C. seaweed is a good material for making nets

D. one who makes promises is not to be always believed

三、1—5 DDADA


Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy. But modern advertising does more than gives news about products and services. Today’s advertisements , or ads, try to get consumers(消费者) to buy certain brands(品牌) . Writers of advertising are so skillful that they can. sometimes persuade a consumer to wear a certain kind of clothing, eat a special kind of cereal(麦片) , or

see a movie. Consumers might never even want a product if they did not see or hear advertisements for it.

For example, you probab1y do not need the newest cereal in the supermarket. There are probably many cereal brands on your kitchen shelves. You may not have space on a shelf for another. But if you see ads about a new cereal that is your extra-tasty and has a free prize in the box, you may want it.

Advertising must get attention. To be effective, it must be exciting, entertaining, or provide some pleasure. The secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a product. The idea is what the ad is really selling. One example is an ad that says eating a certain cereal will make a person do well in sports. That cereal brand may sell better if consumers think it offers strength and energy.

1. What is discussed in this passage?

A. The content of modern advertising.

B. The skills of modern advertising.

C. The results of modern advertising.

D. The writing of modern advertising.

2. According to the passage, a good advertisement should .

A. be both persuasive and effective

B. give people useful information

C. show people a product

D. show people a new idea of a product

3. From the passage, we know that .

A. modern advertising has less effect on customers

B. once customers see ads about a new cerea1, they are sure to buy it

C. cereal can make people strong

D. cereal is a kind of food which is popular among people

4. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Customers can easily be persuaded by advertisements.

B. Customers should be persuaded by advertisements.

C. It’s impossible for customers to buy a product without advertisements.

D. Customers buy products according to their demands rather than the advertisements.


As we all know, it was Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence (《独立宣言》). He wrote it in two weeks, and after a few changes, it was accepted by the Congress (国会). As a result, he became famous.

Born in Virginia, Thomas Jefferson, a brilliant student at school and almost talented lawyer later, was much interested in politics.

Jefferson was elected the Governor of Virginia in 1779, and he was sent to France as the representative of the American government in 1784. Sixteen years later, at the age of 57, he was elected president after Washington and Adams.

Far from a handsome man, he was tall with long arms and big hands. Jefferson, who was an amusing talker in conversation but a poor speaker, was generally good-natured. Jefferson was regarded as a defender of freedom in America. As a president, he protected the right of free speech. Interestingly enough, in his eight years as president, Jefferson never vetoed (否决) a bill which the Congress had passed. He did a lot in organizing the new University of Virginia.

Thomas Jefferson died on July the fourth, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence.

1. From the passage we can infer that America won its independence in _______.

A. 1786

B. 1800

C. 1842

D. 1776

2. How old was Thomas Jefferson when he became the Governor of Virgina?

A. He was 26.

B. He was in his forties.

C. He was 36.

D. We don’t know.

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Jefferson wan an amusing talker, but not good at speaking in public.

B. Jefferson was not an easy person to get along with.

C. Jefferson was not only very talented but also very handsome.

D. Not being politically minded, Jefferson never vetoed a bill passed by the Congress.

4. Jefferson died when he was ________.

A. 72

B. 83

C. 73

D. 92

5. Jefferson’s greatest contribution in American history should be that ________.

A. he did a lot in organizing the new University of Virginia.

B. he was strongly against the slavery

C. he wrote the Declaration of Independence

D. he was for the right of free speech

1. D

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. C


In America, where labor costs are so high, “do it yourself” is a way of life. Many people repair their own cars, build their own garages, even (1) ____ their own houses. Soon many of them will (2)____ be writing their own (3)____. In Hollywood there is a company that (4)____ children’s books with the help of (5)____. Although other book companies also publish (6)____, this company is not like (7)____. It allows the (8)____ to become the leading (9)____ in the (10)____ with the help of computers. Here is (11)____ they do it. Let us suppose the child is named Jenny. She lives in New York, and has a dog (12)____ Hody. The (13)____ uses this information to (14)____ a story with pictures. The story is then (15)____ up. A child who (16)____ such book might say, “This book is (17)____, ”so the company calls (18)____ the “Me-Books Publishing Company”.

Children like the me-books because they like to see in print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets. But more important, (19)____ readers are much more interested in (20)____ the stories. Me-books are helping a child to learn how to read.

1. A. produce B. rebuild C. send up D. found

2. A. also B. still C. have to D. yet

3. A. articles B. books C. reports D. characters

4. A. sells B. prints C. publishes D. shows

5. A. their friends B. their teachers C. their parents D. computers

6. A. that way B. that C. that kind D. any way

7. A. the other B. that one C. the others D. the ones

8. A. children B. reader C. company D. writer

9. A. character B. writer C. inventor D. pupil

10. A. school B. stories C. family D. office

11. A. what B. why C. how D. for what

12. A. is named B. name C. its name is D. named

13. A. reader B. company C. computer D. character

14. A. make up B. write about C. put into D. think over

15. A. told B. put C. remembered D. printed

16. A. writes B. designs C. knows about D. receives

17. A. mine B. very good C. about me D. useful

18. A. the book B. itself C. it D. the computer

19. A. in this way B. however C. by the way D. at last

20. A. writing B. printing C. publishing D. reading


1. B 11. C

2. A 12. D

3. B 13. C

4. C 14. A

5. D 15. D

6. A 16. D

7. C 17. C

8. B 18. B

9. A 19. A 10. B 20. D

History books tell us that the city of Rome was set up in 152 B.C. It’s a fact, however, that by 100 A.D., Rome was the centre of a big empire. It was from Syria in the east to Spain in the west, from Britain in the north to Africa in the south. All or part of 27 of today’s countries were included in the Roman Empire. All of their people were ruled by

one government, that of Rome. All educated people spoke the same language, Latin. And one of the empire’s outposts was called Londinium. This unimportant town would later become London, England, and the centre of another empire.

The Roman Empire came to and end about 1,500 years ago. Yet in some ways it is still with us. Take the letters you are reading, for example, English, like many other languages, uses the Roman alphabet (字母) while also borrowing many words. The laws of many European countries are based on ancient Roman laws. Roman ruins are seen throughout Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. In some places, Roman roads and water courses are still in use. To this day, a European in North Africa is likely to be called “Roumi”-Roman. Even modern place names are often after Ancient Rome. Both Greece and Germany have the names given by the Romans rather than the names that their own people first called them.

1. The most northern part of the Roman Empire was ________.

A. Spain

B. Britain

C. Syria

D. Africa

2. The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that Roman culture is ________.

A. dead and gone

B. based completely on language

C. still part of the present

D. unimportant to history

3. In the days of the Empire, the Roman government was probably ________.

A. weak

B. divided

C. strong

D. poor

4. What happened first?

A. Londinium was an outpost.

B. The Roman Empire fell apart.

C. The city of Rome was founded.

D. London became the centre of an empire.

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. In Europe people still use Roman names in some places.

B. Londinium became the centre of an empire after Roman Empire fell apart.

C. We may see some remaining parts of Roman Empire in North Africa.

D. In Europe 27 countries had the same laws.



2. C

3. C

4. C

5. D

Mary got a little white lamb. She tied it to a tree in her field during the day and went to take it home every evening. One evening, she found the lamb gone. Someone had cut the rope and stolen the lamb. When her husband came home, she told him what had happened. Henry at once set out to look for the thief.

It was easy to find the thief in the small village. Henry heard that his neighbour Alex got a lamb. He went to the neighbour’s house and said angrily, “Return the lamb to me, or I’ll call the police.”

Alex explained that he had bought a lamb, but it was black. Henry looked out of the window. There in the garden was a little black lamb. He felt ashamed. Then he apologized to his neighbour. While they were talking, it began to rain. He stayed in Alex’s house until the rain stopped. When he went outside, he was surprised to see the lamb changed. He lamb, which had been black half an hour before, was now almost white.

“What colour on earth is the lamb,” Henry wondered, “black or white?”

1. When her husband came back Mary told him __________.

A. she had got a lamb

B. someone had stolen the lamb

C. she had tied the lamb to the tree

D. her son was gone

2. Henry said to Alex, “If you ______ return the lamb to me, I’ll go to the police office.”

A. will

B. won’t

C. don’t

D. have to

3. Henry didn’t leave the neighbour’s home ______.

A. until it began to rain

B. until it stopped raining

C. when it was raining

D. before it began to rain

4. To his surprised, he found a _______ lamb there instead.

A. big

B. black

C. small

D. white

5. Which of the sentences is right?

A. The lamb was stolen by Alex.

B. The lamb was bought by Alex.

C. The lamb could change its colour.

D. The lamb went to Alex’s house by itself.


1.-5 B C B D A


文学类文本与实用类文本的阅读 高分口诀:读懂文章审准题眼规范作答 (1)答题基本知识: 1、阅读: 注意整体阅读,注意抓三个方面 :一就是要有文体特征意识(散文与小说,新闻与传记的文体特征概述见后);二就是要有思路分析意识(边读边概括各段落意思及段与段之间的关系);三就是要有寻找中心句意识(每段的中心句,特别就是文章的开头,结尾,过渡句以及标题) 2、审题:从题干中求启示,寻求解题的突破口,确保准确答题。题干具有以下作用: 暗示答题区域; 暗示答题思路; 暗示答题方法; 暗示答案本身。审题时注意: ◆就是否选准题眼(答题重点); ◆就是否选全要点(要答几个方面); ◆就是否选准角度(以谁为陈述主体); ◆就是否选好恰当的句式(要与设问的句式一致) 组织语言时,注意“问”与“答”要照应好、如问:“为什么对作者来说这就是一次短暂而愉快的旅行?” 则:(1)题眼(答题重点)就是:短暂而愉快;(2)要点(回答的内容)应包括:“短暂”与“愉快”两点;(3)设问的角度: 以“这”作陈述对象,而不就是“作者” ;(4)句式应为: 两个句子,且构成并列关系。 3、明确答题要点 A、回答问题,要朴实具体,不能用比喻、拟人等形象化的修辞语言;

文本中若出现形象化的概念或词语,在作答时可引用,并加以具体阐释说明。 B、综合分析,要有概括而具体的分析,不能只答抽象的要点; C、对应题旨,要分点答题,不能遗漏答题要点。之所以要这样去做,就是因为现代文阅读答题要求严密,评分要求严格,评分办法一般就是“要点给分” D、瞧赋分,配答案。现代文阅读每题赋分都在4分以上,这也决定了每个题目的答案要点一般不可能只就是一点。一般情况,4分题答案至少应有两点,6分题答案至少应有三点。如果命题人在作答处已标明(1)、(2)之类序号,则按序号答够要点。如果未标明序号,考生也应该心中有数,不可只答一点了事。如果题干中有“从不同角度”、“不同方面”、“哪些”“哪几个方面”等提示,更要认真把握住。 4、有效地组织语言 A、紧扣题意,选用恰当的句式,选取适宜的角度作回答,即如何问就如何答,使“答”与“问”有直接的关联性,很多考生只知机械地摘录原文的句子,虽然摘录的句子中有答案所需要的内容,但不就是从命题人所“问”的角度回答的,致使回答不到位,甚至答非所问。因此,一般不宜一字不差地摘录原文,应该严格紧扣题干要求,抓住问题的陈述对象,对准文中有效信息,将题干要求与文中的已知信息重新进行排列组合,使之成为全面、凝炼、流畅、契合要求的标准答案。 B、善于利用文中的重要词句。一般来说,答案中涉及到的一些关键词


A ★ For years, he had difficulty saving to buy a house because something would always happen and use more money. Although he made efforts, he simply could not go long before spending the extra money that he had saved. Then one day a car accident badly damaged the car his wife was driving. The repairs might cost them five thousand dollars. Unfortunately, they were now in debt (债务) and so the car would have to wait. He realized that they needed a solution to their money problems. He worked long and hard for weeks, saving and managing his money in a way he had never done before. In a few months he had saved enough money to have his wife’s car repaired. Once the car was repaired, he discussed with his wife how quickly they had put aside the money they needed. During their discussion his wife encouraged him to open a second account (账户) so they could continue to put away the same amount of money that they were saving every week for the car repair. This money would go towards the house they had always wanted to buy. In a little over a year he saved more than twenty thousand dollars and was able to make the down payment (首付款). He did something in a short while that he had failed to achieve in his previous attempts. This man’s experiences gave him a different feeling about money. He and his wife have continued to keep their second account. This time they have decided to start saving for their retirement, putting away just a little less every week than they did for their house. One man developed a new set of good qualities because he had a goal that was important for him to achieve — he made a plan to achieve it and followed through. The experience of a single bad luck taught him a valuable lesson and challenged him to plan his saving, and spending habits again. In the process he also changed his


2016高一语文早自习阅读材料第五周 静听天籁 周一 风雅诗斋 夜雨寄北 李商隐 君问归期未有期, 巴山夜雨涨秋池, 何当共剪西窗烛, 却话巴山夜雨时。 [注]寄北:指寄给在北边的妻子。君:指所怀念的妻子。巴山:亦称大巴山,又叫巴岭,其山脉横亘干今陕西、四川两省边境,这里泛指巴蜀之地。夜雨涨秋池:秋夜下着大雨,池塘里的水涨满了。何当:何时。剪烛:剪去烛花,使烛光明亮。西窗:住室两边的窗户,这里指内室。却:回溯。这两句说,何日于西窗之下同你一道剪烛夜话,回叙今夜我客居巴山思念你的情景。 鉴赏指引:《夜雨寄北》这首诗大概是李商隐寓居蜀地时所作。身居“巴山”,又值秋天“夜雨”,在羁旅寂寞之中,自然会想到亲人。但作者开头却说“君问归期”,是写亲人思念自己;“未有期”是作者的回答。在一句之中,一问一答,一虚一实,把自己怀念妻子,同时想到妻子也在怀念自己这种深厚的感情,用推进一层的写法,真挚地表达出来了。后两句以希望作结,预想着将来会面的时候,能把今夜的情景向亲人诉说,那该是怎样的高兴啊!描写这种对未来的希望和设想,就把怀念亲人的内心活动,表现得更加具体和深沉。这首诗内容并不复杂,而艺术构思却颇具匠心。 文言读吧 吴起为魏将而攻中山,军人有病疽者,吴起跪而自吮其脓,伤者之母立泣,人问曰:“将军于若子如是,尚何为而泣?(将军如此对待你的儿子,还有什么可哭的?)”对曰:“吴起吮其父之创而父死,今是子又将死也,今吾是以泣(现在这孩子又会奋战而死了,现在我就是为此哭泣的)。”(《韩非子?外储说左上》) 宣帝即位,久之,渤海左右郡岁饥,盗贼并起,二千石不能禽(擒,捉拿)制。上选能治者,丞相、御史举遂可用,上以为渤海太守。时,遂年七十余,召见,形貌短小,宣帝望见,不副所闻,心内轻焉,谓遂曰:“渤海废乱,朕甚忧之。君欲何以息其盗贼,以称朕意?(先生准备怎样平息那里的盗贼,使我称心满意呢?)”遂对曰:“海濒遐远,不沾圣化,其民困于饥寒而吏不恤,故使陛下赤子盗弄陛下之兵于潢池中耳。今欲使臣胜之邪,将安之也?(您现在是想要我用武力战胜他们呢,还是安抚他们呢?)”上闻遂对,甚说,答曰:“选用贤良,固欲安之也。”遂曰:“臣闻治乱民犹治乱绳,不可急也(我听说治理秩序混乱的百姓就如同解紊乱的绳子,不能急躁);唯缓之,然后可治。臣愿丞相、御史且无拘臣以文法,得一切便宜从事。(让我能够根据实际情况,不呈报上级而按照最有效的办法处理事情)”上许焉,加赐黄金,赠遣乘传。选自《汉书·龚遂传》 大家文坊 我生活的地方,我为何生活 梭罗 我坐在一个小湖的湖岸上,离开康科德村子南面约一英里半,较康科德高出些,就在市镇与林肯乡之间那片浩瀚的森林中央,也在我们的唯一著名地区,康科德战场之南的两英里


高中语文小说阅读答题技巧及公式 一、第一段作用: 两方面①内容:从本身和主题两方面说②形式:结构和手法。 答题方法1、交代故事发生背景,人物所处环境2、引出下文故事情节,为下文做铺垫 3、设置悬念引起读者兴趣,引人入胜 二、分析人物形象: ①小说中人物身份、地位②通过外貌、语言、行动揣摩人物心理③注意小说活动的历史背景④作者对人物的介绍和评价。通过以上四方面来分析人物形象。另外,通过正面描写和侧面描写分析。 答题方法:——是——的——例如:某某是一个敢爱敢恨、勇敢执着、爱憎分明……的农民形象 三、环境描写作用: 答题方法:交代人物活动的社会背景、时令、地点等;渲染——的气氛;表现烘托人物——的形象;推动情节发展。 四、情节的作用 情节的作用一般有:交代人物活动的环境设置悬念,引起读者兴趣为后面情节发展作铺垫或埋下伏笔照应前文提供线索或推动情节发展刻画人物性格表现主旨或深化主题 答题方法:……情节在文中有……作用,突出了……表现了…… 五、修辞手法作用: 比喻:化平淡为生动,化深奥为浅显,化抽象为具体. 比拟:给物赋予人的形态情感(只拟人),描写生动形象,表意丰富. 对比:使所表现的事物特征或所阐述的道理观点更鲜明、更突出。 六、人称作用:第一人称:亲切自然,能自由的表达思想感情,给读者以生动真实之感 第二人称:便于对话,便于抒情,加强感染力第三人称:能比较直接的展开丰富的生活,不受时间空间限制…… (一)环境描写 ⑴社会环境——故事发生的时代背景。作用:①交待人物活动及其成长的时代背景,揭示了各种复杂的社会关系;②交代人物身份,表现人物性格;或影响或决定人物性格;③揭示社会本质特征,揭示主题。 ⑵自然环境—人物活动的具体场景,如时间、地点、气候、景色、场面等。作用:①自身的、独立的审美价值:表现地域风光,提示时间、季节和环境特点;②渲染气氛,为后边刻画人物作铺垫;③烘托人物性格,或某种心理;④展开、推动情节发展;⑤深化主旨;⑥象征和暗示。 4.答题指要⑴解题思路明确环境描写必须为主题服务的宗旨,结合环境描写的作用:

高一语文 早自习阅读材料 第二周

2016高一语文早自习阅读材料第二周 心灵的牧场 周一 风雅诗斋 行宫元稹 寥落古行宫,宫花寂寞红。 白头宫女在,闲坐说玄宗。 [注]:①元稹(779—831),字微之,河南河内(今河南洛阳)人。他和白居易共同倡导了新乐府运动,时称“元白”,但其诗歌在反映现实的深度和广度上远不及白居易。有《元氏长庆集》。②行宫:皇帝外出居住的地方。③玄宗:即唐玄宗李隆基。 鉴赏指引:在这首小诗中,诗人以精练、含蓄的笔法描绘了一个废置行宫寂寞、荒凉的景象,寄托了诗人深沉、凝重的盛衰之感。第一句正面描写了古行宫的荒凉、衰败。“寥落”二字概括了行宫冷落、萧条的总体气氛。“古”字点明时间的久远。第二句通过红花,反衬行宫的凄凉。三、四句在前边写景的基础上,来描写人物。描写了老宫女们闲来无事,坐说玄宗旧事的情景。“白头宫女在”的“在”字,反衬出许许多多的人和事都已不复存在的事实。“说玄宗”三字用得极为含蓄,促使人产生丰富的联想。 文言读吧 臣闻地广者粟多,国大者人众,兵强则士勇。是以泰山不让(排斥)土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深;王者不却众庶,故能明其德。(君王不抛弃小民,才能显扬盛德。)是以地无(不分,无论)四方,民无异国,四时充美,鬼神降福:此五帝三王之所以无敌也。(这就是五帝三王无敌于天下的原因。)今乃弃黔首(百姓)以资敌国,却(拒绝)宾客以业(成就功业)诸侯,使天下之士退而不敢西向,裹足不入秦,此所谓藉寇兵而赍盗粮者也。(这就是人们所说的借兵器给敌人、送粮食给盗贼啊。)(《史记·李斯列传》)宋昭公出亡(失国后逃亡),至于鄙,喟然叹曰:“吾知所以亡矣。吾朝臣千人,发政举事(施政办事),无不曰:‘吾君圣者!’侍御(侍从妃子)数百人,被(披)服以立,无不曰:‘吾君丽者!’内外不闻吾过,是以至此!(宫内和朝廷中都听不到有人说我的过错,因此到了这样的境地)”由宋君观之,人君之所以离国家失社稷者,谄谀者众也。故宋昭公亡而能悟,卒得反国。(选自《新序》) 大家文坊 又见橄榄树 荷兰林湄 又到秋风秋雨时,此景此情,不禁令我沉思冥想,触物感旧。 漫步于秋凉兮兮的都市,满目琳琅,洋货多于土货,人造品多过天然物,难得见到田园式的清新和超然、“秋水共长天一色”的壮景,因此觉得有所失落,有所不足……,黄昏,无意间,在寂寞的一角,见到令我驻足的、青青的鲜橄榄。 又见橄榄,又见橄榄! 往时,当我品尝之时,感到心神浪漫,啜那苦涩、清甜之味,如同领略人生的一首哲理诗——苦尽甘来,苦尽甘来。这咀嚼,这遐想,伴我走过生命悠悠长路,使我不论面临险境、艰困还是绝望……仍能披荆斩棘,对美好、光明的前程不懈地追求和憧憬…… 而今,这万物丛中的一堆青青橄榄,不仅令我口里生津,也牵动我幽幽的乡愁,使我在繁嚣之世,如同回到那静谧恬美的乡间。 记得祖屋的村前屋后,种植了许多龙眼、枇杷、石榴、柚、黄皮、荔枝树。古屋的石灰院右面,有一棵粗大而茂盛的橄榄树。向上的树枝,疏密有致的叶子,形同天然的大伞。不论是炎炎白天,还是溶溶月夜,树阴下,总有人休憩、下棋、闲聊……或有顽童卷一树叶吹


阅读理解能力测试的主要要求是: 1.阅读材料,理解材料的主旨大意,以及用以说明主旨大意的事实和细节。2.既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念。 3.既理解文章的字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等。 4.既理解某句、某段的含义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断。5.既能根据所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应具有的常识去理解判断。 根据这五项要求,我们可将阅读理解多项选择题归纳为以下几种题型:主题主旨大意,细节理解题,综合推理题,概括归纳题,观点归纳题,人物评价题,词义句义理解题,指代关系题,内容排序题等。 下面结合自己平时教学中的经验体会,谈一谈做英语阅读理解题的技巧与策略。 一.主旨大意题 阅读理解首先要做到的就是掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,它是全文的概括与总结。能否抓住这个中心,取决于读者的总结能力。每篇短文都有其主题思想,而作者表现主题思想的手法各不相同。这就需要我们挖掘相同点,寻找解题的方法。 常见题型: 1.主题型: What’s the main idea of this passage ? What does this passage mainly discuss? What’s the topic of this passage ? 2.标题型: What’s the best title? The best title for this text is (to tell ) ————. 3.目的型: The main purpose of this text is ————. The author’s purpose o f writing this text is to ————. What’s the main purpose of the passage?


阅读理解练习一 (一)使圆成方 [美]欧亨利 自然界的事物是循圆周运动的,人为的事物则沿直线行进。孩子的圆眼睛象征天真,女人卖弄风情时眯缝成一条 线的眼睛就说明矫揉造作。 在大城市里,本性丧失得最快。大城市的街道和建筑的直线,法律和社会风俗的拘泥古板,人行道的循规蹈矩, 城市生活方式的严格、冷酷和沉默,毫不通融的规则——这一切都冷漠而鄙夷地对自然界的弧线表示轻蔑。 这个数学气十足的引子揭示了肯塔基州两个家族之间的世仇的前因后果。 这个世仇是在坎伯兰山岭的福维尔和哈克尼斯两个家族之间形成的。冤仇的第一个牺牲品是比尔哈克尼斯的猎狗 哈克尼斯家立刻杀掉福维尔族的头儿作为赔偿。福维尔的亲属急于报复,又让比尔哈克尼斯跟随他的猎狗到了另 一个国度。 四十年来,这两个家族冤冤相报,没完没了。哈克尼斯家的人一个个地被枪杀,福维尔家族的成员也给一枝一枝 地砍掉。两个家系的树枝经过这样修剪之后,都只剩下一个成员。卡尔哈克尼斯也许领悟到了什么,便突然离开了坎 伯兰山岭,避开了福维尔家族最末一个后裔山姆的报复。 一年后,山姆听说那个冤家住在纽约市,于是整装准备出发。他从梳妆台抽屉里找出一把老式而可靠的科尔特左 轮手枪。在城市里干冒险和复仇的勾当,这把手枪似乎是最好的武器了。山姆把它放在毡提包里。骑上骡子,向火车 站进发。 山姆到纽约时天色已晚。他的行动和生活仍旧遵循着自然界自由的圆周运动,看不到大城市隐藏在黑暗里的可怕、 无情、好动、凶恶的手段,准备向他圆形的心脏和头颅包拢过来。一辆马车飞快地把他送到一家同他的靴子和毡提包 相称的旅馆。 第二天早晨,福维尔家硕果仅存的后代向那个掩护哈克尼斯家最后一个子弟的城市发起了突袭。他把科尔特手枪 藏在上衣里面。他只知道这两个情况:卡尔在这个城市里驾驶运货马车,而他自己,山姆,要来杀他。山姆踏上人行 道时,眼珠变红了,心头升起一股世袭的仇恨。 但是一小时过去了,卡尔没有出现。中午时分,山姆站在城市里两条笔直的大动脉互相交叉的地方。人们形成直 排熙来攘往;可怕的喧嚷和轰响把他吓懵了。 山姆靠在一座石头建筑的尖角上。在他身边经过的人何止千万,可是没有一个转过脸来向他看看。 一个胖子从人流中滑了出来,站着等汽车,离他只有几步远。山姆挨到他身边,在嘈杂声中嚷着对他说: “兰金斯家喂的猪比我们的肥多啦,不过他们那边的猪草也比我们这边的好——” 胖子神气活现的样子有所收敛,他走开去买炒栗子,以便掩饰自己的惊惶。 山姆感到需要喝一点山间露水。对街的人们在弹簧门里进进出出。隐约可以看到门里一个金光锃亮的酒吧和酒吧 上面的装饰。这个复仇者穿过街道,打算进去。人为的事物又在这里挤掉了熟悉的圆形。山姆找不到门的把手,连大 头针那样小的捏手的东西都找不到。 他手足无措,羞红着脸,伤心地从这扇没有用的门前走开;坐到石阶上。一根警棍戳戳他的肋骨。 “另找个地方去遛遛吧。”警察说,“你在这里闲荡得太久啦。” 在下一个拐角上,一声锐厉的口哨直刺山姆的耳朵。他赶快转过身去,只见一个满面怒容的恶狠狠的家伙,在热 气腾腾的堆着花生豆的机器后面朝他直瞪眼睛。他穿过街去。一辆庞大的、不用骡子拖的车辆,发着牛吼似的声音和 冒烟的煤油灯似的气味,刷地擦过他的膝盖。 一个马车夫用车毂撞了他一下,还训斥他;一个电车司机使劲踩铃叫他闪开;一个穿着走样的绸坎肩的胖太太用 胳臂肘撞他的背脊;一个报童不慌不忙地朝他扔香蕉皮:“我不愿意这样干,可是看到我的人得让路!” 卡尔干完了一天的工作,存好运货马车,从一幢房屋旁边拐出来。他在三码开外的地方,在一群匆匆忙忙的行人 中间发现了那个仍旧活着的、不共戴天的、世世代代的仇人。 他猛地站住,犹豫了片刻,因为他身边没有武器,情况又那样突然。山姆锐利的山地居民的眼睛也在人群中发现 了他。 来往的人流中间突然跳动了一下,起了一个漩涡,山姆的声音响了起来: “好啊,卡尔!我见到你真高兴!” 在百老汇路、五马路和第二十三号街的交岔口,坎伯兰山岭的世仇握手言欢了。 (1)下列对这篇小说有关内容的分析和概括,最恰当的两项是()()(5分) A.当两个世仇家族冤冤相报,都只剩下最后一个成员的时候,卡尔决定离开家乡,避开福维尔家族的报复,因为他已 领悟到这样的情况继续下去对双方都没有意义。 B.小说多次对“圆”与“直线”加以描述,如“笔直的大动脉”“人们形成直排熙来攘往““挤掉了熟悉的圆形”等,


高一语文小说阅读训练 (一)阅读下文,完成下面小题。 哑巴与春天迟子建 (1)最惧怕春风的,莫过于积雪了。 (2)春风像一把巨大的笤帚,悠然扫着大地的积雪。它一天天地扫下去,积雪就变薄了。这时云雀来了,阳光的触角也变得柔软了,冰河激情地迸裂、流水之声悠然重现,嫩绿的草芽顶破向阳山坡的腐殖土,达子香花如朝霞一般,东一簇西一簇地点染着山林,春天有声有色地来了。 (3)我的童年春光记忆,是与一个老哑巴联系在一起的。 (4)在一个偏僻而又冷寂的小镇,一个有缺陷的生命,他的名字就像秋日蝴蝶的羽翼一样脆弱,渐渐地被风和寒冷给摧折了。没人记得他的本名,大家都叫他老哑巴。他有四、五十岁的样子,出奇地黑,出奇地瘦,脖子长长的,那上面裸露的青筋常让我联想到是几条蚯蚓横七竖八地匍匐在那里。老哑巴在生产队里喂牲口,一早一晚的,常能听见他铡草的声音,嚓--嚓嚓,那声音像女人用刀刮着新鲜的鱼鳞,又像男人抡着锐利的斧子在劈柴。我和小伙伴去生产队的草垛藏猫时,常能看见他。老哑巴用铁耙子从草垛搂下一捆一捆的草,拎到铡刀旁。本来这草是没有生气的,但因为有一扇铡刀横在那儿,就觉得这草是活物,而老哑巴成了刽子手,他的那双手令人胆寒。我们见着老哑巴,就老是想逃跑。可他误以为我们把草垛蹬散了,他会捉我们问责,为了表示他支持我们藏猫,他挥舞着双臂,摇着头,做出无所谓的姿态。见我们仍惊惶地不敢靠前,他就本能地大张着嘴,想通过呼喊挽留我们。但见他喉结急剧蠕动,嗓子里发出“呃呃”的如被噎住似的沉重的气促声,但他却说不出一句话来。 (5)老哑巴是勤恳的,他除了铡草、喂牲口之外,还把生产队的场院打扫得干干净净。冬天打扫的是雪,夏天打扫的是草屑、废纸和雨天时牲畜从田间带回的泥土。他晚上就住在挨着牲口棚的一间小屋里。也许人哑了,连鼾声都发不出来,人们说他睡觉时无声无息的。老哑巴很爱花,春天时,他在场院的围栏旁播上几行花籽,到了夏天,五颜六色的花不仅把暗淡陈旧的围栏装点出了生机,还把蜜蜂和蝴蝶也招来了。就是那些过路的人见了那些花儿,也要多望上几眼,说,这老哑巴种的花可真鲜亮啊,他娶不上媳妇,一定是把花当媳妇给伺候和爱惜着了! (6)有一年春天,生产队接到一个任务,要为一座大城市的花园挖上几千株的达子香花。 答案第1页,总12页

2020年高中语文 阅读材料 客饭中的幽默素材

客饭中的幽默 作者:方成 熟悉的亲友光临,总是要用饮食招待。饮食接待略有不周,或是来客恋席过分,造成一些小矛盾,有人就会编出笑话来。多是讥讽主人的,如把客人留在厅上,主人潜入吃饭。客人发觉,大声道:“好一座厅堂,可惜许多梁柱,都(被白蚁)蛀坏了。”主人忙出曰:“在哪里”?”客曰:“他在里面吃,外面如何知道?” 还有因不想留客急送客人的。 客访主人,主人不留饮食,送客至门,谓客曰:“古语云:‘远送当三杯’,待我送君几里。”恐客留滞,急拽其袖而行。客笑曰:“从容些,我吃不得这般急酒。” 有不得不留客吃饭的,但仅具蔬食,客不悦。主人谢曰:“家贫市远,不能得肉耳。”客曰:“请杀我所乘之骡食之。”主人曰:“君何以归?”客指阶前之鸡曰:“我借君之鸡乘之而归。” 有的主人待客方法是自食大鱼,却烹小鱼供宾,一时不小心,误遗大鱼眼珠于盘,为客所觉,因戏言:“欲求鱼种,归蓄之池。”主谦曰:“此小鱼尔,有何足取。”客曰:“鱼虽小,难得这双大眼睛。” 有的主人吝啬,以淡水酒饮客,客尝之,极誉其烹庖之妙。主人曰:“粗肴尚未没,何以知之?”答曰:“勿论其他,只这一味酒煮白滚汤,已够好吃矣。” 有个笑话流传很广。一人留客饭,只豆腐一味,自言:“豆腐是我性命,觉他味不及也。”异日至客家,客记其食性所好,乃以鱼肉中各和豆腐。其人择鱼肉大啖,客问曰:“兄尝云:‘豆腐是性命。’今日如何不吃?”答曰:“见了鱼肉,性命都不要了。” 有的人是从来不想请客吃饭的。他家有祷事,命道士请神。乃通陈请两京神道,主人曰:“如何请这远的?”答曰:“近的都晓得你的,说清他,他也不信。”同样还有一位性极吝,从不请客。邻人借其家设宴。有见者,问其仆曰:“汝家主今日请客乎?”仆曰:“要我家主请客,直待那一世来。”主人闻而骂曰:“谁要你许他日子!” 客久住天天吃了不走,更是麻烦。于是一日,引客至门前闲望,忽见树上有一大鸟如鸡,主人云:“且待取斧砍倒树,捉此鸟与吾丈下饭。”客云:“只恐树倒时鸟飞去了。”主人云:“你不知这呆鸟往往树倒不知飞。”


高一英语阅读理解测试题及答案 阅读理解(3)(同步类) 故事类 1 (黑龙江省鹤北林业局高级中学09-10学年期末考)I came to study in the United States a year ago .Yet I did not know the real American society until I was injured in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor and go to court. After the accident .my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful and determined to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $200 for what he had done. I was astonished. He had good reason to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my injury, I?d have to have a good lawyer. And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer .Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him. But every day I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $115 each time .The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $215. My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided seeing me at all. He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited

小说阅读 高一语文

审丑 严歌苓 拾垃圾的曾老头拿烂得水汲汲的眼看着赵无定,说:“你出息了,跟你爸一样教大学了。我家小臭儿也出息了,要娶媳妇了。现在的媳妇都得要钢琴,就跟我年轻时候,媳妇们要彩礼一样。没彩礼,娶不上什么体面媳妇。……一个钢琴得五千哪。” 老头两片嘴唇启开着,看得出结了满嘴的话:“我在想,你能不能给大爷找那份差事,就是你爸早先给我找的那份儿人体模特儿的差事。小臭儿的一房间家什都是靠那份差事挣来的。” “大爷,可现在……” “你不用说,我知道我现在老得就剩下渣儿了,走了样了,没法看了。你跟学校说说,要是给别人十块,给我八块就成……” 无定为他争取到的价码是十五元一小时。因为无定父亲的“审丑说”莫名其妙地热起来:一个顶信仰“审丑”原则的学生的画作在全国美展中得了一等奖,许多杂志刊出这个“审丑”创举——巨大的画幅上,那丑浓烈、逼真得让人恶心。 晚秋,那老头又出现在灰色的风里,颠颠簸簸追逐一块在风中打旋的透明塑料膜。他告诉无定,小臭儿有了钢琴,也有了媳妇。他们交谈时,①不少人默默地注视着老头,每张脸都板硬,盛着或显著或含蓄的恶心。_ 又一年,赵无定被介绍到一个画商家。敲开门,里面的男人对他叫:“哎呀,是你呀!不认识我啦?”男主人身后是一屋锃亮的家具,锃亮的各“大件儿”,锃亮的钢琴,锃亮的一个女人。 “你妈给过我一块冰糖呢,那时糖多金贵!忘啦?” 无定明白了,面前这个双下巴、头开始拔顶的男人是小臭儿。 “快请进,快请进!哎,咱家来稀客啦!”他对女人说。 无定在宽大的沙发上落下屁股,挺寒酸地把几张画靠在茶几腿上。 “这几张画……” “先不谈生意,先吃饭!哥儿们多少年了!”小臭儿扬声笑起来,“包了饺子,三鲜馅儿的,正下着。冰箱里我存了青岛啤酒。瞅你赶得这个巧!” 这时有人轻轻地敲门。媳妇从猫眼儿看出去,踮着脚尖儿退回来:“你爷爷!” “我哪儿来的爷爷?他不要老脸,我可要脸!”小臭儿说。他起身,嘱咐媳妇:“先不开饭,不然他下回专赶吃饭时间来!你就告诉他我不在家。”然后转脸向无定,笑又回来了:“拿上你的画,咱们上卧室谈。” 无定跟着进了卧室,小臭儿将门挂个死。客厅里传来一清亮一混浊两副嗓音。

2020高一语文 早自习阅读材料 第三周

2020高一语文早自习阅读材料第三周 永远的情结 周一 风雅诗斋 月夜 今夜鄜州月,闺中只独看。 遥怜小儿女,未解忆长安。 香雾云鬟湿,清辉玉臂寒。 何时倚虚幌,双照泪痕干。 [注]①鄜(fū)州:今陕西省富县。当时杜甫的眷属寄居在鄜州羌村。闺中:闺中之人,指杜甫妻子。②未解忆长安:这句兼有双层意思,一是指小儿女无知,还不懂得怀念在长安的父亲;二是小儿女不理解母亲看月思亲的内心活动。③香雾:因月夜久立,夜雾降落在带有香气的发鬟上,所以称“香雾”。云雾:古代妇女梳的环形发式。清辉:指月光。玉臂:如玉一般洁白的手臂。这两句是杜甫设想妻子长久望月思念自己的情景。④虚幌:挂起的帷幔。虚,空。这句是说,帷幔空悬,亲人远在长安。双照:指月光照着妻子和自己。这两句说,什么时候我和你倚着帷幔看月,那时你我都不用因分居异地看月相思而流泪不止了。鉴赏指引:天宝十五年(756)六月,安禄山攻破潼关,唐玄宗入蜀,肃宗李亨即位于灵武。杜甫把家眷寄居在鄜州,只身前去投奔肃宗,途中被叛军所俘,掳到长安。由于杜甫当时位卑名微,没有被拘禁,这首诗就是这年八月在长安所作。诗中写在秋天的月夜里,深切思念家人,但不从正面着笔,而是从侧面写妻子在月下思念自己,泪流不止的情态。这样写,能很好地表达诗人思家的深厚感情,表现了诗人的匠心。颔联以儿女年幼无知,“未解忆长安”来烘托妻子的“独看”。颈联设想妻子月下久立的情景,进一步映衬妻子思念自己的深情,也是诗人从侧面表达自己的思家之情。末联是希望之辞。全诗表达情意曲折有致,构思新颖,用词精工。 文言读吧 崇祯五年十二月,余住西湖,大雪三日,湖中人鸟声俱绝。是日更定(初更)矣,余拿一小舟,拥毳衣(皮衣)炉火,独往湖心亭看雪。雾淞沆砀(白气茫茫地一片),天与云、与山、与水、上下一白,湖上影子,惟长堤一痕、湖心亭一点,与余舟一芥、舟中人两三粒而已。到亭上,有两人铺毡对坐,一童子烧酒,炉正沸。见余大喜,曰:“湖中焉得更有此人?(湖中怎么还有这样的人呢?)”拉余同饮,余强(勉强)饮三大白而别。问其姓氏,是金陵人,客(客居)此。及下船,舟子(艄公)喃喃曰:“莫说相公痴,更有痴似相公者!” 《湖心亭看雪》张岱苏秦始将连横说秦惠王,曰:“大王之国,西有巴、蜀、汉中之利,北有胡貉、代马之用,南有巫山、黔中之限,东有郩、函之固。田肥美,民殷富,战车万乘,奋击百万,沃野千里,蓄积饶多,地势形便,此所谓天府,天下之雄国也。以大王之贤,士民之众,车骑之用,兵法之教,可以并诸侯,吞天下,称帝而治(成就帝业)。愿大王少留意,臣请奏其效。”秦王曰:“寡人闻之:毛羽不丰满者,不可以高飞;文章不成者,不可以诛罚(法令不完备的国家,难以施行诛罚);道德不厚者,不可以使(役使)民;政教不顺者,不可以烦大臣(政治教化不曾修明,不可以烦劳大臣)。今先生俨然不远千里而庭(在宫廷上)教之,愿以异日(我希望您以后再说吧)。”《苏秦始将连横》 大家文坊

高中英语阅读理解练习 1

高中英语阅读理解练习1(共2篇) A Every American family has its own traditions on Thanksgiving Day, and mine is not different. Once the national holiday arrives, my mom rises early to make the meal. She puts a turkey in the oven, chops carrots and bakes pies. I'm sorry to say that the men in the family — my dad, my younger brother and myself — rarely pitch in to help. Our job is to wash the mountain of dirty dishes after the meal is over. Around 2 pm every Thanksgiving Day, family members seat themselves around the kitchen table. Plates of turkey, vegetables, salad, rolls and pies cover it. At this point, we can hardly keep ourselves from drooling (流口水) all over our fancy clothes, but it's not yet time to eat. First, we must bow our heads, close our eyes and say a prayer of thanks aloud to God for giving us everything we have. Under normal circumstances, I would have no problem making a list of things I am thankful for. I grew up in a loving family. My parents, who aren't wealthy, took out loans to help me pay for university. But, the funny thing is, every time I sit down for Thanksgiving dinner and try to say a prayer of thanks, my mind usually goes blank. I think it has something to do with my growling (咕咕叫) stomach and all of that food sitting right there under my nose. Eventually, though, we all finish our short prayers and dig_in. To be sure, the day includes other highlights — visiting with family and watching football. But usually around 6 pm we are all ourselves stuffed like turkeys and thankful to have a nice warm bed to sleep in. 1.The purpose of the text is to__________. A.tell what the family do for Thanksgiving Day B.tell how the family spends Thanksgiving Day C.introduce foods served on Thanksgiving Day D.introduce the American Thanksgiving Day 解析:主旨大意题。作者开门见山点明美国每家每户都有自己的感恩节传统,然后详细描述他们一家人这一天的活动,因此B项“讲述这一家人如何过感恩节”能概括全文大意。 答案:B 2.On Thanksgiving Day the author's family do the following except__________. A.watching a movie B.making visits C.having a big meal D.watching football 解析:细节理解题。文章前四段描述作者一家人准备感恩节大餐,最后一段首句Eventually, though, we all finish our short prayers and dig_in.说明一家人终于开吃了,首先


高中语文小说类文本阅读 Final revision on November 26, 2020

现代文阅读训练(小说类文本阅读) 高二语文自编卷编卷人:盛使用时间:期末复习 一、阅读下面的文字,完成下面各题。(18分) 审丑 严歌苓 拾垃圾的曾老头拿烂得水汲汲的眼看着赵无定,说:“你出息了,跟你爸一样教大学了。我家小臭儿也出息了,要娶媳妇了。现在的媳妇都得要钢琴,就跟我年轻时候,媳妇们要彩礼一样。没彩礼,娶不上什么体面媳妇。……一个钢琴得五千哪。” 老头两片嘴唇启开着,看得出结了满嘴的话:“我在想,你能不能给大爷找那份差事,就是你爸早先给我找的那份儿人体模特儿的差事。小臭儿的一房间家什都是靠那份差事挣来的。” “大爷,可现在……” “你不用说,我知道我现在老得就剩下渣儿了,走了样了,没法看了。你跟学校说说,要是给别人十块,给我八块就成……” 无定为他争取到的价码是十五元一小时。因为无定父亲的“审丑说”莫名其妙地热起来:一个顶信仰“审丑”原则的学生的画作在全国美展中得了一等奖,许多杂志刊出这个“审丑”创举——巨大的画幅上,那丑浓烈、逼真得让人恶心。 晚秋,那老头又出现在灰色的风里,颠颠簸簸追逐一块在风中打旋的透明塑料膜。他告诉无定,小臭儿有了钢琴,也有了媳妇。他们交谈时,①不少人默默地注视着老头,每张脸都板硬,盛着或显着或含蓄的恶心。_ 又一年,赵无定被介绍到一个画商家。敲开门,里面的男人对他叫:“哎呀,是你呀!不认识我啦”男主人身后是一屋锃亮的家具,锃亮的各“大件儿”,锃亮的钢琴,锃亮的一个女人。 “你妈给过我一块冰糖呢,那时糖多金贵!忘啦” 无定明白了,面前这个双下巴、头开始拔顶的男人是小臭儿。 “快请进,快请进!哎,咱家来稀客啦!”他对女人说。无定在宽大的沙发上落下屁股,挺寒酸地把几张画靠在茶几腿上。 “这几张画……” “先不谈生意,先吃饭!哥儿们多少年了!”小臭儿扬声笑起来,“包了饺子,三鲜馅儿的,正下着。冰箱里我存了青岛啤酒。瞅你赶得这个巧!” 这时有人轻轻地敲门。媳妇从猫眼儿看出去,踮着脚尖儿退回来:“你爷爷!” “我哪儿来的爷爷他不要老脸,我可要脸!”小臭儿说。他起身,嘱咐媳妇:“先不开饭,不然他下回专赶吃饭时间来!你就告诉他我不在家。”然后转脸向无定,笑又回来了:“拿上你的画,咱们上卧室谈。” 无定跟着进了卧室,小臭儿将门挂个死。客厅里传来一清亮一混浊两副嗓音。 “臭儿又不在吗老也没见他,想得慌。” “他一时半会儿还不会回来!”


高一语文期末复习讲义之小说阅读复习资料 小说阅读的命题指向四个关键词:环境、情节、人物、主题。 ㈠把握故事情节 ⒈情节的作用:⑴交代人物活动的环境;⑵设置悬念,引起读者阅读的兴趣;⑶为后面的情节发展作铺垫或埋下伏笔;⑷照应前文;⑸线索或推动情节发展;⑹刻画人物性格;⑺表现主旨或深化主题。 ⒉情节的特点 ⑴情节安排评价:①就全文来说有一波三折式。作用是引人入胜,扣人心弦,增强故事的戏剧性、可读性。②就开头结尾来说有首尾呼应式。作用是使结构紧密、完整。③就开头来说有倒叙式(把结局放到开头来写),如《祝福》,起到制造悬念的作用。④就结尾来说有戛然而止,留下空白式。此外,还有出人意料式、悲剧、喜剧式等。⑤贯穿情节的线索,可作线索的有:事、物、人、情、时间、空间,如《药》中的“人血馒头”、《祝福》中的“我”等。 ⑵情节安排基本技巧:①顺叙:情节发展脉络分明,层次清晰。②倒叙:造成悬念,引人入胜。 ③插叙:对主要情节或中心事件做必要补充说明,使情节更加完整,结构更加严密,内容更加充实丰满。④补叙:对上文内容加以补充解释,对下文做某些交代,照应上下文。 ⒊答题指要解题技巧 ⑴找出情节线索,理清情节的来龙去脉。⑵由事及人,看情节发展如何为塑造人物服务。⑶见微知著,从场面和细节描写中分析情节对表现主题的意义。⑷赏析技巧,注意发现作者组织情节的艺术匠心。 4.答题思路: 明确情节构思为表现人物的宗旨,结合情节的一般作用,然后根据题目要求,结合文章作答。①情节(使情节波澜再起,引出另一个情节,制造悬念,情节更突出,照应前文情节)→②人物(丰富人物,表现人物性格,)→③主题(深化某种主题,突显某种主题)。按照顺序,与之相近的是答案的重点。 根据要求组织语言表达:XX情节(事物)在文中有……作用,突出了……,表现了…… 5.练习回顾 《远和近》:作品在塑造司机这个人物形象时,为什么要设置“司机曾目睹轨道上酿成的四次悲剧”和“小屋母女每天向司机挥手”这两个情节? 《祝福》:运用倒叙的手法的作用:情节上,在小说开端造成悬念,吸引读者寻根探源的兴趣;内容上,祥林嫂在一片祝福声中死去,强烈的对比,更加渲染了小说的悲剧氛围。 《荷花淀》:《荷花淀》是一篇以战争为题材的小说。请以妇女们的活动为线索,用自己的语言简要概述这篇小说的故事情节。 (二)揣摩人物形象 ⒈表现人物的手法: ⑴正面描写——直接描写:描写人物的语言、行动、肖像、心理表现人物性格特征,如概括介绍、肖像描写、语言描写、行动描写、细节描写、心理描写等。 1 :侧面描写,概括地说就是通过其他人物的言行,间接写主间接描写⑵侧面描写——人公。如用有关人物的对话,心理活动,事件叙述等烘托所要描写的主要人物的性格特征;在情节发展中展现人物性格特征;环境描写衬托或烘托。各种描写手法的运用与作用⒉形象刻画基本技巧—

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